Hidden 10 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by NoriWasHere
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Cracker Island - Cracker Town - Cracker Town Vendor Stalls - Cracking Skullz

Aryin felt the giant’s arrival well before he stood in front of her, the shake of the ground did nothing but bring a smile to her face. George Nelson, the brute of the 8th Street coven, and one of Emily fucking Reed's favorite pets. Aryin remembered he liked to fight, and he was freakishly strong, but he was not strong enough to truly hurt her. At least, he was not strong enough to kill her with a single punch. And this made her smile grow in size. She glanced over to Jordan who had his eyes fixated on the coming giant already, and a wave of anger was carried with his gaze. There was bad blood between 8th Street and anyone who wasn’t 8th Street, and Jordan was no stranger to their ire.

".... Well, well, well!"

Aryin slowly turned their gaze to size up the massive man. He was much bigger than she remembered. Taller, and stronger, but he was still the same old George.

"Look what we got here! A nosy-bitch!"

Still, the bully, the overconfident asshole, the person who needs his ass kicked. ”Impressive vocabulary as always,” Aryin sneered. She turned the camera away from the fight and started recording George directly.

"... Yeah, motherfucker! Mind your business! You know what happens to motherfuckers that use phones around here?!"

"This is what happens, give me your phone."

Aryin turned the phone to Carol and then to George as she started to chuckle. The nerve of these two. They were walking up to her like they had any power. She would not be giving them her phone. She would not humor them by playing this nice. If anything the only question that dared cross her mind was how petty did she want to be? Aryin wanted to fight, Emily was getting her ass kicked and she was not allowed to join and this made Aryin upset. She could probably goad the big man into a fight pretty easy but she did not like her chances alone with Carol here. George could hurt her with his punches but she only needed one shot to end him, Carol could turn her into a literal fetus and that was not something she wanted to risk. She would need to somehow draw Jordan into the fight.

” You’re as dumb as I remember, George. Fuck off,” Aryin clicked on the flash button on the screen and turned it on, blasting George and Carol with the bright light. ” Just as ugly as I remember, Jesus. Did you look in the mirror before you left today? ”. Aryin stopped recording and rested a free hand on their hip as they shifted their gaze between the two.

"Also, you stay out of this, you tall bitch! You will be three feet shorter when I break your motherfucking knees, bitch!"

Jordan exhaled as he reached up and pulled his glasses from his face. He placed them down behind him on the ledge of a vendor's stall. He did not want to fight, but he knew that George would either push for the phone, and Aryin would not give it up, or walk away like the coward he was. Jordan knew that he needed to be ready just in case and he did not have his spare glasses with him at the festival. His eye shifted over to Aryin and saw the grin that was spreading, and he shifted his eyes back to George. Aryin was itching for a fight, and he would be ready to back her up if needed as long as she did not start the fight herself. Jordan was not a fan of some of the rules, namely the one about not getting involved in the business of other covens. Especially when groups like the 8th Street and the Nazi’s called this town their home. Jordan felt like they owed it to those who could not fight to fight for them, and he felt like the leadership were cowards for not using their position to help force out those who would threaten their members. Still, he did not want to be the reason the 317 was dragged into some petty gang war, and he did not want Aryin to be a scapegoat for defending herself.

” If you want my phone you’ll have to take it from me,” Aryin said as she winked at George, adjusting her footing into one more suitable for a fight, and smiled wide from ear to ear. "We both know you're too big of a pussy to fight someone who can beat you.”
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Hidden 10 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by NoriWasHere
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It was night time in the City of Ash and it was alive with revelry.

Every table in every bar on every street corner found itself packed with the smelly, sweating, and ravenous patrons one would expect for a night like tonight; for tonight was a night unlike any other. Today marked the anniversary of the horrid Blight War many centuries ago after all. The patrons dug into their food with a rabid intensity as onlookers waited anxiously for their meals to arrive, jealously alive in their eyes, while the rest of the crowd drowned themselves, mug after mug, with the various alcoholic drinks available; mostly mead and Something Else, a local favorite. The floors looked as if they were assaulted by the God of Decay with half-eaten chickens and gods-knows-what littering the floor while bile and unknown liquids poured forth like a torrent of awfulness. This was expected. This scene is one that many a soul has traveled to be seen. While in normal times owner would be appalled to see the state of his bar, the bartender looked on with a smile on hand for today was the day everyone celebrated, and nobody was upset. Unless of course, you knew better.

No one alive today experienced it, but the stories are still remembered, albeit seldom spoken in whole, by the bards, and by the elders. They spin a tale of rotting corpses stumbling through the countryside, whole villages being abducted and transformed into monsters, and the near defeat of the living at the hands of plaque. They know the stories of many a great hero, many that died and fewer yet that lived, that helped curb the tide of the assault on the mortal races. They also know that today was never a day of celebration. Today to them is a day of remembrance. Remembering the errors of the all the races that led to the blight, the errors of commanders who led their soldiers to slaughter, and the greed of the many who prayed on the few still living during it all. Today they remember and look on at the parties with a stern gaze and speak a cautionary tale to those who will listen.

It was such an elder who found himself sitting on a famous corner, deep in the heart of the City of Ash, judging the crowds from a distance. As he sat, he was approached by a young man in search of a tall tale. The man towered over the frail build of the elder, though he approached with a smile and asked if a seat next to the old man was taken, to which the old man responded no.

"I hear you know a story or two about the Blight Wars, old man," the towering individual asked as he sat down.

"Old man," the elder asked, "I'll have you know I am no older than your parents may be, are they so old to you?"

"I meant no disrespect, elder," the towering man said with a chuckle, "I am a student at the great magic school at Itos, and I and my fellow classmates have traveled far to this city to hear the tales of the war. I have been told you know a story or two, and I would like to know where we went wrong in the past."

"Not interested in the parties," quizzed the old man.

"No, especially not if I can learn something to tell my friends back home," the towering man responded.

The old man smiled weakly and pulled his posture straight as he did. "Perhaps there is hope for you youngin's after all," he responded with a wink. "This is a story of heroes, who did not know they were such at the time, who came together and saved all life as we know it. They came from all walks of life, some of noble pursuits and some not, that threw their past grievances behind themselves for a common cause. The war was terrible in all accounts, but I will start my story off at where It all started, right here in the city of Ash, three hundred and seventeen years ago; though the city went by a different name back then. The city of Athenvu, under the steadfast watch of her king, was a prosperous trading town that was turned to ruin, " the old man paused as his head tilted to the left, "that was home to," pausing again, this time standing up, "what is that ruckus?," the old man stopped speaking as he rose to his feet.

The towering individual turned his head, the same direction the elder did seconds before, and listened. "Heyyyyy, I am soo not drunk guys – Where's my food – where are we- what did – for – somebody needs to -I think you've – did you grab my – what is the mean- how oft- wherein th-" The more the towering man listened, the less he heard and the less he understood. He turned his attention the old man, who was visibly shaking now, and asked; "what do you hear old man?"

"Don't you hear it? The screaming," he answered back.

The towering man listened again, and this time he heard it; growing louder every second he did, the sounds of people panicking and shattering objects, blood-curdling screams that filled the nights' air only to be silenced, and he listened as it was getting closer and closer and closer. "Stay behind me elder," the towering man shouted as he stood up and his hands erupted into flames, "I will protect you," he promised. Though promise as he did, the towering man's voice was soon added to the melody of screams, as the chorus of horror began to fill the air and erupt throughout the City of Ash. From miles around people could see the fires that raged that night, and even further could people see the plume of smoke the next day. And to this day, nobody knows of what befell the people that day.

Though this did not go unnoticed; almost immediately after hearing the fate of the City did the Council of the Combined races hold an emergency meeting where it was decided that an Inquisitor unit was to be set out to investigate what happened there.

Hidden 10 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by NoriWasHere
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Hidden 10 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by NoriWasHere
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“Oh,” was all Jasper could say as the agent took off her mask, revealing her Adjoined nature to him. He went through a few emotions quickly, each one staying on his face for a second or less. Surprise, confusion, curiosity, before ultimately inspiration. Jaspers eyes darted from the woman’s antennas, to her thorn like protrusions, to the red vine-like tendrils that covered the frame of her face. He slowly led his gaze back to the woman’s and blinked as he felt an agent unlocking his cuffs, and pulling him back up to a standing position. He flashed a half smile as he turned away from the woman. He wondered what kind of apparition bonded to form that appearance, he was not scared by it but he was inspired. There was a beauty in the colors that he could use, and he began to think of what his next painting might be, and how he’d incorporate these color patterns to it.

Painting. His mind fixated on the word, and then he shifted his eyes towards the painting he brought. He’d need to sieve quite a bit of time restoring it. He shifted his eyes over to Jack, who held Auri, and he exhaled. He hoped they’d be able to heal her, he really did not want to see the power vacuum that her death would cause. The already fractured coven split and splintered even further. “Why do I care though,” Jasper thought to himself, “I don’t think I’ll be sticking around much longer.” He sat there, for a moment more, before he looked at Lynn, Lila, and Luca. He knew they would more than likely stick around, and he also knew that he had to be there to protect them. “Fuck,” he thought to himself as pressed his hands to his temples. He looked over his friends as he threw his hands down to his sides. They started with Luca, and never left.“My man,” he thought to himself as he watched Luca being bottle fed some water. A smile at the ridiculous sight crossed his face and refused to leave. Good for him, if anyone deserved some action it was Luca.

“Just as we,” Lynn paused as she tasted vomit in her mouth as she extended her hand towards Anya and pointed, “thought. These wolf idols are Father Wolf’s calling cards,” Lynn paused as she looked towards Meifeng, “do you know of anyone else who wasn’t a Sycamore coven member who was killed by him” she paused as she looked over the rest of the group, “or is it just us dying right now?”

She let the question linger for a moment. “And if it is just us being murdered right now that should fucking worry you.”

Lynn paused as she let out a little groan. While the fresh air had helped tremendously, she was still covered in that poison and the tear gas still clung to her eyes. She knew she needed some water to flush her eyes, but she left her only bottle of water inside the ruined church. She had her flask, as always, but she did not fancy the idea of pouring vodka on her eyeballs. She looked around and saw agents passing out water to a few members. And then she saw Luca being swaddled like a little baby by an attractive older woman. She let her eyes linger on the sight for just a moment, worried that it had just awoken something inside of her, before she turned her attention to the front and faced their leader Meifeng once more. “Can you pass out water to the rest of us as well? Heal those who need healed, take away the one you are here to arrest, but please give us all some water so we can flush our eyes the rest of the way and calm our throats. We’ll leave after, and I promise you some of us will do what we can to not end up on your radar like this again.”

“As well, maybe we can help each other out. We’re the ones dying so it’s not like we have a ton of options,” Lynn shrugged as she paused, “but we can both agree that we are the target. Maybe if we encounter Father Wolf we can give you a call so you can collect your pound of flesh,” she paused as she took a step forward, “avenge your fallen.”

She did not like talking like this to the Feds. She did not like the idea of involving them in their hunt of the wolf. But she knew that needed their help at least right now, and she knew that once a group is on their radar they never leave. And with 8th street threatening their members like they did last night, she’d rather keep on their good side at least until they were able to figure out how to protect themselves in this new magical world that inhabited St. Portwell.

As well, the PRA was a vital piece to figuring out the puzzle that was Father Wolf. If she could get their resources on their side, Lynn would be able to have a much easier time finding answers in the possible future.

Lila took a deep breathe as an agent took off the cuffs that had begun to dig deep into her hands. She did not thank the agent, nor did she look at them, instead she simply rose to her feet and walked towards her friends. She trusted Lynn was not in all honestly wanting to work with the Feds, and she looked worried at what she saw between Jasper and a fed. The more Lynn talked the more an anger grew within her.

“I am still impressed by your troops and your skill Meifeng,” Lila sneered, “came to arrest one person, burned down a church, realized the scale of the fuck up and now you want to leave like nothing happened.” She let her eyes linger on Meifeng as she moved next to Jasper, pulling him away from the bug girl. She looked at him, back at the bug girl, and back to Jasper as her face danced between disgusted and confused. The disgust was for one singular reason. It wasn’t because she was this weird bug hybrid, no that was surprisingly okay given that, as children, they fought a literal world ending snake, and she sees a giant crow lady in her sleep. She would not judge someone for liking someone adjoined. And she was not going to judge Jasper for the lady catching his eye. Lila would not think any less of him, nor would she call him a furry or anything like that because he wouldn’t be one. She would judge him for the fact that she was a fucking PRA member.

“Bro, she’s a fed,” she whispered, “fuck all the way off with that nonsense.”

Lila looked over and saw Luca being bottle fed and watched, in horror, as he was called baby. What the fuck was going on? What the fuck was the PRA doing?

“Listen, if we’re free to go I’m going to leave,” Lila said as she looked over to Auri, ‘shit,’ she thought to herself. What the fuck happened at the back of the church. “Please heal her though,” she paused as she looked around the area. Ten years had passed since they fought the snake, but she could still see the ruined buildings, the bodies in the streets, and Auri being this hurt brought back a lot of those memories. “Please heal her,” she repeated,“and then fuck off.”

Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by NoriWasHere
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A group of people gathered around the holo-projectors, eyes struggling to catch the illuminated image of the admiral through the dust storm that swept through their colony. The people bore the weight of their harsh existence, as did the buildings that formed the town square where they stood. The cheap paint used in the pre-fab buildings has long since eroded, leaving only a few flakes on top of the dull grey color of the building itself. Yet despite their harsh existence, and the many wants their hearts desired, their eyes held the faintest flicker of hope.


A collective gasp cut through the howling winds. The people of Desolara Rift have grown accustomed to their lack of attention, the lack of assistance, and the abandonment from their sponsors. To them, the admiral speaking to them directly like this was already a miracle in and of itself. To them, the admiral telling them that he has noticed their struggle is a miracle that will be spoken of for decades to come.


Even as the transmission was lost, the message contained within was not. Help was on the way. Help that was desperately needed to save the lives of hundreds, if not, thousands of workers and children who had fallen ill with a mysterious illness. The people of Desolara Rift wait with bated breath for the arrival of the Traveler. The people in need are not the only ones who await their arrival. Desolara Rift has, unbeknownst to the Empire, become a small hub for a local pirate faction that calls itself the Shadows Fist. They await the Traveler for a much different reason, revenge.

Lore of the universe:

The Engines That Advanced Us:

The Ship Based Weapon And Defense Systems:

Shuttles And Fighters:

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Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by NoriWasHere
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It is the year 3145. Humanity has spread across the galaxy and has colonized hundreds of systems and thousands of planets. While this spread was not always done in times of peace, the skies have not seen a massive war in over a century. Many now believe that war is a thing of the past, that we as a species broke free of the violence coded within our DNA. Many fewer believe that anyone can oppose the Vexx empire even if they wanted to.

Whilst humanity has blossomed under the rule of the empire, and most have benefited from the advancements made within, not everyone has benefited equally.

In the outer reaches of the empire, far away from Earth, crime and corruption run rampant. The empire soldiers are, at best, willfully ignorant of the countless planet mobs and gangs and at worst willfully complicit in their schemes. The further away one finds themselves from the core worlds the more these planets feel cut off from the empire’s presence. Most systems owe their loyalty to their system and keep up a façade of support for the emperor. While people born in these systems have the same opportunities as those born in the core worlds, this is often on paper only. Growing up here meant never knowing peace and tranquility, all they have ever known was backstabbing and bloodshed.

It's about to get so much worse for these systems.

The Empire has grown tired of crime and corruption spilling out of the outer realm. Their fleets are now enroute, carrying millions of soldiers to squash any resistance to the way of the empire, to burn out the decay that has beset these planets, and to rule with an iron fist. This mandate, and the ramifications to follow, have the people talking about open revolt and tensions remain high across the galaxy.

Amidst the backdrop of looming war, a glimmer of hope can be found. In the case of you, you will be stationed on board the USS Traveler, an older generation hyperdrive capable frigate. You will be one of the first vessels to use its hyperdrive for humanitarian missions. Your first mission will soon depart. Medical supplies are needed urgently on a new colony on the far edge of the Outer Arm of the galaxy. Will your presence on these remote worlds help stem the tide of the coming war? Or will your actions be lost amidst the bloodshed to come?
Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by NoriWasHere
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The Ship That Fights Above Its Weight Class:

Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by NoriWasHere
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“Malakith stirs once more in the mountain.” Veidia spoke as she began crafting the fate of a new mortal, spinning it as she did.

“Never stopped stirring,” Chrona said as she leaned in with her magnifying glass. She quickly moved across the strands of fate, measuring each one individually. “These are short.”

“They are the length they need to be,” Veidia said as she spun some more, “it’s magic has begun to be heard again, in the lands around the mountain. The Maestros minions move fast to spread his music.”

“Should we get ready,” Chrona said as she exclaimed the fated strands once more.

“We should get ready for his return,” Veidia said as she began to section off a few strands of fate. She showed them to Chrona, before she pulled them clear of the Loom of Fate. “These are the ones.”

“These ones are rough, they are crude, and they may not work together well,” Eclipsis, spoke up from across the room. “Do we want a repeat of before?”

“Before worked, before bought us time, and It is always repeated, over and over again,” Veidia said as she pulled a few more strands.

“Over and over,” Eclipsis responded.

“These ones too, they will be our chosen,” Veidia responded as she grabbed a few more fate strings.

“Our fated,” Chrona said.

“We should meet them,” Eclipsis said as she moved in closer to her sisters, “gift them their fated.”

“But the question remains,” Chrona chimed in as she looked over the fated strands.

“Which one is first,” Veidia asked as she grabbed a single strand.

Welcome to the lands of Eldoria! The Symphony is the first story I am attempting in this new universe and I am excited to see where we take the story! In this story, you will play a vital part in shaping the world around us as you are one of the fate-chosen warriors. Your character can come from any number of backgrounds, whether you were a thief who kept his or her actions street-level to avoid attention or a grand mage whose mastery of the arcane arts is unraveled. Regardless of where you come from The Fates seem to have seen something in you that is key to stop the end of the world.

This roleplay will put a focus on the actions of your characters. Whether small or large, the things you do in this RP will have profound consequences at the end of the story. Whether that means that your characters accept their fate, and give it all to seal Malakith once more, or something else, or you find some other way to end the threat once and for all. Thus, as the story progresses you could find that your heroic deeds have traveled ahead of you opening doors that would otherwise be closed, or your mistakes could cost you dearly when the consequences of your actions catch up to you. The core of the story will always remain the same as you are fate's chosen warrior to face the end of the world, however, I do love when players work with me to find, advance, and bring to resolution the various subplots that come up.

Our story itself takes place nearly 2000 years after the first fated five saved our realm and chained Malakith inside the mountain. Much has been forgotten in those 2000 years. Even the longest-lived species are generations removed from the cursed Maestro and his monstrous armies. As such, information about that period can be scarce, and much of it has been chalked up to superstitions and myths. The new generation of the fated five will need to first navigate a world on edge to reach their comrades. People are scared, and they have begun to lash out against one another well before the Maestro makes his move, and as such our fated heroes will need to prove to the world that hope can still exist even in the face of such horror.

The Fated Five were the last generation of heroes chosen by the fates. Their names may be lost to most, but their actions are felt in the persistent existence the rest of the realm was able to eke out. Based on the stories, The Fated Five were a group of strangers chosen by, and together with the assistance of, the fates. As a group, they overcame numerous monstrous threats, saved thousands on their journey, and sacrificed their lives to ensure the threat was defeated forevermore. The legends say that The Fated Five fought The Maestro for five days, and on that fifth day they broke his resolve to continue. None of their weapons could deliver a killing blow to the eldritch being, nor would any god or goddess risk a confrontation, so the Fated Five made their fateful decision to forever entwine their lives with The Maestro. They reached out to the fates directly and had the fates pull their fate strands into the chains that were then pulled taught inside the mountain. These fated strands were said to never break, neither by mortal or immortal hands nor by natural means.

This begs the question, if the Fated Five sealed the Maestro in a way that the myth suggested, how did an earthquake break him free?

Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by NoriWasHere
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Verdant Canopy:

Verdant Canopy is a city nestled within the ancient Stormshade woodlands of the Lady of the Death. The Death Lands, as they are nicknamed, and the Verdant Canopy are known as a places where the dead walk among the living yet it is done so in balance. People travel far to visit this realm for a chance to see one of the priestesses of the Lady, as they can allow communication with long-lost loved ones.

Arcane Junction:

The city of Arcane Junction is where magic comes together. It houses the most prestigious magical colleges, and wizards from all over the realm travel here in hopes of being accepted to their magical colleges, and the streets are often lined with those who never made the cut.

Lumelight Haven:

Importance: Lumelight Haven is a wood-elf city known for its mastery in harnessing bioluminescent flora. The city serves as an almost holy site for many in the druidic orders around the realm. It is located in the middle of the Elder Tree forest, and it is built around the fabled Elder Tree. It is speculated that the Goddess of the Forrest, Rumki, considers this city her home in the mortal realms. During The Maestro's first conquest, the city saw a considerable influx of refugees and as such, it has a diverse population.

The Ironspire Citadel:

The Ironspire Citadel is a sturdy fortress built into the heart of formidable mountain ranges. It is located in the desolate lands, and has been built up in the former realm of The Maestro Its strategic location serves as a refuge for scholars and engineers who study ancient texts on the eldritch threat that they faced, and the possible eldritch terrors yet to come. This fortress is one of the few that have defenses in place to not only counteract the effects of Maestro's music but also destroy the eldritch terror forces. This is within the territory of the Iron Dwarves, and as such it is a well-defended and wealthy destination to visit.

Gunpowder is the defining feature of this well-defended city. Hand-cannons, muskets, and gunpowder siege weapons can be spotted all across the city walls. These weapons are a well-known but well-kept secret. There are many interested buyers in all the realms, and if someone was able to steal the designs for their weapons they could expect to be richer than their thoughts could imagine.

Obsidian Bastion:

Obsidian Bastion is a fortress known as The Maestro’s Lair. During the initial corruption, the eldritch being constructed this fortress in a matter of weeks and its walls have been enhanced with Malakith's dark magic. Since the fall of Malakith, the fortress has become a haven for rouge groups, bandits, and various nefarious groups. It is rumored that there exist strong magical items here that can be used to fight Malakith again.

The Maestro

Unknown / Unknown / The Symphony.

There is very little known about who Malakith is, why it has come to our realm, and what we can do to defeat it. It appears to be a creature made out of living shadows, but as it conducts it brings forth a thousand shadow hands to play a thousand parts at once. It’s power is judged to be above even the gods, goddesses and on par with The Fates themselves.

Unknown / She-Her/ The Fates Three.

Not much is known about The Fates besides their names. Veridia, the weaver, is the fate responsible for crafting the threads of fate with a touch both gentle and purposeful. She is in charge of shaping the beginnings of mortal existence, and Veridia ensures that it is woven into the grand tapestry of life in Eldoria. Chrona, the arbiter, measures the threads spun by her sister. Her fated insights determine the length and course of the mortals' life. And finally, Eclipsis, the Fate Severer. She wields precision and inevitability in her shears as she cuts the threads of destiny. With each snip, she brings closure to mortal lives.

Malakith's First Symphony

Two thousand years ago, on a mostly normal day in the Realm of Fate, Eclipsis noticed that she was cutting more threads than ever before. What's more, these threads of fates appeared to be corrupted. Unlike the normal golden hue that they glowed, these had a crimson tone. And as the crimson hue grew brighter, the harder it became for Eclipsis to cut the threads. This was a curious sight for the fates. Never before in the eons they existed have they been unable to reclaim the fated threads that they wove. It was with this curiosity that the fates made the faithful decision to leave their realm and visit the afflicted areas.

When they heard the corrupting melodies of Malakith for the first time they too felt the corrupting influences. Their fated powers protected them, but the corruption still ate at the very essence of their being. They did not linger in these lands for long. Instead, they traveled to the realms of the gods and goddesses in search of aid yet they found none.

It was with this rejection that the fates themselves decided to intervene for the first time. They selected a small band of heroes and gifted them with their fated weapons, and pulled at the strings of fate from behind the scenes.

These heroes would become known across the land as The Fated Five. While it would have been easy for The Fates to guide them straight to Malakith, they instead sent them where they were needed. From the port cities of The Twin Bridges to the Wildlands of the Astari, the fates delivered the Fated to the areas that were under the most threat from Malakith and his forces to save as many as possible. It was here the Fated made their mark on history, and many factions and races owe their continued existence to these Fated Fights.

Eventually, with the control of their Fated Weapon's mastered The Fates pulled at the heroes and they won a triumphant victory over The Maestro in his obsidian lair. Yet they could not kill The Maestro. No matter how many blows they leveled, no matter how much power The Fates channeled, the Fated Five could not land the ending strike. A decision was made amongst the group to take The Maestro and put him in a prison that no one could find, and one that The Maestro could not escape from. Once the Chains of Fates were given to them, Malakith was bound within a mountain whose name has been lost to time. When Malakith finally awoke again, he raged against the chains night and day and threatened to break free. It was here that The Fated five instructed the Fates to use their own Fate Strings to reinforce the chains. The Chains of Fate, combined with the fated power of the five, was enough to silence the symphony once and for all.

At least, until now.

The Earthquake

The Earthquake was a strange event across all the realms. It was felt everywhere in Eldoria and at a similar level of destruction. It is still unknown what exactly caused this. Neither mortal or immortal minds have been able to locate the cause. Is this The Maestro's waking wrath, or was this caused by some other Eldritch horror that is yet to reveal itself?

Fated Gifts are powerful artifacts constructed and blessed by The Fates themselves. They come in an unlimited number of configurations and are always tailored to the individual. However, they can be broken down in a few ways.


Offensive Fated Gifts can come in the form of a weapon, amulet, or band. The weapons usually feature Fated String in their construction, and as such they tend to be focused on ranged weapons. That is not to say they can't be melee. Regardless, the fated weapons will either bestow power upon the Fated or enhance the power that they already command. These powers tend to be more single-target-focused, but they can bring incredible area-of-effect abilities.


Defensive Fated gifts bolster the strength and durability of both the wielder and those around them. These gifts can be as small as a locket, or as big as a shield, but regardless they offer the wielder the ability to sustain hits and damage that protects the wielder from even the most powerful of blows. Often, the wielder can transfer these abilities to a chosen ally to bolster the defenses as well.


Support-focused fated gifts can be any item but they typically focus on musical instruments or other common devices. The musical instruments are often the source of the Fated's protection against The Maestro's music, and can even provide buffs for their allies. There are also certain tools that The Fated may need, such as toolkits, lock-picks, and things of the sort that can help The Fated navigate the rough world around them.

Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by NoriWasHere
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Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by NoriWasHere
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

“Ignis,” Eros shouted as he reached across the Obsidian hall with a hand stretched out trying to grab his friend. Yet, it was too little too late as Ignis was pulled across the hall and towards Malakith, and his symphony filled with heralds. Eros took a step back as the anger that filled his eyes slowly gave way to confusion before that too gave way to sadness.

“Alaria what do we do?” Eros asked as he looked back. She was in the middle of her protection song, her fingers becoming raw from the sheer amount of music she’s had to play. Alaria did not respond as she continued playing. Eros looked back towards the front and his eyes settled on Ignis. He was on the ground now, his back pressed downward by the darkness of the maestro's hand. The Maestro opened its mouth and began to sing its incomprehensible song, causing the entire area to shake violently. The song continued for several seconds before the maestro rose back up. The chains that binded him had begun to fail, and it was only a matter of time very he ripped himself free of them. A second later, Ignis began to clap his hands and applaud. “ALARIA,” Eros shouted as he took a step back. Ignis began to stand up, turning around as he did, and faced the group. His red face bore the tell tale signs of corruption as black tendrils began to snake under his skin.

“WHAT DO WE DO-,” Eros started but stopped as he turned and saw the Fates behind his friend. They were whispering in her ear, guiding her hand with a new song, and each had their eyes locked on Malakith. “Alaria..” Eros started as he lowered his guard.

“It’s okay, my friend,” Alaria said as tears began to stream down her face, “we can still seal him. We can buy the fates more time” Alaria finished as she began to pluck the strings.

“How much-“ Eros paused as he looked back at Ignis. Ignis had retrieved his weapon and had begun to walk towards the remaining two fated. “I can hold him off for a bit, how long do the fates need?”

“Years,” Veidia whispered to Eros, her voice in guts head alone.

“Centuries,” Chrona responded with a sad tone.

“More.” Eclipses finished as she pulled at invisible fate strings around them.

“We’re going to lock him in here Eros,” Alaria spoke in a singsong tone, “we’re going to finish the mission.”

Eros felt his mind grow cloudy, his strength begin to falter, and a deep desire to lay down and embrace the eternal sleep began to fill his waking thoughts. “I guess that means that I won’t be able to do my hero’s whoring then,” Eros joked as he turned to face Malakith. He knew what was happening. He never considered the possibility of it, nor did he know exactly what the fates were doing. But something in his mind told him that he and Alaria were about to die. And that this moment was Fated. “Oi, you’re a proper cunt for taking my friends.. You’ve lost to the fated five once,” Eros paused as he felt the strength fall away from his legs, “and you’ve lost to them again.”

Eros fell to the ground and as he hit the ground he was gone. Alaria too began to slump over but she continued the song. Alaria rested her eyes on Eros before she shifted them to get corrupted friends and gave them one final smile. Eventually her music slowed as did her breathing before she too found herself on the ground next to Eros.

Malakith chuckled in response. He looked out and saw only victory here today. Three of the fated five had joined his symphony, and the remaining two were about to be dead. What ploy were they working on, what did the fates whisper to them? A second later the chains that bound him pulled taught. He watched as stands of fate itself made its way into the metal itself, blessing them and making them fated. What’s more, these fated strands were powerful. The maestro began to feel weakened, tired, and ready to sleep as well. He couldn’t help but laugh.

“A year, a century, or eons more time will free me forevermore,” he laughed as he commanded his heralds to sleep. The chains that bound him pulled themselves tighter, and tighter, and tighter until each of his limbs were locked into place. The dull red glow of the maestro went dark, bringing himself, the heralds, and the fated five into darkness.

Deep within the heart of the desolate mountain, The Maestro lay bound in chains. Its ancient and powerful form is bound by enchanted restraints. The cavernous chamber echoed with a low hum, the very essence of the mountain pulsating with latent magic. The air was thick with the weight of centuries, and the only light emanated from the glow of mystical runes etched into the walls. Various golden strands of fate wove their way up and across the metal of the chains that bound The Maestro, and these golden strands had begun to dull in intensity.

As another tremor shook the cavern, The Maestro stirred from his seemingly eternal slumber. His eyes flickered with renewed vitality. The chains that bound him rattled with an echoing resonance as the mountain itself seemed to respond to his awakening. The Maestro shifted his vision to one chain in particular, and a rumbling laugh shook the area as a rock had fallen and broken a link. Without the enchantments of the fates, The Maestro was able to free the hand from its containment and he stretched it out in front of his face. A smile equal parts wicked and alluring spread across his face. He began to slowly raise the hand, palm open to the roof, and as he did The Maestros' music began to play once again. It was a silent symphony, with the music beyond the ability of our collective understanding but the power behind the composition was felt as the mountain rocked with another quake. It was a fraction of his power, but it was enough for him to begin his plot for freedom.

The Maestro raised his hand further, causing a red glow to fill the area around him revealing seven statues kneeling in front of his form. As he raised his hand even further, several tendrils formed in his palm and they shot out across the cavern and impacted the stone figures, burrowing deep as they hit. The red glow that emanated from The Maestro raced down the tendrils and began to fill the stone figures from the inside out. In a moment, the figures began to move. The stone cracked, letting arms and legs move freely of their prison, and within a minute the seven figures stood up, each with a wicked smile on their face.

“My most vocal heralds,” The Maestro spoke. His voice was somewhere between a thousand individual whispers and a full choir singing. “It is time to spread my music once more, you must return,” he paused as he raised his hand even higher, bringing the unheard music to a level that vibrated the entire area, shaking even more rocks free from above. As it reached its crescendo, two portals opened up behind the heralds. “Igai, Agor, venture forth. The realm yearns for our music, play it for them once more. Spread my influence, my whispers on the wind," The Maestro commanded, his voice a sinister lullaby. "Let the Fates know that I have awoken."

With that, the two heralds got up and vanished through the portal, leaving The Maestro and the remaining five heralds in his dark chamber. The echoes of their departure lingered, and as the last portal closed, The Maestro began to hum an eerie tune – a haunting melody that resonated within the very essence of the shadows. The cavern responded to his song, the stones humming in harmony with The Maestro's malevolent melody as he began to envision a world under his rule, a world where everyone listened to his symphony and a world where the fates were forced to. The remaining five heralds began to swing their weapons at the thousands of chains that bound him. Their magic was weakened by the broken link, and they weakened further with each subsequent blow.

“Mom, I saw something I swear,” a young girl pleaded as she cuddled up next to her mother.

“Honey, you can stay in bed with us tonight,” the mother smiled. This was a nightly occurrence for the small five year old child. The parents would put her to bed, they would turn out the lights, they would lay down, and then fifteen minutes later the child would come in because they saw a monster in the dark. “Eventually you will never see these monsters again, they are remnants of an old terror called Malakith,” the mother paused as she looked over to the husband and winked. The husband smiled, shook his head, and rolled over in the bed.


“The Maestro,” The mother responded.

“What’s a maestro?” The child asked.

The mother frowned as she thought for a second. Maybe she chose the wrong story to tell this night. “It’s a guy who composes music,” the mother guessed, “anyway, the maestro was an evil force that came to our world many years ago. His music was evil, and it filled the children with a fear of the darkness, made them see monsters in it that weren’t there. The monster was defeated, by a group of hero’s known as the five fated, and his monsters were banished from our world forever.”

“In the shadows deep, where darkness creeps,
Lurks Malakith, where the blackness seeps.
But fear not, dear child, for he's not all bad,
In the darkest corners, there's light to be had.
He may wear a cloak of night so cold,
But even evil has stories untold.
For in the end, even darkness can spark,
A glimmer of hope in the deepest dark.”

The mother looked over to the father, who had decided to chime in with a rhyme. Everyone in this village knew the story of the maestro, though what they did not know was just how off they were. To the children, this story was meant to show them that the dark held no monsters while they were safe behind their walls, inside their homes, even though the story and rhyme were originally meant to tell the heroic tale of the fated five. Time has a funny way of changing things.

“So, there’s no monsters in the dark?”

“None,” the parents responded in unison.


The sound of a fist delivering a singular knock at the door. The parents looked at each other, and the father reached down and grabbed his sword.


The sound of an individual waiting for them outside. The father stood up and walked to the main room of the house. The mother looked at the daughter and smiled, though her eyes betrayed her worry.


The sound of the front door opening, with the father asking who’s there. A quiet followed, but a low hum soon filled it. It was jovial, it was happy, but for some reason it was a sound that defied definition. Then the sound of footsteps approaching from the door. A second later the father returned, black tendrils of corruption snaking across his face. His smile was wide, pained but excited, and he motioned for an unseen guest to join them.

“You have to hear this music, dears,” he said, before the screams of his wife and child filled the air for a moment before it was replaced by all three humming together, and the sound of footsteps back towards the door.

The fates huddled together in their realms. Around them was a frozen forest, with broken trees and snow-covered fields surrounding them. In the distance, a wolf howls at the moon. Throughout the area golden strands of fated thread run over and across the landscape. These fated threads represented much to the fates. Where they converged represented the centers of life, cities and forests and places of the sort, and where they did not cover was the deserts, the tundras, and the volcanic fields where life did not thrive.

The three fates jerked their heads at once to the side. Two convergence points, one in the Empire of Man and a second in the Silvermoor realm, began to shift in color. The golden stands began to adopt a red hue. The fates scurried together and ran from one point to the next. The heralds had started their conquests, and the fates needed their champions to counter. Veidia reached out and began snatching the threads off to their sides before she channeled her magic into the threads. All across Eldoria people, creatures, and events began to make subtle changes.

“The fated are ready,” Veidia spoke as she grabbed several fated stands and held them up to view.

“They will face much trouble,” Chrona responded as she grabbed the fated stands, examining them closely.

“The Maestro has been busy,” Eclipsis responded as she grabbed hold of the fated stands.

“Several heralds have been sent,” Veidia spoke as she began to look over the stands of fate that dotted the path ahead of the new fated warriors.

“Corruption spreads in their wake,” Chrona said as she examined them closely. The fate strands that she looked at were different than the ones away from the heralds. Instead of a pristine, golden glow, they had a more reddish hue. The Maestero's corruption ran deep, not only corrupting the victims' minds and bodies it also corrupting their fate.

“His music,” Veidia said with a hiss.

“His melodies,” Chrona said with a growl

“His corruption,” Eclipsis spoke softly. Eclipsis used her fated magic to lift the fated strands into the air, and then used the magic as she started twisting the various strands together into a single rope. The end of the rope remained imperfect, with each fated strand still sticking out in its own, however from this point on the fated fellowship would be drawn to each other. Whether through luck, outside interference, or the actions of the fated they would be together before long.

“They will fight,” Veidia said as she examined the corruption in the fate strands.

“They will save,” Chrona responded as she examined them closer.

“And they will purge this corruption,” Eclipsis said as she tried to cut the blighted strand, yet her blade could not cut through.

“We need them together,” Veidia spoke with excitement.

“After some time apart,” Chrona said with a neutral tone.

“And after they meet,” Eclipsis responded with sadness.

“They must finish what they started,” Veidia spoke with sadness

“Our Fated Five,” Chrona continued with her neutral tone

“Our departed friends,” Eclipsis finished sharply.

Veidia resumed the process of pulling together various other threads of fate and began to use her magic to influence the world outside. Winds would blow, factions would fight, and despair would befall the lands. This plight will be like beacons in the dark for the new fated champions. They will be drawn to these areas of fated energy, and they will have many decisions to make as they traverse them. Will they save those in trouble, and begin the process of etching their names onto the legend of this reality? Or will they ignore it and simply try and face the heralds of Malakith on their terms? Regardless of how they go about these next few weeks, they will be drawn to two towns, Dalvinwood in the west, and Nightingale Thicket in the east. As each day passes, the Fates know that more monstrous creatures will await them as the Maestro's music spreads unchecked.

Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by NoriWasHere
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

“What a strange land,” Lys spoke to no one in particular as she watched a singular yellow leaf fall in front of her. This was her first time in the Empire of Man before winter hit, and it was her first time seeing the sea of colors all around the road. From the red, yellow, and orange leaves that dotted the canopy in the forest above, to the snow-capped mountains that filled the horizon, there was much that filled her with a wonder that she had never experienced. And thus far, she was enjoying what she was seeing. They did not have trees like this back in the Frost Tribes, no theirs were tall and prickly and always the same shade of green year-round. As well, she rarely got to see the mountain peaks back home as they were always in the clouds, and she was neither brave nor foolish enough to attempt that climb.

As she admired the scenery around her, movement ahead on the cobblestone road caught her eye. In a quick motion, she had a hand on her weapon and her face towards the unseen threat. A second later, she relaxed her grip and her expression softened as she watched a few small children running up the road towards her. The sound of laughter could be heard even from the distance she was at, and it brought a small smile to her face. These lands were much different from her own. While she thought that it was entirely too warm out, she loved the sights, the scents, and even the sounds of children feeling safe enough to run down the road even as a stranger walked them. As she continued her walk she noticed the children catch sight of her for the first time. It appeared as if the two children discussed what to do next before they turned away from Lys and began sprinting down the road.

“That is trouble,” Lys said with a frown. She knew that there was a village nearby. She knew this because she had led a small raiding party into it the previous winter. And she knew she may have stolen quite a bit of their needed food. While she was not dressed with the sigil nor the colors of her tribe today, she was still overdressed for this area and looked very much like one of the pale raiders. She knew the children would alert the local garrison, and they would come looking for her. Her eyes darted from side to side. She knew she had to keep traveling south, however, she would need to find a new path that would take her in that direction. As she thought, the wind carried a burnt piece of paper into her face, covering her vision completely. “The fuck,” she whispered as she ripped it from her face and looked at the writing on it. “Darmor,” she once again scanned the area around her, “is Darmor where I am meant to go,” she asked as she awaited an answer from The Fates. Silence was her only response. Silence, and then the ringing of a bell ahead of her.

“Shit,” she muttered as she took off to the side and into the woods. She held onto the burnt parchment like it was the most important piece of paper she had ever held. And she ran, running faster than she had in recent years, and trying to push through her own limits to run faster some more.

“Shit,” Grove muttered as she jumped over a fallen tree that blocked the path in front of her. She held onto the fated stick she was given like it was the most important sick she had ever held. And she ran, she ran faster than she thought she could but she knew she needed to run faster than even this.

Behind her, she could hear the shouts, the cries, and the frustration brewing in her pursuers. They were close. Much closer than they had been the past few days and much closer than Grove ever dared to fear. She could smell their anger, their desperation, and Grove needed to get away from it. Her eyes darted across the woods ahead, and she searched for whatever path would take her away from her pursuers. Eventually, she spotted it. There was a windy path that led towards a canyon, and Groves intuition and spirit birds told her that was the only way she’d get away. She turned her run towards that direction and set off down the windy trail.

Grove knew that there was something off about these woods. The leaves lacked the same vibrant warmth of her home, the trees looked old and sick, and there were as many dead trees still standing as alive ones. Everywhere she looked she felt like there were hungry eyes locked onto her, like she was the next meal to walk into their dinner plate. This was a place of danger. This was what the stories warned her about. This was a place where she could die. But yet, her smile never grew smaller. This chase, these woods, and these spooky sights were all new to her, and she was ready to face these new challenges.

Grove danced through the windy trail, avoiding every snag, every branch, and every fallen tree. Eventually, she had made her way to the edge of the canyon and was about to look for the trail when she heard a voice from being shout to her. “GROVE NO.” Her head turned slightly, trying to see who it was and only caught a glimpse of the scout Amara before she suddenly began to fall. The trail did not continue down a hill, or snake its way down the cliff side. Instead, the trail ended at the edge of the canyon before it gave way to a steep decline. It wasn’t a straight drop but it was a very steep slope filled with rocky outcrops and other sharp and dangerous objects.

Grove began to tumble down the side of the mountain. Her descent began to speed up only to be slowed down by collisions with the rocky structures that dotted the hillside. Again and again, she would tumble, fall, slip, and try to catch herself before she once again slammed into another rock. She curled herself into the tightest ball she could, protecting both her head and the fated stick with everything she had.

Eventually, the descent slowed and Grove found herself near the bottom of the canyon. She was bloodied, her bones were broken, and she would be crying in pain if it were not for the sheer adrenaline rushing through her veins. Grove attempted to stand up and the pain nearly pushed her back down. She tested each leg in turn and sighed as none appeared to have been broken in the fall. She had numerous broken ribs, that much she could tell, but her legs were the most important thing. She checked her bag and whispered “fuck” as she realized all her healing potions and jars were broken, however. She coughed, and with the cough, she winced in pain.

“STAY THERE GROVE,” Amaras faint voice shouted. Grove looked up and her eyes went wide with shock. She had fallen a great distance. The scout up top looked like little more than a baby deer in the distance as opposed to a roll-grown member of her species. “WE’LL GO TO TOWN TO SEE IF THERE’S A SAFE WAY DOWN. WE CAN HELP YOU,” Amara started.

“Leave me alone,” was all grove could shout back before the pain took her words. She scanned the area around, looking for healing medicines and plants. She knew that she had been given a blessing with this fall, and it was up to her to make the most of it. “What a strange land,” Grove finished with a smile.
Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by NoriWasHere
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"KEEP MOVING," Captain Roth shouted to his soldiers, "WE DO NOT STOP UNTIL THE MOUNT."

Captain Roth led his soldiers down the relatively narrow cobblestone path towards the Mount. The path was flanked on both sides by an old forest, while there was still some life in their branches there was more dead growth than new. While the leaves that did dot the canopy above started to show the first color of the autumn season, it was, by in large, a dead section. This dead section would stretch for the last leg of their journey, and this made Captain Roth nervous. His eyes darted from side to side, scanning the tree's and the canopy itself for signs of a thief. There had been a few attempts made by various groups already on their treasure, and he did not want to lose his prize this close to home. He did not want to lose his prize this close to fame.


Captain Roth had reason to worry more. This was the perfect spot for an ambush. The trees could be felled, stoping their advance, the branches could be dropped, crushing his soldiers, and the narrow path meant they could get blocked in easily. While his cavalry could maneuver still, the carriage couldn't. Captain Roth shifted his eyes back to the carriage. It was a metal monstrosity of locks, chains, and chained-up locks. It would take thirteen keys to fully unlock the door, and another one to get to their stolen goods. He knew that if an ambush were to happen, it would take longer for a would be thief to open the door and get the artifact than it would for reinforcements to arrive. He knew that he had completed his mission, but a single thought still lingered.

What if the thief was good?

An eerie calm falls over Orban and his traveling crew despite the sight of bodies littering the roadside and strewn across the village around them. These corpses were in a fight, they all wore some facet of armor and a litany of weapons littered the area around them. Their blood painted the road, the houses, and even the grass and it was evident that they did not die without a fight. Yet, despite the chaos and despite this bloodshed, there was one thing missing that Orban could easily tell. The villagers. The only bodies were the soldiers, and there were footsteps in the blood-stained mud that suggest that whoever once called this place home was led away from it towards the nearby forest. What’s more, there are several canine tracks unlike anything seen before in the mortal realm. These footprints were big, bigger than any dog or wolf and even bigger than some of the monsters that Orban would have faced.

There is also something off about the air. It is as if something powerful lingers within it. Some unspoken word, some unseen threat, or some unknown presence. If they look carefully they may even see an eye peeking at them from the windows, from the forest, and every direction and yet there is nothing there.

A most peculiar sight awaits Taiji. As he travels down the road a small caravan of wealthy-looking, but upset, businessmen will begin to pass them. They are dressed in fine linen, and carry expensive-looking crates and chests however they struggle to take each step. It is as if none of these people have actually worked a day in their lives, and this little effort of labor is too challenging for them. They all have the same look of sadness mixed with anger in their eyes, and Taiji may hear a few curses whispered under their breath at their misfortune.

“You, you look like you are up for a challenge,” one of the men shouted as she walked up to Tiji. He was tall, fat, and looked like he was used to commanding an aura of respect. He wore no jewelry however the tan lines on his finger suggest that he typically does. His eyes carried a look of contentment.

“What if I could promise you riches beyond measure,” he asked Tiji, “the name is Kaito, and I run the village of Hurrin,” he paused as he sighed with anger, “or should I say ran. A musical demon entered our village last week, and he has fought and killed his way through our militia until he forced us out. We called him,” he paused as he shifted his eyes from side-to-side, “the singing demon, the maestro of our misfortune. Will you help us?”

“GET AWAY FROM MY MOTHER,” a young boy screams as he charges towards Bren.

He is young, maybe seven or so years of age. He has a small dagger in his hand but it looks like it might as well be a sword. He has small cuts and scrapes across his face but is otherwise okay. Behind him, a younger girl is holding onto his clothes. Fear is present in both their eyes, a fear that is directed to the sight of Bren.

“I WILL STAB YOU, MONSTER,” the boy will scream again but as he continues his charge he will trip over a branch that had suddenly blown in with the wind, falling to the ground and sending the knife sliding across the pavement towards Bren. The boy is not hurt, at least badly, but he still screams. The boy scoots backward, trying to now put distance between Bren and himself, but also keep himself in between Bren and his family. Bren would notice that there is a woman in the ditch on the side of the road who is hurt badly. She has been attacked by a sword and a long laceration is seen across her chest. Her eyes flicker open, but they don’t stay open for long and she drifts back to sleep.

The family sits on the side of the road at a crossroads. The post has three signs on it. The first points towards a nearby village. Smoke fills the air coming from that direction and Bren would smell the blood that was spilled there. The second points towards a nearby city called Goldrun. It was a larger city, and they would have healers and possible help for the young family. The third pointed towards another village, and Bren may notice a familiar track in the mud heading towards it. A gnoll footprint.

“So, you must be why I am waiting here,” a well-dressed man whispered from behind Eve and his group.

From seemingly nowhere this well-dressed man appeared and began to walk towards the fated one. He was well dressed, with an expensive robe that was covered in fine trims and details that would make even the vainest nobleman blush. Despite the robe being closed the trio could easily tell that the man was strong. The longer they looked at the well-dressed man, the more a sense of unease would fall over them. There was something off, something wrong, with the person walking towards them. And if sight alone was not enough, the air began to carry with it the faint hint of sulfur.

“I was told that I could expect someone of great power to face the coming darkness on this road, but even I could not have guessed that would be the Citadel’s first love,” a slight grin fell across the face of the well-dressed man as he sized up Eve’s traveling companions, “don’t worry, I don’t bite,” his voice a mix of sultry and sweet, “I am here to join up on your merry escapade,” he paused as he leaned in, “on your fated quest.”

The well-dressed man’s smile only grew larger, warmer, and more inviting. His eyes seemed kind, gentle, and compassionate.

“Wait,” a single voice cut across a sea of bodies.

“Wait, don’t,” the man coughed and blood followed, “don’t go you must help them.”

All around Iveus was death. A battle was had recently, and it was a battle that this human patrol lost. A hundred bodies dotted the landscape, all in some different state of destruction. Some were cleaved in two, some were thrown into the rocky landscape breaking their bodies, and others found a merciful death with a stab through the heart. However, there was no sign of whomever or whatever attacked them. The only bodies that dotted the landscape were this human faction, and they died fighting something other than themselves.

“I feel myself fading,” the man whispered. He had a look in his eye, a determined look. “I don’t know what it was but it cut through us, it was humming some twisted song as it swung…” The man gasped for air for a brief second, “it’s heading towards the village of Koi, it’s heading..” the man leaned his head back as a few more pained breathes filled the air. “It’s heading…” his voice grew weak. “It’s…” He grew silent as his chest ceased movement, and his head slumped to the side.

Iveus would notice that the air hung heavy with a strange energy. It was not magic, but it held a power he never felt before. Whatever cut through these soldiers was strong, and it was heading towards a village that would not be able to protect itself.
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