Estelle Page
22 y/o | Female | 5'7 | 110 lbs GrimoireA bolo tie. The cord is dark blue, while the clasp is a cerulean stone framed by decorative silver. It's a bit too flashy for her usually, so Estelle likes to wear it as a bracelet rather than around her neck.
InstrumentA large katana, the blade the length of her leg. A dark blue cord wraps around the top of the scabbard, serving as the only ornament upon the entire instrument. Outside of that blue cord, the rest of the dai-katana is black. Estelle does not draw the blade, preferring to strike with the scabbard instead.
Grade: Gold
Keyword: Greatsword
Damage Type: Physical
Damage: D
Speed: C
Sentinel: A
Special: STRONG PARRY - An invisible barrier exists over the Instrument, giving it a repelling effect when met with force or arcane energy. Can parry magic and chaos and other things that shouldn't normally be parried. Parried objects either are diverted, deflected, or pushed back depending on the situation.
StyleIt’s literally just a suit. Real professional look. Standard GEMINI uniform, even.
Grade: Bronze
Physical: D
Arcane: E
Chaos: D
Special: Outfit is marked with the GEMINI insignia.
GenreWitch Hunt
For monsters, exorcism and execution. For witches, prohibition and imprisonment.
Grade: Silver
Element: Light
Notes: [Reveal (2), Purity (4)] Mana Burn (6), Magic Sense (4), Blink (4), Dispel (6), Damage (2), Stabilize (0), AoE (2), Scatter (2), Full Extend (4)
Special: SACRED PROHIBITION - Mana Burn has a continuous draining effect. At the end of the next round, targets struck by the Mana Burn effect lose another 25 MP.
LeitmotifGrade: Bronze
Special: See-Through Bangs - Can see through her own hair.
PRGrade: Silver
Special: Mana-Ban Cuffs - Fuzzy but firm handcuffs that obstruct mana regeneration.
Kevlar Coat [60]
Tazer [40]
Fuzzy Cuffs [20]
Self Defense Weapon (Collapsible Baton) [20]
Medical Supplies [10]
TriviaWhy a katana for a Frenchgirl born in the west coast of North America?
Well, the Far West was close to the Far East, and her tastes in fashion led her to a cute bolo tie when she was still in high school. The rest was simply a matter of being a small town girl looking for a touch of excitement, for the thrill of keeping a secret from her parents. If monsters were attracted by malice and mana, there was little of that to be found in a town in the middle of nowhere, after all, and Estelle herself was enough to handle them with all the flashy efficacy of the star of a Saturday morning magical girl show.
Then she grew up and moved into the big city. Her idealism and heroism hadn't turned into cynicism like others, not when she was an Esper who could actually enact positive change through individual strength. She thought about Law, thought about change, thought about a peaceful life and a house for herself and her pets. Summers doing road trips in Eurasia. Winters spent in ski resorts in Canada. Flights of fancy to foreign places. The stories her parents told her of, before they settled down and had her.
But inflation was rising. Jobs were disappearing. The ability to hunt witches didn't matter so much anymore. And though she had tried, though Estelle had certainly tried, she wasn't strong enough to cut it out as a Freelancer. There was no killer instinct, no desperate motivation, no overriding egoism that enabled her to just drop a Damage X spell upon someone's skull, human or monster. And her Law degree, it seemed, had no merit when she lacked the connections.
A peaceful life was a faraway thing. Stability was a dream. Injustices continued unabated, no matter the voice of the public.
Her hands were a bit too small for all that she desired, and so, she had to pick and choose.
Predictably, Estelle chose herself.
She joined GEMINI. Trained with them for two years. Got the government job that she wanted. Made plans to quickly move onto a supervisor position and then, perhaps, shifting over to a different federal department altogether, utilizing the connections she made first. Her training ended; she was now a full-fledged agent, though only in her first year. It'd probably be an assignment somewhere calm, no? Maybe a mid-sized city, maybe somewhere along the coast, maybe even to one of the military bases in a whole other country?
The City of Blood called her name, and Estelle found herself on a flight to Pax Septimus.
Coincidence had it that the Far West Witch Hunter was seat-neighbours with the Paladin of the Inquisition. Strange coincidence indeed, for someone who still held hopes of only doing paperwork and job-shadowing for the duration of her time under Veronica's employ.