Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Yami nods as he understood the situation. "They tried to use a wand on Serena using their friend, Drake who we found out who's soul was in the wand. His soul I'd back within him and the portal closed. However I have a feeling there will be more portals like the last two."
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Raph sat up and said “wait Drake? That explains why he went dark on us. He was meeting up with us and Aaron when they both vanished. They must have hit them before we could find them…”

Serena nodded and said “I hadn’t seen him till the museum…”
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Jazz
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"Sounds possible. Right now we won't find out more what their planning till they make the next move. They left us little to go on besides what the missing duelists we're still trying to find." Yami theorized.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Raph said “wait, those guys said something like that last night. Something like these three could be blessed…fitting the right requirements I think? Valon?” Alister was thinking and asked “Seto? Do we have a list of who’s missing?”
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Seto's attention was caught then. He nodded as he pulled up the list on his phone, showing it to Alister.

Valon nodded. "Think they were talking about the missing duelists if they aren't already in their grasp? But why need the duelists? What are they going to do to them?" He asks.

Yami shakes his head. "I'm not sure and I'm sure I wouldn't like what may happen when we find out."
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Alister looked at the list and said “we should compare their dueling styles with what could line up with gods…”

Serena said “they need blessed to control gods fighting with Apep…”
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Seto sighed and nodded. He pulled up one of their decks and looked through it with Alister.

Yami would hate to wonder what would happen should they get control of the gods helping Apep. "And it seems we will need to discern how go about the duelists should they be controlled."
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Alister said “hold on…didn’t wheeler duel a guy that used fish in his deck?” He pointed to the deck they looked at. “The god of the Nile and water…that’s one right?”

Serena said “I think we do it old school. Banish the dark spirit using them then get their soul back”
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Seto nodded. "His is name is Nako Tsunami. He was defeated by Yugi during the Duelist Island tournament and Joey beat him in mine. He's a fisherman's son, raised on the sea."

Yami nodded. "It seemed to work. I had done the same for Drake with Ishizu's help."
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Alaster looked at him and asked “is he missing?”

Serena nodded as Raph said “how hard was it?”
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Jazz
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"Yes. And two more have been reported. Rex Raptor and Weevil Underwood." Kaiba reported. At that, Joey looked to Seto and cringed at the names.

Yami seems to ponder on the question. "Not that hard. I would say it was natural considering how I've done so before long ago. But it did require quite a bit of concentration since it has been so long. I got the spirit out and Ishizu put his soul back." He explained to Raph.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Alaster frowned and said “all duelists both Yami and Joey beat…that can’t be by chance” Serena heard this and walked over. “Wait, all three were at both tournaments? Any others cross over?”

Raph nodded and looked at the siblings. “Can you teach another how to use shadow magic like that?” Ishizu paused and thought, wondering how to do that.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Kaiba goes through the list and shakes his head. "Other than Mai Valentine but she isn't among the ones that have been missing."

Yami seems to think about this too. "Normally one just have a millennium item and be attuned to it. However I do t know if one can learn." He then looks to Ishizu to get a confirmation on this since she too was a professional in using shadow magic.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Alaster blinked and said “Mai? Wait, Valon! When did you hear from Mai last? She was here in the city wasn’t she?”

Ishizu said “not necessarily…Odion is skilled at some aspects and he never carried one”
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Valon thought about a bit before he answered. "About a couple weeks ago. She's in town but don't know where."

"So there is a possibility. We could try and see who is able. It would help should we spread thin." Yami ponders aloud. "There are risks to using shadow magic till one is attuned to said magic." Yami explains.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Alastor frowned and said “we better locate her…she might be a target next”

Serena looked over and said “but Yami, Yugi can use it already. Can’t be too hard. Same with Seto and Joey” Yugi looked stunned and said “wait, I can?”
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Yami looked over to Yugi and nods. "Technically speaking you can. Your body been attending to the shadow magic for as long as I have been with you as a spirit. You have done so with the monsters you have summoned." Yami explains.

Valon nods and pulls out his phone and begins to text Mai.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Yugi said “but that was because of you. Alone I can’t do anything” Serena said “not true Yugi. Think back to the club. You fought that monster off on your own power, not Yamis. Yami guided you back but it was your own power that finished her off along with Dark Magician”

Raph looked at Valon and said “think she will answer?”

Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Yami walked over to his partner, placing his hands on the young man's shoulders. "Yugi. Do not forgot our Duel in Egypt. You have true strength to stand without me. Though I separated from you, you have proved time and time again that bond and power. You do have the magic to call upon the shadows, Yugi. Do not doubt what is inside." He points to Yugi's heart.

Valon shrugs. "Don't know. She rarely answers my calls."
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Yugi looked up and Yami and blushed a little saying “Yami…that means so much…for you to say that…” Serena smiled and said “and it’s the same with Joey and Seto. Both have skills in that realm as well. It can’t be denied”

Ishizu was thinking and said “I think we can do it. Especially with Joey and Kaiba having been chosen by the gods already…”

Raph paused then said “wheeler? Have you talked to Mai recently?”
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