Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Mas Bagus
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Mas Bagus Storyteller

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Just when she finished exchanging pleasantries with Loise, another silent walker approached. Varya Chandrar... again was odd one, but Jazdia greatly appreciates his cordiality.

"Ah, it is a pleasure to meet you as well Lady Jazdia. I am Varya Chandrar. I hope our journey together will be a pleasant one."

"The pleasure is all mine," she said, taking his gloved hand for a handshake doubling as a means to prevent the elven man from bowing any deeper. Jazdia was not a frequent bower, and being bowed to was even more embarrassing.

"I hope our journey together will be a pleasant one."

Pleasant huh? The direness of their mission was not lost on her, but who wanted to be a mood killer in a moment like this?

"I hope so too." Jazdia said before adding in a hidden wry. "Let's do our best!"

Hidden 11 mos ago Post by A5G
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A5G Insane Hobo

Member Seen 43 min ago

"They both got a good point, Sparky." Yvonne said, surprisingly mildly, the box flipped around and back into the pocket. It's quite clear that the little prince had to forcefully grow into a fledgling monarch, not exactly a great feeling forced by circumstances like that. She would know, it's similar thing that led to her rebellion against her family back then. "I'll find some way to get it passed! A lesson on rulebreaking is probably the last thing you need right now, yeah?"

How exactly, well, she could just ask Thermos later. The old man was at least diplomatic enough not to reject her outright. And if even that failed... well, no matter. It simply meant that the chasm between them was wider than she thought.

Now, for the sudden influx of people. Everyone gravitated to Sparky again, huh? Not strange, the elf carried herself with authority that even the king tolerated. It's hard to get any more important than that around this part. Crimson eyes gazed on the newcomers, recalling what she could get from them... not much, honestly. Small sparks of recognition here and there, nothing beyond that.

"Voltspear, like the legendary shieldbearer? Heavy namesake you're carrying there. Pleasure meeting you." Yvonne was heavily into tales from the last war, where he great-grandfather was a blazing star. As a side effect she knew more of the other legendary figures, including the all-famous Voltspear of the Twin Shields. As far as she knew the man had no descendant, but then again... naming one's child after a famous character wan't out of the norm.

Then there's an Ironside with the infamous greeting, an awkwardly submissive gesture that somehow lasted as a tradition. Yeah, not going anywhere near that lot. And lastly it's another elf! A lot more blue than Sparky, and dressed in a fashion sense strongly resembling Yvonne's own sensibilities. At least before a certain asshole mage burned all her trophies adornment, the motherfucker. To him, Yvonne offered a grin and a wave.
Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by wierdw


Member Seen 6 mos ago

The handsome elderly man with the cane walked leisurely and with purpose into a small entertaining room. At least, that is what they thought it must be for: Cozy looking (if sadly, human sized) chairs, with matching small tables, tucked away neatly with a wall abutting cabinet of fine wood, laid with an ornate crochet cloth set the mood, and a colorful and playful presentation of small bite-sized (for them) pies, lovely and fancy looking cakes, fresh cut apples, and dried raisins and apricots lined one such table; Smoke and salt cured meats, cheeses, savory breads, and crackers another. Between was a smaller cabinet with glass and fine crystal ewers and bottles of amber and golden hued liquids.

A leaded glass pane of diagonally tiled diamond pattern spilled spring sunlight into the room, the light subtly colored different hues in each of the tiny diamonds embedded in the leaden frame.

One of the people that would be traveling with them was seated in the far corner, with a large clear glass cup of one of the amber liquids. He seemed distressed.

The older man seemed content to indicate to them to enjoy themselves, however, and they indulged.

Their father could cook, more or less... Cooking was a "special occasions" thing, however. The expenses of gathering, and cutting the wood for a fire, coupled with all the time and energy spent in the preparation, meant this was only for very special days or events. Celebrating the first fruit of the year, or a successful trip to town, after selling all the wild medicinals and alchemical ingredients the family gathered yearly, to finance the purchase of things they could not make themselves.

This, however, represented a great deal of someone's time. The pair of them were not used to being offered such a treat as this.

With cheeky exchanges to each other, they set about sampling the wares, which rapidly began to vanish, given the "bite sized" portions presented.

Almost in unison, after a fairly comprehensive pass of the set, they looked out the window, and realized that their brother was not here to share, and the sadness of earlier once more overtook them. There was not a suitable bench in this small attache chamber to accommodate them, forcing them to sit on the floor against a far wall instead. They just stared out at the faintly multicolored light spilling in through that window, and settled back into their melancholia.

Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Randomness
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Randomness Of Ridiculous Awesomeness

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Solomon Sparrow & Athena Voltspear

Location: Kindeance

Not only did Louise approach, but so did another elf. A blueberry of a man named Varya. He seemed much more formal compared to the others, both in dress and mannerisms. He appeared really professional. Louise, on the other hand, was more flustered than one would expect in a guard, Yet, despite that, she was blessed by a spirit. To be worthy of such a spiritual companion, Louise must be gifted in her own right. When Varya stepped back, Athena raised her arm closest to Louise’s positions and gave her a quick pat on the head. It felt awkward. Athena could recall when Voltspear would occasionally do the same so many years ago when specific commanding officers came to the grounds for the first time and once to a recruit.

“Pleasure. I am Athena Voltspear, nice to meet you.” Athena then let her arm fall back to her side. She then turned her head as the name was repeated, Yvonne commented on the name and Athena nodded. “Voltspear was my master. It wasn’t the most conventional of relationships, but I learned a lot through him. I adopted his name shortly after his passing. It was when, well, when I came to myself the most. I hope to be able to live to his standards and provide as much support to you and the others like he did during his service.”

As the group were talking, a dark figure entered the room again. For most of the conversation, Solomon had followed the girls with Thernous to a most appetizing looking feast. The bears took no hesitation as they dug into the table, gulping down entire pies at once. Solomon decided not to partake, content at watching the girls finally have their moment to unwind from their fear and worry. After several minutes, he left to see where the others had wandered, only to find they hadn’t left the meeting room at all.

“Pardon me, ladies. And you as well gentleman elf. There is a buffet in the next room over. I recommend you have some in your system before we depart. The journey to Meche will not be done in a day. His majesty was gracious enough to provide. If you don’t now, I’m afraid Cedar’s siblings might finish it before long.” said Solomon, “Before I forget, I am Doctor Solomon Sparrow. At your service.”
Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Jamesyco
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Jamesyco Forever a Student

Member Seen 5 days ago


The man smiled as he looked at the two bears, he would give his grandson some ease from his disappointment, but he just relaxed as his hand reached for bread, taking it slow as he ate. He would enjoy himself, but he was more curious about the twins and their eating habits. Did he have enough food prepared, he had forgotten about these two, he expected them to have maybe a pig or something before hand to tide their hunger, but with how they stared at the food. He doubted that happened; maybe it was still cooking, maybe, likely not, or he misjudged the two appetites.

But then, he saw something, he saw sadness in them. He knew what it was from, but there is nothing he could do but try and comfort him, he ate slowly and he just sighed a bit, he looked at his grandson and then to the two before he stood and made his way over to them. He patted their heads as he gave them both a scratching.

"He will be safe soon enough, it's not that far and as soon as we get near, I bet you both will be able to sniff him out." he said quietly as he stood behind them, "You will get to see him and be a whole family again soon enough. When you get his scene, my grandson will make sure he's safe with the others, and if he's hurt, I can make sure he's alright."

Thernous slowly handed two small glasses out, likely very small compared to them both, "But, do not think about that now, eat some, and feel free to drink a bit as well; when we leave, we will be riding swift and fast to get where we need to be in a short amount of time."


Erwin felt the gaze of his grandfather leave him, and he saw sympathy in the man when he walked up to the bears. He took that time, to just continue to drink as he stood there in the corner to more or less hide. He stared at the food for a moment, but decided to not go for it yet, but maybe he should.

With that, he slumped his shoulders and continued to fasten his things to his neck as he let cloth and cloak drape him. He enjoyed it, but it felt as if he was missing something, but regardless, he wished he stayed in the other room at that moment. He thought more would come, but that did not seem to be the case. He walked to the table, and took bread, and cheese and went back to just deal with anything but his grandfather.
Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Nightknight


Member Seen 9 mos ago

Varya Chandrar

Varya was not fond of handshakes, not that Jazdia could have known, though he didn't have the heart to correct her in that moment, being content that his introduction to her was amicable. He did not like touching other peoples hands, thankfully he was wearing gloves to make it more tolerable. It wasn't until he was done speaking that he realized that his expressing the hopes that the mission runs smoothly could be misconstrued as a callous dismissal of its importance, something he felt the need to make up for later. He was then reminded just how tense and anxious the atmosphere was. At least now he felt slightly more comfortable conversing with others, if only to take his mind off the challenges to come.

As Varya looked around the room he saw an armored woman eyeing him and waving, and his defenses were raised almost in response. His smile faded as he defaulted to his usual stone like expression. There was something about the way she looked at him that unsettled him, though he hid these feelings behind his poker face. Her gaze combined with her wide grin reminded him of a dog that had found a new toy to chew on. On the bright side, he could appreciate her good taste in attire, a bold red brigadine with a pink chest. It hinted at class and sophistication behind a fierce exterior. Varya locked eyes on her, seeing this as a challenge as much as an invitation to approach. Regardless of how she made him feel, he wanted to put a good foot forward considering that they were to be traveling and fighting together.

"Good evening madam." Varya says politely, though in a flat tone. "I am Varya Chandrar." He gives a bow of respect to the crimson clad woman and allowed the slightest of smiles to return to his face. "You have good taste in aesthetically pleasing attire. I can appreciate your dedication to looking fabulous." He says, this time expressing albeit subtlety, genuine fascination, letting the emotion slip more with a flair as he stressed the word fabulous. He hoped that his exterior mask could hide the depths of his internal insecurities when it came to social situations.
Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Soldat Elf
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Soldat Elf A Pee Noise

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"It is a pleasure to meet you too. Madam Crystalspark." Louise accepted her handshake instead. She admitted it was uncomfortable for her to get pat by new people but still it is a must for family tradition. She considered this as a form of respect to her family since she is the last of the family's bloodline.

She accepted the head pat by Athena and Varya and nodded to them. "Like wise, it is a pleasure to meet you both, Madam Voltspear. Sir Chandrar." She continued and then gave Yvonne and Solomon a gentle smile.
Hidden 11 mos ago Post by A5G
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A5G Insane Hobo

Member Seen 43 min ago

The blue elf came up for a chat, a welcome distraction after that little awkward moment with the prince. A bit stiff, but maybe it's because she's used to Sparky's attitude. The grin widening, Yvonne matched the bow with perhaps a little more theatric than absolutely necessary.

"Good day to you too! Yvonne Rosenving, as you may have heard earlier." On a closer look, the man really liked the color blue. Everything her wear was in that shade, she had to pause and wonder if he'd bleed blue if cut. Bring another meaning to "blue-blooded", heh.

It wasn't a bad combination though. In fact, it matched quite well somehow.

"So, how'd you end up joining this little band of mischief?"
Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Jamesyco
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Jamesyco Forever a Student

Member Seen 5 days ago

To clean a room

A well dressed man, with long dark colored robes, and a box.

A decently dressed man walked in with a box of things as he looked at the people in the room, and he looked confused. He saw the prince, and many others just talking in that room. He took a deep breath, "Can you all please leave, we are fixing to have a meeting here in short while, and I need to clean up for those attending." He placed the box down, and he fixed his chest puff, as he looked at those in the room. He affixed his eyesight on the Prince.

"Prince Alec," he started his head dipping, "May you bring everyone to the side room you were assigned, I know others are there, and there is food, but we will let you know when the wagons are set and it turns dark for the party to leave. But, I would ask for your assistance to get everyone into that room so that I may clean."

He placed his hand on his chest as he awaited the Prince's answer before continuing his work.
Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by wierdw


Member Seen 6 mos ago

The prince heaved a deep, and weary sigh.

This was rather how things had been going for him of late. Drawn into his father's orbit, and unable to escape it, performing perfunctory and "Accessory adjunct" tasks for him, to grease the wheels of politics, while getting a first hand view of "the hand that governs."

His father had many highly trusted associates, and this gentleman was among them; The royal chamberlain, Carl Townsend. He himself was actually this man's understudy, as the long association with the crown's inner workings made him an ideal instructor for introduction into that inner circle, making him very much the student, and this man, the teacher. In the past few months, lessons had gone from 'merely theoretical', to "pop quiz, and 'performance review' pretty much daily." It seemed today was no exception. That he had been assigned to help oversee this operation, with these agents in particular, was likely no mere coincidence. He felt certain that his performance would be graded succinctly and harshly, by both the chamberlain, and his father, in the closing evening hours tonight. Quite likely, this was a lesson his father had intended-- that one must be willing and able, to send persons who you might have strong feelings about, into the jaws of what may well be their deaths. This was almost certainly what Mme Crystalspark had intended to try and pry from him with her question earlier. Being under essentially continual observation by his instructors, he had no choice but to deal with her in the manner in which he did, even if he had wished differently.

"Very well, Master Townsend. If his majesty wishes it, I shall see to it personally. Mmes Crystalspark, Von Rosenving, Ironside, and Voltspear-- Masters Chandrar, Solomon, if you would please accompany me. A chamber has been prepared for your use prior to commencement of your assignment. I shall direct you."

Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Mas Bagus
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Mas Bagus Storyteller

Member Seen 1 hr ago

After some more teasings that would either make the prince blush or his chamberlain raise an eyebrow, the group arrived at the designated waiting room. A buffet, drinks, and some more food had been prepared there, along with several sacks of provisions and other odds and ends.

It seemed to be one of the auxiliary halls located in the west wing of the palace. It conveniently led to a corridor that ends at the Royal Palace Stable. A full scan with Jazdia's eyes ensured that the room was clear.

Lord Thernous had already sitting there with Cedar's relatives, offering comforting words to them and an invitation to enjoy the food provided.

An invitation to eat!

Jazdia couldn't help but chuckle a bit upon hearing that. Considering how "gentlemanly" Cedar was with his table manners, she could already imagine this entire lunch would turn out to be rather hilarious.

Sitting now on one of the chairs, Jazdia reached for one of those sophisticated-looking pastries in front of her and munched it slowly.

"Good for Baker he is supplying his stuff for the king now."

Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Nightknight


Member Seen 9 mos ago

Varya Chandrar

After the group was moved into a new room to eat and talk, Varya sits on the table across from Yvonne, gingerly sipping grape juice and swirling it around in his cup. He continues his talk with Yvonne, resuming his monotone. "I'm afraid I have no interesting stories as to how I came to be hired by the king. I came into this country looking for work, and that's when I received his majesty's invitation. As for why he invited me in particular I cannot say." He takes a drink from his grape juice before continuing. "My apologies for not providing a more satisfactory answer to your inquiries." Varya could feel the conversation running its course and all the awkwardness that came with it. Still he didn't want to disengage until Yvonne was done talking to him.
Hidden 11 mos ago Post by A5G
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A5G Insane Hobo

Member Seen 43 min ago

Yvonne showed no reservation in heaping her plate, the quantity likely second only to the bear twins. She did devoured the stuff with no issue though, somehow managing to maintain a decent table manner in the process despite the speed various slice of pies and cold cuts and whatnot disappearing into her. No alcohol served in brunch unfortunately, but she can pretend the apple juice was cider.

"Is it now?" She said, tone slightly coy, eyes narrowing inquisitively at the elf. Last time, none of the personnel brought in by the king was mediocre. Each and every one had a field they're specialized at. What would this one bring to the table? "Well, no matter. We'll have much opportunity to see what you've got, yeah?"

He cant keep his secret forever. If they were to be stuck up shit creek without a paddle like before, he damn well better contribute something. Or he'd die, plain and simple. Even someone highly skilled was a goner, with a few others skirting at the brink. Yvonne only hoped that Freddy wouldn't send a fodder along with them. Surely the king cant be that senile yet?
Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Soldat Elf
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Soldat Elf A Pee Noise

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Louise had been her natural self after her tradition greeting. Turned to whoever speak in the group with a cinnamon roll look. She also tagged along with them as the Prince invited them into other room. She proceeded to separates from the group with gentle smile and wave. Finding Erwin at the and approached him.

"Miss me. Darling?" She said with her usual calm tone along with her usual cinnamon roll look to Erwin.
Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Jamesyco
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Jamesyco Forever a Student

Member Seen 5 days ago

A time for everything

A bit of everyone, but the one random guy looks like an ordinary servant, has long robes, minimal ordainment, and is covered in mainly plain colored clothing.


Erwin smiled and turned his head as his free hand reached out towards the woman, "Of course, it has been awkward being in here alone. I thought others would have followed since this is where we were told to go." he said quietly, "I know that people wanted to talk, but in here might have been more proper than Uncle's office."

He slowly turned towards her and smiled, "But, I am glad you are finally here..."

with that, he looked to his grandfather, and the bears, and at the window, "It's almost dusk... so, I am surprised that no one is eating, or at least trying to sneak it into a pack for later."


Thernous just looked past the two bears as he just decided to stay silent, and he noticed it was getting dark, but for the most part it would be time soon enough.He wondered what all would happen, and what everything was for. But, for that he did not know what would come next, he knew there was a wagon for him, supplies, and maybe the bears since he did not know their situation, as well as horses and ways of transport to the next part of their journey.

"How would you two like to ride in a wagon with me?" he asked smiling, "I can tell stories of many things."


A man popped his head through the door, "It is almost nighttime, we can head down to your transportation and supplies here now if you would each follow me... I would be glad to show you through the back hallways."

With that, the man waited for a moment, and then turned around and just started to walk away down a few hallways that were smaller than the others, and through several portals keeping his way as he would make sure that he kept his follows behind him if that was possible. IT was a task with such a large group, but he was confident that a train of people would work well with this task.

He lead them to a room with a large wagon with two massive steers, and then several other horses, the wagon was full of mostly food, tents, a cover, and some tools such as an axe wrapped up for chopping wood.

"Here you all are, get ready you will be leaving shortly. Supplies for a week of travel, as well as supplies for camping should you not find room and board. Should anything else be needed, feel free to do as needed to get your supplies. You have a months worth of powder, and shot as well for ten people. But, good luck on your journey." The man would stand by two large doors at the side of the room, and moved through a smaller door that was in the larger door, "They will open in a few minutes, so please be ready to depart when we open them." he said to the first few people coming into the room.
Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Soldat Elf
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Soldat Elf A Pee Noise

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

He slowly turned towards her and smiled, "But, I am glad you are finally here..."

with that, he looked to his grandfather, and the bears, and at the window, "It's almost dusk... so, I am surprised that no one is eating, or at least trying to sneak it into a pack for later."

"No worries about the snacks. Help me pack those worth of the whole journey. I'll handle it~!" She replied with a sparkling eyes and full of enthusiasm. Begging her man to do her favor.

"After this mission... Shall we spend more time together?" She continued, looking on Erwin's with her cinnamon roll look.
Hidden 11 mos ago Post by wierdw


Member Seen 6 mos ago

The twins piled into the oversized wagon, reacting with trepidation when it rocked and creaked as they did so, before finally being satisfied that it was not going to tip over, or the wood it was made from would not crack and split under their combined weight.

The handsome elderly man had taken a seat at the front of the wagon ahead of them.

"Why ya s'pose Cedah gots so manuh peoples lookin' ta 'elp im, Lil?" asked Rose cautiously. "Jus' look at 'em.. Aside from at tall fellar Doc, they all business. At handsome boy back 'ere in da fancies-- he say Cedah save his life las' fall. Dis' like da mayor's boy Paps goes on 'bout?"

"Uh shour hopes not!" rasped Lily, eyes suddenly wide. "You's seened dem' tree critters! Wit'out pappy a'long ta root em daown, 'er shoot em in da head, dis gunna be a BAYUD trip FO SHO' ifn' deys out heeya!"

"Naw naw! Pappy said 'ous thangs only live in da deep wood anuh moar. Him and Cedah clear almos' all a em out buh naow, pappi jus likes to show us kids da bodies, since dey takes so long tuh rot, like a dead tree does. I was meanin-- Ya thank at purdy young fella back 'ere... ya think he at o'dder han'som man's boy? ... He got a house bigger'n da whole village-- clearly he a lot be'er off an our lil' mayor iz!"

They were referring to ancient history (by their reckoning, anyway-- It was almost 9 years ago now, and before they were born), before even Cedar and Oak had come along.

The forest they lived in was unquestionably magical, and enchanted. It was also *NOT* empty, and was home to a -- None of them, or even their dad had a proper name for it, and it itself was confused by the very idea of names-- "Entity." It was confused by a lot of things actually. Their dad called it a "Forest Spirit", but its exact nature was difficult to quantify. For one thing, what it really seemed to be, was a massive growth of interconnected vegetation deep in the heart of the woods, which their dad called "The Cathedral", but that was supposition. He had said it was a play on words, since people didn't have a proper concept for what it actually was, and "cathedrals" were places people gathered to worship their local gods. He was adamant that this was "Not a god", but "was insanely powerful all the same", and they were apt to agree. While "what it truly is" was a mystery to them (all the paths that might lead that far in, were still choked with dangerous fungi growing on the old, death growth, that could kill you in mere minutes of exposure if you weren't prepared-- and further in, their dad said, all the remaining paths grew together so thick, you couldn't squeeze through unless it WANTED you in there. It was a very forbidden place, even to them.) it could manifest itself as it saw fit-- usually as some sparkly and luminous version of a forest animal, favoring birds and fast moving things, like rabbit, squirrels, or deer. It was just a mirage, or phantasm of course-- woven from the magic that coursed and bled through the wood like water flowing through a stream, but whatever it was, it seemed to rather enjoy "Just playing" and "Running" about, exploring and seeing how everything was changing from day to day, season to season, content to watch the clouds, and the cycles of the moon.

They had only encountered it "proper" one time in their lives, shortly after turning two, and had no real intentions of ever repeating it-- they weren't sure they could handle another encounter, honestly.

Their dad had taken them further in, to tell them about 'the calamity' so that they could better understand their home. The "calamity" had really been a dire threat to the forest and this "spirit" that lived at its heart: An evil wizard had tried to kill it, and steal its powers for himself, leading to it lashing out in desperate violence.

It had created monsters to protect itself, as it could not tell the difference between different humans (and still had difficulty, even today), and had used those monsters along with forcibly controlled forest animals to attack the village, trying to destroy the wizard hiding there, trying to consume its power.

That was long ago, of course. During that time of trouble, the forest had captured the mayor's son (unaware of the significance), and drug him deep inside; The fiercest monsters it could create, had been human once-- and that was the desperate plan this being had embarked on back then-- Slow attrition of the village through forceful conversion, until it got the one that had wounded it, and threatened its very continued existence. Their dad, and a group of others, rescued the boy and returned him home; then later confronted and defeated the wizard.

Their dad had parted ways with the others after that, and had returned deep in to the cathedral (which he said was almost completely dead back then, and there were ways in the wizard had blasted with his magics that have since healed shut) to confront it. The exact "Way" the wizard had wounded this entity, and had intended to usurp its powers, were "complicated"-- but involved a part of the being's life cycle, as their dad had tried to explain it. It "Gave birth to itself" every so often, and it was this "new growth" that the wizard had stolen. It only had the energy to make ONE (and doing so took hundreds, maybe thousands of years to accomplish), and could not recover if it did not get it back, and that desperation, along with a pained desire to destroy the wizard, were its sole motivations then, as it was slowly dying and rotting away from the inside, as the time in which it could complete its process was drawing short. Their father had collected this "Missing piece", and the "Forest made way" for him, as he brought it back in, or so he had said.

That was essentially the story of how their dad had come to be so deeply enmeshed into the workings and goings of their woodland home, to the point where he claimed he could never leave it. They themselves had a hard time really "Grasping" the kinds of "thoughts" it had, since it did not communicate with words at all, and instead, seemed to "Get inside your head" in a way considerably more profound than the magic their dad and brothers knew to speak with animals. It got in, and was a dizzying whirlwind of hyper-connected, but small and subtle things, with very simple wants and conceptions of how things should be. For instance, it was "GLAD-HAPPY-PLEASED", (no words in the thoughts, just a blast of strong emotions and raw concepts. That was the only way it communicated, aside from a phantasia of imagined images, sounds, and smells that seemed to have no real fixed location in time or ordering.) to see them, and "JOY-AMUSED-WATCHING" their pranks. "HELPERS-HELP-HELPERS-SMART-AND-BRIGHT", was the best it used to refer to them (that is, "Helpers for the Helpers, who are full of strange but fun ideas") -- "SURPRISING-FIRST-HELPING-ONE-BELOVED-AND-LOVING(I-KEEP!)" (An intense feeling of joyful surprise, elation, relief, wonder, and admiration for a thing that helped unexpectedly, was driven by love, and is loved for it-- that it wishes to keep forever-- the closest concept to "A pet" it probably has.) for their dad, and "FIERCE-MOTHER-WELL-CHOOSING-AND-CHOSEN" for their mother. It called Cedar and Pine "HELPERS!", (If that's really the right word. The concept was difficult to ascribe language to, and was more a profound feeling of satisfaction, safety, and assurance, mixed with joy and pride, among other things, connected with a mind-hurting collage of time-fractured imagery of things living and dying in rapid succession, overlaid with a nebulous idea of 'helps make happen', and a "Continuation" of their dad. Sortof. The very thought of them, made it feel 'safe'). It seemed to have difficulty telling them apart, while Oak was "LOST-ONE(SADNESS)-FULL-OF-RAGE" (the fact that he was "not here with them", was the defining characteristic, aside from his deep-set animosity toward the forest, and their dad, which the entity did not understand at all, was mortified with sadness over, and had no idea how to address.) All in all, it was a life changing, but completely indescribable and surreal experience to encounter it-- It preferred very much to not deal with the humans outside; It could not tell any of them apart, and had no intention to-- like a person looking at an ant hill, trying to understand the lives of each individual one. The differences in comprehension and mode of existence are just too great. It struggles daily trying to comprehend their father, and is elated by the novel confusion and curiosity this brings it. It seemed to love simply watching him live his life.

Despite this "Far more complicated than could ever possibly be described" reality underpinning it, the mayor of the town had simply CHOSEN to be blissfully ignorant of anything and everything concerning the forest, its inhabitants, the kinds of magic or beings at work inside it, or anything else at all about it-- aside from the fact that it was full of trees, those trees were very high quality wood, fetched a good price at market, and that back then-- the whole damn place had gone batshit crazy, had been trying (and succeeding) at killing people, and that it had abducted his son. The mayor was grateful to their dad, even today, but that gratefulness had limits. Their dad (and by extension, themselves and their siblings), were "only somewhat welcome" in town, as he felt that their dad, and his relationship with their mother, were "obscene", "Unnatural", and "abhorrent", and "Only the fact that he brought home his boy" keeps him from arresting their dad for "his perversions" on the spot.

This idea that "favor could be fickle, and short lived" strongly colored the tone of the conversation, but was unspoken.

"I hope it work out be'er for 'im 'an it did fer our pappy, if'n 'at deh case..."

"Yeah... Me tuhs..."

"...Ifn we gits 'im back at is..."

".....Yeah.. 'At tuh..."

Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Nightknight


Member Seen 9 mos ago

Varya Chandrar

When it came time to make final preparations for departure, Varya donned a midnight blue gambeson, wanting some protection for the first few hours of the trip as they would be traveling through the night. The gambeson has several layers of cloth, though had less than others to maintain ease of movement for the arms so as to draw his weapons or perform other precise physical tasks quickly, thus it was more a security blanket to shield him from the elements as opposed to actual protection from steel, though even a little armor was better than none. Over his armor draped a cloak, and underneath it he wore a more simplistic tunic, colored in various shades of blue to blend into the darkness of the night. Upon his back was slung his trusty bow Crescent Moon and his arrow quiver, as well as a blue round wooden shield with white painted stars, and from his hips were sheathed his butterfly and cane swords. The rest of his equipment and food he loaded up into various bags and strapped onto the horse he was to mount, picking the stallion he thought reacted the best to his prescence. He would be riding at the front from the carriage to act as a forward scout and a early warning signaler.

As Varya completed his preparations, he bowed his head and prayed for the mission's success, and protection for Thernous, himself, and everyone assembled for the journey they were to embark on. He then turned to everyone else. "May you all be blessed by whatever you hold dear." He then saddles up upon his steed and prepares to ride with the others. He turns to Thernous. "Lord Thernous, I will be acting as a forward scout. If you or your grandson need me for anything, please let me know." He then nods his head and takes his leave.

Varya was thankful he had the mobility and distance from the group, as he liked having the option to quickly escape from the presence of others if he so choose to, finding the company of others draining, even if the carriage was more protected from the elements. He would also rather have the option to roam as opposed to being limited to a small space.

Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Soldat Elf
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Soldat Elf A Pee Noise

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Erwin smiled a bit, "We can spend time during it, there should be time there, but. We can take some bread with us, but we should have plenty of travel rations for us."

For a response. She kissed him on his cheek as she tried to reached it.

"I see.. I will make a quick preparation, I will catch you up on the gathering area for departure." She said with a cinnamon roll look at a small short smiled on him.

"Most of our things are probably there, just let's get there quickly with the guy before we get left behind. Urgency seemingly has left this hall..." he said quietly, leaning down to kiss her, "But let's just go, and get prepared there... you don't even know where the departure area is." he said quietly.

"Is that so? Let's go then." She replied, offer her hand for arm to arm with him.

He nodded softly as he slowly moved his arm around her, and he held her hip as he walked behind the aforementioned guide or train of people heading down towards the departure.


Checking her equipment, Louise has been issued with a musket that had been used during the training along with Erwin, a broadsword with a shield and her family armor set. Her helmet from the armor set has forest green plumes the same color as her cape.

Erwin looked at her, and smiled as he patted her head softly, and he looked at the wagon as he saw a horse with his saddle back, and some of his kit. Then he saw one with hers, as he relaxed.

"Go on... get ready to ride, we shouldn't have much to do tonight until we stop outside of town depending on how much we ride tonight."

Louise took his pat in submissive way. She then looked at him and nod. She hopped on the ride and get on her position wherever she was assigned.
Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Jamesyco
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Jamesyco Forever a Student

Member Seen 5 days ago


The old man smiled at the two bears as he slowly reached up to get the lip of the wagon; before he started to climb the nice little latter made for him on the side, a few pops could be heard, mostly from his back, as he did so, and he relaxed in the seat once he got up. The old man patted the seat a few times before standing on the step and climbing into the back behind the driver's position into the wagon proper. He watched the bears further back as he just more or less snuggled into the wood, cloth, and other supplies inside the wagon.

It was something good, a nice settled spot for the old man to rest in as it got darker. It was dusk, and there was limited light coming from the sunset and that which reflected from the moon and stars. However, he figured that just giving the direction North-West when they got out of the city would be the best course of action; everyone seemed educated in some form or at least should be able to read a map. Or at least he hoped, but that could be seen; he had spent some time awake trying to make schemes into plans.

"Erwin, if you are behind me, please just lead the way. You should know it; I will be trying to sleep once we get outside the city." with that, he snuggled in tightly and found himself a corner of a tent he was next to, pulling it over his lap as he just went deeper into it like the little old man he was.


The young man was in fact behind his grandfather by several paces, to keep in line with his betrothed, he held her arm and separated from her as he moved to Bread, and he took from his pack a chainmail shirt just to slip on for now, and his sword to put around his waist, setting his musket in it's saddle mounting. He checked it's powder pouches, and the holder for his shot and climbed up onto the horse.

"Grandfather, it's out of the city, and then the north road until the river ends. To my knowledge, the ferry crossing line got broken a week or two ago and no one has been able to get a new one across yet," he replied to his grandfather. "Once outside of town, it's only one road, and at these hours we will be the only ones moving on it."

The man moved bread towards the door, when his grandfather spoke.

"And be in the front with the elf lad if he wishes to ride, he seems like he has good ears and eyes, you two might do well together. Just keep away from the toll roads like I taught you." Thernous said.
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