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Hidden 12 mos ago 12 mos ago Post by wierdw


Member Seen 7 mos ago

The two looked at each other for a moment, then had that thin sliver of white flash around their oversized brown irises, before their ears went back in alarm.

"Ya don thank..."

They once more focused their attention on the patiently seated gentleman, and unleashed another volley of unrestrained verbiage. This time however, it was less jovial reminiscence, and much more alarmed concern.

"Mistah, we ain't gunna be gone no month 'n a half is we!?"
"Pappi dun know we gone!"
"We o'er heared at Cedah were gunna go visit a girl an--"
"--We wann'ed to see who she was!"

They spoke together in unison once more, expressing their shared dismay.
"We didn't 'spect tuh get caught up in some sheit!!"
"We didn't 'spect tuh get caught up in some sheit!!"

"oh dayum-- Poor Pine-- He gunna git all o' it!"
"What you worryin' 'bout HIMS for!? He DESERVE IT!"
"But PAPPI don'!!"

And then once more-- the realization that no-- they in fact, DID NOT tell their father they had left, when they would be coming back, where they were going, why, or anything else that would set his mind at ease. Instead, they had LEFT HOME unannounced, and their father would have more than one child missing, he would have THREE, dawned on them for the very first time since they had set out.

"Wut we gunna do!?"
"We in SOOO MUCH trouble when we git home!"
"We better come up with a storeh RIGH' NAOW!"

That same wide-eyed look flashed between them a second time, along with a mortified expression.

"We aint gunna come back lookin like HIMS is weh?"
"Oh sheeit-- uh hopes not!"

"S'cuse meh Mister Doc-- Dey's gunna be FOOD on dis here trip.."
Hidden 12 mos ago Post by Randomness
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Randomness Of Ridiculous Awesomeness

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Solomon Sparrow

Location: Kindeance

Poor choice of words. For Solomon, the ordeal took only a few days, but for Cedar, it was over a month. How Solomon managed to miss that detail was beyond him. They practically yelled it. And here he made the comparison of it being the same. Well, he got them talking, but the jury was still out if he helped them relax from the tension created by Cedar's situation. He had to consider his next words carefully, but given their age and disposition, that might not be enough.

There were a few things that he caught in the rambling. For one, they were here without their father knowing. For Solomon, that was an issue. It meant that should something happen, anything, their father wouldn’t know. And what a way to find out potentially weeks after the fact. But they also mentioned Pine, Solomon was under the impression the brother’s name was Oak. Large family, large problems. Very dysfunctional, but caring all the same. And then comes food. Well, Solomon suspected he might have been underweight on account of it being winter, but for the girls this was still a large issue.

“The situation is similar, but it won’t take that long to free your brother. As for everything else, we will have to deal with it when the time comes.” said Solomon, “As for your father, we could probably sent him a message. The king may be able to lend a messenger bird to inform Your father of your whereabouts. He will be cross with you regardless, but at least he’ll know you’re in safe hands in the meantime.”

“And We’ll make sure food is available for all.”
Hidden 12 mos ago 12 mos ago Post by Jamesyco
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Jamesyco Forever a Student

Member Seen 7 days ago

Questions part something

King Fredricus

The king looked over towards the twins as they had began to speak in unison and complement each others speech like it was a natural occurrence. He took a deep sigh, and put on a face of sadness, "I am sure you all will be able to find Cedar... with his sisters, they have the nose to sniff him out, and any treachery that the Dutchess has in store for us. It will be a journey, but with time I am sure all will uncover itself as you stumble upon it. Move light and fast, you will each have kit and tack given so that this process will be expedited, and you will leave as quickly as possible when dusk hits."

He started to move back to his original position, "There are a lot of unknowns, there is a lot we do not know, or understand, but it is clear there are threats. Work together, and you will be safe, keep my uncle safe and you will have as much knowledge as possible that may aid you in your journey, as well as a way to talk out of everything."

He looked to his nephew, who was just holding on to the poor squire he has stood beside, then around slowly making his vision reach to each person in the room as he breathed quietly. His shoulders slumped for a moment, and he took a deep breath, "This world does not wish for another war. Do not fail, or else we will likely all lose so much. I believe any questions that might arise can go to my uncle while you are on the road."


With the thoughts of his cousin spoken, Thernous stood as he turned and he went over to where the bears were talking, they spoke in unison with each other, and were continuing to speak as if they were the same brain cell split between two bodies trying to figure out which body they were in. It was adorable, and he just moved over and patted their heads.

"Come, let us head out and get something to eat before we leave. You two are going to need your food since you and the horses are going to carry a lot of our food." he said in a silent tone. He nodded towards the man in front of them, "Come along, if you wish to join, it will be short and private, we will eat and finish our preparations for departure, it should give us time for the sun to set, so that we can begin our journey. And get to know some of the others that are going to help us get your brother back."

With that, he started to make his way back across to the bears special entrance door, and he just left, taking a right in it before entering another small room in that hallway. That room, would smell good, filled with breads, meats and cheeses, small pies of meat and cream, fruits and such. It was just small, and quaint, and out of eyeshot of just about anyone who had to come to the keep today to deal with an advisor or something. He wondered how he would keep some quiet, when moving, or in public about events. That was a problem for later, for now, he was famished, he had been doing the planning while his cousin schemed and hadn't eaten or slept since arriving. The food was his priority, then maybe, letting someone take them down the road while he got a nap in.


With his uncle finished, he looked down at Louise, and he smiled a bit, "It will be alright, we have a way to fix it before it starts, now come on... Let's get moving." he would whisper to the squire beside him, and he would hope to drag her out the way his grandfather went.
Hidden 12 mos ago 12 mos ago Post by Mas Bagus
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Mas Bagus Storyteller

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

The meeting was concluded with three important decisions. The priorities were the following:
Deliver the message to King Denon of Meche and return,
Save Cedar, the new noble druid,
And last, deal with Caitlyn Stritzel.

After scribbling some important details in her notebook, Jazdia then returned the dossier back to Fredricus' desk. The king had left some time ago from another door with Matilda and his chamberlain. While his uncle, Thernous had left with the two ursine sisters. Jazdia had no idea where, but she felt rather disappointed letting the opportunity for an early introduction to pass just like that.

Well, it was water under the bridge now. She would have plenty of time to know everyone later.

Thernous' grandson was also on his way out with his beloved squire. Meanwhile, Prince Alec chose to stay behind and was standing nervously in his spot, almost like a guard or a watcher, overseeing his father's throne.

"Alec!" the elf called.

Flinching, the teenage prince belatedly noticed Jazdia, making him look even more nervous than before. The elf acknowledged that her attitude could be considered irreverent by a court standard, but she disliked fake cordiality even more.

"So..." she asked, trying to lower her voice this time. "Your father made quite a demand. Do you think we can do it?"

Hidden 12 mos ago 12 mos ago Post by wierdw


Member Seen 7 mos ago

"Miss Crystalspark."

Alec channelled every last drop of the fluid court manner to which he had recently been subjected, as the elven woman addressed him. He had NOT forgotten the "promised favor" she had extracted from him after his rescue. If she decided to act on it now, it could seriously complicate matters his father was precariously juggling. He elected to wait for her to finish her address, before jumping to conclusions, however.

To his palpable relief, she only asked what his opinion of this mission's success was-- though that too could be a positive disaster politically. In the past four months, his father had ordered the accelleration of his political education, and greatly curtailed his leisure activities. In many ways, he agreed with them; hunting and sport placed him at extreme risk of another abduction attempt, and that was something he was not eager to repeat. On the other, the gruelling pace at which his father had been pressing him into his recently invested role and its responsibilites had been jarring, and unpleasant. He understood the need, and the more his father brought him in, the more he had started to share the man's worries and doubts.

Revealing those doubts, even to a trusted associate, could well set events into motion that could spell the kingdom's doom. He very much wished to evade her seemingly jovial and innocent question she had casually tossed his way, like the venomous serpent it truly was.

Being the prince had become difficult, demanding, and dangerous in a great many ways, and this was one of them-- the question needed an answer, and one that passed the 'smell test.' Carefully selected truths, and discrete half truths seemed the obvious choice.

"I am afraid I could not be of much use to you, with my limited opinions. There is much my father is privy to, to which I am not. These are treacherous times, and a great many things must be kept secret, even from myself. I fear, this matter is one of them. Further, the more I HAVE come to know, the more I fear upsetting his plans."

He took in a breath, then did his best to act casual, before resuming.

"What I do know, is that if he felt the operation could not succed, he would not have summoned you here. There is great utility with holding the lot of you in reserve."
Hidden 12 mos ago Post by Nightknight


Member Seen 10 mos ago

Varya Chandrar
Dining room, Royal Palace, Rascade, Kindeance

Varya followed Thernous and the various visitors into the small room where food and drink were arranged for a banquet. Varya wanted to savor this moment, to partake in delicious food and enjoy this token of well-wishing before departing for the journey. He sat to the far side of the table, keeping his distance from others. Varya bowed his head in gratitude to The Universe for the food before him before partaking. He began eating the fruits, breads, butters and cheeses, but avoided the meats as he was vegetarian.

Varya would listen to the conversations being had around the table, especially those being had by Thernous, though he himself would not engage, save if someone spoke to him directly. He was not one to start a conversation, finding such social functions to be tiring. This has lead to many awkward situations in the past. To him a conversation was a means to an end, a form of exchanging information, rarely to be indulged in for its own sake. This has made him a buzzkill and a pariah of sorts at many parties. It mattered little, he would have his actions speak for him, and he would prove out there in the fields the kind of man he was, where it mattered most.

As much as Varya made himself hard to approach, he was still hoping if in a paradoxical way that others would approach him, if only to get introductions and other verbal formalities out of the way.
Hidden 12 mos ago 12 mos ago Post by Soldat Elf
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Soldat Elf A Pee Noise

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As Erwin told her. Louise made a glance to the new faces. She wanted to introduce herself to them. She made a glance to her sylph, a wind spirit who are bound with her. Louise was reading the sylph face.

(I wanted to meet them... Mother.) Sylph voice telepathically send to Louise mind.

Louise smiled and replied. (I see... I will do my best.)

She looked back to Erwin. She gently shook her head. "I will stay a bit longer. Please proceed to Lord Thernous without me." She said and then gave him a gentle smile.
Hidden 12 mos ago 12 mos ago Post by Soldat Elf
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Soldat Elf A Pee Noise

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

((Snipped due to accident reply instead of edit.))
Hidden 12 mos ago 12 mos ago Post by Mas Bagus
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Mas Bagus Storyteller

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Jazdia listened, and she could already feel the grievance in his voice. Sullen and filled with self-doubt. The sad truth for him was the burden he felt on his not-yet-broad shoulder was just the beginning.

Poor prince, has the lordship and thorns in your diadem sapped away your brilliance? Even as the enemy's captive, your voice was more resolute, and your eyes gazed brighter than they did now.

"What I do know, is that if he felt the operation could not succed, he would not have summoned you here. There is great utility with holding the lot of you in reserve."

"I asked you, not your father's opinion." Jazdia suddenly scoffed. It was at that moment Alec looked remotely provoked; he straightened himself, perhaps ready to form up words in a sharp retort. It was an amusing sight to see and made him look more exuberant and articulate at the very least. But Jazdia quickly continued, with a more conversational tone.

"But that too is a wise answer," she said, lowering herself to be on the same eye level as him. "Anyway, I have not congratulated you properly for your coronation." She gestured for Alec to open his palm and handed him a round, polished trinket that immediately gleamed under the room's warm lighting. Guiding him to open one of its well-hidden buttons, it turned out to be a fancy-looking compass with a titanium body and golden pointers.

Jazdia retreated two steps back, but instead of bowing, she chose to give the prince a knightly military salute. "May it serve you well even when the sun is out and the day is bleak."
Hidden 12 mos ago Post by Jamesyco
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Jamesyco Forever a Student

Member Seen 7 days ago


Erwin nodded some as he looked at the woman, "Of course, I will be off then." he said as he took his leave of the woman. He rolled his shoulders, and began to walk off and through the door. When he got through the few doors, and he found himself in the small room meant to keep them contained away from everything. He sighed a bit and just slowly moved in, finding a glass as he poured himself a drink. He lifted up a wine bottle to do so, and then a glass as he would pour himself wine.

He looked to his grandfather who did not seem to be happy, and then back down as he put the wine bottle down and then walked to the far side of the room. He felt the gaze of disapproval, and he felt the distain in his choices, but they were his. He looked around and just tried to ingore his grandfather's gaze, but it was much harder than he thought.

Wine, wine would be his quarter, his salvation, and he would sip greedily at it, as he just stared forward into the wall by the door.

"Bears... what could go wrong with bears?" Erwin said in a quiet voice.
Hidden 12 mos ago Post by A5G
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A5G Insane Hobo

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

"Give him a break Sparky, he's a bit too young for all this!" Yvonne lingered in the room, approaching the young prince right behind the elf with her usual lopsided grin on her face. Previously she would've gotten quite physical in her greeting, a slap on the shoulder or the like, but this time she stood clearly apart. There's a wall between them now, she realized after the rescue last year. A distance that no amount of old memories will bridge, and instead will continue to grow wider as time passed.

Honestly? She didn't regret it. People come and go, that's just life and even moreso for mercenaries. But... at least she's glad that the kid she once knew had grown so well.

"Ain't sure if I'd see you again, but I'm glad you're here." Reaching into an inner pocket, a small box lined with satin was produced. If opened there'd be a well-crafted pen within, the brass nib gleaming under the light. The pen itself was of Helvetian make, while the satin lining had Kindeance's heraldry embroidered at the center. "Hope you get to use it more than a sword, yeah?"
Hidden 12 mos ago 12 mos ago Post by wierdw


Member Seen 7 mos ago

"Might I ask it's purpose?" asked the prince quizzically. "It is not in the interests of the crown to accept gifts of unknown pedigree; Much mischief can be performed through the acceptance of such gifts. I have accepted yours into my hand, out of appreciation and respect for your integrity and service to myself, my father, and our kingdom, however, there ARE protocols that MUST be followed. Failure to follow them, places myself, and my kingdom, at grave risk. Enemies of our kingdom would seek to use tainted tribute to sew all manner of evils within the castle, and to secure our destruction from within, if we did not. Please understand, I do not wish to appear ungrateful for your gift, nor to cast aspersions upon it, or your motives. Only, that the very act of my accepting it blindly, is exposing a place and means by which to secure my death, and this cannot be permitted."
"Truly, I would implore you to send any further gifts or tributes of this, or any nature, through the appropriate secure channels. Exceptions, however seemingly safe, are how the enemy may strike in the night, where we are most vulnerable, as we are least watchful, and least prepared. My father has been quite strict, and insistent upon my understanding and acceptance of this, and other very unfortunate facts of the world in which we now find ourselves, since my abduction last fall, and the open attempt upon his life just prior. He would be most furious if he knew I had not immediately refused your gift, and had you arrested for illegal contact with royalty. For your safety, and well being, it is good that he was not present when you did so; I shall ensure it is handled and analyzed properly, and do you an unspoken service, by keeping this matter discrete-- However, do not do this again."

Prince Alec felt sick inside. He HATED being FORCED to be this cruel, and officiously formal and cold to one of the very people who had rescued him not so long ago.

The world had changed so terribly since then.

Gone, were the days in which friends of the crown could simply shake hands, hug, or even touch his person out of affection. Gone were the days of lazy, carefree games and pleasure in the forests and fields of Kindeance. The enemy had agents and dangers everywhere, and only methodical vigilance could offer any measure of protection. He WANTED to simply accept her gift; but even TOUCHING IT before it could be screened, was a MASSIVE violation of the protocols Antigone and his father had put into effect.

Getting this discretely into the correct channels, with falsified pedigree documents, would NOT be an easy task.

Hidden 12 mos ago 12 mos ago Post by Mas Bagus
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Mas Bagus Storyteller

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

A smile cracked her seemingly earnest expression and she laughed. And she had never laughed this good for a long time it was almost comical.

"Ah... oh... my sides! Indeed, you do look more serious than the first time we met, but your sense of humor hasn't changed at all."

The elf grimaced, pausing to rub her aching ribs. "I will let you in a small secret. Trust me, our problems are way bigger than you might have comprehended. So big that concern about bureaucratic protocol has been largely disregarded by Fredricus himself by inviting us all here, a group of strangers with unknown qualities to tell us all Kindeance top secrets."

Jazdia could feel her own smile turn wolfish, and she enjoyed every second of it. "And talking about a major breach of security protocol, there is only you, the only heir of Kindeance Monarch, and us here."

"But in the end, I can respect your decision. But I still suggest you keep it and don't let anyone get their hands on it any more than necessary." she winked, chuckling mischievously before resting her hands on the hip. "Or you could show or ask Fredricus about it. It's yours now, so it's your choice what you want to do with it."

"And that's very cute of you worrying about me! I will keep that in mind."
Hidden 12 mos ago 12 mos ago Post by Randomness
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Randomness Of Ridiculous Awesomeness

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Athena Voltspear

Location: Kindeance

“Now hold on.” interjected Athena, “Don’t just laugh at him. You might have saved him back then, but that doesn’t make you his equal. What he said is perfectly valid, and you of all people should realize why such protocols exist.” Truth be told, Athena didn’t know anything about these protocols, relying on the explanation the prince provided. She knew security never really returned to its lax positions since the princes rescue. So to have measures to prevent a threat from bypassing the safeguard to the royal family made plenty of sense. At the time of the prince’s absence, Athena was left in the dark, but the demeanor of the king, there was some obvious change. A love was there, and a pain. Unknown at the time, but now made it all make sense. it reaffirmed the necessity of the precautions.

“Miss Rosenving, you should hold onto your gift as well. You can leave them with the appropriate official once we depart.”
Hidden 12 mos ago 12 mos ago Post by Mas Bagus
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Mas Bagus Storyteller

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Athena Voltspear. Had she not spoken her warning aloud, Jazdia may never have foreseen her arrival. Looks like her reputation as both a scout and warrior was not exaggerated at all.

Or Perhaps it was her who was getting rusty?

"I believe the matter regarding my gift has been resolved," she said, still maintaining her nonchalance as she shifted her gaze alternately between Prince Alec and the interjecting soldier. "Also please be assured that you will not hear any more objections regarding the security protocols from me."

Jazdia turned to face the black-haired guard now, and smiled at her enigmatically. "But, Miss Volstspear, I'd suggest you not bring up who is equal to who in this conversation. For the lines to determine equality or inequality becomes ambiguous when you try to apply it beyond the hierarchy you are familiar with."

Hidden 12 mos ago 12 mos ago Post by Soldat Elf
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Soldat Elf A Pee Noise

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Louise felt down herself as Erwin changed mood from her refusal. She won't getting back her decision as Erwin already left her from the spot. She paused for moment and the rose up from her seat. Meeting with new male faces, she considered to have Erwin along with her. She noticed the commotion was increasing on Jazdia's group. She nodded on Sylph to proceed to them. She will be seen full of curiosity with a cinnamon roll look. On the top of Louise's head if someone can able to see her, Sylph was watching on them.
Hidden 12 mos ago 12 mos ago Post by Randomness
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Randomness Of Ridiculous Awesomeness

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Athena Voltspear

Location: Kindeance

“I don’t plan to. But for right now, we are envoys of the king.” said Athena, “I simply ask that when in the king’s court to be a little more respectful.” Athena looked towards Prince Alec. She could see on his face some turmoil from the information he had to share. Athena couldn’t know what it was like to be him, and forced to do things on a whole other level compared to essentially everyone else in the country. Perhaps Jazdia's gift in some way offered a small taste of what most recipients would feel. Athena's gaze then went back to Jazdia.

“I apologize for my abrasiveness, and to you Miss Rosenving.” said Athena. “I’m probably not what you’re used to when it comes to partners. I don’t mind working with you on this… this multitude of objectives the king needs. On this we are equal.”

Then towards the prince, “I apologize for speaking on your behalf out of turn.”

Athena paused for a second, “If you wish to join us, then please come closer. We don’t mean to keep you alone. At least, I hope we don’t.” she called out to Louise.
Hidden 12 mos ago 12 mos ago Post by Soldat Elf
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Soldat Elf A Pee Noise

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Oh. I was curious about the commotion and see what is happening. But it seems it is already been handled." Louise replied Anthena with gentle smile. Her facial look is always been cinnamon roll look as default. "Let me re-introduce myself visitors of the King and the Prince's. I am Louise Ironside. Rascade's squire and ward under of Lord Thernous." She continued with an elegant greeting bow to her fresh faces.

"As for Ironside's customary for greeting on first time. The one who greeted by an Ironside must place their hand to the Ironhand's head..." She continued and getting uncomfortable in a manner of cuteness. (Family tradition... Why I am needed to get pat with new people upon greeting...Every single time...)

She never forgot what Erwin did to her on that time...

Hidden 12 mos ago Post by Mas Bagus
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Mas Bagus Storyteller

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Jazdia managed to gain some distance from the prince, who seemed to be overwhelmed by the sudden influx of attention around him. Then to the black-haired woman, she smiled. "No offense taken. I am sure Miss Yvonne would feel the same."

Shortly after, a lovely blonde woman approached them, she seemed hesitating before Athena encouraged her to just join in.

The woman bowed, and then introduced herself as a squire working under Lord Thernous, born from a rather well-known family of Ironside and---

"As for Ironside's customary for greeting on first time. The one who greeted by an Ironside must place their hand to the Ironhand's head..."

There was an awkward pause between them until Jazdia spoke up with a perfectly straight face.

"That would not be necessary."

Then she softened. "A handshake would just do. My name is Jazdia Crystalspark. A Restaurateur and Legal Advisor by trade. A pleasure to meet you, ladies."
Hidden 12 mos ago 12 mos ago Post by Nightknight


Member Seen 10 mos ago

Varya Chandrar

Varya was thankful that Louise had given him the opportunity to break the ice, though being obliged to pat her head was an awkward request. Nevertheless, he did not want to lose face, so he got up from his seat to approach her. As he was doing so he saw a small fairy like creature hovering above Louise's head, and was captivated by it. When Varya got close to Louise he bowed his head with reverence to the spirit before addressing the noble lady. He then smiled meekly as he gave a respectful bow to Louise and spoke with more enthusiasm and warmth than he had expressed before. "It is an honor to meet you Lady Louise. I am Varya Chandrar." He then gently placed his right hand at the top of her head. Looking this close at her she was pretty cute for a human. After a few seconds he removed his hands.

"Thernous is blessed to have one such as yourself protecting him, and Kindeance for having you as a squire. I'm looking forward to our associations in the future. May the spirits continue to bless you Louise Ironside." Having said his peace, he stepped aside so that others may greet her. Varya then transfixed his eyes on the spirit. He had never before seen one, for it was rare that such a being would choose to be seen by elf or human. It was a great act of Providence that he could gaze upon them, appreciating their uncanny beauty. Louise was fortunate indeed.

Varya's attention was then directed toward the elven lady Jazdia. It was comforting to see another elf this far west. Her beautiful appearance brought an air of familiarity with her to an otherwise strange and alien land. He turned to greet her and offered her a bow, keeping his gentle smile and cordial demeanor. "Ah, it is a pleasure to meet you as well Lady Jazdia. I am Varya Chandrar. I hope our journey together will be a pleasant one." Varya felt much more relieved knowing that he would be accompanying such extraordinary individuals on such a great task.
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