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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 38 min ago

Seto noticed the van and wasn't all too surprised. If he was pale, he didn't notice it. He just knew that he was tired and happy to see his brother. When Mokuba opened the door, all he could do was kneel down and hug his brother. "I'm just glad you're safe." He let's go of his brother as he smiled down at him. "I'm just tired Mokuba. Everything will be alright." He stands up before heading further inside. He was ready to go to bed and headed upstairs.

Joey trudged along heading upstairs. He almost tripped a couple times but with the help of Tristen, got upstairs fine.

Yami took his time getting inside, looking around as everyone headed upstairs and into the main room. He goes upstairs carefully, heading toward Serena's room. When he gets there, and with some finangling, opened the door. As carefully as he can, places Serena on her bed and adjusts her as needed before covering her up while retrieving both his and Odion's jackets.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 19 min ago

Mokuba looked worried and looked at Duke who smiled. “Don’t worry, I’ll stick with him. We were in on a shadow duel and I think it taxed them a bit. But I didn’t duel so I can keep an eye on your brother” mokuba smiled and said “thanks Duke…I’ve never seen him like that…”

Odion helped Marik inside and looked to the sister. “Something is wrong. They all seem…more drained then they should be” ishizu nodded and said “agreed. It hit Yugi hard because he lost monsters inside. But the others must be having a harder time now that the battle is over.”

Tristen laid Yugi on a couch and stood up, looking for a blanket for him.

In the bedroom it had a huge window and a small desk area with Duel monster cards and small devices and tools. On the wall was a poster with her on it, the title Queen of Games on it. Seemed like Adam hung it to remind her what she could really do when she put her mind to it. On the side table by the bed was a photo in a frame with a family portrait. Serena was there with Aaron, who did look like Mahad. Just lighter skin and hair. Then an older man who was the Professor with glasses and a smile on his face. Then with her arms around the kids was a woman who looked like an older version of Serena but with black hair like Ishizu. She had the same eyes as Serena and looked so happy.

When Yami covered her with the blankets Serena stirred again, her eyes fighting to open, seeming trying to wake up.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 38 min ago

Seto plopped on one of the other couches. Undoing his boots, he lays down then and is out before anyone could talk to him. He was so exhausted from the Shadow Realm duel and wrestling Drake's evil half that he had no energy left.

Marik had to admit that they are seemed more exhausted than usual. "It has been awhile since they had to deal the Shadow Realm?" He wonders.

Yami had looked around the room, examining what was there. He was surprised by the picture that was there. Seeing that Aaron did indeed look like Mahad. His thoughts interrupted by the stirs of Serena, he placed a hand on her forehead. "It's alright now Serena...rest now." He murmurs.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 19 min ago

Duke sighed and said “he knew what he needed” mokuba ran over and pulled a blanket over him bd said “his going to be okay?” Duke nodded and said “ya kiddo just needs to rest and he will be alright”

Tristen walked over and said “not really. We have been dealing with it for days now…I wonder what was different about that portal…”

Serena opened her eyes and saw again above her and she tried to move. “Yami…what…where is Drake…” she flinched as she tried to touch her chest at the injury. She gasped and said “what…happened…”

Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 38 min ago

Joey had plopped on one of the chairs and had been feeling the aching in his body while feeling his body wanting sleep but he was fighting it. "Differen' That's for sure!...I can tell you that we all are achin' and tired...."

Yami frowned but sighed and sat on the middle edge of the bed. "He's fine. He had an evil spirit that was essentially his darker half possessing him. The wand he had that he tried to use on me and which you took the hit, had his soul within and with the help of Seto and Ishizu, put it back as we removed the spirit. He's in the hospital."
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 19 min ago

Tristen sat down and said “you think calling those gods did something too?” Duke nodded and said “could be. But what was that wolf thing that came out of Serena’s shadow?” Odion looked around and said “with the riders out for now…it seems the battle lines are being drawn…”

Serena looked at him then tried to sit up again, shaking as she did. “I knew something wasn’t right…none of this seemed like him…” she started to remember what happened and said “he came out of that red mist…behind you…I just reacted…I had to protect you…my prince…I had to…” she looked at Yami and Yami now saw the eyes of not just Serena but Zahra as well. “I can’t let you be hurt when I am right there…”
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 38 min ago

Joey shrugged. "I don't know. I do know it was kinda cool. Definitely glad it's on our side."

Marik nodded. "So it would seem."

Yami gently stopped her from getting up, placing a hand on her shoulder. "And I can't bare to see you being reckless. You need rest like the rest of us, Zahra...please." as if pleading with her. He noticed the look in her eyes. His heart ached.

Hidden 5 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 19 min ago

There was a sound of a door and a tired voice said “that is the Bane. The gatekeeper of the afterlife. The king of shadows. His been saving our necks since Yami opening the lock on his gate. That key was what the Brotherhood wanted at the museum…but it was waiting in the shadow realm for us to find…”

Adam appeared at the bottom of his stairs to his office, looking like walking death. Tristen looked over and said “Adam? You alright man?” Adam shook his head and walked over. “Drake is in a medically induced coma now…when he heard what he missed and what he had caused he had gone into a full panic attack…well…his morning good shape…” he leaned on the wall and held his face. “My brother…in worse shape…and they did this to him…” tears ran down his face.

Serena looked at him and then moved her hand on his cheek and said “I’m not going anywhere Yami…I promise…Apep and no other will take your shadow from you…” she smiled softly at him and then they both saw a memory.

It was a clear night at the palace, Atem standing at the balcony looking over the kingdom. Steps were behind him and Zahra appeared at his side. “Good evening my pharaoh…it’s all clear and secure…and I’ve checked in with everyone. All is well” she turned and smiled at him. Then she looked around to make sure they were alone and she moved and took his hand. “And we are alone…for a moment…and might I say…you were amazing today…as always…my darling prince”
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 38 min ago

Atem looked to his shadow upon her holding his hand. He brought it up to his lips and planted a small kiss on the back of her hand. "You flatter me my dear shadow." A smile on his face and he lowered her their intertwined hands onto the railing.

Joey looked from Adam to Tristen and felt Adam's pain. They all especially know what it's like. Joey couldn't bring himself to say anything. Marik placed his hands in his pockets, unsure what to say as well. His darker half especially had done harm to those he cared about. Malik put so many in a coma that Marik saw it all.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 19 min ago

Zahra smiled at him and moved closer to him, moving her free hand to his chest. “You seemed very cross before when I took that arrow for you…before you saw I was unharmed…I wouldn’t be harmed if I can help it…” she paused and then moved his face so their eyes met. “But…I would die for you…and then find you in my next life…as I swore when we first made our promise…know that my darling…I do this because I have loved you since you took my hand as a small child…”

Ishiuz moved to Adam and rested a hand on his shoulder. “I know the pain you’re in. My own brother was taken by such darkness. But know he will recover…it will be alright as long as you don’t give up on him…and have faith…” Adam looked up at them all and then said “I’m sorry…for all of the pain you guys have had to go thru…I feel like this is partly my fault for not stopping him…” he shook as he stood there, tears free falling now.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 38 min ago

Atem sighed, knowing he need not the reminder of what happened. And the trial that followed after. When he was made to look at her, he looked upon her. His free hand reached to caress her cheek. "As I would search for you. No mater how far apart we may be. As I have vowed."

Marik smiled sadly, seeing how much he meant it. He walked up Adam and gave the man a hug. One of comfort and understanding. "It is alright. It just means you are not alone on this. You did all you could and tried help him."
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 19 min ago

Zahra smiled and moved closer to him and tilted her head just enough so she could kiss his lips softly, always being the one to start things. They kissed for a few moments then she pulled back. “My pharaoh…for all time…” she moved to pull her pendent from her robes and a small gold heart charm on the same chain. “I shall guard your heart as long as my soul has this fire to burn…”

Adam froze when he hugged him then he crumpled in his arms, his head falling to his shoulder and crying silently. Odion moved to help, seeing how weak Adam’s legs were looking.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 38 min ago

The pharaoh's eyes slowly closed as he moved in to kiss Zahra. His hand in hers tightened in comfort. When she pulled away, he stood there a moment before opening his eyes. Watching Zarha pull the pendant up with the gold charm that was with it. "My heart has always been yours. Now and for all time." His hand moved from her cheek to her waist and pulled her close. Leaning in for another kiss before he would lose his chance.

Marik slowly lowered them to the floor as Adam crumpled, no more strength left within the young man. He continued to hug Adam for as long as Adam wished. He looked to Odion and shook his head. Wanting to let Adam have his moment to let it all out.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 19 min ago

Zahra smiled and came in to kiss him again, knowing their time was short thanks to the guard change soon. She moved her hands to his chest. Then the memory faded.

Serena blinked hard, the memory flash making her more light headed then she already had been and looked at Yami. “You…saw that right? Us? Back then…the gold heart…the…” she was blushing bright red now.

Odion nodded and moved to be close in case Adam couldn’t move. Adam took a few minutes then gasped and moved back, rubbing her face. “I’m sorry…I normally…don’t lose it like this…” Tristen smiled and said “it’s been a long day man…don’t be too hard on yourself” Odion moved to Mariks side and said “let’s move him to the chair…he’s pale…”
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 38 min ago

Yami blinked a few times, recalling the memory they both remembered. He nodding though looked to the floor when she tried to point out about the kiss that was shared. His cheeks turning red as he too blushed. He nodded. "I...did..."

Marik waited till Adam was ready before helping Odion with Adam and getting him into a chair. He noticed how pale Adam was. "Do you have any tea by change. Maybe it'll help calm you."
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 19 min ago

Serena looked at him then in her light headed state she moved to him and tilted his face to hers. She said “seems…I was always was the one to make…the first move…” then she moved and gently kissed his lips, closing her eyes as she did.

Adam nodded softly and said “kitchen…above the stove…black box…Serena loves tea…I have a bunch of…kinds” Odion nodded and said “go ahead I have him.” Duke got up and said “I’ll help” he led Marik to the kitchen.

Ishizu looked to the others still awake and said “well, I think it was a successful night…we have learned a great deal. And finally found our foes weapon” she laid the broken and whole wands on the coffee table and Tristen looked at them. “Is this linked to the past at all? I mean they look like something from back then but…”
Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 38 min ago

Yami noticed the movement of blankets as he looked up to see it being Serena who got closer to his surprise, he found it in a sense comforting. When she closed the gap for the kiss, Yami relaxed. Like all his worries had been melted away as he closed his eyes. After a few moments Yami pulled away, feeling a little light-headed from the experience. He blinked a few times as he smiled softly. "And always catch me by surprise." He brings a hand to caress her cheek and pulled her in for another kiss. It was hard not to go for another kiss. Especially when they had reunited after so long.

Marik nodded to Odion and Duke before going into the kitchen to raid the tea that was within. Marik found the kettle on the stove, grabbed it and filled it up before setting it back on the stove and starting it up. He leans against the counter and and sighs. As much as he was use to the bad memories that happened every now and then. He wasn't quite ready for them to rear their ugly heads.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 19 min ago

Serena smiled at him when he pulled back and then his words caught her by surprise. He was remembering her? More than just the memory. She knew wha she felt. That loneliness all her life, that empty feeling that she couldn’t fill. It was him. It was her soul longing her his. Then he pulled her back in for another kiss and she kissed him back, moving her hands to his chest and to the side of his neck. Her prince. The little prince who had defended her, especially after all the hardships they both went thru as children. Then when he was crowned king and she his shadow, she felt she could never tell him her true feelings. But he knew. He always knew.

Duke walked in and found the box of tea and started looking though it. “Why am I not surprised it’s loose tea. Figures with her growing up in Europe…” he looked at Marik and said “you alright? I take it this is bringing up a lot of bad memories? You know that no one blames you right? I don’t think this group can ever blame someone…they always look for the good in people”

Adam held his head as Odion supported him. He looked over at Joey and asked “how are you feeling Joseph?”
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 38 min ago

Yami felt nothing but bliss in this moment. Something he hadn't felt in a long time. He hadn't felt this whole when when he gained his body. Moving his hands to hers and resting them there, he eventually pulled away. A soft sigh escaped his lips and smiled. "Serena," resting his forehead upon hers. "We need to rest. Even I am feeling fatigue." Though he felt this sudden renewed energy, his body wasn't feeling it and was ready to shut down on him.

Marik shook his head. "I know they have forgiven me. I have accepted it and still work to atone. But it still hurts every now and then." Marik explained.

Joey was dozing in and out. When he was called by his given name he suddenly came out of his dozing for the time being. "Huh?...wha? Oh. Tired. Going ta sleep, nigh'. He curls into the chair and falls asleep right then and there.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 19 min ago

Serena smiled softly and nodded; her own body close to giving in as well. “Please…stay with me…I don’t want you to be alone…we finally found each other…after all these centuries…I can’t bare to be apart from you…” she held onto his shirt, tears running down her cheeks. Happy tears.

Duke nodded and said “it’s funny…Pegasus said the same thing too…same with the riders…it’s like a wound that heals mostly then scabs and stings randomly. Evil has to leave its mark…no matter who they control and hurt…” Duke looked at Marik and said “Drake will be feeling it too and he didn’t even do anything really. He was defending a friend and got hit in the process…”

Odion chuckled softly, having a feeling he was going to do that. “You are my favorite in this small family Joseph…ever since you saved your friend and broke the rods hold on you…you always amaze me…” Tristen had gotten up to put blankets on the others, Mokuba curled up against Seto asleep now. Tristen sighed and said “we better keep a watch tonight…just to be safe…” odion noddwd as Adam muttered “I can…set the…security on…high…”
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