Name : Jazdia Crystalspark Species : Elf Gender : Female Age : 55 Height : 175
Jazdia is a tall elven woman with a pale complexion, blue eyes, and long, waist-length platinum blonde hair that she often let untied. Elves are all born beautiful and Jazdia was no exception. Her attractiveness is often described as an eternal winter barely touched by the sun's embrace. But that's just another way for the gentlemen to adore her face which seemed to always sport a perpetual frown-- Ok, now you can stop it!
Former leader of a peacekeeping organization, Jazdia understands it would be in her best interest to omit such details from her MO. Not that she is a wanted criminal or anything; she ended her tenure on a relatively high note actually. The thing about working as law enforcement is you will have no shortage of old enemies who would persistently try to even the scales with you even after retirement, and Jazdia does not wish to be tangled with such... nuisances.
So now, she is just Jazdia. A restaurateur by trade, and tea connoisseur. Yeah, just put that in her business card.
Traits and spells:
-Blood Phobia (passive) Taking damage would result in lower combat efficiency. Jazdia will start sweating, having a shaky aim and blurred vision. At a certain threshold, her Ultravision cannot be activated. -Curse of the crimson flame (passive) Grants limited mastery of fire magic, and moderate resistance to fire. Resting near any fire or under the sun would gradually regenerate her power and heal her wounds. However, any healing magic cast on her would instead deal damage.
-Arrow Enchantment. Channels magic into her arrow. Can only use one type of arrow in a single turn. Has three flavors: A. Crystal Arrows. Magically-enchanted arrow with explosion spell contained inside. Can be programmed to either explode upon impact, delayed, or remote detonation. B. Crystal Arrows Non-explosive variants, but hot as hell it pierces through steel plates and mails like a hot knife through butter. Armor Piercing, nuff said.
-Counter Any close-range attack will be answered with heavy retribution. Figuratively speaking, sometimes this extended to the non-combat situation. Proceed with caution.
-Ultravision Channeling magic to enhance her vision, Jazdia can see through solid objects and magical manipulation such as illusion and darkness. Imposes varying degrees of strain on her body depending on the area covered and elapsed duration. Prolonged abuse of this skill might result in myopia and gradual blindness.
-Vengeance At this point, taking heavy damage would no longer weaken her. Now she is faster and deadlier and angrier. The third flavor of her enchanted arrows unlocked: C. Obsidian Arrows. Deals heavy damage over time for the next 4 turns. The bodies of the enemy killed by this arrow will burst out a swarm of black lepidopteran that attack nearby hostiles until either they or the caster dies, or the effect expires (3 turns). At the end of its fleeting lifespan, the butterflies will return to the caster and heal her wounds. Has 3 days of cooldown.
Equipment -Lurea A recurve black bow adorned with gold and silver linings on its limbs. Has an absurdly light draw weight of 44 pounds. Can never be separated from its owner no matter what. -Maugrim A long knife with an ivory handle and elven runes inscribed on its blade. -A quiver containing 25 arrows -Medium-sized satchel bag A plain-looking bag that doesn't seem too out of fashion despite being designed with function in mind. -Pocket watch A memento from her father. Well maintained and functioning properly. -Bronze compass An antique compass pointing to the north(duh) has more buttons than the usual compass to activate its hidden features. -Medikit Generic first aid kit that is in the name only. Upon closer inspection, it looked nothing like those "first aid kit" commonly sold in the market. Consult with Jazdia before use.
Name: "Cedar" (is unaware he even has a last name. Dad never said anything.)
Species: "Half-Bear". (Result of a sordid liaison between a hermetic proto-druid following the 'ascetic' path to that end (as opposed to formal training), and a she-bear that he fell madly in love with. Best not to inquire.)
Age: Turning 9 this year. (Ursine admixture causes rapid maturation, with "necessary" aggressive memory abilities. Physical maturity is NOT mental maturity-- Lack of worldly experience produces PROFOUND social and cultural deficits.)
Gender: Male
Appearance: Dark brown with light tan grizzling. Favors ursine body-type. Limbs have "Grasping" fore-paws, that are neither truly bear-like, nor fully human-like. Prehensile. Looks like a normal bear unless looked at very closely, due to bushy fur concealing most of the human-like features. Easily mistaken for an ordinary bear.
Weight: Approx 500 to 600lbs (more if well fed)
Height: Standing upright, 9.5 feet tall. On all-fours, about 4 foot tall to shoulder.
Bio: Native of "the Great misty forest" to the north, on the border of Meche and Kindeance. It's a rural backwater / no-man's-land with a small, backwater village nestled up to it. The primary industry of the village of mystville is timber from the misty forest. This locality is a natural wonder, that is naturally abundant in free magical energies. Cedar's dad settled there after a recent catastrophe involving the location, but that is mostly regional lore that is not important to this story. Due to the backwater nature of the village, and its low importance, but potential for becoming occupied by military factions, the residents were quite upset when tipped off to the looming danger the two kingdoms were embroiled in.
Last Autumn, Cedar was dispatched (as the "Most available" [or rather, Expendable] 'person' [opinions are... 'mixed']) to attempt to prevent the seemingly "all but certain" war by attempting to prevent the assassination of King Fredericus of Rascade, King of Kindeance.
Became embroiled in the mad quest to recover the crown prince of Kindeance from his abductors.
He and the others assigned were ultimately successful in this goal, but inadvertently destroyed an entire village in the process.
This reality has weighed very heavily on Cedar since.
On that mission, Cedar met a young slave girl who was injured/disabled by the party, and has developed a "Healer-Patient" interest in her recovery and social rehabilitation.
After emerging from winter hibernation, he elected to go check on her.... ---
Spells: Detect Magic (Immediate) Entangle/Control/Enhance vegetation (Range: Touch) Heal wounds (Range: Touch) Spell-like ability: Can communicate with animals (in a manner of speaking-- Can exchange crude concepts, emotional states, and sensory experiences. The effectiveness/intricacy of the exchanges are limited by the cogitative ability of the animal in question. Some are more capable/intelligent than others.) Requires direct eye-contact.
[Restricted power: "Dance of the Earth and Sky" -- A wild-type magic that is NOT controlled by the caster after casting-- It CONTROLS the caster instead. It is of foreign origin, and was learned from an obscure text in the village library. "Crudely speaking", it "Controls the weather." More accurately speaking, the caster "sets" a "Completion condition" for the spell, based on their mental and emotional state at the time the dance is started. This condition is then fixed, and CANNOT be changed. The spell will manipulate/puppeteer the caster, rather than the other way around, in a "Mindless" and "unrelenting" pursuit of that objective. If the objective cannot be satisfied for whatever reason, or it is actively stymied in its attempts, it will continually leech from the caster to alter its methodology until it either succeeds, or this activity consumes the caster's life force, whichever happens first. In terms of its action, it "Grants that desire" inherent in the initial casting in a manner analogous to that of a Monkey's Paw wish.. For obvious reasons, Cedar **DOES NOT WANT TO USE THIS POWER EVER.**]
Equipment: [From last chapter] Kukri knife Mysterious medallion Knapped stone utility knife "Very large mundane wooden staff" (No magical powers. Essentially just a very large bit of tree limb, sized for his stature.) Weathered looking/tatty coarse fabric robes Enormous leather boots Enormous leather gloves
[New this chapter] Enormous Greatbow "Essentially spears with fletchings" for arrows Quiver
Other: Relations-- Sisters, Lily and Rose. (4y, from "second litter") Brothers, Oak and Pine. (turning 9, littermate/twin brother-- and 4y, from "Second litter")
"Strained" relationship with sisters Lily and Rose; Identical twins, prone to mischief that bully their brother Pine. Cedar mentors Pine, and tries to protect him from Lily and Rose. They consider this to be "A challenge", and make life more difficult than it needs to be. (For both.)
"Active animosity" coupled with "Forlorn loss" with littermate Oak-- As children, they were bullied by village children, and suffered emotional scarring that manifested in different ways by each. Oak has developed a "Deeply seated" loathing and contempt for their dad, for "You know what he did, what he KEEPS DOING, and why we are what we are!", while Cedar has a profound love and admiration for their dad, for the universal love he gives. Oak is "Actively Reminded" of their dad by Cedar (who has taken up a similar vocation), and treats Cedar rudely. Cedar misses his brother terribly, loves him intensely, and wishes he would stop being bitter and mean. Oak lives as far away from the forest as he possibly can, inside the village. He is apprenticed to the village blacksmith, and does "Heavy iron work."
Cedar is a very gentle creature with a ferocious body, that frightens people instinctually despite his better wishes, and that generally wishes to exist in as benign and benevolent a fashion as possible. He is subject to racist bigotry once people realize "what" he is (and what that implies). Very empathetic to other animals, and considers animal minds "Fully equal" of consideration, respect, and importance to humans and humanoid races, despite the obvious differences, and the "obvious disagreement" humanoid races have over this view.
He works with his dad (and younger brother) as de-facto caretakers of the great misty forest, seeing to the maintenance of the magical ecology and integrity of the natural environment there.
(Lily and Rose are "A dynamic Duo", and thus have 4 spells/Abilities shared between them, as they ALWAYS act as a team, and are inseparable.)
Name: "Lily"
Species: Half-Bear
Age: 4
Gender: Female
Appearance: Identical twin of Rose. Subtle differences in fur patterning, but VERY hard to tell them apart without a bear's nose to guide you, apart from the differences in their personalities. Light brown, with tawny grizzling. Same "Favors Ursine form" as other siblings.
Weight: Approx 400lb
Height: Upright, about 7ft tall. 3.5F to shoulder on all-fours
After the "loss" of his son Oak (who disowned him, and ran away from home at 2y age) due to bullying by the village children, One-Eyed-Jack (their dad) elected to keep his second litter of children "at home" until they were "Old enough" to handle the "harsh realities" of how "Cruel people can be." As a consequence, the 3 cubs in this second litter (Lily, Rose, and Pine) have been raised EXCLUSIVELY out in the woods until a much older age, and thus, have significantly LESS socialization, and significantly MORE "Deficits" in terms of "Knowing how to properly behave themselves."
Pine is a timid and shy boy, owing to the constant pestering his sisters have subjected him to, who has difficulty getting words out, is unsure of himself, and is in general, a complete wall-flower. In other respects, he is a gentle and kind boy, like his older brother Cedar. Cedar has SIGNIFICANTLY more experience dealing/talking with humans than Pine does-- Pine actively fears human contact.
LILY, on the other hand, is a complete firebrand. She is "The instigator", and is completely shameless. She has a pronounced lack of consideration for the consequences of her mischief, but is otherwise VERY clever, and has a knack for understanding the "Hows and Whys" of things. Especially things that have "Hows and Whys" for things SHE WANTS. She is the "Dominant Half" of the 'Terror-Twin-Duo' she comprises, with her twin sister, Rose.
Spells: Identify Item/Discern Enchantment (While not guaranteed to *fully* succeed (or reveal FULL functionality of), she knows how to magically delve and probe magical effects or instructions from magically enchanted items, or discern the properties and nature of ambient magical effects.)
Manipulate inorganic material (aspects: Earth and Fire) -- Can heat, form, or otherwise twist and shape inorganic materials (dirt, clay, sand, metal, etc) into various shapes.
Equipment: Leather tool roll containing various wooden, antler/bone, and stone instruments for carving or shaping objects. Hip pouch (right side) Halter-top
Other: While skilled at UNDERSTANDING magic, and grasping magical theory, is not very "Powerful", and thus can do very little more than use her powers to heat, twist, shape, or otherwise crudely manipulate inorganic substances. She relies on her vastly more powerful sister's abilities when they collaborate on "Projects" to help bring her more diabolical ideas into being.
Name: "Rose"
Species: Half-Bear
Age: 4
Gender: Female
Appearance: Identical sister to Lily. Subtle differences in fur coloration.
Weight: Approx 400lb Height: Upright, about 7ft tall. 3.5F to shoulder on all-fours
Bio: The "Perceptive, and cunning" one. Where Lily is the firebrand, Rose is the unrelenting stream that wears down the mountain. Patient and wily. Perceptive, sneaky, and crafty. The "Wickedly Capable" side of the Terror-Twin duo.
Passives: Ursine Passives (Enhanced strength, superhuman olfaction) Aura Perception (always active-- Cannot really determine the proper nature of magical auras, but is permanently "perceptive" of them.) *Sneaky/manipulative
Spells/abilities: Channel/direct/manipulate aura (Can project, draw, or bend/shape raw magical auras, but cannot impose complex instructions on them, or use them in complex ways.)
Gifted at alchemy: Ingredient identification, quality assessment of ingredients, and inventive utilization of ingredients come naturally. Gifted with, and greatly enjoys making potions and home remedies, as well as cooking.
Makeshift potion kit (made from discarded glass bottles, bits of discarded metal detritus, leather hose, et al.) Alchemists's Satchel (Left side) "Super secret potions! DONT TOUCH!" Halter top
Other: Almost completely oblivious to the complexities of magical theory, but profoundly capable of handling large flows of magic. Likes to "Cause trouble" for her brother Cedar, by "tugging" on the carefully crafted synergistic effects he creates with his botanical plantings, and making them do "Unexpected" and "Confounding" things when he isn't looking. Sometimes works with her sister in this respect, to make "Very specific" and "Not at all desired" things to happen, using inorganic focus objects placed surreptitiously into the mix, to better provide specific control over the redirected/repurposed auras his work creates.
The two decide that they need to "Tag along" to see what their older brother is "Up to!" once they catch wind that he is going to "Visit a girl!!"
[Restricted Power: SHARED-- Requires both!]
Dual-concentration, collaboration ability-- Rose draws and/or supplies raw power-- Lily gives it form and purpose.
Causes Mana-drain damage on Rose (who has her power leeched off), and Mana-Burn damage on Lily (who cannot actually handle that kind of force).
This is a wild magic, that is very "Strong" in its aura presence, but is not the most sophisticated, and is done more in the line of DnD Sorcerer magic (not a proper spell, and not performed by properly skilled practitioners. It is VERY IMPORTANT to understand that while each is a prodigy in their own way, they ARE IN NO WAY EXPERIENCED USERS, and lack a robust education!!). A sufficiently strong "Dispel Magic" or "Anti-Magic" would completely disperse it.
Appearance: Louise Ironside is a beautiful woman who rivaling Kirsten York. She is 172cm tall, has a green eyes and blonde hair. She have a glass hour body and a milky skin tone. She wears standard female adventurers leather armor along with a hooded cape.
Bio: She is the only daughter of a wealthy family. Her family was historically a military family, so of course her father wished for the first child to be a strong son. However, following a difficult birth, her mother became unable to bear additional children. This was the first time in her family history that the family had a female heir.
Before she join the military, she was undergo harsh trail for both physical and mental and a month survivalist trail at nearby forest. Contracting a wind based spirit.
Completing the squire career, this mission will be her final requirement. Upon succeeding the task, she will proceed into knighthood.
Weapon Prodigy: Due her training at young age. Louise got a fond of various weapon. Granting passive bonus combat effectiveness depending of the type of weapon. Adapt quicky when picking up unfamiliar weapon.
Unbending will (Passive) increase robustness. Louse is less likely to be affected by psychic manipulation such as sleep, hypnotism and mind-reading
Purify (Self) (Active): Cleanse spell that remove disabling skill and active debuffs.
Flash step (Active): Blink 10m in any direction with a wind spell. Has 50% chance to be automatically active when attacked. Can only be activated twice per post. If the charge is depleted, the skill is disabled on the next post. Manual and automatic activation shares cooldown.
Wind Chant (Active): Protect herself from incoming damage with wind barrier. Knock back attackers upon casting. Blinking will cancel its effect and wind chant cannot be activated for the rest of the turn.
Equipment: Military issued musket with an attachable bayonet and ammunition, one hand sword, military ration, mess kit, protective eyewear goggles, medical supplies and adventurer backpack.
Other: - Purify skill was learned during medical lesson. - Auto blink from danger by 50/50 chance. - Despite she doesn't have medical skill, she was trained to patch up herself and her comrades. - She is good at cooking. - Contracted wind spirit makes her move fast and light footed.
Appearance: Height : 6'2 Weight : 190-210 lbs Skin color : fair Hair Color : Blonde Eye Color : Blue
A young blond-haired man with a vague resemblance to the king. He has a youthful look, maybe the age of nineteen or twenty. But, soft of face, he doesn't have too many distinguishing factors about him. He looks like a standard young squire, almost like a template for a young German man with some medieval armor and clothes.
But he is often found wearing rather well-off clothing made of suitable cloth materials, dyed, and with good stitching that is hardly visible or edging around it.
He is often found wearing reds and blues together, which is his typical clothing, but there is also typically a form of leather vest or leather padding and armor that covers him. Should he be traveling or in the thought of combat/training, he will typically be in metal plate armor, similar to those of the late medieval/early modern northern Italian.
Bio: Growing up in royalty and nobility, he grew up relatively pomp. Enjoying a relative life of luxury alongside traders and those in the elite. He would serve his uncle well, primarily under his grandfather, as a direct guard and assistant. He would become a squire and serve under knights, King Guard, and local Life Guard units. But this is almost the entirety of his life, being within guard units, parties, and the higher life of the kingdom.
But, when he turned eleven, he truly began life; that was when he didn't grow. He learned to read and write but didn't do much else. Thus, his life was delegated to parties and fighting. Two things that he did well and that he enjoyed. He grew bored and highly arrogant; his grandfather kept him relatively tame, but his ego and size would cause him to become a brat in all sense of the word. He grew and became a strong warrior in the guard, fighting and being able to best a good portion of his allies within the guard.
Growing to an 'older' age, he would be farther away from his friends and such, along with his grandfather and his company, until they were told to return to the capital as his uncle summoned them. He was told to see the king. It was also to get him away from the others and to make less of an embarrassment to the family due to his drunkenness and tomfoolery in political talks.
Passives: Weapon Master - He knows how to use almost any weapon, from muskets and bows to swords and spears. However, he prefers a sword and halberd. Armor Master - He can wear most armor without it hindering his movement. Heavy Drinker - He can drink a lot.
Spells: None
Equipment: Flintlock rifle - A flintlock musket barrel loading, non-rifled and socket ring for a socket bayonet. Powder flask - Flask of gunpowder Socket Bayonet - A bayonet that fits around the barrel but cannot be used as a knife. Steel Bastard Sword - a hand-in half-sword of a decently long length, a relatively generic sword in all comparison, but it does have a small crested pommel with a bear upon it. Steel Plate Armor and Armet Helmet - standard medieval armor, styled as if in Northern Italy. Steel hatchet - a small axe typically used for cutting wood but can be used as a weapon on short notice. Steel off-knife - a utilitarian knife that can be used for self-defense or many reasons on short notice. Leather side bag - A good purpose draw bag to hang over the shoulder or on a belt. Backpack and pack roll - a backpack and sleeping roll for storage. Cooking kit - standard military cooking kit, small metal pan/fork to put over a fire.
Other: For the most part is just a common elite who is into being an officer, and soldiery.
Name: Thernous Est Eluin
Species: Human
Age: 76
Gender: Male
Appearance: Height : 5'7 Weight : 140 lbs Skin : Pasty white Hair Color : White Eye Color : Blue
An aging man who has seemed to have done much in his life. He is thick but aged, but for his age, he is still up and moving decently well. However, he is typically seen with a staff to walk with, a friendly wooden staff with a metal curve moving about it that is likely a bisthmus-bronze, that ends near the bottom of the staff. But aside from that, it's typically robes often found in a court, or in a man who is a dignitary to those outside of the court in foreign counties or in the outer lands.
But when traveling, he usually wears drab-colored clothing that won't get dirty on horseback or while walking—usually robes, tunics, and cloaks.
Bio: At a young age, he took to books while his nephew grew into a great man; he continued his life in his father's libraries. When he was young, when wars and trials arose, he saw his country grow into something beautiful. While he often didn't fight, he was found to be a good and wise young man to send as dignitaries, as an olive branch of peace, or as a hand of coin for trade. His primary task to his kingdom was to be one who talked and made things better, and he traveled far and wide to some places most of his kingdom did not know about.
But, since his youth, he has been advising those in his kingdom, specifically his family, in their business and running of their lands and people. But recently, he has been taking care of his younger grandson, keeping him away from many things, and making sure that his lifestyle does not get out of hand to teach the man some wisdom to the world. But, when it comes to it, he and his grandson are sent back to the capital to do his work once again for his uncle.
Passives: Wisdom of age : He shows as an entity of simplicity and good; while he is ancient and caring, he tends to be a source of wisdom even if he doesn't speak.
Humbling approach : He tends to be a very lovely individual, seems humble, and can make even small things humble.
Scholar of engineering and trades : he tends to study trades, architecture, and arts, and he tries to be something beyond to assist those in the world, but he also uses it with magic, putting logic to something magical.
Spells: Healing Hand : He can heal wounds, and with his knowledge and scholar, can combine it with essential medication.
Heating Hand : his hands can heat up, it can warm up small things, or assist in cleaning wounds.
Natural thought : He can calm his mind, and use the weave to allow him to see a situation clearly and relentlessly, but it also allows for an intelligence to arise when doing math.
Hand of fire : He is able to throw fire from his hands, but he often does not do it wildly like a pyromancer, he often confines it to small areas similar to a heating hand, where he can make clean cuts in flesh, stone, or other small objects, it makes it easy to craft, or shape blocks when building. But he also can cauterize wounds, and, if left untamed, spews fire, can also be transmuted through his staff's end.
Equipment: Scholarly/Noble robes - Robes found for those of a high status. Staff - a walking staff that he can push magic through should it be needed. Satchel - a small leather satchel Tea set - a metal tea set with eight cups and a tea set. Tea pouch - a pouch full of tea leaves Cooking set - a few pans, a pot, cooking utensils Blanket rolls - several for sitting, several for sleeping.
Other: Often, he drinks tea and other warm drinks while on the road; he often does not fight or do many things besides talk and be a source of information.
Appearance: Varya is a elf man who stands at 175.26 Centimeters tall. His skin is a pale blue. He has chin length ebon black hair cut into a meticulously neat and tidy bob cut. He has cool dark brown eyes adorning his feminine, handsome bishounen face. His nails are painted blue, and he wears glossy black lipstick. His build is lean and toned, with visible abs, giving him a very androgynous appearence. He is obsessed with his image and loves fashion, always seeking to dress for the occassion, often favoring the colors blue or green. When traveling abroad or across the wilderness he will prioritize more simplistic tunics or tied up shirts, leggings and cloaks for practicality, and chain mail and gambeson armor for protection. In more formal or relaxed settings he prefers to dress more dapper and stylish, such as wearing suits and ties, or long billowy robes.
Bio: Varya Chandrar was an Elf born in a land far to the east under a shining moon. Loyalty is a virtue near and dear to Varya's heart, and he wanted to express it in someway, hince he desired to find someone to share it with. To find such worthy people, he became a mercenary scout for hire. In order to maintain a good reputation, he made it a point to never betray his employers, no matter how much money somebody else offered, so as not to seem duplicitous or treacherous, a label he reviled. Honor is of great importance to Varya, as he would rather die than live dishonored. If he wanted to earn others loyalty, he himself must show loyalty.
Varya's reputation for dutifully following orders and his skills in battle and gathering intelligence eventually reached the ears of the King of Kindeance, and an invitation was sent to Varya. Varya sees this as an oppurtunity to prove himself worthy of respect, and to the next step to find great people worthy of his dedication and service.
Passives: Elf Physiology Moon Sight: Varya can see better in direct moonlight than would otherwise be possible Acrobatic and Athletic Extensive Bow Training Martial Arts Training Minor Daggers, Shortswords and Hammers skills Stealth Expertise: Has practiced silencing footsteps and breathing very quietly in order to get the drop on less wary opponents
Bhumidevi's Embrace: Requires skin contact with natural earth, rock, or soil, and cannot be used in high stress situations like combat. Turbo charges the benefits of Earthing, accelerates natural healing from aliments and injuries, increases stamina recovery, reduces need for food, reduces pain, thins blood, increases the quality of sleep, and lowers inflammation. The longer Varya is in contact with the earth, the greater the effects. Does not work in ultra dry soils like those found in deserts.
Bull's Strength: Tremendously boosts physical strength, mimicking a mighty Bull. 2 Post Duration. Can't be used at the same time as Cat's Grace.
Cat's Grace: Increases agility, flexibility, balance, finesse, hand-eye coordination, speed, and overall nimbleness, mimicking a Cat's deftness. 2 Post Duration. Can't be used at the same time as Bull's Strength.
Shadow Walk: Uses Illusion magic to mask presence. Become completely invisible to normal sight, muffles sounds and quiets footsteps. 2 Post Duration
Equipment: Crescent Moon: An enormous white wood C-shaped longbow with silver linings. The bow is as tall as Varya and requires great strength to draw. Family Heirloom: Silver necklace with a sapphire jewel Waterskin Butterfly swords Wooden Shield Cane Sword Warhammer Chain Mail and Gambeson armor Backpack Suitcase Compass Flint and Steel Soap
Other: Varya is a Kuudere Femboy. Varya is a vegetarian
Appearance: A tall yet very thin man. His true height is 6’6”, however given his age, he if often hunched over making him appear shorter. He is often wearing travelers clothes made of cloth and leather. His attire is normally not seen as he also wears a large cloak that covers him from head to just before it reaches the floor. He also has a mask that covers his mouth and nose and a pair of gloves. Most of his clothes are black or dark gray in color. As a result, he is rarely completely seen aside from his eyes. When one does get to look at portions of him, such as his eyes or forearms, his skin appears tight, gray, and dehydrated. He eyes are sunken and of indeterminable color. Attached to his back by several belts is a rather large tome. The book appears old, and the pages yellowed. Two thin metal plates overlap either cover, and the book is sealed with several straps. Thin rune etchings are caved into the metal plates, and the leather straps.
Bio: Solomon had lived through war, peace, and war. He has seen the kingdom of Kindeance transform from a war bound ruler to a peaceful trading hub. Solomon lost his wife to Meche extremists which led him down his current path. Solomon vowed to one day find the means of properly adverting the finality of death. In that pursuit, he came across a variety of means that worked as a stopgap at most. However, eventually he led himself down the line of necromancy. Despite the risks, he underwent a ritual which bound his soul the the material plane, so that should he ever perish, his soul could never leave, and forever return. This method was not perfect. While it would keep him in the presence of the living, it was not overcoming death, it was merely replacing the destination of those who passed on. But it would be enough. Having already experienced death once before, Solomon sought revenge against those who took his wife from him. He also took revenge for those who severely wronged the innocent. He had genuine urge to help those in need, but these methods also helped fuel his phylactery, provide information on the processes of death, and eventually became his means of enforcement. No longer fearing an early end to his life, Solomon continued his studies. He encountered soul bound automatons, other undead, and even runelore. Eventually, Solomon realized that he had time, that death was no longer a deadline. He was filled with different emotions, but now having literal lifetimes in his future, he slowly began to acclimate to the lifespan of multiple generations. While he remained focused on his research, he continued with his life as he had always done prior to the death of his wife. He was a traveling doctor, offering medical aid to those village who were too poor, too far away, and just were unable to access magical healing from the few clerics that lived in the kingdom. As time passed on, he grew into obscurity. He was still known as a traveling doctor, but given his age, it didn’t seem right for him to constantly be brought up. And then there were the rumors of the undead he would travel with. Rare was it for him to be seen with the power, but common enough to stick with him as he traveled. It was these rumors of his expertise with beyond the grave did the king first approach him. It was common phrase that dead men told no tales. However, with Solomon, dead men could hide no secrets. In the four months since that adventure, Solomon made good use of the king’s generosity, take time to study the controversial, and otherwise limited materials found within the royal’s libraries. In the last four months, he has spent a lot of time revisiting runelore. Part because of Asevor, and part because of the soul binding aspect of the practice. At the same time, he insisted on staying with the von Kruber’s estate while the Fanghorn situation was settling through the winter. Much to the objections of everyone involved. However, her attitude had changed after a time where Solomon let Von Kruber’s widow peer into the tome he carried. Since then she ceased her protests, but remained distant to Solomon’s presence. Likewise, her children. The others remained unhappy about it. Being so close to Rascade, and the Von Kruber estate, Solomon would once again be called upon for his assistance beyond the medical expertise he still practices.
Passives: Medicine: Solomon is skilled in the practical application of medicine, bandages, and triage. Herblore: Solomon can forage materials and create medicines Alchemy: basic alchemy, Solomon can isolate infectious materials into vials Nomad: Solomon has spend years traveling from place to place, as a result, he almost always knows where he is insomuch as it’s an established road. He also knows how to forage for food and make basic meals. Undead: Solomon does not need to eat, drink, or sleep, though he can still participate for the pleasure of it. He also cannot be poisoned or diseased. Speak with Dead: Solomon can speak with the dead.
Spells: Using his spell book, Solomon has an innate skill to bind the living, undead, or recently deceased to the book and himself. This means that their souls will bind into the book and into his service. Any living person will not be under his control until after death. When bound to the book, their spirit takes on a form of undead should it even be called to manifest. This form is permanent, and is chosen by the spirit itself. What form it takes is usually also unknown to the person from whom the soul originates.
- Animate Dead: Solomon can bring back to life any dead body he comes into close proximity with. The undead being will retain primal instincts, though higher intelligent beings will be able to call upon their skills, muscle memory, and communicate as required. If the body is too damage to raise, a ghost will form instead. Raised dead will always obey Solomon’s commands. Creatures animated with way cannot be bound to his spell book. They can only do what is physically capable of them. - Summon Dead: Solomon can call upon the spirits harbored within his tome. Undead associated with that called spirit will form from the earth or air when applicable. Likewise, they will always appear as close to what they did when alive. They will also maintain their personality when applicable. However, they cannot disobey Solomon’s commands. They can only do what is physically possible of them. - Incorporeal form: For about 30 minutes, Solomon can turn into a black cloud entity. In this form, he is invulnerable to all physical interaction including walls, obstacles, and attacks. This also includes being unable to interact or speak. He is also incapable of performing any of his other spells in this form. While in this form he can change his size, increase his elevation, and merge with existing shadows. - Dagger hold: This spell will bind a person in place. Any attempt to move will cause the trapped creature pain as though they were pushing into a wall of knives. This can cause physical trauma. The strength of the hold is proportional to the strength of Solomon. It is possible to break out from, but the pain associated with it can be unbearable.
Equipment: Death Tome: Large spell book bound to his person, it holds the contracts of the living and dead who are bound to his will. It also acts as his anchor to the living realm, allowing him to continue existing in the world though he should have passed years ago. The book strapped to his back, partially covered by his robes, and clasped shut between two thin metal plates with several leather belts. As long as he has it, he has access to the spells and contracts inside. Should it ever be destroyed, Solomon would cease to be.
Healers Kit: glorified first aide. Knife roll: Rolled cloth holding knives of varying sizes Sewing Kit: needle and thread Potion’s kit: Vials, pestle and mortar, distiller, water skins and a pouch of commonly found ingredients Vials of unknown diseases Poison
Other: His late wife's name was Adeline.
Name: Athena Voltspear
Species: Yokai
Age: 127
Gender: Female
Appearance: Appears to be a that of a young woman with a height of about 5’5” and a weight of 115lb. She has a slim frame, but her musculature is tone. Her skin color is fair. She has three white stripes that end at the top of her forehead, moves up over her scalp. down the back of her neck, and end again at her lower back. These stripes are hard to see because in most light, the white of the stripes blend in with her normal skin color, and because she has hair and clothing covering them. However, the evidence of the stripes is evident through her hair. She has black hair, but there are similar strips of white hair that mirror her skin, almost like highlights. She has solid blue irises for her eyes with a slit pupil much like a cat’s. She does not have any tattoos, piercings, or discernible marks outside of the stripes across her head. Her most defining features are a pair of black cat ears at the either side of the top of her head with white tufts of fur, and a pair of pure black twin tails that sprout from her tailbone. She dons medium armor that is almost form fitting for her frame, appearing slender in appearance, but obviously offers decent protection against normal weaponry. The armor she has includes cuirass with a pointed sternum on the breastplate. She has surcoat that bears Kindeance colors. She also has tassets that acts like a skirt, and then front facing greaves for her shins. She also wears boots, and appears to have tiny feet. She has a pauldron and vambrace for right arm only. The rest of her armor is mainly leather clothing and belts so that she can keep some flexibility. She spends her free time as a cat. In this form, she is a short hair cat, completely black with three white stripes that travel from the top of her head down to the end of her back. Her front right paw is also white. She has blue eyes. She also has two tails in this form.
Bio: Athena was once the cat to a proud Kindeance Shield bearer of the royal army. This shield bearer was known as Voltspear. During the time before the declaration of peace, this shield bearer stood valiantly in the front lines, defending his soldiers, and pushing the enemy Meche army back. During the time of peace, Voltspear remained in the service of his king, and the heir of that king. Though his age prevented him from active duty, he remained vigilant. He trained new recruits, maintained equipment, and otherwise stood as an exemplar for his division. Through all of his loyalty, when off duty, he took care of a cat. He had found it one day after training, its leg trapped in the remains of some barbed wire. Deciding to take it in, Voltspear took care of the cat until it recovered. He adopted to feline, giving her the name Athena. They were inseparable. He even started taking the cat with him to the castle grounds. As he grew old, Athena grew along with him. It was rare to see Voltspear without his feline companion with him. It had become his signature appearance. One night, Athena woke atop her master’s chest disturbingly still. It was obvious to anyone, Voltspear had taken his last breath. Perhaps, it was a blessing to have passed in his sleep, peacefully. Having lived over one hundred years, never having once retired, it seemed like an inevitability. Yet, it was still a sorrowful revelation. Athena mourned the loss of her master, but that mourning and the love she had for him and the love he gave her awoke something in her. Athena found herself born anew, with a different scope of identity. She stood on all four, and stretched her back before she slid off the bed. With two feet, she walked towards the door, and opened it with her new found hands. One hundred years had passed since her birth, and she was lucky to have somehow lived that long in the loving care of Voltspear, and the garrison he helped foster. From then on, Athena was the mysterious new recruit to join the Kindeance army. In time, the connection between her and the late Voltspear was uncovered. It was indisputable that in some form or another she was the progeny of Voltspear. Yet, despite the similarities between some of her features, the knowledge she had of the Kindeance core, or even the fact they shared a name, no one made the connection between her and the cat Voltspear lovingly took in so many years ago. Quickly advancing among the ranks, and showing skill that the once famed Voltspear once displayed, it was hard for her to not be noticed by the leading parties within the castle. It certainly helped that she possessed some kind of magic that allowed her to preform her duties better. She seemly was able to appear out of no where, offering her shield when protection was needed, or her spear to push the offensive. Perhaps this ability could be of use to the king.
Passives: Polearm and shield skills Acrobatics and athletics
Detect life: Athena can detect the life force of living beings that are within about thirty feet of her position. As a result, she is hard to surprise.
Aspect of Feline: She can see farther than most humans, as well as able to see in the dark. She can also smell specific scents and associate certain scents to specific people or places. She is also very nimble and athletic, sporting more strength than her frame would suggest.
Spells: - Ghost Fire: She can create a ghostly flame on any surface, flammable or not. The fire is like any other flame, creating heat enough the burn. The fire cannot be put out, but the heat can be mitigated through a variety of cooling methods. The fire also cannot spread, but is hot enough to set fire to normally flammable materials. The size of the fire can cover an area of at most one square foot or less. The fire can only be cast up to 10 feet away. The fire extinguishes whenever a new fire is created, Athena is unconscious, Athena releases the flame, or she moves too far away. It burns a bright purple without embers.
- Transformation: Athena can turn into a cat. Any equipment she happens to be carrying also transforms along with her with the exception of luggage. In this form, she can move just like any ordinary cat can. She can transform back at will, her equipment manifesting along with her. While transformed, she maintains all of her capabilities, magical or non, including speech with the exception of Bulwark.
- Bulwark: Athena’s can create a shield directly in front of her, centered on her person. The shield is mostly impenetrable to physical and magical attacks. Her shield projects a magical wall that extends all sides of her by about three feet. Projectile and magical attacks from those she considers her allies are able to free pass through. While Bulwark is active, Athena is incapable of moving. Each blow the shield withstands drains her energy.
- Reiki Touch: Athena can bless one ally through touch. As so long as the two are within 50 feet of each other, any damage the blessed person sustains is instead dealt to Athena in full. This will leave the blessed individual unharmed. The damage Athena sustains is determined by the blessed individual’s equipment and enchantments. None of her own abilities can diminish the effects. The blessing will remain active until Athena dismisses the blessing, is too far away, is unconscious, or is killed including through damage sustained from the blessing.
Vos Vitale: A spear Athena had crafted herself. Or more accurately, a spear she had commissioned then modified. A hard wood shafted spear with a metal head. The spear head has a long neck bolted to the shaft. The spearhead is long and sharp, without any barbs. At the base of the point, but still apart of the metal neck is embedded two white pearls on opposite sides of each other. The spearhead and neck are black in color, in contrast to the bright white pearls.
Loyale Fudo: One half of the twin tower shields Voltspear used to wield during his time in service. A large shield, 4.5ft tall and 2ft wide. The shield has a slight curve along the outside of the left side. The shield is made out of wood with metal plating, making it rather heavy, through Athena is able to wield it without difficulty. The face of the shield has several dents. There is half the Kindeance coat of arms painted on the front equally scratched and faded with time. The half image implies the rest of it is on another tower shield that matches with this one, oddly meant to be wielded together. Athena's shield's pair is mounted on a wall within the garrison at Rascade.
Medium armor: Standard armor in which Athena can move nimbly in. Consists mainly of a cuirass, tassets and greaves. There is also a vambrace, and pauldron for the her spear arm. The rest of her body is covered in leather more for flexibility while still offering some protection.
Other: She dislikes being wet. While she won’t freak out, the idea of being out in the rain or lake is not appealing to her.
Appearance: Shorter than average, dark hair, somewhat sun-kissed skin from outdoor activity, and way less scars than one would've expect. Often clad in a set of brigandine adorned with a piece of suspiciously familiar scrap of purple fabric (or a pretty dress, at rarer occasion), and always with at least one weapon in her person.
Bio: When Yvonne was born she's the only child to the opulent but very much declining house Rosenving, it took less than two more decades of ridiculous parties and all-around bad financial management before it was driven to the verge of bankruptcy. Naturally there comes the talk of marriage upon which Yvonne, an oddball obsessed with distinctly unladylike things like driving the business end of a weapon into someone's soft flesh, all but absconded with her great-grandfather's blade. The rest of her life was spent in a wild ride of mercenary work and avoiding (more commonly, well, thoroughly violencing) the men hired by her family and/or her would-be fiance to bring her back. Her journey brought her all round the three kingdoms and more, even after her ancestral home collapsed and pursuers stopped coming.
After stashing the kingly ransom from the last job into a Helvetian bank, Yvonne made her return for the second part as promised. With risk comes reward, and surely ol' Freddy wouldn't be stingy this time around? Besides, she came better prepared this time around...
Skillset: Well versed in outdoor survival, knack for murder and violence, oddly high spatial awareness, dancing, easily thrives in chaotic situation, very good at intimidation, weaves pretty dang well, and is proficient using common melee weapons. Personally prefers the mace despite her title.
Spells: -Mansplitter (Self-buff. Gain inhuman strength for a very short period. The stronger the effect, the greater the backlash.) -Warcry (AoE debuff. Inflict terror in a wide area. Greater effect on closer target, and greater effect on direction Yvonne is facing.) -Bloodlust (Passive. Haste, pain tolerance, and resistance to mental effect. Starts off weak but ramps up as the fight goes on.) -Resilience (Passive. Harder to injure, less affected by existing injuries, and heals a lot faster than normal at the cost of increased calorie usage.)
Equipment: Daily necessities (preserved rations, a tin pot, medical supply, knapping, change of clothes, etc), adorned brigandine, the sword her great-grandfather wielded that probably never saw use since then until it landed in her hands, a heavy flanged mace, a rondel dagger, a belt of high-quality potions in silver flasks.
Other: Can be inserted to the plot any time it's convenient (or fun) to do so.
An adult human male with a lean physique and defined muscles, broad shoulders, smooth ashen skin, long-and-pepper textured wavy hair. An eerily attractive complexion with a flat expression, his deep bright amber eyes gave a piercing stare. Older than he seems, he looks like someone in his late twenties.
For his usual occasion he uses a simple shirt under form-fitted neck-length collared doublet with over-extended shoulder padding with removable sleeves tied with intricate cords and dark-colored leather jerkin on top. Wear reinforced trousers, a small satchel bag, and strapped with utility belt and knife rolls. Use boots just under knee-length with sturdy soles and wrist-length gloves. His all-black attire was covered with a calf-length dark hooded robe to conceal it all.
During scavenging of destroyed village they stumbled upon; some nomadic mercenary group found a dying female in the middle of child labor. They helped her labor and then born a wailing baby tightly grabbing his nuchal cord. Just after the baby born before passing away from child labor, she says the word “Garpha” and so the baby is named after her last word. Unbeknownst to anyone, the baby that has just born has the innate talent—a blessing—of a truth seer. Someone who can differentiate what’s lies and what’s not.
Years passed by, young Garpha was raised as a mercenary. With mediocre skill using standard weaponry, Garpha filled the role of one who takes care of the group’s well being along with other members. Later they discover Garpha’s unusual talent for ropes and whip after playing with vines and later uses snake whip as his weapon of choice. Through many experiences they share, the group grows attached to him that they consider him as their family. And after many more, they realized that Garpha can exactly tell who’s lying and who’s not.
After some time, they enter a kingdom in decline between Tretagor and Varenheim. This mercenary group is called upon by the king to perform missions. On the go, they talk about young Garpha’s truth seeing ability to the King. The king thought that’s amusing and played along with him. Sometime after a couple moments of kicks-and-giggle, the King realizes Garpha’s potential and eventually takes him seriously. After he swears loyalty to the king and an agreement that if he ever crosses the kingdom they will hunt and execute his whole group including him, which fortunately never happened, the kingdom takes him in as the youngest squire ever in the kingdom’s history. With basic knowledge about fighting and weaponry he already got from his group, the kingdom molded him from a young age to be a special unit of the black-ops team and later as an interrogator.
After going through the ranks to the top, he once again solidified his loyalty to the royal family through consensus emasculation and was later appointed as personal bodyguard of the royal family. After serving directly under the king for decades with great accomplishments helping the kingdom from its ruin, he’s given the highest knightly title along with a unique imperial armament that only suits him and later became his majesty’s closest advisor.
Years passed by. After the death of the king, his eldest son rose to position substituting his father's throne. There are some changes to the kingdom’s rule for the better or worse. Continuing the role of his late father as a client king to the now Nation of Kindeance, his new majesty accepts Fredericus's invitation and orders Garpha to assist Kindeance in any way possible.
Passives and Skillsets:
- Truth Seer: Garpha’s innate ability. Able to distinguish truth from deceptions from his interlocutor’s statements whether verbally or non-verbal gestures and expressions. He does not make other says truthful statements unwillingly, so he still needs to extract information by other means. It has no effect on machinery like an automaton. Less effective in written statements, a person with memory loss or ones that is brainwashed in the sense that he cannot determine their quality of information but knew something was off. Also bound to the interlocutor’s culture, for example, such as in a certain region a nod meant as a disagreement or disapproval will register to Garpha as an approval or agreement instead. Therefore, verbal statement is the most ideal. Unfavorable side effect of this ability is people become wary to say anything to him. This leads to most people staying away from him and makes him detached from social interactions. He copes with this condition by talking and playing with animals.
- Chronic Insomnia: Due to the emotional and psychological toll from his intense service as leading interrogator, Garpha has trouble initiating sleep and have a hard time getting into deep sleep. With the use of his weapon ability, his quality of sleep and time spent on sleeping could be further worsened with the extreme use of his unique weapon. A lower immune system leads to increased pain sensitivity and is more susceptible to infections. Undisturbed full deep sleep session awakens him in peak condition, usually lasts 16 hours and even 24 hours if extremely exhausted. Awakened mid sleep results in lower performance and difficult to stay alert, and hallucination if extremely exhausted.
- Eunuch: Through emasculation due to the roles of personal bodyguard of the royal family, Garpha becomes a eunuch. A status of absolute loyalty to the royal family and trusted by the king. Other than lacking deepening of the voice, little to no body and facial hair, and other development of secondary sexual characteristics, he has no sexual drive and is not capable of any sexual activity. Less muscle mass results in lower strength compared to men with just as much training as him, but increased stamina and durability.
- Whip Mastery: Peak proficiency in the use of whip and elongated objects that can be used to restraint such as ropes, chains, and vines. His degree of mastery includes grabbing intricate things with delicate use of the whip, disarm of enemies’ weaponry, move from one place to another like climbing buildings by grabbing a protruding foundation of a house and arboreal movements like swinging from one tree to another by grabbing its branch, also capable of deflecting multiple arrows about half a dozen projectiles that shoots at him with relative ease. Effective area is as long the whip itself.
- Advanced Martial Arts: Because of the ineffective range of whip at under 6 feet, Garpha needs to have some counter measure and that is a unique martial art similar to standing throw as well as ground wrestling that use techniques including but not limited to throwing an opponent, immobilize them with a pin, or force an opponent to submit with a joint lock or a choke. Also, some underhanded techniques like tripping, eye gouging, and other vital point strikes like crotch area, jab to the neck, etc. This martial technique is further reinforced by using his whip not to lash at enemies but to immobilize and restrain them by shackling their limbs with intricate tying technique to capture them. Can also uses his unique weapon to mitigate incoming attacks by covering the body surface area just before an impact or straight up blocking the attack point blank with his durable whip.
- Intermediate Multiple Language Fluency: As an expert interrogator, he expected to be familiar with other languages. Known languages other than his native language and languages from the kingdom he was raised in and its proximity areas, it includes the language of urban area around Kindeance and Mechedonia.
- Intermediate Lip Reading: Learned to further improve the use of his Truth Seer ability. Effective within 7 meters (23 ft).
- Lesser Trap Detection: With his experience as a part of a special squad directly under the old king by observing other member that were adept at trap detection, he gained some knowledge to detect one. Able to detect simple traps within 10 meters (33 ft).
- Lesser Knife Throwing: Act as range weapon. Not adept nor particularly strong attack. Not lethal except hitting vital organs. It can also be used as a distraction.
- Serpentine Subjugation: Manipulate any elongated object that can naturally bend into a serpent-like thing that slithers away. Active upon physical skin body contact with the object. Used to bind and constrict enemy movements. The constricting power is comparable to the user’s current physical power and the object’s material durability. The serpentines can give a pseudo-sensory feeling they experience to the user upon the user’s mind focusing. It can be remotely controlled with the user’s mind focus. Up to 3 serpentines can be controlled this way at the same time. Up to 50 serpentines can exist at the same time with uncontrolled simple commands like “restricts anyone that’s not an ally”. Also used as distraction. Effective control within the range of 50 meters (164 ft). Loses the effects when the user stops focusing, losing consciousness, the serpentine objects destroyed, dispeled, etc. Automatically lose effect after 5 minutes except with continuous mind focus. If cast into his unique weapon, Járnormur, the user can still use its abilities as if he directly touches it.
- Dispel Magic: This spell ends ongoing spells that have been cast on a creature or object, to temporarily weaken the magical abilities of a magic item, to end ongoing spells (or at least their effects) within an area, or to counter another spell. A dispelled spell ends as if its duration had expired. Some spells can’t be defeated by Dispel Magic. Magical enchantment that physically alters the object cannot be disenchanted.
- Spell Suppression: Prevents a target creature or object from casting active spells for a while. Does not remove spells that are currently applied or taking effect. Could only cast Spell Suppression to a person currently restrained by Serpentine Subjugation.
- Vision Link: This spell allows the user to have a vision of what the creature he physically touches see from their perspective. Also, allows the creature he touch to perceive the experience he stored in his memory.
Main Weapon: Járnormur
An ancient armament in the form of a peculiar snake whip made of unknown material. Once one of many sacred weapons of the old king's royal armory. Adorned with a serpent head on its knot and an unknown inconspicuous runic inscription, 4 meters (13 ft) in total length, it has the color of matte silver covering from end to end. Remarkably durable to physical and magical attacks, even to extreme heat change. Able to withstand strong gastric acid of most foul beasts. Due to its unique properties, Járnormur can transfer the spell that needed its caster physical contact through it instead, acting as if it's one’s limb.
Járnormur chooses its user and will continuously drain mana of the person it makes physical contact with if it deemed them unworthy. Unworthy users cannot use any of its abilities. It can consume mana of its user on their command to further enhance its durability. Whenever it is damaged, it slowly drains its user mana to repair itself from any physical damage. It won't repair itself if the user is in grave danger and in dire need of mana to heal themselves.
If the user chooses to do so, at the expense of the mana and stamina of its user, Járnormur and its shockwave can hit the intangibles, ranging from elemental substances or matter with relatively dense mana, usually from cast spells to things like concentrated souls of once a living being. If the elemental substance or matter gets hit, it will vanish. If the intangible souls are lashed at and touched with the whip's tip, it gives an equivalent feeling to the target of getting hit with a kick from an adult wild stallion at full force to their unprotected face. Less of that if they get touched with another part of the whip comparable to the force of the whip applied. Cannot hit the soul of a living being.
Instant activation and deactivation of this ability upon the application of mana to the whip. In this state, the physical exhaustion is comparable to anaerobic exercise. Will drains a significant pool of mana upon each successful strike. Prolonged use of this state in a ceaseless uninterrupted whole 2 minutes causes exhaustion, with even further use causing the user to constipate and eventually faint. Daily usage of these abilities causes hallucinations and instills fear directly into the user's mind. The user can grab Járnormur's unique handle and effortlessly untangle it and resembles separating a thread into strands, revealing a pair of identical looking flexible thin blade strips each resembling a whip. Can be as easily fused again from the handle or the tip as both parts naturally coiled into a singular whip upon contact. It has a distinct sound like a ferocious blade when it goes through air space with great speed, giving intimidation to enemies but lose its silent properties. Each whip is double-edged and significantly more agile, making them specialized for offensive use while still maintaining its innate durability. It's so thin that it seems invisible if looked at from a certain angle, like directly at the front of the blades, making it difficult to visually detect an incoming attack. There are two other modes other than the regular mode to it when used in this way:
- Tvíbura Járnormar: Have significantly longer reach due to it uncoils and sharp enough to cut bodies in a breeze. Even sharper to the point of slicing regular armor with more mana applied to it. It is difficult to be used for grabbing things without slicing the target in the process. Need to be wielded two-handed. Excellent for mid-range combat. Not recommended for indoor use.
- Tvíhöfða Járnormur: After the user separates the handle, they reattach it upside down, then after a swing the thong unravels, making it a "double bladed" whip. Rather than for offensive usage, it provides a more balanced striking and defensive ability with front and back coverage. Due to its unique design, it provides a different attack pattern than that of a normal whip, which makes it hard to deal with. Excellent choice for getting grouped by enemies from all sides. Unsuitable for indoor usage especially when getting cornered.
Depends on the trip taken, at most he brings this equipment:
- Secondary snake whip. An average whip with a flexible handle. - A rope. A thin durable rope made from common natural fibers. 12 meters (39 ft) in length. - Linen sack. Hold his needs. - A shirt for change and two clean pieces of long cotton cloth. - Special cooking equipment. Small skillet, utensils, and some seasonings. Specially made for the reckon teams. Compact, doesn’t make a lot of noise. - Waterskin. Holds fresh water. - Leather side bag. Hold his other necessities. - Knight of the Royal Family Insignia. A metal insignia to identify oneself. - Utility belt. Contain potions and other trinkets. - Knife rolls. Strapped to his chest diagonally under his cloak. With many types of knives equipped, from throwing knife to utilitarian knife. - Simple first aid kit. To patch wounds, etc. - Fire starter kit. It consists of steel, flint rocks, char cloth, hemp tow, and a couple of short candles. - Soap. A bar of soap made from natural ingredients. - Dry compass.
Other: - He thinks of any animals as cute because they’re straightforward. - The fact that Garpha's a eunuch is not publicly known. - Does not drink alcoholic beverages.
If you're reading this, then I am no longer alive.
135 posts
in 1019 days
5 mos ago
Name: Evan Mikkelsen, Baron Species: Human Age: Twenty-something Gender: Male
. Appearance: White disheveled hair, unkempt due to self-barbing. Not that anyone would know behind that furred coonskin cap with ear flaps. Pale white skin. Flat silver eyes. Possibly handsome. Not that anyone would know behind the tall scarf covering his face. Tall enough. Probably a fit, medium build. Not that anyone would know behind that fur-lined cassock topped by a long coat. Strangely bare-handed despite all the thick clothing. Well-trimmed nails. Smells of nothing. Moonlight reflects off of his body and clothes, and gives him an ethereal, glowing look.
Bio: Long ago. Thunderstorm. Military outpost way up north finds a lost child. How is it even possible? They're miles away from the closest village. Kid didn't talk. Didn't even know the language. It's as if the kid simply materialized from the storm. Seeing no objection, Mikkel, captain of these ten or so lowly soldiers, took him in as his own and named him Evan. ... Mikkel's untimely death was a sad day. It was not due to battle. Rarely did battle happen here. Illness coupled with age. Nothing even a prodigy of ice magic could do. At around this time, a sickness befell the Great Misty Forest not far from them. The three remaining soldiers decided to finally desert this hopeless fort, but Evan wandered further north to escape the trees yet also stay his post. ... Evan defeats the Spirit of the Hunt whose ire he had caught. His presence was an imbalance to the ecosystem of the mountains. Predators soon learned to leave him well enough alone. ... The remaining guard of the northern border was granted barony. Evan built his measly cottage atop the tallest peak, overlooking a wide breadth of scenery. It took long to build, hauling wood and stone from the base of the mountain range. Furs and bones of animals made for nice flooring and cutlery. ... The man who gave him barony sends another letter. War effort. A possibly better purpose than staying here and waiting for nothing to happen. He mulled it over, convened with Mikkel's burial ground, and later accepted it.
Passives: Grade ver. 181812: Rahab - This passive's entire name is his birth name, if so ever someone develops a spell to identify birth names. - Resistant to aging. Innate sense of fashion. Expert Skinner - Knows how to remove skin, bones and unsavory internal organs off of game. Adept with knives. Basic carpentry. Adept with hammers, saws, axes and shovels. Basic swordfighting. Adept with swords and small shields. Basic foraging. Knows which is edible. Adept with climbing trees and throwing rocks at branches. Can cook, if by "cooking" you mean putting meat over a fire, and only that. Adept at burying bodies with a shovel.
Spells: Greater Mastery over Ice - Not quite peak, but very formidable. - Summon up to 3m³/s of dry ice at up to 15m away. - Psychokinetically control up to 3 whole 1m³-size chunks of ice within the same range (jointed segments considered as 1 chunk). - Decompress any portion of dry ice into snow at the same rate as summoning it. Extraneous Ice Imbuements - A small-scale spell to defy the physical properties of ice. It starts with draining all moisture and binding the molecules as tight as possible to allow it to stay intact at room temperature. Then, the extraneity. Making it as hard as steel, as elastic as rubber, and/or ductile enough to be shredded into strands and woven into fabric. - Alters ice at a rate of 1ft³/s. - This altered ice produces a faint glow while basking in moonlight. - Melts back into dry ice when directly burnt. - Decompress any portion of hardened ice back into dry ice at the same rate as altering it. Summon Mystic Wargs - Divine power conferred by the Spirit of the Hunt. Under the bright moonlight, summon up to three translucent wargs to aid in most aspects of life. They last indefinitely and emit a faint light. - May be fed raw mana to be healed. Their bites sap mana away from victims. Moonlight heals them too. - They have minds of their own but are naturally attuned to Evan's intentions. Blood Sight - Divine power conferred by the Spirit of the Hunt. Sees blood where there is blood. Sees blood through any obstruction. Perceives no colour on anything except the colours of blood. Evan's eyes turn from a flat silver to a vibrant gold while using this. - Hurts to use during a bright and sunny day.
Equipment: Clothes. Leather hobnail boots. Slippery on tiles and smooth stone. Good traction otherwise. Map of the territory surrounding Kindeance. Letter of barony. Letter of invitation. A strawberry.
Other: Painfully introverted and ignorant of the inner workings of this world.
Name: Veronica Blackwater Species: Human Vampire Lord Age: 25 (appears 18) Gender: Female Height: 5'8" Appearance: Veronica appears as a pale young woman, not to a porcelain degree, but more like she could use a bit more sun. Her long black hair falls in mostly straight waves down to her mid-back. Her irises are a bloody crimson hue, with her pupils narrowed to reptilian slits. Her frame rides a balance between curvaceous and athletic, lined beneath supple skin with wiry, compact muscles that tend not to be apparent without a physical inspection. Though she often wears a smile, it is rarely an open-mouthed one, largely to avoid broadcasting her fanged incisors. She tends to smell mostly scentless, as the combination of scentless soaps and an undead body that doesn't decompose leaves her presence mostly muted to mundane means. Her garb is fairly eccentric, all blacks and velvety sanguine reds with a subtle butterfly motif. Actual metal armor is applied sparingly and primarily to her joints, almost as an afterthought, to the point of giving the false impression it's only for decoration. By the metrics of society, her garb is rather immodest, the design and accents often drawing the eye to exposed skin or tight enough to be somehow more provocative than outright absence. When she needs to be more subtle (and as a common measure of sunlight protection), she wears a fairly innocuous, brown traveler's cloak.
Born far from the Capital in a place within Kindeance that could best be described as "that idyllic village with some farmer", Veronica was an average human daughter to a peasant hunter... aside from a slight hiccup. Born under a good omen, she was blessed with an innate magical gift for "reading fate", a Seer who might one day have been found and trained to be the mystical advisor of this or that hero, guiding them on the path to a glorious destiny. However, as fate would have it, a True Vampire, one Lord Blackwater, who had long-since set down roots after hailing from a land outside Kindeance, unfortunately heard tell of her and sought to turn her as a subordinate to use her gift for himself. The girl, otherwise defenseless aside from her capacity to see her near future, was captured and a year thereafter turned into a similar creature of darkness, lesser and mystically bound by her hated "master's" bond as her Sire.
Over the two years since her abduction, she was trained in the arts of ninjutsu and magic. she had no choice but to be honed into a weapon and tool for her "master", made an unwilling killer and her magic refined further for the sake of making her a more useful tool for foreseeing misfortune and spying upon the Vampire Lord's enemies... when she wasn't used to murder them outright. Unfortunately for him, training her resulted in the resentful little vampire awakening a second aspect of her gift, one that allowed her to avoid the destiny that she could prior only despair at. Through this, she was able to slip the master bond of her Sire and catch him unawares. Caught off guard, the Vampire Lord was torn limb from limb, and in drinking his blood, Veronica fully became a Vampire Lord like her Sire and shattered whatever might have remained of their bond.
Come the morning, her tormenter's remains were reduced to ashes by the sun, and Veronica once more breathed the sweet air of freedom... Though it was tainted by the bitterness of her new "condition" as a Vampire Lord -if a young one, and she was unsure what to do with herself. Despite bloodied hands and a darkened spirit, she hadn't been under her Sire's yoke long enough to taint her morality irrevocably. She was still herself, and she had no intention of being the monster the next hero would slay.
With that determination made, for the safety of innocent lives, she reluctantly made a home in her Sire's former lair and left primarily only to get sustenance, once more taking up a hunter job of her human family in order to have an at least legitimate supply of blood to drink. In such a way, delivering "pre-drained" cadavers to local butchers of nearby towns and villages, she made a simple living on simple coin... along with whatever her Sire's coffers contained. Her "condition" was one she mostly tried to conceal, but in the end, the King had his ways. Long story short, a year after regaining her freedom, at age 20, she was found out, but the fact that she had stayed a "productive member of society" and wasn't going around murdering people unprovoked and generally being a megalomaniac stayed the hands of potential hunting parties. The fact that it was eventually discovered that she had slain the Vampire Lord before her added another element of potential trustworthiness to her, and so, she was approached as a potential agent of the King to be given a chance to truly prove her loyalty and good will to the kingdom.
As such, for the next half decade, Veronica would find herself occasionally acting on behalf of "favors" from the Crown, working as an espionage agent, Seer, and sometimes soldier and scout for the Guard. Collaborations with Matilda, the Head of the Guard, weren't common, but they weren't uncommon either. Over the course of 5 years, the two developed a basic working relationship. They may not necessarily trust each other, but they don't specifically mistrust each-other either. And Veronica would be inclined to trust her back to the orc warrior.
Over the years, Veronica came to be less resentful of her "condition", and with the tentative faith afforded to her by the kingdom, she has come to redevelop a sense of confidence and acceptance. Nowadays, her "condition" is just another part of life... one she expects will be very long, so she has chosen not to wallow in self-pity and depression. Her once concealing garb has been exchanged for borderline proud eccentricity. While she does not explicitly advertise her "condition", she is no longer shamed by or afraid of it. She is a Vampire in the King's Court, who has earned her place through good will, and she'll not let any tell her otherwise.
Four months ago, due to the seriousness of the kingdom's crisis and the desperation involved, Veronica would find herself requisitioned as an investigator, using her divinations to aid in tracking the Prince's kidnappers with the Guard while the main black ops team was off performing their own tasks. It is because her typical place of residence is a quite a fair distance from the Capitol that she was unable to be reached in time to join up with the main team initially. Regardless, she would eventually conclude her own investigation and move to join the primary team, going on to help locate the Prince's likely locations with her scrying magic.
In the aftermath of a successful retrieval mission and the averting of a national crisis, Veronica used the generous reward given to her by the King (along with a supplement of some of the riches left in her former Master's coffers) to officially purchase the castle and land she had been technically squatting on all that time, only not challenged on it presumably out of good will or concerns about angering the presently friendly vampire. Now that her Sire's former domain was hers in truth, with her i's dotted and t's finally crossed legally and socially, Veronica set about taking steps to making her new lands hospitable, making plans for a vineyard and wine enterprise. Contracting Cedar, the druidic bear of her past team, she was able to have her business functional inside weeks, rather than the months it could have taken, and made overtures to Jazdia Crystalspark about selling her new wares at the elf's restaurant, the Angel's Share.
Four months later, however, she was hearing tell of misfortune that had suddenly befallen Jazdia's business, something that her profit margins from that direction had already warned of. She hadn't wanted to believe it, but the numbers didn't lie. And until the most recent summons from the Crown, she had largely remained in her new lands, doing her best to stabilize and prepare her new holdings, as word of political tensions and cries for war drifted in from Rascade. As soon as she could arrange for her absence to be done without, Veronica departed for the Capital, determined to do her part to once more hopefully maintain peace in Kindeance.
Talants: Ninjutsu: She has been harshly trained in this collection of fundamental survivalist and espionage techniques, among which are: methods of gathering information and techniques of non-detection, avoidance and misdirection, along with disguise, escape and concealment. She's no stranger to picking locks or disabling traps either. This is the root of her shinobi teachings, one in which she has attained mastery status or near enough to it. Heavy focus. While medicine and archery are also parts of these techniques, she favors them lesser. Medicine: Her capacity for medical techniques tends towards "field surgery" and making sure injuries aren't immediately lethal. Setting bones. Popping dislocated joints back in. Applying splints, stitches, bandages and salves. She knows where to stab to kill fastest, so she has a pretty good idea how to be more careful when treating certain afflictions. She's not a biology guru or proper doctor; that's for certain. She's just got a good head for improvisation. Archery: She's a decent shot, but she prefers unaware or otherwise stationary targets. She compensates with her magic to predict her targets' movements for more difficult shots. Taijutsu: For those times she is trapped in prolonged CQC, she's adequate in the art of unarmed -or lightly armed- combat. Unarmed combat isn't her favorite, but she's not going to get steamrolled. Prefers to disengage and arm herself. Shurikenjutsu: She is excellent in the art of handling small, bladed weapons, both in CQC and as throwing weapons. This is her preferred fighting style. Fighting fair is for chumps. Sojutsu/Bojutsu: The art of wielding polearms. Particularly, Veronica favors the spear and scythe. Novice but unconventional. Her most inexperienced but also intuitive martial art and her "passion project". Technically, she's got the basics down pat, but her focus was never open combat under her Sire. That is something she became more familiar with working with the Royal Guard. In other words, she's mostly self-taught, so she tends to fight unconventionally in this art. Lip Reading: In the course of spying and assassination, she has developed the capacity to roughly read speech from afar. Parkour: Her vampiric strength makes her an able and acrobatic navigator of unconventional terrain, very useful for infiltration. Hunter: Her family trade, she is a respectable hand at tracking, trapping and skinning prey, along with camping in the wilds. Peasant Roots: Knowledgeable in the basics of various "womanly" tasks like cleaning, cooking and sewing. Rulership: While she had some basic experience in matters of leading under her Sire's tutelage prior, it's only after officially acquiring legal land and hiring people to tend to it that she's put her theoretical knowledge into practice, giving her a greater air of confidence and command when needs must. Once living long in the shadows, she can now project proper authority and charisma.
True Vampire/Vampire Lord: Darkvision: Even in pitch black, she can perceive the world in shades of grey. Though even this eyesight cuts off into murk past a certain point. Her long-range vision is otherwise very keen under proper lighting. Inhuman Physicality: Undeath has removed the normal limits on human musculature, giving her the capacity for peak human levels of physical feats. However, her muscles will still tear from exerting themselves to their fullest capacity, requiring she only do so in bursts and wait a brief while for them to heal. As long as she doesn't push too hard, she can still operate at normal human levels during the wait. While her body isn't exactly any more durable than a human's, she doesn't feel pain as more than an irritant, and most wounds are not lethal, only disabling. Healing Factor: Her wounds regenerate quickly. Not enough to be all that useful in battle, but outside battle, an hour's rest will mend most wounds, and a night's rest can restore her body entirely, even the loss of her head. Due to the constant nature of the regeneration, she is unable to reattach fully severed body parts. Her regeneration either starts with her mostly intact head or her body if the former is unavailable. Large-scale regeneration rapidly accelerates her bloodthirst's progression. Undeath: She is unaffected by poison, disease, exhaustion or age. Thirst: She doesn't need to eat, sleep or breathe, though she still requires some blood to sate her thirst. While as an undead, she technically doesn't need sustenance, much of her vampiric strengths will become less prominent with prolonged abstinence. In addition, much as any hungry creature, she is prone to increasingly large spurts of irritation and bloodlust until sated. She can subsist off animal blood, but sentient blood is far more fulfilling. She can also consume mundane foods, but they give her no nutrition. Predator: Her presence is generally disliked by creatures without sentience, wildlife naturally perceiving her as a predator, so she is generally unable to handle mundane animals (especially of the "prey" variety) without them going into fight of flight mode, regardless of her intent. They will tolerate her presence enough that she could ride in a cart pulled by horses, but riding horseback would take a beast with nerves of steel, like a veteran warhorse. Unreflected: She has no reflection, whether it be a mirror, body of water or any other surface. Sunlight Vulnerability: Though more resistant than a lesser vampire, sunlight is still her bane, burning badly but not lethally unless she remains in prolonged contact. Chop her to pieces and leave her exposed to daylight, and the sun will do the rest in about an hour. Holy Vulnerability: Certain "holy" or otherwise "sanctified" magics have the capacity to be a special bother to her as an undead. Averted Weaknesses: As a Vampire Lord, she no longer suffers from some of the weaknesses a typical lesser vampire exhibits. Running water no longer hinders her, and she doesn't need to be invited to cross a threshold of a residence. Wooden stakes are as any other weapon, even if getting stabbed in the heart would still be pretty annoying, for the splinters if nothing else. Siring: Vampire "reproduction" is fairly simple. While their undead bodies preclude them from being fertile, they can convert other living beings to more of their kind with a transfusion of their blood to a creature that has been drained dry of their own. The recipient will rise a day later as a lesser vampire fledgling, mystically subordinate to their Sire and unable to disobey direct commands. A fledgling that is granted the opportunity to consume a notable quantity of their Sire's blood again will be freed of the bond and become a True Vampire, otherwise known as a Vampire Lord, but only if their Sire was a Vampire Lord themselves. Lesser Vampires can create fledglings, but if the Sire does not become a True Vampire, their fledgling will be left precluded from being able to become a Vampire Lord as well for as long as that state persists.
Born a Seer when she was human, Veronica's magic revolves around divination, the capacity to view the past, present and future in order to gather information.
Sight of the Fated: Shows her the near future up to five seconds. Allows her to "simulate" her immediate future possibilities without committing to them until she finds one she likes. (eg. she can plan to leap through a window, and she will witness what would occur if she did/who or what is on the other side) She particularly favors using this with her archery. However, the present is always moving at least a little, and she can only make scry attempts so fast. She only has so much time in a given moment to make "guesses" and act on one before the "baseline" of her visions changes. And then she has to put up with the result. If she's facing an aware and skilled opponent, this can be particularly troublesome, especially if she has to waste time using her predictions to avoid attacks on herself rather than returning the favor.
Avert the Destined: Allows her to slip out of "phase" with the interference of the natural course of "destiny". When she enters this state, she becomes imperceptible and intangible to forces of direct mystical origin, shedding any hostile afflictions that currently linger upon her, like curses or bindings. A magical explosion and its immediate integral collateral (shockwave, small debris and such) would wash over her harmlessly, but a thrown steel beam would still ruin her day if not dodged. Divination can't see or target her. She treats magical shields and wards like they don't exist, and the barriers won't even register the intrusion. On the inverse, this separation with the mystical means she cannot affect the world with her other magic in turn until she reverts this state. This spell covers more obscure mystical phenomenon, including the "purifying" effect of the sun's rays on vampires, allowing her to be a "daywalker". (eg. this is what slipped her from her Sire's leash)
The Gift Known as the Present: Allows her to scry distant places and events that are occurring immediately in the now. The further she wants to reach and the more senses she wants to use at the targeted location at once, the more intensive the effort required, so she usually only uses sight and sound. Can be used either for short range strategic glimpses in combat, or ritualistically for spying on distant events. She can target specific individuals, but only if she knows what they look like or otherwise has some manner of catalyst related to them. She can scry any location she has seen personally, as visualization is important to the spell. Though, notably, she can expand the number of "starting points" available to her by panning her vision around a targeted location, her scrying gaze sufficient for the purposes of "marking" new places and people as "seen".
What Has Come Before: Through focused, meditative delving, allows her to wind back the clock of her vision and perceive past events that occurred in a radius of roughly 30 feet from her position. She can wind the clock forward as well, accelerating the "replay" to skip less interesting/relevant material. She can maintain this spell on the move and track events of the past up to the present as fast as she can manage to physically keep up with them. That said, she can only peer back as far as three days, so haste in reaching the "scene of the crime" is still a priority to ensure trails do not go cold.
General: Medium-Sized Brown Backpack: Compact and simple to don and doff. Change of clothes: Includes favored garb, a brown cloak, and practical full-body coverage wear for sun protection/stealth. Mundane Rations: Dry foods like jerky, dried fruit and nuts. (Sometimes used to help conceal her "condition".) Blood Rations: Several thick waterskins with blood of varying types in them (usually animal). A sip every meal period is typically enough to keep her topped off at peak performance. Scentless Soap: A standard cleanliness measure ground into her to aid non-detection. Applied whenever bathing. Coin Pouch: A padded, sectioned pouch, made to silence the jingle of coin.
Armament: Light Armor: Primarily leather over vitals, but some metal on forearms, elbows, knees, lower shins, upper sternum & shoulders. Sharpened Sai Daggers: Typically a defensive weapon, when weaponized, they make an excellent tool for liberating a victim of their eye sockets' contents, along with scrambling the brain behind them. Veronica uses them like deadly nails, punching precise holes in her foes' vitals. Throwing Knives: Not particularly deadly unless aimed well, they still make decent distractions if aimed for the face or neck. Passable for melee combat in a pinch. Far more threatening if coated with poison. Seijaku/Silence - Composite Recurve Shortbow: A bow type useful for firing while mobile. (stored in a leather waterproof case) Quiver: 30 arrow capacity. (30/30) Strapped to small of her back. Barbed & non-barbed arrows. Chigetsu/Blood Moon - War Scythe: Bathed in the blood of many lives over the decades, a strange, crimson polearm once belonging to her Sire. One end is mounted with a spearhead and the other with a scythe-head that is bladed on both edges, oriented oddly like a farming tool, rather than a typical war scythe. Normally, this weapon would be rather impractical, but it comes into its own wielded by a vampire's physicality. The scythe has the magical property to shrink down to the size of a sickle for discreet transport or return to normal (takes 5 seconds in either direction). The enchanted weapon's longevity is the result of the property of blood absorption, slowly but surely repairing itself with any sanguine essence that lingers upon its surface.
Miscellaneous/Tools: Tinderbox: Contains flint, fire steel, and dry cloth soaked in oil. Infiltration Kit: Includes a small file, lock picks, a small mirror mounted on a metal handle, a set of narrow-bladed scissors and pliers. Kaginawa/Grappling Hook & Rope: A sturdy, steel hook and a compact bundle of thin but very sturdy and long rope. Weapon Maintenance Kit: Includes a whetstone, rags, specialized oils, and spare bowstrings. Medic Kit: Contains bandages, gauze pads, splints, basic salves, alcohol, needles, thread, syrettes, scalpels, whiskey & biting stick. Pocket Watch: A well-maintained silver-cased device that once belonged to her Sire, it has been quite useful for tracking the sun. Compass: In good condition. Points north. Leatherbound Logbook: A coded log of information gathered during investigations. Pencils included. Maps: A small, leather-bound book. The contents are of a variety of maps of the kingdoms, particularly Kindeance. Also a variety of far more quality, larger maps kept rolled up separately. All maps are kept within a rubber-lined, waterproof case, for preservation.
Blackwater Castle: Located near the mountain range to the west of the eastern pass leading to Tretagor, this large, imposing mansion is made of an outward layer of stone and carries a serious gothic aesthetic, as one might perhaps expect to be culturally appropriate to a place once -and now currently- owned by a Vampire Lord. The surrounding lands are presently inhabited by a smattering of peasants and enterprising individuals, who have either been hired or given leave to settle on the land. Ownership of these lands provide her, amongst other things: her Sire's coffers and mysterious vaults that she hasn't dug through much, basic manpower and a boost to her reputation and social/legal standing.
Ruby Dreams: A business Veronica has recently started up, built around the vineyards she has had grown on her land. The produce of the orchards (primarily grapes) is used for both regular fruit products and wine making. The business's first market contact was the Angel's Share; though, they have slowly spread their wares into the immediate surrounding lands, partially out of necessity, due to the recent spate of poor business the Angel's Share has received. Provides a (currently small) steady source of income, as they are turning a profit.
Other: Blackwater is not her birth name. As a peasant, she had no family name. Rather, Blackwater is a "title" bestowed upon her by her vampiric Sire, a demonstration that she was to be molded like clay into his tool and "family". With his demise and her recent purchase, she now remains the sole inheritor of Blackwater's assets and has taken up the name in truth.