Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by wierdw


Member Seen 6 mos ago

"Sumbuddy ya knowed lady?"
"If'n he is, bettah talk' 'im daown!"
"We ain't push-o'ers"

Rose was clearly still trying very hard to push the imposing figure's unseen aura out away from the group, and struggling to do it. Lily ready, but fearful, to try physically tangling with him.
"You gots a trick up ya sleeve--
"--Bettah pull it! Afore uhs pass out!"

"Pardon the roughness in my voice, Friends. For The wound from this fool's marble hasn't healed yet."

Intoned the monstrous elder being.

Timidly, the girls started to back down, the odd "pressure" Rose was exerting, seeming to relent.
"Sorreh fella-- Dis here MO'RON dun know how tuh behave hiself!"
"We ne'er wunn'd no trouble ta start wit! DA DUMB-ASS!"
Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Soldat Elf
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Soldat Elf A Pee Noise

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

As the scene cool off. Louise started to approach the dark armored man. She stood up straight in the front the enormous armored figure, glared on him with her usual look.

"I'd been looking for you since I was on my young age. Mister Mysterious Merchant at night." She excited said to Goodenough as hugging her box. Her eyes are sparkling. "You are one of those woodsman rumour and one of the legend story that I had read before!” She continued with a big smile on her face.

Sylphy appeared and was lurking from the back of her head.

"I am Louise Ironside. I assume that my ancestors were your regular costumers from the old times. The rumors where been past down by generations."
Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Randomness
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Randomness Of Ridiculous Awesomeness

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Solomon Sparrow & Athena Voltspear

Location: Kindeance

This was not at all what Athena expected to happen. She agreed with Jazdia when she also stepped in to help wrangle the shopping spree girls. And when Erwin escalated after the once Goodenough was on his way, She also spoke up with Jazdia. It wasn’t really worth the hassle. Athena didn’t like the man, she wasn’t disagreeing with Erwin on that, but they already had another mission to take care of. The closest town was Fanghorn, and though they had guards on hand, their resources were still limited.

Then Erwin made good on his threat. The gunshot hit true, the fluttering of several birds filling the void of silence after the thunderous boom deafened those near. Athena’s ears flattened as she flinched from the explosive echo. Jazdia’s appeal to put the gun down ignored.

“Erwin!” she shouted before the merchant started to change. She stood watching as the thing grew larger and grosser as tentacles sprouted from almost every part of his form. She raised her shield, and lowered herself more defensively. She gripped her spear tightly with her other hand, the point aimed towards the monstrosity’s direction. She took a couple steps forward, keeper her eye on the monster, more so on his lance. Unfortuneately, the creature moved before she could and struck Erwin’s torso, sending him flying back. Athena quickly dashed from where she was to stand in between formerly Goodenough and Erwin. She took a quick look back to see that Solomon had somehow already reached the man, making sure he was okay. Confirming that Erwin was alive, Athena returned to looking down the nautical horror.

Solomon had been watching the peddler leave, and then Erwin taking a shot. Bad decision by the looks of it. The darkening of the merchant’s shadow and the shadowy aura of the earlier pulse had a true source. He wasn’t just a man who had learned magic, this was a being that was truly capable of harnessing it. A being Solomon had once encountered so many years ago. One that supplied him the power to go down his current path.

As Erwin landed on the ground, Solomon rose from a black shadowy mass near by to make sure he was okay. The hit he took was surprising soft in appearance, appearing to only have pushed him back than attempted to pierce. Either way, he was conscious, and Solomon’s attention wasn’t truly needed. Solomon stood up from his position on the ground, helping Erwin stand as well.

“Come on up, you’re okay.” said Solomon. Despite being decrepit in his own right, Solomon was able to be stable and study enough to help Erwin up, “ Have you ever been taught to pick you battle, young man?”

Athena stayed where she was. Even though the entity visibly backed down, calming even, Athena kept her guard up. Her stand made it clear she was being defensive as opposed to hostile. She didn’t know what Goodenough turned into, but she didn’t want to risk the creature turning aggressive again and landing another blow against those around her.

“Please keep back.” shouted Athena to those very people. While that included most of the women, it was directly more towards Louise who approached the tentacled entity. Athena’s fingers slowly raised and lowered onto her spear, making sure her grip was solid. She didn’t know what was going to happen next, but she still felt uneasy about the elevated situation. One thing was for sure, the party wasn’t going to get much rest for the duration of the night.
Hidden 11 mos ago Post by wierdw


Member Seen 6 mos ago

"Oh fer FUCK'S SAKE--"
"Stop cooin' at da man ladeh! Ya's aready ENGAGED, 'member!? YEESH!"
"Yeah-- Ta DUMB-SHEIT 'ere!"
"Cool it Lil'-- Mistah, Dis 'ere fella clearly ain't from out'n da sticks likes we is--"
"Ain't used ta "Special peoples" likes us, and dun know knows tuh behave-- Clearleh!"

Their attention once again got directed at Louise.

"Realleh naow-- Mistah Good'nuff dere dun poured 'nuff buttuh fer 5 damn birds aready, so knocks it off. What he NEED, be a drink ta soothe 'is throat!"
"'Esactleh. Mistah, you gots the fixins, we gots de kit rights 'ere. Brew ya up a bottle, no charge."
"Leas' we kin do, af'er mistah TIN PANTS o'er ere dun gone an been a LIT'RAL pain in ya neck!"

The two let out a synchronized nervous giggle, while rose opened up her side satchel, and pulled out parts of her makeshift potion kit.

Rose gave an expectant look, with her ears up, indicating her rather diminutive alembic, before finishing for her sister.

"Leas' we kin dos."
Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Mas Bagus
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Mas Bagus Storyteller

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The transformed merchant stood there unmoving, listening to all the different reactions laid out in front of him. Admiration, anger, cautiousness, nervousness, fear, and indifference. The bears could not stop talking, the elf gave him a stern warning, and the fair lady moved toward him fearlessly. He raised his tentacled hands and warned her to stop.

Stop moving, stop talking. He was old, he didn't remember, he didn't have the urgency to remember. For him, all memories like messages written upon the sand, lasted only until the next high tide.

"I will remember thy Name. Louise Ironside." He said, with a voice that reverberated. He still sounded menacing, but if one could notice, everything he said was done with great difficulty.

"Now don't stray too close. Go back to those who call you his dearest,"

And toward the bears he said. "I am unfit... to conduct business right now. Apologise." he raised his oversized hand, having the fingers and tentacle gripped his lance and pulled it up before returning to his carriage, where the difference in size was apparent.

Before leaving, he exchanged a glance with Jazdia. "I will leave... in peace. Until next time."

Unhindered, Goodenough guided his transport back into his supposed direction. The four lamps in his carriage were extinguished, and nobody could tell where he was going when the darkness of the night swallowed his gargantuan silhouette.
Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by wierdw


Member Seen 6 mos ago

With the merchant's polite refusal to "do business" (even for a free service), the girls felt they had experienced enough excitement for the night, and decided to get some sleep.
Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Jamesyco
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Easily having enough time from the shot to get into a defensive posture, but he did get pushed back several feet but kept to his feet as he stared at everyone in disbelief as if they were crazy. He stared at the creature, "I care not for what you are, I care for what your purpose is that you told us... the way you are headed would break the law, I have no quarrel with you, but with what you are doing for it is treason. While you are in the Lands of Kindaence, you must follow our laws, I was hoping that I was cordial in my investigation, but you seem to have taken offense to questions I would ask anyone. But yes, I do have lethal intent with your current course, it would bring war upon this nation, and I would not wish to see the prosperity undone."

He smiled at Solomon who was there more or less to catch him, and his head bowed for a moment in thanks as he looked back towards the creature, sword still raise in posture, he was thankful his armor wasn't on for the small amounts of extra mobility he had, and was thankful he still had the padding on.


He stared at the creature whacking his grandson, and he sighed as he picked up his staff, as the creature departed he was thankful, "Oh I am fine... his type tend to stay away from me for a reason. If anything, I would say we should be closer to assist my grandson. I may be old, but I am far from defenseless." he said to the woman, with a smile, climbing down as he held his hand up towards her, "Now... shall we go to the over zealous fool?"
Hidden 11 mos ago Post by A5G
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A5G Insane Hobo

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The lack of followup weapon clashing and/or elf-powered explosion was encouraging, though it did took the wind out of Yvonne's sail. Scratching her head rather awkwardly, another look at the discount Davy Jones confirmed that the creature wasn't turning hostile despite presumably having gotten shot just moment ago.

She had to admit that it got more patience than herself.

"Uh, riiight." She helped the old man off the wagon, their pace slow enough that by the time they got to the confrontation site the monstrous merchant had long since faded into the tenebrous veil of night. So much for getting all riled up, but guess it could've been a lot worse.

Yvonne kept her tongue for herself for now, not quite having the context of what's going on beyond the fact that a shot was fired. No one looked injured in their group, she'll have to listen in a bit before starting to be judgmental. Call it an instinct, but her bullshit detector was tingling. There's definitely a dumbfuckery ongoing here, one way or another.
Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Nightknight


Member Seen 9 mos ago

Varya Chandrar

Varya was drifting into thoughtless sleep. The day had been a long one, and he was glad it was over for him. What felt like not long after getting comfortable, a loud bang woke him abruptly from his slumber! His eyes opened wide as he jolted awake, reflexively reaching for his trusted bow. He then grabbed his quiver of arrows and slung upon his back. He rushed out without putting on any clothing. In a fight, every second counts. Having only the quiver on his back, holding his bow in hand, and completely naked, he ran out from his dwelling, his tired and rushed mind struggling to take in all the information in the midst of this sudden explosive energy.

The first thing Varya noticed was a mass of tentacles wearing heavy plate mail and towering over everyone present, wielding an equally long and vicious lance. He did not like where this was going. Immediately upon seeing the strange aberration, Varya shrouded himself in a veil of invisibility, than took a few steps to the left as to not be in the same spot where he vanished. The creature stabbed Erwin with its enormous lance, though Erwin was still standing. Varya planted his feet firmly upon the ground, channeling the power of the earth as he casts Bhumidevi's Embrace. Steadying himself, he grabs one of his arrows and starts to slowly draw his bow, taking a deep breath as he does so to calm himself after seeing the attack on Erwin. He must be calm in the storm. He stretches the bow string until it reaches next to his right ear, his eyes fixated on the creature's left underarm. It's armor appears thick, so he is targeting where the arm guard meets the shoulder in an attempt to hit a weaker part of the armor and ideally cripple its arm.

As Varya is fixing his aim and preparing to let loose his arrow, he heard various others object to further violence, the creature's stern warning, and chastising Erwin. Excited but heading the others concerns, he slowly relaxed the tension on the string, placing it back to neutral position and putting away his arrow. Still cautious, Varya keeps his hand firmly on his bow, but otherwise stands there, ready to enter draw position at a moments notice. As the dark man proceeded to enter the darkness, only then did the invisible elf see it as opportune to go back to the indent in the rock wall to grab his weapons and clothing. He kept his eyes glued on the stranger's wagon as he slowly walked towards the small cave. Placing trust that the entourage could react to an attack, clothed and armed himself, stepping forth once again, still obscured by his illusion magic. He kept one eye on the wagon as it slowly rode into the darkness, and another on Thernous who was thankfully unharmed during the whole situation.

Waiting until the stranger's wagon was out of view before, Varya hid behind a bush and unveiled his illusions, before stepping out and making himself visible to everyone. He approaches Erwin, following closely behind Thernous. "Are you ok Sir Erwin? Do you need bandages or water?" His voice carrying the slightest hint of concern.
Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Jamesyco
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His staff rose momentarily and landed upon the backside of Erwin's head, "You idiot... Next time make sure everyone is on your side before you do something brash, and make sure it's awake, what you said is true but the way you went about the situation is wrong. These people are civilians for the most part, they do not trust you or the way you do things. While I am classified under you, and understand your reasoning, while you did the right thing, you wouldn't have done much" he looked around at the group. "No one else here does, not even the one person you love. The creature might have been doing wrong, but make sure you can win outright... Also, that it isn't a magical creature twice your size, I know that is hard for you, everyone we have encountered I told you what they were."

With that another whack followed, "But... the fact you deducted it was something else, but also listen to those around you, reading on everyone here is the reason why you and Louise are here, to learn, and gain insight, since you can't use magic like most of those here... including here." he said his hand out towards Louise, "your equalizer is that gun which you need to clean now... that can kill a mage better than any bow, and something like that if you have the right materials as your ammunition, they are easy to kill, but knowing you you don't read or wait for that matter."

Several more whacks continued before he placed hand on the mans shoulders, and any internal injury or bruising would be healed. "Now, everyone get to bed... But you Erwin, you're on watch, and try not to shoot anything else..."


He nodded some as he smiled over at Varya, "yes, only things gone are a few bruises and a loss of faith. But, I thank you for your concern friend." Then a brutal onslaught of words, and whacks came.

Erwin after a barrage of whacks to the head from a walking stick, stared at his grandfather, he would have retorted, but he just crouched down to get his musket before raising it up in his hands. "Grandfather... they are here with the same purpose as us, they should step forward to duty since they are tasked with this mission. Those that live here are trying to protect their home, and that thing could have caused something beyond this kingdom's capabilities."

"But more importantly... she knew the creature, and said nothing about it?" he said looking over towards Jaz, "I told you... if there is any reason for me not to shoot the man with my sound logic, tell me... and after I shot him, you tell me his name. You could have said, Oh, I know this person, or some piece of evidence that went against my judgement and said nothing."
Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Mas Bagus
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Mas Bagus Storyteller

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"First of all, being an eldritch abomination is his business and it is not illegal to be one. And second, if you are wondering, sir Erwin. Casdegar is not his name. It means Ancient One in Elvish."

Jazdia moved closer. Her face was devoid of any emotion, but one could see a banked fire of anger in her eyes. "Like the word 'she-elf' you used to address me. The difference is I know a common courtesy and picked my words better than you."

The restaurant owner's gaze darted to Thernous for a moment, then flickered back to Erwin. Ready to unleash her vexation. Deserving or not she will be sharp. If the words cut deeper than a knife, then she can afford to be brutal.

"Also don't act like I am under your command. Kid. I know the law of your nation better than you. I helped reform your constitution 20 years ago, and my organization oversaw all of its amendments. When you prattled about the law like the word was some cheap mantra, I couldn't help but laugh inwardly, but I did not say anything so you could preserve your dignity. It was wrong, indeed, clearly so now because I thought even if you have a brain about the size of your trigger-happy finger, I couldn't imagine, of all myriads of reasons to not shoot, you chose to shoot a man over some unfounded suspiciousness. How does it feel when your arrogance backfires on you? Suck it up! And don't bother me."

Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Jamesyco
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Member Seen 5 days ago


Rolled his eyes as he walked back to the thing, the woman has it handled. But she does need to read the laws a bit better, and the rights of those who enforcement, though she is on the right track. The constitution he pretty much rewrote to fit the bills and limitations around that time, and to make sure that a bureaucratic and legislative entity existed for situations such as these.

"Ancient creature or not he is right about the laws of the land. There is a reason those ancient ones are dwindling, but do not mistake his trigger finger for a lack of brains, he has plenty of those, he is rash, young, and an enforcer. His work is similar to your own Lady Jazdia, the only difference is experience. But, as I said, go to bed, you are arguing with a brick wall of law enforcement who is now trying to find a way to fight an ancient creature by himself and win. Now he is wishing he brought one of his new rifles, or one of those new shell cannons with him. But you are both correct, and both wrong, for different reasons. Now please stop before we keep everyone else awake. Erwin just stay quiet, and do your job. You did well with your thoughts, but you are an idiot with how you handled it. Regardless we are meant to be a team... But he was in his right to kill an enemy of the state, and his reasoning is sound. His disrespect for not knowing your name, or in fact talking to anyone else in the group while travelling tack is his own fault."


Erwin was in fact trying to figure out how to straight up kill one of these creatures he had just encountered, maybe he should have read more than focus on parties, his duty, and lifestyle. He stared fire back at the woman in front of him, and sighed, "I am sorry Miss Jadzia, but I did not know your name. But, you knew what it was... and the laws were intended to create a stable and harmonious bit, the constitution only gives rights, it does not write laws. Laws come from those within the constitution, it is their figure, not their body. Laws were created after, during and before it was rewritten, the constitution only determines how government should be ran, and absolutes."

He sheathed his sword and slowly moved his musket to his side as he looked behind him at his grandfather, "But... I told you what I would do, when I say something, I intend to do it as you have learned. And they are not unfounded, he told us his intentions, he told us what he was doing. That is evidence from the source itself, honest evidence that reeks of legal wrongdoing. It is not arrogance, it is truth that I follow, you are not in the old ways anymore; things have changed, and the people have spoken. Honor and duty come first to me, if there was an entity meaning to do you or your people wrong, would you let that happen? You take everything out of context to listen to your own voice, yet call me arrogant. I listen, watch, and take in information and act upon it. You sit there, and do not explain anything because you expect me to know what the fuck a Casdegar is. I know it is not illegal to be something magical, or out of humanity, we have elves, we have two talking bears, I am sure my grandfather is a mage of some kind, and I have seen Louise talking to what I can only assume are ancestors."

"I know they are allowed, but that isn't the point... The man would have travelled through a warring nation, or one which wishes war upon us, have you not listened to a word I have said? Have you not listened to any of the conversation besides what you wish to hear because it has been obvious you dislike me because of whatever notion you have towards an authority that will do it's duty in protecting itself from any threat."
Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Mas Bagus
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Mas Bagus Storyteller

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When Thernous said the attempt to kill was legal, Jazdia felt her face grow hot. What did the man say to his grandfather when she was not looking? Jazdia wondered. Did he know that the shot was not discharged out of self-defense nor to answer to a provocation or hostility? Or if he knows, did he just condone what is basically an execution without trial of a not-yet-armed civilian?

That Erwin, after a brief apology still tried to blather about his views about law. Like a cheap mantra. She wondered what he was trying to achieve with that. To debate her reasoning? To convince that his actions were sensible.

"Be quiet!" she said bluntly. "This is not a courtroom. While in my belief your method was unprocedural and disproportionate, I know better than to continue a futile endeavor to compare our understandings of the law of the land here, because the debate would continue for days."

Let those nobles believe whatever they want to believe.

"Lord Thenous, there is one one more thing I need to discuss with you too. Despite the dissenting opinions about the soundness of the procedure used by Erwin, I truly hope this will not happen again. Even if someone is suspicious, what would we do then? Interrogate them? It would take a full day. Kill them? That would earn us unnecessary attention and I wish not to sleep with a damaged conscience. We are on a very sensitive mission, and we only have seventeen days left to go there and back again. Minimizing our signature is important.

Pausing, Jazdia appeared to be more relaxed, though the fury in her eyes was still apparent.

"We are not here to do tentative law enforcement, we are here to bridge communication. Already four times your king's envoys failed with their task, we can't afford to be the fifth."
Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Jamesyco
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The man looked at her as she caught up to him, and he looked at her, "the law is something he actually knows well, after all his grandfather wrote it, and he was around for most of it's making beside me as I wrote the laws. But with the constitution and it's bureaucratic nightmare, thankfully there are two courts, one is locally done, the other is done in the name of the king. Those suspected of crime, all those with the seal of the king are both sherrif and judge, but it is preferred for them to be sent to court. For the trade, marital, and anything civil, it goes to specialized courts. But treason is one of the few things that if defined evidence is found, is fatal for the ones committing it unless special orders are given."

"But that is already dealt with... We already decided the fate of one, I would rather not have a road of blood behind us. But, for those that were previous to us... None of them left our land, and none of them were seen again. Erwin knows this, and he is paranoid of it. He had arrested people before, but never had to kill anyone, maim someone here and there yes, but in defense. Now that he has stakes, now that everything he knows could be on fire in the next moment, he is going to do what he feels is right."

"But for the question, we will likely have to here and there, especially for when we find their brother." he said, referencing the bears as he looked towards them, "his captors will likely be the same reason no envoy has made it out of Kindance, and if they have, soon after crossing the border. We just have to keep Erwin away, and Louise should do fine with that. But we keep them, and the twins out of it... They will all be trouble, and they are all innocent. We are sent here to do a lot of things, envoy, investigation, we have a lot on our plate that we have to do in likely twelve days. By the time we cross the border, we will need to take a ferry or boats south on the river closer to the capital to expedite our process."

He got to the wagon, and climbed into the back as he held his staff there, pulling himself into the small cozy little bundle he was in prior, "cooler heads will prevail with time and experience."

Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Mas Bagus
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Mas Bagus Storyteller

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Jazdia couldn't say she was satisfied with Thernous' answer, but that was probably given. Erwin, after all, was his grandson, and he had to ensure everyone could tolerate him and understand his behavior one way or another. Jazdia only understood one thing, that was there were just two kinds of people in this kind of mission. Either they are an asset or a liability. And in her judgment, today Erwin acted like the latter.

Two uncontrollable factors had already shown up on the first day, she wondered how many more she had to deal with. Should have known this wouldn't be that easy.

Silently, Jazdia walked toward her own space; one spot in the shallow cave at the end of their camp. A campfire was already lit in front of it, but the hearth felt a bit too far.

Already had enough of unnecessary negativity, Jazdia decided to make peace with it and just find her most comfortable position and rest. Fortunately, she had brought her bedroll with her.
Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Randomness
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Randomness Of Ridiculous Awesomeness

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Solomon Sparrow & Athena Voltspear

Location: Kindeance

Athena kept her guard up even as the eldritch horror turned to leave, the light of his lanterns extinguishing into the darkness of the night. Her eyes remained trained on his position, watching him leave farther than the others could feasibly until he was even hidden in the darkness beyond what her eyes could see. Only then did she rise from her stance, lowering her shield and spear. She sighed, thankful that there wasn’t any further escalation. She turned her head sharply to stare at Erwin, currently arguing with Jazdia.

“I think what needs to be said has been said.” interjected Athena. Though most of her ire was with Erwin, she was speaking those arguing by the former merchant campsite. “We’ve wasted too much time dealing with this, and we’re only wasting more by arguing about it. Let just finish resting for what time remains, and then we can leave at light.” There was a lot Athena wanted to contribute to the conversation, such as how information he was worried the eldritch peddler might convey was the very same information he gave willingly. Or how he was willing to risk the envoy and the mission as a whole pursuing a crime they weren’t sent to investigate. But Athena truly believed in her own words. The stress of the situation had finally hit her with a wave of exhaustion to the point she didn’t know if she could continue her watch through the night.

“I think Thernous ends on a good note. We all need a moment to cool our heads.” said Solomon, “The conflict is over, and a little sleep would do everyone some good. Rose and Lileh have already gone to bed. If you all wish, you can discuss it further once we are on the road again.” Solomon walked in between the guard and elf, to split them apart and headed back to the camp.

Whether it was his words or not, the argument ended. Slowly, but surely the others were making their way back to the camp. Jazdia was the first, heading straight for the shallow cave on the hillside cliff. Athena followed her shortly, deciding that she would keep watch for the rest of the night. She ended up circling around a spot near where the carriage was parked, and sat down with her back against the wheel. She kept her eyes at either side of the road, and her ears twitched on occasion. For Solomon, he sat by the fire, watching the others as they resettled for the night. It was certainly a start to their adventure. Unlikely to be boring.
Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Nightknight


Member Seen 9 mos ago

Varya Chandrar

Varya could tell that things were getting heated between Jazdia, Erwin and Thernous. Through all that was exchanged he could get a glimpse as to what caused all this commotion. Jazdia is starting to earn his respect, making the point of prioritizing the mission and getting into the heart of situations at hand and prioritizing peace over semantics and unknown variables. At the same time he is starting to grow disillusioned with Thernous who responded with legalese over the issue of offending a very ancient being. This did not reflect well on King Fredricous should his relation to these two imply a similar manner of worldview. Erwin had room to grow, and Varya could tell that he at least seemed to do his actions for the sake of the people of Kindeance. Thernous's deflection on the other hand for someone who should know better was more dis-concerning. Perhaps though Varya was jumping to conclusions. After all he does not now these people, so it is likely these unfortunate events were merely that, a fluke of judgement. That being said, he will keep a professional distance between himself, Erwin and Thernous for now till perhaps he could see another side of them. After all, mistakes do happen, and people are not their mistakes, and can learn from them.

Jazdia was a source of confidence for Varya. She was level headed, discerning, strong spirited, the kind of person Varya would be happy to serve and fight alongside with in the field of battle, not that he would himself to show much of it that is. He could tell she had great potential, and it was worth it in his eyes to understand her more. In short, she intrigued him.

Varya was reminded how tired he was as he gave a yawn. Seeing that the danger had passed and the duty of night-watch was given to Erwin as punishment, Varya gave Jazdia, Louise, Athena, Erwin and Thernous a bow before he made his way back to his bedroll, exhausted by all that had occurred. He was still currently spooked and on edge from the towering tentacled being he had saw minutes before, and it would take a while for him to lower his guard to the point that he was comfortable enough to drift off to sleep, but drift he did into the sweet caress of sleep.
Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Jamesyco
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The old man nodded, "Cool your heads and start thinking as one, pick up slack in areas others lack. Some of you know each other, many of you do not. Some has more knowledge than others, some are more afraid than others. Learn to know each other, and learn to think as one... It is what I tell my usual company. It work better that way if we all have the same thought, and since we all are on the same path, we should tread it together."


Erwin looked over at Louise and pressed his lips together, "Are you going to yell at me to for doing my duty to our King? For doing the right thing to some creature that thinks he's above everyone else because he is doing the exact thing we are trying to stop? Do you think I'm a fool for standing my ground?" he asked in an almost whisper.
Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Soldat Elf
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Soldat Elf A Pee Noise

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Louise was been staring at the dark armored man until his silhouette vanished on the darkness. She then tagged along on the people who were having a conversation.

Erwin looked over at Louise and pressed his lips together, "Are you going to yell at me to for doing my duty to our King? For doing the right thing to some creature that thinks he's above everyone else because he is doing the exact thing we are trying to stop? Do you think I'm a fool for standing my ground?" he asked in an almost whisper.

Louise glared on him, still possessing the box with her hands. Listened on his thoughts. She closed her eyes for less than a second and reached one of her hand on his hand to pat.

"You done what you think is right for sake of your duty. When things having a mistakes. Nobody is perfect. It's normal to have a mistakes. There are still a lot of time to improve."
Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Jamesyco
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Jamesyco Forever a Student

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"So you believe it was a mistake to stop a crime that can start a war?" he asked looking at her, "That wasn't a mistake on my part, but yours, and everyone else's... Most of them are here for money, we are not here for that Louise. That man, that creature of an ancient time will create a war worse than the one we are headed into."
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