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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by YummyYummy
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YummyYummy Ayyyyy

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

It was both the blessing and curse of Zenobucks to be open just as Ipte gave way to Shune. It was still and dark, the sun just a glow on the horizon, the great hordes of commonfolk just rolling out of bed, the brilliant blanket of stars starting to fade from the brightening sky.

There was a serenity to it - a peace - and Ersand'Enise, that great burgeoning metropolis that always seemed to be welling with people, magic, danger, and opportunity, felt oddly intimate at this hour.

As a tethered, Marceline had been taught from the moment she first opened her eyes in the Refuge at St. Agustin, some girl with strange dreams, no memories, and no name, to block out the noise, lest it overwhelm her. In the silence of the desert, she'd practiced: a small unnamed person atop the sandstone parapets, watching their long, somber shadows skew and shorten as the vast golden sun peered over the horizon.

And every morning, she would return, as Amanda Escarra, her mother, observed and guided her from below, shaping the unnamed girl into a Marceline who might someday thrive outside of those walls. She learned the hum of the insects and the heat of the sun, the way the stones gathered it in and bled it out. She felt the people sleeping in their beds: the tiny pulses within their minds and bodies, the changing chemicals as they began to stir. Then came the voices, and how they devastated her at first. She shut them out and wished she couldn't feel them for, even here, deep in el mar de dunas, there were too many. So much movement, so much sound and heat and energy!

Over half of tethered failed to ever acclimate. They shut their sixth sense out, denying the half of their curse that was Gift. Gradually, in bits, Marci had opened herself. As mother's health had waned and she had moved from two to zero, the girl had strained to give her this present: the knowledge that it had all been worth it, that her daughter would succeed, that she might make something of her short life.

And then she had stood alone - truly alone - atop those walls, though sometimes she might sense Abuelo in the distance. Still, she opened herself, ever more. Still, she encountered the wonders of the world: how those small hills she had never questioned were a pack of halassa hibernating in the sand, the great reverberating rumble of the heavens as vast anvil-shaped clouds flowed like rivers overhead and then opened up to bring the desert to life. Then came the long grasses, the bees, and the lizards for those next few months, the enormous ancient shape of a distant sand wyrm in its endless trek across the wastes, far out there at the very hazy edge of her range.

How blessed she had felt to live in this world and to be able to sense the things that she did, but time began to steal the girl's happiness. By Marci's third year, as the Afortunado came to select her, her feet were alien things and her ankles could give her no more. Every morning began with strapping on a pair of braces and the climb up the stairs had become an arduous one. Her mother had well and truly cloistered and, for the first time, her imminent death had become a real thing, and a source of endless anxiety. The wagons that would come and go twice each month grew into objects of intense interest. She well understood that the sensory bombardment of the real world could be too much for some tethered, but mother had managed it in her younger years, when she had gone out on assignments.

Then, they had assigned her a wheelchair and bade her to practice and it had all come to feel so small and hopeless and limiting. By the age of thirteen, a deep anxiety had set in about her future, maybe even a malaise. It was only the arrival of six students of Ersand'Enise that had saved her, in every way possible.

Now, Marceline's footsteps, swift and sure, clattered over the flagstones of the city's streets. Her senses swept for the usual early morning denizens, and she made her way with purpose.

Dew sparkled on lawns and hedges and the iron balustrades of fine homes. A fox skittered towards the arboretum, where it kept its den. A cat rubbed against a planter box at the door of a townhouse, its eyes glowing faintly golden in the early morning murk. Marci reached into her bag and pulled out a smaller cloth sack as she neared her destination. Her senses were alive with the city now, as Shune finally burst over the horizon in all of his brilliance.

Somewhere up above, floated Jocasta, as was her early-morning custom. Born-on-Solstice and a handful of sunblessed sat on rooftops, recharging for the day. The aroma of strange sauces met her nose as she passed a guesthouse where some Retanese were staying and already cooking themselves a breakfast. One of the great bells of the cathedral lay dormant, its clapper gently swinging as a trio of pigeons landed on it. She could sense the tarnishing of its bronze surface: the subtle chemical changes.

Then, she was there. The fourth Zenobucks location - the one close to the Proving Grounds - was the newest, and they were on event hours, event pricing, and event staffing. She had determined it was in need of some extra care, especially with Tku absent, given that he was a competitor in the Trials, after all.

"Good not-quite morning!" she chirped at the staff. None of them were students by necessity, and a couple had been poached from their duties as carpenters, housewives, and washerwomen. "And thank you so very much for helping us out today." The booth was looking shipshape, but for one corner of the sign where the cheap wood they'd used was warping and pulling out the nail it was bolted in with. Marceline took a moment to focus her binding magics and render it passable. She made a mental note to replace it, contingency budget allowing.

Laying the cloth sack down on the table, she pulled out tarts for all four of the shop's employees: Muriel, the head baker; Lisette, the cashier; Vittorio, the deliveryman; and Franz, who handled maintenance and whatever else was needed - truly a versatile man. They wasted no time in ambling up and they were a good crew: capable, friendly, and generally problem-solvers where needed. Why, Muriel had even come up with a new type of tart the previous week that had been a hit with customers. They would be piloting it in an official capacity starting tomorrow. "Oh, and for the little one, Franz," Marceline added, pulling out a tiny bonnet for his newborn daughter. She spent two more minutes catching up with them, clarified a few things about the rollout tomorrow, and was on her way to the next store. Successful businesses did not run themselves, and Zenobucks - once little more than an inside joke - had become successful indeed.

It was a little over an hour later that Marceline was finished her morning rounds. The sun was up, all four locations within Ersand'Enise were open, and she had one more errand to run. Twice, she had nearly tripped in the areas of the city that had cobbles. Thankfully, only one of the shoppes absolutely required that she cross the picturesque little ankle-breaking stones. What it highlighted, however, was that her toes, with the vital balance they provided, had gone almost completely numb.

The shimmering coins jingled faintly in her coinpurse as the young tethered made her way through the Queensgate and out of the city. It took annoyingly long for, once more, there was something of a queue. A handful of tents and lean-tos hunkered under the palms and by the guardhouse and in them were yasoi who'd fled the invasion of their nations by the Tarlonese. Some appeared normal enough - or as normal as a yasoi could ever be - while others twitched or talked to themselves or looked about hungrily in ways that were profoundly unnatural. Addicts, the girl knew, feeling distinctly uncomfortable around their blank, leering stares, restless dashes to nowhere, and endless fidgeting. There was a reek to them too. "'scuse mem, I loss my wagon on go in," said one, grabbing at the folds of her dress, "lend coin Lachon pay back. Just need small lend. Lachon get wagon. All good!" His hands were on her and the girl stumbled back, nearly falling, and scampered away. Instead, she was stuck waiting in line while he and the other hovered around.

Once she was allowed through, Marci quickly made her way past, enhancing her speed with kinetic and chemical magics. The entire experience had unsettled her and she found herself happy to see the signage of the Vermilion Swirl. It was time for The groove and another Grey aberration. The last time she'd taken one had been back in Tiptos and it should've lasted her until the end of Mittria, at least, but here she was at the start of Assani. She hoped it wouldn't become a pattern. Maybe The Groove's merchandise was faulty. Maybe the place was a scam...

That was when she sighted Abdel, hanging around outside the famous - or perhaps infamous - pleasure house. Just like she had when they'd been children, Marceline snuck up behind him. "Well well well kiddo," she teased, "Fancy finding you here. I'd say I never took you for the type, but..." She trailed off with a merciless little grin.

Abdel perked up as he felt his personal bubble be a little too invaded. He preemptively turned to confront the little rogue, only to meet a very familiar face. “Well well,” he parroted, arms crossed before his chest as if she spoke some truths. He cocked a brow at the joke. “how's it going with Fiske, Brandaeble?” he smirked, eyes not-so-subtly shifting between her and the esteemed establishment they were, or were about to be, frequenting. “But really, what brings you here? Zeno Bucks aspirations?” he smiled with brief checks over his shoulder as if he was waiting for something.

Marci arched an eyebrow. "No, Abdul. I'm here to visit my secret hunky boyfriend, Chad." She tried rising onto her tiptoes to peer over his shoulder, but they were dead things: all the more reason for her to do this now. "Who ya lookin' out for anyway, though?"

“A friend.” the intonation and briefness of his tone, as well as the context of a brothel made his guarded posture all the more telling. Abdel stared at his childhood friend's eyes, lingered and then snorted. “An actual friend. Her name's Tiff. She-” then it clicked. “You're not here for business, are you?” his pointer finger stuck out of his crossed arms and wagged at her direction. “It's that 'secret' tavern-club thing, isn't it?”

Marci saw no point in hiding it. She nodded, crossing her arms as well. This was often how they seemed to speak to each other: behind crossed arms and layers of witty remarks until he just went earnest and she was reminded that they'd grown up together. "Yeah, it's The Groove." She sniffed and uncrossed her arms. "Stupid name, but very useful place." For a moment, she hesitated, as if about to say more.

Abdel snapped with the wagging finger. “That's it.” he pivoted to have the entrance to the establish on one side and Marci to the other. “Tiff chaperoned me the first time. I was hoping to see her again, but ...” he pursed his lips and shrugged. “I didn't, and still don't, have any of their coins. So ... I never found out if this was the real deal. Abs 'n' all.” he looked Marceline's way with an inquisitive eye. “So, is it?”

"Why do you think I'm here?" she inquired, kicking at some sort of nut that had fallen from one of the trees overhead. "Gonna go in and take a grey." She scrunched her face up for a second, annoyed. "Last one hardly lasted. My toes are fucked." Her eyes flicked their way for a moment before rising to - briefly - meet Abdel's.

Abdel's heart beat a twinge faster when he heard 'grey'. Not white, nor black. Grey. But then Marci's additional comment brought his brows to furrow. “Really? Was it just small? Or lousy, maybe.” he shrugged, opting for optimism before letting reality disappoint him once more. “Frankly, I'm giga-broke. But one of the girls here actually brought up work.” he paused, realized what he had said and shook his head. “In the Groove. Work in the groove. For coins. Figured if I was gonna make a living, I'd do it standing up.”

“Anyway, shall we? I'll meet up with Tiff later.”

Marci didn't wait for his hasty explanation. She began cracking up even as Abdel realized what it was he'd said. "I mean, shune..." She trailed off. "I don't even wanna make fun of that. It's too easy." She began heading for the door, shaking her head and still grinning. "You can come with me, but I'm not just giving you a sympathy ab, you know. They're... not cheap."

“And you're not charity, huh?” smirked Abdel, letting the lady pass first before they made their way to their exclusive club. “... How about a credit ab instead?”

The girls - and boys - of the Swirl could sense that Marceline wasn't here for their offerings and so their greetings were simple and friendly and perfunctory. She led Abdel past the bar area, which was at its emptiest at this time of day, and towards a curtained room near the latrines. She sighed and regarded him evaluatively, hesitating. "You're not gonna leave me hanging, right?" she asked with an unexpected intensity.

Abdel, on the other had, tried to keep himself tense-free. “You know where I live. And where my girls live.” he chuckled. “I wouldn't do you dirty, Marci.”

She seemed to slacken a bit at that. "Yeah, I know. Sorry." She laughed weakly and scratched at the back of her head, kind of like Rikard sometimes did. "It's just... you know: people like us really need this stuff and I always have to keep enough cash on hand just in case." She forced a smile and a pep in her step. "I can spot you for now, even interest-free this time."

“Interest-free?” Abdel grimaced. “Who are you and what did you do to Marceline?” he jested. “This is almost too good to be true, if you ask me. Either the abs are not what we thought, or these coins are going to be the end of me.” he sighed.

"I am a generous god," she chuckled, pushing through. Beyond was a dark room, and a couple of large shadowy figured hovered about, but the underaged duo was never approached. "But I have my suspicions as well." She twisted and shrugged in the dimness. "trying to stay optimistic." She led Abdel to a door near the back, then, and opened it to reveal a closet within. "Hand," She commanded matter-of-factly.

“Sure thing, Jo.” the hand was ordered, and so it came.

And, finally, they set foot into the Groove, the supposed salvation of their kind.

Abdel's attention was quickly taken by something that was not the aberration café, or even the bar. “Is that a frog?”

Marci knocked on the back wall in a distinctive pattern and then... stepped right through, taking him with her. Inside was, well... The Groove. It still hadn't quite lost its wonder for her either. "You know, I've never actually asked," she admitted. "Looks kinda intelligent, though, right?" She'd lowered her voice, of course. "Or as intelligent as a frog can be, at least." She'd released his hand and was leading him towards the bar anyhow, sparing glimpses in the strange being's direction.

The closer they got to the bar, the easier to was to notice the sign next to the notorious Goroci. “'Cee Weird Sign One. Is - Is that a lot?” he took a seat but just couldn't get his eyes off the improvised stand of the Zweihander wielding individual. “If it is, there's your guarantee.”

Marceline had seated herself as well. She glanced over her shoulder. "Abdel," she replied, voice barely above a whisper, "you don't have to go on a suicide mission." There was a quick, tight smile. Meanwhile, a couple of yasoi were letting out sighs of delight as they twirled about inside of black aberrations. A sickly-looking old woman took in a white and seemed to recover before their very eyes. "I trust that you're good for it. Pay me back when you can. Okay?"

Abdel turned to look at her. The levity was nowhere to be found in his eyes. There was something in there, something serious and that needed to get out. Anger, or maybe fear, that grew exponentially when concern mistaken for pity was tended to him. But, quickly enough, he smiled with his features softened. “Almost had me there,” he shook his head. “but we've seen the worst before, haven't we, Marci?” his elbows rested over the counter as he leaned forward. “Dictators, demons, infested dragons ... What's some Froggy odd job with a bit of peril at this point?”

She snorted. "That's exactly why I trust nothing at this point." There was an unsure smile that grew, with some coaxing, into a smirk. The bartender was a thin, towering, unusual-looking woman who strode up to them silently. She must've been over eight feet tall and was distinctly yasoi and... something else. "Hello, dears, and what can I get for you?" she offered, tilting her head. With every word she spoke, a series of colours and images that seemed to support her meaning flashed about her.

Abdel looked up to acknowledge the unusually tall woman. Ogauraq, he thought, with a good serving of Yasoi too. “Uhm,” he looked at Marci for the okay before passing the order. “Two,” he pointed at one of the options on display. “Greys ...?”

"Small greys," Marceline hastily amended, and the towering woman bowed her head in a very Retanese way. "And that will be all?" Images of money and conclusions and the aberrations flashed through the air around them. Marci seemed entranced. "Oh! Why yes," she confirmed, taking out the necessary coin and blushing. "Very good. I certainly hope they do the job." The barkeep smiled and moved off: huge and ponderous on the one hand, incredibly graceful on the other. Marceline leaned in "Is that... an ogre-rack?" she whispered with no small measure of wonder.

Abdel's zoned out completely, he himself entranced by the aberrations. When beckoned by Marci, he had to shake himself out of his gluttonous daze. “Huh? Oh.” he shamelessly gawked at the bartender. “Yeah. They always do the funny image thing too. We -” he was about to go on a tangent. A not so pleasant one, considering what happened to the giants of ReTan during their visit. “Nevermind.” he focused on what mattered. “Bon appétit, I guess?”

This did not go unnoticed by Marci, but she wasn't about to prod. That wasn't the sort of relationship they had. The bartender arrived and with a surge of magic and a double snap of the fingers, a pair of cantaloupe-sized grey aberrations appeared in front of the pair of young tethered. "You enjoy it all, now. Alright?" More of those images flashed about.

"Guten appetit," she replied, heart already starting to beat faster. She wanted it and now it was hers. Marceline reached out and...

Out of the Vermillion Swirl came out two teens with swollen with energy, hopes and RAS. The Greys, as they call them, had done their work and the staff waved yet another set of happy customers goodbye.

“Really makes you think,” Abdel couldn't help but question his blessings. “how do they get these?” he said as the overflow of energy had him do a couple of leg intensive stretches. The persistent ants pricking his feet were gone were gone.

Marci was busy flexing her toes back and forth. She breathed a deep sigh of relief. Everything was back to normal. Jauntily, or perhaps just to bleed off some of the excess energy, she twirled on the spot. "Oh, I wonder quite a bit as well," she admitted, coming to a stop. Her hair swished about her and she took a moment to reach up and fix it. "but as long as the keep-me-not-crippled juice keeps a-comin', I won't ask any questions..." She furrowed her brow and there was a surge of magic as she dropped a sonic negation bubble around them. "unless there's a way to cut out the middleman, of course."
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Ti
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Ti Bruja

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The Melon Derby was underway, with various students plotting and planning their schemes.

One of the most notorious participants was a sweet little girl in a wheelchair named Maura. While she might not have been the most intelligent student, she had a keen understanding of people. With this in mind, she hatched a scheme so dastardly it would surely go down in the record books. Maid Malena nodded in understanding as she received her master's instructions, the puppet running out of the door to deliver its message, followed shortly by the others. The team's plan was simple: spread, snatch, and gather the melons before others could even reach them. Maura collected the obvious melons but found herself at a severe disadvantage, especially when facing some of the bigger competition who saw her as an easy target.

On the other hand, Taleja took charge of the box's fate and opted for assertive negotiation. Approaching the base of Saint and Singers, she got stopped by the formidable team of Covenant, determined to defend their allied team's box. Deviating from the script, Taleja swiped the Ipte box from Maura. Upon delivery and exchange, she claimed her prize. Walking out, Covenant faced difficulties in claiming theirs. Not willing to take the risk, Taleja dropped a smoke vial, using it as cover for her escape from their potential retribution.

Ayla found herself in a predicament as their team captain disappeared without a trace, leaving the rest to decide their course. Opting for the Cathedral, she thought it would be the best place to go. However, she ended up in a battle with a Soul Sister and lost.

Jamboi, swinging from the ceiling beam during the planning, heard a tapping at the window. A bird, perhaps? Opening the hatch to listen to its sweet song, he spotted Maura from his angle and saw an opportunity to take advantage of the situation. Running by, he accidentally knocked into her, leaving a big grin on his face as he made off, leaving the girl befuddled about his intentions. Unfortunately, it was not the Banana derby, or he would have collected more points for his team.

Oksana tried to take a box too but failed.

The Dragon is the second great trial of the games.

Maura did the thing she loved most—share the sound of her voice, and the Revidians actually loved her Segonian charm as well. With the delicious Pizza prosciutto e funghi in hand, the Nonnas were left satisfied.

The Plunge was hotly contested, with Ashon, Ayla, and Oksana all working hard to get through the challenge. Ashon dove into action, using his skills to take advantage of the terrain to grab the eggs required to complete the challenge. Oksana focused on getting boosts to try to keep up with the others, her kite-ear hat flapping to allow her access to the tethered baskets. As for Ayla, she focused on trying to support her partner to the finishing line, though didn't do a great job, as she got distracted by a pretty Pearlescent Egg.

Taleja, on the other hand, had other ideas. Let's say Invasion going off with a bang was an understatement. The locals had a front row to the first explosive symphony, as the forest was being shaken to its very core. The Threshers who tried to escape were soon picked up in the care of Sister Dominica and Sister Laska, the church girls readily accepting responsibility for them, with the latter taking the lead.

As for the Cherune boxes this round, it seemed like Maura’s tongue didn’t know how to rest, as it wrestled the prizes away from their owners, and leaving behind a smile.
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Emeth
Avatar of Emeth

Emeth Fluffs Responsibly

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

...Someone Gets Hurt

The Goddess's Blood Runs Red

“The woes of the hax'doiyap,”

That pitch, that voice. Xiuyang had let her guard down on that evening, and the lurking spider wasted no time in seizing its chance. “and the stomach churning cope they spew. Fuck-” she was sitting on a rooftop, appropriately above the Yanii, with a single leg dangling over the edge and her palm supporting her chin. Juulet grinned once her eyes met Xiuyang’s. “never gets old.”

She was chewing something, and by the smell of it some could deduce it was jamb’syp. The glob of brown saliva she spat out after a brief moment of heavy silence confirmed it. “You know what? I don’t buy that shit one bit. I don’t buy that there aren’t good enough dicks here for your scrawny, mudblood Yanii ass.” she leaned forward, and in an instant, she was standing a few metres before Salomé, balanced on one bare foot.

“I bet it’s something else. That something is totally, and utterly fucked with you. And,” she bit her lip. “you’re hoping we would be more understanding. Is that it? Acceptance, little Yanii with a hideous secret, hmmm?” she hopped half a metre closer.

Xiuyang's eyes snapped open, and she sobered herself in an instant. Several emotions flickered in her eyes: first surprise, then fear, then what was probably a businesslike smile. Then, a shrug, and a smile of rueful acceptance. "The truth is always the most effective punchline, isn't it?" she replied, with a level of maturity that she probably couldn't have managed without borrowing her mother's voice.

She sat up, and opened a hole in the roof of her dorm room with Binding magic. Out came two wine glasses and a bar cloth, and she set to work cleaning the lip of her gourd for her esteemed "guest." "It's true. I found acceptance with a select few of the Yasoi'riimel, and I clung desperately to it. I'd partly realized it myself, but when you put it so bluntly... I've done nothing of any tangible benefit to them. Your underlying, unspoken assumption that I am 'settling' for the yasoi is wrong; I prefer their company over most yanii. I won't deny the rest." She poured drinks for herself and Juulet.

"...but I'm delaying the inevitable." She shrugged. "Might we speak candidly of my transgressions? I'd rather atone, and be a chip in your pile, than a stain on your boot; but the lever is yours to turn. To which side would you lean: are the yanii inferior but useful creatures, or would Sipenta be better off without them?"

She took a long, long drink from her glass. Her drink tasted like sour grapes. Juulet's was much better, if she deigned to grace a drink poured by a yanii with her lips. There was sincerity in Xiuyang's voice; it didn't seem to be a trick question, but a genuine one.

Mid-way through Xiuyang's answer, an obnoxiously loud yawn was ripped out with exaggerated arm stretches. “Leave it to a fucking Yanii to tell you their whole life story on a rhetorical question.” she exhaled loudly from her nostrils, almost as if steam was erupting from her nose. “Truth is I don't care why you tree ride. I just wanna know what makes you so repulsive to your own kind that you gotta cope the way you do.” another hop was taken, and the gap between the two closed even more.

"Right. If I get the chance to write an autobiography, I'll keep it short," she japed with as much good nature as she could, given the circumstances—and took another nice, long drink from her gourd, as though she understood that it was likely her last.

“There are no politics here, girl. No hate for the sake for hatin'. Nah, as fun as it is, it's a waste of my divine time.” she clicked her tongue a couple of times, eyes wide in increasingly crazed. “My only problem right now is you. You took something I wanted. Something real nice, and continued to be a cunt about it too.” she shook her head. “I'm going to do something bad to you, Salami. Pretty damn nasty. Absolutely revolting.” a third hop. She clasped her hands together and took a moment to admire any emotion that was coursing through Xiuyang's being and inevitable manifested deep in her eyes.

“But first, that mask ...” she raised a hand and wiggled her fingers, telegraphing a clear desire to touch, and given her past inclinations, likely seize too. “What's under there?”

As she listened to Juulet, her eyes could have been described by some as slightly hopeful at first. Then, slightly confused: continued to be a cunt about it? When? Every muscle in her body tensed. As Juulet drew closer, the night air started to feel colder. Her skin crawled as she repeated herself for emphasis. It wasn't the night air—it was those mad eyes.

Xiuyang's body shook, her voice only coming out smooth and even on account of her mask. "Nothing worth your divine time. Just another forgettable face."


Another object flew up from the fresh hole in the roof: the Staff of the Burning Monkey King. It crashed into the drink Xiuyang had offered Juulet, which went ignored. Both were showered in booze and broken glass.

By the time the dust settled, Xiuyang was already running across the rooftops, staff in hand. "I should be flattered that you're curious about it, but it's the one thing I won't show to anyone!"

The shattered glass and spreading fluids froze mid-air when they got within Juulet's bubble. And they then converged into a single point, until they reformed the glass with only slight entropy to its overall form. She tossed the actual drink once the glass landed on her palm and took a sip of the non-existing drink. “Good, I was scared this would become some boring ass attempt at a debate.” she rocketed after the fleeing girl with monkey-like agility.

It was clear Juulet was the fastest of the two, and if it weren't for her inclination to play with her food, she would already be breathing onto Xiuyang's nape. Instead, she 'detonated' air mines in Xiuyang's path, most missing but the debris wasn't so easily avoided. “You're nimble for a Yanii! Did Ashy teach ya'?! Wow!” she wasn't flying and instead hopped from roof to roof with uttered 'boing's in each jump. “Tell you what! Give me that mask, and I won't make you eat your hat!” she laughed maniacally.

And after the final mine detonated right before the Revidian prey, appeared Juulet half a metre before her. Hard as a wall and immovable by any collision.

Xiuyang staggered and almost tripped; perhaps she didn't sober herself up as well as she thought. Several expletives were uttered as she defended against the debris, twirling her staff and dodging two more mines. She knew Juulet was toying with her, but she wouldn't let it break her. She'd take every chance she was given, even from the hands of someone who hated her.

She did manage to stop in time to not run straight into Juulet. Truthfully, she might have given in to any other demand she could have thrown at her, but she would rather die than show her face—not that she'd tempt her by saying it out loud. She pivots, using her staff and what little kinetic she could muster to fling herself onto another series of rooftops. She wasn't making good time.

Juulet rolled her eyes. “So defiant. It's that bad, huh?” she didn't sprint just yet and watched Xiuyang go. “Depriving me of what I want ...” and suddenly, she was up above, right ontop of the fleeing Revidian girl. “Makes me crave it all the more.” her grin matched her mad eyes.

The Yasoi then dived into her prey, still abusing temporal magic as much as she could, to make it as seamless as possible for herself. “MINE!”

As Juulet bore down on her, Xiuyang drew. She drew as much as she could—perhaps more than she ever did, including during last year's trials. She was stronger than she let on under most circumstances, and perhaps even more than she herself realized.

With madness briefly flashing in her own eyes as well, she twirled her staff, and managed to actually repel Juulet's strike. By the look in her eyes, she didn't expect to do that—might not have even wanted to do that. For the first time that night, her eyes showed true, life and death terror. She inhaled, and screamed, with the benefit of her mask's audio projections. The ear-piercing sound traveled far and rattled nearby windows. She knew she could never outrun Juulet, and her greatest attack only managed to deflect her bare hand. She had no good options. She needed someone to save her.

Missed. Her right hand pierced right into the roof after being deflected by the unusually sturdy stick. The burning rage in Juulet's eyes were contrasted with the adrenaline-filled glee she was experiencing from the anticipation of getting her reward. An absolutely destructive combo worthy of the moniker of Mad Avatar.

“Screaming for help?!” she shouted back as the plea reverberated through her and the whole neighborhood. Many lamps turned on, people stepped out of their homes and lamplighters were surely nearby. “I'll make you regret that.” she venomously spat out right as a temporal tear formed behind Xiuyang. A portal, one leading into a dark and cold place.

She then charged, rocketed forward with her Arcane mastery over simple kinetic.

Xiuyang tried to mount a defense, anchoring herself in place with kinetic and binding, also using binding to form a shield enhanced with explosive chemicals. However, it was not enough. She was easily thrown into the portal and sent flying, tumbling through the grass. Her heart raced incomprehensibly fast. She almost hoped she would just have a heart attack and die right now, but then the whole school would see her corpse. Or, perhaps, just Juulet would. She couldn't be sure if her body would last, or if she'd even be discovered.

Only when her body stopped tumbling did her life stop flashing before her eyes, rapid and morbid thoughts swirling as time slowed to a crawl. She forced herself to her feet, enduring fireworks of agony from her broken ribs with every breath—but still, she could stand. She could not, however, run. Run where?

Her only option now was to fight. She drew again, but her reduced drawing speed was catching up to her. With binding and kinetic, she created a small sandstorm around her, then used arcane pyromancy to turn it into a storm of glass. She hurled it at Juulet with a silent prayer to Eshiran for deliverance.

Eshiran heard her call.

Juulet zipped through the portal as it closed right behind her with Xiuyang ragdolled into the lake's beach. They were seemingly nowhere, although to those familiar with the area, they would know they weren't too far from the city. “Yes, squirm little worm.” she straightened herself, bemused by the attempts at survival by the Revidian. However, little did the Avatar know ...

Eshiran answered her call.

“Child's play.” she extended an arm out and aggressively drew the heat Xiuyang was conjuring. But then came the sands, and then the glass. What was supposed to be a show of strength to bring complete and utter despair backfired. In an instant, her hand was pierced in multiple areas by the sharp glass. And then her whole arm. “Something like this ...” her eyes widened, but she did not panic just yet. Both her arms were extended, and this time she used blood magic mixed with a burning aura to surround her being. “Can't do shit to a Goddess!”

But the storm didn't stop. Something much bigger than some Yanii could naturally make. “Something as low as this ... Will Not-!” she had to dig her foot into the earth just to not completely falter and be taken by the storm.

“Something. Such as. THIS!” the storm pierced through, and her maddened grimace twisted into pain and unrefined fury. She vanished into the storm after letting a final, furious screech that echoed through the surrounding forest.

Xiuyang stood frozen, eyes partially shut, expecting her unfocused and desperate spell to fail. It was experimental and hadn't even been perfected yet; she only threw it out for lack of any other ideas. She was sure she had messed it up in at least one stage. It shouldn't have done anything to Juulet.

She glanced around, her whole body shaking like a leaf. She looked for Juulet in wide-eyed panic. In a rare moment of clarity, she looked for a savior, who surely empowered her attack or weakened Juulet's in some fashion to make this happen.

It got quiet. Calm waters climbed to the short and withdrew with the softest of sounds. There was nothing after that scream and the subsiding of the storm. Just Xiuyang, alone and cold. For a moment it almost felt like it was over.

But she and the Gods knew this wasn't the end. What was a simple combination of spells to an avid time abuser?

Juulet manifested right in front of Xiuyang, bloodied with her left eye kept shut while the other remained partially concealed behind her dark and dirty locks. Her whole attire was ripped to shreds and her skin did not fare much better.

Immediately she went for the throat, squeezed and lifted the smaller girl only to slam her down to the ground, flat on her back. A few bones were going to go there.

“You've caused a Goddess to bleed.” she spoke in what was perhaps the most collected manner Salomé had seen yet. In her deep rage, she had found some sort of clarity. “I should kill you. I want to kill you. Sacrifice you. Tarnish you. Wear your skin and decorate my hall with your skull. Not before doing so many bad things.” the more she spoke, the more her panting because audible. She almost drooled in her long-winded hateful speech. “But in my infinite generosity, I found a better idea.”

She let go the throat and instead went for the Revidian's hair. As she stood, the badly wounded Xiuyang was made to rise with her until she was off her feet and hanging a centimetre above the dirt. “First, though, what I came here to do.” She readied her idle hand, formed a fist, and bashed it into the human's face. Over and over, with only half of them fully stifled by a last ditch effort to use magic. “C'mon. Take it off and I'll stop. I won't even make you say uncle. Promise. Do it. Now.”

Despite having her throat crushed by Juulet, the ever-present mask dutifully projected the would-be sounds of her desperate attempts to breathe. Only with the totality of her magic was she able to barely cling to life. As Juulet slammed her to the ground, a light seemed to go out in her eyes. This was a woman who knew she was dead. She didn't even bother to scream a second time. Instead, she focused all of her energy on preserving the integrity of her mask. She wasn't even thinking about why she was doing it—out of spite, perhaps?

Though she saw no beauty in herself, she saw it in the yasoi, and had tried to support them. Though she was a fool, she tried to learn from her transgressions. Though she felt herself of little worth—just another rich brat leeching off the lower class—she tried to find the value in it. Though she'd been a coward, she tried to make a stand. Though the scales of her heart were weighted with bias, she tried to give Juulet a chance. Though she believed the rumors about Xiuyang at face value, she'd tried to be better.

The gods would not reward her efforts.

Not in this life.

In the end, she'd made Juulet bleed. Perhaps that was the greatest achievement of her life, though she wouldn't dare say it. She couldn't do anything to stop her now. She couldn't even lift her arms up to remove the mask with her own hands. With a touch of kinetic, it gave a final, weak hiss, and dropped to the ground.

Juulet saw it: the true face of Xiuyang Solari.

There was a glow in Juulet's one open eye. A glint you'd see on a child when they tore open a gift to find out what it was. Finally, this inconsequential enigma was going to be answered. And once she found it ...

She stared blankly. The corner of her eye twitched.

“Is this a joke?” she slapped Xiuyang's temple like she was some sort of broken contraption. “A trick? What the fuck? I leave that pit only to find more of this?!”

Then, she snorted like a young porcine cub. “Fuck.” she sat upon Xiuyang's ribs, certainly damaged after the previous impact, and slapped her own bloodied forehead. “Yanii. Yasoi. Hegelan. Hells, even the slithering fucks could never love something like this. Holy fucking fuck balls.” she laughed, viciously. The intent was to hurt, and the revulsion was hardly hidden. She barely held back some stomach acids from rising. “Killing you would be a pity.” she said softly, but the venom never left her voice. “And as a generous Goddess, I'll grant you your one, true wish.”

Right below them, another portal opened. They were now suspended above it, with Juulet holding Xiuyang with her one good leg. “I'll give you a chance at acceptance. Among those that best suit you. Oh yes.” a wicked grin took form.

Below her, Xiuyang could feel a slightly warmer air - a tad drier than the shore they were at. It smelled like bark and distant smoke. What she could sense were vague humanoid forms huddled up together with wildly unusual energy signatures.

“Fare you well, pathetic little Salami.” Juulet scoffed before letting go. Xiuyang fell into the unknown - far, far away from the familiar. “Fare you well.”

Xiuyang's eyes met Juulet's, and for perhaps a fraction of a second, there was pity for the remains of her twisted mind, buried under the distorted facsimile of childlike innocence. But then, she looked at her like she was a thing—a dangerous thing the Zenos of Ersand'Enise had allowed to exist, to walk and talk and pretend to be something resembling a human being. No; she was a feral beast, put on a pedestal and worshipped by misguided fools—given a taste for yanii suffering and death, and in the end, she, the victim of this unreasonable creature, would be the one blamed for the events of this night, by those that had created this monster.

Another portal opened, but Xiuyang's eyes offered no further terror or despair for Juulet to feed on. A profoundly cosmic acceptance washed over her, as if her soul had already left her body. Juulet had promised something "absolutely revolting," and the implications of those words were not lost on Xiuyang. From the moment those words exited her mouth, perhaps, she had expected this kind of fate.

Juulet closed the portal, extinguishing the light cast by the moon of Ipte and the stars above.

Xiuyang hoped the impact would finish her off.

Instead, the canopy of treetops battered her already-broken body even further. Branches tangled with clothes, and her body settled somewhere halfway up into the trees, cradled by her own robe as if it were a hammock. Her neck hung at an odd angle, but it wasn't yet broken. For a moment, the spot felt strangely comfortable, and sleep tempted her.

However, now that she had some measure of control over the situation once more, her will to live came back from the depths and roused her, demanding immediate action. There were humanoid shapes down below, whispering amongst one another. Six yasoi, alerted to the sound of her fall, but none of them seemingly convinced that it was worth checking out.

Hours passed as Xiuyang slowly healed only the most critical injuries, using only the most subtle binding magic she could manage—the kind of magic even wild creatures could use. Right now, all she needed was to be able to move away from this group. Once she was capable, she pushed through the agony and forced herself to climb through the treetops.

One of the yasoi was slowly stalking her.

Once they were out of earshot of the other five yasoi, hunter and prey simultaneously decided to run. Xiuyang was as slow as ever, and he was fast—fast, but weak. He threw out an attack that should have been child's play for Xiuyang. She barely managed a defense; he struck her face, and she bled. A rage not dissimilar to Juulet's own overtook her. Not because of that pathetic exchange—but because of what she saw.

The beanie's temporal effect showed it to her.

What he would do if he caught her.

Her fists clenched and trembled with rage. "I made your goddess bleed," she snarled. "You are dust."

She drew, and he flinched in fear. Though the two could not understand each other's words, murderous intent was a universal language. "D-Demon..!" he whimpered. "DEMON!!" he shouted, turning to run—but Xiuyang would not let him run. She gave chase, intent on slaughtering him, like the animal he was.

Once more, he was too fast. Xiuyang only sobered from her murderous rage once she realized his allies were coming to back him up. She turned tail and ran, ran from the fate that awaited her if she could not outrun them. She saw it again—she'd trip on a root, and they'd be upon her. Using her temporal precognition, she avoided every obstacle that came her way, while the beasts behind her stumbled over each other to be the first to reach their quarry.

Having lost them for now, she collapsed into a muddy crevice, and covered her favorite robe in dirt to wash out the colors and blend in. Exhausted, cold, alone, and frightened beyond measure, she wondered if she would survive, or if the Zenos would even bother starting an investigation...
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Force and Fury
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Force and Fury Actually kind of mellow

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It was a Taldes morning in Civitalunga. All of the fishermen had returned with their catches and most of the transient shipping that often occupied the outer port of Revidia’s grandest city had set sail. If there was a tension that hung over the place, perhaps courtesy of the looming war, one could not sense it. People, young and old, milled about the city’s markets and plazas, filtering into the streets as the sun rose higher, going about their business, whatever it may have been, and bustling to and fro. There were a handful of things about this morning that seemed unusual, however. First came the strange lines, painted temporarily on the city’s flagstones like arteries in red and gold. Then, there was the crowd. It started at first light and, as Shune ticked her way towards Oraff, a good deal more had gathered round a cordoned-off area in the Piazza San Giuda, not so very far from the Glorious Republic’s centre of power. Under a series of temporary awnings and gazebos, as well, were over two hundred older women, mostly of good breeding, chatting and gossiping in hushed anticipation behind a series of tables.

Then, the air sparkled and swirled and the crowd ‘oohed’ and ‘aahed’. They arrived: the students of that famed academy not so very far away. Two-hundred-fifty-six youths, to be precise, funneled through the portal that had appeared, and the crowd rose in applause and cheers. Two Zenos of the academy followed them, and a half-dozen Tan-Zenos, all giving instructions, a couple meeting with local officials. One raising a starting pistol above her head. They asked for quiet and, where necessary, made it so using magic. Anxious young eyes scanned the plaza and what they could make out of the dozen streets that branched off of it. The Campanile del Millennio lay there in the late morning sunlight, its vast shadow stretching across much of the plaza, and then its bells struck upon the hour and the starting pistol sounded and they were off!

Pizza doughs were scooped up by the dozens as they flew by, floating through the air, smashing into each other, bobbing about before landing in the hands of the eager teens. While many rushed for the closest ingredient booths, others, more confident in their physical prowess, raced towards the edges of the city, where they could obtain the same things for cheaper. Others, still, disregarded the lines painted on the streets and ventured off of the beaten path. These - the innovators, the risk-takers, the bargainers - haggled with local merchants, snuck, stole, and searched for deals and rare ingredients. Some met with great success and others risked, perhaps, a bit too much.

It was Fiske Flachstrauch and John Force of teams Fiske n’ Chips and AWOLE who came running up to their assigned taste-tester first. It took them a moment to locate her among two-hundred-fifty-six older women. They were but the harbingers of a first great wave. The colourful Sun King burst through for Singers & Saints, along with Brother Alexander and Maura Mercador of team Teatro Sorridente, Miret’lahiin’dichora and Perfumed Raider of Raffscallions, and Roslyn Wicke and Kimura Mio of The Invisibles. Two of the teams made the mistake of trying pineapples on pizza, and it cost them valuable time. While Fiske pulled a sensory hoodwink most foul out of his bag of tricks, Roslyn and Mio were forced to take more conventional means, getting the famous performer to write a dedication to the old lady’s granddaughter. No such issues for the Teatro, Raffscallions, and Singers pairs, who raced through the portal in rapid succession, claiming first, second, and third spots. Marceline Hohenfelter and her eeaiko partner from overall points leaders King’s Ear came out of nowhere to slip through in fourth.
After that it was a scramble, with nonnas tasting and haggling, students scrambling, crowds cheering and jeering, and a small team of academy faculty standing diligently by the portal, recording the order of every single person who passed through. In the event, fifth went to Vyshta’s More Favoured, sixth to Beware the Nice Ones, seventh to Fiske n’ Chips, eighth to the Invisibles, ninth to Rock & Stone, and tenth, shockingly, to Fait Accompli. Ciro Volta, scion of a great wealthy merchant clan, had lingered far too long in the grand piazza, shaking hands, catching up with people, and conducting business. As people began to stream through in earnest, he quickly finished up his business and still managed to finish within the top twenty or so.

The bells tolled again and, all told, it had lasted barely an hour. The final few stragglers filtered through the city’s streets, huffing and puffing. This leg, twenty-six had failed. Two-hundred-thirty remained and, for them, awaited a brave - particularly so - new challenge at The Pinnacle.

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Force and Fury
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Force and Fury Actually kind of mellow

Member Seen 1 day ago

There is, in every world that exists and every world that might, perhaps, at least one place of great curiosity. In truth, Sagand (known to many as Sipenta), was a world filled with such wonders but, even among these, some stood out above others. One such place was the Pinnacle. The tallest of a series of great needle-like rock spires that soared into the tropical sun along the border of Paggon, Tanso, and Yarsoc, it was a microstate in the true sense, or perhaps a city state, in truth. Its inhabitants were virtually all endosymbionts: bearers of a rare mana type that allowed them to photosynthesize like plants while giving their skin a strange, greenish hue.

Hundreds of these odd people, in forms of yasoi, humans, eeaiko, and hegelans that no longer mattered, had gathered in a large flat clearing atop the great pinnacle that they had built their homes into. There, they spread their arms and raised their faces to the sun. They moved about occasionally, of course, but those who had nothing else to do simply watched. Up above their heads, but not so very high above, came the cloud colossi. Enormous airborne relatives of the threshers that populated the sea, their life cycles remained a mystery to most other races, save the mythical cherune. All that was known was that, once they took off for the first time, they never landed again, not until they were dead. Their legs devolved, their carapace-like wings (in truth, specialized secondary claws) widened in span and stiffened, and the arms of their main claws became long and spindly and eminently flexible, dangling below them to snag trees, beasts, and mountaintops. The first of the enormous creatures burst through the clouds and, with it, came a rain of multicoloured translucent eggs. These began plummeting towards the ground below, a few showering the mountaintop, others bouncing and bounding between other lesser spires, and still more falling into the abyss. None of them, however, shattered. Many, however, were collected.

But that was not the only show that the Pinnaclites had gathered for. Some stayed atop the summit. Others went home and returned in the earliest hours of the morning. All night, the Cloud Colossi continued their annual migration overhead. Then, shortly after the sun broke the horizon, as first light as reaching the inhabitants of this strange outpost, a portal appeared atop that flat expanse on its summit. From it emerged hundreds of youths. With a nervous sort of anticipation, they gathered and milled about, Zenos of that great distant academy at Ersand’Enise weaving between them, curious locals exchanging comment or simple goods and services. Most, however, stared at the spectacle up above. Some used their magic to practice deflecting or catching the bouncy ball-shaped eggs. Then, as the nascent morning made its way to genuine brightness, they were ushered to the edge, standing behind a cordon, prepared for…

There it was!

A second portal swirled open and, through it, they could faintly make out the environs of distant Civitalunga, in Revidia. “Sorridente, Raffscallions, Singers!” shouted one of the zenos, and racers from those three teams, along with their visiting allies, took deep breaths and leapt from the edge and into the green abyss below. “King’s Ear! Vyshta’s!” They, two, dived. “Nice Ones, Fiske n’ Chips!” came the call and they, too, were off. “Invisibles, Rock, Accompli!” They continued to call out names, and there were dozens more to follow, but those at the leading edge surely had an advantage, as another three of those great flying beasts appeared through the clouds overhead, sublime in their size and majesty, and began raining eggs.

While some pairs stuck together, others took on distinct roles and, for the most part, this seemed the better tactic. Still others - though they were few - made use of precision teleporting or tethered range. A couple were saddled with a deadweight teammate, and a couple even had makeshift gliding suits or parachutes. It was an eclectic bunch, to be sure. To add to the chaos, Harlequin Kites peeled off of the pinnacle and other nearby spires. How they darted and zipped about, snatching eggs out of the air! In a few instances, they harried the students, who were already beleaguered in their attempts to snag eggs of various colours, dodge each other’s attempts at sabotage, navigate without losing control, and sink the eggs in the right baskets, distant or else rocking back and forth under a balloon!

It was Tommy’s and Silver Ape’s clever effort for Raffscallions that took the checkered flag here but, in truth, it was a logjam at the top, at Teatro Sorridente, Vyshta’s More Favoured, Singers & Saints, and Beware the Nice Ones came in one after the other. Fait Accompli made up enormous ground with the help of two temporal mages, coming in ahead of Fiske n’ Chips, Rock & Stone, and The Invisibles. It was highly-placed King’s Ear who truly dropped the ball, however, with El Alacran, nominally their strongest member, who had to carry their allied teammate, an eeaiko utterly unfamiliar with flight. The overall points leaders plummeted, and not in the literal sense.

There were one-hundred-seventy-three finishers out of the two-hundred-thirty who’d come through the portal. Some had needed rescuing from a would-be fatal fall. Others had missed their eggs and given up. Still others had simply lost their nerve and refused to jump. Ultimately, the entire race took no more than forty minutes, in fact, from the first teams entering until the last ones leaving. Most teams, individually, took no more than five minutes. Who’d have thought that falling was quick?

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Force and Fury
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Force and Fury Actually kind of mellow

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They arrived in the middle of an environment so alien that most of them spent their preparation time gawking at its wonders and exploring within the bounds of their sensing range. This was the famed Kabute Forest of Suvaru, in southern Palapar: a land of mist and mushrooms and mysteries within a great, all-encroaching fog. It was night, and the stars, well up above, lay hidden behind a thick dark shroud of heavy clouds. The constant misty rain that fell here coated everything in a thin, sticky layer of pollen-filled water and the air took on a strange, ethereal quality. There were creatures that moved about in this wild place, to be certain, but they did not want to be found, and so they were not: the few people, mostly eeaiko and humans, bundled about collecting strange bioluminescent plants, slugs, and fungi, or cutting barklike strips off of mushrooms that must’ve risen twenty or more feet into the air.

Two-hundred fifty-six students gathered here, in the damp and the darkness. A few knew this land. Most did not. More than once, a supervising faculty member had to track down an errant student and, even before they were put on alert, before notice was given that another portal might appear and their teammates come bursting through, four teams were eliminated for wandering too far, becoming ill, or tangling with the local flora and fauna. Such was the nature of this place: wondrous, eerie, and alien, but dangerous, most of all.

Then, it mattered naught. The portal opened and Tommy, Ashon, Rikard, Tyrel, and, within less than a minute, dozens of others came pouring through. Their teammates, having already improvised or at least thought of solutions to the miasma that confronted them, took off, but now it became clear that there was another party involved. The Sun King, in all of his golden Glory, had burst through as well and, while he helped his teammates, they did not seem to be his primary concern. The maze claimed dozens within minutes, hallucinating, staggering about, collapsing, being ambushed by dangerous wildlife. There was a reason that thirty experienced thaumaturges had been assigned to this leg, as well as a number of local guides handsomely paid. He was right there with them, using all of his considerable abilities to extricate them from dangerous or compromising situations.

Yet, those toward the front of the pack need not have worried so very much. They had all found their solutions, one way or another, to survival in this place. Many found shortcuts or help from the forest. Some retrieved hidden ‘treasures’. If there was a degree of combat and sabotage, it was not especially much, though a few teams were penalized for damage to the unique environment. In the end, enriched with a new experience, some items found along the way, and nearly a dozen baby ground octopi, the leaders made it through, with only Beware the Nice Ones, boosted by local Mahal, having made any significant ground up. Otherwise, the leaders remained the leaders, the Sun King continued to pull people from peril, and the once-promising King’s Ear trudged through this leg utterly unbothered but painfully slow compared to the true speedsters up ahead.

In all, of the one-hundred-seventy-three teams who had begun this leg, only ninety-four actually finished it. Those who did, found themselves emerging into the bright early afternoon sun of a large and crowded pier outside the walls of Torrigriz, capital city of the island nation of Djamant.

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Force and Fury
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Force and Fury Actually kind of mellow

Member Seen 1 day ago

Seabirds circled and wheeled overhead, bleating and squawking under the relentless afternoon sun. Waves beat at a grand if somewhat weathered pier, and Zeno Giancarlo Silvestri and Tan-Zeno Jocasta Re waited, the former poring over a sheet of paper and murmuring instructions, the latter reaching out with her extended senses and providing updates and the occasional bit of local translation. And locals were everywhere: lining the walls of the great Castel Sant Angelo, bobbing up and down in brightly coloured fishing craft in the Grand Harbour, clustered along neighbouring piers, and sitting among the rigging of more than one docked galleon. Most were human. Some were eeaiko. A handful were yasoi or hegelan.

There was, of course, a veritable army of leathery, sun-browned men who hung about in the shallows, tending to and placating some three hundred threshers of various species, shapes, and sizes. Sometimes the animals needed to be fed, so they fed them. Sometimes, they needed food. They were fed. Sometimes, they strained at their tethers. These were loosened or tightened as needed. Two and only two were great Bluewater Behemoths, tended to by master beast whisperers with years of experience. Two were immense Sandbar Threshers, sunning themselves lazily in the shadows, coaxed into activity when needed by eminently skilled and experienced handlers. The rest were a motley assortment of monarchs, Drudgunzean golds, crackclaws, volcanics, and a handful of diamondscales. Most common were the Perrench and Grande Perrench threshers, however: the most docile, generally speaking, and best for greenhorns to ride.

These made up the vast bulk of the students who had gathered, and they were already being acquainted with their soon-to-be mounts. The lineup to try the Sandbars and the Behemoths was exceptionally long, but most were turned away with but a look. Jocasta was in the middle of physically yanking a protesting student away from a Sandbar when the first of the previous leg’s racers barreled through a newly-opened portal. Within a minute, it had disgorged dozens more. Almost immediately, those preparing to leave did so, and the magnificent array of sea animals bearing their precious mostly-human cargo disappeared under the waves and out of her sight and Zeno Silvestri’s range.

Two minutes later, disaster struck.

Abdel Varga, a tethered boy of sixteen who had no business interfering with such forces, decided to cast his most powerful magnetic disruption across his entire extended range. The result was confusion, convulsions, and rage. Animals threw their riders and these needed to be rescued. The very moment that he arrived, the Sun King found himself busy. Jocasta ran herself ragged figuratively speaking, in her quest to pluck them from the water or revive them on time. Some of the large beasts rampaged aggressively. Other local animals, not even part of the race, took flight or savagely attacked the contestants. Their antics caused a massive underwater mudslide that damaged some of the sunken city of Cervan before Tan-Zeno Re and three other hired tethered put a stop to it. At the very least, it buried the artifacts inches to yards deep in the mud, making them much more difficult to locate.

The thing was… that wasn’t even the worst part. Enraged beyond the control of its rider - the normally perfectly capable beast whisperer Zarina Al-Nader - the sole Bluewater Behemoth under control of a student unleashed its rage and confusion on multiple other riders. This caused a chain reaction, and soon a Grand Perrench thresher was tearing curtain whales apart and the terrifying but normally docile Sandbar thresher under another student’s control also decided to go on a rampage. In short, it was a complete fiasco, responsible for a great deal more harm than good to the sunken city. Yet, there was no single obvious, responsible party, and Jocasta and her fellow tethered kept Abdel protected within their cone of silence.

So it was that, even as longtime frontrunners Raffscallions, Singers & Saints, Vyshta’s More Favoured, and Teatro Sorridente broke the surface, clambered onto the pier, and presented their finds to the school’s Head of Archaeology, dozens of teams found themselves eliminated, their dreams of completing the legendary race dashed by those more powerful than themselves. A handful of other elite and near-elite teams, like Fiske n’ Chips, Fait Accompli, Beware the Nice Ones, Rock and Stone, King’s Ear, and The Invisibles, survived and made it through. In the end, however, they were ten of only thirty-four teams remaining in the race.

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Force and Fury
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Force and Fury Actually kind of mellow

Member Seen 1 day ago

The tropical atolls of Kiluaho did not sleep that night, for great had been the noise coming from the lagoons, islets, and beaches. The torpedo threshers who had long made the sandy isles their home during these early dorrad months found their nests under siege by swarms of dog-sized invaders. The Rosy Threshers had first appeared some seven or eight years ago, their eggs transported in the bilge of visiting ships from Palapar and Virang. Since then, they had become a menace, consuming much of the floatmelon and sea peach vines that the Torpedos’ usual prey ate and then feeding on the larger threshers’ eggs when they were left unguarded. Now, their numbers had grown to the point where they openly swarmed, and the sounds of relentless combat rose over the crash of the waves and whisper of the wind.

Soon, as well, multitudes of humans and eeaiko began to arrive, as the faintest glow of the slumbering sun started to chase the stars away. In catamarans and various assorted watercraft, they came to rest in the lagoon or make landfall along the many sandy beaches of Moatu Suva. Some had brought snacks with them. Others had brought torches and lanterns. There were those whose job it was to scare off the many threshers that feasted in the waters of the atoll at this time of year for, as Ipte gave way to Shune, a brilliant swirling light appeared in the central square of Taoranga Town and began to disgorge a motley array of mostly foreign youths. The people of Kiluaho were polite people, of course, and known for their enthusiasm, so they cheered the newcomers as one would expect. The loudest of these, however, were reserved for young Kamehameha Mahelona, crown prince of Kiluaho.

Then, it was a waiting game. As the sun rose in earnest, the islanders passed out coconuts and crab stews and serenaded the two-hundred-fifty-six students and dozen faculty who stood upon their shores. Yet, this was not so much a game as a handful of other events were. The annual migration of the torpedoes was the lifeblood of many of these people, and it was threatened by an invasive species that had arrived with Constantian and Severan ships. The song was an ode to the spirit of helping one another, something that both reflected the collegial nature of these games and repudiated its ruthlessly competitive side.

Raffaella and the preposterously named Giggling Calamari were through first for Raffscallions, and then a silence as they made their plans and started moving. A yasoi princess and a rezaindian nun came next, followed rapidly by a heavily bandaged yasoi and a Nashi girl in all black. Then, came Teatro Sorridente, the villains of this peace. The Kressian girl began screaming and slamming things right away while her greyborn partner faded out of reality. That effectively negated all other strategies dependent upon stealth, forcing boos and grimaces from the locals and frightening hundreds of rosy threshers into greyspace. Still, she carried on with her harassment, dozens more of the large crustaceans skittering deep into burrows or vanishing into nothingness. If Raffaella cried, they had little time for it. They were busier being angry!

Then came the prince’s partner from the previous leg, princess Erita Teriimani of Mohiti, supported by none other than the Sun King himself in a royal rendezvous! The crowd roared and cheered and rose to their feet. His team was well behind, staggering through in thirty-third, but he wasted zero time in dropping a sonic dampening bubble from afar over the noisy Kressian.

If it drew massive cheers, it was too little, too late. At nearly the same moment, Edyta Laska, of Singers & Saints, came hurtling across the beach. Second later, Sister Dominica, Taleja’s partner, materialized from greyspace, coming from the opposite direction. The two rezaindians put everything that they had into sheer footspeed, but there was no making up Laska’s lead and she crossed the threshold first, dumping a sack of five unconscious threshers at the feet of the judges. Dominica was through seconds later, and Taleja mercifully stopped. Then came Guy, of Fiske n’ Chips, with his own thresher in tow, having made up loads of ground. Raffscallions crossed next, followed by a whole slew of teams. The crowd roared as the locals finished, and then, finally and rather pathetically, King’s Ear, the one-time leaders. Yuliya had tried the same thing as Guy, but had her thresher poached along the way by another team and spent most of the time looking for it. In the end, she and her partner were the second-last of the twenty-six to finish.

There, on the beach, as morning shadows shortened and applause echoed across a tropical lagoon, the Sun King removed his mask emphatically to reveal himself as the famed performer Leon Solaire. There, on the beach, as the waves rolled in and the invasive threshers were drugged and loaded onto a waiting carrack, a podium was raised and platinum, gold, silver, bronze, and iron were crowned. Of course, that didn’t mean that the party was over. A feast was laid out in the square of Taoranga for all to eat. Children scampered and darted about, some of them making random ‘Taleja noises’ to scare parents and elders, some playing with Raffi, others pretending to be threshers or zenos or the Sun King, for here, in a place like this, he was more famous than Leon Solaire. Also here, in a place like this, for a brief moment in time, regardless of whatever else was going on in the world, everything felt right.

Results & Standings

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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Force and Fury
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Force and Fury Actually kind of mellow

Member Seen 1 day ago

The morning dawned warm, muggy, and overcast, after a harrowing night. While many of the students, both local and visiting, took the opportunity to revel in their youth and wealth and excitement, filling the taverns and bawdy houses of Ersand'Enise to the brim, they were strongly discouraged from venturing outside of the city's famous white walls.

There Be Monsters.

...and it was not safe, even if they, themselves, were a species of monster. Every day, now, ever more ragged refugees streamed in from the broken yasoi lands as the Grey Fleet of Tarlon continued its relentless offensive. Some were simply people fleeing violence that they had not asked for. Others were ardent and embittered nationalists in exile, refusing to bend the knee to a foreign - if eerily familiar - overlord. The majority, however, were addicts, and that made them dangerous in the eyes of the people who ran the great city as well as those of more common breeding who made up the bulk of its inhabitants.

Come into my parlour, said the spider to the fly.

Still, brave, stupid, or just unlucky, the youths wandered into trouble, warnings or not. There were multiple reports of altercations after dark, three kidnappings, warnings about active sanguinaires, and at least a hundred calls for binding services that night. There was one poor yasoi girl who needed her abdomen sealed and three miraculously intact severed fingertips reattached. She seemed eager to hide from a cousin who came looking for her and a tall Virangish girl who demanded to know her whereabouts. By the time that Shune was halfway through in the morning, however, two out of the three missing persons had been recovered.

The exception was Xiuyang Solari.

There was no note or demand. There was no obvious evidence of motive, but there was violence. The school made promises and then got on with things, assigning the Tan-Zeno Jocasta Re - a skyborn, tethered, and near-unparalleled prodigy - as a temporary replacement. She had much to tell her team, however: truths that the school preferred to keep under wraps, but truths that they could not realistically stop her from speaking. She gathered with her temporary teammates and thousands of others in Blathazar Square, and there, for them, were outlined the rules of The Trials' next game: the venerable Thin Air. Of course, there were other games being played. One was Thieving Cherune which, after a slow start, had recently kicked into high gear, with numerous thefts and deals during that night of skulduggery. There were yet greater ones, however, in the halls of power, in the back alleys of Mudville, and in the saunas and private rooms of Bath House. These were games that had the power to determine the fates of tens of thousands, perhaps of entire nations. These were games that the students, by and large, who were giddily preparing for their next event, were unaware of and had never asked to join. They were soon to be swept up anyhow, but perhaps... not quite yet.

Thin Air: Posting Rules

1. Similar to our last event, this one will be decided by means of strategies submitted to me, by DM, on the forum.
2. An important difference is that these will not be individual strategies, as in The Dragon.
3. Instead, each team (which includes your allied guest team) will be submitting a single strategy of up to 400 words.
4. Strategies will be due by Friday, December 22, at 3:00 PM EST. There will be no extensions given.
5. Event rules, info, and resources may be found below.

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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 33 min ago


Time/Date: After the Thin Air event, Velles on Orredes the 7th.


Time/Date:After the Thin Air event, Velles on Orredes the 7th.

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Echotech71
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

(Post incoming between now and next year.)
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Emeth
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Emeth Fluffs Responsibly

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

A Pale Imitation

An Open Window, and a Draft

For once, Raffaella slept soundly in her bed, through the night of her arrival at Ersand'Enise. The funny-tasting "medicine" her maid had given her probably had something to do with that—but! Then again, she was so very exhausted from the traveling, and this bed was just so soft. All these and other frivolous thoughts floated through her mind as she snuggled her pillow, trying to drift away one more time for a few extra minutes of peaceful slumber. Yet, it was not to be. Her last few minutes of sleep were fraught with struggle as she found herself paralyzed in bed. The sensation of a hand pressing into her back made it difficult to breathe as it put its imaginary weight on her frail body, causing her to feel as though she were being crushed. Then came the incomprehensible whispers.

م̸̱̍ن̷̦̎̏̐͠ ̵̨͔̳͎̄̃̈̀͜ا̷̫͗ل̷͙̮̗͋ذ̸̣̱̭̼͈̼͚͎̲͊̂̈̍̍̇ي̸̪̀̊͛̔́ ̷̗̦̣͒ت̶̦̞͍̪̿̓͊ه̵̧̼̐͊́̾̌̐͛̕ر̴̭̜̣̹͊͗̀̈́͑̃̍͜͝ب̶̧̢͇͖̥̈́̍̃̎ ̷̱͚̞̺̼̈̓̊̀͒̍͘م̵̼̱̫̓̽͗̿̊̔ن̵̠̓͆͋̀́͒͘̚ه̸̱̰̯͈̐̃؟̴̙̍̋͐͐̐͠ م̸͉̉ن̷͙͋ ̶̪͌ا̴͈͌ل̶͈̃ذ̴̱̐ي̴̦͌ ̵̗͠ت̵̮͌ه̸̯͝ر̵͎̚ب̷̛͎ ̸̛͔م̵̜̏ن̷̗̓ه̸̻̍؟̵̰͘ م̷͇́̽ن̵̗͐́͊̚ ̶̡̡͚̦̗̌̏͛̓͂ا̷͍̣̙͔̀̒̍͋͊ل̵̧̠͍̰̼̣͒̂̍̈́̂̂̕ذ̷̯̰̘͎͕͘͜͜ي̴̱̙͊ ̸̡͚̖̬̠̭̂̀̓̋̑͑̚ت̸̢̪̅͛͑͐̓͑͌ه̵̧͈͓͕̲̝̍̏͂̈ر̵̢̘̗̀́ب̸̛͎̱̬͒͆̄̎̋̚ ̶̛̫̉͘م̷̧̛̬̥̣̖̼̌͗̐̏ͅن̴͖̃̃̿͜ه̶̡̰͇̮̏̈́̒̂̀̆͜؟̵̲̯͚͒̈ م̶̫̏ن̷͍͗ ̶̠͝ا̷͚̌ل̸̝͑ذ̷̗͒ي̸̤͛ ̴̤̎ت̸̲̊ه̵͈͊ر̶̦͝ب̶̰̓ ̶̤͐م̷͍́ن̷͙̉ه̴̺̔؟̴̏͜ م̸̛̛̼̲̭̹̜̿̀̽͛̌̓͆̔̅̚ن̴̦͈͚͓̻͍̪̥́̆̔̿̀̚̚ ̶̯̞̆̿͗̈́̎̈́͆̈́̀̎ا̷͙̫̖͔̻̖̦͙̀̐̉̐͂̂̏ͅل̸̛̛̹͂̎͛̊̃̎͑͘͝͠ذ̴̨̨̯̠̤̼͍͓̺̥̖́̾̽͊̃̔̈́̑͑͛̊̕ͅي̸̤͙̮̹̻̟̤̓̿̈́͝ ̷̛̟͎̭͚͐ت̶̛̘̰̳͕̟͈̙͗͒͑ه̵̢̙͉̰̱͖͓̖̋͋͂̍ر̶̢͙͎͙̮̫̑̄̄̽̊̈́̃́̃̋̕͜͠ب̷̡̙̦̘̗̼̫͌͆̋͌̀͠͠ ̶̯̱̘̻̠̬̬̰͕͍͕͖̓̋̈͛͗̍͑̄م̵̛̱̮̳̪̭͇̝̯̟̭͍̆̈́̉̈́̃ن̶̜͔̲̙̤͉̞͔͆͊͒͊͛ه̷͎̗͔̺̩͐̅̂̀̀؟̶̢̠̙̗͚̝͕̀

Eventually, the girl's eyes snapped open. The imaginary pressure on her body vanished, but the very real pain lingered. So, it was gonna be one of those days... nah. To heck with that! She threw the sheets of her bed off, sprang to her feet, and opened a window. "Hello, Sipenta! Hello, Ersand'Enise!" she cheered, beaming at nothing and nobody in particular. "Hello, you weirdo," replied one of many new classmates whose face she wouldn't recognize. Raffaella puffed her cheek out. "What was that sound I heard just now~? Gosh, there must be a draft today~" she sassed back, shutting the window. Then, she blinked, and gasped. "The draft for the Trials! It's today!" she realized, rushing to get ready. She didn't know why the Trials were all that important—heck, she didn't even know why she was being transferred to this school. It wasn't her mother's idea. It certainly wasn't her idea. At her old school, everyone knew who she was. Here, well... people could be so darn rude!

It wouldn't stop with the rude interruption of her morning routine, either. When the time came for the team captains to choose students from her pool, she was picked second last. Sure, she hadn't exactly left a big impression during last year's Trials, but! Surely being cute had to count for something, right?! So she thought, anyway. Yet, no sooner had the draft ended than the team captain who chose her, Marz, was already looking to trade her away—for a girl with no legs. Perhaps, the students of Ersand'Enise didn't appreciate cuteness, she feared. But! Just as she was about to cry, she overheard a boy named Tommy say something.

"What do you say? Personally, she's cuter. In a... obtuse sorta way?"

Ohb-toose? What did that word mean? Well, whatever! She'd take it! Some shy introductions were made, along with some other trades, but Raffaella didn't pay much attention to that. She kinda just let Tommy do what he wanted; he appreciated cuteness, and for that, he was deserving of the role of team captain. He even named the team "Raffscallions" in her honor! So she supposed, anyway. She would certainly hope that it wasn't all just a big joke.

Melons! Melons Everywhere!

The Melon Derby—no, the Great Melon Derby! The classic, the original! The fun one. While she dangled her legs over the edge of her chair, swinging them back and forth, her teammates discussed strategy. While Tommy wondered why his team hadn't received a box to defend for Thieving Cherune, Raffie tilted her head from side to side innocently, hugging her slightly heavier book bag. When all the boring negotiations were done, it was decided that she would serve as a distraction. Raffaella would blaze through the air every which way but wherever the other members of the team were, carrying an illusory Melon Supreme. Sister Dominica would follow her around to create the illusion and back her up if needed. Ah. So, put a tracer on the tiny child and let her run around, while I babysit. Fun, Dominica thought. Absolutely no one is falling for this.

As soon as the event started, she was off—and boy, was she off. For some reason, her flying felt extra "flyey" today. Like, wow! Boing~! She rocketed straight for the cathedral district and the main church building: a landmark suitable and worthy of the Melon Supreme. Seconds later, she was speeding back out, carrying the Melon Supreme—though, it was not; it was a pale imitation of the real thing.

Suddenly, she saw her—the one-legged yasoi, heading north toward the King's Ear base. The sight of her rattled Raffaella to her core. As if her body had suddenly given up the ghost, her eyes went dark, the arcane sparkles vanishing. Yet, her body continued to move.

In the end, Raffscallions placed 3rd in the Great Melon Derby, with a final score of 4108.

The Undesirables

Next was the Dragon—a notoriously difficult and unabashedly dangerous relay race. Once again, Raffaella let her teammates decide on the actual strategy. Apparently, she was to join the absurdly-named "Giggling Calamari" in reducing the numbers of an invasive species in... wherever they were going. Raffie didn't really pay attention to that part.

At least, no one thought she did.

As she stood on the shores of Kiluaho, she contemplated something. Making pizzas, collecting eggs, digging up treasures, catching invasive creatures—and yesterday too, gathering melons. Weren't all of these competitions just excuses for the biros of Ersand'Enise to go around... running errands? Only the mushroom maze portion really felt like a pure and simple race. It was almost as if the Zenos threw it in there for the sake of keeping up the Dragon's fearsome reputation—having a leg of the race knock out a majority of teams, in this case literally, with its psychedelic fog. Wouldn't they have been able to help the locals of Kiluaho more if they just skipped that part, though? What was the point of this? Why not just be honest and upfront, and do this in the spirit of cooperation? Such were the thoughts that idly fluttered through her mind as she furiously fanned herself, before remembering that cryogenic arcane spells were a thing. Oops.

Giggling Calamari stood leaning against a tree, engrossed in a lollipop. She'd been eyeing Raffaella suspiciously ever since she used her chemical magic to keep the pestilence that was the massive swarms of mosquitoes away from the two of them. Now, she was fanning herself with arcane magic, and despite her reputation as a fragile little marshmallow who would probably melt in just a tiny bit of rain, she had managed to do both of these things without complaining about the conditions of the environment a single time. Was her reputation not a deserved one? She certainly looked like a tiny little crybaby.

All Calamari had to do was wait, however.

Raffie had a brilliant plan, and even came up with it all by herself! She would use her chemical magic to signal to the threshers, basically making herself smell like "mom" to coax them out, and it was working! Reaching out with her little arms, she beckoned the "kids" to come to her, her warm eyes sparkling with wonder. Soon after their arrival, however, Taleja set about making as much noise as possible, causing the creatures they were supposed to be catching to scatter. They fled, and much to Raffaella's dismay—decidedly not into her arms. Tears welled up in her eyes as she watched the chaos unfold around her. "Why?!" she demanded. "Can't you see we're supposed to be helping these people?! Who cares about the race?! You're all so SELFISH!!"

The locals could tell that she was upset, but as long as she wasn't hurt, they didn't seem to have time for her. Taleja was either ignoring her or couldn't hear her over the sound of her own racket. The only one who acknowledged her was Calamari. "Girl, you are reading into this way too much. It ain't that deep. There's plenty more o' these girls, and more beach for us to use. Come on," she grumbled, dragging Raffie by the arm. If she was easily upset, she was surely easy to please. The girls took their time exploring, with Raffaella being rewarded with a Golden Emperor Conch for her efforts.

That wasn't all, either. While she was gathering up the rosy threshers, she came across an abandoned nest of five torpedo thresher pups—and they, too, were irresistibly drawn to her. One, with a pearlescent coloring, caught the girl's eye immediately. Scooping her up in her hand, she brought her in for a closer look, her eyes gleaming. "Wow~ Arnshu jusha cutest?!" she cooed to the little critter, which then proceeded to pinch her right on the cheek. "Awh~ Shtawp! Legwo!" she cried, trying to pry the girl's claw open, but it was to no avail. The girl had staked her claim on a new mom and would not let go.

Calamari shuddered as she watched the threshers crawl all over her partner. She thinks they're cute? Just what kind of creature is she?!


The night after The Dragon, Raffaella was wandering around the school grounds like usual, when suddenly a massive figure appeared. It was... that one-legged yasoi, again?! "HIIIEEEEEEEE!! Don't come near meeeee~!" she screamed, taking off and flying as fast as she could—but the yasoi lady was faster! "C'mere, you!" she growled, tackling Raffaella and squeezing her tightly. "You really are tiny, huh?" she teased as Raffie struggled. "Gimme the box, you! I know you have it!" "No! You can't have Mr. Box!" She said as she clung tightly to her book bag. "Oh yeah? Take this!" Tyrel replied as she tickled the small yanii trapped in her arms. "N-No! Ahahaha! Anything but that! No, nono, AHAHAHAHA!! Uncle! UNCLE!!" she cried, relinquishing the box. "Thank you much~" Tyrel grinned and ruffled Raffie's hair before flying off.

Only Up!

The next day, another fellow student came to relieve Raffaella of a Cherune box. This time, it was Mahal, predictably offering her some sweets. Raffie gave her a token little "humph," and informed her that she was (in fact!) something of a connoisseur of sweets, and she'd need quite the selection to impress her—and... wow, that was quite the selection of exotic sweets. Raffie could do without the chocolate-covered bugs, but the vast majority of it looked very good and made her quiet curious. After a battle of will that didn't last terribly long, she handed the box over to Mahal. "Sorry, Mr. Box," she murmured as she relinquished the second Cherune box in as many days. She was a creature of habit, not self-discipline.


The day of the next Trial came, and it was met with more Taleja shenanigans. This time, she was harassing the Soul Sisters. Raffie furrowed her brow in disapproval as she watched her "negotiate" with the Soul Sisters, and then Jocasta—an exchange that ended with her being flung into the water some distance away. "Woop woop~! Get dunked, Tally-girl~" She cheered for Jocasta as she burst out laughing. Several other students watched her and snickered as she recoiled in embarrassment at her public outburst.

As the time of preparation neared, Raffaella began leaving strange tins that Desmond had prepared inside every aircraft she could find, as stealthily as possible as he had instructed. As she stood outside the basket of one hot air balloon, she turned one of the tins over in her hand, curious about its contents. There seemed to be some kind of thicker-than-water liquid inside—and, it was cold! "What's that?" one student asked suspiciously as he caught her standing next to his team's craft. "Um." She blinked, realizing that she didn't actually know. "Ice cream, I think. Desmond told me I'd get some if I passed these out to everyone, all sneaky-like. It's a surprise!" She smiled impishly. "Desmond, huh?" The kid narrowed his eyes. "Yeah, no thanks." "Huuh? You got a problem with my teammate?" she drawled. "Or, does your whole team hate the second best dessert in the world?" she accused. "Second best?!" he replied. "Uh, yeah? The best is cake, obviously." "What?! No, it's—" He caught himself and facepalmed. "Anyway, beat it, pipsqueak!" Raffaella puffed out her cheek. "Humph! More for me, then!" she pouted as she stormed off.

Her task complete, it was time for the second part of her role in the plan: to hitch a ride with another team. After all, who was going to say no to the cutie? I love the way you think, Tommy! This is why you're the best! Giggling to herself, she looked around as the other teams took off, and her eyes landed on a massive beanstalk. "Oh, wow..." Her eyes glittered with glee. Then, they glazed over as she gave in to her desire for sleep. This was a critical step: by relying on her sleepwalking, she would be harder to detect! However, the plan failed as Raffie met with someone who will say no to a cutie: Edyta Laska. She held out a hand to stop Raffie, and ruffled her hair vigorously, enough to wake her. "No. You've been swept up in enough of your friends' schemes for one day," she scolded gently. "I'm not gonna do anything mean... I really can't come?" she replied with pleading eyes. "No. You may not." The nun refused more firmly the second time. "Be a good girl." She fixed Raffie's hair for her, gave her a tiny strawberry muffin, and shooed her away.

"I really wash jush gonna go to shleep and let it carry me up," she sulked with a mouthful of muffin as she slowly walked back to her team's meeting place. There was nothing for it; she'd just have to ride up with the others. It wasn't all that bad, but it was considerably less cool than riding a magnificent and beautiful giant beanstalk straight out of a fairytale.

Then, Raffaella dropped to her knees.

If it were possible, her face grew even paler than usual. "What... is this..?" she asked no one in particular, trembling. "My manas are... gone? I can't... move..?" Her eyes widened, and her heart pounded as she shook violently. Sweat dripped from her forehead as she started hyperventilating. Already, she was a pale imitation of the real thing. If she stopped being capable of magic altogether... Who would I be? she realized.

Then, a familiar face snatched her up. "Zazzy!" Raffie breathed. She grabbed Raffie and fled, far out of range of whatever was affecting her—it was Command magic, but that was a conversation for another day. Right now, they needed to win, and win big! The Raffscallions took 7th place, which, in some circles, would be considered winning big.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Force and Fury
Avatar of Force and Fury

Force and Fury Actually kind of mellow

Member Seen 1 day ago

"You always kept up with us, you know." Jurgen was out of uniform, walking slightly ahead of Marci as he spoke. "Despite being..." he trailed off and she glared. "Younger." Marci let out a snort and rolled her eyes. If there was a smile, he did not show it. She had learned that he was good at controlling his face, to whatever end he wished. "Well, I should hope so," she replied after a moment, "You don't look very quick." There were times when she still wasn't quite sure of her Kerreman. It was hardwired into her as the first language she'd learned, even though she did not explicitly remember it. Yet, she'd spent nearly five years at the refuge communicating in Avincian and Torragonese.

They'd made their way to one of the open-air biergartens along Tendel Road in the Merchants' Quarter and were promptly seated. They ordered a nice pretzel each, in the Rovarian style, and a great stein of the house helles. Then, it was time to speak in earnest. "So, be honest: how are you, Marci?"

She shrugged. "You look like you've just eaten a chili pepper when you say my name."

He returned the gesture. "My head still automatically tells me you're Nina. I have to override it."

"You'll adjust, in time, as I did."

He nodded. "Now, no avoiding the question, sister." It was jarring to hear him call her that: this man whom she hardly knew. She sensed he was a creature apart from Manfred, but there was a bit of his kindness in there. He thanked the waitress as she delivered their order and winked. She rolled her eyes and giggled before walking away. Okay, Marci admitted to herself, Maybe quite a bit more than just his kindness. Jurgen's face was quickly serious again, however, even grave.

"Well, perhaps it is I who should be asking you first," she decided. "You knew him far better than I."

Her older brother's eyes searched her face, and Marci made a point of not shrinking away. There was something stern and authoritative about that gaze, despite his generally open manner. Abruptly, he tore off a piece of his pretzel, shoved it in his mouth and chewed. He washed it down with a hearty gulp of beer. "I am in mourning," he admitted, with a diffident shrug. "He was my little brother. I was supposed to protect him and I failed." He glanced away. "Like I failed you."

He had failed her. Otto and Manfred had been mere boys, but Jurgen, the oldest, could have said something when that witch of a woman had wanted her sent to a tethered refuge. It would have meant something. "You weren't there," she added neutrally. "What could you have done?"

He twisted back to face her and pursed his lips. "I could've been there," he replied in annoyance. "I could've demanded a stop to these stupid errands your Zenos send you on." He shook his head angrily as she started on her food. "You know they did it when I was there too, right?"

Marci regarded him soberly, chewing and swallowing. One of those 'stupid errands' had saved her from rotting in a tethered refuge for the rest of her short life. It had given her a new family of sorts, and a treatment for the tethering. She had never, thank Oraff, lost her ability to walk and, now, never would. She might live a normal, fulfilling life. "And yes, I know that you were found and rescued thanks to one of those," he added, as if he knew her thoughts. He was a chemical mage of some ability. Did he? He downed another gulp. "But could they not send Zenos instead of risking the lives of students?" He shook his head again, thumping the stein down on the table. "It's all very disreputable. You know, from my perspective, I have both gained a loved one and lost one because of these." He glanced off to the side, jaw clenched, and swallowed as if the act was painful.

"Did he leave you a letter?" Marceline asked calmly, reaching into the bag hanging from the back of her chair. Jurgen arched an eyebrow. "Well, there was one addressed to me, though it was written some time ago: the one that left me Fritz and Kurbis."

She paused. "Like a sort of will?"

He nodded, drumming his fingers on the tabletop. "It is the sort that every military man always has ready." There was something in his tone that seemed to say, 'you wouldn't understand'.

With a deft maneuver, Marceline's fingers switched what they were gripping. "I received something similar," she replied, pulling out a folded letter. "Though no animals to take care of."

"A shame," Jurgen remarked. "I find women are often better at that sort of thing."

"Perhaps," Marci allowed, not letting the slightly irksome nature of the assumption show, "But I'm so busy nowadays with Zeno Bucks that I'd scarce have time." Indeed, she'd hardly had time for little Domino, the baby ground octopus that Fiske had gifted her. He was a cute, goobery little fella, and she really should have.

"Ah, yes: your coffee thing with that... Virangish girl." He mostly kept the disgust from his voice. "I'll admit to not having tried any yet, but it's a good idea - serves a need." He raised his glass. "You may yet end up the wealthiest of us all, little sister."

Marceline glanced down and blushed, but raised her glass in thanks, taking a perfunctory sip. "I should hope for Dami's blessing."

Jurgen tilted his head and smirked. "Eh. You're far more of the Reshta type: a gambler, but a smart one, at least."

"I never take a bet I can't win."

"I know."

So it was that they sat there in a biergarten: a brother and sister who hardly knew each other, each mourning the loss of a third in their own, separate ways. That Marceline had entirely dodged answering his question was not lost upon Jurgen, for he was no fool, but she was well enough, a disreputable Huulisch suitor aside. That Jurgen was not someone she would ever be especially close with was not lost upon Marci, but he was not a bad man and maybe even a good one, in his own way. Still, when they parted ways some twenty minutes later, each left with their greater concerns allayed and their secrets intact.

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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Force and Fury
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Force and Fury Actually kind of mellow

Member Seen 1 day ago

It was still dark, albeit barely, when a spot of purer blackness opened in the desert. For a moment, Yaxan's heart raced. This was a darkman! He had been so long without their sweetness that his head pounded and his lips were dry and cracked. He was already running for it - already halfway there - when it disappeared and, instead, there was... a yanii!?

The yasoi cast about desperately for his prize, but it was gone. Instead, the interloper whirled to face him. "Where is it!?" Yaxan demanded. "Where'd you make it go!?" he reached out for the yanii, only to find his hand slapped away with surprising force. "The... ab-bor-raysin!" He began to cast about for it. Had his mind been playing tricks on him? No, this yanii was up to something. No, this yanii wasn't real. Yaniis never showed up here.

"I can make another. Would you like that?" he offered, hand still raised in the same position it had slapped Jaxan's away.

"It's the least you can do," the yasoi grumbled. "You stole mine, after all."

"Ah, yes, I'm sorry about that," the yanii replied, and there was the feeling of a great welling of magic about him. Yaxan scarcely noticed. "Though I don't suppose you could do me a favour," he continued, and the yasoi nodded irritably. If it wasn't too big of a favour and he got his darkman, he hardly minded. Fancy running into some loopy yanii like this out between Carsocal and Ixanya, and such a useful one too! Why, Luumii and Dyron would never believe him! "Well, I was wondering if you'd seen any others like me?" he inquired as the magics built further. Yaxan fidgeted anxiously. He was certainly not in any hurry to make up for what he'd stolen! "You know, short, rounded ears, a girl, in the case of this one." A great black nothing appeared once more before Yaxan and he reached for it immediately to - THE POMPOUS FUCKING YANII SMACKED HIS HAND AWAY!!! - "That isn't your aberration," he explained, "It comes from there."

"I knew that!" Yaxan snapped. "I was just getting ready."

The yanii did not judge him. He merely watched in expectation as his counterpart indulged greedily in the otherworldly energy. Yaxan knew that many judged him harshly for such habits, but they did not understand the experience and just how divine it could truly be. To outsiders, it lasted a few seconds, for him, it was a joyous eternity, it was other realities experienced, other lives lived, sounds heard, and feelings felt. Surely it would overwhelm their tiny, narrow minds anyhow. Eventually, he came down from his high, eyes bloodshot, nose dripping, and hands shaking. He breathed: in and out.

Then, he remembered the yanii.

"How!?" he demanded. "How did you do that!?" He reached out to shake the young man but then thought better of it, having been trained by the last two times he had acted carelessly with his hands. "Is it some secret magic!?"

A pair of angelic blue eyes regarded him evenly and he remembered, vaguely, that he'd been asked a question before his voyage. What trivial matters, to find someone. One person was very much like another, weren't they? "Oh yes!" Yaxan chirped, thinking. "Another yanii," he considered, "Another yanii..." He tried to think and found it hard to separate this reality from others. "A girl, about my age, very short."

Before long, there was only one conclusion: he'd have remembered something so distinct as a yanii in Yarsoc. Why, in his entire twenty-six years of life, Yaxan had seen only perhaps a half-dozen. Regretfully, he shook his head. "Sorry," he replied, with a bit of genuine abashedness, about to come clean, but then it occurred to him: this was a really good deal! This kid could just make darkmen out of nothing, and he seemed to be the one desperate for something. "I'm having some trouble remembering. That's my first ab-bor-raysin in a month. Brain's foggy until I've had a bit more."

The boy with the Angel Eyes turned and started walking, and Yaxan's heart caught in his throat. "Wait!" he hollered, running after him, arms outstretched. "I know where she is. It's... on the tip of my tongue. I just need -"

He was met with a savage backhand that laid him clean out. Dimly, the yasoi felt himself hit the dirt. Pain spread down the side of his face and neck and radiated across his shoulders, back, and chest. "You're lying," the yanii said. "I shall seek my answers elsewhere." With that, he left.

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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Ti
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Ti Bruja

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Event: Visiting Friends | Location: Ersand'Enise

Oksana found herself being picked last, which was a little expected. She wasn’t one of the students from Ersand’Enise, after all, and when standing next to obviously powerful individuals, the choice was clear. She didn’t hate anyone for their choices; she simply accepted it for what it is. She used moments to leave the team house to visit her friends when the opportunity struck her.

It was good to visit Ashon; the big oaf was up to monkey business as usual. His silly antics always brought a smile to her face. What was even more special was that in the year since they last met, he had got together with Penny! She recalled how Ashon was really shy and embarrassed at the auction house when they teased him, especially as Penny was sat there behind him. In the year together, they are now engaged, and she has babies on the way, three of them, even! She gave him a big hug and wished him the best, even if the Penny wannabe looked on in envy.

Esmii was very pleased to see her, the Yasoi girl, wanting to learn more about hand signals used for communication during hunting. They spent a good time together, exchanging jokes, laughs, playing with the animals, and other merriment. The Sanguinaire lover in the background kept muttering and complaining passively about Esmii consorting with the enemy, but they made the most of it. It was great seeing her again.

Oksana managed to get a good ride through the various scenic sites around Ersand’Enise on her Glacial Elk, as she accompanied Ayla on who was on Gina, the cute little Shetland Pony, and Zarina, mounted on the mighty stallion, Riesco. The pair even had a little race; Riesco definitely had the home advantage, and poor Ayla was trotting far behind them on poor Gina, complaining about them galloping off.

Last, and certainly not least, was Maura. The girl’s smile lit up the room when Oksana approached, as she offered her arms out towards her, inviting her for a hug. “Sana! You are here,” the pair embraced tightly. “Druh, how be keeping?”. She looked at the girl’s face, becoming easily bemused, as she had forgotten just how much Maura loved to talk. She wasn’t able to catch most of the conversation, but the important thing was that the boy nearby was her boyfriend, and she has been in ReTan recently. Sana indicated and said about meeting a few from the school in Kirimansk, and the issues with Sanguinaires over there.

It was as if on cue; Taleja had appeared, and with a silver platter, began to serve hot tea to Maura and her guest. Oksana shivered a little as she felt the presence of the Venomhand amongst them. It certainly brought back memories of Kirimansk and the anti-magic devices.

She looked up toward the pretty white-blonde-haired girl with full lips, striking green eyes, and a bruise? She raised an eyebrow toward Taleja. Taleja noticed the gaze; their eyes met, as it appeared she was about to make excuses to leave. Maura was about to comment before Oksana spoke up, “Ztsilennya?” as she indicated with her hands the mark on Taleja’s face with a rubbing motion. “Sana is offering to heal your bruise, Talia,” Maura conveniently translated.

Taleja simply smiled, politely declining the ornamental women. “I don’t require your services; I am able to tend to it, though I am choosing not to at this time.” Oksana peered towards her in confusion as she turned toward Maura, who sighed, then did a sharp cross motion with her arms, “No ‘silennya.” Oksana appeared to understand, though not quite understanding why, as Maura spoke up toward Taleja, “She is Deaf; you have to make it simple for her. She is nice as well; you might like her.”

Taleja sweetly smiled as she brought her hand towards Oksana to attract Oksana’s attention. She then began to reduce her name to simple terms, using her fingers to spell out the letters, “Ta. Ley. Yah. Ta-ley-yah.” The blonde smiled and gave a little clap at the success. Oksana began to blush a little as the blonde smiled warmly towards her, “Hi Ta-ley-yah, I am Oksana. Call me Sana.” Taleja gave a wink towards her as she turned to leave, leaving Oksana and Maura together.

“She is pleasant enough; it is just that we find ourselves stuck in the most inconvenient of locations when she is around. As for the bruise, she was attacked by Sanguinares last night, who fled the scene; she wants to send a message to whoever it was that she is not scared of them.” Oksana nodded as she tentatively followed the conversation, “No Sanguinaires, like her.” Maura smiled, hiding her true feelings as a certain face came to her mind. “Yes, they really can be the worst."

Taleja was on an errand as she journeyed through the city, making sure to pass by the market for the freshest ingredients for her latest batch of elixirs. She had been careful on her route, as she had meticulously prepared herself for anyone following her. She felt her heart skip a beat as she realized she was being followed already. The individual was very good at hiding their presence.

Her mind began to race; she never expected their attention to be aroused so quickly. As she began to set off towards a darker section of the workman quarter, the figure followed. She turned around the corner as she hurried into position. The figure turned around the corner as Taleja stood there in the dead end, her back towards them. She clicked her fingers as the wall made with binding magic rose up behind the figure, trapping them within range of her venomhand.

“Who are you, and what do you want?” Taleja commanded, only to be met with an eerie silence. After a moment, she turned around to face the figure, only to see Oksana stood there sheepishly. Taleja looked towards her, both visibly confused and annoyed, “Why did you follow me?” using a hand signal of a person walking with her fingers towards her other hand, then pointed towards herself.

Oksana appeared to beam at the hand signal, as she created a five-legged beast with one hand, moving towards a lone finger, then did a chop motion on the beast, “Protect from Monsters,” pointing again towards the bruise. Taleja sighed, then smiled, placing her hand over the bruise as she healed it with binding, and it faded away. “There, it is gone.”

She shifted uncomfortably, especially as the annoyance of the situation crept in her, “Why are you trying to protect me?”. Oksana smiled wide, with a blush, “Ta-ley-yah is nice, and she is pretty.” Taleja looked towards her, a little flustered at the rationale, as the other girl playfully flexed, “Kozaky Strong, Protect Ta-ley-yah,” The blonde fluttered her eyelashes as she removed one of her gloves, “and what about being unable to use the gift?” as she gestured around Oksana as she indicated the disrupted magic.

Oksana smiled as she shrugged her shoulders, “No need,” as she moved back her cloak and revealed her sword, clapping her hand upon it. “Well, this pretty one doesn’t need a strong defender.” Taleja walked towards Oksana as she laid a finger on her hand for a couple of seconds. Oksana could feel the manas in her hand recoil in pain, a burning sensation, as it feels like she had her hand stuck in boiling water, as she brought her hand away.

Taleja smiled sadly towards her, as she used her gift to remove the barrier she made. Oksana looked towards her, as she could sense the loneliness in the other. She placed her hand on Taleja’s shoulder, as the blonde turned around. “We battle, you go no easy.” She signed as them fighting, the pair of them together.

Taleja pursed her lips, as she contemplated, then relented, “North of the Field Gate.” She pointed in the relevant direction, indicating a wide-open space, “Be there. We duel.” She winked as she departed.

Taleja was sat on the blanket as she had a picnic basket beside her. She didn’t particularly know why Oksana wanted them to have a duel. Was this as simple as some ploy in an attempt to seduce her? She had attempted to question Maura, who was unhelpful in providing her any kind of relevant answer, and her probing led to accusations of interest toward the girl. She wasn’t quite sure what to make of the situation, those heterochromia eyes and goofy smile, and she had no interest in taking pushtail oil to sate the whims of some infatuated girl. From what she gathered, Oksana was not particularly strong and has been traded frequently between teams, so the fight should be relatively one-sided.

She was drinking from a glass as she saw the girl approaching on a Glacial Elk. The sight of the white hide against the green certainly made it stand out compared to back in its native lands. She smoothed off her dress as she stood up to meet her, hooking the picnic basket underneath her arm. “I see you came,” smiling up to her as a cheery blonde, patting lightly on the basket.

Oksana smiled back in return, a forced smile, as she unfastened her white cloak and drew her sword. “We fight.” She pulled on her Elk as she rode to create distance, then she dismounted from it wearing her dark leathers and tucked her braids in with a cloth that she wore like a mask. The Kozaky drew from the environment as the air began to rapidly cool down as a mist enveloped the battlefield, as she prepared herself for combat. She moved her hands as if pulling on a bow, as an icicle formed between them, as she released, firing it with her kinetic magic towards Taleja.

If Taleja didn’t take the opening shot seriously as it flew past, the feint disguised a second came straight towards her, causing Taleja to rapidly create a shield with binding to protect her from the lethal attack which narrowly missed the mark. She cast the shield to the side as she sees the ice-wall before her, concentrating on it with the touch of doom as she disintegrated it into its base elements and water, only to reveal nothing behind it.

A gust came from the side of her as Oksana came swinging her blade towards her, the momentum getting sapped due to the proximity with venomhand, as she was to be met by a blast of faceless thunder, causing her to divert away from the last moment back out of range. Taleja took one of her vials as she catches Oksana with it, the glass exploding as the other girl disappeared out of sight. The Kozaky cursed as she used binding, feeling her skin and clothes melting with the foul liquid acid.

Taleja waited for the next attack, which didn’t arrive. “If the fight is over, allow me to attend to your wounds.” Her voice tentative and cautious, those green eyes surveyed the surroundings as nothing appeared to move through the wisps of mist. She was about to drop her guard when she felt it. A strange and powerful sensation as she was finding herself drained of her magic and rendering her gift useless. She could feel the tingling sensation in her cells as she looked around, for perhaps another venomhand. Then she saw Oksana, standing with her sword drawn, and her leathers damaged, as the other girl charged towards her.

A sly smile played on Taleja’s lips as she calculated the implications of an opponent being completely disabled. An interesting party trick. Her eyes watched the sluggish movements of someone charging without kinetic magic towards her, having the time to move her hand into the picnic basket as she pulled out her pistol. Somewhat a hand cannon in truth, as the flintlock mechanism clamped down as she fired it towards the other girl.

Oksana had decided to evade as she saw the pistol rise towards her, as Taleja’s shot went wide. She hadn’t considered her opponent to switch to conventional means so easily, and aimed to move closer as she was reloading. She began to charge again as it fell short; the pistol had been reloaded and fired, only narrowly missing her, but importantly, she was able to make up some ground. Furthermore, she was forced to try to flank Taleja, as the other cast a vial in her direction, using the pistol to cause the substance to rain down in the area. However, this led to an opening as it appeared Taleja was struggling with the pistol.

Taleja expressed frustration as she tried to pull back the lock on the pistol due to it being jammed, or so she wanted Oksana to believe, anyway. In fact, the pistol was already loaded, and she was creating her opening. Predictable, Oksana came towards her priming the sword for a swing, a downward cut. With her hand pulling out a knife, she moved to intercept the blade as swung the gun up to fire it from the hip.

The metal clanged together as the knife splintered and snapped. She couldn’t stop the blade as it came down on her, cutting into her arm as the gun shot fired wildly, causing her to drop as she took a significant wound. She looked up toward Oksana as she cursed out in pain. “You win.”

Oksana moved the blade towards Taleja’s neck, the one flawless sheen now stained with blood. She nudged the blade under her chin to cause Taleja face to face her, the venomblood’s life now firmly in her hands as she crouched down before her. Her gaze met those defiant piercing green eyes, “Kozaky strong.” She leaned forward as the blade continued to press against Taleja’s neck as she kissed the girl. Their lips tangled together as she smooched the blonde in a prolonged gesture that easily took over five seconds. A fact Taleja became very aware of as this had been the longest contact with another for a very long time. Oksana broke the kiss to lean back and raise. “Ta-ley-yah to stop, no more plans. Now Ztsilennya!” She gestured for her to heal herself as she began to walk away till she is sufficient distance before she deactivated the anti-magic device, enabling their use of the gift to return. Taleja used the moment to heal as the Kozaky rode off on the Elk, her eyes watching the other leave.

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by jasbraq
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jasbraq The Youngest Elder

Member Seen 1 day ago

”You’re always such a dear to me, Charlotte. Taking care of such a mess of a woman must be quite the task.” Dorothea tried to compliment her dearest aide.. ”I have not been able to truly enjoy myself ever since he…” ”I know, the world has become much more bleak in one year, hasn’t it?”

”May I ask you something?” Dory interjected as she tried not to linger on such a subject for too long. ”Of course, meine Frau.” ”How are things back home? Did the small assembly of trust hold together?” The countess’ expression warped to a much darker one. ”Or do I need to come over there to set things straight?”

Charlotte’s eyes widened to such a question. ”The assembly at times squabbles amongst each other but do not fear, they do manage to rule in your stead to a… decent degree.” Dory did not say much on the answer to her question. In some ways, she seemed to be satisfied with herself. ”Do you think I’m strong now?” ”You’ve always been strong, mein Fraulein.” ”That is not what I meant!” The room fell silent.

”What I mean is real strength. Not any of that ‘knowledge is power’ Blödsinn.” The woman’s hand shook. ”During my last visit to the capital I was shown how truly powerless I was. That hure Annalie was so much stronger than me that I could not even move my body. Her magic was just that much better!” ”I am sure that you are stronger than you were back then, Dory.”

”That Sau wanted to make me nothing but a puppet for their own convenience. I’ll show her that as long as I’m alive the Hohnstein name shall not be dirtied any further.” The aide tugged on her collar in discomfort. ”On another topic… It seems that your team is doing pretty well. If I may ask, what made you want to change teams?” Dory rolled her eyes. ”Well you know, the elusive ‘scorpion’ was not really doing anything and did not talk at all. The Vossoriyan was too busy with her business to do anything for the trials… And poor Yalen’s tethering was really catching up with him, the lad has started to really walk poorly. In the end it was not my idea. Little Marceline was even more frustrated than I was and offered the idea of getting traded out to another team.” She leaned back as she let out a soft sigh. ”Shame we couldn’t be on the same team until the end. I’ve become rather attached to her, perhaps it might have been due to our shared loss. I want to be there for her in whatever way I can.” Her expression brightened. ”Even heard the girl had found a boy she showed interest in. It reminds me of last year, though I would hope it involved a lot less alcohol than my first meeting with him.”

Charlotte’s expression warmed up. Perhaps Dory was just going through some hard times, for it was good to see her caring side has not faded away. Her eyes began to scan around and to her surprise… that ominous circlet was nowhere to be found. ”Where did that circlet go, mein Fraulein? I thought you were rather attached to it.” Dory smiled brightly in response to her aide’s question. ”An Enthish lad asked if he could borrow it, so I struck a deal with him. I don’t know why he wanted jewelry for a limited time, perhaps he wanted to look fancy for the ladies.”

”Are you certain he will give it back to you?” Charlotte doubted it would even be in the back of the head of the man she lent it to. Enthish people weren't people that kept their word. ”Oh, don’t worry about that Charlotte, I am more than certain they will give it back to me.”

”Ah, would you look at the time! It is getting late. We need to be wide awake if we want to do well in the final game. I am both excited and scared to fight other students like this, you know?” Dory tried to giggle her worries away. ”I am sure you will go much farther than I will. I am an average mage with decent skill with a blade.” ”I would like to thank you for helping me get a hang of that sword, you’ve been more than I could ask for.” Charlotte stood up from her seat and walked towards the door. ”It is my duty as your aide and my pleasure as your friend.” She opened the door and looked back. ”Have a good night’s rest, mein Fraulein. The last game will require your all.” and with that the door closed.

But the night was not over for the aide. They had to meet with someone first. ”I’m here, you can stop hiding yourself.” A click of the tongue could be heard from the corner of the room as the hooded figure showed himself. ”You’re a real buzzkill, you know? I was trying to be all mysterious and cool.” The Feskan looked at the figure with a surprised look. ”But did we not schedule this meeting already? It would be hard for me to be surprised.” Theatrics, Charlotte! It’s all about setting a stage.”

”Of course…” The hooded figure did not look satisfied with such a response. ”Ugh, anyways.” He clapped his hands together. ”Did you get that thing?” Charlotte tried to avoid the figure’s eyes. ”Charlotte, you did get it, right?” ”I wish I could say that I did, but even lady Dorothea does not have it at the current moment.” The Feskan replied. ”What do you mean she doesn’t have it?” the hooded figure asked hastily. ”What I mean is that she does not have it.” Charlotte looked rather frustrated. ”You can’t be serious, right? She always wears that thing to the point it became weird… and now she just doesn’t have it in her possession?”


”Does she seem any different without that thing around?”


”Then was it something else? It can’t be! It has to be that circlet.” the hooded figure thought aloud.

”She lent it but might get it back after the trials are finished.”

”Charlotte, if that is the case. Could you be there when that thing gets returned to her? To see if you can find any changes in her behavior.” Charlotte sighed. ”I can’t guarantee it, but I can try.” the hooded figure nodded. ”That is all I can ask from a dear friend, thank you.”

”I think that concludes it for this time.” the figure began to hide among the shadows once more. ”Meet me whenever you know something new.” Charlotte saluted sloppily. ”You got it boss… but does it have to be this late at night every time we meet up?” ”Yes! It creates ambience. Now go, I must think about this revelation.” Charlotte began to leave the room. ”Whatever you say. I’ll see you in a couple days again.”

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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Force and Fury
Avatar of Force and Fury

Force and Fury Actually kind of mellow

Member Seen 1 day ago

Race to the Top

For fifteen minutes on a random Orreday, the sky above Ersand'Enise was filled with the dozens of creative efforts of students trying to get - and remain - aloft. Some sunk and some soared to dizzying heights. A few even crashed from there, and that was quite the spectacle. For the army of thousands of workmen who kept the city running and the ever-growing number of Mycormish, Tansoan, Oiyan, and Parmoyan refugees camping outside of the Queensgate and the Seagate, it was a reason to pause and look up. The prodigious youths who would one day be their masters soared far above at heights they could scarce ever dream of reaching.

If one group of yasoi, hidden in the trees south of Mudville, took a couple of potshots at one of the balloons, certainly, nobody heard about it. They had enough to contend with as dozens of less creative teams simply ascended the Forked Tower - its doors opened for the day - battling for top position on its twin steeples and sniping at passing balloons, rockets, and other elaborate solutions to the problem of beating gravity. This, too, was a time-honoured form of chaos as, despite having been warned not to, over a dozen of the foolish teens opened various doors leading to the tower's many floors. For some, it meant furious itches, explosive weight gain, or a temporary switch of gender. For others... the consequences were somewhat more severe. At least none ran into something truly terrifying this time.

Far above their heads, however, among the very top few teams - also, and perhaps not coincidentally, among the top in the overall standings - a fierce battle of sabotage, split-second timing, and extreme limit-pushing played out. In the end, it was an unlikely alliance of Vyshta's More Favoured and Fiske n' Chips that prevailed. Yet, it was not the powerful yasoi team who took home the pole position and its highly coveted seventy-five points. Instead, they found themselves pipped by one meter, at the very last second by their erstwhile allies. While Fiske n' Chips went home with a victory that vaulted them into first position in the table - a truly unlikely outcome by any reckoning before the tournament's inception - they would now live with the sword of Juulet's ire hanging over their collective heads. So it was that, after three events, the table appeared as follows:

Race to the Bottom

As with every other night of The Trials so far, the night after Thin Air was not a peaceful one; neither was the afternoon. At Daybreak the next day, as teams gathered in Balthazar Square for the start of the festival's final game, Mano e Mano, they knew that Thieving Cherune would also come to a close. The clandestine game of theft and skulduggery had been taking place in the background for the past three and a half days, but only a handful of teams - mostly the existing leaders - had managed to figure out what the wood blocks they'd found in the chests actually alluded to and collect all that were available.

Now, in the Hours of Ipté, as the stars sparkled on the water by the city and the fog began to dissipate against a glowing horizon, they raced towards the three most famous towers of Ersand'Enise: the Pharaoh Point Light, the Lonely Obelisk, and the Forked Tower itself. It was a desperate flight of sprint, sabotage, and then... riddles. With the aid of magic, it took the quintets little time to locate the hidden boxes, but these were locked within larger compartments and their warding magics made it clear that these were not ones they could simply blast open. Instead, they scrambled to find solutions, there in the predawn gloom, hearts pounding, adrenaline coursing through their veins, adversaries sniping at them. Three emerged victorious. Another three claimed the second set of chests. The rest returned emptyhanded and Fiske n' Chips not only remained atop the standings, but saw its lead grow.

The Zenith's Speech

They filled the plaza in various states of sleep or wakefulness. To some extent, magic could compensate, but its effects would wear off eventually. Twelve-hundred-eighty youths from around the globe had only just received their scores for Thieving Cherune and, while some tried to do the math themselves, others watched the great leaderboard mounted on scaffolding atop St. Tristana's Fountain as a small army of Tan-Zenos and labourers shuffled its standings around. The square was so thickly abuzz as they waited for the Zenith to emerge that few noticed her appear quite suddenly and unceremoniously on the balcony abutting her apartments.

Once they did, however, a hush fell over the crowd. "Friends, Subjects, Students of Magic," she began, "we are gathered here today for what should be a joyous occasion." The 'should be', more than one observer came to understand almost immediately, was key, here. "For five hundred fifty-five years, a number sacred to the most holy Pentad, we have gathered here, in the hallowed halls of the Academy at Ersand'Enise, to engage in these spirited games." Her eyes roved across the crowd as they withheld their judgment, waiting for more. "We have gathered," she continued, "In times of feast and in times of famine." The murmuring began. There was a political subtext to this message, it seemed. "We have come together here in times of great bounty and times of great need, times of joy and excitement, and times of mourning."

Still, they waited. "We have gathered here," she concluded, "In times of peace and in times of war." This, then, was her point. "The latter - my friends, my colleagues, my students - is nearly upon us, I fear." She shook her head gravely, her voice, amplified by magic, carrying out across the crowd. "So, though you are young and your blood burns with the fervour of your youth, I ask you to quell it somewhat, for I once stood where you did and I learned, firsthand as a young woman, of the horrors which await upon the battlefield." She paused and swallowed, taking a moment to make a gesture encompassing her fellow faculty. "We all did," she warned them, voice becoming hoarse. "It is a grim path that we now walk as a world and, should the aims of those who reside in great and callous halls prevail, there will be no turning off of it." She swallowed again, shaking her head, and took a deep breath. The crowd had gone still and silent. "I expect that not all of you should be alive this time next year, unless something changes. How it pains me to say so: to think of your futures, your promise stolen away, but this is the reality of conflict in our world."

She took another breath and reached up to dab at her eyes. "But our job as educators is to prepare you as best we can for the world that you will come of age in, no matter what that world looks like, and so that is why we do as we do this day." She seemed to have recovered some of her composure. "You will learn to fight, as I did, though it is not a burden you should have ever had to bear." She was firm, now. "Go, people of the future, fight, and fight well, that you might survive the ruinous conflicts that my generation has set before you." Her voice rose fervently. "Fight that you might yet build the better world that we had hoped to. Fight and die now, in practice, so that you may fight without ever knowing Eshiran for all your days."

For a moment that seemed to stretch long across time's horizon, only an uncomfortable silence prevailed. Then, one student, somewhere towards the front, raised her right hand, thumb tucked in and four fingers extended together, in the old Quentic gesture for 'no judgment'. She stood there like that, for a good second or two. Then, a second raised an arm. Then, a few more followed. Quietly, with only whispers and murmurs, it spread through the crowd. If Arch-Zeno Harrachora had been starting to shoot his nominal superior a glare of some species, he suppressed it very quickly. In the end, the majority of the student body - leaders of tomorrow should they survive the coming war - raised their hands in the salute. Riu Kai-Tan returned it, even though he was not Quentic. Ardredelle Latvar and old Giacomo Giarrone followed suit. Joshe Intaba bowed his head and raised his hand, and Harrachora was quick to follow suit. Claresse Upta returned it and, for about two seconds, they stood there in mass solidarity. Then, she lowered her arm and closed her eyes and breathed deeply.


If it was an unusually solemn crowd that filed out of Balthazar Square and through ten great portals, it quickly came to life as it divided itself amongst the ten arenas where the fights were to take place. For days, the teams had been eagerly preparing and, while some found themselves sobered, there was still a game to be won and, with it, rich prizes to be earned. Others shook off the sombre speech within minutes, eagerly planning how they would reach the pinnacle of their power and blow up this person or flatten that one. They worked on their arena entrances and their combination moves. They sparred, both playfully and seriously. The air was, undeniably, electric, and more so in the presence of magnetic mages, naturally.

Beside many of the arenas, there grew a heap of discarded bottles, vials, and food scraps as the soon-to-be combatants eagerly consumed all of the empowering, enchanted, and imbued foodstuffs and beverages that they could. The tournament organizers had set strict limits, of course, but these were regularly disobeyed and seventy-nine contestants, in all, were disqualified in the first round for attempting to subvert them, either sneakily or brazenly. Then, that was it. Amid the ruins of the enormous Red Mountain of Perrence, within the bustling shipyards of Harrowend, on a pair of currently-empty slips, atop the multilayered dams and waterworks of Oud-Dijk, and before the roaring crowd of one-hundred-thousand bloodthirsty spectators in Zatera Teca, the first teams marched in, the horns sounded, and the bloodsport began.

For nearly six hours, the round of two-hundred-fifty-six carried on. While a few teams went out with a whimper at the hands of prohibitive favourites, this sort of combat, without permanent consequence, was a dream come true for many. The matches were ferocious. Emotions of all stripes lived large on the bloodied canvas of those ten arenas. There were seventeen decapitations, at least eight human torches, two dozen electrocutions, five drownings, thirty-one other suffocations, seventy crushed alive, and one-hundred-eighty-two dismemberments, not counting multiples on the same target. It was a veritable bloodbath. One girl melted from the inside out. Another's brain was liquefied. A boy died of explosive hair overgrowth and a second had his intestines pulled out through his mouth. There were two who literally expired of particularly intense fright. At different junctures, dark, temporal, blood, and even command magics were used, and that was just the first round.

They recessed for an hour and those who had the stomach for it ate. Some regarded their recently un-deceased teammates with a strange sort of protectiveness. Others pawed wonderingly at regenerated flesh or stood staring at bloodstains in the arena that had been theirs. Then, half of them returned to those arenas for a second round, rotating to new settings, cheered on by new crowds, and resumed the slaughter. A particular highlight was when one girl began disassembling herself piece by piece calmly, and then expired under the control of a binder and internal chemist. There was a boy who gradually turned into a sentient, ambulant mushroom over the course of two minutes. He actually won, but still had to be temporally reset because nobody could figure out how to turn him back. Then, there was another break, the round of sixty-four, and further spectacle. Three more cheaters were caught. Someone's hair was turned into pasta and it split their scalp open. Another had his arms torn off and was beaten to death with them. One girl turned blue as her blood was filled with silver before suddenly dying. The audience was abuzz trying to figure out how it had been done. The nose and mouth of another were fused shut until she suffocated.

By the round of thirty-two, a handful of students were sitting very still, hugging their knees to their chests. Others could not seem to rid their hands of constant shaking. Some didn't speak. Then came the slaughter once more and, this round, favourites fell, like the Soul Sisters, Nia and Mio being turned into blackened imprints on the arena wall by a fantastic atomic blast. Two members of Blaze of Glory were sliced in two by a single dark bolt from Tyrel'yrash'dichora of Fait Accompli and they, too, crashed out of the competition. Another early favourite, the 'reformed' criminals of AWOLE, bowed out somewhat more gracefully at the hands of prison wardens Technically Correct. Not so for the quirky and beloved Sea People, who found themselves fried alive by the massive Arcane power of Prince Kamehameha and the Beach Boys. Surf was, indeed, up. However, the sun was most definitely down, and it was time for participants and spectators alike to head off to sleep.

Fortunate Few

Was sleep easy to come by? Most were either partying or... reliving what they'd witnessed over the past few hours. In some cases, they relived their own deaths. While these had been erased from their memories and their physical selves reset, just the knowledge that one has died from being burned alive will sit in his mind's eye and simmer until he is cooked. Still, the hour was late and those fortunate few who had to fight the next day did their utmost to rest and recover. This, now, was the coming of the elite. This was where there were no more soft opponents, nobody just 'lucky' to be there. Everyone remaining was an absolute killer and they and their peers all knew it. Did they walk taller for it? Did they feel shame? Accomplishment? Ambivalence? Perhaps the answer varied from person to person. One question remained implacable, however, as the sun dawned, the city woke, and the two-hundred-fifty bells of Ersand'Enise chimed to mark Shune giving way to Oraff:

Had anybody listened to Claresse Upta?

Rules & Resources

Welcome to Mano e Mano, the final event of The Trials of DZ55 and your sophomore year at Ersand'Enise. While war looms on the horizon for the human nations and has already found their yasoi brethren, while refugees pile up at the gates, the commons stir with the threat of unrest and a strange new threat promises to close the portals and strand thousands of hegelans, we future leaders have altogether more important business to attend to.

This will be a multi-week PvP event, a first for The Hourglass Order. Unless expressly stated by myself or a Co-GM, all existing rules and guidelines are to be strictly adhered to. Fights will be conducted live on discord on dates when the majority both teams' members are available. Collectively, each team must post a summary of their previous fight to the forum before their next one may begin. If this takes more than a week without GM dispensation, they will forfeit that fight. Please remember that, while losses may be binding, character deaths aren't, due to the effects of temporal anchoring. All in all, the rule of thumb here is: please act in good faith if you enjoy this roleplay and respect your fellow roleplayers. You will probably lose at some point but that isn't an indictment against you or your character. You're still awesome.

On that uplifting note, please find all character combat profiles linked in the last two pages of the OOC. All relevant information and links for this event can be found in the document below. Be sure to read it in its entirety before asking questions as they are almost certainly covered there. If not, I'll be happy to answer them on discord. Good luck, and happy fighting!
Also, yes, I had to write in this eye-destroying colour
Mano e Mano Rules & Regulations

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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by BlackRoseSiren
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Meeting the Sun: Part 3

Place: Tavern near the Queen’s Gate, Ersand’Enise Academy of Thaumaturgy
Time: Velles 2nd, Orrendes (Afternoon going on Evening)
Thank you @Force and Fury for this collab

Esmii noticed that she and Sven were the only ones left in the room. Suddenly, she felt a sharp pain from her wrist and remembered she had hurt it when she fell. She started to rummage through her bag, remembering that she had a bandage in there and, on finding that bandage, she began to wrap up her wrist, as fast as possible, to ease the pain, and so she can carry on with what she needed to do, because right now she can’t heal herself and no one else can help her at this point.

After her wrist was bandaged properly, she moved onto her knees and faced the bed. Then she slowly starts to stand using the bed to steady herself. She then climbs back onto the bed, and looking at Sven, she tries to shake him to see if he will awaken, she also talks to him, to see if he will wake to the sound of her voice. "Sven, please wake up for me, I’m sorry for the trouble I have caused you, I know it’s all my fault, but please open your eyes, I need you to be ok."

Sven had been drifting in and out of consciousness for at least a few minutes. Vaguely, he had felt the sensation of heat, and then one of shouting, alarm, and movement. He knew he had been attacked. He had the incomplete sense - almost as if he had viewed it from outside of himself - that he had killed. Roslyn was not well. This, he knew. Esmii was sitting there by his bedside, crying and blaming herself and, though he did not consciously register it, the sensory input was enough to finally pull him from the last bit of it. Feelings stirred inside of him at her words and his eyes flashed open.

Esmii didn’t notice that Sven was starting to wake up, as she was lost in her own thoughts, and you could see she wasn't in the moment as her eyes were glazed. She then turned herself around and slid off the side of the bed. Now she sat on the floor, resting her back on the bed, bringing her knees up to her chin, wrapping her arms around her knees and tucked her head into her arms. She felt useless and helpless, and didn’t realise she was voicing what she was thinking.

"Maybe my moila (brother) is right, I am useless and stupid, and all I do is cause trouble and problems for others, like I did for my Aluu (father) and Aloi (mother). Why did I have to get closer to it, I knew I needed to stay away from the aberration as I am influenced more by it, and yet I still stupidly walked closer and was controlled by it. Look what I did, Rose and Sven are suffering so much because of me, and all I have is a headache." Tears started to stream down her face again, which made her head hurt more, but she felt like she deserved it. "What should I do?"

Sven slid off the far side of the bed, his head still fuzzy and pounding. He did not completely know what he was doing and what had happened, much less where he was. Everything was bad. He’d… it started to come back to him. He’d… he’d killed a girl: ripped her limb from limb. She’d tried to help them and she’d sacrificed herself and she was dead. He stumbled away. Faintly, through the thickening headache and tinnitus, he thought he could hear crying, but it might’ve been his own. He thought he could sense sadness, but… he’d killed someone. He’d viciously murdered a person in cold - or perhaps hot - blood. Some of her blood was still on him. Roslyn was missing. She was crazy and she was missing. Esmii was wallowing. He wanted to feel something, but all that he could feel was fuzzy and empty. He was… out of empathy. He half turned. ”You should get up instead of making him right. We have our friend to find.”

Esmii, still deep in her emotional thoughts, managed to hear a voice, she recognises the voice, however she cannot tell if it is real or just her imagination. Following what the voice says, her body quickly responds on its own, by standing up and moving in the direction of where the voice came from. Suddenly she comes to an abrupt stop, as her face makes contact with Sven’s back. She stumbles back, giving her head a little shake, snapping back to reality, her gaze slowly shifts to the figure's face. Her eyes widened with joy, on realising it was Sven and he was awake. "Sven, you're awake, Thank Reshta." She walks back over to him and gives him a hug. Then she stands on her tiptoes and kisses him on his cheek and asks him, "How are you feeling my love, I was worried."

She impacted his back and it forced him to twist about. Sven was not in the mood for hugs. He was not even thinking about much of anything except the look on that yasoi woman’s face when he’d ripped her arms off. That was burned into him. He shook his head, and started walking again. Esmii was safe, at least. Roslyn wasn’t. She’d gone aberration mad and she was missing and… it was nothing more than a distraction, but he needed one, and maybe he could do some good, at least.

Then, Esmii was there to intercept him, standing right in his way as he was about to exit. He tried to shake his head. He tried to shake her off. On some level, he didn’t want to be touched right now. He didn’t want to be held. He just needed to not think about what he’d done until he could take some time and unpack it. He needed to do something to make up for it. Esmii was safe. She was. Now, Roslyn needed help. “Bad,” he replied shortly, ”but we’ll deal with that later. For now, our friend needs help.” He made sure to keep moving.

Esmii noticed that Sven right now didn’t want to be touched, she knew something was different, she tried to hide the sadness on her face, as she didn’t want to make him feel worse. While she fiddled with her clothes she said. "I’m sorry, I should have asked you before I hugged you." Still fiddling with her clothes, she spoke again. "Right now Rose isn’t on her own, Sun King, the person who’s room this is, and who helped me to get you and Rose here, is following her. He said for me to stay here with you, as I am drained."

Esmii showed Sven her wrapped up wrist. "I overdid it with my magic again, and when I tried to stop Rose from jumping from the balcony I went dizzy and fell to the floor and hurt my wrist. I'm so useless. Sun King followed her right after she ran." She looked at the floor. Esmii took a deep breath, and she raised her voice, so he knew that she was trying to be serious, she knew she needed to talk to him and she knew with how she was feeling she couldn’t stop him but she at least had to try.

"We need to rest, we are both not right and you know it. Also I need to talk to you about things that happened to you in the last mission, as I think they are linked to what happened today. And why I have been acting strange lately, I need you to listen, it’s important. And after we have talked and rested, we can help look for Rose, because if you collapse again I can't carry you, like you can if I were to collapse." Then she slowly walked backwards till she was in front of the door. Her eyes looked onto his, as she was trying very hard to stand her ground and not budge, even though she knew he could just pick her up effortlessly.

She just wouldn’t let up. It all had to be dealt with right this moment, when Sven needed to just… not think about it for a bit longer. He knew it needed to be dealt with, but… For some reason he couldn’t explain, he was just… out of emotional energy. He needed to recharge, badly He heaved a long, vexed sigh. “Now ish not a good time for me,” he growled. “If I collapshe, leave me there.” He made to go around her. He just couldn’t. He just… hadn’t comprehended it all. The berserker rage was happening more and more often now, but it wouldn’t happen a mere hour or two after the previous incident. That much, he knew.

He needed to be outside, doing something, working through his feelings through action not sitting in someone’s guest room, having what was sure to be a long, emotionally wrought conversation with Esmii. Please, just understand me, Sven begged inwardly, but then it struck him: he was wrong. This wasn’t about him. This was about her and the damage she’d suffered and the further damage he could cause her. She needed him. Heart heavy, he rubbed at the bridge of his nose and let out a sigh. He would have to summon the strength. “I’m… shorry,” he grated, “for my shellfishness.” He found a nearby sofa and let himself collapse onto it. “You’re right. Tell me what’sh wrong. I’ll try to lishten.”

Esmii sighed in relief, as Sven went to sit down, she thought to herself Is his Eskand stubbornness rubbing off on me? She slowly makes her way to the sofa he collapsed on, with no room for her to sit with him she moves a stool closer to the sofa and takes a seat. Thinking back on his facial expressions, tone of his voice and how he acted, she wondered if he remembers everything that happened this time. Then she holds one of his hands, and says, "Sven you aren’t being selfish, and you have nothing to be sorry about, I’m just worried about you." She took a second to think about what to say and continued.

"There are two things that I want to talk about, the main thing is about you, and the other is to do with me, but you are more important. This strange force that you have, I have noticed it’s showing itself more often. The first time I saw it was when we were in the monastery. Just before we escaped, you were angry but seemed to have some control." She takes a short pause again as the next bit she is going to talk about, hurts her and she begins to tightly grip her dress, the grip is tight enough for her hand to turn white. "The second time the strange force appeared… was when I thought you had died… but then you suddenly got back up and you defended us." When she had finished talking about that memory, her grip on her dress eased.

Then she thought about what had happened today, "You remember what happened at the gate don’t you?" She held his hand with both of hers, and continued, "She attacked you first, and you defended yourself, if you were hurt I would have done the same, as she was not of sound mind and her fate was sealed from the moment she started to draw from it." She thought again about what to say, then she simply said,

"If these moments of rage are starting to become more frequent, I want you to know that I am here for you, I will be at your side. I will do everything I can to help you figure out what is happening, and how to control or prevent it. Also do you know if you had anything like this happen, when you were younger or before you started school?" Her tone was determined, she just wanted him to know he isn’t alone and that she loved him.

Right now she was trying to stop herself from hugging him, as she knew he didn’t want to be hugged. She took a deep breath, as she was worried she would annoy him. She was also wondering how to tell him about what had actually happened to her in the last mission. Just thinking of Dmitry frightened her, and she unknowingly dug her nails into her arm out of fear. She tried to hide her fright from Sven like she had tried to in the past.

It was... a more thoughtful response than Sven had anticipated, but he*still* did not want to do this - not right now. He could *not* be in here dwelling on it. That violence wasn't him, but... it was. It had always been there: in the tapestries that hung on the walls in his family's ancient castle. They all depicted men who looked a lot like him, huge and towering, besting various foes, man and beast, in often brutal ways. It had always been there: in the way he had thought it might be so easy to just... break the kids who'd teased and annoyed him when he was young. How many times had he fantasized about hurting them in various ways? It had always been there: in the rage he'd felt when people hurt or abused small things, weak things, and animals who couldn't defend or speak up for themselves. How he'd hated their smugness, how he'd wanted to wipe it off of their faces with... well, he'd wanted to do it peacefully, stridently so. Hadn't he?

Yet, there'd been a little part of him - a savage little part he'd always denied - that had almost *hoped* that it would fail, because they wouldn't actually learn anything from his words. They all laughed at him when he spoke, or were laughing in their heads. He knew it. He could sense the way that their chemical signatures changed when he opened his mouth. He stood there, awkwardly for a second, not wanting to be corralled, trapped in here, even with Esmii. *But this is about her feelings, not **yours**,* he reminded himself. “I have alwaysh had violenshe in my shoul,” he admitted.

Sven thought of the colossal black set of armour that stood behind the Jarl's chair in the Great Hall, polished by old Ms. Ljundberg when he'd been small, before she'd retired. Mother, as Lady of the house after Father had died, could not be seen doing that sort of manual work herself, so it had fallen to Astrid instead. How it had stood there, terrifying and enchanting him in equal measure as a boy! It had remained in place for some eight hundred years since legend held it had been worn in battle by Kol of Sturmreef at the Second Battle of Relouse, where he near-singlehandedly carried the Eskandr effort before being slain by Hildr the Red, patron saint of Kerremand. Nobody had grown large enough to don the armour since and Sven couldn't help but see the metaphor in it.

Yet, those had been fleeting thoughts, *guilty* ones. Where most boys had learned swordplay, hunting, and strategy, in addition to their mathematics, Avincian, and rhetoric, his idle times had been spent reading by the great bay window in the sewing room, while his mother, sisters, and other ladies chatted and did crochet. His days had been otherwise filled with tutors in all of the modern sciences, philosophies, and skills that his mother had thought would turn him into a different sort of lord, one day. They were all soft, kind, thoughtful things, of beauty and creation, taught by one third daughter of some minor house or another. How greatly he had studied herbs and medicines, sewing, binding wounds, administering - not ruling - his lands with compassion and understanding. He'd had his history lessons but, he suspected, the heroes had been very different from those that most boys learned about. He had, as a child, soaked these lessons up like a sponge.

Yet, always, had Sven gravitated outside. The plants and animals of the region and how they all worked so well in a perfect, delicate balance, came to fascinate him. The formation of the ores in the ground and the mountains and those great eruptions of fire and ash from the distant volcanic peaks: how those had excited him!

Then, there had been dragons, and they were the one thing that was not kind and soft and thoughtful that he was allowed. How he had *loved* dragons!
More than once, when they could see how his eyes lit up at the fiery breath or at those tales of epic struggles between heroes and the great beasts, the adults around him had tried to steer Sven away, but this had been his bottom line. His violence had come out in kicking screaming, *raging* tantrums when they threatened to take his books away, and their kindness, softness, and thoughtfulness had caved to his violence. Before he had left for Ersand'Enise, Sven had stood before the armour of Kol with his mother and asked her why she had always had it shined so diligently if she hated what it represented. She had told him that it was a reminder of where they'd come from and a warning not to return for, rich as his legend had become, Kol had brought ruin upon his kingdom, in the end. *But do we not stand, ourselves, on the precipice of ruin, mother?* he had thought, though he had not dared to say it. That, then, he knew, was the root of his current problems. He saw, in Esmii, something a little bit like his mother. She was kind and soft and... delicate.

He sighed. “I’m… shorry, Esmii, but that violence hash been represshed for ash long ash I have lived.” He shook his head. “This... ish how it ish eshcaping.” His cheeks flushed with shame and his hands balled into fists. He breathed again, deeply: in and out. “I... need shome outlet.” He shook his head again, clenching his jaw so tightly that it hurt. “I need *shomething*."

Esmii sat and listened intently to what he had to say. She then thought for a while, she knew that what he was saying was the truth. She also knew that this is part of him. From her own experience she knows there are some things you can’t escape from. She wanted to help her beloved. Seeing his face, she could see the sadness in his eyes. She clearly knew that he was ashamed of himself, but this wasn’t his fault. "My love you have nothing to be sorry about. I want to help you, after the trials and school, maybe we can find a way to help you."

She then thought of her past. The time she spent in Mycromi with her family. The constant bullying and mockery from the other Yasoi, treating her like dirt because she looked more human, however her family were treated better as they were seen as full Yasoi. She wasn’t even safe from the Yasoi children her own age, as they pretended to be her friend and often beat her. Even her own moila (brother) who was sick of all the other Yasoi laughing at their family behind their backs, tried to take matters into his own hands. His attempt was luckily unsuccessful, however the scar on Esmii’s waist is proof that he tried.

She came back from her memories, she was determined to help Sven. " It might be hard and take us a while, but I will stay by your side. Hmm maybe something to do with dragons might help." Her tone was soft and comforting. Noticing that he doesn’t want to talk about what happened to him anymore, she decided to change the topic. She took a deep breath and said. " I have been keeping something from you that happened in the last mission, when we separated. I wanted to tell you as it has made me more worried and scared. But I didn't want to cause you more problems. I’m sorry if I have caused more problems for you lately. I always seem to cause the people I love problems, but I need to talk about this." She was scared of this topic and also scared in case she had caused problems for Sven, as her grip tightened around her arms, she didn’t notice her nails were digging into her skin.

He sat on a nearby sofa, all but throwing himself onto it. “You tell me and I'll lishten.” He tried to offer a supportive smile.

Esmii lifted her head up, and on seeing him smile, she tried to smile back, however her hands were still tightly grasped round her arms. And even though it terrified her, she thought about what happened and what she wanted to say, then began. "When we split up into teams, the team I was in with Marz, Rose, Khaliun and one of her mercenaries. We met a Sanguinaire called Dmitry, who we saw ripping the Volti members apart, then licking the blood from his hands after." Saying this made her remember him doing this, she felt nauseous, she could also remember the sight and smell.

She took a few minutes then continued. "After that his attention went to us and after the conversation we had where Khaliun didn’t side with him, he attacked us. He went for Marz first, as he could sense or smell mana types. He was able to bite Marz, and after this his attention went to me, as he landed close to me, and told me he knew my mana type is Moodcaster, and began to target me. He tried to bite me twice, however I was able to dodge him once, and the second time I didn't dodge in time but my wand helped me. However after that his anger got the best of him and he just wanted to kill me and get my blood that way." recalling this caused her to tremble in fear and tears ran down her face.

"Since then, I’m scared to go out at night alone. I can’t sleep, even when I'm with you. I keep having nightmares of everything Dmitry did but the worst part is I keep reliving the moment you dropped to the ground I couldn’t breathe, I was too weak to help you, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry." All of her fears took over, she could no longer talk, she was trembling and crying too much. She didn’t want him to see her in this state, after what he had just gone through. She stood from where they were sitting, and began to walk towards the balcony to get some fresh air and see if this would help her to calm down.

Sven walked up behind Esmii, quietly, and wrapped his arms around her. “You take ash long ash you need to become shtrong.” He gazed out across the cityscape as he held her. He was still afraid of what he'd done. It was coming back to him, now, and a growing feeling of guilt had taken root, but it was clear to him that it was not something he should burden Esmii with. “For now, I have strength enough for both of ush, and I intend to shtart ushing it.”

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Carmillia Carbonneau

Collab with Dorothea @jasbraq

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Ti Bruja

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Event: Ashon & Juulet | Location: Ersand'Enise

When he first saw Juulet, it was a pleasant surprise, and she greeted him enthusiastically. Their time together in the past was brief, but it was memorable, and she became his first friend following the death of his parents. In his childish way, he perhaps even entertained immature feelings of belonging with her. She was a girl who had lost everything, and together, they could take on the world and put everything right. Even in those days, she spoke of being the avatar as her eyes sparkled with vision. However, things were not to be, as she went toward the selection committee. As for him, some Time Walker needed a servant boy to tend to things. Maybe it was Juulet who originally put him on the path of serving the avatar Vyshta way back when, before his true purpose and mission came to light. There was some guilt he felt as he looked toward her. He had said he would return to support the Avatar, and yet, he never came for Juulet. Even if the clue was cryptic, the redness in the avatar's hair was not there. Tyrel, Juulet, and many of the other candidates like them. They might be blessed and strong in their own right, used as pawns and tools by greater powers, but they were not the true avatar.

He had always been an actor, and he even knew he fooled others, and most of all, himself. It was easy to become what she wanted him to be, and part of him longed for it as well. She was the key to what he needed; she was of Hyparii, and he had seen what became of Mandelein. The prophecy was becoming true—the forest was burning, there was war, death, and destruction. Here she was, the perfect ally, a girl of such determination, strength, and power. He needed her; he needed Juulet, avatar or not. Perhaps together, like they were as children, they could do great things. Create a future for his own family and children to enjoy.

Part of him wished, truly. But he had known from the beginning this could not be the case. When Dory uttered those words in Mandelein, he knew who they were about. He didn’t know what happened to that girl he knew as a child, but rumours spread long before he left his homeland. He heard of those ‘broken’ by her in Dervishers, her appetites, her… peculiarities.

He watched, he listened, he played his part well. Likewise, he heard the tantrums, the crazed rants. He spoke with her, gleaned what details he could have back home, though it always seemed to be focused on the past and not the present, as Juulet resisted letting him in. She targeted some of the other students, some names he barely recalled anyway. Though he grew uneasy, what if next time it was someone he cared about? What if…

He frowned inwardly; the mere thought of Penny in danger caused his stress levels to increase dramatically, and with what she allowed him to know, he knew he had failed her. The idea of allowing that to happen again sickened him, to the pit of his stomach. Especially now, as she was carrying three of his beautiful children.

Juulet entered after another long night out as he sat waiting for her, “Vail’saluuv, suunei?” "bitter sleep, sister?"

“Nah.” Juulet made her way into her temporary residence in Ersand'Enise, crutches under her arms and her hops particularly vigorous. She was worked up, but not enough for there to be any sort of catastrophe. “Just thinking about our next move. The Yaniis - they're gonna make us look like chumps. Can't have that.”

A light tug with the gift had her draw a chair out of its corner with an obnoxious creaking to go with it. She sat a couple of metres away from Ashon, elbow over the crest rail of the old seat. “What about you?” she inquired, lips distorted as her cheek pressed firmly on her forearm. “Trouble with that Yanii girl?”

He simply nodded and yawned, expressing his fatigue. "Yanii girl...," he tilted his head for a moment as he weighed his thoughts, "Eh, not particularly that one. There is another that has been a cause for concern, though." He went over to pick up a couple of purple bananas, then moved to crouch on the chair beside Juulet, offering her one of the fruits. "Though, could say two yanii concerns. We now have a tan-zeno yanii to deal with, a particularly strong one at that. We've got to hope luuntai turns up soon like a benny, or we won’t be winning this thing."

“Luunai, eh?” Juulet accepted the banana and manually peeled the thing before taking a bite. Crude as ever when appearances weren't necessary, she spoke whilst chewing. “Don't worry 'bout it.” she gestured in dismissal with her idle hand. “I can handle that crippy blonde. You just gotta be sure that the other Tarlonese clowns carry their weight.” she pointed the banana right at Ashon, seemingly as a threat first before she began to giggle. “Oh, by the way-” she regarded Ashon with a growing smile. “Remember those stories you used to talk about regarding that Legend.” she snapped her fingers as she recalled the details. “Yeah, that Jamboi-man with a magic stick and had to go on a Journey somewhere?”

He raised his eyebrow, saying, “Why you bothered picking them is beyond my simple understanding,” as he huffed in reference to the Tarlonese.

Jamboi smiled widely as he saw the banana pointed toward him like a gun, moving forward to take a bite out of it as he playfully disarmed her. “The legend of the Monkey man who journeys everywhere?” He clicked his fingers, “Why, yes, you are looking at him,” as he posed toward her, spreading his arms with a goofy smile. He opened his own banana and took a bite. “… but there is the tale of the traveling illusionist from ReTan that I used to love. Though, I find I prefer to smash things,” he said, squeezing what remained of his banana as the sweet and sticky fruit oozed between his fingers.

“Because they're strong. Simple as.” Juulet added dryly. “And it makes me feel very warm inside to boss around Tarlonese. What can they do about it.” she snickered.

The banana was finished and the skin was tossed for a future passerby to slip on. Truly the most wicked villain they had ever met. “Yeah, that tale. He had a stick, right?” Juulet gleefully reminisced as she drew a paltry amount of temporal energy. “I've got something just for you - And it helps to smash.” a small portal opened before her. Her hand dived into it and retrieved a ReTanese style Bo Staff. One attuned to the arcane magics in particular. A small droplet of blood could be found on a tip. “Ta-daaa! Mister Monke.” she extended the gift with both her hands.

Focused his eyes on the stick as the coldness filled his gut, he felt cold. His smile grew wider as his fangs were bared, “Ah, you have been out shopping for me? I feel flattered.” He reached out to take the stick within his hand as he swung it around him, rotating and spinning. He brought it down on Juulet’s head, the blood-spotted end stopping just shy by a hair’s width before contact, then tapped it. **Bonk**. “Qitoip. This is an agile stick.”

“You like it?” smiled the gleeful Juulet. She followed the movements with her violet eyes, and didn't do as much as flinch when it nearly hit her. “Ow.” she playfully uttered. “That lost thing was gonna get stolen. So I figured you'd like it.”

Then, she opened her arms for a hug while still sitting on her chair.

“Oh, someone misplaced a stick like this?” He looked up and down the length of it, “Don’t tell me, a yanii’jexof.” He shook his head knowingly as he looked toward her in the eyes. “You rescue it from them?” he questioned, curiosity in his gaze.

He moved to step up from the chair, crouching down to pick Juulet up within his arms, as he stood up, hugging her. “Tell me all about it.”

They hugged, and then she leaned back, eyes up to his visage and hands on his shoulders. A dimple-revealing smile graced her expression as she nodded energetically. “Left behind and forgotten. Now with a worthy wielder.”

When Ashon pushed for details, however, she canted her head and reached her palm out to caress his cheek. “Oh Ashy.” her thumb gently brushed under his eyes with a tenderness none could ever expect from her. “She'll be fine. I'm sure.” and with that, she shifted to stand up on her one foot with her crutches being drawn back toward her. “You can do whatever you want with it. I won't be mad.”

He smiled as he brushed his thumb over her lips, caressing them gently. He returned the tender gesture, tugging lightly on her lips, “Where is she?”. His thumb pulled down on her bottom lip, a playful motion prompting her to respond, letting go as it flicked back up.

Juulet shrugged, but didn't want to leave. If she could purr, she would. “I dunno.” she confessed. “Somewhere in the lands.” she hummed, palms and digits brushing over his chest. “It'll be okay.”

Ashon grinned in agreement, “I know, because I will make it be okay.” He pointed his thumb back towards himself, “After all, I’m the great Jamboi, with the stick, who goes on great adventures.” He moved his hands to lightly pinch Juulet’s sides as he whispered against her ear, “She needs to be here if we don’t want the yanii to succeed in their schemes.”

Juulet frowned. “You're a fool, Ashy-Jammy.” she pressed her index finger to his forehead and pushed him back a few feet. “The Yaniis won't stop me. Even if they hurl their best.” and with that, she began to turn toward the adjacent hall. “Don't waste your time on caring about them. There's enough of their kind to do it for you. Your people will need you, Ashon. Imminently.”

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