I am still convinced Aura will be attempting to float this child/non-child.
Flicker: C'mon guys weren't we all punk kids once?
Cascade: ... erm...
Flicker: ...
Flicker: Besides Cascade, weren't we all punk kids once?
@Dark Cloud You are gunna find out real quick Aura is a little shit. XD
Beating up children isn't worth the XP is what I always say™
<Snipped quote by Dark Cloud>
...O_O...That...reminds me of something horrible...
...O_O...That...reminds me of something horrible...
Flicker is not sure if they want to intervene, this whole situation is stupid.
Also, they really just want to set fire to Gorgash right now.
Flicker: Yes, step all over my religious trauma, see what happens.