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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Serena smiled at them both and said “thank you…I guess I have to go get my hand checked don’t I?”

The nurse said “he came back around a few moments ago but his got a nasty headache and is refusing to be checked. We are worried he hit his head”

Yugi smiled and looked down at his new pendent. “She’s one of the blessed now…”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Yami gave Serena a knowing look. "Yes. You do. The last think we need is for it to get worse without being treated." Heading toward the sirens. "I will go with you if you wish." He offers her, making sure she had options.

"Give him a bit, if anything changes with him, contact myself or Mokuba." He informs the nurse. "How are Drake, Aaron, and the Riders?" He asks next.

The young men looked at Yugi and Cora surprised. It came back to Cora now as she remembered about the interaction with the goddess, Hoth. Marik looked to Yugi's Pendant, getting a closer look and was even more surprised. "The goddess Hoth! Congratulations you two." Marik praised as Cora blushed as she shifted shyly in place.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Serena sighed and looked at Joey “I’m not getting out of this am I? I shouldn’t even fight him?”

She paused clicking on a tablet then said “Drake is still in a coma but his vitals are rising a little. The riders are doing well, seem to be recovering nicely. Aaron…oh right the other coma patient. His still stable just unconscious…but it was odd I got word the last half an hour his vitals were all over the place”

Yugi said “she must have known the danger here. That’s why she called us here.”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Joey shakes his head. "Even I know not to disregard anythin' might be broken. Plus you're datin' him." He said with a cheeky grin.

Seto hummed at the news. The report on Aaron intrigued him. "Keep me informed should his vitals change from normal. Keep me updated per normal otherwise. Good work." He hangs up, pressing the edge of his phone on his chin and just under his bottom lip. He wondered what may have happened to spike his vitals. At this rate, he needed to know why.

Marik nodded. "That makes sense. I wonder why she didn't tell us about them then?" He asks curiously.

Cora seemed to think about it too. "Maybe she had to be careful for maybe watching her." Cora guessed.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Serena blinked and said “right…well that means he has to listen to me when it matters then. Come on”

Mokuba looked at Seto and asked “what’s going on bro?”

Yugi said “she might be limited what she can do…until her own blessed were found”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Yami smiled softly, as they walked toward the ambulances. They had loaded up Tsunade and Genki and were about to check on the whole group, Joey waves at them. "Hey! Excuse me? Can you help our friend? We think she broke her hand."

"Adam seems fine, but bothers me is that a little bit ago, it seems Aaron showed signs of responding but went back to being as he was." Seto told him. "I told them to monitor him more closely and tell me of any changes as soon as they happen."

Cora bounced her head side to side a bit for it made sense. "True. Being a goddess and all."
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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A paramedic walked over and said “did this happen during the fight?” Serena nodded as the man started to check over her hand. “I think you broke it, I can wrap it but you better get to an er to get scans and get it set…”

Mokuba folded his arms and said “that’s Serena’s brother right? I wonder what could have made his body react like that…maybe we should see if anyone else in his state has reacted the same way”

Yugi nodded as they went outside and saw Serena getting checked “dang she did break it…”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Yami nodded, understanding what needed to be done. "Thank you. I'll make sure she gets her hand checked and set." He assures them waiting till they were done wrapping her hand. Before leading Serena back inside to see if they were all ready but to see Yugi and the others. Joey nods to Yugi. "She did.

Cora, Tristen and Marik looked surprised to see Serena with a wrapped hand. "She did." Joey tells them. Cora winces at that, feeling bad about her Serena's hand.

"Agreed. Just to rule out the possibility." Seto answers.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Serena sighed and said “I didn’t mean too…I just lashed out…turns out against a wall…”

Yugi paused then walked over and he said “hold on…” he held his hand over hers and his eyes glowed. A pink and red glow appeared around her hand and yukis pendent glowed.

Mokuba nodded and looked around and saw the glowing and said “umm…Seto?”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Those in the room were quite surprised to see what was transpiring before their eyes. Not only Cora was surprised but amazed and in awe. Even Yami was amazed by the power Yugi was displaying. He knew Yugi had much potential, but now to rely instinct alone was truly amazing and a show of pure talent.

Seto looked up from his phone to see what Mokuba was trying to get his attention for and his was left speechless. What he was seeing before his very eyes, he could not explain.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Serena stared at Yugi as he moved his hand back and said “well?” Serena moved it a bit and said “still stiff but…the pain is gone. How did you do that?” Yugi smiled and said “I have the goddess of love…I figured..” suddenly his vision blurred and he stumbled back a couple steps.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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"YUGI!" A collective of voices from his friends. Cora being next to him got behind him and took hold of his shoulders, bracing him. "Whoa there." She peeks from behind. "You okay Yugi?" She asks him.

Joey and tristen relaxed knowing Yugi was in good hands. Marik when felt himself relax with the breath he had been holding. Seto examined what he witnessed, knowing magic is what was used and still he didn't understand it.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Yugi nodded softly but still blinking hard. “Ya just dizzy…” Serena moved to help Yugi move to somewhere to sit and said “Joey? Grab his jacket”

Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Cora helps as well while Joey gets his jacket. When he is sitting down Cora fold her arms over her chest as Seto comes over toward the group. "The car is waiting for us when we're ready to go." He informs them.

"When Yugi is ready, we can leave." Yami suggests.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Yugi smiled and after Joey got his jacket he said “I’m okay really we can go…”

Serena was testing her hand amazed the pain was mostly gone. She muttered “do all the blessed have skills like this?”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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"If your sure Yug'. Let's get going then. I know for a fact I'm starvin'!" Joey said definitely feeling hungry and Tristen nodded in agreement. "I agree, man. This definitely did a number on us. Think we fix some tacos or something?" He asks in general.

Cora looks confused once they start leaving. "Do they always think with their stomachs?" She asks, interested in her new friends.

Marik was curious about that too, wondering what abilities each would have based on the god/goddess they were blessed by. "It's a possibility."

Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Yugi got up and made his way to the main doors with the others, serena catching Joey and Seto “keep an eye on him. I should go get my hand checked to make sure it’s all fixed up.”

Ishizu looked at Marik and said “we should look into what other gods of old could find reason to get involved…we may need more allies”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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Joey and Seto looked to Serena before looking back to Yugi. Joey gave a nod. "We will. Dont forget the buddy system." Joey asks.

Marik looked to his sister and nodded. "Of course, sister. Where would we begin?" He asks.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Ishizu said as they walked “I think we hit the books and make a list. White board style like in school. Maybe Seto has a space we can use”

Serena nodded as Yugi turned “Yami? Why don’t you go with her and maybe…have a couple hours just you two?” He smiled weakly and looked pale for a moment.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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Seto looks over to Ishizu. "The mansion isn't safe yet for anything involving the research, I had planned on taking us back to Serena and Adam's hideout. For there we are safer from the Brotherhood goons trying to figure out our plans." Kaiba explained.

Yami looked over to Yugi and seemed hesitant at first. Seeing how pale he looked. But he conceded in the end. "I will. You get some rest Yugi." He tells his partner before going over to Serena. "Ready when you are."
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