Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Orion looks toward Ash as she seemed to be looking for something. "May I be an assistance?" He asks her.

Carth nods to them both before moving toward the body. When close enough he seemed to concentrate on what he wanted. Concentrating on the flame, he waits till it seems hot enough before opening his mouth and let's out a small stream of flame shoot out onto the creature. If he could react, he would feel disappointed with the result.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Ash looked at him and said “my fan…it fell when that thing hit me…”

Shinlo walked over and said “try bringing in more air thru your nose”
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Orion nods before getting up and looking around for Ash's fan. The three Assassins get up to help while Carth is learning to make better flames. He breaths through his nose as instructed, seeing his flames grow. He continued his breathing till the creature was consumed in flame.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Shinlo smiled knowingly and said “nice work. Air flow is key”

Ash looked around again but the fan was over in the tall grass out of sight.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Jazz
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With the creature consumed in flame, Carth stopped the flame as he looked to Shinlo with a small wag in his tail as if proud of what he accomplished.

The men continue to find the fan spreading out further, figuring that it may have been kicked around during the fight.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Scarlet walked over and asked “how did you know how to help him?” Shinlo paused and pulled his cloak over his arms more and said “just makes sense…”

Ash smiled as her fan was returned and said “thanks guys…”
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Jazz
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The guys nodded, just glad she got it back. Orion offers to help her up.

Carth looks to Scarlet and lowers his head to meet her level. "it does make sense. Especially for a fire user. I dont know why i didnt think about it sooner honestly." he explains before wondering about something. "Wait. Does this mean I gotta eat more than i normally do? Because I feel really hungry all of a sudden."
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Ash took their hands to get up and stumbled a little and said “let’s go to camp…I’m freezing…”

Scarlet said “well in that form ya you’ll need to eat more.”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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The guys nodded, Orion helps Ash go back to camp. The assassins head back though Kanarus stayed. He wait for Scarlet, Shinlo, and Carth.

Carth sulks, not too thrilled but looked around anyway before he blows a short puff of air almost like a snort or huff. He the looks to the river. "i could try catching fish." he grumbles.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Shinlo said “you might have an easier time with birds or game you can spot from the sky. Water won’t be easy to use your eyes with” scarlet frowned more at Shinlo, who seemed to be hiding something.

Ash leaned on Orion and said weakly “thanks…I got caught off guard…rookie mistake…”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Carth looked to Shinlo but looked unsure. "But....i dont know how to fly....atleast....any knowledge i had hasnt returned." he admits. "I dont think i can hunt any birds or other game besides fish."

Orion nods. "It's okay. It happens sometimes. Now we know to be more careful.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Shinlo said “try flapping your wings. Your built like a bird so your body is made to be able to get into the air without needing a running start”

Ash nodded then asked “was Shinlo giving dragon advice to Carth?”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Carth looks to his wings before resting on his hing legs. With his wings infront of him, he spreads them out like raising his arms high in the air. He then slowly flaps them with uncertainty before flapping them with mose confidence. Looking to Scarlet and Shinlo.

Altoron glances back toward Carth, Scarlet and Shinlo and nods. "Seems so. Wonder if he's been around dragons to know or if it could be something else."
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Shinlo smiled and said “your wings will pick up the wind and then you will feel weightless, don’t panic and let them take your straight up”

Ash looked back and saw Shinlo was hiding his arm still. “Did he hurt his arm?”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Kanarus walks up to Scarlet as he watches Carth and Shinlo. "I know he of the dragons but I never thought that he'd know how teach them." He comments.

Altoron shrugs. "There is a possibly. But I don't think he is."
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Scarlet said softly “I think his more then that…I think his one of them…look at his arm. His hiding it…”

Ash looked at him closely and said “does it…look off under his robes?”
Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Kanurus leaned over a little to try and get a better look at his arm before standing straight again. "Yep. Should we wait for him to reveal it?" He asks her.

Carth was unsure about wanting to leave the ground. He looks to Shinlo then everyone to see Scarlet and Kanarus there while the others left. Still feeling unsustain. He stops as he tucks his tail close. "I dont know...shouldnt I take things bit by bit? This feels awfully quick to try." he says as he brings his wings down back to the ground.

Altoron tried to get an angle to see before nodding. "A little bit."
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Scarlet said “I’m done with secrets. So far we can’t answer them…I want this one answered” she walked to Shinlo as the White Snake said “just try and get off the ground. Better to try now than needing to in the future. Just give it a shot Carth” Shinlo didn’t see Scarlet move next to him and then move to pull his robe back. The fabric caught his arm and he hissed in pain, showing the arm was like dragons arm.

Ash saw the action and cursed “crap scarlet isn’t waiting!”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Orion, Altoron and Maltoran looked over to see what had happened as their eyes widened in surprise. "Crap." Was said in unison of the three. "Guess we head back to them huh?" Orion guessed, looking to Ash.

Carth still didn't feel sure about flying just yet but eyed Scarlet as she went to Shinlo and moved his robe. Surprised by the action, he noticed the arm as his head craned back with widened eyes. "Wait.... You're a Dragon?"
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Shinlo looked at Scarlet who said “not what I was expecting…” Ash and the others made it back as Shinlo moved backwards trying to cover her arm. “No…I’m…I have dragon blood in me. It’s why I’m called the White Snake…”

Ash saw him and asked “your in pain…triggering the power hurts…” Shinlo nodded and said “yes it does…”
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