Name of Ship: Battlestar Warspite (Galatic Old Lady)
Home Universe/Name of Franchise: Battlestar galactica Battlestar galactica…Ship Class: Jupiter Class Battestar battleship/carrier hybrids
Physical Description/Image:
Physical Size (roughly):Length:
1438.6 Meters
536.8 Meters (FLight bays out)
183.3 Meters
Main hull
This comprises the bulk of a battlestar and can itself be divided into three sections:
The fore section: Also known as the "alligator head," contains much of the living and crew areas, including the CIC, War Room, observation deck, , crew quarters, comfort facilities, pilots' rec room, sickbay, and numerous airlocks. This section also includes the main water tanks and water transfer hatches.
The mid section: Contains the main flight decks, flight pod retraction mechanisms, and service areas for the transfer of planes and pilots from flight pod, to flight pod. This section also houses the main gun batteries, missile launch tubes and support systems and corresponding ammunition stores (TRS: "Miniseries").
The stern section: Contains the ship's engine room, engine pods, FTL drives, and auxiliary facilities needed to maintain the ship's propulsion.
Armament/Complement (roughly): Armament:
24 Primary Dual KEW
12 Missile Tubes
514 Dual Point-Defense KEW
Partial Armor Plating
Aviation facilities:
2x Flight Pods
2x Flight Decks
80x Viper Launch Tubes
Viper Mk. VIIa x50 approx
Viper Mk. VIIb
Raptor Mk. II x20
Raptor Mk. II Heavy
History of the Ship: Forced out their own universe the Cylons used a new tactic when the nukes, Baystars and other efforts failed to take down the antiquated but resilient Battlestar, its heavy ablative armour and system redundancy designed to withstand nuclear attack and hit back. Its systems being so old they could not be hacked and disabled like her modern sisters.
The new weapon lured the Battestar into an area of space laced with rare elements and executed an ambush from inside the remains of a fleet of civilian vessels they had destroyed prior, luring them in using the distress calls. The moment they made to jump out and escape the trap the second trap activated sending their jump drive at the moment of firing out of control. They assumed the event tore the ship apart but something guided them to a new fate, forcing the crew to face a new apocalypse as they had narrowly outran the first and second Cylon Wars.
Joining the Expedition they had no choice, the new world was facing grave peril and their home was already destroyed, They had to fight for the one they found themselves in. Her crew is battered, bruised but proud and the ship has not let them down yet, so they will not fail her.
The Battestar is determined to redeem and earn its honour back after the 2nd Cylon Wars. They may die but its better than dieing waiting for the enemy to come for them.
Her hull bears still it's battered and burned red markings proudly, it's hull plates are burned, battered and dented but solid. It might look an a little care worn outaide and in its corridors but it's systems function well.
Notable Crew:Captain Anna De Rio
Col Mortimer Tye (Second in command)
Major Ivan Kraken (Marine commander)
Captain Maria Jenson (Marine 2nd)
Chief Engineer Marcus Landa
Master Warrant Officer Victoria Thracia
Dr Janey Yalta (Chief of Medical)
Comms / Jump Officer Lt Reya Gator
Major Kara Star (CAG)
Captain Peter Mortis (Viper command)
Capitain Emma Isle (Raptor Command)
Optional, but helpful:
Unique Technology: Non linked systems / Isolated Computers
Support / fabrication facilities / ammunition manufacturing capacity
Extensive redundancy in design
Marine detachment for boarding, surface and other operations.
Raptors can execute short range independent FTL Travel and operations of limited duration.
Designed for long range deep space operations such highly efficient water recovery and recycling systems.
Heavy abaltive clad hull is well protected from radiation hazzeds.
Crew Size: 3500
Faction/Operator/Owner: Colonia FLeet.