Credit to @Obamahz for the design 💯
Full Name
“Code Name”
“Code Name”
Image 800 x 800 ___________________________________ P R O F I L E Age ... Sex ... Race/Ethnicity ... Nationality ... Spoken Languages ... Hometown ... Height ... Weight ... ___________________________________ E Q U I P M E N T - Primary Weapon - Secondary Weapon/Sidearm - Utility Items (Examples : Grenades, Gas Mask, Commando Knife, Field Surgeon Kit) (Items max out at eight.) ____________________________________ A T T R I B U T E S Points: 10 (These points are meant to be distributed among the five attributes below. This is to be removed from the CS after points have been distributed. Do not forget to show your work next to each ability regarding points added and subtracted!) Athletics: 10 Dexterity: 10 Perception: 10 Willpower: 10 Charisma: 10 Modifiers: (None at the start.) | ____________________________________________________________________________ APPEARANCE ... ____________________________________________________________________________ PSYCHOLOGICAL PROFILE ... ____________________________________________________________________________ BIOGRAPHY ... ____________________________________________________________________________ SERVICE RECORD ... ____________________________________________________________________________ MISC Optional |

Reynaldo Damirón was born to an impoverished family in south Texas and grew up in a broken home. At age eighteen (1988) he joined the US Army where he became an infantryman. Reynaldo served with pride and what dignity was afforded. He saw intense action in the Gulf War and in Somalia during Operation Gothic Serpent, the latter of which saw him receive the Purple Heart. After finishing his eight years Reynaldo used his military benefits as well as a loan to attend college and earned a bachelor's degree from Texas A&M. He married his girlfriend from college and not long after went on to officer school and rejoined the Armies’ ranks. As an officer Reynaldo presided over operations in Afghanistan - using what little time he could spare to spend with his wife and kids. At some point Reynaldo, now a Major, was made privy to the events and discoveries of the Macquarie Island Incident and was recruited into Minerva Force. Officially, Major Damirón was given an honorable discharge due to “health concerns” and his living a modest early retirement in Alaska with his wife.

Doctor Val Handrich was born in 1960 East Berlin to one of the socialist states’ more well-off families. At age seventeen Val was a accepted into Leningrad State University boasting a fine academic record as a young man. He finished out at Leningrad State University at the top of his classes, earning two doctorates and setting four new academic records at the school. However by the time his career truly began to ascend would come the fall of the wall, the collapse of the Soviet Union, and the reunification of Germany. Uninterested in leaving Europe and traveling to the USA like many of his colleagues Doctor Handrich would remain in Germany, shifting between German institutions over the years and later moving to Poland. The doctor was recruited into Minerva Force in the mid 2000’s and was given the title of Chief Science Officer. Val’s only living kin are his long estranged wife and teenage son and he had few friends at the time of his recruitment which made putting him totally off the grid easy due to the lack of social ties. Officially, he was eventually declared deceased after his automobile was found crashed in a lake in rural Poland - all of his savings and the money from his liquidated assets going to his son.

Esther Mazel was born in Yerevan, Armenia into a wealthy Jewish family. Esther was pushed from a young age by “tiger parents” to achieve high which paid off when she was accepted to Oxford and studied under the engineering program. Esther’s passion for engineering and design came from her upbringing, her father being an architect and her elder brother being an expert large and small engine mechanic. Esther finished her DEng at Oxford with high marks and returned to Armenia after to put her degree to work. Her work ethic, innovation and quality of production lead to her being headhunted by Minerva Force after the Macquarie Island Incident. When she was brought on at Alpha Sentinel it became clear she was the best choice to be Chief Engineer for Minerva Force. Esther maintains steady contact with her family as much as possible, communicating out of a rented apartment in Juneau. To anyone who may ask her or her family she was specially contracted for a US government sponsored construction project in Alaska.

Doctor Bianca Davis was born in 1987 in Seattle, Washington to an accomplished neurosurgeon and an applied physics professor. Medicine and extended sciences practically were melded into her DNA. She attended Standard university and earned her doctorate majored in genetics and minored in anatomy. After finishing her education at Stanford, Bianca got her foot in the door working for the USDA for a year and a half before getting a job at the CDC. Not long after working for the CDC she was covertly recruited by Minerva Force, who noted her high marks and notable work ethic, and brought onto the Research Team. Officially Bianca now works for an NGO out of country that is dedicated to humanitarian efforts in underdeveloped nations.