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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Click This
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Click This Part-time Kaiserin

Member Seen 2 days ago

Éliane beamed at the shinobi’s response, which was the opposite of the one she’d given to Robin. “Straightforward but polite is my thing,” she agreed. Of course, she was blunt and rude when such things weren’t reciprocated –A certain Edrenian noble came to mind—but that was hardly a thing that she would mention in a conversation like this. She gave a bob of her head. “Chisa, then,” she replied. The particular subtleties of shinobi culture flew well over her head, but the Skaelan officer wasn’t so clueless to not notice the subtext behind her happiness, even if she didn’t fully understand it. Not wanting to reveal names in an occupied city was easy enough to understand, at least.

Appreciating the space that Esben made for her, she shrugged at his response. “I’m sure you’ll get another chance later,” she batted back.

A pause. “If there is coffee, I will be around.”

As it turned out, there was coffee, although what was available in this Valheimian-occupied place was a pale shadow of the quality she had when in Galahad’s city. It was predictable, but she was disappointed nonetheless.

Coffee woes aside, the rest of the stay in the village was uneventful, as was the trip to the occupied capital of Osprey as well. Éliane had been half expecting to be accosted by a Valheimian patrol, or even set upon by a small force at this point, but they journey went from seeing the peaks of the black towers of Kugane to seeing the walls of the city rise into view before directly approaching the gate unmolested.

It would appear the shinobi was telling the truth—and from the subsequent smooth entry, most of the party’s suspicions and the last of Éliane’s relatively low apprehension evaporated. Éliane remained privately impressed at the shinobi’s spycraft. It almost matched up to the skill of the SEEDs…

They were ushered into a modest building soon after that, to meet Izayoi’s apparent old friend. Ciradyl was a stunningly pretty lady, and before she did anything, she turned her gaze to the new redheaded addition to their party. Éliane had only known Miina for a short time, but she had already become intimately familiar with the Mystrel’s preferences, if she had to go by the way she always stammered and with her gaze always locking right onto her and Izayoi’s chests…

Sadly, the girl had been forewarned, so there was little entertainment to be had, but it was probably for the better.

Unlike Miina and some of the other members of the party, as the Skaelan representative, she was once again obligated to make an introduction. This time, she mirrored Galahad in greeting first, before introducing herself in her full manner as usual. “Éliane Laruelle, of the Household Guards of Skael. Officially, I’m here to behalf of Skael to put an end to the Blight, but it seems that cause is becoming more intertwined with the fight for Osprey the more we investigate.”

Her eyes, nonetheless were drawn towards the tea that had been poured for them, and the pleasant aroma that it emitted. Oh, it was no coffee, but Éliane could still recognize quality caffeine when she saw it. Bergamot was still a fine choice…
Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Psyker Landshark
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Psyker Landshark return to monke

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Ranbu no Izayoi

"Urk." Izayoi exhaled reflexively as Ciradyl seemed intent on crushing her midsection. One hand raised up to awkwardly pat the Faye on the back before she saw fit to release her. When Izayoi was finally free to breathe again, she waited for introductions to conclude before nodding to Ciradyl.

"I owe you the courtesy of an explanation, at least." She very much didn't care to repeat her story once again in as so many days, but it would at least serve to explain to the latecomers in the group as well. "This may distress you, but I had every intention of not living through my final stand. No one was as surprised as I to discover my own survival after the fact. There was a village at the base of that mountain. The local doctor discovered me clinging to life and ensured that I did not fail in that venture."

A fortifying sip of bergamot. Gods, how she'd missed this.

"One thing led to another. Isshin and I started a family together. One girl. Suzume. She would have seen her fourth nameday within the next two moons." She let a shuddering breath loose at her next words, her eyes haunted. "Six months ago, Valheimr raided the village. Razed it and slew every inhabitant. I had been up on the mountain collecting herbs for Isshin. By the account of one Captain Reisa, they were evidently searching for me. I as good as killed them all, Ciradyl. Twice over. First by my weakness. I had abandoned the sword that whole time. The second by my absence."

Anything further Izayoi would have said was cut off as her ears twitched, footsteps coming from outside of the room. A second later, a lanky Mystel male clad in servant's garb entered, kneeling briefly before rising to set a tray of sweets and pastries down on the table. That task complete, he moved forward to bow his head before Ciradyl.

"Mistress. I bring tidings as well. The local garrison is mobilizing, and several units have already been spotted moving northward. We may have our opening to infiltrate past their defenses. Perhaps we could finally discover exactly what is going on with the Blight. Moreover..." He paused, hesitating. "Lord Hien's execution date has been announced. Tomorrow morning. The occupiers plan to hang him publically before the palace. The public is invited to watch." The last few words were punctuated with a disgusted sneer, but Izayoi shot to her feet, her eyes wide in alarm.

"Hien?! Hien of the Rijin clan?" She asked Renzo desperately, who only nodded. Izayoi turned to look between Ciradyl and Galahad. "Our mission rates greater import, but..." She sucked in a breath. This was selfish of her, but there was no choice. "I swore an oath. His father was my liege lord, before the Emperor saw fit to raise me in his esteem after the former fell in battle. I failed my lord Kaien once already. I cannot let his son die as well."

Izayoi stared at the dragoon, her expression nearly desperate. She sucked in a breath, and against all her instinct, bowed her head.

"I will go on my lonesome if I must. I am not asking you to jeopardize our mission with this distraction. Solely to grant me leave to fulfill my duty. You are in command. The order is yours."
Hidden 11 mos ago Post by HereComesTheSnow
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HereComesTheSnow dehydration expert

Member Seen 21 min ago

Rudolf Sagramore

@Psyker Landshark

"Right. Introductions."

You don't all have to ignore me! That's so mean! You could just tell me I heard wrong! I can handle having the wrong idea, you know!

"I'm Rudolf, a warrior from Sagramore Village in Edren."
he intoned clearly, sitting a little straighter as he found a break between Eliane's introductions and the next person up, forcing his fuming instinct down. This, clearly, was polite enough company to warrant that— despite the growing comfort around his fellow party members, everyone else had definitely put on their dignitary hats. "I'm on the same mission, but came in behind the main Kirin group."

It was with a somber contemplation that he took in the full breadth of Izayoi's life after the war, hiding much of his grimace behind the mug of tea and high eyebrows behind his messy bangs. Just a few hours ago, he'd already confronted a taste of the person beneath the terrifying reputation, the real, living person...

He'd vowed to work harder on breaking down that terrifying barrier, but never expected to have the entire thing laid out in full like this. He'd already been privy to the fact that she'd tried to die once before, and believed it to be the oft-discussed Samurai ideal of going out with honor rather than living as prisoner or runner-up. He'd not contended with her life afterwards. With failing to die, and finding the strength to live.

With that new life being burned down around her. Little wonder she had only the last embers left— cinders of who she had moved on from, now stoked into an inferno by the new invasive regime. Four. The kid would have been only four. His jaw tightened.

I miss Mom.

It was that, and all the guilt the world could thrust onto someone. He was barely past being a kid himself, but he knew what losing family was. What it meant to have only one thing left to keep you upright, one goal to to strengthen your back to the point where it wouldn't be crushed. She didn't know it, but allowing the visit to the smith had helped him with his.

He rose to a knee, mind racing.

"Whatever retinue they have to maintain order while taking the Lord's head is bound to be on high alert for exactly what Izayoi intends— With this Reisa having slipped from our grasp last time we encountered them, I'm pretty sure we should assume they're doing this with the knowledge that she's alive and in the area. If they considered Izayoi enough of a threat to do what they did to that village, then I'm betting this execution double-purposes as bait to lure her out, on account of their history." He rattled off, gaze flickering between the two leaders of their group. "Going alone is surely suicide, even if it's careful, even if it's you. I meant it when I said I owe a favor— Please let me barge in again. I could provide a distraction, watch your back, pincer them on the platform; however you'd play it, I'll follow your lead, but you've more options with two than one."
Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by The Otter
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The Otter

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Esben Mathiassen

@Psyker Landshark @HereComesTheSnow @Ithradine @vietmyke

Esben looked up from the short pair he had been speaking with as Izayoi sprang up, barely giving the rest a chance to process the news before requesting to go and rescue the young lord from the noose. A lord she couldn't have seen since the last war's end, from what he'd been taught about the war between Edren and Osprey. Until he'd seen her alive himself he'd only paid minor attention to the tales working their way through the populace that she'd returned—he'd have thought it more likely that someone had chosen to take up her tactics and name as a rebellious ploy, rather than fact.

A lord who was barely more than a child when the last war had ended.

"What do you honestly expect to do with him if you're successful?"

Where Rudolf had quickly pledged his aid, rattling off his own tactical appraisal of the immediate scenario—one that was, as expected, just as far beyond the average sword-swinging monster hunter as had been his insightful thoughts on occupation and sieges in the days before—Esben couldn't agree to the same so rapidly. Izayoi herself had already made mention that the wider mission bore the greater importance, and hadn't offered up any way in which such a rescue would aid their mission.

And it was Rudolf that pointed out one part of what it could cost them. More than they could really afford—while the group wasn't without skill, Izayoi was an asset they couldn't lose, both for her own skill and the fact that she was the one Ospreyan among them. "We still don't know the full situation here. How far our host's influence reaches, the overall state of any movements within the populace to subvert Valheimer control...do you plan to turn him loose? An ildsjel is a valuable resource, but one that needs to be handled carefully, and needs the network in place that they'll act within."

Without the network in place that made them useful, such a person would better serve as a martyr than a figurehead. And he had his doubts that the young man, little more than a boy, would prove the most effective figurehead at that; some level of leadership and skill were still necessary, and if he remembered his details right, Hien was young enough to be barely more than a child. Much of their number was the same, but the present company was exceptional for all that some of their number had accomplished despite their age, and counting on encountering more such was optimistic to the point of being foolhardy.

"Ciradyl." His head turned sharply following his eyes, landing on their host where she sat. No self-identification given; if asked he'd give his name, but his own interjection had already ruined the opportunity to give himself a proper introduction. "You and yours are the only ones here that can answer some of those questions, and more besides. What are the patrols through the city normally like, and how dense? How firm of a grip do they maintain and have they been tightening down on the citizens or loosening up? What percentage of the garrison has already left the city?" His eyes glanced back at Izayoi for a moment, as intent to gauge her reaction to his words as he was to note that of the rest, before his head turned again, this time to Galahad.

"Barring, perhaps, those of us who arrived so much later than the initial part of this team—none of us are as expendable, nor expendable in the same way when we are, as the common soldiery. We need more information, and some semblance of a plan, before we can consider risking our limited resources on this."
Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Izurich
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Izurich 7/8 Weeb

Member Seen 5 mos ago

--Osprey - Kugane--

Eve was content just being a passive - yet keen - observer of the party's proceedings with their host. Right now, she was perfectly in her element; out of sight, out of mind, her preferred position to be in whether in or out of combat. However, now that she was travelling with a certain someone who was specifically trained to notice the unnoticed and reveal the hidden, maintaining said preference would be substantially harder than before.

As if to prove that sentiment, the Pseudolon found that certain someone suddenly occupying the spot between Robin and herself. The SEED Agent didn't seem to approve Robin's change of demeanor, encouraging her to relight her sparkling spunk, but in doing so, he somehow found it apt to involve Eve as well. "...?" The hooded black mage barely turned her head, but she just managed to descry Esben's gesture. Still, what did he mean by that? She could see Robin emulating her to be less ostentatiously flamboyant to be useful, but the other way around? Not so much... really.

I'd already be dead several times over if that was the case... However, she didn't feel like entertaining the topic right now, there were other things demanding her attention, such as the discussion to decide their next move.

After the Skaeller Gunbreaker and Edrenian Vagrant introduced themselves, the Ospreyan Samurai saw it fit to retell the confession she gave back at Atsu, but this time within earshot of the whole party. The faux eidolon already knew that and still... hearing Izayoi's painful past again stoked the embers of vengeful fury within her ether-charged chest, how could she not? Especially since they both lost their family to Valheim's cruelty.

As such, when Cyradil's servant - the male Mystrel, not the female Viera - arrived to bring grave news, it didn't take much at all for Eve to make her decision. Even before Izayoi finished elaborating her history with Lord Hien, the draconic chimera already knew what she must do: prevent the old warrioress from losing yet another confidant to Valheim... and in doing so, she got to exterminate more of those tyrants too.

With her mind set, even if Rudolf changed his mind and regardless of Esben's muses advocating rational caution, unconcerned with any of those, Eve would gaze straight at Izayoi, locking their eyes, and at that moment, the dark-haired Mystrel would see a pair of dimly-glowing slitted blood-red pupils underneath the horned mage's hood, exuding sheer bloodlust that could only be sated by massacring Valheimrs. For the briefest of seconds, that moment back in Atsu was relived.

Not a word was said, yet that gesture alone already did far more than mere words could.
Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by vietmyke
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Galahad Caradoc
Ciradyl Ianthyra

Mentions: @Ithradine, @HereComesTheSnow, @The Otter, @Psyker Landshark

At the very least introductions seemed to have been going well. Compared to Midgar things were going swimmingly. No attempts to demand party members kill each other nor poorly disguised animosity. Granted, everyone seemed to be putting their best foot forward, but this was something Galahad could work with.

The Faye looked down into her cup of tea, hands shifting to cup it on both sides "I do not have much information for you, unfortunately." Her gaze and attention shifted over to Rudolf "What I can tell you is that you are the first to reach Osprey. Our resources have been allocated to more important missions. The only reason I have been keep track of Team Kirin is Izayoi, of course." She said as matter of fact.

Ciradyl warmly smiled at Galahad as he got around to properly introducing himself, gently shaking her head as she sipped her tea. Her eyes closed for a moment to savor it before looking back at Galahad when they opened "You are quite welcome. It is my pleasure to host the companions of Izayoi." There was no signs of the hostility that Chisaki had demonstrated earlier. She finished that last of the tea in her cup and set it down "I am also quite concerned about the Blight. I do have something I need done but I shall explain when Renzo joins us." The Faye quietly assessed the forms of Eve, Miina, and Robin as they remained quiet amidst the party before returning to the conversation. She made no noticeable looks when she passed over Eve.

"With any luck, we may come to a mutually beneficial agreement then." Galahad noted with a nod, taking a figurative step back if not a literal one as Izayoi gave an abridged version of her story. He'd pieced together most of it from their interactions, what few tidbits she'd dropped here and there, the name she'd chosen in Midgar, and the like, though he'd yet to have heard her tale in its entirety.

"The mountain pass by Atsu was where Gerant's body was recovered." Galahad mused aloud, more to himself than in response to Izayoi's story. Izayoi's last stand had been at the same place his brother had died, his body almost too damaged to be recognizable. At the very least now he had a clear picture of where the rage came from, even if he already had an inkling before. In some ways, Galahad could begin to understand his father's rage towards Osprey and Izayoi in particular. In a way, Galahad felt as though he were intruding on a story that was not meant for his ears. Izayoi and he were allied by their cause, the Blight and the threat that Valheim posed. But had this been years ago- or even months ago, any exchange between the two of them would have likely been with steel and blood rather than words and tea. Even five years past, the scars of the war had not healed on either side. Galahad was curious what would happen after all of this- if they even survived. Would it end with only one of them returning home?

Galahad would find his musings interrupted by the appearance of one of Ciradyl's men, Renzo, bringing tidings of what was going on within the city. The news was grim, but he hadn't expected Izayoi's response. Desperation, panic at the news of Lord Hein's impending execution. Galahad was already familiar with the name Kaien. His father's rival, defeating him in their first meeting, only to have the back of his army broken by a charge from the demon herself. Fate really did act in strange ways. Galahad remained silent, listening to the counsel and pleas of his party members. Izayoi seemed set on taking the Lord back herself, Rudolf seemed set on not letting her go by herself. Esben sought information and advised caution. For their host, Ciradyl seemed not to be surprised, but rather frustrated.

"Even if I said no, I think you'd run off and go after Lord Hien anyway, and take some third or more of our party with you." Galahad replied with a frustrated sigh, a hand massaging his temples. His eyes flickered between Izayoi and Rudi before shifting over the rest of the party and landing on Eve. Even if she wasn't looking at him in particular, it was easy enough to deduce her intentions. "As Rudolf pointed out: This is likely a trap- Reisa knows we're marching through Osprey, and she knows what would draw at least one of us out."

"The reason this group is in Osprey is to root out the blight. Killing Valheimr is a secondary, if inevitable goal." Galahad paused, "But. I'm not in the habit of leaving innocents behind, and I'd rather not start now. Besides, we can't afford to split what fighting power we have. Once Valheim starts picking and pulling us apart, we're dead men."

"Esben is right. Before I'm comfortable accepting this, we need information and we need a plan. Preferably one that doesn't bring all the Valheimr in the city down on our heads at once and gets us killed. We need to be fast and precise. Unless your forces are keen on fighting in the open streets." Galahad said, glancing at Ciradyl. Well, he had just been telling Rudolf and Robin about how they needed to earn some goodwill with the people of Osprey before they began helping them or changing their opinion- this wasn't the worst first step on that path. "Preferably we'd hit the prison or house they're keeping him in. Out in front of the palace has too many sightlines for riflemen- unlike us, Hien neither has armor to stop bullets, nor the speed and mobility to dodge them, one unlucky shot would lead to failure. With our number and arms we'd have the best luck forcing them into close quarters."

"Anyone else? Options? Opinions?"

Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Ithradine
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Ithradine A Rouge Machine

Member Seen 1 day ago

Ciradyl listened attentively to Izayoi's retelling of her intentional brush of death. A lost part of herself arose that wanted to scold the Mystrel for even entertaining the idea, but it faded quickly. Waves of unpleasant memories bubbled to the surface that were quickly repressed. Her expression seemed almost cold as Izayoi spoke of nearly dying, but that changed when she spoke of her family. The serene calm that seemed so effortless for the Faye cracked, her knuckles turning pure white as the grip on her tea cup threatened to shatter it. She was a fool to believe she had numbed herself to hearing such stories. Ciradyl was about to reply to Izayoi when Renzo finally entered.

A crack appeared on her teacup's handle when Renzo mentioned Lord Hien. Gracefully, she set the cup down before any further damage could be done to it. Now was not the time to relax. Ciradyl remained sitting even as Izayoi shot to her feet, letting the emotions crash into her and situation settle. The Fay listened to the rest of the party, curious to know what their reactions were to this information.

"There are frequent patrols through the main streets, at least two around the city at all times, squads of up to five. With the garrison mobilizing, it might halve that to one around the major roads. They've been cracking down on citizen unrest and subversive groups. Lord Hien was running a more pro-active group and that is how he ended up captured. A quarter of the garrison has already mobilized and that is likely to increase." Ciradyl replied plainly to Esben. She would ask for his name later, though she had an suspicion of what his occupation was. She nodded at his comment at them being expendable. The reality was her group of insurgents lacked the ability to fight head-on.

Ciradyl picked up a pastry and took a small bite as Galahad took his turn to speak. This was it? Was this the moment she had been waiting for? "Lord Hien is a figurehead that the people can rally behind and one of the few left with a legitimate claim to Opsrey. We've had our...disagreements...but he is the leader that will lead the people to freedom." She stood up and placed a hand on Izayoi's back, looking at her friend but addressing the group "I suggest we split into an infiltration team and an extraction team. Captain Reisa will certainly be waiting for us but I have a few agents on the inside that will help us." Her gazed peered up at Esben, then Galahad "I will spare whatever resources, information, and personnel I can. There are...few places I cannot reach." Everything that she had accomplished since the occupation would be in vain if Hien were to be executed. Ciradyl was not fit to lead an rebellion, but she had ensured that Hien would have the infrastructure in place to take back the capital.

Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Miina Malina

As Izayoi told her story, Miina's expression gradually grew more and more crestfallen. That... oh, how could people have stories like that? This didn't even seem like all of it, there was this whole last stand business too and whatever had lead the older Mystrel into being a warrior in the first place, and then the Valheimr had specifically gone looking for her in particular? Why? What was there to gain in seeking out some former warrior just to ruin a peaceful life?

But the invaders seemed to do a lot of these things that didn't make sense but would make people very unhappy, seemingly just because they could. Or because they really disliked them--that was probably why Reisa had been waiting around in that village, right? Miina was getting the impression that more than just being greedy invaders, they were not very nice in general.

And here they were going to do another thing just to be cruel, and assassinate this lord. So that meant they would be staging a rescue--

Um. Was that a good idea? The redhead stared blankly into space. It seemed like the boobie lady had a lot of ideas, and Galahad knew something about what they were doing, but wasn't this going to just get them all executed because there were too many soldiers? Was... this something that they all had to do? Well, Izayoi was definitely going to do it, and she was one of the few who seemed to know the entire plan for this little group, but all Miina had really done was offer some support...

But oh no if Reisa was here then that meant her association would be known! At least, probably. Her outfit stuck out, and unless she wanted to get rid of it--she should definitely help take part. She didn't want to give this up while she was searching the country, and if they were already looking for her... then her best bet was to work with the others for this rescue.



... had she ever actually given a good explanation of her skills?
Hidden 11 mos ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 26 min ago

There were a lot of things happening very quickly, many of them Robin didn't fully understand. The scope of her heroics had thus far been limited to what she could accomplish for the townsfolk of the villagers in the region.

In volunteering to help these people, some of them legendary, she had thrust herself into the greater conflict against Valheim as a whole. It wasn't as if she had any issues against taking them on, but the way things had changed so quickly---

Were her fingertips shaking?

They shouldn't have been.

They couldn't have been.

She was a hero, after all, and a hero didn't allow themselves to be shaken so easily.


There was only one response she could have.

She didn't know anything, not really. Not beyond the absolute basics of the situation. She'd never even heard of the man's name until this very moment.

And yet, there was only one response she could give. That she could ever give.

"Only the truly callous could turn a blind eye to such a situation when they could intervene," began Robin, one hand placed to her chest as she stepped forward, "I've only just learned of the circumstances, but what kind of person would I be to simply step aside and allow anyone to try and do this alone?"

This time there were no twinkling lights. Even Robin could understand the gravity of the situation, no matter the fact she'd only just been introduced to it.

"I may not know anyone here very well, yet," she continued, "But a true here would not simply allow these things to happen. So, neither will I. I'll help, however I'm able!"
Hidden 11 mos ago Post by The Otter
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The Otter

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Esben Mathiassen


One hand came up quickly, grabbing at the tail of Robin's jacket as she stood and declared her commitment in an attempt to try and stem the bit of nervous trembling in her fingers. With a firm grasp, Esben lightly tugged on the hem of the jacket. "No declarations without plans," he chided as he urged her to sit back down, before adding, much more quietly: "Learn to sit with your discomfort. Don't let it push you into making pledges you can't always keep. That's just a different sort of cowardice."
Hidden 11 mos ago Post by HereComesTheSnow
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HereComesTheSnow dehydration expert

Member Seen 21 min ago

Rudolf Sagramore

@The Otter@VitaVitaAR@Ithradine

”It’s not like she said she was gonna rush in blade drawn over her head.” Rudolf muttered from the opposite side, body tense as he fought to keep his own heart rate down. Now a little removed from the moment, he too was sitting with what he’d signed on for in snap judgement. Awash in a cowardice of his own, it could be said— the ripples in his tea said enough.

“For some decisiveness is a hard-learned road. Assuming the role of one that can be what we want of ourselves is a way along it.”

He couldn’t speak for the others, but once the ghost had been given up that Esben wasn’t kidding about being one of the Garden’s alums Rudolf had regarded the taller man’s act with a newfound presence of mind. Every hunter knew when they were being watched, and when to watch in turn.

As for Ciradyl’s words… He’d have to file the knowledge away for the moment, but it sounded like they were going to maintain operations as one unit for the time being. Couldn’t assume the greater mission had reinforcements waiting in the wings… And they never could for the current moment. Put it out of the head then.

More immediately, his instincts regarding Chisa’s behavior around her had proven well-founded— however luxurious and flattering the silk, beneath it was tempered steel once she got to business. He’d ignore whatever feeling more comfortable when a pretty lady began talking shop instead of showering an old friend with affection meant about his personality, opting instead to nod along and listen up.

“Hopeful part of me wants to know how feasible it’d be to spread their attention out and run it thin beforehand. With that many guys on alert, I think it’d serve us to put stress on their reactions, but like Galahad says, manpower in Kirin’s short to spend on feints.”
Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by The Otter
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The Otter

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Esben Mathiassen

"The hopeful part of you is thinking at the wrong scale," Esben replied. The rest of Rudolf's thoughts could wait for the time being, but given how many of the group did seem intent on rescuing Lord Hien, the time to focus on strategy and tactics was fully upon them. Better to focus on keeping them all from getting killed in the moment rather than cleaving only to the long-term view. "Distractions are a tool for larger units and full armies. Not one as small as ours."

He closed his eyes for a moment, taking a small sip of his tea as he tried to visualize the troop movements that Ciradyl had told them. At least the knowledge that Hien had been active within the resistance alleviated some of his worries about what to do with the young man, assuming that his allies could keep him from getting recaptured. Lessened patrols would make moving around the city easier in the immediate time frame, though either success or failure would be enough of a shock to make them bring the patrols back to their original strength, if not increase them.

He still wasn't entirely sure that freeing Hien would be better than martyring him or smuggling him into Edreni hands as a bargaining chip, but if Ciradyl's network could handle him then, Esben supposed, his freedom could prove as usefully inflammatory as his death might.

"A rebellion known to be active, within the capital city of a recently captured nation, with a primary target and a band of militants surrounding her already known to be on approach to the city? He'll be under the heaviest guard of any save whoever they've appointed to govern this territory, and any sign of unrest the night before his execution will only serve to make them tighten their net further. We'd be signing his death warrant ourselves with tactics like that."

By the time he'd finished, his flat stare had fallen on Rudolf. These were men they dealt with, not beasts...and tactics like that didn't work on beasts, either. The closest would be trapping or corralling them.

He turned back to Ciradyl after a moment. "How many do you have on the inside, how many of yours in general are comfortable possibly showing their faces in connection to this, and how much do you believe in their loyalty?"
Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Click This
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Click This Part-time Kaiserin

Member Seen 2 days ago

Éliane had not expected to hear Izayoi’s story. She’d heard inklings of it, little bits and pieces from traveling around with the Mystrel woman during their journey together, but she had never actually enquired on it. It was far more of a traumatic tale than she had expected or, ultimately, even properly relate with. How could she, when she had lived a life that was as charmed as could be, up until the Valheimian attack?

It did, though, reinforce in her eyes that Valheim was once more the enemy, and needed to be removed from the world together with the Blight. Again, she felt that the two would ultimately be intertwined issues…

The news of even more Valheimian atrocities, interrupting their little tea party was yet another crime to add onto the mountain of evils. Without even understanding the situation in the capital, she was nearly immediately inclined to agree to Izayoi’s impassioned plea. Had she been younger, she might have immediately, jumped up alongside Izayoi, Rudolf, and Robin in rescuing this young lord from their clutches. After all, it had so many parallels to her own past. A running battle in a capital city to foil some nefarious plot, ultimately to the benefit of Skael, too. It sounded mightily familiar, and it urged on her battle lust.

But she wasn’t exactly in Solitude, with the entire backing of the Royal Guards to put down a nascent rebellion. No, this was the opposite—she would be helping Izayoi and a ragtag band of rebels in fighting an occupation force. It was the kind of thing that needed careful consideration, or they’d just end up alongside this Hien.

Of course, she’d still do it, but it just needed to be carefully done.

It would just have been nice to have a whole company of SEED agents to advise and execute it, as that was what they did best. She turned to Esben, who was already providing some very useful facts and questions to consider, and nodded.

“Since we’re talking a real battle, what exactly are the numbers are we working with here? Against an occupying force, I think forces like yours,” she gestured towards Ciradyl, before adding her questions ontop of Esben’s, “and us, have a very good asymmetric advantage. How many soldiers can Reisa muster to ambush us without compromising the rest of the occupation of the city? If we’re going to rescue him straight from the dungeons, what are the streets or the geography around his prison like?"
Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Psyker Landshark
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Ranbu no Izayoi

For the moment, Izayoi could content herself with the fact that the majority of the party was in agreement with the idea to rescue Hien, even should their proposals differ. Unity in the goal was most important at the moment. She nodded towards Rudolf and Eve for their support before looking back to Galahad.

"For what it is worth, I meant what I said back at Balmung. I have no desire to command, nor to supplant yours. If you would not have approved, I would have gone off on my lonesone, no matter what. Valheim is my mission. The Blight is yours."

With that said, she turned back towards the rest of her table.

"Final command of the overall situation belongs to Ciradyl, though Galahad retains full control over Kirin's movements." Izayoi said firmly, hoping to head off any debates over jurisdiction before they began. "With that said, I agree with Esben's overall appraisal of the scenario. We lack the numbers ourselves to run an effective distraction without crippling our combat capability for the true operation, and any alert will end our efforts lest we are already underway." She paused as the Mystrel manservant laid a map of Kugane's troop movements and concentrations over the table before continuing.

"I believe that the young master will be under heavy guard at every single point of time between now and the execution. The question remains of when to strike. As I see it, we have three options:"

"One: As Caradoc said, we strike while Lord Hien is still being held in lockup, most likely overnight. Assaulting a static location in the dead of night provides us with clear advantages, but we would also put ourselves at risk of failure being on Valheimr's home ground. They know the prison better than we do at this point."

"Two: We attack while he is being moved. This eliminates the advantage of surety for both sides, but also places us at the mercy of the enemy's timetable and route. Should we desire to take the fight to close quarters, the roofs would have to be secured before we make our move, lest their gunners fire into the street with impunity."

"Three: The execution ground. Frankly, I would consider this only as an option of last resort. Caradoc's assessment is correct. Too many sightlines and their riflemen will already be dug in."

"Regardless of what we select, Ciradyl's division of forces has merit: the infiltration team ought to be in place before the main assault begins, and eliminate targets of opportunity to ease the way for the extraction team in a two-pronged attack. Once the young master is freed, both groups ought to link back up and fight our way to exfiltration. Ciradyl, I trust your people can handle our flight to a safehouse?"

Izayoi planted her hands on the table, her gaze burning as she fell into her element from the war. Though she hadn't quite needed to actually consult anyone for her tactics back then. Just because she'd lost her taste for leadership didn't mean she couldn't still strategize.

"Thoughts? Revisions? Objections? Name them now. Every minute is crucial at this point."

Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by HereComesTheSnow
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Rudolf Sagramore

@The Otter@Psyker Landshark

The boy clicked his tongue, and felt a flash of heat creep up the back of his neck towards the ears, thoroughly chastised within and without. He would spend the rest of Izayoi's formalization of their briefing refusing to meet Esben's half-lidded stare. Idiot. He'd overextended and blundered his position— the embarrassment of playing the fool was one thing already, but once it compounded with the specific nature of his mistake, and what it revealed of him, of his schooling...

He shut up very quick, busying his gaze with the map that was laid before them, mouth a tight line. Though he'd swiftly proven his head for operations was still far behind those he surrounded himself with, even he could quickly visualize how Izayoi's natural affinity for it had lead to the reputation she'd garnered on the field. A trio of options laid out, clear and concise, with advantages and disadvantages... all off the dome in under a minute. Whether or not that was extraordinary in and of itself per se didn't make a difference————————

That's right. It's all outta your depth when you need me for something so simple as watching your back.

"Do we know where he's held with any specificity already, or would locating him inside the brig be part of the infil team's workload, assuming option one? I doubt a prisoner of that political magnitude's easy to get to for new faces in any context."

He couldn't imagine posing as "new recruits" going terribly well, despite how often you read it in fiction. Would those agents on the inside Lady Ciradyl had be pulling a magic trick and throwing the wool over the rest of the guards' eyes?
Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Psyker Landshark
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Ranbu no Izayoi

The Mystrel manservant, Renzo, took Rudolf's question as a pertinent time to cut in, pointing out a marked dot on the map, located in the northeast end of the city.

"...Lord Hien is being held within what the Valheimr have creatively dubbed the Eastern Detention Center, here. Before the occupation, it was a local magistrate's office, but the invaders have centralized all administrative measures out of Kugane Castle, our Emperor's residence. All reports say the local garrison has heavily fortified it into a holding cell for particularly dangerous prisoners."

He took ink and brush to the map, drawing two lines between the prison and the castle within the direct center of the city. Both were relatively close to each other, with only a few streets separating the two. But their main commonality was the size of the roads they were taking.

"Should you desire to make an attack on the convoy, these main thoroughfares would be the only passages by which an large escort could pass through freely without their group's size inhibiting them. Of course, that would be without factoring in your attack."

A nod in Eliane's direction as he continued.

"Given the sudden movement of the garrison, we would estimate between half a company to the full hundred could be spared to safeguard the execution without leaving the city watch undermanned. Most likely towards the lower end of that scale."

Renzo drew himself up for a moment before dropping to his knees, bowing his head to both Ciradyl and Izayoi.

"Lady Ciradyl, General Izayoi. Forgive this unworthy one's impertinence, but I must protest this course of action. If we truly had the strength to aid in this venture, our resistance force would not be forced to stay to the shadows. From what the survivors we rescued have said, Lord Hien's soldiers and samurai have already scattered to the winds after he gave himself up to allow them time to flee. Surely we ought to respect his decision and his sacrifice?"

Izayoi turned to her fellow Mystel, scowling.

"I am no longer a general. You will not address me as such. Regardless, any successful uprising within our land requires a face and a leader. My lord Kaien trained his heir well, as I recall. I have full faith in Lord Hien to rally Osprey. Considering that the only known survivor of the imperial family is Valheim's puppet, we have little choice but to rely on one of the daimyo to assume a military regency to lead our people. As I am aware, there are vanishingly few choices left, given that the majority of Osprey's high lords are either dead or have their knees bent in submission."

"Now, does anyone have any other useful suggestions?" She couldn't help but shoot Renzo a brief, irritated glare.
Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by vietmyke
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Galahad Caradoc

Mentions: yes

It seemed as though they were getting right down to business. The Kirins as a group didn't particularly needed a lot of convincing, their unique blend of idealism and valheim hatred seemed to be enough. In a way, the straightforwardness of their business was refreshing from the constant politicking of Edren nobility- they reminded Galahad of his army days. Almost immediately several of them began chiming in, discussion concerns and options. Piggybacking off of his own initial thoughts and fears, Izayoi more or less condensed their methods of attack into a set of three plans: A prison raid on a highly fortified former magistrate's office, an attack on the execution procession, or rescuing Hien mid-execution, though it more or less seemed like the last option was a desperate last hail should everything else go wrong.

From what he could deduce, some small amount of local forces were available to them, though with their limited numbers and Renzo's apparent protestations, it seemed as though Team Kirin were going to be doing the vast amount of the heavy lifting in whatever plan they took on.

"Whichever plan we go with, we should work with the assumumption that Reisa is waiting and ready for us. Even if she isn't, we should be prepared for a tough fight." Galahad chimed in, his tone even and clear. Not quite the same tone he took when he was in Edren's army, but obvious enough that he was in a relative comfort zone.

"A raid on the convoy might be the lightest target we'll hit, and happens to fall well into my own personal wheelhouse." The Dragoon noted. "The relative open space let's us use our big tools- like Eve and Miina's magic to their fullest extent, but Hien will be exposed to the chaos the entire time." Galahad's brow furrowed a bit, "They will be alert and expecting someone to try something, not to mention there's a potential crowd to worry about, and without an exact route plan, we're guessing where they'll be and adapting on the move. Not untenable, but too many moving parts, too many variables. "

Turning to their potentially new Osprean allies, Galahad quickly regarded Ciradyl and Renzo. "Do any of your agents have an idea of what the inside of the magistrate's office looks like? Perhaps worked there before the occupation or is currently embedded there now?"

Pouring over their provided map, Galahad checked the relative locations of streets and alleys to the office, all of the potential routes to get in and out of the place. "I think a strike on the detention center will have the most opposition, but the least amount of unknowns. I'd rather put trust in our fighting abilities than fate and luck. A raid at night might catch them unaware, which also plays in our favor."

"More than the detention center garrison, my biggest worry is the reinforcements they bring to the fight once things are kicked off- that's where an infiltration team will come in handy. We need a way to cripple their ability to communicate, whether that means taking out their radio communications or cutting down any runners leaving the building. Along with taking out any targets of opportunity will pave the way for the extraction force to punch through and find Hien."

Turning to Izayoi, Galahad offered the mystrel woman a wry grin. "Regardless of how we go in, it goes without saying it's probably best if you're on the extraction team. If Hien only sees this-" Galahad tapped knowingly on his Dragoon helmet sitting on the table, "I think he'd be less inclined to follow, he'll recognize you though, right?"
Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Izurich
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--Osprey - Kugane--

As the news arrived when all of Team Kirin (including the new arrivals) were still under the same roof as Izayoi's benefactor, they could immediately transition into an impromptu mission briefing. Convenient, for several reasons, one of them being eliminating any chances that Izayoi would attempt the rescue by her lonesome. The gravity of the issue certainly warranted her full attention as Eve listened to what everyone had to say about the matter.

The two war veterans naturally took charge of the briefing as essentially the group's commanding officers, but to the surprise of no one, it was the SEED agent and the resistance group leader who took the strategist role, compiling as much relevant information as they could to minimize risks and maximize chances of success of whatever plan of action the group would take. Said agent also argued against the monster hunter's divide and conquer idea, the Valheimr outnumbered them so vastly that any distractions from Kirin's few would ultimately be detrimental to their efforts. Unfortunate, but ruling out unfeasible strategies is what briefings are for among other things.

As the briefing continued, Izayoi outlined three courses of action: bust Hien out of his prison, raid the transport caravan, or interrupt his execution ceremony. They all possessed an identical main objective, only differing in locations and methods. Regardless, whatever they chose, Valheimr blood would be shed, and that made the whole mission even better as far as Eve was concerned. The Mystrel Samurai further elaborated that they and their allies would be divided in two teams. Assuming Izayoi will be the one who rescues Hien directly, then Esben should be in charge of the infiltration team... It seemed quite obvious to her, as for Eve herself... I'd be better off assigned to the latter. After all, despite her diminutive stature and muted colors, she wasn't exactly a subtle combatant, unless she was directed to never cast a spell, but then, why would she be there in the first place?

The deliberation continued and for the first time since it began, one of their numbers opposed the endeavor. Peculiarly, that someone wasn't Galahad, whose family would consider Hien to be their mortal enemies, nor Miina, whose skittish nature should hold her back, not to mention Hien having nothing to do with her missing brother, instead, it was Renzo, Cyradil's aide. ... Though his reasons had merits, Eve still couldn't help but feel the irony of the situation, one would think a loyal Ospreyan would never even entertain the possibility of sacrificing his liege to the invader scum, yet... sometimes, reality is stranger than fiction.

The show of 'cowardice' gained Izayoi's ire and Eve couldn't blame her, but the samurai kept her composure and moved on, in which Galahad responded with his assessments on their options. Coincidentally, he mentioned her name along with Miina as the two primary spellcasters of the group, a view that Eve agreed with. Amongst the three options, a wide open space would be best to avoid excessive collateral damage and casualties, otherwise she'd have to restrain her magical output, limiting her performance. Speaking of which, since Izayoi specifically asked for suggestions...

After Galahad brought forth his arguments in favor of Plan A in the form of a night raid, Eve decided it was time for her to chime in.

"..." Standing up, the horned black mage approached the map laid upon the table, "Regarding the transport raid plan, I know not if this idea of mine is viable, or even downright foolish, but..." The albino chimera paused as her gloved fingers traced the lines Renzo had drawn upon the map, slowly, surely, she struck a figurative straight line through the main boulevard, "Provided Hien's transport can be warded with sufficient protection or if he can be swiftly extracted from said transport, then, you may not need to even worry about the entourage being an issue..." She paused once more, taking the time to whisk off her hood, mainly for the benefit of Cyradil and Renzo, but also as a non-verbal reminder to the party regarding who-... what she is.

"Mega Flare." Eve subtly yet firmly enunciated those two words, the dreaded yet awe-inspiring vaporizing breath of the King of Dragons, "It'll take everything I have and render myself incapacitated, but I can do it." The faux-eidolon narrowed her eyes slightly, "Just say the word and I'll vaporize them to ashes..." It was a risky plan, yes, but none of the options were without their own set of risks and complications.
Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Ithradine
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Cirady listened closely to the others discuss the situation as she continued to sip her tea and nibble on the pastries Renzo had delivered. He was an incredible asset to the cause working effectively as her second-in-command. Izayoi was the only other person that she trusted more than him. Strangely enough, it was Renzo's fierce loyalty for the Faye that concerned her the most about his character. She saw the small shifts in his expression when Esben mentioned leaving the lord to be a martyr. He held lofty ambitions...but not for himself.

"Renzo is not entirely wrong." Her gaze shifted to Esben "I have a dozen agents on the inside that will be of relevance to this operation, there is only one what would be unwilling to show their face. Their loyalty will not waiver and each is prepared to do what they must." She spoke with confidence and turned her attention to Galahad "The one that won't show their face, they are currently working deep undercover inside the Magistrate. Our intel regarding Hien's capture and execution largely comes from them. They will be able to assist if given the right code phrase but direct intervention is out of the question for them." Hien was needed for the future of Osprey, but her agent in the Magistrate could not be sacrificed. She was not sure which one she would let go if situation became dire.

Her eyes fell on Eve as she took center stage after keeping quiet for this whole time. What she said brought up a point that Ciradyl had to mention, though the idea had some merit to it. Numbers is where Valheim beat them. Green eyes narrowed as Eve's hood came down. A unnatural fusion of dragon and mortal. The venom in Eve's tone regarding Valheim was all that prevented Ciradyl from questioning her right there. She would ask Izayoi about her once they had a moment alone "There is an important piece that I have to bring up. Captain Reisa is not the only predator that walks the streets of Kugane." Her eyes closed for a moment "She will likely be joined by a few of the other high officers stationed here. But..." Vibrant green was revealed once more "...there is a chance a being known as the 'The Revenant' might make its appearance should a fight ensue. Captain Reisa is a murderer...but that thing is a butcher." The first trace of fear since they've met Ciradyl entered her voice.

Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Psyker Landshark
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Ranbu no Izayoi

Valid points, all. Izayoi nodded in response to Galahad's divvying of the teams, entirely in agreement.

"I should hope he'd recognize the one who taught him swordplay." She groused. Or the basics of swordplay, at least. Lord Kaien removing the young master from her dedicated tutelage had been one of the few mutual pain points they'd had over the course of ten years.

To her shame, Izayoi legitimately contemplated Eve's suggestion for nearly a minute. The idea was tempting, to be certain. The timing was doable: all they'd had to do was get Hien clear before Eve launched her attack. But...

She looked over the map of the available routes again, going over what she already knew. She was familiar with these roads, having lived within the city for years. If it weren't Ospreans at risk, this would be far less of a debate for herself.

"You'll turn the Valheimr to cinders, yes. But the citizens? Magic in these streets already carries the risk of a stray spell igniting a fire that will decimate several blocks before fire crews can handle the matter, especially with an active skirmish in the streets. We can table that tactic as a last resort, especially should it exhaust you."

Ciradyl's words gave her pause. Reisa already had a reputation as a formidable combatant. But Izayoi had heard nothing of this "Revenant" during the half year she'd been active once more.

"No further details? We'll consider an organized retreat with our package in tow should you identify it, then. Loathe as I am to admit it, the objective of this operation isn't to kill every last Valheimr we come across. This is a rescue mission first and foremost. So long as we save Lord Hien with minimal casualties to our own forces, we can dub the matter a success. Now," A glance towards Eliane, Arton, Esben, Miina, and Robin.

"Any thoughts on which plan to pursue? The matter appears tied at current, and any factor we'd not thought of yet ought to be voiced. Should this strategy session prove inconclusive, we ought to fall in with Galahad's idea, given that he leads this party."
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