Faline of the Evergreen Forest

Basic Information
Female- She/Her Heterosexual
Max of three classes.
Druid Rogue with Bard qualities
Double-ended daggers with a bow and arrow as backups.
Detailed Appearance:
Faline stands at 5'7" with an athletic, yet curvy form. She is considered short amongst the Elvian. She has vibrant green eyes and thick, curly red hair that is normally in a braid or dreadlocks that cover her slightly pointed ears. Faline's attire usually consists of leather and natural materials like wool or cotton.
Bio History:
Faline was born to a member of one of the few nomadic clans of Elvian that roam the Evergreen Forest. Her father was an exception, an honorary member of her clan despite being human. He had saved the chief's precious niece from a bandit raid that wanted to sell her into slavery. Her mother was head over bare heels for him and the two grew close to the point where they married and had Faline. While she is considered a part of the clan, the half-human blood that runs in Faline's veins negates any claim to a major position within the clan.
At a young age, no more than three, Faline had a way with animals and plant life that others of her clan did not. She was able to tell where the ripest foods were in the forest and where the best fish were as if an Ursa Major (Great Bear) actually took the time to tell her. Not only that but she had a singing voice that could calm the mind and ease the soul.
It was during one of the few stops at a Settlement along the Trade Road that misfortune found her clan once again. Faline's parents were killed while trying to protect the clan, a majority of Faline's clan was able to flee into the forest but not until after damage had been done. After word had traveled to the reaches of the capital, Faline, and her clan were surprised by a small accompany of men that were employed by her father's family, whom they assumed had died. He was an estranged son of a noble family that had left to find his own way in the world. They had missed him terribly and were saddened to hear that he had perished. With this last attack from the bandits, Faline's clan was suffering to feed everyone and at the age of ten years old, she decided to go with her father's family's men back to Volenstul.
Faline's paternal grandparents welcomed her with open arms and her father's older brother, Nikolai, loved her like his own, considering his wife was never able to conceive. Her uncle recognized her potential with her voice and affinity with nature. Nikolai also sensed the unchecked rage that occurred from her parents being killed. He trained her in hand-to-hand combat and with her stature they found that she was best suited with daggers, double-ended ones became her favorite.
As she got older, Faline noticed that Nikolai would take these trips but would never exactly tell her where he went or what he did. Most recently the trips had been more frequent and the once great sparkle in her uncle's eyes had diminished with each return but he still smiled for her, even with the fact that she was now a young woman. Nikolai had disappeared completely about a year ago. Usually, he would send Faline that he was fine and doing well knowing how concerned she got especially with her parents gone. Nikolai and his wife, Clara, were her second parents.
Now, Faline was on a mission to find out what happened to Nikolai. Lately, she has been taking up odd mercenary jobs that showed some potential leads to her paternal uncle. Her drive to find him and not lose out on another parent figure.
- Being out in nature
- Reading/Storytelling
- Music- she can play various flutes, harps, and the piano as well as sing
- Chocolate- bonbons are her favorite
- People that destroy nature for fun or their own personal gain.
- People that take advantage of others that are weaker or less fortunate.
- Corsets
- High-heeled shoes

Skills and Abilities:
You must have three abilities and give a short description of each ability.
- Siren's Call- When Faline uses her Siren's Call whether it is with her voice or an instrument, her enemy's guard is let down and allows her to pose as an ally until she is close enough to strike and take out her opponent. This ability is one that develops further over practice and time.
- Connection with Nature- While she can't shapeshift into a creature like most Druids, Faline can communicate with animals when she uses her connection. She can also communicate with other Druids in their animal forms.
- Persuasion- While she is nowhere near as persuasive as her uncle, Faline is able to hold her own when it comes to making deals and convincing others. Growing up in the high society of Volenstul, Faline has learned a thing or two about the political scene and uses it to her advantage when needed.
What are the drawbacks of those abilities?
- The drawback to Siren's Call is that Faline could potentially lose herself in her song and if she isn't careful could enslave her allies as well if she isn't focused.
- Speaking to animals out in the open is frowned upon, especially in the Volenstul where such magic is forbidden. It makes her appear insane. She normally doesn't converse with animals in the open but sometimes a squirrel just needs to shut up.
- Not everyone is willing to talk things through and sometimes the wrong thing could be said in conversation, leading Faline into trouble.
Three basic skills that your character contributes to the group with a short description.
- Insight- Faline is able to assess a situation and form a quick plan.
- Nature- Due to living out in the Evergreen Forest and being trained by her uncle, Faline has a wide range of knowledge about animals and plants to forage for food or even collect plants for potions.
- Acrobatics- Faline is able to climb walls and trees with ease. She is very flexible and is able to evade close attacks. This skill also allows her to use double-ended daggers as weapons to protect herself or also shoot a quick arrow with her bow.
Extra Information:
Theme Song:
Her Siren's Call:
She has a pet owl named Athen.

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