Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Shandria
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Humanity was once on top of it all, owning the world they walked. Even the greatest dangers this planet had to offer were like minor inconveniences to them. But as with many stories, 'Something Went Wrong'. Nobody lives today that remembers what happened, and all of our history simply shows that one day humanity was forced to leave our home behind.

Our once powerful civilization became refugees on our own planet, fleeing to the skies as our world became engulfed in a perpetual storm that twisted the environment across the globe, leaving everything in ruin. What did survive was mutated into monstrosities that survived only by becoming stronger killing machines than the world had ever seen.

The greatest of our technology to survive this Calamity was the floating islands that became our homes, sitting on the clouds like an island at sea, with the world below almost entirely lost to us.

But there is so much left behind, so many supplies, salvage, and resources. That's where you come in, the Divers. Divers are the brave souls who take on expeditions to the surface to try and get what they can, and bring it back home for profit, while also helping to develop their city. Divers are so important to the new lifestyle of humanity, that they are often also the defenders of their homes. These people act as hunters, soldiers, salvagers, explorers, even scientists. While it's not easy to be a Diver, it's rewarding to say the least, and if you do a good enough job, hell you might just come to run this town.


So the basics of this RP is that we'll start out as a freshly gathered crew of Divers setting out on their first ever Expedition to the surface. The surface is covered in a storm, meaning it's permanently dark, with acid rain and lightning all over the place. What's worse is even if you manage to find a window where you can get onto the surface and not have to worry about the storm, you're still likely to run into all manner of mutated creatures that want nothing more than to get their next meal.

Your job is to get in, and get out, with as much salvage as you can, and with your head still on your shoulders.

There are four roles on a Diver Team:

Captain - The one in charge. Everyone's lives are in their hands as they chart courses, study storm patterns, and are responsible for finding the opening needed to get to the surface in the first place. They are the one with the understanding of how long the crew has before they need to leave, keeping everyone organized, and making sure everyone gets back home alive, and with a load of salvage.

Breaker - The heavy equipment specialist. Their responsibility is breaking through any obstacles that might be in the crew's way. Is a pass blocked by a landslide? Does a ship's hull need breaking open? Any obstacles that bar the way, the Breaker is the go-to to get past it. Without them, Divers couldn't do their jobs and would be stuck walking around the wastes hoping to find something just lying around.

Loader - The one in charge of getting the salvage back to the ship. Loaders are typically far heavier than other Divers, if only because they need the equipment to carry as much salvage as they possibly can. They tend to have minimum combat capabilities, as the entirety of their equipment is designed to turn them into a walking cargo... well, Loader.

Security - It's exactly what you'd imagine. The thickest armor, the biggest weaponry. While a Captain's rig is typically filled with all kinds of scanners and radio equipment, or a Breaker's rig filled with cutting and crushing equipment, the Security rig is designed for one purpose. Take on whatever organic threat is going to be attracted to your salvage operation, and make sure it dies before the crew does.

While each role has its duty, they all work together as one cohesive unit. Each can help where required, even if it's not their specialty. The most important job of all of course, is staying alive, so while the Security might be the most suitable for fighting off the wildlife, all the other Divers are equipped to defend themselves as well. You can imagine the Breaker has some heavy duty equipment that can bust through even the thickest hides, and the Captain is often second on security while the Loader and Breaker do their jobs. The Loader is the least equipped for combat, but when it comes down to it, they're the last line of defense for the salvage that the crew is here for.


A few extra details about this RP, is that the crew would be starting out in pretty scrappy power armor, made up of whatever they could scrape together. The planet's surface is toxic, so these suits need to be sealed, and the crew has limited oxygen before they need to return to the ship, let alone a limited timeframe before the storm picks up again. The clouds might be permanent, but the lightning and acid rain come and go.

This RP would be an advancing technology sort of deal, where as our characters find salvage, they will be able to develop new equipment, that grows more and more advanced as time goes on. While they may be starting out in what is effectively barely functioning power armor, they would eventually move on to full on mechs, and eventually gain extremely powerful capabilities later on.

More than just salvage expeditions will be happening, as the crew has their downtime in port, and will be tasked with dealing with threats to the city. Whether it's flying creatures or a rival city, Divers are the ones called on to defend the city and ensure its continued development and survival.

Assuming the RP goes on for long enough, I could eventually see things getting pretty crazy, as the crew discovers what caused the Calamity so long ago, attempts to reclaim the former glory of humanity, and eventually, sets their sights on even greater threats than they ever thought possible.

I'd be looking for the crew to stay around 4 people, but one or two more wouldn't be too bad with roles like Loaders and Security being able to take on multiple people. I may even expand the available roles, such as adding a mechanic role to keep the other machines running in the field, or a Scientist who is with the crew more for learning than finding scraps.

This is a sort of 'choose your own mech' RP, just so long as what you pick stays within the theme of what is currently possible within the RP. For example:

Starting Rigs will be power armor level, being more of a suit than a mech, will be slow, cumbersome, and lack the ability to leave the ground at all without the aid of a ship. This means no flying... but also no jumping.


Anyway let me know if anyone's interested in this idea. Mostly looking for people who would be dedicated to the theme and aren't going to just stop posting a week in.
Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Expendable
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Expendable The Certifiable

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Sounds interesting, to say the least. I like the sound of breaker, myself.
Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Skwint
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Intriguing. I certainly wouldn't mind being a hoarder loader.
Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Ti
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Ti Kitti

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Definitely getting Xenoblade 2 vibes from the description.

The main character in that is Rex, who is a scavenger on the cloud sea, who dives for scrap to make ends meet. Which is similar to the set up.

Reads like a fun set up as written.
Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Shandria
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

@Ti I like your attitude!

That's honestly what at least some of the inspiration comes from, just in this case, the sea of clouds isn't really a sea, it's just clouds, and the idea is that the technology will advance drastically over time, especially as they discover ruins of the old world and bring up 'ancient' technology. So while they just start out in power armor... who knows where they'd be by the end. I mean by the end... who is to say they're even facing the same threats.
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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Ti
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Ti Kitti

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The talk about power armour reminds me of Bioshock (Big Daddy) and similar set ups. Which also kind of fits your idea of Steampunk setting.
Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Shandria
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

That's the basic idea. Or at least, similar things.

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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

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Will keep an eye on this fo sho. I do desire an expedition.
Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Shandria
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

I'll set up an OOC after work today.
Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Jamesyco
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Jamesyco Forever a Student

Member Seen 1 day ago

def interested
Hidden 11 mos ago Post by OwO
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OwO what's this?

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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by vietmyke
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Interesting idea!
Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Shandria
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

The OOC has been made. People who showed interest first have first claim to roles!

OOC Here
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