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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Yugi smiled and said “that was a great duel. He seems to always get the cheaters…” he waved to Joey then said softly “guess I wasn’t that memorable…it’s all Yami…”

Serena followed him, waving to Duke and Marik that they were getting a section of seats.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Cora stops Yugi a moment before stepping infront of him and looking Yugi over. She had what looked to be a concentrated look. It then seemed to hit her then. "Wait! Why didn't it occur to me till just now. You're THE Yugi Moto! The King of Games aren't you?!" She asks though excited, was trying to contain the excitement she had within.

Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Yugi blinked again and said “umm…kinda? I mean…yes in a way…I…” he was bright red now and stammering.

Serena looked over and saw the scene and she tapped Joeys arm. “Yugi looks like he needs some saving. He seems to be talking about himself which is not a strong mark of either of these two…”
Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Cora grinned as she got her confirmation. Seeing that he was bright red, Cora was suddenly freaking out and waving her arms wildly. "Ohmygosh, imsosorry! That was so careless of me and not consider your feelings. Please forgive me!" She says frantically as she bows her head to Yugi.

Joey looks toward where Serena pointed to Yugi and saw what the woman was doing. "Looks like they both need savin'." Joey goes over to the Yugi and the young woman he was with as they both seemed flustered.

Yami looks toward Serena pouts. "What about me not having a strong suit of talking about myself?" He asks though remembering how he talked quite about himself to Serena. Practically had laid out his life his life story to her a couple days ago.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Serena looked at him and said “you don’t boost about yourself. No ego either. It’s a good trait you and Yugi share”

Yugi held his hands up and said “no it’s alright. This is on me really…” then he saw Joey and said “Joey…help…I’m making this worse…”
Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Yami pouts a little longer before conceding to his fate and gives off a small smile. "That is true."

Joey had gone off toward Yugi and the girl. When he got to them, he looks to the girl as she raises her head. When she looks to Joey, she grins as she greets him. "You must be Joey Wheeler, Yugi was telling me about you! My name's Cora." Cora greeted.

Joey rubbed the back of her neck as he smiles. "Awwww shucks Yug'." He blushes. Cora looked to Joey whom seemed confused. "I was just apologizing to Yugi. I thought I made him uncomfortable without realizing it." She explains. Joey nods before looking to Joey. "Nah! It's alrigh'. Yugi just doesn't boast in the perks and stuff from his title. Even if someone recognized him, it's just a title and all. Isn't that right Yug'?" Joey explains.

Cora seemed to understand and nods before looking to Yugi and bows her head. "I'm sorry I didn't think about your feelings on the matter." She lifts her head to see his response, Joey looking to Yugi before giving him a thumbs up. This girl seemed alright so far in his books.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Serena moved to him and rested her hands on his chest and said “trust me…it’s one of my favorite things about you…my prince…” she moved and kissed his cheek as she whispered the last part.

Yugi nodded and said “ya, the title isn’t something…I didn’t do it alone…it was thanks to the help I got from my friends…”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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If Yami could turn into a plankboard for how suddenly stiff he felt as he noticed what Serena was doing. His face turning a bright red when she kissed his cheek. If anything he was incredibly happy though how she expressed it was something he didn't expect. "O-Oh? G-Glad to know." He managed to stammer out.

Cora smiled, happy she didn't upset her new friend. "That's amazing though! To have such amazing friends with you during Battle City Tournament and make it to the top!" Cora complimented with her smile grow to a grin. "Come on Yugi, let's go register before it's too late!" She exclaims before taking Yugi's hand and guiding him to the register board. Leaving Joey where he was. All he could do was smile and go where the others have gathered. Once they get there and sign up, Cora looks around just admiring the sight of the club and the participants.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Serena smiled and said softly in his ear “you haven’t changed one bit in all these years…your still that shy prince you saved Mahad from a snake bite…”

Yugi was pulled with her as Mokuba poked Seto. “Look at Yugi. Looks like he found a new friend” Yugi moved with Cora and signed his name up and then moved back and looked around.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Yami was still blushing from Serena's sly yet alluring behavior. Though he was shy about displaying their relationship in public though they were being more open about it, was still a concept he was getting use to. Though something seemed to click as he snapped himself out his daze and leaned forward and gave Serena a quick passionate kiss, then pulling away to see her reaction. "It's almost our turn to order." He points out to her.

Seto's attention was given to Mokuba as he looked around before his eyes landed on Yugi and the friend that Mokuba seemed to be mentioning. Joey walked toward them when he heard Mokuba and sat down. "That's Cora. Seems like a nice person from how she acted. Seem to be hitting it off well too!" Joey mentions. Seto nods before looking around.

Cora had looked around before spotting most of Yugi's friends. She taps his shoulder and points them out. "I found your friends. Looks like they found a spot close to the Dueling ring." She points out.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Serena gasped a little when he grabbed her gently and kissed her, blinking as he pulled back. “Right…should we…get something for Yugi?” She was bright red but smiling.

Mokuba was still watching Yugi and said “he likes her…”

Yugi smiled and said “they always do. Do you want to sit with us? Do you have friends here?”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Yami smiles with a slight mischievous look and nods. "Yes. Good idea." Once it was their turn Yami let's Serena go first before giving his order for himself and Yugi, then pays for them. Waiting patiently.

"Let me know when he asks her out. That just means we have another need to join this circus of weirdos." Seto mentions. Joey huffs at Kaiba's comment before speaking his mind while pouting. "We're and awesome circus of weirdos Thank you very much." Tristen nods in agreement while Marik rolls his eyes.

Cora was surprised to be invited to hang out with them. Though she nods as a blush crosses her cheeks and looks down. "I-I would love to. I don't have any friends here." She admits.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Serena came up and ordered for herself and then paid, looking back at Yami. Then she got their orders and walked with Yami back to the seats.

Mokuba smirked and said “Seto…we are part of this circus” Ishizu covered her mouth from laughing as Odion smiled at Mokuba.

Yugi smiled and took her hand and led her over “well you will soon enough”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Yami thanked her before following Serena to meet up with their friends. Seto looks to Mokuba. "I know that. Hence why I didn't exclude us."

Cora had looked as her hand was taken and herself guided to the group. Her demeanor changed, feeling thankful to Yugi. Though she felt the need to keep herself in check to a degree. Not wanting to ruin her chances at having friends. Maybe she could tell them soon enough.

When the two pairs made it to the bleacher seats, Yami got a better look to the girl that caught Yugi's attention. She was indeed pretty, and an innocent air about her.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Mokuba smiled and said “then don’t have the cool voice when you say it” Serena moved over to Yugi and Cora and said “hey there. I’m Serena” Yugi smiled and moved to Cora’s ear and said softly “she’s the Queen of Games. Yami and her make the King and Queen”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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Seto rolled his eyes at the comment before looking to the four that showed up. Cora shook Serena's hand when Yugi whispered to her about his brother and Serena. Cora blinked quickly before it clicked. "Oh my gosh! I didn't know there was a Queen of Games!" She grins and felt excited. "I'm sorry, my name's Cora Fujimoto. It's a please to meet you." But then she realized how small she felt around all these people and their accomplishments.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Serena waved her free hand and said “oh it’s not a big deal. Really. Not like these guys” Yugi laughed as Tristen said “so who would win, Serena or Kaiba?”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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Cora had let go of Serena's hand she shook before looking toward Tristen when asked who would win. Yami was thinking about it for it was an interesting question.

"I mean....it could swing either way. Though I know Mr. Kaiba has his blue eyes, I dont know Miss Serena's deck or what it mainly contains. But if anything I would take a chance on Miss Serena. Who knows what she has up her sleeve." Cora explains. She the suddenly looks about her. Yami looked intrigued of how Cora went about it while Joey was surprised. Marik was impressed.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Yugi smiled and said “Seto, you and Serena should have a duel when this is all over” Serena glanced at Seto and shrugged. “Maybe. We will see”

Ishizu said to Marik softly “I can see what she says…none of us have seen Serena’s full deck”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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Seto looks to Serena before he shrugs. "We might. Would be interesting at least."

Marik nods in agreement with his sister. "True."

With that the Duel Ring was illuminating as a spokesman comes onto the stage while the room dimmed a bit but enough for people to see while the Neon light didn't change. Cora hurried them to sit down as the games were about to begin.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to The Nightingale's Weekend Dueling Club Tournament! Where we love to Duel and have fun! Those are the rules and I don't make the rules!" The Announcer starts off as you can hear some laughter from within the crowd.

"Today's Duels are Tag team, therefore it's two versus two! Rules are simple for the newbies. Each Duelist gets a turn within their little Duo, no Duelist goes a second time unless they have effect cards. Other than that, Life points are four thousand shared each team. Surrenders and Zero life points end the duel. Have fun, no cheating and Let's get to Dueling!" The crowd cheers as a white screen lowers.

"First ones up to get us started is: Team Joey and Team Kyo!" With that Joey and Seto get up and head to the Dueling ring. The crowd roars when they notice that Seto Kaiba is Dueling amongst them.
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