a warcraft roleplay

Once upon a time, you had been a member of the Alliance or its counterpart, the Horde.
For whatever reasons you might've had, you've sought to cast away what ties you had in favor of a neutral organization, the Argent Crusade. In the wake of the recent Scourgewar, the Crusade has never before seen a stronger need for membership, and so the call to action had been put forth by its representatives and embassies throughout Azeroth. It is through this recruitment that you've chosen your calling as a crusader.
Placed in the care of two veteran crusaders, you've made the long, tiring journey to the Eastweald, a region more commonly known nowadays as the Plaguelands. Together, you are destined for Light's Hope, wherein you'll receive a formal introduction into the Argent Crusade alongside some training to replenish their ranks as the organization's main contingent moves towards Northrend. Yet as your motley crew of assorted adventurers travels across the Plaguelands themselves, something seems amiss, as it usually does in the Plaguelands. It seems something is hunting you, intending to put an end to your living life.
Best put your faith in the Light, and your comrades.
'ello, everyone!
Recently, I've had an itch for a fantasy roleplay, but I couldn't find anything out there that I liked, which forced my hand to try GMing something instead. And with building a completely original setting being a pain in the ass, I decided to go with a setting that I've dabbled in for practically most of my known life through both the RTS and the MMO + expansions.
As you may have already noticed, this is obviously a Warcraft roleplay, specifically one set in the era of the WOTLK expansion. The premise of the RP is simple: your characters are fledgling adventurers being escorted to Light's Hope during the beginning events of the Scourgewar to become members of the Argent Crusade, but something is about to go horribly, horribly wrong. Pretty simple, right? I feel that it happens to be a basic enough premise to understand regardless whether or not you are a veteran of the series or a total newbie to Warcraft lore.
So, if running around a plagued landscape and being chased by undead as you try to make it to your goal sounds fun to you, then all means let me know. Otherwise, good luck to you and hopefully you find something interesting in the future.