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Hidden 6 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Damien looked over her shoulder and said “I think I landed in a city park…it wasn’t where I found Batman. It was by an ocean…I remember seeing new reports of an archer guy in green…I remember thinking why did Hawkeye change his uniform before I passed out.”

Robin walked over to Superman and said “really? His going to be okay? What about Wolf?”

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Riza was finding it hard to stop herself from laughing considering how funny his comment was about Hawkeye changing his uniform. She soon gave up and went into a laughing fit imagining Hawkeye in green. It was such a funny image it was starting to make her sides hurt it was so funny. She soon started to calm down from laughing and was taking deep breaths. "Sorry....sorry! That was a....funny image!"

She then continues look, continuing to triangulate where Damien ended up.

"They will be alright Robin. We will all help keep our eyes on them and make sure they are alright." Superman says as he places a hand on his shoulder. "In the mean time we still need to recover and train."

Hidden 6 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Damien chuckled and said “I’m glad I wasn’t the only one to find that funny. So does that help?” He looked at the map and said “what powers did Ser…I mean Wolf get? I’m sure her Xgene has come out now…”

Robin sighed and nodded, rubbing his eyes. “You’re right…sorry. I just…they are family you know?”

Wolf stirred in her sleep and opened her eyes, looking around and muttered “what…is going on…”
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Riza a slight complex look, wondering if she had answered this question before. She shrugged and answered anyway. "Command over Shadows and bone claws. Rare to have many." She states. While triangulating the information she finds what she sees as Starling City. "This must be the city you are at. Maybe I can find out more from Green Arrow. JARVIS, get ahold of Green Arrow for me."

"Certainly." He says while dialing up and link to the Archer.

"I understand that. But we must make sure that we keep up our skills and helping others." Superman states.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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There was a pause then panting as Arrow said “Maiden? What’s up kiddo? How are bats and wolf doing? Crap” she heard a crash and then he said “sorry, what can i do for ya?”

Robin nodded and looked at the others “well we better get moving then. On the double”
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Riza tilted her head for what she heard. "They are doing alright. But, Green arrow? Is everything okay? Do you need assistance?" She asks. Wondering if there was a way she could help.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Arrow started to say “no kiddo I’m good just dealing with small problem with…” then there was another blasting sound and he yelled in pain. Damien said “his in trouble. Can you track where his location is?”

Wolf was trying to get out of the bed, her arms shaking.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Riza straightened her back at this and made toward the hanger. "No need. JARVIS can track the link while I get suited up. I need to get myself back in the game." She explains as she goes from a fast walk to a jog. She might as well test her bipedal limitations.

The group nods as they all get up and go their separate ways. Conner looks in the direction of where he heard jogging. He goes up to Robin. "I think Riza is making her way to the hanger."
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Damien appeared next to her and said “shouldn’t we get the others? You shouldn’t go alone”

Robin was working in the common area on his tablet. He looked up and sighed “we better follow her. Wolf will kill us if she goes off alone”

Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Jazz
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"Figured I'd scout the situation. Call them when we find out what's going on." Riza says. "Not only that but I need to just need to stretch my limbs, my limitations." She adds.

Conner nods as he turns and heads to the hanger with his wolf in toe. He figured they were just going to miss her when she leaves.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Robin sighed and ran to see her go thru the portal. He said “where did that portal go…”

Green arrow was being blasted into a wall by a guy with a bald head and sound waves hitting him. Count Vertigo. Arrow was trying to stand up but was having hard time getting back up, bleeding and vertigo hitting him like a train
Hidden 6 mos ago 6 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Riza got into her suit and made her way to a zeta tube with the coordinates for Green Arrows position. Upon her arrival into a old phone booth, she shimmied out to hear the commotion. And quietly as she could, Iron Maiden witnessed the situation before her.

'Oh crap. Maybe I can help out. Create a frequency to counter-act the Soundwaves he is making and beat him at his own game. Gonna have to get hit though to get a taste of the sound he is making. Mute sound and take the hit while getting it recorded. I can do that.' With that she decided to at least get the first hit in and shot a blaster bolt at his knees.

Before coming into view, she muted her sound and started recording when he used the soundwaves based on the vibrations. She ran at the man with a holo shield prepped for the attack.

Conner looked at the coordinates last put in and activates it. Ready when Robin was on going through.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Robin nodded and ran thru with Connor, hoping it wasn’t a bad idea. They landed a block from the fight and Robin saw Green Arrow in a bad situation. He said “crap his fighting the count…Artemis said this guy is a nut and wants Green arrow dead…why didn’t he call back up?”

The count growled at the attack and looked at the Iron Maiden. “This is between him and me, girl. Get out of my way!” Green arrow was trying to load a bolt into his bow, his vision bad thanks to the vertigo running thru him.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Maiden gets in between the Count and Green Arrow. The sound maybe muted but she could ready lips as well as JARVIS. "Sorry buddy. Kinda need him alive. And you need some professional help." She replied,knowing it was going to rile him up. She wanted it. She braced for it. Iron Maiden shot at him with a pulse weapon to give them some distance.

Conner watched the exchange, more on Riza. "Let's get Green Arrow to safety. Afterwards we see how Riza is doing." Conner purposed. He had to admit that while she was trying to rile him up, she had to have a plan in play. It was more on if she needed help or not.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Robin nodded and said “but how? We can’t get hit by that sound or we will end up in the same state as Green arrow…”

Arrow was barely standing and aimed the arrow but vertigo grinned at them both. “You want more? Fine then” he hit them both with full power and Green arrow cursed and held his ears, his vision swimming now as he fired the arrow at the count but barely missed his head.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Jazz
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At the last second, Riza brought her arm and braced as she threw up the holoshield as the count attacked. She was managing to hold as the suit recorded the soundwaves. "Just...a little more...." She saw the arrow whiz by and barely miss the Count. She had to get Green Arrow out of here. But that was the tricky part. "Green Arrow, I have an idea. You think you can hold out for me?" She asks him. Her download almost complete.

Once done, JARVIS was making a Soundwave to counter the Count's own.

Conner looked around for any ideas. He then heard about Riza having an idea. Which meant needing a good distraction. "Riza might need help. She has an idea to get back at the Count." He tells Robin.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Green arrow was panting and his nose was starting to bleed but he nodded. “I can…for you kiddo…you hit h8m and I’ll pin him to the wall…”

Robin nodded and pulled out some smoke bombs and a flash bang. “Dark or light?”
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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Conner scanned the situation further. "Flashbang. Green arrows going to pin him after Riza acts out her plan."

Maiden gives a nod. "How's it coming along JARVIS, we don't have much time."

"Two minutes." JARVIS replies as he displays a timer.

"Two minutes." Iron Maiden repeats. "Man, this guy is persistent!" She says out loud. "What's your beef with Green Arrow anyway?" She asks, ready for what may come her way.

"Two minutes is all she needs." Conner tells Robin. He was ready to charge in himself.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Robin pulled the flash bangs out ready and said “on your count. Ready to go”

The count glared at her and said “he ruined everything…that’s all that matters…” Arrow said laughing “I stopped letting him take over his home land by saving his niece from him killing her…”

Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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Maiden tilted her head though no one could see her eye twitch. "Really. What is with power grubbing royals. Gosh. I think I just lost some brain cells!" She announces in annoyance. She then looks to the timer. "Wow. That was quick." She straightens her head. "Nice chat by the way but my arms are getting tired and hopefully is your brain."

With that Iron Maiden lowers her shield and begins to transmit the sound toward the Count.
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