Well, Jason listened to the messages.
It was hard to tell if it was brave or stupid of Jason to call back though the consequences for not calling back were probably worse than if just called. The Pokedex would ring out that dial tone a few times before he heard a click. "You better have a good explanation for this. Where the hell were you?"
Helga looked over to Jason while she was tending his Pokemon. She said nothing, but the way she looked at him was enough tell him one thing; do not tell Professor Kapoc what happened. It was not a threatening look, but it was stern enough. Still, he was free to tell him.
What does Jason do?
It was essentially a game of Torchic. Ace would stand its ground to send a volley of small embers at the Skiddo bowling its way to slam the fire chic. However, the impact of the attack did slow it down for some super effective damage and in some strange sense of cosmic justice, the goat was burned. It wasn't obvious at first, but there were clear burn marks all over its body and the grass-type was struggling to maintain the attack through the pain.
"Follow the Torchic! Do not let it get away!" Ordered Ramos. The Skiddo was able to turn quickly as Ace moved out of the way and smacked the Torchic for some super-effective damage! However, thanks to the burn and lowered attack stats the damage was actually miniscule and with one more searing attack the Skiddo was down for the count.
"Skiddo is unable to battle! Ace wins!" Louis shouted as he held a handkerchief up towards Tristan. There were some minor applauses from the observing crowd of resting workers.
Ramos returned the Skiddo to its ball and looked down at it with a smile. "You worked so hard. You've earned a rest." He looked up at Tristan and said, "Not bad, sprout, but the battle has only just begun. Come on out, Lombre!" With great vigor Ramos tossed a Pokeball into the air and with a flash of white light came out a bipedal green thing with a red beak and a lily pad as some sort of hat.

#271 Lombre, the Jolly Pokemon. It lives at the water's edge where it is sunny. It sleeps on a bed of water grass by day and becomes active at night.
"Lombre use Fake Out!" It was strange. The Pokemon just stood there absentmindedly, and the next thing Tristan and Ace knew it vanished from their sight. It reappeared inches away from Ace and then it just clapped it hands together right in the Torchic's face, causing it to immediately flinch. This was followed by a small shockwave that pushed the skittish bird back for minor damage.
Not wasting time, Ramos quickly followed up. "Now follow that up with Water Gun!"
"Lombre!" It shouted before a stream of water jettisoned straight towards Ace.
What does Tristan do?
@Sanguine Rose
Rosa took the Pokedex and help it up close to her face to get a good view before she started to giggle. It was not the pretty, charming kind giggle where it sounded like there were flowers and sparkles. It was not a 'hehe~.' No, this came from the throat like it was some crusty middle-aged man that saw something funny on the internet. It was a 'HEHEHEHEHEHE.'
"Oh we're definitely friends now. God, I wish I was there to see that." She handed the Pokedex back to Faye and listened to what she had to say up until completion. "Heh, you aren't wrong about that. You're pretty crazy for even doing that." Rosa smiled not in a mocking or mean-spirited way, but in a spunky teasing manner. "Traveling with Tristan though? My condolences, but hey, I guess I could pick worse company. You're fun and Tristan is..." For a moment she stood there thinking of something positive to say about the prat. At least he's hot? Rosa said with a shrug with her hands he slightly out front as if to lazily hold the idea out.
There was a silence that hung in the air for a moment as the young rancher stood there, kicking about some dust and old bits of wood. "Maybe you're right though. You know, I really have no idea what I'm doing. I don't mean about being a trainer. I mean in general." Before she could continue, the two of them could hear a vehicle drive up to the old barn followed by a light honk. "Oh, dad's here."
To save time, we shall summarize everything that happened. Before they returned to the orchard, Neil, her father, patched up their Pokemon and the remaining Tinkatinks. The engine was returned to the farm where Rosa's burly Ursaring of a father helped put it back together with the help of the Tinkatinks. Photo ops were much to be had probably. After all of that was done, the duo were dropped off at beautiful Florasong, specifically at Critical Capture.
@Joshua Tamashii@Lunarlord34
Amelia the forager! It was about time that someone decided to actually look around for supplies. In a forest as magnificent as this, she was certainly not going to be left empty handed. There were plenty of berries and other goodies to be picked, especially if she had some of her ghosts help make up for her small stature.
There was something else though. She found a very pretty light green stone with a darker green in the middle shaped as a leaf. She could feel some sort of power gently pulse in it.
Anyway, back to the present!
Freya frowned at Amelia's unwillingness to follow through with what she wanted to do. She was way too willing to sideline herself and frankly it was absurd. On one hand, she understood that Amelia wanted to just go with the flow and not inconvenience others around her. However, the spooky little girl should be able to do what she wanted because it was her journey. It would've been a waste for her to not make the most out of her journey.
However, there was something that Amelia really had not understood about Steph that Freya quickly picked up on from their short time together in Grand Glory. She stared down at Amelia silently before taking a deep breath and turned her focus to Steph. "Hey Steph, want to go deeper into the forest that I'm sure will probably be a death trap?" In most cases that would've been a warning. This was an invitation.
Said slightly crispy fellow groaned in response to being nudged by Stella. He would probably be fine.
Luckily, the grave had yet to have been disturbed. Stella would place the flowers upon a gravestone while lovingly maintained was beginning to show its age. The wonderful carvings in the stone were now beginning to erode though she could still make out the epitaph, '"Remember me, but forget my fate." Ellanore Osman. 1872-1899. Loving wife and mother.'
It had not taken long for Stella to find the dramatic Gastly as it came bouncing in the air towards her with quite the satisfied expression. "Gas!" It chimed happily. It floated there as it listened to her proposal, and it looked contemplative. "Gassss."It said as if was unsure on whether or not it wanted to leave its home. After all, leaving was a big deal. How could it leave its friends and family behind? Quite easily actually! "Gas Gas!" It eagerly bounced around in the air.
Now that she acquired a new member for her team, Stella went to the cottage and knocked and called out to be let in with no response. However, if she tried to let herself in, she would find that the door was not locked. Once inside, she would see that it was a sparsely furnished room with only some chairs, a fridge, and an unused fireplace. Sitting by the desk, if anyone could call it sitting, was a thin man in his late thirties, early forties with shoulder length messy blonde hair and a scruffy beard. He wore a white turtleneck with an orange stripe running horizontally across it, very dark gray, baggy pants that covered most of his black boots, and the cherry on top was the greasiest, smear covered looking army green trench coat.
He showed no reaction to the surprise visitor, well, for obvious reasons. His eyes were shut, and the room reverberated with his cartoonish snoring.
What does Stella do?
Well, Jason listened to the messages.
It was hard to tell if it was brave or stupid of Jason to call back though the consequences for not calling back were probably worse than if just called. The Pokedex would ring out that dial tone a few times before he heard a click. "You better have a good explanation for this. Where the hell were you?"
Helga looked over to Jason while she was tending his Pokemon. She said nothing, but the way she looked at him was enough tell him one thing; do not tell Professor Kapoc what happened. It was not a threatening look, but it was stern enough. Still, he was free to tell him.
What does Jason do?
It was essentially a game of Torchic. Ace would stand its ground to send a volley of small embers at the Skiddo bowling its way to slam the fire chic. However, the impact of the attack did slow it down for some super effective damage and in some strange sense of cosmic justice, the goat was burned. It wasn't obvious at first, but there were clear burn marks all over its body and the grass-type was struggling to maintain the attack through the pain.
"Follow the Torchic! Do not let it get away!" Ordered Ramos. The Skiddo was able to turn quickly as Ace moved out of the way and smacked the Torchic for some super-effective damage! However, thanks to the burn and lowered attack stats the damage was actually miniscule and with one more searing attack the Skiddo was down for the count.
"Skiddo is unable to battle! Ace wins!" Louis shouted as he held a handkerchief up towards Tristan. There were some minor applauses from the observing crowd of resting workers.
Ramos returned the Skiddo to its ball and looked down at it with a smile. "You worked so hard. You've earned a rest." He looked up at Tristan and said, "Not bad, sprout, but the battle has only just begun. Come on out, Lombre!" With great vigor Ramos tossed a Pokeball into the air and with a flash of white light came out a bipedal green thing with a red beak and a lily pad as some sort of hat.

#271 Lombre, the Jolly Pokemon. It lives at the water's edge where it is sunny. It sleeps on a bed of water grass by day and becomes active at night.
"Lombre use Fake Out!" It was strange. The Pokemon just stood there absentmindedly, and the next thing Tristan and Ace knew it vanished from their sight. It reappeared inches away from Ace and then it just clapped it hands together right in the Torchic's face, causing it to immediately flinch. This was followed by a small shockwave that pushed the skittish bird back for minor damage.
Not wasting time, Ramos quickly followed up. "Now follow that up with Water Gun!"
"Lombre!" It shouted before a stream of water jettisoned straight towards Ace.
What does Tristan do?
@Sanguine Rose
Rosa took the Pokedex and help it up close to her face to get a good view before she started to giggle. It was not the pretty, charming kind giggle where it sounded like there were flowers and sparkles. It was not a 'hehe~.' No, this came from the throat like it was some crusty middle-aged man that saw something funny on the internet. It was a 'HEHEHEHEHEHE.'
"Oh we're definitely friends now. God, I wish I was there to see that." She handed the Pokedex back to Faye and listened to what she had to say up until completion. "Heh, you aren't wrong about that. You're pretty crazy for even doing that." Rosa smiled not in a mocking or mean-spirited way, but in a spunky teasing manner. "Traveling with Tristan though? My condolences, but hey, I guess I could pick worse company. You're fun and Tristan is..." For a moment she stood there thinking of something positive to say about the prat. At least he's hot? Rosa said with a shrug with her hands he slightly out front as if to lazily hold the idea out.
There was a silence that hung in the air for a moment as the young rancher stood there, kicking about some dust and old bits of wood. "Maybe you're right though. You know, I really have no idea what I'm doing. I don't mean about being a trainer. I mean in general." Before she could continue, the two of them could hear a vehicle drive up to the old barn followed by a light honk. "Oh, dad's here."
To save time, we shall summarize everything that happened. Before they returned to the orchard, Neil, her father, patched up their Pokemon and the remaining Tinkatinks. The engine was returned to the farm where Rosa's burly Ursaring of a father helped put it back together with the help of the Tinkatinks. Photo ops were much to be had probably. After all of that was done, the duo were dropped off at beautiful Florasong, specifically at Critical Capture.
@Joshua Tamashii@Lunarlord34
Amelia the forager! It was about time that someone decided to actually look around for supplies. In a forest as magnificent as this, she was certainly not going to be left empty handed. There were plenty of berries and other goodies to be picked, especially if she had some of her ghosts help make up for her small stature.
Amelia found 6 Oran Berries!
Amelia found 4 Cheri Berries
Amelia found 3 Chest Berries
Amelia found 4 Rawst Berries
Amelia found 4 Small Mushrooms
Amelia found 1 Big Mushroom
Amelia found 4 Cheri Berries
Amelia found 3 Chest Berries
Amelia found 4 Rawst Berries
Amelia found 4 Small Mushrooms
Amelia found 1 Big Mushroom
There was something else though. She found a very pretty light green stone with a darker green in the middle shaped as a leaf. She could feel some sort of power gently pulse in it.
Amelia found a Leaf Stone!
Anyway, back to the present!
Freya frowned at Amelia's unwillingness to follow through with what she wanted to do. She was way too willing to sideline herself and frankly it was absurd. On one hand, she understood that Amelia wanted to just go with the flow and not inconvenience others around her. However, the spooky little girl should be able to do what she wanted because it was her journey. It would've been a waste for her to not make the most out of her journey.
However, there was something that Amelia really had not understood about Steph that Freya quickly picked up on from their short time together in Grand Glory. She stared down at Amelia silently before taking a deep breath and turned her focus to Steph. "Hey Steph, want to go deeper into the forest that I'm sure will probably be a death trap?" In most cases that would've been a warning. This was an invitation.
Said slightly crispy fellow groaned in response to being nudged by Stella. He would probably be fine.
Luckily, the grave had yet to have been disturbed. Stella would place the flowers upon a gravestone while lovingly maintained was beginning to show its age. The wonderful carvings in the stone were now beginning to erode though she could still make out the epitaph, '"Remember me, but forget my fate." Ellanore Osman. 1872-1899. Loving wife and mother.'
It had not taken long for Stella to find the dramatic Gastly as it came bouncing in the air towards her with quite the satisfied expression. "Gas!" It chimed happily. It floated there as it listened to her proposal, and it looked contemplative. "Gassss."It said as if was unsure on whether or not it wanted to leave its home. After all, leaving was a big deal. How could it leave its friends and family behind? Quite easily actually! "Gas Gas!" It eagerly bounced around in the air.
Now that she acquired a new member for her team, Stella went to the cottage and knocked and called out to be let in with no response. However, if she tried to let herself in, she would find that the door was not locked. Once inside, she would see that it was a sparsely furnished room with only some chairs, a fridge, and an unused fireplace. Sitting by the desk, if anyone could call it sitting, was a thin man in his late thirties, early forties with shoulder length messy blonde hair and a scruffy beard. He wore a white turtleneck with an orange stripe running horizontally across it, very dark gray, baggy pants that covered most of his black boots, and the cherry on top was the greasiest, smear covered looking army green trench coat.
He showed no reaction to the surprise visitor, well, for obvious reasons. His eyes were shut, and the room reverberated with his cartoonish snoring.
What does Stella do?