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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 20 min ago

Ishizu nodded and said “we will see what we can find there. I wasn’t sure since neither of them were going to be there…unless Adam is heading there after his spell”

Yugi nodded and moved to the parked car, stumbling the last few steps.

Serena nodded and said “thanks for coming with me. Just want to be safe…then I can get you back to yugi” she hadn’t heard yugi’s idea of them spending time together.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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"I'll give him a call." Kaiba says as he pulls out his phone and dials Adam's number.

Cora and Joey go to stabilize Yugi. Cora pulling her hand away seeing that Joey had him. "You good Yug'?" He asks. Cora gets in as she looks amazed about being in a limo.

Yami placed his hands in his pockets, following Serena when she's ready. "Yugi should be okay for a little while. Maybe, if your alright with it. Could spend spend a couple hours or so to ourselves?" He asks looking a little nervous and failing to hide it.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 20 min ago

The tomb keeper nodded as she moved to the limo with her brother. It took a few rings before Adam answered and said in a weary voice “yes? This is Adam…oh, Seto it’s you. Sorry didn’t check the id…is everyone alright?”

Yugi nodded weakly and said “ya I’m okay…just still off balance…”

Serena turned to him and blushed a bit. “Like…a real date? In the open?” In their past life they never could have gone out together like that, not hand in hand in the streets.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

"Yeah. You still at the hospital?" Seto asks.

"Figured. You did do something you just found out about." Joey commented. "Atleast the days getting close to being over."

Yami blushed when she called a it a date. Though they could not court one another in the open due to status, now he did not have to worry of such things. "If...you would like to call it that. Then...yes. a date. In the open." He declares. "Where would you like to go?" He asks her.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 20 min ago

Adam paused a moment then said “no…trying to make my way back to base…having a hard time walking…”

Yugi sat down and said “I hope so…this is getting intense…” Duke looked at his pendent and muttered “what gift would a god of creation give I wonder…”

Serena smiled widely then said “first my hand to prove Yugis gift works and to what level. Then we can decide what to do from there”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

"Where are you. I'll have my driver swing by and get you." He says, knowing Serena would want him to pick him up or else.

"No kiddin'." Joey comments. Tristen looks to Duke and his pendant. "Don't know. But maybe you've been using it all this time when making your Dungeon Dice Monsters game?" He guessed.

The former pharaoh nodded, agreeing with her. "Of course. Something to think about then?" Gently taking hold of her hand.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 20 min ago

Adam sighed and seemed to be checking and said “three blocks south of the hospital…”

Duke tilted his head and said “true but still…Yugi just healed bones…was hoping for something just as cool…” Yugi looked at his pendent and said “maybe we can test it out”

Serena smiled and nodded “yes…” she walked with him back towards the hospital, smiling softly.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

"Got it. Sit tight, we'll meet you there." He say as he relays the directions to his driver as he hangs up.

"Best to do that tomorrow then. We'll have clearer heads and have all day to so." Tristen suggests.

Walking side by side, Yami walks with Serena toward the hospital. Though a bit of a walk, it felt nice to be just the two of them. To finally have this happen here in the present was a gift he was enjoying and surely so was Serena. No guards, no council and city to judge them just for him to be of royalty. It was certainly a breath of fresh air for them both.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 20 min ago

Yugi nodded softly as Seto hung up and asked “Seto? What’s going on? Who are we picking up?” Mokuba sat by Seto and had his laptop out and was typing fast.

Ishizu looked towards Marik and said “I do wonder…if the healing power was from the love side or the battle side…”

Serena looked at him and said “do you think they would be happy to see us like this? Mana, Mahad, Seth…those who knew about us but kept it secret for our sakes…do you think they are smiling down at us?”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

"We're picking up Adam. He's exhausted and needs a ride back." Seto explains. He glances toward his brother, seeing if he can get an easy glance as to what his belittle brother was working on.

"It would have come from the battle half." Marik said. He thought about what the other side could do. "If I remember right, Hathor, the side of love, she had a multitude of powers but her well known is Clairvoyance and Hypnotism." Marik continued to explain.

Yami looked over to Serena when she asked about what their friends would have thought about them now. "I think they are. Possibly relieved too now that we are able to show our affections without secrecy."
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 20 min ago

Yugi said “wait…why is he worn out?” Mokuba was working on gathering the information on the duelists that crossed over and who had been missing but also adding in what they could have related to the gods in styles and traits.

Ishizu nodded and looked to Cora. “Which goddess were you blessed by?”

Serena smiled and said “I can believe that…and about Adam…I had no idea he was…linked to the card. Not like that…I’m not sure how that even happened…”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

"No clue. That's just what he told me." Seto wasn't sure but that's why he was going to pick him up.

Cora looked over to Ishizu a tad startled. "Oh...umm...if I remember right, Yugi and I were both blessed by the same goddess who is two sides of the same coin, I was blessed by the goddess of war Sekhmet. I dabbled a little into the history of Egyptian gods and goddess'." Cora explains.

Yami agreed. "I knew you could merge with a monster spirit. But one like in Adam's situation is unheard of till now.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 20 min ago

Ishizu nodded softly and said “you will be able to heal then…yugi might ipget the other skills marik said…would be interesting in the least…seeing yugi that powerful…”

Yugi looked out and sat up suddenly “Seto! There he is!” Adam was kneeling on one knee against a wall, trying to stay out of the way but be seen from the street.

Serena nodded then said “what if…his human form isn’t his true form?”
Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Cora tilted her head, not having had paid attention what what Marik and Ishizu were talking about. She had been in her own little world till Ishizu got her attention. Her attention on Yugi when Ishizu pointed how how powerful can be with the double blessing he recieved. Cora was still trying to adjust and wrap her head around everything. So any comment involving power or anything current would not mean anything.

The group looked to see what Yugi was seeing, then to find Adam. The driver pulled over for Joey and Tristen to hop out and run to their friend. They help him to his feet and get him to the car when Marik and Cora help Adam into the car. "You alright?" Cora asks, helping him ease over to a seat.

Yami seemed to think on it. "Maybe. That would be a question to ask him when we head back." They could see the hospital a couple blocks away.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 20 min ago

Adam was breath8g hard and said “thank you…I am okay…truly just…hard to work my body right now…” Yugi frowned then moved to sit by Adam and said “here let me try something” before anyone could stop him, he held his hand on over Adams chest and the red light appeared again, wrapping around Adam.

Serena nodded and saw the ER and said “questions that can wait for now…alright let’s just find a nurse to check the hand. I don’t want to waste time with scans and such…”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Cora was about to say something to Yugi, yet was too late to speak. However not too late to act. To help. And so with hesitance at first, placed her hand on Yugi's and closed her eyes. To help the flow and mend. To feel and to understand.

Yami gave a bit of a wary smile and his free hand rubbing the back of his neck, but knowing that she didn't like hospitals. "Understood. At least we are not far now."
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 20 min ago

Yugi looked at her and blushed a little then it was lucky Cora helped because suddenly a huge energy pull happened, like the level of a car battery. Adam shot up and said “Yugi stop!” Suddenly Yugi fell backwards as he passed out.

Serena nodded as they walked into the ER and she looked around. “Okay…who doesn’t look busy”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Cora felt the pull too, felt the need to cut it off. To get away. She was almost too late. She felt her herself get dizzy made herself go to Yugi. Maybe she could try and give some of her energy to Yugi. She didn't want to see her new friend in this state. Placing a hand over his heart, tried to transfer some of her energy to him like a blood transfusion.

Yami looked about the E.R to see if he could find a nurse. He found one and gently guiding Serena over. "Excuse me miss. I was wondering if you could give my girlfriend's arm? She recently had her cast removed for a broken arm and she was telling me it was feeling a bit stiff but there was no pain. Could you help give her a piece of mind.?" He asks her.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 20 min ago

Yugi fell backwards as Adam tried to catch him and said “Seto stop the car!” He moved to check Yugis pulse and said “Cora move your hand a little to the left. He doesn’t have a pulse” he moved to check his breathing and then pushed Cora’s hand into Yugis chest more and his eyes glowed white as he pushed his power into her hand and pushed yugis heart back into normal rhythm. Yugi coughed and lay on the floor of the limo as Adam checked his pulse again. “Got him back…dang it he didn’t need to give me everything…Yugi? Yugi can you hear me?”

The nurse looked up and smiled at him. “Of course. That’s normal when the hands been not moving for a while. Let me have a look” she took Serena’s hand and checked the bones, all the while Serena was bright red. After a few minutes she said “feels alright, the bones seem a little tender but apart from that I think your alright. Just keep moving the hand around and the nerves will wake back up”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

The moment Seto was told to stop the car made everyone tense and fearful for Yugi's life, especially Cora who was trying harder to save his life. Tears silently falling as she was doing as she was told. The man they were trying to help was now the one helping Yugi. At the moment she was feeling terrified with the rest of the group, jump scared even when he came back to them all and coughed. With a now shaking hand, moved her hand away as she scooted back while his friends were checking on him. She sat herself near the front, curled up while trying to calm herself down as she felt she may have been somehow been responsible since she tried to help.

Seto even felt the scare of Yugi having flat lined on them. Joey and Tristen had tears as they watched their friend flat line then to come back to them. Marik was worried half to death. Joey tried too on waking up his best friend who lay on the limo floor. "Yug'...Yugi! Hey man wake up!"

"Thank you very much ma'am." When Serena was ready, he walked with her out of the E.R. suddenly he felt off but couldn't explain how. He shook off the feeling as he would think about it later, having come out of no where and not something he had felt before. He was ready to spend time with Serena.
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