Age: Imagine any old person you know. She's older. No one knows for sure. A cat certainly wouldn't be keeping count.
Gender: Female
Appearance: (What do they look like, and what do they wear) A white Maine Coon, about two feet long if you stretch Her from front limbs to hind limbs. Teal left eye, golden right eye. Wears a leather collar with a wooden tag. The language on it seems of ancient nature, but enchanted to bless anyone who tries to read it, and it does read Clomenhau.
Bio: (What is their backstory, and how were they contacted by the king) Originally a cripple named Granabon received such a letter. He who saw the future, who led a revolution to liberate the masses from tyranny. Even back then he already did not have a left leg. Anyway, that was before anyone's time. Far too old to complete such or any other journey, he entrusts the task to his saviour. His mystical cat. It's still debated if Clomenhau was formerly a sentient being or otherwise, but she can definitely understand mortal languages.
Passives: (What kind of passive talents do they have) Cat - Imagine every advantage (or disadvantage) a cat has over a humanoid. Rational - Understands language, spoken or written. Can form rational thought. If only cats could speak. Dominance - Power flows into the cat when She witnesses death. Souls stray into Her instead of the Afterlife. A chance to permanently increase physical ability, or imbue entirely new spells and passives. Dominance: Physical Ability - It's difficult to quantify. So far she's shown to be able to run faster than horses, and can pierce iron with her claws. Scary notions, coupled with the heightened reflexes and agility that cats already have. Libra's Eye - Her golden right eye. You will feel it staring at you, weighing your sins. She can see your guilt. Momentary Future Sight - Always sees up to a moment (around 20 seconds) ahead in the future. If only cats could speak and share what they know.
Spells: (What kind of spells do they know, maximum of 4 spells) Mayhem - The cat stares at you. It's unnerving. It urges you to act on your intrusive thoughts. Betrayal. Betray other people. Betray yourself. Do it. Reanimate Corpse - Enslave the dead to do Her loyal bidding. No real time limit against peasants and weaklings, but only the stronger ones remain capable of speech. Maximum of one corpse at a time. Nullify - The cat stares at you, watching you dare cast spells in Her presence. Your magic formulas are deconstructed. Disintegrated. Destroyed. Shatter - A touch-range spell that disassembles any inanimate object into its parts. A more powerful being might be able to use this on the living, at farther ranges.
Equipment: (What kind of tools and weapons do they have on them) A leather collar with a wooden tag that bears Her name on it, written in an ancient language, enchanted so that anyone can read it. A letter signifying the King's attempt at recruiting Granabon. Granabon's response letter. A freshly caught lizard with its tail cut off.
Other: (What other things should we know about your character) Not afraid of water.
Many of them are related to the worldbuilding. I am sorry I didn't adequately inform anyone about it in IC or OOC, that's why most evaluations are done in DC server. Anyway, here are some obvious ones:
-She is a cat with superhuman strength. Making the advantages or disadvantages of being a cat pointless -No souls may evade the afterlife. Permanent stat increase/spell effectiveness is forbidden -Learning Magic comes with a price, be it time to practice it, or lifespan if you want to cheat it. -Witnessing death can't make you automatically learn a new spell -Her Far-seeing ability contributes nothing to the party -Mind reading is a rare ability, and can only be performed to a willing target -Mind controlling does not exist -Dispelling someone's spell requires a solid reading on what magical codes are used, and magical codes can be as unique as fingerprints. Undoing someone's magic can't be done instantly, or that easily -Giving her Thanos' finger snap is a big no -There seems to be no reason for Fredricus to invite a crippled oracle.
Age: Imagine any old person you know. She's older. No one knows for sure. A cat certainly wouldn't be keeping count.
Gender: Female
Appearance: (What do they look like, and what do they wear) A white Maine Coon, about two feet long if you stretch Her from front limbs to hind limbs. Teal left eye, golden right eye. Wears a leather collar with a wooden tag. The language on it seems of ancient nature, but enchanted to bless anyone who tries to read it, and it does read Clomenhau.
Bio: (What is their backstory, and how were they contacted by the king) The Cat Distribution System, it is a myth that has formed due to the tendency of cats to approach and follow complete strangers, as if offering themselves to be domesticated. Deeper in that myth speaks of cats who live lives beyond measure. Scattered across the world, they choose worthy beings and stay by them, not necessarily to help, but to at least watch. Watch their champions live interesting lives. Who would say no to a cat? As with most other cats who happen upon their whereabouts, this one was not invited. She arrives, either way.
Passives: (What kind of passive talents do they have) Cat - Imagine every advantage (or disadvantage) a cat has over a humanoid. Rational - Understands language, spoken or written. Can form rational thought. If only cats could speak. Tiger God's Aura - A divine blessing. Boundless in its direct scale to the user's age, yet pointless in its sole ability to make Her appear more intimidating when needed.
Spells: (What kind of spells do they know, maximum of 4 spells) Reanimate Corpse - Enslave the dead to do Her loyal bidding. No real time limit against peasants and weaklings, but only the stronger ones remain capable of speech. Maximum of one corpse at a time. Call of the Feline - Mew loudly. Persuade cats within a huge area to answer to Her bidding. Healing Licks - Seals light wounds. Tiger God's Slash - A divine power. Once a day, it is as if a paw of the Tiger God itself emanates and creates three parallel slashes 0.5 meters deep.
Equipment: (What kind of tools and weapons do they have on them) A leather collar with a wooden tag that bears Her name on it, written in an ancient language, enchanted so that anyone can read it. A freshly caught lizard with its tail cut off.
Other: (What other things should we know about your character) Not afraid of water.
@Grade I did some evaluations with your skillset and honestly the wordings felt like they can be interpreted differently
In his first skill for example, this sentence [Psychokinetically control ice at twice the rate and range, even further away if ice is within line of sight] is kinda lost in me. Does the ability comes with ice teleknesis? Does the skill allows, for example, Evan to hurl pieces of ice with extreme velocity it can make a hole in rocks or steel plates?
His third skill seems fine. However I have to ask, how translucent are they anyway? Almost invisible to the naked eye? Also would they be dispelled when the moon is covered by clouds/at dawn/cant be seen?
A repost for the new RP, several generally simple changes have been made, as summarized in the changelog. Otherwise the same.
Name: Veronica Blackwater Species: Human Vampire Lord Age: 25 (appears 18) Gender: Female Height: 5'8" Appearance: Veronica appears as a pale young woman, not to a porcelain degree, but more like she could use a bit more sun. Her long black hair falls in mostly straight waves down to her mid-back. Her irises are a bloody crimson hue, with her pupils narrowed to reptilian slits. Her frame rides a balance between curvaceous and athletic, lined beneath supple skin with wiry, compact muscles that tend not to be apparent without a physical inspection. Though she often wears a smile, it is rarely an open-mouthed one, largely to avoid broadcasting her fanged incisors. She tends to smell mostly scentless, as the combination of scentless soaps and an undead body that doesn't decompose leaves her presence mostly muted to mundane means. Her garb is fairly eccentric, all blacks and velvety sanguine reds with a subtle butterfly motif. Actual metal armor is applied sparingly and primarily to her joints, almost as an afterthought, to the point of giving the false impression it's only for decoration. By the metrics of society, her garb is rather immodest, the design and accents often drawing the eye to exposed skin or tight enough to be somehow more provocative than outright absence. When she needs to be more subtle (and as a common measure of sunlight protection), she wears a fairly innocuous, brown traveler's cloak.
Born far from the Capital in a place within Kindeance that could best be described as "that idyllic village with some farmer", Veronica was an average human daughter to a peasant hunter... aside from a slight hiccup. Born under a good omen, she was blessed with an innate magical gift for "reading fate", a Seer who might one day have been found and trained to be the mystical advisor of this or that hero, guiding them on the path to a glorious destiny. However, as fate would have it, a True Vampire, one Lord Blackwater, who had long-since set down roots after hailing from a land outside Kindeance, unfortunately heard tell of her and sought to turn her as a subordinate to use her gift for himself. The girl, otherwise defenseless aside from her capacity to see her near future, was captured and a year thereafter turned into a similar creature of darkness, lesser and mystically bound by her hated "master's" bond as her Sire.
Over the two years since her abduction, she was trained in the arts of ninjutsu and magic. she had no choice but to be honed into a weapon and tool for her "master", made an unwilling killer and her magic refined further for the sake of making her a more useful tool for foreseeing misfortune and spying upon the Vampire Lord's enemies... when she wasn't used to murder them outright. Unfortunately for him, training her resulted in the resentful little vampire awakening a second aspect of her gift, one that allowed her to avoid the destiny that she could prior only despair at. Through this, she was able to slip the master bond of her Sire and catch him unawares. Caught off guard, the Vampire Lord was torn limb from limb, and in drinking his blood, Veronica fully became a Vampire Lord like her Sire and shattered whatever might have remained of their bond.
Come the morning, her tormenter's remains were reduced to ashes by the sun, and Veronica once more breathed the sweet air of freedom... Though it was tainted by the bitterness of her new "condition" as a Vampire Lord -if a young one, and she was unsure what to do with herself. Despite bloodied hands and a darkened spirit, she hadn't been under her Sire's yoke long enough to taint her morality irrevocably. She was still herself, and she had no intention of being the monster the next hero would slay.
With that determination made, for the safety of innocent lives, she reluctantly made a home in her Sire's former lair and left primarily only to get sustenance, once more taking up a hunter job of her human family in order to have an at least legitimate supply of blood to drink. In such a way, delivering "pre-drained" cadavers to local butchers of nearby towns and villages, she made a simple living on simple coin... along with whatever her Sire's coffers contained. Her "condition" was one she mostly tried to conceal, but in the end, the King had his ways. Long story short, a year after regaining her freedom, at age 20, she was found out, but the fact that she had stayed a "productive member of society" and wasn't going around murdering people unprovoked and generally being a megalomaniac stayed the hands of potential hunting parties. The fact that it was eventually discovered that she had slain the Vampire Lord before her added another element of potential trustworthiness to her, and so, she was approached as a potential agent of the King to be given a chance to truly prove her loyalty and good will to the kingdom.
As such, for the next half decade, Veronica would find herself occasionally acting on behalf of "favors" from the Crown, working as an espionage agent, Seer, and sometimes soldier and scout for the Guard. Collaborations with Matilda, the Head of the Guard, weren't common, but they weren't uncommon either. Over the course of 5 years, the two developed a basic working relationship. They may not necessarily trust each other, but they don't specifically mistrust each-other either. And Veronica would be inclined to trust her back to the orc warrior.
Over the years, Veronica came to be less resentful of her "condition", and with the tentative faith afforded to her by the kingdom, she has come to redevelop a sense of confidence and acceptance. Nowadays, her "condition" is just another part of life... one she expects will be very long, so she has chosen not to wallow in self-pity and depression. Her once concealing garb has been exchanged for borderline proud eccentricity. While she does not explicitly advertise her "condition", she is no longer shamed by or afraid of it. She is a Vampire in the King's Court, who has earned her place through good will, and she'll not let any tell her otherwise.
Four months ago, due to the seriousness of the kingdom's crisis and the desperation involved, Veronica would find herself requisitioned as an investigator, using her divinations to aid in tracking the Prince's kidnappers with the Guard while the main black ops team was off performing their own tasks. It is because her typical place of residence is a quite a fair distance from the Capitol that she was unable to be reached in time to join up with the main team initially. Regardless, she would eventually conclude her own investigation and move to join the primary team, going on to help locate the Prince's likely locations with her scrying magic.
In the aftermath of a successful retrieval mission and the averting of a national crisis, Veronica used the generous reward given to her by the King (along with a supplement of some of the riches left in her former Master's coffers) to officially purchase the castle and land she had been technically squatting on all that time, only not challenged on it presumably out of good will or concerns about angering the presently friendly vampire. Now that her Sire's former domain was hers in truth, with her i's dotted and t's finally crossed legally and socially, Veronica set about taking steps to making her new lands hospitable, making plans for a vineyard and wine enterprise. Contracting Cedar, the druidic bear of her past team, she was able to have her business functional inside weeks, rather than the months it could have taken, and made overtures to Jazdia Crystalspark about selling her new wares at the elf's restaurant, the Angel's Share.
Four months later, however, she was hearing tell of misfortune that had suddenly befallen Jazdia's business, something that her profit margins from that direction had already warned of. She hadn't wanted to believe it, but the numbers didn't lie. And until the most recent summons from the Crown, she had largely remained in her new lands, doing her best to stabilize and prepare her new holdings, as word of political tensions and cries for war drifted in from Rascade. As soon as she could arrange for her absence to be done without, Veronica departed for the Capital, determined to do her part to once more hopefully maintain peace in Kindeance.
Talants: Ninjutsu: She has been harshly trained in this collection of fundamental survivalist and espionage techniques, among which are: methods of gathering information and techniques of non-detection, avoidance and misdirection, along with disguise, escape and concealment. She's no stranger to picking locks or disabling traps either. This is the root of her shinobi teachings, one in which she has attained mastery status or near enough to it. Heavy focus. While medicine and archery are also parts of these techniques, she favors them lesser. Medicine: Her capacity for medical techniques tends towards "field surgery" and making sure injuries aren't immediately lethal. Setting bones. Popping dislocated joints back in. Applying splints, stitches, bandages and salves. She knows where to stab to kill fastest, so she has a pretty good idea how to be more careful when treating certain afflictions. She's not a biology guru or proper doctor; that's for certain. She's just got a good head for improvisation. Archery: She's a decent shot, but she prefers unaware or otherwise stationary targets. She compensates with her magic to predict her targets' movements for more difficult shots. Taijutsu: For those times she is trapped in prolonged CQC, she's adequate in the art of unarmed -or lightly armed- combat. Unarmed combat isn't her favorite, but she's not going to get steamrolled. Prefers to disengage and arm herself. Shurikenjutsu: She is excellent in the art of handling small, bladed weapons, both in CQC and as throwing weapons. This is her preferred fighting style. Fighting fair is for chumps. Sojutsu/Bojutsu: The art of wielding polearms. Particularly, Veronica favors the spear and scythe. Novice but unconventional. Her most inexperienced but also intuitive martial art and her "passion project". Technically, she's got the basics down pat, but her focus was never open combat under her Sire. That is something she became more familiar with working with the Royal Guard. In other words, she's mostly self-taught, so she tends to fight unconventionally in this art. Lip Reading: In the course of spying and assassination, she has developed the capacity to roughly read speech from afar. Parkour: Her vampiric strength makes her an able and acrobatic navigator of unconventional terrain, very useful for infiltration. Hunter: Her family trade, she is a respectable hand at tracking, trapping and skinning prey, along with camping in the wilds. Peasant Roots: Knowledgeable in the basics of various "womanly" tasks like cleaning, cooking and sewing. Rulership: While she had some basic experience in matters of leading under her Sire's tutelage prior, it's only after officially acquiring legal land and hiring people to tend to it that she's put her theoretical knowledge into practice, giving her a greater air of confidence and command when needs must. Once living long in the shadows, she can now project proper authority and charisma.
True Vampire/Vampire Lord: Darkvision: Even in pitch black, she can perceive the world in shades of grey. Though even this eyesight cuts off into murk past a certain point. Her long-range vision is otherwise very keen under proper lighting. Inhuman Physicality: Undeath has removed the normal limits on human musculature, giving her the capacity for peak human levels of physical feats. However, her muscles will still tear from exerting themselves to their fullest capacity, requiring she only do so in bursts and wait a brief while for them to heal. As long as she doesn't push too hard, she can still operate at normal human levels during the wait. While her body isn't exactly any more durable than a human's, she doesn't feel pain as more than an irritant, and most wounds are not lethal, only disabling. Healing Factor: Her wounds regenerate quickly. Not enough to be all that useful in battle, but outside battle, an hour's rest will mend most wounds, and a night's rest can restore her body entirely, even the loss of her head. Due to the constant nature of the regeneration, she is unable to reattach fully severed body parts. Her regeneration either starts with her mostly intact head or her body if the former is unavailable. Large-scale regeneration rapidly accelerates her bloodthirst's progression. Undeath: She is unaffected by poison, disease, exhaustion or age. Thirst: She doesn't need to eat, sleep or breathe, though she still requires some blood to sate her thirst. While as an undead, she technically doesn't need sustenance, much of her vampiric strengths will become less prominent with prolonged abstinence. In addition, much as any hungry creature, she is prone to increasingly large spurts of irritation and bloodlust until sated. She can subsist off animal blood, but sentient blood is far more fulfilling. She can also consume mundane foods, but they give her no nutrition. Predator: Her presence is generally disliked by creatures without sentience, wildlife naturally perceiving her as a predator, so she is generally unable to handle mundane animals (especially of the "prey" variety) without them going into fight of flight mode, regardless of her intent. They will tolerate her presence enough that she could ride in a cart pulled by horses, but riding horseback would take a beast with nerves of steel, like a veteran warhorse. Unreflected: She has no reflection, whether it be a mirror, body of water or any other surface. Sunlight Vulnerability: Though more resistant than a lesser vampire, sunlight is still her bane, burning badly but not lethally unless she remains in prolonged contact. Chop her to pieces and leave her exposed to daylight, and the sun will do the rest in about an hour. Holy Vulnerability: Certain "holy" or otherwise "sanctified" magics have the capacity to be a special bother to her as an undead. Averted Weaknesses: As a Vampire Lord, she no longer suffers from some of the weaknesses a typical lesser vampire exhibits. Running water no longer hinders her, and she doesn't need to be invited to cross a threshold of a residence. Wooden stakes are as any other weapon, even if getting stabbed in the heart would still be pretty annoying, for the splinters if nothing else. Siring: Vampire "reproduction" is fairly simple. While their undead bodies preclude them from being fertile, they can convert other living beings to more of their kind with a transfusion of their blood to a creature that has been drained dry of their own. The recipient will rise a day later as a lesser vampire fledgling, mystically subordinate to their Sire and unable to disobey direct commands. A fledgling that is granted the opportunity to consume a notable quantity of their Sire's blood again will be freed of the bond and become a True Vampire, otherwise known as a Vampire Lord, but only if their Sire was a Vampire Lord themselves. Lesser Vampires can create fledglings, but if the Sire does not become a True Vampire, their fledgling will be left precluded from being able to become a Vampire Lord as well for as long as that state persists.
Born a Seer when she was human, Veronica's magic revolves around divination, the capacity to view the past, present and future in order to gather information.
Sight of the Fated: Shows her the near future up to five seconds. Allows her to "simulate" her immediate future possibilities without committing to them until she finds one she likes. (eg. she can plan to leap through a window, and she will witness what would occur if she did/who or what is on the other side) She particularly favors using this with her archery. However, the present is always moving at least a little, and she can only make scry attempts so fast. She only has so much time in a given moment to make "guesses" and act on one before the "baseline" of her visions changes. And then she has to put up with the result. If she's facing an aware and skilled opponent, this can be particularly troublesome, especially if she has to waste time using her predictions to avoid attacks on herself rather than returning the favor.
Avert the Destined: Allows her to slip out of "phase" with the interference of the natural course of "destiny". When she enters this state, she becomes imperceptible and intangible to forces of direct mystical origin, shedding any hostile afflictions that currently linger upon her, like curses or bindings. A magical explosion and its immediate integral collateral (shockwave, small debris and such) would wash over her harmlessly, but a thrown steel beam would still ruin her day if not dodged. Divination can't see or target her. She treats magical shields and wards like they don't exist, and the barriers won't even register the intrusion. On the inverse, this separation with the mystical means she cannot affect the world with her other magic in turn until she reverts this state. This spell covers more obscure mystical phenomenon, including the "purifying" effect of the sun's rays on vampires, allowing her to be a "daywalker". (eg. this is what slipped her from her Sire's leash)
The Gift Known as the Present: Allows her to scry distant places and events that are occurring immediately in the now. The further she wants to reach and the more senses she wants to use at the targeted location at once, the more intensive the effort required, so she usually only uses sight and sound. Can be used either for short range strategic glimpses in combat, or ritualistically for spying on distant events. She can target specific individuals, but only if she knows what they look like or otherwise has some manner of catalyst related to them. She can scry any location she has seen personally, as visualization is important to the spell. Though, notably, she can expand the number of "starting points" available to her by panning her vision around a targeted location, her scrying gaze sufficient for the purposes of "marking" new places and people as "seen".
What Has Come Before: Through focused, meditative delving, allows her to wind back the clock of her vision and perceive past events that occurred in a radius of roughly 30 feet from her position. She can wind the clock forward as well, accelerating the "replay" to skip less interesting/relevant material. She can maintain this spell on the move and track events of the past up to the present as fast as she can manage to physically keep up with them. That said, she can only peer back as far as three days, so haste in reaching the "scene of the crime" is still a priority to ensure trails do not go cold.
General: Medium-Sized Brown Backpack: Compact and simple to don and doff. Change of clothes: Includes favored garb, a brown cloak, and practical full-body coverage wear for sun protection/stealth. Mundane Rations: Dry foods like jerky, dried fruit and nuts. (Sometimes used to help conceal her "condition".) Blood Rations: Several thick waterskins with blood of varying types in them (usually animal). A sip every meal period is typically enough to keep her topped off at peak performance. Scentless Soap: A standard cleanliness measure ground into her to aid non-detection. Applied whenever bathing. Coin Pouch: A padded, sectioned pouch, made to silence the jingle of coin.
Armament: Light Armor: Primarily leather over vitals, but some metal on forearms, elbows, knees, lower shins, upper sternum & shoulders. Sharpened Sai Daggers: Typically a defensive weapon, when weaponized, they make an excellent tool for liberating a victim of their eye sockets' contents, along with scrambling the brain behind them. Veronica uses them like deadly nails, punching precise holes in her foes' vitals. Throwing Knives: Not particularly deadly unless aimed well, they still make decent distractions if aimed for the face or neck. Passable for melee combat in a pinch. Far more threatening if coated with poison. Seijaku/Silence - Composite Recurve Shortbow: A bow type useful for firing while mobile. (stored in a leather waterproof case) Quiver: 30 arrow capacity. (30/30) Strapped to small of her back. Barbed & non-barbed arrows. Chigetsu/Blood Moon - War Scythe: Bathed in the blood of many lives over the decades, a strange, crimson polearm once belonging to her Sire. One end is mounted with a spearhead and the other with a scythe-head that is bladed on both edges, oriented oddly like a farming tool, rather than a typical war scythe. Normally, this weapon would be rather impractical, but it comes into its own wielded by a vampire's physicality. The scythe has the magical property to shrink down to the size of a sickle for discreet transport or return to normal (takes 5 seconds in either direction). The enchanted weapon's longevity is the result of the property of blood absorption, slowly but surely repairing itself with any sanguine essence that lingers upon its surface.
Miscellaneous/Tools: Tinderbox: Contains flint, fire steel, and dry cloth soaked in oil. Infiltration Kit: Includes a small file, lock picks, a small mirror mounted on a metal handle, a set of narrow-bladed scissors and pliers. Kaginawa/Grappling Hook & Rope: A sturdy, steel hook and a compact bundle of thin but very sturdy and long rope. Weapon Maintenance Kit: Includes a whetstone, rags, specialized oils, and spare bowstrings. Medic Kit: Contains bandages, gauze pads, splints, basic salves, alcohol, needles, thread, syrettes, scalpels, whiskey & biting stick. Pocket Watch: A well-maintained silver-cased device that once belonged to her Sire, it has been quite useful for tracking the sun. Compass: In good condition. Points north. Leatherbound Logbook: A coded log of information gathered during investigations. Pencils included. Maps: A small, leather-bound book. The contents are of a variety of maps of the kingdoms, particularly Kindeance. Also a variety of far more quality, larger maps kept rolled up separately. All maps are kept within a rubber-lined, waterproof case, for preservation.
Blackwater Castle: Located near the mountain range to the west of the eastern pass leading to Tretagor, this large, imposing mansion is made of an outward layer of stone and carries a serious gothic aesthetic, as one might perhaps expect to be culturally appropriate to a place once -and now currently- owned by a Vampire Lord. The surrounding lands are presently inhabited by a smattering of peasants and enterprising individuals, who have either been hired or given leave to settle on the land. Ownership of these lands provide her, amongst other things: her Sire's coffers and mysterious vaults that she hasn't dug through much, basic manpower and a boost to her reputation and social/legal standing.
Ruby Dreams: A business Veronica has recently started up, built around the vineyards she has had grown on her land. The produce of the orchards (primarily grapes) is used for both regular fruit products and wine making. The business's first market contact was the Angel's Share; though, they have slowly spread their wares into the immediate surrounding lands, partially out of necessity, due to the recent spate of poor business the Angel's Share has received. Provides a (currently small) steady source of income, as they are turning a profit.
Other: Blackwater is not her birth name. As a peasant, she had no family name. Rather, Blackwater is a "title" bestowed upon her by her vampiric Sire, a demonstration that she was to be molded like clay into his tool and "family". With his demise and her recent purchase, she now remains the sole inheritor of Blackwater's assets and has taken up the name in truth.
1): Slight expansion of appearance.
2): Backstory expansion to account for the last mission and its aftermath.
3): Racial trait expansion to include "Predator" flaw.
If you're reading this, then I am no longer alive.
135 posts
in 1009 days
4 mos ago
A backup character / background NPC in the Great Misty Forest. I'm still using Evan.
Name: Dixie Greene Species: Human Age: Thirty-something Gender: Female
. Appearance: Long flowing black hair. Soul-sucking amber eyes with unusually fantastic eyelashes, behind a pair of round glasses with no upper rims. Freckles. Decently tall height, average build with hints of muscle. A 5-piece ensemble of leather armor plus black sweater and black leggings that blend well with blood, underneath a beige robe and red burberry scarf with silver plaids. Has a furry buckler with the face of a primate on her back.
Bio: The Greenes are considered a noble family of adventurers, but in truth, it's an organization that picks up the young dregs of society, particularly those with innate talent, then turns them into adventurers. The young Dixie was adopted into this system, and was sent into the wider world when she was barely a teenager. To begin killing monsters and other humans from that young, is tragedy on its own. Her final quest, to protect a little town surrounded by a rather expansive magical woodland, went relatively well. Saved the aforementioned misty forest from the budding seeds of demonic corruption. Saved the town itself from a more political type of corruption. Even met a man worthy to be her husband. Too bad he was a humonculus, though. Faded from the world, literally. She couldn't accept it. While most others that were with her in that quest have left to do more good, she stayed and called it quits with her adventuring. In the eight years that followed, she had taken over her husband's position in this little town. Resident healer slash surgeon, and caretaker of a chapel no one really visits. She didn't receive any letter or summons from anybody. Nor does she much care if sent one, either.
Passives: Diminished Presence - A trick of the husband, easily branched through her partial assassin roots. Hides her presence. Footsteps and breathing are minimized. When you aren't directly staring at her, it's almost like she isn't there. A misdirection? Ichorous Imbuement - A deceptively holy-like evolution borne out of her idealistic nature. Forcibly changes the colour of her spells to a glowing gold colour. - Spells that emit raw mana or energy may minimally dissolve the affected into droplets and/or sparkling dusts of gold. Spells that create solid objects may be as hard as stone, if not already harder than. Porous Wellspring - She lives and breathes mana. May subconsciously draw in foreign mana from her surroundings, able to seamlessly mix it with mana already stored in and generated from her own body. Unusual weapon history. Adept with daggers, swords, maces, sickles, fists, palms, kicking, elbows, knees, grappling, throwing daggers, flintlocks, bows, and bucklers. Child gymnast? Hyper flexibility on joints and spine. Adept at climbing, catching, and landing on her feet. Fully ambidextrous. Adept at whistling to call for and riding her trusted steed, a giant eagle named Garudha.
Spells: Mana Tendrils - Her husband's signature spell, except she hasn't yet figured out how to keep the flesh undamaged when dissected. - Create any number of tendrils made of raw mana, with sizes ranging from one huge tendril, 1ft in diameter and forceful enough to smack a boulder away... to a multitude of them, microscopic and sharp enough to cut through anything, as long as it doesn't move or resist with even the faintest of mana. Mend - Hurls a wave of energy that heals or repairs the target to as close to an undamaged state as possible. Max range of 5m. - Subconsciously casts this on herself when damaged. Adept Mastery over Fire, Ice and Sky - Hardwired for speed. - Emit a steady stream of fire from the body. Rapid-fire up to 10 fireballs per second. Instantly spawn any configuration of fire wall/pillar over a 1m² surface area. - Instantly summon an up to 1m³ volume of dry ice, and possibly simultaneously launch it at 10m/s velocity or higher if smaller. Half the size, double the velocity, etc. Max velocity of 50m/s. - Instantly shoot out a lightning bolt at up to 30m away, or continually electrify a target within physical contact. Soul Siphon - Channeling. Requires full concentration (may be stringed along with simple attacks, at best), direct physical contact at the minimum, sped up by overall proximity between the two bodies. Rapidly drains the mana and stamina of one target at a time.
Equipment: Dagger of Destiny - A blunt dagger made of bone. Exerts greater force than it is given. Norland Scarf - Thick burberry silk scarf coated with a Fire Salamander's blood. Warm to the touch, resistant to slicing. Persistent Primate - An oddly named, oddly designed cold-iron buckler with wooly fur and a primate's face carved on it. Name etched on back. Magiglass Lens - Extra-durable eyeglasses. Zoom in when infused with mana. Leather armor, 5 pieces. Chestplate, two gauntlets, two boots. Resistant to slicing. Broken turquoise pendant. Sapphire pendant. Silver ring × 2. Left ring finger. Left middle finger. Steel hairpin with amethyst ball tip. Rotten healing potion. Eight years unused. They don't exactly age like wine. Tastes worse than kombucha. Doesn't heal. Induces gastric purge.
Other: Aunt to Jack's bear children. Not by blood, just friends with their father.
Hiya! This is my first post on this site so i sincerely apologise if I muck up some social rules. Are y'all still taking players? I have not roleplayed since I was a teenager but I miss it a lot and this feels like my vibe. Can I jump straight in and create a character?
On that, spells; are you sticking to any particular system in terms of Spell class/level/slots etc? Or reasonably open as long as it's not OP?
Hiya! This is my first post on this site so i sincerely apologise if I muck up some social rules. Are y'all still taking players? I have not roleplayed since I was a teenager but I miss it a lot and this feels like my vibe. Can I jump straight in and create a character?
On that, spells; are you sticking to any particular system in terms of Spell class/level/slots etc? Or reasonably open as long as it's not OP?
Now is indeed the best window to jump into the game. As for the spells requirement, four skills is the maximum, and yes, it's reasonably open, but the details need to be discussed first with the GM for the sake of balance.
Usually, we use Discord, and I wholeheartedly suggest you join the channel.
Now is indeed the best window to jump into the game. As for the spells requirement, four skills is the maximum, and yes, it's reasonably open, but the details need to be discussed first with the GM for the sake of balance.
Usually, we use Discord, and I wholeheartedly suggest you join the channel.
Perfect, I'll start working on a character! I've got discord too so I can jump across there if need be!