Well, it was totally in character for Tristan to ignore the literal wealth of information available at his fingertips, but that was totally on the narrator for forgetting that Tristan did not like studying or for that matter, anything that required hard work. Well, he did study for what it's worth, but there was something that he completely misunderstood, but that was up for him to realize it later.
With feelings of frustration, Tristan left the library and again made his way through the manor. He would follow the instructions left by the receptionist to what would essentially be the backyard of the manor, which meant all he had to do was go through the front and then around the manor or through the dining area where visitors and employees dined. Dealer's choice really. Either way, he would eventually after plenty of walking find where the festivities were being prepared. He would find himself standing on a patio paved with stone that then stretched out into the rest of the garden where the Gracidea Flower was said to be. One could just sit down and enjoy the view with a cup of tea and maybe some pastries.
Except it was absolutely bloody bedlam. People were rushing around frantically to set up the party. Tables were being placed, lights were strung about, a dance floor was in progress of being put together, and that was just the tip of the iceberg. One could only imagine seating arrangements for the guests, the menu, and the entertainment that had to be put together. Frankly speaking, the employees looked like they were just a step away from being whipped. The one responsible for it was plain to see or to be more accurate, heard.
"No, you dull edge of a Slowpoke I told you to hang the lights higher up! Are you trying to blind our guests? And you! Yes, I mean you, you Rhyhorn brained idiot! The tables must be arranged as so! Do you want them to be sandwiched together? And where in the hell is my cup of tea?!"
Tristan would have followed the onslaught of abuse and eventually found the source: a man in his early 40s dressed in a gray three-piece suit with an equally gray tie, black shoes, and maybe not surprising, but a white carnation on his breast pocket. His black hair was slicked back neatly and had sharp green eyes that commanded authority and at the moment, exasperation. He would have no idea who this man was, but the same could not be said about the man that stood next to him. In fact, Tristan specifically would have recognized him because at one point he could've been considered a Kalosian celebrity due to his status.
Coincidentally enough, they were standing by the flower patch of Gracidea Flowers. What does Tristan do?
@Sanguine Rose
The remaining three Tinkatink shouted at Faye's Pokemon and of course only they would understand what they were saying.
"We have no choice! We must improve our weapons! We must defend ourselves!"
"We cannot rest with that thing's darkness in our home!"
"Prepare yourselves!"
Tensions were high and it looked like things were about to go down, except the Tinkatink hesitated for a moment. They looked like they were peering behind Faye and just a moment later she would hear a familiar voice.
"Pawmi, Thundershock!" A bolt of electricity flew past Faye and collided with one of the Tinkatink. It skidded back and twitched from the electricity coursing through its body, but soon recovered and took a fierce stance.
If Faye turned to look behind her, she would see that it was Rosa that stood there. She looked a bit yesterday though. Rosa dropped her rancher attire and was dressed a bit sportier with one of those varsity baseball jackets with a stripe that went down along the sleeves, light blue jeans, red flattops, and her hair was now pulled back into a ponytail. Next to her was some orange marmot chinchilla thing.

#921 Pawmi, the Mouse Pokemon. It has underdeveloped electric sacs on its cheeks. These sacs can produce electricity only if Pawmi rubs them furiously with the pads on its forepaws.
"Questions later. We've got a fight." said Rosa one of the Tinkatink jumped forward swinging its club down at her Pawmi.
For Faye, it turned into a two on two. One of the Tinkatink dashed forward and lunged towards Faye's Rowlet with its club, which acted as its catalyst for Metal Claw. The other Tinkatink kept back and summoned a gust of Fairy Wind, which sent a pink magical gust of wind at Sage.
How does Faye react?
"No, no I must insist. You are entertaining the selfish notions of an old man, so you must be compensated for your efforts. I will not take no for an answer," the elderly man said quite sternly. He absolutely was adamant about giving Stella the payment that he promised her, but there was something odd about it. For some reason there was an anxiety about it, but she could not put a finger on it. Maybe it was because he was old and didn't have much time left or maybe it was something else. Either way, she was not getting out of getting a reward.
Still, he was relieved that Stella was helping him. He smiled sadly at her and said, "It's okay. I couldn't face her anyway. Please, pick some blue hyacinths. As I said, her grave can be found in Mellow Grove along Route 2. Thank you again for doing this."
Whenever Stella would leave the manor, she would pick the blue hyacinths just as the old man requested. However, she received some strange looks from people who saw her.
Does Stella go immediately to do the request or does she have any other plans?
Connected Areas
Route 1. A hilly route filled with many ranches and farmland.
Lake Charity. A massive body of water. Used to travel between Starbor Village, Valstille City, and Florasong Town.
Route 2. West of Florasong.
Mud Slap luckily smothered the light of Confuse Ray and with not a moment wasted followed up with Shadow Punch. Murus threw punch after punch against the dwindling mass of sparks. At this rate, only just a few blows were needed to finally put it down. It countered again by smashing its own flaming fist against Murus' shadowy punches, but it could not react quickly enough for the other punch.
Murus' fist rammed into its abdomen and the creature bent forward in pain only to take an upper cut straight to the head. It stumbled back in a dazed confusion, unaware of the next punch that went straight towards its face again to deal the finishing blow!
Did he really think that it would be that easy?
The Echo caught one of the shadowy fists with a flickering ember for a hand and held it in place. Murus could not budge its arm out of its grasp. The clay golem felt its hand being bent backwards from a strange newfound strength from its opponent.
Its flaming body erupted and flamed rushed and licked from it like violet lashes of whips. The Echo's form was no longer recognizable for it was just a mass of humanoid flame, an incarnation of absolute destruction. From what Jason could tell, it recovered half of the damage that it received and that its fire type-attacks were certainly enhanced if its raging form was any indication. Even from where he was standing Jason would begin to feel the heat creeping along his skin.
With its free hand it lifted its hand up with its palm facing towards Murus. The palm glowed with a fiery rage and the construct used Ember though this time whatever it shot out was much bigger than before, much more powerful. Murus, who had been chipped away at from Fire Spin would certainly not be able to withstand the attack.
What does Jason do?
Well, it was totally in character for Tristan to ignore the literal wealth of information available at his fingertips, but that was totally on the narrator for forgetting that Tristan did not like studying or for that matter, anything that required hard work. Well, he did study for what it's worth, but there was something that he completely misunderstood, but that was up for him to realize it later.
With feelings of frustration, Tristan left the library and again made his way through the manor. He would follow the instructions left by the receptionist to what would essentially be the backyard of the manor, which meant all he had to do was go through the front and then around the manor or through the dining area where visitors and employees dined. Dealer's choice really. Either way, he would eventually after plenty of walking find where the festivities were being prepared. He would find himself standing on a patio paved with stone that then stretched out into the rest of the garden where the Gracidea Flower was said to be. One could just sit down and enjoy the view with a cup of tea and maybe some pastries.
Except it was absolutely bloody bedlam. People were rushing around frantically to set up the party. Tables were being placed, lights were strung about, a dance floor was in progress of being put together, and that was just the tip of the iceberg. One could only imagine seating arrangements for the guests, the menu, and the entertainment that had to be put together. Frankly speaking, the employees looked like they were just a step away from being whipped. The one responsible for it was plain to see or to be more accurate, heard.
"No, you dull edge of a Slowpoke I told you to hang the lights higher up! Are you trying to blind our guests? And you! Yes, I mean you, you Rhyhorn brained idiot! The tables must be arranged as so! Do you want them to be sandwiched together? And where in the hell is my cup of tea?!"
Tristan would have followed the onslaught of abuse and eventually found the source: a man in his early 40s dressed in a gray three-piece suit with an equally gray tie, black shoes, and maybe not surprising, but a white carnation on his breast pocket. His black hair was slicked back neatly and had sharp green eyes that commanded authority and at the moment, exasperation. He would have no idea who this man was, but the same could not be said about the man that stood next to him. In fact, Tristan specifically would have recognized him because at one point he could've been considered a Kalosian celebrity due to his status.
Coincidentally enough, they were standing by the flower patch of Gracidea Flowers. What does Tristan do?
@Sanguine Rose
The remaining three Tinkatink shouted at Faye's Pokemon and of course only they would understand what they were saying.
"We have no choice! We must improve our weapons! We must defend ourselves!"
"We cannot rest with that thing's darkness in our home!"
"Prepare yourselves!"
Tensions were high and it looked like things were about to go down, except the Tinkatink hesitated for a moment. They looked like they were peering behind Faye and just a moment later she would hear a familiar voice.
"Pawmi, Thundershock!" A bolt of electricity flew past Faye and collided with one of the Tinkatink. It skidded back and twitched from the electricity coursing through its body, but soon recovered and took a fierce stance.
If Faye turned to look behind her, she would see that it was Rosa that stood there. She looked a bit yesterday though. Rosa dropped her rancher attire and was dressed a bit sportier with one of those varsity baseball jackets with a stripe that went down along the sleeves, light blue jeans, red flattops, and her hair was now pulled back into a ponytail. Next to her was some orange marmot chinchilla thing.

#921 Pawmi, the Mouse Pokemon. It has underdeveloped electric sacs on its cheeks. These sacs can produce electricity only if Pawmi rubs them furiously with the pads on its forepaws.
"Questions later. We've got a fight." said Rosa one of the Tinkatink jumped forward swinging its club down at her Pawmi.
For Faye, it turned into a two on two. One of the Tinkatink dashed forward and lunged towards Faye's Rowlet with its club, which acted as its catalyst for Metal Claw. The other Tinkatink kept back and summoned a gust of Fairy Wind, which sent a pink magical gust of wind at Sage.
How does Faye react?
"No, no I must insist. You are entertaining the selfish notions of an old man, so you must be compensated for your efforts. I will not take no for an answer," the elderly man said quite sternly. He absolutely was adamant about giving Stella the payment that he promised her, but there was something odd about it. For some reason there was an anxiety about it, but she could not put a finger on it. Maybe it was because he was old and didn't have much time left or maybe it was something else. Either way, she was not getting out of getting a reward.
Still, he was relieved that Stella was helping him. He smiled sadly at her and said, "It's okay. I couldn't face her anyway. Please, pick some blue hyacinths. As I said, her grave can be found in Mellow Grove along Route 2. Thank you again for doing this."
Whenever Stella would leave the manor, she would pick the blue hyacinths just as the old man requested. However, she received some strange looks from people who saw her.
Stella received Blue Hyacinth Bouquet
Does Stella go immediately to do the request or does she have any other plans?
Connected Areas
Route 1. A hilly route filled with many ranches and farmland.
Lake Charity. A massive body of water. Used to travel between Starbor Village, Valstille City, and Florasong Town.
Route 2. West of Florasong.
Mud Slap luckily smothered the light of Confuse Ray and with not a moment wasted followed up with Shadow Punch. Murus threw punch after punch against the dwindling mass of sparks. At this rate, only just a few blows were needed to finally put it down. It countered again by smashing its own flaming fist against Murus' shadowy punches, but it could not react quickly enough for the other punch.
Murus' fist rammed into its abdomen and the creature bent forward in pain only to take an upper cut straight to the head. It stumbled back in a dazed confusion, unaware of the next punch that went straight towards its face again to deal the finishing blow!
Did he really think that it would be that easy?
The Echo caught one of the shadowy fists with a flickering ember for a hand and held it in place. Murus could not budge its arm out of its grasp. The clay golem felt its hand being bent backwards from a strange newfound strength from its opponent.
Its flaming body erupted and flamed rushed and licked from it like violet lashes of whips. The Echo's form was no longer recognizable for it was just a mass of humanoid flame, an incarnation of absolute destruction. From what Jason could tell, it recovered half of the damage that it received and that its fire type-attacks were certainly enhanced if its raging form was any indication. Even from where he was standing Jason would begin to feel the heat creeping along his skin.
With its free hand it lifted its hand up with its palm facing towards Murus. The palm glowed with a fiery rage and the construct used Ember though this time whatever it shot out was much bigger than before, much more powerful. Murus, who had been chipped away at from Fire Spin would certainly not be able to withstand the attack.
What does Jason do?