I'm Visyn.
I've been roleplaying for 15+ years and I love it!
I love writing in 3rd person, as it gives more freedom of description.
I'm pretty adaptable as long as I have something to base my response on, though I struggle with super long posts, so I prefer casual roleplay.
My weak point is Fandom/Anime/Manga plots. I don't finish/read of lot of them, so I won't know where important plot points are to follow the main flow. (I.E. I've watched BNHA up to ending of S5, but know nothing after that. I haven't read the manga for it.)
New plotish idea!!
Feel free to message/DM me about starting up an RP! Can't wait!
I've been roleplaying for 15+ years and I love it!
I love writing in 3rd person, as it gives more freedom of description.
I'm pretty adaptable as long as I have something to base my response on, though I struggle with super long posts, so I prefer casual roleplay.
My weak point is Fandom/Anime/Manga plots. I don't finish/read of lot of them, so I won't know where important plot points are to follow the main flow. (I.E. I've watched BNHA up to ending of S5, but know nothing after that. I haven't read the manga for it.)
Can Do
Slice of Life
Want to Try
Can Do
Slice of Life
Want to Try
New plotish idea!!
Not a plot, but I’m craving a super specific RP; that involves MxM omegaverse vibes. I want to play a widowed omega who just found out they’re pregnant, but falls for another man who doesn’t really care that the babe isn’t their scent. Plot wise can really be anything, just those specifics.
Kasey Trustane
I've made Kasey the last living descendant of the Van Helsing Hunters line. She got the typical "fuck around and find out" personality. She can be shy, but doesn't take shit and will absolutely fight you if she is provoked enough.
In the current RP I had her in, she was his descendant, but ended up marrying Dracula and eventually tuning into a vampire herself, crowning her the Vampire Queen.
Paena Harkness
He is a reincarnation of one of the post powerful witches. He summoned a shapeshifter as his familiar, fell in love with them but the Council found this out and separated them forcibly. So, in order to get his love back, he goes against the Council, only to find out they've trapped the Paternal Creator of all familiars.
Nyra Thistlewood
Orphaned mute girl who later finds out her mother's a witch. She has a vampire as a servant, as well as a crush who turns into a were at some point. Both end up becoming her boyfriends. She's trying to free her servant from his chain to her as well as help the crush figure out his new identity, all while fleeing from her mother who is trying to take her powers for herself.
Appearance: (generalized elf look; this is for noticeable traits)
Skills: (x#) means uses per day; sleep and food allows replenish of magick.
Personality: Kind, Observant; Soft-spoken, Reclusive
Growing up as an elf had always been hard for Naevys. Elves secluded themselves from the other races, not wanting to let themselves be succumb to the prejudice of men. When she was a young girl, she didn't have to worry. She was loved and had friends in the small elven town she lived in.
At 10 years old, she saw first hand what prejudice and utter hatred looked like. Her own kind, her friends and even her parents started to shun her. She had started showing signs of necromancy; the tale tell sign for her was her losing her sight. A magick known to the world as taboo and against nature. Two years passed before the town exiled her. She had shown what her ability could do and summoned a ghoul version of her friend's pet that had passed away.
Having been exiled, she had nowhere to go and so she wandered. After another year, she found herself an empty cabin and had claimed it as her own. She lived in this cabin for the next 24 years and has made it a wonderful place. A garden of rare flora, a sanctuary to many animals who find themselves injured, and a place of serenity.
Well, serenity until she heard about the land of Gransylva. She heard about the Lord and monsters from a young traveler she had recently met. Not knowing what would become of the land, she steeled herself to help. If her necromancy could be of use to something and monsters that seemed similar, then she would try.
Other: All jewelry is genuine silver. She is left-handed.
I've made Kasey the last living descendant of the Van Helsing Hunters line. She got the typical "fuck around and find out" personality. She can be shy, but doesn't take shit and will absolutely fight you if she is provoked enough.
In the current RP I had her in, she was his descendant, but ended up marrying Dracula and eventually tuning into a vampire herself, crowning her the Vampire Queen.
Paena Harkness
He is a reincarnation of one of the post powerful witches. He summoned a shapeshifter as his familiar, fell in love with them but the Council found this out and separated them forcibly. So, in order to get his love back, he goes against the Council, only to find out they've trapped the Paternal Creator of all familiars.
Nyra Thistlewood
Orphaned mute girl who later finds out her mother's a witch. She has a vampire as a servant, as well as a crush who turns into a were at some point. Both end up becoming her boyfriends. She's trying to free her servant from his chain to her as well as help the crush figure out his new identity, all while fleeing from her mother who is trying to take her powers for herself.
Gender: Female | Race: Elf | Age: 37 | Class: Necromancer
Appearance: (generalized elf look; this is for noticeable traits)
- Eyes: Her eyes are a pale blue they nearly look white with an odd white pupil, making her look blind.
- Hair: On the left side of her head, her hair is braided into three braids. The rest of her hair, along with her braids are pulled into a high ponytail but her ponytail has no braids in it. With her hair up in the tail, it still sits about mid back. She's also weaved silver wire into her braids. She has two large sections that hang at her peaks and have silver bands holding each section together. Her hair is a black color, but in the moonlight has a bluish hue to it.
- Skin: Her skin looks moon-kissed with steel blue airbrushed on top.
- Piercings:
- Left Ear: Double piercing on lobe; double stud. Double piercing in cartilage; double hoop. Silver cap on point
- Right Ear: Double piercing in cartilage; one stud, one hoop. Silver cap on point.
- Tattoos:
- Back: A Spinal tattoo of the moon and stars with some filigree.
- Sternum: A moth with its wings splayed below her bosom.
- Outfit:
- Shirt: Wears a deep purple female peasant shirt under her breastplate. The sleeves cuff at her wrists so her hands are free of fabric. A wide belt accompanies the shirt so it doesn't cause billowing when fighting. The top of the belt fits under her breastplate. She does not tuck the shirt, it sits just above her hips.
- Pants & Boots: Tends to wear tighter fit brown trousers that tuck into well-loved chocolate calf high lace up boots.
- Accessories: Wears four pieces of jewelry; a single teardrop circlet of a blue sapphire, a silver band with filigree on her right middle finger, a contrasting dark filigree band on her left middle finger, and a silver filigree band on her upper left arm underneath her shirt.
- Extras: Has a black capelet that stops at her hips; attached is a hood. Wears a deep purple modified blindfold; it fits her face perfectly.
- Armor: Wears a simple leather breastplate that covers her bosom, a leather bracer on her left arm, and a small shoulder pauldron on her right shoulder, connected to the breastplate. Breastplate gives coverage from collarbone to bottom of ribs.
- Weapon: Carries a mace at her hip in a strap hold. Carries a dagger on her lower back as a back up weapon.
- Shield: Carries a shield that would be able to cover her upper body and take a hit. Carries it under her cloak, so it is not immediately noticeable.
- Extra: Has a satchel that she carries most of her tools, rations and bones in.
Skills: (x#) means uses per day; sleep and food allows replenish of magick.
- Identification - Living in seclusion has allowed her to study most medicinal and poisonous flora and some fauna.
- Mace Wielder - Generally only uses a mace or similar styled weapons since she has studied and trained with them the most.
- Collector - As a necromancer, she can identify most animal skeletons and tell you what they were. She tries to collect a bone from larger beasts to summon them.
- Silent Step - Living in the woods and needing to hunt for herself, she has gained experience to make her footsteps near non-existent and light. Sometimes making it seem like she's appeared out of nowhere.
- Superior Senses - Because she is blind, all her other senses are heightened to an extreme degree. If you didn't know any better, you'd say she could see perfectly.
- Vitality (x2) - Imbuing the sapphire on her circlet allows her to steal the life energy of her enemies and heal herself and her allies. Only heals minor injuries at once or a singular large injury. Cannot be used to revive.
- Ghoulish Summon (x3) - Depending on the bone she uses, it will allow her to summon a beast or humanoid for an extended amount of time. Once the time is up, the bone will turn to ash and dispel in the wind; the ghoul will fall to the ground and become one with the Earth again.
- Whispers of Souls (x1) - Imbuing her blackened band allows her to summon the spirits of the dead and use them as a guide. Once fulfilling the request, they are 'set free' and allowed to pass, no longer stuck.
Personality: Kind, Observant; Soft-spoken, Reclusive
- Flowers & Animals - She can be found admiring flowers more often then not. Her love of flowers extends to her love of animals, usually offering something to a bird or small beast.
- Wind/Breeze - on a day where there is breeze, you can see her stand still as she takes it in.
- Skeletons - Having accepted her necromantic magick, she loves getting gifts of bones to be able to help in summoning her ghouls.
- Cruelty - Living and helping animals, she hates to see torture and harm towards her beastly friends. This can extend to her humanoid companions as she gets to know them.
- Large Bodies of Water - She refuses to go into large lakes or rivers, too the point of; if pressured to, her body will shake and stand frozen in uncontrollable terror.
- Humanoids - Living in seclusion has made her weary of anything that isn't flora or fauna.
Growing up as an elf had always been hard for Naevys. Elves secluded themselves from the other races, not wanting to let themselves be succumb to the prejudice of men. When she was a young girl, she didn't have to worry. She was loved and had friends in the small elven town she lived in.
At 10 years old, she saw first hand what prejudice and utter hatred looked like. Her own kind, her friends and even her parents started to shun her. She had started showing signs of necromancy; the tale tell sign for her was her losing her sight. A magick known to the world as taboo and against nature. Two years passed before the town exiled her. She had shown what her ability could do and summoned a ghoul version of her friend's pet that had passed away.
Having been exiled, she had nowhere to go and so she wandered. After another year, she found herself an empty cabin and had claimed it as her own. She lived in this cabin for the next 24 years and has made it a wonderful place. A garden of rare flora, a sanctuary to many animals who find themselves injured, and a place of serenity.
Well, serenity until she heard about the land of Gransylva. She heard about the Lord and monsters from a young traveler she had recently met. Not knowing what would become of the land, she steeled herself to help. If her necromancy could be of use to something and monsters that seemed similar, then she would try.
Other: All jewelry is genuine silver. She is left-handed.
Feel free to message/DM me about starting up an RP! Can't wait!
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