Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by RisingRobin
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RisingRobin Flyin' High

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Ahh Pokémon Professors. One of the most recognized and distinguished careers within the wide world of Pokémon. While there are many ways one can become officially certified as a professor, only the best and brightest study at The Laventon Institute for Pokémon Study and Professorship (Often shortened to The Laventon Institute to save time). Located in the heart of Jubilife City in the Sinnoh Region, The Institute is the premier school for those looking to earn their Professor certification and pursue Pokémon research as a career. Among the Institute's distinguished list of alumni, notable graduates include Samuel Oak, Jameson Rowan, Augustine Sycamore, Cedric Juniper, and Sasha Burnet just to name a few.

As befitting the distinguished nature of the Laventon Institute, they receive numerous applications prior to every school year. Due to the highly selective nature however, only a handful of applications are ever accepted. One year, only five students were brought in as first years! Those chosen to attend the Institute spend the next four years immersed in the study of Pokémon. Courses cover everything from studying Pokémon type classifications all the way to how newly discovered moves and abilities can be applied in battle and practical day to day use. Upon graduation, the Institute will even provide funding for graduates to begin their research or connect them with a Professor in the same field of study!

In between their class schedules and attending lectures with visiting professors, the crown jewel of the Laventon Institute's curriculum is the Thesis Program. As part of their application to the Institute, students are required to submit a paper on what specific aspect of Pokémon research they are most interested in pursuing. These papers can range from a wide variety of topics such as evolution, breeding, battle theory, or even the origin of Pokémon themselves! Once accepted, students will spend the next four years pursuing that topic and - prior to graduation - will be required to present a thesis paper documenting all of their findings. This research will form the backbone of the student's field of study post-graduation. Even multiple years after he submitted it, Prof. Oak's thesis on the relationship between humans and Pokémon is upheld as the gold standard for the Thesis Program.

Students working on their theses are allowed a considerable amount of freedom. The Institute is willing to help with most expenditures should the student need to travel or acquire specific materials for their studies. It's not an uncommon occurrence for students to travel as far as Alola or Galar for the purpose of completing their theses. While out performing field work, students are excused from classes provided they make up the missing homework upon their return.

Hey there! Thanks for reading this far down! So the basic idea for this RP is that we'll be playing Pokémon Professors in training and making our way through the school year until graduation. There really isn't going to be a limit for characters in this RP, but it will be application based. Character sheets will be rated on the quality of submissions, so if you join late don't worry. We'll try and find a place for you. I'm a pretty laid back GM so here are a few ground rules:

1. We're all here to have fun. Don't be a jerk.

2. Don't make your character broken

3. If you join and have to leave for any reason, don't ghost the RP. Let us know if you're stepping away and whether or not you'll be re-joining us

4. No Legendary Pokémon on teams. Just no.

5. If you have any questions or need to settle a disagreement between players, GM will rule it.

Whew! With all that out of the way, character sheets are posted below! Let's have some fun!

Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Crimson Flame
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Crimson Flame *Insert something profound here*

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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Cleveraptor
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Cleveraptor It's Terror Time Again, Witches

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

You know what, this seems interesting. I'll work on a CS when I get home from work.
Hidden 11 mos ago Post by RisingRobin
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RisingRobin Flyin' High

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

You know what, this seems interesting. I'll work on a CS when I get home from work.

Thanks! lol. Just a silly idea I had while revisiting Scarlet and Violet before Indigo Disk comes out.
Hidden 11 mos ago Post by LadyAnnaLee
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LadyAnnaLee VIX

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I have questions. I will now ask them. You do not have to answer. But it might help me and others.

Are you putting a limit on how many pokemon a character can have?

Do their names have to be plant slash tree themed?

How often will you be looking for posts from players?

On a scale from 1 to 10, 1 being super casual and 10 being super advanced, about where are you looking for posts to be at?

Would something like friendship or IV stats be an acceptable thesis?

Thank you so much!

PS. This does look super interesting. I'm not asking these questions to be annoying. But my participation will be influenced by some of the answers.

Hidden 11 mos ago Post by RisingRobin
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RisingRobin Flyin' High

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

@LadyAnnaLee Answers to questions:

I’m not limiting anyone on Pokémon. Your characters are going to be in their early to mid twenties at the youngest. You’ll likely have caught a few by this point.

Honestly, if you REALLY don’t want to keep the tree theme going, I’m not going to deny you entry for it. Sada and Turo technically broke that tradition already even if they aren’t typical Pokémon professors. I do find it to be a fun gimmick however. Just personal preference.

I’m not going to dog people for posts. This is meant to be a low stress RP. At least once a week would be ideal, but I get that people have lives.

Somewhere in the middle, maybe 6-7ish? It’s still casual roleplay

I think you could do something with that topic! Maybe your character is studying the bonds between the trainer and Pokémon and how it makes the Pokémon stronger? (Friendship/Battle Bond)
Hidden 11 mos ago Post by LadyAnnaLee
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LadyAnnaLee VIX

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Thank you so much! That answers all my questions for now. (I'm sure I'll have more later. That's how it works) I can only typically post on the weekends, well my weekend, Sunday through Tuesday, so once a week is perfect. Like I said, I am excited. I'll work on my application character sheet this weekend. Well, my weekend. I do think that they will be studying Pokémon Friendship. (Munchlax is my favorite. I will shamlessly admit that this character will most likely be at least 50 percent self insert. I hope that's okay.)

Thank you again!
Hidden 11 mos ago Post by RisingRobin
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RisingRobin Flyin' High

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

If a character you’re creating to play isn’t self-inserted on some level, are they even fun?
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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Eveekitten
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Eveekitten of many faces

Member Seen 10 mos ago

I am absolutely interested in this and will create a character first thing in the morning. I would do so now, but it is very late and I would rather be a little more able to think things through.

This is such a fun idea!
Hidden 11 mos ago 10 mos ago Post by RisingRobin
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RisingRobin Flyin' High

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Hidden 11 mos ago 10 mos ago Post by Eveekitten
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Eveekitten of many faces

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Let your heart speak for itself, it has more important things to say

Full Name: Natalie Willow

Age: 24

Year at the Institute: Third Year

Favorite Color: Lavender

Thesis Subject: The effects on Pokemon when sharing an emotional bond, be it with other Pokemon or their trainers.

Appearance: Natalie is young, with pretty features. Her eyes are bright green, with chestnut hair that she often pulls back in a ponytail to keep out of her way during her research. She comes across as disorganized, because of the papers and other items constantly sticking out from the bag that she carries, but, to her, this is organized chaos, as she always knows where everything she needs is. She is usually in clothes of convenience, rather than appearance, often shorts, and a tank top under her lab coat, something that makes it easy for her to traverse and get around quickly.

Personlity: Natalie doesn't like to sit still for too long, often finding herself zoning out during classes where she is expected to simply sit and take notes. When it comes to activities, labs or anything hands on, this is where she excels, and in fact, shines, often above the rest in her class. She interacts with pokemon, performs experiments, and completes world tasks with ease, and often in a way that appears both clever and impressive to her teachers.

Because of her inability to sit still for long periods of time without losing her focus, Natalie often seems to be in a hurry, and because of this, she rarely takes the time to place things neatly or orderly into her bag, often stuffing notes or papers that she may have been doodling on without care. Her bag is like a world all it's own, if anybody else were to try and find anything, they would never be able to, however, she seems to be able to find what she's looking for fairly quickly... even if it might be a little wrinkled. There is one exception to this rule. Her leather bound portfolio. This portfolio doesn't stay in her bag, she is more often seen carrying it in her arms, and this is where she keeps the things that she deems the most important. Keeping everything from detailed drawings, charts, and information about her chosen field of study. This portfolio is her truest dedication to her love for pokemon and her study of them.

Bio: Natalie was born and grew up in Lavendar town, in the Kanto region. At a young age, she became oddly fascinated by the emotions built between a trainer and their pokemon, often seeing travelers coming through with their own pokemon, or visiting the tower, mourning their losses. As she grew, she developed a kind of fear of losing her own pokemon once she got old enough to become a trainer, so much so, that when she finally turned ten, she refused to make the journey to Palet town and become a trainer herself. Out of concern, her parents reached out to Professor Oak, imploring him to visit with Natalie and help her through her fears. To their surprise, Professor Oak did make a visit to Lavendar town, and stopped to visit the young girl. The twelve year old seemed unsure about the professor, at first, sure that he was going to insist that she become a trainer, but instead, he told her that there were so many other paths that could be taken and explored in the world of pokemon, that becoming a trainer was only a single path.

This conversation changed Natalie's entire world, and by the end of the conversation, she found herself fascinated by Professor Oak and all the good that he had done in the world for Pokemon and humans from his research. That was the spark that ignited her passion for becoming a Pokemon professor. She began her studies at once, borrowing books from Professor Oak, and creating her own studies, even, on rare occasions, being permitted to go with Oak on special outings, where they might study Pokemon in their natural habitat. Over the years, though Professor Oak enjoyed teaching what he could to the girl, eventually, he informed her that all Pokemon researchers had to go out on their own, find their own love and interests in what they want to study. He set her sights on the Laventon Institute, encouraging her to do what she could to get into this prestigious school, and naturally, doing everything that he could to help her succeed.

With Professor Oak's endorsement, Natalie was accepted without hesitation, and taken into the school with high regards from many of the teachers. The first year found the young girl starry eyed and eager to learn, taking notes and dedicating everything she had to doing her best. This made her stand out as a top student pretty easily, her love, passion and dedication was obvious to anyone who spoke with her. By the second year, she found herself growing less interested in theory and notes and much more interested in going out and exploring the world, like she used to be able to do with Professor Oak. Eventually, they were given more freedom to do this very thing, encouraged to go out and study, to help choose their field of interest. Natalie had always known that she was interested in the bond between a Pokemon and it's trainer, but these explorations, and meeting trainers with their Pokemon, who always seemed just as determined, and attached cemented her interest. The bond was only the icing on the cake, there was so much more to the relationship between Pokemon and their trainers... or even, Pokemon and other Pokemon, as she discovered through watching her own Pokemon interact with each other and other wild Pokemon that they would sometimes run into.

Her third year introduced her to even more freedom as she began to explore further and further out. This would be the year that she could focus on building the information that she would need for her thesis, this meant exploring the relationships between Pokemon and people, the differences between individual trainers, and even the difference between an active trainer, and others who used Pokemon in their everyday work.


Quirks: Loves to doodle and draw (sometimes useless things, sometimes pertaining to her study); Small outbursts of energy, especially after she's been cooped up; Does not like to battle, and will do everything within her power to avoid it if she can.
Hidden 10 mos ago 10 mos ago Post by RisingRobin
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RisingRobin Flyin' High

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Some great looking applications so far! If you are still making yours, or you need to touch up on you submitted, see Jason Yew for the format I'm looking for. It didn't translate too well on the original posting. That's on me. Haha.

Also if you want to work out character relationships with each other before the RP, feel free to discuss them here.
Hidden 10 mos ago 10 mos ago Post by Crimson Flame
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Crimson Flame *Insert something profound here*

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Pine is going to have a crush on Yew, but probably lose patience with him quickly.

I will add the bios for the Pokémon later.
Hidden 10 mos ago Post by Xaltwind
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Xaltwind Disgruntled Dragonfly

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Well, I finally scarped somehting together. Took a bit. Hopefully, it'll do.

"Huh? What do you want? I'm busy, ask someone else. Oh geez, why're there so many stairs...!?"

Full Name: Sylvie Maple

Age: 20

Year at the Institute: First Year, Freshman

Favorite Color: Aquamarine

Thesis Subject: The Appication and Amplification of Pokémon and Power Stones.

Appearance: Sylvie is a shorstack, standing only at around 5'1" (155 cm) tall. Her reddish brown hair is almost always messy and all over the place and she dresses fairly casually most of the time, prefering to wear comfortable attire over fashionable ones. Her eyes are brown as well, and she wears a pair of large glasses. When she removes these, her face has been known to look quite "villainous"... She only wears a lab coat while working on projects at the institute or when when doing field-work or on official trips. She has a plump physique. Some people call her 'thicc'.

Personality: Sylvie is a reclusive person. She often shies away from large groups or crowded events and seems to generally avoid large gatherings of people whenever possible. This isn't to say she can't communicate or talk to others, far from it, she just prefers things to not be noisy or crowded. So, it should come as no surprise that she dieslikes loud, noisy, pushy and/or obnoxious people, those who like to or frequently cause a scene and drama, or those that feel the need to stand out and be seen/heard.

She's also sensitive and very defensive, often misinterpreting peoples words or actions as jabs or flak aimed at her person. She can be prickly and sharp-tongued, and doesn't seem to be concerned with other peoples' thoughts, feelings or desires. In that regard, she's selfish and can be rude or curt with others, and she's rather impatient too. A bit of a slob as well actually.

Sylvie's also a scaredy-cat, being easy to frighten or surprise, which will lead to her being furious - or panicked. She doesn't handle scary stories or horror themes well at all, and will get very small and mousy when exposed to such things. She also has a very hard time accepting compliments or praise, becoming very shy and conflicted if given such. Basically, a bit of tsundere in there. The young woman does undeniably love pokémon though, and is very friendly, kind and thoughtful with and towards them. She never litters in nature and she's conscious enough to pick up trash in the wild if she spots it.

Her low self-esteem is the main reason she acts the way she does towards other humans. She always believes they're judging or ridiculing her, for one reason or another, whereas pokémon don't judge based on appearance - which is why she loves them. That said, even Sylvie isn't cold-hearted or jaded enough to turn a blindd eye to those in need. And if someone can endure the porcupine quills and crack that wall she's built around herself, one might find that she's actually a genuinely sweet and kind, but frighteningly shy soul.

As a final point, she has a rather quick wit and is surprisingly bright, despite her disheveled appearance and thorny persona. She can laugh at jokes or silliness... As well as others misfrotune... She keeps an facade of confidence up and talks a big game, trying to puff herself up. When she's focused on a task or something she's interested in though, she goes into some kind of hyper-focused trance and is barely able to perceive or respond to things around her. When in this state, she's probably the most earnest and honest you'll ever see her. She likes tinkering with and building things you see, and that eats a lot of cous - which means she doesn't have any to spare on being snarky.

Bio: Born in Hoeen to a dad from Unova and her mother, a Hoenn-native, Sylvie is of mixed heritage. Her father travelled to Hoenn on business, met her mother, fell in love, got married and had their daughter. Unfortunately, his work required him to travel around the world a lot, so Sylvie's upbringing was left for the most part to her mother. For the most part, they lived peacefully in Oldale Town, with Sylvie attending basic school over in Petalburg City.

Sadly, Sylvie's childhood was rahter sad. She was shy and awkward, and the other kids often made fun of, or pointed out, her weight. This only got worse with age and eventually caused Sylvie to shy away from humans and prefer the company of pokémon, and the anonyminity of the internet. She also happened upon an injured Ralts not too far from their house one day, broguht it back home and nursed it back to health. This would become her first pokémon, as it refused to leave once fully recovered.

Spending time with this Ralts, it became her best friend and most precious pokémon. It was also around this time that she started developing her defensive mechanisms to deal with other humans. Tongue-lashing those who looked at or mocked her, becoming overly prickly and hard to approach, etc.

When the time for Sylvie to set out on her own journey finally came, her mother noted that the girl didn't seem the least bit excited. And she wasn't. Having been an indooors-kid for most of youth, she found travelling incredibly inconvenient and tiresome. Being challenged by other trainers was exhausting and irritating. Spending time in the crowded Pokémon Centers gave her headaches and challenging the gym leaders or the Pokémon Contests felt so pointless. Needless to say, Sylvie never got her eight gym badges or her five ribbons. She returned home well before that.

Surfing the web, reading and learningabout pokémon in books, magazines and while watching the TV, Sylvie led a slow, peaceful and uneventful life. She became particularly fond of stones at this time, especially evolution stones. She also became an avid fan of Unova's Elesa. But back to the stones, she began to bug her mother to go all the way to Celadon in Kanto in order to buy some... Which she later regretted deeply once there, as the place was packed with people... But hey, at least she got that stone...

Following this, she'd save up her allowance and take her pokémon outside - on rare occasions - to search for more pretty rocks. Rocks were great. They didn't say anything or make noise, they didn't look at you funny or make comments about your appearance. And they were heavy! Something they had in common. Thus, she spent a few years like that. On her 15th birthday, her dad returned briefly, bringing with him a new addition to their family. A young growlithe. This made Sylvie very happy. A few months later, said Growlithe found that stone she'd bought in Celadon... And, sort of accidentally bit it... And turned into an Arcanine. This made Sylvie less happy. Now she was down one stone and had a dog that no lognger fit in her bed.

As the years dragged on, her mother was actually the one who brought up the possibility of the Institute. During one of their dinner-time discussions, her mom was concerned about Sylvie's future and what her daughter wanted to do with her life. Sylvie, being ever the couch-potato, had no goals or aspirations to speak of. Worried that her daughter would become a useless lay-about, her mother borught up the institute, saying that since Sylvie liked evolution stones so much, loved pokémon and didn't want to move around a lot, she could become a pokémon professor and spend all her time inside a nice, cozy lab... Complete with AC, and get paid for doing it! This, obviously, was quite the wily way to motivate her slug of a child, but unsurprisingly it worked.

Of curse, Sylvie had a very hard time deciding on her thesis. She liked stones and rocks, but didn't want to go around cave-diving or mountain climbing... Way too exhausting. She loved pokémon, but she didn't want to go out into the wild and search for them, or spend long periods of time roughing it in the underbrush or sleeping in a tent on a foldable bed, or worse, a sleeping bag. She needed to come up with something that would allow her to study both things, but not make her need to run around or do a bunch of exhausting field work. Then, it finally hit her. She got her idea, and wrote it down.

Some months later, after having submitted her thesis and applications, she got a response from the institute. She'd been accepted. Just as planned...


  • Stress Eater: As apparent by her physique, Sylvie is a stress eater. When things get hectic, she eats. When she's stressed. She eats. When she's peckish, she eats. And she eatas a lot. She be a foodie.
  • Admirer: Sylvie is a big of Elesa of Nimbasa City. She has pictures, posters and even recordings of the Gym leader/Super Model doing poses. She gets very embarrassed and flustered whenever someone else finds out about this. Which often leads to a lot of incoherent explaining and pointless gesturing on Sylvie's part.
  • Collector: Sylvie loves pretty stones, and has a small collection of various ones. Which includes evolution stones. However, due to an incident with her Arcanine, she now stores them in a special, secure case to prevent accidents. Still, she gets very excited whenever she can add a new rock to her collection.
  • Prepared: Despite what one might think when looking at her, Sylvie is surprisingly well-prepared. This is because she always carries a bag with her, stuffed with various useful things like medicine, antidoes, paralyze heals and other items. Scissors, rolls of bandages, bandaids, sunscreen... She even has her swimsuit tucked away in there at all times! And she never goes anywhere without her bag.
Hidden 10 mos ago Post by RisingRobin
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RisingRobin Flyin' High

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

@Crimson Flame@Xaltwind@Eveekitten

Great entries! All approved. Just adjust to the format on the CHARACTERS tab.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 10 mos ago 10 mos ago Post by LadyAnnaLee
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LadyAnnaLee VIX

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Okay. It's late, and this has only been proof read once, but I wanted to get it up before I went to bed. I'll check for typos again tomorrow.

A couple notes. I used an AI art generator to create the image. I hope that's okay. I can change the Pokémon Malene sends for protection, I just thought Darius was cool.

Thank you so much!
Hidden 10 mos ago Post by Xaltwind
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Xaltwind Disgruntled Dragonfly

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


So... Are yours and my character related then, since they have the same last/family name?
Hidden 10 mos ago Post by LadyAnnaLee
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LadyAnnaLee VIX

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Oh! Ah! I'm not sure how I missed that. I'm sorry. I see three things that can be done. I am okay with all of them.

1. I can change it. I'm not attached to the name Maple and that's an easy thing to do.

2. It's just a common family name. This does add just a slight whisper of a kiss of realism.

3. They are in fact related, but I would prefer of it was distantly, like fourth cousins five times removed or something. It could be a fun little thing for them to discover during the course of the story.
Hidden 10 mos ago Post by Xaltwind
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Xaltwind Disgruntled Dragonfly

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

I'm fine with whichever, its not really an issue. :P
Pick whichever you want~
Hidden 10 mos ago Post by LadyAnnaLee
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LadyAnnaLee VIX

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Okay. I changed the name and I proofread. Though I'm still sure I missed some things.

While I don't think Lancer and Sylvie are related I can totally see him trying to take care of slash parent her.
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