Name: Selene (Secretly Queen Sela ir-Ramalla Vitaal VII)
Species: Human
Homeworld: Unknown (Secretly Charmath)
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Rank: None
Master: Self taught
Former master(s): Spirits and holocrons and little else
Apprentice(s): N/A
Self-made lightsaber, purple bladed.
Wayfarer-class Medium Transport, heavily modified.
- Miy’til Starfighter within, Modified.
- Several speeder bikes within.
- Maintenance, Protocol, and Repair Droids within.
Dark Jedi robes and mask. Various weaponry and personal equipment.
The royal house of Charmath, descending from a suspected ancient Je'daii, has had a rough number of decades. Beginning with the tragic death of the ruling couple, their two daughters were subsequently, at best, used as pawns for much of their childhood, and at worst victims of kidnapping, and the heiress tortured before her tenth birthday. That both lived is a miracle, that they grew up to become functional royals and the people that they did is nothing short of shocking to many observers.
The younger sister is as beautiful as she is charming, married to a leading academic popular with much of the residential population, having a family that many Charmath natives are proud of and openly support. The elder, the ruling monarch of the planet, hides behind the bright popularity of the younger. While she has been seen at various ceremonies throughout the years, it’s increasingly rare. There are stories of her escape into academia, that she is as brilliant as she is reclusive, that for all the polish of the Princess, the Queen is equally rough around the edges.
During the reign of the Empire, none of this mattered, as the Princess was famous for walking a political balance between the Empire and the highest quality of life she could provide her own people—helped greatly by a series of ‘lucky’ investments in both political figures and business opportunities. In reality, the job of the Princess was even more impressive considering the Queen lived an active double, secret, life as a smuggling collector of rare artifacts, skulking around the Galaxy in search of secrets and artifacts of Force users from the past. This is no accident, as in truth the Queen is a Force user aligned with the Dark side.
The Queen is the mind behind the incredible run of investments by the Charmath royal family, though precious few know it, focusing on investments in starship and weapons manufacturing. As a Force user the Queen isn’t entirely self-taught: the spirit of the founder of their royal house still haunts deep under the surface of the ancient Charmath winter palace, and in her journeys, she has found several more teachings in the form of various Sith spirits and holocrons, both Jedi and Sith. Combining those teachings with a once-in-many-generations level of natural talent at the Force has produced Selene; an independent Dark Force user that has dispatched Inquisitors and New Republic marshals, alike, as well as anyone else who has been unlucky enough to find themselves in her path.
Most recently she kicked up a lot of noise in Hutt space, unleashing twisted, dark creatures of astounding scale in order to escape the criminals and their hunters. Yet as her face has never been seen, and no one has made the connection between Selene, the mysterious dealer of ancient things, and the Dark Force user…the Queen has once again seemed to escape any long-term consequences for her single-minded pursuit of more knowledge, and with it, more power.