Elise Annabelle Vogel
Alias: La Rose Blanc / La Blanca Roja (The White Rose)
Faction: Vellum Society
Gender: Female
Age: 28
Nationality: Andorran / Swiss

Elise is quite the stunner, and she may stick out in a room with her dress on, or choose to ghost you completely if she decides not to be seen. 5"3 in heels makes her short and compact, petite, yet able to make any impression due to the rest of her. A gentle hourglass shape toned from her physical time as an full time elite assassin and part time pole dancer, skiier and skydiver makes her stronger than most and well, she's not exactly shy in the departments that men will look at. Not that they spend long there, anyway. Elise has pale blonde locks, a definitively Germanic thing if you really couldn't tell, blended with Andorran and Catalan influences certainly making for a varied type of assassin. When she needs it, it'll turn heads, or when not needed, the hair otherwise tucked into a bun behind a cowl. If you're really lucky, she'll bleach it cherry red, a dark crimson for when she feels like well, a change of pace is needed, or a new crowd need to see a different her. Cherry red lips, a little mascara, a teeny touch of skin softener, with a necklace and a couple of rings, she's looking like someone that completes the package of a Velum Society's spy, pour femme.
Often times you'll see her in a cherry red dress, but more likely than not on a job, she's an infiltrator and spy for hire wanting to avoid parties altogether. She'll be wrapped up in a tight black wetsuit-like getup lined with silicon carbide and a few ballistic plates, carrying little in the way of anything, but make no mistake. She's a vixen that knows how to use military kit, and even if she may not be one for long firefights, she'll still have the ability and talent to make it work and put herself out there without getting battered.
Voice Claim: Ana de Armas
Fiery on the outside, cold on the inside, hungry always. Elise is greedy, and wants it all, and has been kicked in the face enough times to learn that sometimes that the path to victory isn't a clean one. But if you want it more, then you'll just have to take it off them. She's solitary, with a pretentious face to pay lip service to some of her friends and manipulate and twist whatever she can. She prioritises the job and while she'll enjoy herself at that party, don't ever think she won't turn that switch. Anyone who's dealt with her will know that she'll be pretty, but like any siren, you watch yourself because she'll come to you in the night, or there and then. You don't know. Fearless, and driven by a pure desire to be the best at what she does and to indulge in secrecy, she loves the feel, and well, wants to advance the society that has now accepted her and she feels obliged to just put her talent to use for because.....it is kinda entertaining. And she is stubborn to that avail. The high life is what she loves and you couldn't take it away from her. She'll let in a select few, but well, if she does, she'll only then tell you how honestly, you should be careful.
Born to a Swiss banker and his Andorran ski instructor wife, Elise was born in Geneva, Switzerland, but spent most of her time growing up in the other mountain village of Ordino in Andorra, living in a mansion whilst her father dodged the shit out of taxes. She went to private school, and well, learned a few seedy secrets, but spent it in the mountains, doing gymnastics, skiing, paragliding and all sorts of things a little princess like her would do. Her father was hustling money out for terrorist organisations, and her mother was only so happy to be happy with this. Aged 15, Elise called him out on it. And wanted in. It sounded cool. And she wanted not to sit there like a spoilt brat, but be stubborn and do something. Like James Bond? Sure.
And she got it. With contacts that Elise's father had, she joined the Swiss Army and was told to toughen up, and after getting the living shit kicked out of her and given the treatment of being wrong (something Elise's stubborn nature of course, wouldn't live down), again, because her father wants best for Elise, she carried on and persevered. That turned into a life of suddenly merging that with a degree in International Relations, whilst connecting with members of the Swiss Intelligence Services through third-hand contacts of her father.
At this point, Elise was a little socialite. Getting all the secrets from her skiing friends, the high society of Europe, and she got to know so, so much. A broker of information, but well, she had to find out more. So, working in intelligence, she learned how to be a bit more. Put it all together, and killing people isn't as far away a step as you think it is. She worked in embassies at first, but bit by bit, she was asked to get closer to people. And then, when no backup was there, do damage. Elise is of course, able to turn off that part of her brain that tells her this is wrong, because well.....the strong must step on the weak. And she is not wrong. In a game like this, that was how it went.
And she was very good at it. For the first time, daddy's little queen was out murdering, and getting seriously juicy intel and blackmail. Of course, you didn't fucking use it, no, you sold it to someone who DID want that, and patted down your gloves and went back skiing again. It was an awesome little gig. It was something she did gracefully, until well, one day, she killed a man spilling the juiciest of them all.
Vellum Society isn't exactly a private Soho Club, even if it might have people in them, you wouldn't exactly find it easy. But she had some dirt on one of their members from a friend of a friend, a rumor that well, sounded too good to miss out on.
Now, that doesn't happen often that you outdo the very society trading in secrets, but when one of them's facilitating deals they shouldn't be making with the 'ndrangheta because they think they can get away with it, sometimes an outsider likes to take a risk. So she used him to force an invite to meet some more, making it clear what she knew.
And when she was in, she then outed him, killed him in what looks like a Murder-Suicide that nobody wants to get even close to because of how bloody it is, and well, everyone very quickly forgot that Elise had been recommended by this man because well, look at her. She's hot, works for the literal people who are the best at silence, was of the Swiss Intelligence Bureau, and supplies a good pipeline of secrets, and would be just perfect as a replacement. Like the fact he was dead, hell, success- nobody would miss that sack of shit. Two years of working in the Society has got her into a very nice position, and whilst she has more to climb, she's right where she wants to be at the start of the 30 days.
And now? Elise is the pretty face that will kill her way to the top. Who knows, how far she may go....
Elise has two modes.
Quiet, or loud. If she's quiet, then you'll never see her. She'll stay in the shadows, using her gymnastic ability and skills to find you, hunt you, kill you, staying in the shadows and working as covertly as possible. The Red Rose hides, dances and moves smoothly.
When things are loud, she's got gun-kata like any men, and while not having the straight up power, she does have the gymnastic ability to almost dance, hop and leap around, like it's a ballet to her, yoinking, turning, and running, even if she isn't the fastest, she still gets it out. Ballet doesn't excuse getting hit in the fucking face, but still, it works when it works and she can maneuverer around slick and smoothly.
Elise is a masterful seductress, assassin, and general menace. She may look hot but she is a siren, and her targets who don't know her yet will know in time. She'll eat men alive, well, apart from the really scary ones. She doesn't come swinging for them in public, at least, she prefers not to.
Experience with weapons, sport, generally being fearless, Elise is stubborn and will wear that hard on her sleeve. She knows what she wants, she is focussed, and she'll manipulate anyone in her way to get it. She doesn't really have many real friends. Just people she needs, and doesn't. So it ties all up for a master assassin like her to be what she is when she's fighting in the shadows or on the ballroom floor.
A stealth expert, she blends into the background, working in the shadows and using her agility as a gymnast, pole fitness and her other adrenaline hobbies to get around to places most can't reach. She is a ghost at work, and has very little in the way of remorse when she's at work. When things go hot, she may not be the best firefighter, but she can do her gun-fu in her fashion, swerving and moving fast, using Krav Maga and other moves to flip the script on enemies bigger than her, through wits rather than strength. She has no preference to close or long range firepower- she's a jack of all trades. Imagine your Sam Fisher type character- a teeny bit of hacking here and there, and a little bit of spycraft, and well, she makes it click.
Lastly, she's a social manipulator. She's very good at what Velum Society adore- secrets, trading them and fucking people over. She would blend in perfectly at a casino in Monaco, and she can talk for hours, convince you she's your friend, and screw you over. She is almost beyond natural at this, and the story, everything about her, you'd buy. And if you knew the stories, well, you know to not fall for it.
Her very European background makes her capable of speaking English, Catalan Spanish, French, German and even a tiny bit of Italian. She has seduced men in all four languages so far. She's Duolingoing her way to five.
Special Trait:
Fearless. Elise is not one to shy away from an interesting insertion, or exit strategy. Part of her work as an assassin means she has learned how to deal with verticality, or difficulty in access- especially in mountains, well, you may as well be fucked then. With the right equipment, be it a wingsuit or skis, she'll get there. Extravagant or not, she'll find a way to a target.
Preferred Equipment:
Elise, being a lady of high society, likes her gourmet food and Switzerland has so much to offer, yet her Andorran side can't help but like a bit of Tapas, with a side of the best wine from Catalonia. They say money doesn't affect wine. People haven't tried what she has in her wine cellar. And also, fusion cooking comes to mind. Like the minx she is, she mixes and it will leave her guests stunned with a meal to die for.
An old classic tune comes on, and the armoury isn't so much a dark room, but a clean, modern worktop in a ultra-modern kitchen with a mountain view, Pyrenees or Alps, you decide.
Backing MusicFor a hor d'oeuvres, it has to be Swiss. The Sig Sauer P320, chambered in .357 SIG. Like the fine artistry of gently melted goopy Swiss cheese paired with crackers, the caliber and hollow point ammunition sort of has the same effect on people too when it hits. 11 rounds, but she makes them work, with the Osprey silencer on the end and the gun-metal grey pistol having a flared magwell, ergonomic grip and a small laser under the barrel for precision shooting, and a mini Aimpoint red dot optic clasped on the slide for precision shooting.
Cheese and crackers, well, that is nothing without Wine. There's a beautiful, crisp and sparkling Cava Penedès, a Catalan white vintage that never, ever gets old and shouldn't dare be compared to Champagne or Prosecco. Neither does the feel of the various throwing knives, six in total, that Elise carries. Petite, but sharp, and thrown with precision and venom, leave you feeling just balanced.
A main course? Well, tapas leaves much to be desired, but you need a meat course, because....you wanted to go to Spain and you seriously thought you'd not eat meat? Well. Do you go for the Albóndigas meatballs, a classic, like an Heckler and Koch MP5SD6 with a foldable stock, the classic nine millimetre integrally suppressed to special forces perfection?
Or maybe, the Paella, spicy yet mixed, like the kick of a highly customised SIG MCX VIRTUS with a compact folding stock, intergrally suppressed, 14" barrel, firing 6.8 mil caseless ammunition with a EOTech Holographic and Magnifier combo?
Or, do you go for Pincho Moruno, the Moorish Spike of pork and lamb because you're an experienced little rascal, rather like the MacMillan CS5, internally suppressed, 10 round magazine firing .300 ammunition with a Schmitt and Bender variable zoom optic.
Then Patatas Bravas. Of course. You didn't come to Tapas without eating this. A forged steel dagger, it's almost like a short sword, except exceptionally double edged and the sort of thing that catches some people who try off guard. She's not a master with it, but it gets the job done, just like everyone's favourite potatoes.
Lastly, desert. Sugary, sweet. Churros. Like carrying two flashbangs and a smoke grenade, you may not always want them, but you sure as shit need them when you have them to hand.
Special Slot:
And last but not least, an aperitif. The cocktails. Like, an Aperol Spritz. Bright, and you can't imagine anything but the Alps with that sort of drink. It'll make you fly.
Elise is not one to much around the bush. She'll bring along whatever tool she needs for a fast extract, or insertion, so she will keep this handy over anything else when the time's right. Her favourite? She's got a red wingsuit and parachute, and whilst not so stealthy, she doesn't see the waste in keeping another set of equipment when she's usually leaving a party with it on.
Theme Song:
House, Dance and Electronic Music
Adrenaline (generally)
The Thrill of the Chase
Shy People
Excessive firefights
Lack of Adventure
Desk Work
Anything involving a meeting
Other Information: