Name: Fran (a.k.a. Frankenstein's monster)
Gender: Female

Personality: Due to being a Berserker-class Servant, the inherent Madness Enchantment robs most of her speech, limiting her to broken sentences, one-word answers, head gestures and grunts. Shy and quiet yet highly intelligent and empathetic. Prefers peaceful activities such flower picking and sky watching. Dislikes pushy and exuberant people. Shows uncanny stewardship when it comes to energy conservation.
Brief History:
An artificial being created by Victor Frankenstein.
Made as an Eve to be a partner to Adam, but she lacked the ability to express her emotions and was deemed a failure. Victor intended from the start to create an Adam and Eve...the original couple.
Different from the Bible, he first created Eve and then thought of having Eve give birth to Adam. However, his artificial life form created from sewn together corpses, was a failure.
She was unable to control or connect her emotions, and after brutally murdering wild dogs and offering their intestines as a present, Victor fled in fear. However, after being left behind, Frankenstein's knowledge and emotional capacity grew as she got in contact with the outside world.
Eventually, she felt anger towards Victor for abandoning her.
Getting tired of her persistently chasing him all the way to the South Pole, Victor chose his own death. With the man she had looked up to gone and without anyone to hate, she parted from Walton, the man who watched over Frankenstein's final moment, and traveled to the uttermost north. She built herself a pyre, allowing herself to be consumed by the flames while thinking, "May my ashes be scattered across the seas..." That was the end of the monster born from the delusions of Frankenstein.
Universe of Origin: Fate (Apocrypha)
Bridal Chest- One of her two Noble Phantasms, this large war hammer (battle mace) that discharges electricity with the appearance of tree branches when used as a striking weapon. Kept on her at all times even while not in battle to power her, the large, spherical orb on the top contains her reactor core, her heart. Although used as a bludgeoning weapon against enemies, particularly effective against armored enemies, it can be considered only a secondary use to its primary function of absorbing excess magical energy from the environment. The "fin" on the opposite end of the mace remotely transfers electrical energy to her main body by means of the similar fin on the side of her head. It is a high-efficiency implement that continuously gathers and recycles energy wasted by her and gathers energy present in her surroundings to continuously power her by flowing it through her heart and into her Magic Circuits.
Galvanism- Unrestricted conversion and accumulation of magical energy and bioelectricity. Energy-based or magical projectiles can be converted to electricity and discharged into the environment, nullified. Also, depending on the amount of stored electricity it can be put to use strengthening Fran's body and rapidly repair damage.
Wail of the Falsely Living- A shrill shout that can’t be known when will end and that increases while on Mad Enhancement. It deprives enemies and allies without distinction of their ability to think, and those without the capacity to resist will panic and become unable to breathe.
Overload- An intentional boost up while being aware of suffering damage. Fran converts the mana accumulated with Galvanism into more electricity than the maximum permissible level and bounces the attack power of her Noble Phantasm up by outputting all of it. She suffers damage from this ability and when used with her second Noble Phantasm, it will deal fatal damage to Fran.
Blasted Tree: The Lightning Tree of Crucifixion - Fran's second Noble Phantasm and only used as a final resort. By planting the fin of Bridal Chest into the ground as her reactor's limiters are completely released, she creates a twister of energy with her at the center, the fins on the tail end of Bridal Chest begin to spin at high speeds. All the electricity is discharged into the surrounding environment as an area of effect attack, taking on the silhouette of a towering tree that "rains down like a waterfall" and scatters homing thunder throughout the surrounding area.
Other: Due to her mindful energy conservation, Fran will turn off any light in any room that's not being used.