Ruuka Hyana

STYLE: Felid Form
GENRE: Arcane Crackshot
LEITMOTIF: Feline's Fortune
PR: Handcuffs (10), Fuzzy Cuffs (20), EMP Grenade (40), Self-defense Weapon: Baton (20), Medical Supplies (10)
Ruuka is trying hard to find the perfect title for when he grows popular in the supernatural world; currently his 'best' ones are "Cat's-Eye Crackshot" and "Felid Fusilier"...
Ruuka is, perhaps surprisingly, an erudite enjoyer of physics. He's well-read in the field of physics and its branches, and often finds it handy to understand physics when he's trying to bank sick trickshots off of people's mailboxes.
While he absolutely adores the rain, he loathes getting wet while in his Esper form. His fur gets all soppy and heavy.
Ruuka Hyana
Male. Female in Esper form.
Much to his chagrin, Ruuka is often mistaken as a girl. And most - excluding Ruuka himself - would forgive one for thinking so at first, as his visage is rather girlish. Although his somewhat-unkempt hair is indeed short, it is also bright and soft-looking, and has a pastel-orange color. It frames a fair-skinned, heart-shaped face adorned with thin, expressive eyebrows and similarly-expressive, deep green eyes. Apart from his bright orange hair, Ruuka doesn't really have anything particular to note about him, physically. Admittedly, he is rather petite - standing at 5'4" and possessing a lithe frame with little visible muscle to speak of, he is pretty soft-seeming. Him being mistaken as a girl isn't helped by the fact that he often dresses in androgynous clothing or styles that are slightly baggy. He mostly values comfort and cuteness in his wardrobe.
When it comes to how he looks in his esper form, well.. things change quite a bit. When he is transformed, Ruuka takes the form of a woman. In this shape, he is glaringly much more imposing than before. His short hair is instead now far longer - reaching down to his butt in multiple thick, unkempt layers - and is multiple shades darker. His face is now even more feminine, with his brows being a tad thicker and more aggressively expressive, like his eyes - which are now a touch paler. His skin is also a few shades darker. When it comes to physique, he stands out quite a lot. In his esper form he now stands at an intimidating 6'4", with visibly impressive musculature in his arms, thighs, etc. He is also, naturally, much curvier, with more womanly proportions replacing his previously-girlish hips and thighs, as well as his chest. Finally, he is bizarrely bestowed with a couple animalistic features in this form. Atop his head rests a pair of rounded, soft-furred cat ears. His forearms and hands are replaced with large feline paws. He also now possesses a long, reactive tail, as well as sharp fangs.

Ruuka's Grimoire is very mundane in appearance - a simple ring. The ring is black and made of some unidentified gemstone, and is only distinguishable from other rings by the three simple vertical lines across what one can only assume is its face.
Ruuka's Instrument, hilariously dubbed "Meowitzer", takes the form of a rifle. The Meowitzer is a long, heavy-looking revolving-rifle with a dark-red shell. However, despite possessing the visage of a gun, Ruuka doesn't use it as traditionally as one might think. Instead of shooting bullets, the Meowitzer is used as a show-piece for shooting melodies out of, and as a melee weapon.
GRADE: Silver
KEYWORD: Quarterstaff
SPECIAL: Battered - Targets struck by Meowitzer count as airborne for the next Push note.
GRADE: Silver
KEYWORD: Quarterstaff
SPECIAL: Battered - Targets struck by Meowitzer count as airborne for the next Push note.
STYLE: Felid Form
Felid Form represents the drastic changes Ruuka undertakes in his esper form. Alongside his physical feline features, he also develops the senses of a cat, too. Aside from his bodily alterations, Ruuka's Esper-form clothing consists of random shirtless t-shirts and jeans. It usually comes with a spiked collar as well.
GRADE: Silver
SPECIAL: Feline Senses - Ruuka's senses of smell, hearing, and sight are enhanced to more closely resemble a cat's than a human's - allowing him to detect details and react to dangers markedly faster than his peers.
GRADE: Silver
SPECIAL: Feline Senses - Ruuka's senses of smell, hearing, and sight are enhanced to more closely resemble a cat's than a human's - allowing him to detect details and react to dangers markedly faster than his peers.
GENRE: Arcane Crackshot
Ruuka's casting prowess centers around his ability to visually dissect opportunities to employ impressive trickshots and feats of sharpshooting with projectile melodies.
ELEMENT: Gravity
NOTES: [Weightless (4), Suspend (4)], Damage (2), Damage X (6), Push (2), Blink (4), Scatter (2), Mark (0), Trap (0), Enhance (2), Quicken (0), Bounce (2), Piercing (2), Recoil (2)
SPECIAL: Trickshooter - When Ruuka's melody with the [Bounce] note bounces, its effects are enhanced by one rank, instead of lowered, up to rank A.
ELEMENT: Gravity
NOTES: [Weightless (4), Suspend (4)], Damage (2), Damage X (6), Push (2), Blink (4), Scatter (2), Mark (0), Trap (0), Enhance (2), Quicken (0), Bounce (2), Piercing (2), Recoil (2)
SPECIAL: Trickshooter - When Ruuka's melody with the [Bounce] note bounces, its effects are enhanced by one rank, instead of lowered, up to rank A.
LEITMOTIF: Feline's Fortune
Cats are often deemed rather lucky creatures. Useful trait, right?
GRADE: Bronze
SPECIAL: Ruuka has never managed to trip over his own tail :)
GRADE: Bronze
SPECIAL: Ruuka has never managed to trip over his own tail :)
PR: Handcuffs (10), Fuzzy Cuffs (20), EMP Grenade (40), Self-defense Weapon: Baton (20), Medical Supplies (10)
GRADE: Bronze
SPECIAL: Ruuka's Fuzzy Cuffs are tiger-striped.
SPECIAL: Ruuka's Fuzzy Cuffs are tiger-striped.
When it comes to personality, Ruuka could be described as a tad hot-headed. He's forward, often boisterous, cocky, and quite competitive. Funnily enough, he is also easily flustered - which doesn't bode too well for him considering he has a silly chuuni-ish idea that he's more capable than he really is. But what he lacks in his human form, his esper form is where he really gets to revel in his self-confidence - as he has something to actually be confident in. It doesn't help that his esper form makes him a tad more aggressive.
This isn't all to say that Ruuka is incapable of thinking critically, however. While he most definitely makes some rash decisions sometimes, he isn't dumb. He knows if he's a little too far out of his league, but sees most chances as one worth taking - maybe it's an ego thing. Nevertheless, he can strategize - even in his human form he has a sharp eye for details. Notably, Ruuka is not very well-versed in reading people, and as such is kinda gullible, and sometimes awkward. He can't read social situations very well.
This isn't all to say that Ruuka is incapable of thinking critically, however. While he most definitely makes some rash decisions sometimes, he isn't dumb. He knows if he's a little too far out of his league, but sees most chances as one worth taking - maybe it's an ego thing. Nevertheless, he can strategize - even in his human form he has a sharp eye for details. Notably, Ruuka is not very well-versed in reading people, and as such is kinda gullible, and sometimes awkward. He can't read social situations very well.
Ruuka's story is a simple one - not all that special. He's an only child who was homeschooled by his birthparents, and led a pretty normal life up until a couple years ago. Born in the states to a mother and father who were Irish and Japanese, respectively, Ruuka was never fortunate enough to have siblings, cousins, or really any other family aside from his parents. This, alongside the fact that he was homeschooled, left almost all of his social interaction to be had on the internet, over videogames and other similar mediums. Fortunately, his lack of a social life was the heaviest of his life's troubles. His parents were wealthy, one a doctor and one a scientist of some kind, which left Ruuka rather spoiled - at least for material things.
Said wealth, however, was not entirely a boon - depending on how you looked at it. This wealth would eventually, if indirectly, lead to Ruuka's introduction into the supernatural world. At some point around two-and-a-half years ago, Ruuka and his parents moved homes. They made a new nest in an old, though well-kept, mansion. Said mansion was huge - simply far too much for the three of them alone to explore. Yet one particular, secluded part of said mansion called out to Ruuka. An attic-ish area with a bay window and old, canvas-padded seats was where Ruuka found himself drawn. It was there that he'd find an item that would change his life -- his grimoire. A small, black ring sitting alone, right beneath the window. After that day, he found himself thrust into the world of the supernatural.
It was something he hid from his parents - but he was, fortunately, lucky enough to quickly learn to keep himself alive without outside help. He never received proper mentorship from anyone in particular, but is almost entirely self-taught in his prowess and knowledge of the supernatural - picking up information, details, and whatever else he might need over the years by his lonesome. He has established himself a couple contacts - as he does solid work as a Freelancer - but is ultimately a stranger to most. Luckily, he is quite wealthy due to the gross fortune of his family as a whole - which is pretty damn useful.
Said wealth, however, was not entirely a boon - depending on how you looked at it. This wealth would eventually, if indirectly, lead to Ruuka's introduction into the supernatural world. At some point around two-and-a-half years ago, Ruuka and his parents moved homes. They made a new nest in an old, though well-kept, mansion. Said mansion was huge - simply far too much for the three of them alone to explore. Yet one particular, secluded part of said mansion called out to Ruuka. An attic-ish area with a bay window and old, canvas-padded seats was where Ruuka found himself drawn. It was there that he'd find an item that would change his life -- his grimoire. A small, black ring sitting alone, right beneath the window. After that day, he found himself thrust into the world of the supernatural.
It was something he hid from his parents - but he was, fortunately, lucky enough to quickly learn to keep himself alive without outside help. He never received proper mentorship from anyone in particular, but is almost entirely self-taught in his prowess and knowledge of the supernatural - picking up information, details, and whatever else he might need over the years by his lonesome. He has established himself a couple contacts - as he does solid work as a Freelancer - but is ultimately a stranger to most. Luckily, he is quite wealthy due to the gross fortune of his family as a whole - which is pretty damn useful.
Ruuka is trying hard to find the perfect title for when he grows popular in the supernatural world; currently his 'best' ones are "Cat's-Eye Crackshot" and "Felid Fusilier"...
Ruuka is, perhaps surprisingly, an erudite enjoyer of physics. He's well-read in the field of physics and its branches, and often finds it handy to understand physics when he's trying to bank sick trickshots off of people's mailboxes.
While he absolutely adores the rain, he loathes getting wet while in his Esper form. His fur gets all soppy and heavy.
Here is my sheet for review! Lemme know what needs fixins and ill be fixins it :3
I'm not entirely sure if my gold genre is an appropriate power level since there isn't a ton of examples for gold genres, but I've stored ideas on how it can be altered if it needs to be.