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Hidden 12 mos ago Post by Cleveraptor
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Cleveraptor On My Way to Finding My Way

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

((All credit to Forsythe for this banger of an opening.))

The night air was warm, tinged with the scent of brine. The twin moons and the stars above the island of Avsa Nui shone brightly in the sky. The village of Ora-Koro was silent, save for the occasional night watchman making their rounds in the village, as well as the sentinels posted at the walls of the village as lookouts.

The calm before the storm, as the village elder Turaga Watiri knew even before she looked in the distance over the mountains, where dark clouds were gathering. She was focused inwards, albeit her eyes were open, and they seemed to be transfixed on the darker blot in the sky far away. Watiri was concentrating on using her Kanohi mask. The Noble Mask of Clairvoyance granted glimpses into the future, but they were often garbled and jumbled, leaving it up to her to interpret them. But for the first time since Watiri had been a Toa, the vision she was receiving was clear. Well, as clear as the noble mask would ever offer.

The world around her faded, and she was filled with a sense of danger and dread. She saw an island from far away, a far larger storm raging over it. In the silver sea around the island, the lights of many boats could be seen. And from the boats, armies seemed to be disembarking and marching towards a settlement. And out came Toa to meet them, fighting for the Matoran inside. For a few moments, she thought she was lost in her own memory, rather than receiving a vision form her mask. But on the second look, the island in the vision was definitely Avsa Nui.

The vision then shifted before she could glimpse any more details. She did not know whether it took her further into the future, or to one that was nearer, but she saw a clearing in a forest, with a small hut made out of branches and leaves. Out on the clearing stood several figures - Four Toa with their backs turned towards her, and a Turaga instructing them on something she could not hear. What seemed strange was that despite certainly being the turaga of Air, it was most certainly not Nongu. And yet, she realized she has seen the color scheme of the Toa around Ora-Koro before.

The vision shifted one final time, and it shown her three matoran obtaining what was most certainly Toa Stones from perilous places that she could only guess were hidden somewhere in the unexplored wilderness of Avsa Nui.

The village faded back into her vision, just as first lightning struck the mountaintops in the distance. Watiri took a few moments to consider what she had seen. The first vision left nothing to interpretation: Dark times were once again coming to her home, but this time, they would fight back, rather than flee. It made sense: There was nowhere else they had left to run.

She hoped the second vision was their salvation. Four Toa, apparently arisen from some of their Matoran, would be present to face the perils that awaited them all. She could not make sense of the unknown Turaga in the vision though. Perhaps the Toa may have to leave on a quest to other lands, before they were ready to face their destiny?

The third vision was the most clear, and dare she say most important. It shown the Matoran obtaining their Toa Stones. With this knowledge, they could find the destined Matoran, and give them at least a faint location where to look for the next chapter in their lives. Some of them she recognized immediately, some by face even if the name did not immediately came to her.

She returned to her hut, and picked up a tablet and a chisel, writing down in stone the visions that she has seen, before they faded form memory. As she finished writing though, she noticed one thing that raised a question. "I saw three Matoran... but weren't there four Toa?"

Despite the fact that his living quarters were underground, Pakaru always knew when morning had come. The thumping footsteps from his upstairs neighbor always came when the suns rose. For such a small Matoran, Kroque sure made a lot of noise. Pakaru felt something warm and soft curled up into the small of his back. Teina always found a comfortable spot close to Pakaru, and even if he sometimes pushed Pakaru to the edge of the bed, the fox Rahi was always welcome.

He sat up and stretched, and the movement caught Teina's attention. The fox was a light sleeper, and always seemed to sense when Pakaru was on the move. The Rahi stretched as well, the light from the one small window catching Teina's copper-and-white fur and armor. Pakaru smiled and scratched the fluffy fox behind the ears before getting up, his companion following him like a shadow. His living quarters were relatively small. But Pakaru didn't need much space, luckily. He only needed enough room for a bed, a table, and a shelf for his scrolls and tablets.

Pakaru grabbed his protowood staff from the spot near his desk and used it to knock on the ceiling. He heard Kroque chuckle before rapping her knuckles against the floor. It was a simple morning ritual, one they never missed. But it helped start the day off right.
Hidden 12 mos ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Fiera’s eyes were fluttering as she stood night guard. Having a color scheme so dark one might be excused for calling her a Kra-matoran, she was often assigned to the night shift. Something her body unfortunately did not agree on. Most awake matoran belonged in the light! She had her blade before her, tip planted against the ground and resting her hands and chin on the handle as she struggled to maintain her vigil, glaring at the treeline beyond the wall, as if daring something to come out and try its best. The matoran of Avsa Nui were hardened survivors, not the creatures used to comfort like their cousins from Metru Nui.

Sweet relief came in the form of the rising sun and the day guard arriving to take their shift. Fiera was lookong forward to the upcoming break in her shifts and recovering her sleep cycle. All I have to do is to get home… Which is across the entire Koro. Great. Maybe I can just crash under a tree somewhere. She thought as she started her long trek home. In her half-asleep daze, she turned the corner and stumbled into someone just leaving their home, failing to keep her balance as she flailed around and ended up on the floor. ”Oof. Sorry. Are you allright?” she asked as she sat up and adjusted her skewed mask, wondering what poor sod she just bulldozed.
Hidden 12 mos ago Post by Cleveraptor
Avatar of Cleveraptor

Cleveraptor On My Way to Finding My Way

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Pakaru climbed the ladder upstairs, carrying his fluffy companion with one arm. Kroque had settled into a chair. She smiled as Teina jumped out of Pakaru's arm and came over to greet her. "Mornin'," Pakaru mumbled. He was never happy when morning came around.

"You should cheer up," Kroque said. "It's a beautiful day, you have your best friend, what else could you ask for?"

"The suns not shining in my eyes," Pakaru grumbled.

"You had that visor built into your mask for a reason."

There was a knock at the door, and the two Matoran glanced at each other. A visitor this early in the morning? Pakaru opened up the door, greeted by the sight of a Le-Matoran named Makani. She was a nervous and excitable individual, always fidgeting when she had to stay in one place. Her work as a messenger had been chosen exactly for those reasons.

"Oh good! The Turaga have called for an emergency meeting!" said Makani. She sounded slightly winded. "Everyone needs to meet in the Great Hall."

"An emergency meeting?" Kroque said. Before she could ask anything else, Makani had taken off to the next house. She stood up. "And before breakfast, too."

"Well, it's an emergency meeting for a reason." Pakaru gave a quiet whistle to Teina, who followed at his heels. As he stepped outside, someone bumped into him. Being as large and solidly built as he was, the other Matoran fell backwards, while Pakaru was unaffected. Looking down, Pakaru could see that it was a Ta-Matoran. "You okay?"
Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Forsythe
Avatar of Forsythe

Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Shortly before sunrise...

Turaga Watiri was pacing the turaga's shared office impatiently. She has called for the other elders to be woken up and assembled, wishing to tell them while the vision was fresh in her memory. The more she kept thinking of her vision, the more worried she become. The promise of new Toa was great, but that inherently came with the promise of a peril that would need to be challenged, even if the vision did not show her, as was the case. No, the vision was quite clear. Avsa Nui was on borrowed time before it faced an invasion. Ora-Koro needed to be prepared, and the four Toa promised to them found.

As soon as the other elders came in, Watiri shared her vision, as well as a copy of the record she made on the tabled for each of them. "With that in mind, brothers, I would like to call for a meeting immediately. We need to see that our destined Matoran are prepared. I am reasonably confident two are members of the guild and one is a member of the guard, although the identity of the fourth one eludes me. Deep All I can remember are deep blue and metal color scheme, although I could not tell you whether the metal is silver or gold. Does that sound like any of the Matoran you may know? And if not, what do we do? Do we wait, or just assign a matoran who we think would make for a good toa and hope to Mata Nui we made the right choice?"

The town...

As her vision cleared once she fixed her mask, Fiera looked up at the other matoran. Given her stature, it was impressive that he remained standing. Judging by the colors, he was a member of either the stone or earth tribes, which likely contributed to his sturdiness. "...I-I am fine." she stammered as she flipped on her feet with a grunt of effort, collecting her blade and launcher. "I heard something about an emergency meeting? Shadows blast it, the Turaga will not let me rest." she moaned, but looked in the direction of the center of the village. "Shall we? Oh, I'm Fiera. Pleased to meet you and apologies for running into you."

The observatory...

Atziri was about ready to go to sleep after a fruitful night. The skies were clear for most of the night before the storms started gathering, so she managed to record a decent amount of data on the position of the stars before the sky turned foul. Afterwards, she spent the rest of the night recording her findings, hoping to rest briefly during the day and to go over her findings before evening. Alas, rest was not to be had, as she heard someone gasping for breath approach before hammering on the door of her hut.

Quietly cursing, she walked down form the observatory floor "Comiiiing, what is it? Is there a fire?" she called before she even opened the door, only to see a Le-Matoran messenger trying to catch her breath. "There is- Going to be- an emergency- Meeting. Woman do you- have to live- so high up on the hill?" Makani asked, finally having reached eveyone. Now she jsut had to make her way back to the town square, which was mercifully down hill.

"Well, having an observatory underground would defeat the purpose, wouldn't it?" Atziri rolled her eyes, before grabbing a bag, shoving her recordings in and following the Le-Matoran out.
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