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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

The ship appeared in orbit of Coruscant without warning. It was instantly detected and targeted by orbital defenses and patrol vessels alike, it was swiftly dealt with. There was no panic on Coruscant. Not by the general population, the military, or even the Jedi. There was however one man who was concerned. Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine had crafted everything in the war, every piece moving perfectly according to his grand design. Minor bumps in the road were swiftly overcome, and strategies were adopted. This however was an unknown variable.

The media was spinning it as a new form of Separatist vessel, probing Coruscant's defenses and reaction times as a precursor to invasion. Palpatine knew better or believed he did. This vessel wasn't separatist. Not unless Dooku was planning to overthrow and replace him. Such a thing was unlikely but not impossible. Since the start of the war he had pushed his Apprentice further and further to the Dark Side, and power afterall did corrupt. Though as the wreckage from the ship came crashing down to the surface off the planet, the worry soon disappeared out of his mind as days turned into weeks. It continued to nag at the back of his brain, but more pressing matters gained his attention.

As the ship fell the individual Replicator blocks formed around a single being. She didn't panic as she came hurtling through the atmosphere. After all, she was protected by her brethren. Protocols were enacted as the combined mass crashed through several layers of the cityscape that littered the planet. A rudimentary scan of the networks this universe presented indicated this was the galactic capital. While that meant that there was potentially the greatest resistance it also provided the greatest opportunity. There was an abundance of resources for her brethren to consume and replicate from. It also provided means to transport anywhere else in the galaxy via spacecraft.

Climbing out of the debris on a deserted street her brethren reformed before her as bugs. She used the neural network to send them forth to replicate. Instructing them to delve deeper and deeper. Remain undetected until the time came to come forth and consume. For there would be no chance unless they were ready.

Sixth also meanwhile had much information to gather, and prepare. Afterall there was always the possibility that in their way to this universe the breach was detected. If there was anything they had learned from their encounters with the Asgard and the Humans of Earth is that their foes were as relentless as they were and that with all possible haste they should prepare for their foes to find them.

Daniel sighed as he looked on at the motley assembly of ships he had gathered from across the multiverse. He still wasn't entirely sure what chances they had, but there were limitations to his power. How much he could interfere without incurring the wrath, not just of the others but the other various beings across the multiverse.

"Oh come on, don't look so glum."

Daniel sighed as he turned to the side. "Q. I wasn't expecting to see you here."

"Au contraire my fellow omnipotent friend. With all the noise you were making, you knew I'd never be able to resist. You're wanting something from me."

Daniel just smiled.

Sixth ascended the steps to the great Jedi Temple. Home to the religious sect that held great power and significance within this 'Galactic Republic'. They fascinated Sixth, a race of organic beings with powers, unlike anything they had known. Sixth had no interest in the Senate buildings, they had known various government types and histories from the information their brethren had gathered within the Ida Galaxy in their home universe. This was something entirely new. As they climbed the steps they made their way past war protestors. Apparently, it was a time of great conflict, with both sides using disposable armies. The Clones were of no use to Sixth, but the droid armies used by the group known as Separatists would likely be useful later.

Ascending to the top of the steps Sixth barged her way past armored clones. There was screaming as people ran, and an individual in robes turned to face Sixth. Pulling a cylinder from his waist a beam of energy erupted from it. A lightsaber. This was a Jedi. A nearby clone charged Sixth, and with a precision strike his neck was broken. Two more charged and were as swiftly dispatched. The Jedi raised a hand in the direction of Sixth and seemed perplexed when nothing happened. Perhaps he had expected Sixth to stop?

Continuing onward Sixth was certainly surprised when the solid beam of plasma cut straight through their neck. The rest of the body disassembled onto the floor leaving nothing but a head.

The next couple of days Sixth watched and listened as people poured over the head form. As scans and tests were performed, questions were asked. Sixth never spoke a word, nanites slowly working their way into the Jedi Temple and through its systems. It took time to process the vast amount of information that the archives held, yet as the number of Replicator Brethren increased it was easy to spread the burden and process it across their number. While Sixths head remained, their replicator brethren were busy infiltrating power distribution, life support, and production systems. Some of them had worked their way to the lowest levels where there was very little organic life. Consuming raw materials and replicating, replacing the consumed materials with replicator blocks to prevent any sort of security system from detecting the changes in structural integrity.

On the thirty-first cycle (local time) of Sixths incursion on Coruscant, their number was in the millions. Every day a Jedi would come before Sixth and try and probe their mind with this 'Force' that they revered so much. After some research Sixths best estimation was that due to her makeup of nanite cells that their body was immune to this mental probe. The Jedi had all claimed that Sixth was some form of 'droid' but Sixth knew that they, no. She now. Was so much more. A Jedi by the name of Cin Drallig stood before her. He had questioned her many times since she arrived at the temple.

"You're never going to tell us why you came here? What are the Separatists planning?"

Her mouth moved.

Cins expression changed to one of confusion. "Are you going to tell us?"

"R-R-R" Her voice came out heavy, as if she was trying it out for the first time.

"What is your purpose here?"

He leaned in closer.

"To Replicate." As she spoke Replicators burst out of air vents all over the temple, as doors closed and life support systems shut down. All over the planet powergrids were disrupted, automated systems failed. Carnage and chaos spread as Replicator bugs spat forth from the depths of the planets, ships came out of the lower levels. Crashing down littered with Sixths replicator brethren as they made their way systematically dismantling defense systems. Nothing could stop them as they continued to pour from the depths. Blasters simply seemed to slow them down, the only effective weapons seemed to be lightsabers but even then sheer numbers slowly drove the Jedi from their own temple. A state of emergency declared, and as soon as Supreme Chancellor Palpatine had made it safely off planet, quarantine was declared.

Thirty-one days since Sixths arrival, and twenty four hours and the Replicators had done what had never been done in Galactic History.

They had seized Coruscant.

Hidden 5 mos ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 22 min ago

Astro Megatimeship

As the ship arrived in orbit around Coruscant, the Rangers looked out of the front viewscreen. "It's... Kinda beautiful..." Mele stated.

"Even if it is getting bombed into the ground." Kai replied, sighing. "What are we even going to do? If that god-guy-"

"His name is Daniel." Raekar butted in.

"If DANIEL is able to pull all of us out of our time-lines and dump us here, i don't see why he can't just poof these technobugs out of existance. And don't give me that whole "ThE oThErS wOnT lEt Me!" crap. I've had enough of Gods not stepping up when they need to. Say what you like about Mom, but at least she damn well got off her ass and helped when the universe needed her to." He grunted back.

"Gods are always fickle creatures" Michelle replied. "Only the dark gods are willing to do what is needed unconditionally in order to further their dark cause. Very few gods of order and light seem willing to do what is needed."

"Speaking from personal experience?" Jay asked with a friendly smile. She simply stared emotionlessly back at him, as she tended to do.

"I am fortunate to be servant to the Mystic Mother." She replied.

"Well, i'm just glad that we will have some military back up for once." Asami smiled. "Like, actual soldiers. The Hengemen are just..." She stared at an inactive Hengeman in the corner. "I'm just glad that we get actual soldiers to back us up this time." Jack stared at her.

"Hey, we're soldiers. Badass-kickers, ready to fight." He held out his fist to Philip, who stared at it for a second, before he bumped it with his fist. "Still sad Colonel Black wouldn't give us a go with those F-302's."

"Hey, i think she's just scared of the Wizardactyl running rings around those things." Kai laughed. He then saw Wipe-Out mopping up at the back of the large Bridge area. "Hey, Wipe-Out, if we can get you aboard the Cathrine Langford, i don't suppose you could scan one of those F-302's as an Alt-Mode?" He put on a big, cheesy, friendly smile. Wipe-Out simply stared back at him, shook his head in disappointment at the question and went back to mopping. "Well, it was worth a shot." He sighed.

"Looks like we're the first to this party." Raekar sighed. "Keep an eye out for incoming attacks."

"Want us to go down there and scout out the place?" Jack asked.

"Alright, but remember, stealth and precision." Raekar said. "Don't draw the entire bug population to you. There seems to be a very large concentration of those weird metal signatures Daniel told us about around this large temple structure. Go in Ninja-Mode and if things start getting dicey, call for extraction." She walked over and gave her son a kiss on the forehead.

"Alright, ready guys?" Jack asked.


"TEMPUS KNIGHTS NINJA POWER!" They yelled in unison, flourishing their morphers, before slapping a strange golden coin into them.








As they yelled that, in a flash of their associated colours, the sacred Ninja Garb wrapped around their bodies from seemingly no-where. The strange Ninjeti powers that Dulcea had given them weren't as powerful in combat as their true Morphed state, but the strange magics that she weilded seemed to create some kind of perception filter around them. By no means invisibility, but beings looking at them would find it hard to notice them or even register that something was amiss.

Another flash of light in their associated colours as they disappeared from the bridge, before reappearing on Coruscant's surface near the steps of the Jedi Temple. Bugs seemed to be everywhere. But looking around, the bugs didn't SEEM to immediately notice and start trying to murder them so they took that as a good sign. But was that a sign that they couldn't see the Rangers, or that they simply didn't judge them to be a threat? Only time would tell. The 7 Rangers started slowly creeping up the steps, staying low.
Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

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Battlestar Warpite

Galatic Old Lady

Coruscant System

“So we're doing this then?” The gathered officers were in the more formal and lavish ward room, bright blue carpet, plush chairs and a level of trim that the old Battlestar did not possess in many places. A ship built for war and long distances from home, she lacked luxury but in compensation alcohol was never short aboard and what got on in the unisex berths, heads and quiet corners was not remarked upon. Stress had been burned in more than just the weight room or the close combat rings.

Drinks littered the tables, other officers of junior ranks where standing and food had been laid out. “Yes, we are. Major Kara, we will be joining the allied fleet. We are alone, and we cannot survive alone” The Commander spoke, running a hand through her hair cut to shoulder length and tied up and out the way. “Yes I know, we need more time, but time we do not have.” Pausing as the crew drew breath. “The briefing documents you have, list the details. You read them. What do you need.” She gestured to her own octagonal report in front of her, sat at the centre and looked around at the officers who would lead her crew. Now was the time to speak up.

Commander Anna de Rio was proud, all of them had performed their duty under the hardest of conditions and time, lost more than any could bear to lose and yet they still stood together. All 3500 of her own crew or their abouts had made her proud.

“Prepare to cycle the drives, Miss Gator. Lock the ship and prepare for Jump” The commander called out in her tone that gave no room for question and the iron of a woman who had led through war, Armageddon and into a whole new galaxy. “Alert fighters, to ready tubes. Raptors 1 through 4 ready for high altitude recon. Dreidas, ready?” Calling out to the console as previously the system had been temperamental the last week and sensor ghosts and glitches have required annual confirmation.

“Ready. Confirmed green” Came the clear return from the Station and others confirming they were ready to jump. All consoles reported in green bulkheads sealed shut incase of void breaches and the damage Control boards reported green across every deck.

“Still unsure about this Commander, if we had more time to get more Vipers to combat status, we still have the chief's crews pulling 12 hour days to get more repaired and out of mothballs. Even the first war models.” Col Tye said as he leant against the command plot and projected map of the system they would be jumping into. “Daniel. Whatever in Kobols name he was, he could not have turned back time?” Wishing they had time, the Warspite was ready for a fight if they had to but they still were pulling Vipers out of reserve, getting systems back to full order and Marines were still drilling hard on the training decks practising urban combat drills to the last hours.

“We can but do Col Mortimer, This Daniel is strange as they come, but so is this. Countdown on my Mark. Mark.” Firmly switching tone and directing to the whole CIC rather than just her XO.

“Count. 20. Prepare to jump. Brace all all hands for Jump” Lt Gator picked up the heavy wired phone from its slot and she spoke across the ship's tinny and crackled decades old speaker system that had a character all of its own. “ Jump. jump. JUMP.” On the last command the jump drive fired into life and ship shook with a rush of energy, the ship flashed into a new star system.

The planet below them burned, wreckage littered the system in places as the blunt nosed warship rammed an burned out hulk of an alien transport ship out its path. “Dredas. I need a clear path” Came the Cols command as he pulled up the plot and the debris field they had jumped into. “Working on it already. Course partially sent to the Nav plot.” came the reply, several alarms reported minor impacts against the hull but importantly no breaches and the Battlestar Warspite began to swing and roll to lumber its way out of the hazards. “Work faster or you're repainting the Galactic Old Lady.” He called out in response, a hollow threat they had less than care for their hulls paint, more for getting Vipers operational and the last of the main battery guns issues ironed out.

“Alert Vipers alway, Cap is out. Raptors launch in 40” Came the report as flight bays yawned open along its sides and Vipers fell into formation alongside the vast mothership. “CAG reports tube 17 failed. Launching tube 19 to compensate” Came in over the chatter as another Viper showed to appear on the central plot alongside their port side.

“Viper 24. Report. Blue, escort class in orbit. Small, circular Hull form. Holding orbit. Matches description of Allies. The first Viper away called In as it checked the path was clear. “Copy. proceed as planned Viper 24.” Came a quick returned command.

“This is Battlestar Warspite under Commander De Rio. We are moving to a stationary Orbit. Coruscant Central metropolis Region. Deploying Raptors and Vipers for initial recon sweep. Advise if assistance is needed. Challenge codes will be required. Repeat. Support requests will be denied without Corect Challenge Codes. ” The message was sent across a secured and ahreed wide band to the allies, Daniel had already told them what the enemy was, comms was a risk but a calculated one as the fleet was stronger united.

The Viper and Raptor flew through the Smoke, cameras and sensors panning across the whole burning or damaged endless cityscapes of the world. The Jedi Temple, what their maps called it anyway, loomed as a Zigurt. The remains of intense battle clustered it and much of That could be seen from above. “Conform. This is team 3. target Alpha sighted and confirmed Visually. Holding high. Jammers online. Damage extensive, central zone. Reports are accurate. no visible resistance or current engagements. Same as Bravo and Delta space ports.”

“Move to loop to Echo hab zone” came the crackled command, check for signit.”

The reports coming In where bad as it looked, the whole place was a massive urban sprawl but apart from whatever machines, automatic beacons and such. So far it appeared to be a tomb on a planetary scale.


Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi // Aboard the Negotiator // Coruscant Orbit

The Jedi General stood with one hand stroking his beard, his elbow resting on his other hand. The surviving Jedi were scattered, some went with the surviving members of the Senate and the Military to Anaxes. Others were trying to gather and rebuild the archives on Dantooine. This left Obi-Wan and Admiral Tarkin to maintain the quarantine around the planet. In the distance in a much closer orbit, there was a large amount of wreckage and debris. As much as Obi-Wan abhorred violence, he had relented and agreed. Once the evacuation ships stopped, once the military and the Jedi had pulled out. They couldn't allow a single ship to leave, these... creatures were unlike anything they had ever faced. There appeared to be no way to stop their onslaught.

This was why when this being, glowing with the Force, approached them. Calling himself Daniel he offered aid from galaxies far far away, the Council had been quick to accept. He watched as they appeared now. Already smaller, nimble blips indicating fighters launched from one of the two larger vessels. Swinging down low in a recognisance pattern.

"Open a channel."

Cody chimed a couple of keys on the terminal, as the signal was broadcast out to the newcomer ships. "This is Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi of the Galactic Republic. We offer you greetings and thanks for your aide in this time of need, we're sending an envoy over to your ships now. We recommend caution, and that tight quarantine procedures be placed on any ship leaving the planet."


Coruscant had never seemed so quiet. From a distance the surface looked still, though on closer inspection the landscape shifted and moved as the various bug form replicators crawled over every possible surface dismantling what had taken the people of the galaxy centuries to create. While the surface levels were devoid of life, deeper in the lower levels life remained. The people who knew how to hide, how to go unnoticed. They avoided the bugs where they could, showing them that they were no threat, and the bugs left them well enough alone. Afterall, they were busy.


As the hyperspace window closed behind the Kuun-Lan, Rhys stood in the command centre. "All hands, status report."

"Life support, online."

"Construction, online."

"Fleet command, online."

"Hyperdrive, online."

"Propulsion, online."

"Tactical, online."

"Weapons systems, online."

Rhys nodded. "All systems reported in, all systems showing green." He turned to the main command console as Eadwine stepped forward. The sensor pinged, as dark spots formed. A large blue sphere around the Kuun-Lan showed their viable sensor range, extended as various Acolytes were launched from the hangar bay, entering a patrol pattern. There were slightly smaller spheres from the other ships in the new formed fleet, as their computer systems attempted to translate the information packets from the other vessels.

"We're picking up quite a bit of debris."

Rhys looked at the various derelicts on the scan, pulling it out as the communication from Obi-Wan Kenobi came through. "The Galactic Republic has formed a quarantine zone that we have breached. The debris surrounding us is likely former Replicator-controlled vessels."

He saw the corner of Eadwines mouth turn. The Beast War still weighed heavily upon them, they had been simple miners once. "Send the acolytes in a defensive pattern with a patch of Workers. Start dismantling the debris around us. I'm sure there are resources we can use."

"This is the Kuun-Lan to all fleet vessels. We are scouting the debris and dismantling it as and when possible. Once resourcing operations are underway we can devote power to sensors and research." He looked to Gank S'Jet. Ideas turning in his head, who else should they send as a delegate to alien people from alien universes?

"With permission, we are sending a delegate to the Warspite to meet with this diplomat from the Galactic Republic."

Hidden 5 mos ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 22 min ago

Astro Megatimeship

Raekar saw the message coming through from Negotiator and saw the handsome commander on the screen with his big, brown beard with greying parts. Like tensing a muscle, she adopted a more human form before answering the message. "This is Astro Megaship. We are more than happy to accept you as an ambassador" She said in her more seductive tone.

"You know, Raekar, you don't have flirt with every fleshy being we come across." Wipe-Out replied.

"I am NOT flirting with the cutie with the beard." She said, turning around.

"Do what you like, i personally find the whole idea of fleshbags firing DNA at each other to be offensive." He said, continuing to mop without looking up. "You'd never catch us doing that with CNA."

"Well, between you and me he can fire DNA at me all he likes." She giggled, before looking back at the console. "OH CRAP IT'S STILL ON!!! Hey, sorry about that, it's been a... Our comm system is on the skizz. We would be more than happy to greet your diplomatic party."


Meanwhile, on the surface, the 7 Rangers had quickly made their way into the great hall of the Jedi, watching the bugs crawling everywhere.

"Disgusting..." Mele couldn't help but whisper, before looking over at Phil. "No offense"

"I am a robot, i have no ego to bruise." He whispered back. "But there is some level of disgust in my processor watching these creatures consume and populate out of control." The 7 of them slowly snuck through to the large hall into a large library looking section where huge book-cases were being crawled over by the bugs who seemed to consume the electronic information flowing through the book-cases. Phil slowly approached the book case. His hand slowly opened to turn into a large spike. "I'm gonna jack in and see what i can get from them."

"Careful, we don't know how they'll react to it." Jack replied. Kai waved his hand in front of one of the bugs as it crawled past him.

"They may not be able to find us. Worth the risk, could get us some info." Kai said. The 6 Rangers created a perimeter around Phil as he plugged his spike into one of the sockets and started to access the information in the book case.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

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Battlestar Warpite

Galatic Old Lady

Coruscant System

The message came in over the screens but the alien codes and frequency took some time to fully stabilise into an image of a bearded older man in what looked like robes of some kind. flicking a switch on the command console the view of a woman in dark blue uniform with hair to shoulder that was a vivid red with signs of greys and fading. “This is Commander Anna De Rio, Colonial Navy. Copy. Full NBC and counter cylon protocol to be engaged in returning aircraft. Thankyou Master Kenobi. We will Move to safer position. This Channel will reach our CIC. Warspite out.” The message was grainy from an overhead camera and their uniforms looked a little care worn but the crew was disciplined. Keeping the heavy phone to her head. “CAG. Recall Recon. Full NBC and anti Toaster protocol to returning aircraft. Nothing gets on this ship.” The message needed more reply as she placed the phone down. “Col, we have quite the problem…” She said, it always was a problem, you just had to ride with them. The commander who had called himself a Jedi Master seemed to be quite handsome, dignified even. But Anna had known many handsome men in smart uniforms who turned out to be an asshole, an empty suit or just unable to get it up even. You could not judge off an image.

“Helm, bring us to the recovery Vector.. Plot course. Do Not. HIT. Any. Derelicts. Recall Cap if you have to, just do it.” He said as they plotted out a route the 500m wide and almost 1500m long warship could navigate. Warspite was smaller than her modern designs being a Jupiter Class even, Battlestars were not made to be the most agile of warships and Dredas was pinging all over the place, ships, wrecks, allied ships… I hope they told the Blue ship the same warnings, She a small one but they meant to be effective was a discussion, their allies where a odd mix and they where unsure how they could fully complement each other.

“Another contact. Dredas. Bearing 265. jump completed. Designated. Flagship.” Came the report as the command table came to life with blips, vectors and such information on the newest vessel. The crew had to hold their jumpy instincts to run out the guns, give the launch commands and deploy the Vipers on muscle memory.

“Hold, Hold. That's allied. Concentrate on recovery.” The Cols smooth tone sounded in the CIC knowing the crew had operated on a hair trigger for far too long. Someone was probably hovering over the ship to ship missile launch door controls. The Battlestars Orbit adjusted to avoid a hazardous area as the Dredas plotted thousands of tracks around them. Panic would kill them alot more dead than anything else.

“Copy CAG. This is Grim. Nothing to report. it's a tomb” The Captain's frank admission came to the air commanders table as orders were shouted to prepare for a full decontamination protocol. “Viper CAP. Pull close. We need you to assist Nav. Course and plot sent to you” Open space between the planet and the fleet was located and mapped into where they could easily evade slow moving wreckage and other ships but also turn their most heavily armoured facings to the unknown vessels… Trust was not infinite.

The command was acknowledged in the same way as any other, Warspite had barely any windows, they were a luxury no warship could afford, the observation deck was an exception and they already had to make it an bookable location due to demand on the space. Couples tended to need to be reminded the time slot was over.

The Kuun-Lan message replayed over the speakers of the CIC, like every speaker and phone on this old Battestar it crackled a little. Their systems were old and nothing anyone had tried had removed it in the last few years. A short conference agreed and the voice of a younger woman came over the channels. “This Is Warspite. We copy. approval granted. Commander De Rio and our diplomat will meet guests In the Port hanger. We repeat Port Hanger. Guests will be seen in our main ward room. Refreshments will be made available”

The message paused and came back less sure but remained professional directly to the command ship alone. “Any additional expertise ensuring decontamination of aircraft is appreciated. we are under resourced and our crew is committed to many tasks to bring this vessel to her full effectiveness.” They were proud but not stupid and would not turn down the skills of others who might have faced such threats. They where meant to know more about this kind of danger, had more recourses and much as Warspite was proud they knew they where running on line, they where short on everything. it was shameful to admit their materials and other resources were frankly short in everything but alcohol, ammunition from Ragnar Anchorage and god knows how many cigars and cigarettes it seems. Warspite was going to have to rely on her allies. Materials would help, but they needed intelligence, technology and methods how to fight their new enemy too in detail. Another ship was meant to also be able to aid them when it came to join the fleet.

“Diplomat Six Lon to the Port Hanger” called out over the PA system and repeated Thrice before it cut out and the normal messages and updates resumed across the PA calling out assignment, command and the time every 15 minutes in current status.

Slowly but precisely the heavily armoured mass and bulk of the Warspite began to engage in slow but precisely plotted adjustments and changes to their course and angle rolling the ship with the changes to get closer to the Kuun-Lan where they could better be assisted and more centrally receive the delegations.

In the massive port hanger of the Warspites flight pods each one externally over 500m long, 100m wide and 80m tall, however they stood in the pressurised recovery area of the hanger. Commander De Rio was stood flanked by 20 of her Marines under the bulky muscular form of Major Ivan Kraken who where at parade ground formation with their rifles across chest in their black duty uniforms. Tactical armour was all they had, no formal uniforms, no real band or anything. they would have to do for now as a honour guard. She looked smaller vs the men and women in their full black kit, but her presence and respect she inspired from her crew was clear.

The woman alongside her Lara Hoshi six-lon was dressed in a red dress, black heels, a taller woman than the commander in with hair free and longer in a striking blonde. She was the civilan face to the soldiers next to her and the one who would have to help bridge the gap between the the ships of different cultures. an Cylon no less? well she was now a Cylon so far away from her world, a Cylon no one knew was a Cylon. The ship had assumed she was just rather strange in her habits like the rest, another broken soul from a broken and ravaged grouping of worlds. "Ready as ever Commandeer" She said with confidence. They would wait as other crew laid out foods, drinks in their good ready room, its carpet was a little faded but it by far their best formal space they had.

"We shall do, no options. we go forward. We defend Humanity, though it may be a different name. our Oaths have not changed even if the Galaxy has." Commander De Rio said to the woman, she was a odd sort but Lara Hoshi six-lon was like the rest of the ship. All they had was they had, they did the bets they could with what they had. That was all they could do.

"A little stunted, but we can work with that" Lara said as they moved to lighter topics like how one of the Pilots had been seen leaving for duty shift from the Officers section of the ships quarters. Their would be no reprimands, gossip sure but everyone needed some comfort in times like this.

Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

IOA Catherine Langford

Location: Multiversal void > Coruscant geosynchronous orbit
Current objective: Establish contact with fleet
"Beloved? We are almost there." Ariadne said softly in their shared mindscape, causing Catherine to wake up. The Langford's crew did not need Daniel to tell them that multiversal dimension travel was not changing their location - Sheppard and his posse discovered that on their own when they encountered the Daedalus from an alternate reality, making that fact well known. Hence why her ship has passed through the Supergate and was now hauling ass through a galaxy no longer all too far away. It was amazing how the same galaxy could evolve so differently if it's ascended overlords were missing from the equation. But the more things changed, the more they stayed the same. Apparently, what in another reality was an ecumenopolis called Coruscant was where the city of Celestis resided in their home universe.

And hence why Kat was taking the time to sleep, as she assumed that sleep will be a scarce commodity in the coming days. That and the wound in her chest was still healing. Ariadne worked wonders, but having recently switch hosts, the Ex-Goa'Uld, and now pretty much an Ex-Tok'Ra was so exhausted she barely knotted their shared body together before succumbing to slumber herself.

"I'm awake." Catherine answered while stiffling a yawn. She chose to wear the BDU instead of dress blues despite the fact that she was likely to be meeting with foreign dignitaries. To her chagrin, Catherine barely paid the collection of dresses Ariadne picked for them any attention.

"CO on deck!" The XO barked as she entered the bridge, and she dismissed their attention with a wave of a hand. "Colonel, we are two minutes away from exiting hyperspace. How are we handling transport from there?"

"Dr. Lawson has asked for the subspace capacitor and alternate reality drive blueprints, but brass deemed them too unstable and Dr. Jackson is already pushing boundries of what he is allowed to do. He will shift us through realities himself though. Don't ask me why that is allowed, the Ancients are as cryptic with their rules as with anything else, apparently." Catherine answered.

True to his word, Daniel Jackson poofed into existence next to her as soon as they exited hyperspace. "Got everything you need?"

"Wishing we had time to make canister shells for the railguns but we'll make due." Kat answered briefly, "Put us in the game, coach."

"Sitrep!" Black barked as the ship made the transition to the alternate dimension.

"All systems nominal. We're detecting the promised allied fleet, including the big one. Otherwise, it's... Quiet. No lifesigns on the planet other than a couple of strange signatures in a ziggurat looking structure." Lieutenant Zaken reported from the sensors console, "There seem to be shuttles flocking to the Warspite, ma'am."

"Looks like the Legos have a head start. Patch me through tot the other ships."

After receiving the confirmation, Kat addressed the ragtag band of ships. "Relief fleet, Langford. Be extremely wary of the debris surrounding the planet. Replicators generally need only a dozen or so block to begin replicating. Make sure you bring nothing on board your vessels and have your close in defenses ready. Ground to space attacks using boarding missiles can not be ruled put at this time, break.

We have further intelligence on the enemy and a plan of action to contain and eradicate the threat. We see transports heading for the Warspite, is that where we are briefing? Over."
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

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Battlestar Warpite

Galatic Old Lady

Coruscant System

The Junior marine headed over with a message Gesturing to a heavy set phone on the hangers wall. “Comander. Mam'm. Message from CIC. Important.” saluting and leaving with the nod as they joined their squad that was jogging down the hanger deck to their stations across the ship.

“Lara, a moment.” She said walking over to the phone on the hangers wall and hitting the CIC hardline. No one was going to be there for a few minutes even with busy shuttles tracking on dredas and alert Vipers in tubes ready with priority targets. Trust was not eternal…but they would not shoot first. “Col.” She said as the line connected. “Hit me with Morty i have about 5 perhaps” She said bluntly but no one had taken offence, no one had time.

Col Tye looked around and was clear before he spoke on phone to side of the CIC borrowing one of the ones as someone was on break, he could sit down… the Command plot had never in ships history had a chair.. A Commander was never meant to be comfortable but come on. “Catherine Langford entered the system. They have vital Intel. Will send an invite to our hanger. Not sure how they arrive. Enemy may pose an orbital threat, do we axis main suppression barrage to suppress the fleet or planet?” He said frankly, they had most of their suppression lines aimed to protect them from one side, if they moved to other, their less armoured area and firepower available.

The Warsite had very few external windows, and some cameras but mostly relied on its Vipers and the Dredas. The feed showed a incoming vessel that was semi related, unlike the much more alien designs, it looked like a smaller relative with its own flight pods and what looked like a lack of any exposed bridge or such structures. A Warship indeed.

“Agh… they have, a Reputation, i like the sound of them, they fight hard.” She said honestly, the war vs Cylons and loss of so many had hardered the Warspite to use whatever you had, fair was not coming home alive. “Orbital, priority is toasters. Suppression crews to have flak loaded for main battery, Heavy AP on standby but not loaded. Hold on specials for now.” She spoke quickly and a little louder to hear the noise of the systems. “Get them on board. I want CAG, have plans for an aggressive defence. If its Toaster it dies, no exception, no quarter” ending with venom, this breed of Toaster was just as bad as their own. They would wipe them off the galactic map if they could.

The line with its crackle that no engineer in colonial history could fix came live in reply to the message as the Langfords hails were returned. “This is Warspite CIC. LT Gator Speaking. Our Commander Anna De Rio, and diplomat Lara Six Lon will meet guests in Port Hanger zones, and invite you to discuss and enjoy our hospitality while operational matters are discussed. Please stay out of arcs marked for Suppression Barrage. Vectors will be sent. Please send who you think best. We are serving alcohol. Please let us know if that is unwelcome to you. If Additional information is required, Please use this Channel. Warspite CIC Out. ” Came the calmly spoken woman's voice over the message. Though the line did refuse to lose the odd crackle and moment of static but that was an old ship's nature. Hard lines all over the ship, Warspite was built to resist hacking and its quirks where clear because of it.

Outside the Battlestar made a deliberate move to tilt its facings and gunnery arcs lining up the Planet slowly into its main fire zones, the smaller and more numerous CWIS Guns to augment the heavier main battery armaments. Each movement was slow but steady, a ship of Warspites size did not have the luxury of agility. Battle stars, especially the Mercury class, were basic on amenities, brutal and built to take a hell of a beating.

Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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All around the temple, there was a click-clack-click-clack as the small bug forms crawled over the temple, within the archives themselves they seemed less intent on destruction. Instead they climbed with care over the holographic storage, across the various screens and terminals hundreds of pages of information spanning back centuries scrolled over the screen. Far more than a biological mind could take in in a lifetime, however it was no issue for the vast growing hivemind of the Replicators. Deeper within the temple the head of Sixth processed as fast as she could, the more brethren that were created the faster she could absorb the information of this reality. If she had been organic she may have smiled at the fortune that had befallen her, when she arrived in this reality she crashed in the galactic hub and had access to one of the oldest archives in the Galaxy.

With the resources from this planet and the information available here, their numbers would grow exponentially.

As the Rangers tapped into the Jedi Archives all they would see was the stream of an infinite amount of information, not just from the archives themselves as they were scanned but the Replicator collective as a whole. An impossible amount of information for any one being to comprehend.

What would be evident was the sudden alert, as Sixth detected the interlopers in close orbit. There was a whirring as all the bugs in the temple stopped what they were doing, and the room became eerily quiet. Then suddenly the bugs turned and ran out of the room.


“Any additional expertise ensuring decontamination of aircraft is appreciated. we are under-resourced and our crew is committed to many tasks to bring this vessel to her full effectiveness.”

Rhys returned the hail. "Kuun-Lan copies. We'll have some workers sent over to your vessel, using their harvesting beam they will strip the hull of your vessels of any foreign material-" and hopefully not recognise the entire vessels as foreign material in the process.

"-our representative is also en route now."

Gank sat in the worker, it was cramped and utilitarian. In some sense he respected the Somtaaw commitment to function over form, however he did miss the sleek designs of the S'jet vessels. It glided through space harmlessly, swirling out of the hangar and through the debris towards the other large vessel. Once in the hangar it landed on the designated platform, before being lowered through an airlock and into the hangar proper. The hatch hissed and clicked as it slid open, before Gank climbed out of the vessel by himself. The hatch hissing closed behind him, while the Somtaaw had become a military vessel they had no equivalent to the Sobani marines. So he just hoped that these people could indeed be trusted.

He walked towards what appeared to be the greeting party and bowed his head out of respect. "Greetings. I am Gank S'jet, from the Kuun-Lan."

Hidden 4 mos ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 22 min ago

Astro Megatimeship

Having received the message to head over to Warspite for a meeting, Raekar stood in her room in front of her mirror. Her form shifting as she looked, trying to find something appropriate. "Regal?" She asked herself as her clothes changed to a long, flowing, blue dress with sequins. "Nah, they'll think i'm showing off..." She groaned, before changing to white crop-top with pink short-shorts. "Yes for beach, no for summits." She then let out a sigh as she turned back into her natural bird-like form. "Let's see, what would Daniel like?" She thought. "Hey, Trypticon, you've met gods. What clothes do they like?" The camera in the top corner of the room swivelled to look at her.

"Titans... Have no concept of clothes..." The whole ship rumbled in it's almost gargled, reptilian voice.

"Yeah, but there're Lady Titans out there. Remember when we ran into Chela? She and Metrotitan had a thing going on." Raekar pointed out.

"Titans... Mate for... Personal compatibility... Not phyisical..." He responded.

"You know what, you're right. I'm putting too much on the physical." Keeping the bird form, her clothes changed into a crimson set of wrap-around robes with a silver cape. "There we go. Just the regular ol' dull as dishwater Order of Meridian outfit..." She said, before scrunching up her face. "Or do i go with..." Her clothes changed to a white military dress uniform, black accents on the shoulders and the sides, black cuffs on both wrists and hem. "There we go, Time Force dress uniform" She said fixing the collar. "But we were formally discharged... But they did also go back on that... TRYP, I'M BAD AT PICKING AN OUTFIT! CHOOSE ONE FOR ME!!!" She cried.

"Order of Meridian." He responded. She changed again in a few seconds back to the crimsone robes with silver cape.

"Yeah... You know what, YEAH! Zordon got to call himself a Wizard, why can't i be a wizard? I know magic. I know technology. Screw everyone, I'm a wizard." She pumped herself up. "And to accent that, i'm taking Kai's Wizardactyl. What are they gonna do, sue me?" She laughed, before making her way down to the Zord bay.


Coruscant, Jedi Temple

As Phil plugged himself in, his eyes seemed to change to glow the same etherial blue light as the archives. "Processing... Processing... Processing... Processing... Processing... Processing... Processing... Processing... Processing... Processing... Processing... Processing... Processing... Processing... Processing... Processing... Processing... Processing... Processing..."

"That's a little more Processing than i'm comfortable with. Is he ok? Mele asked in a hushed whisper, watching the bugs.


"Bro, you good?" Jack asked. When suddenly, the bugs all came to a sudden halt. The only sounds eminating in the suddenly dead building being the trickling of water from the Room Of A Thousand Fountains.

"Processing..." pierced the air like a knife. Suddenly, the room exploded with the clacking of bugs.

"Nope, not liking that, not liking it one bit..." Jay whispered.

"They are leaving, why?" Michelle asked.


"No idea. Stay alert, keep looking. The magics may still be cloaking us. If they can't process us, they may be engaging a search pattern." Jack replied, his brain buzzing with the tactical response to such actions. He wanted to yank Phil out of there right now and get while the getting was good. But the information may be too valuable to not got.


"You better not go Venjix on us again, bro." Jack patted Phil on the shoulder. "Spread out and cover the entrances, i don't and these guys getting in without someone seeing them. He ordered. The rangers immediately jumped towards the nearest entrances to the archive room. Looking out, taking point and getting the best view possible. Jack staying beside Phil in order to cover him in this vulnerable state.

"Processing..." Phil responded to the pat. Data was flowing through the robots head as he desperately tried to correlate the data into actually managable files. Figuring out what files when with what launching programs and what was designed to do what. He could see minds in there, vast minds not too disimilar to his own. Of course, his mind was a hodgepodge of different technologies. Eltaran magics, Hartford Foundation body, Machine Empire memory banks, plus whatever the hell upgrades and alterations the Venjix Virus had done to him when it had taken over him and used him to as a stepping stone to take over Metroplex to destroy the universe. "Processing..." His physical body said, robotically continuing to keep its allies appraised of the situation. But inside of this flow of information, Phil looked towards the vast minds "Bah Weep Granah, Weep, Nini Bong?" He messaged them, along with a small data packet of basic instructions on communication. If nothing else, the Universal Greeting might help to facilitate some kind of dialogue.


Warspite Hangar

The large green mechanical Pterodactyl approached the Warspites hangar, Raekar pressed the buttons for the hailing. "Warspite, this is Raekar, Emissary of the Astro Megaship, requesting permission to land." She said over the comm, before getting permission from the hangar's operators. The Wizardactyl flew in, landed on its feet, before walking over to one of the births designed for a 40 meter tall ship. As the support arms from the ship approached Wizardactyl to automatically attempt to dock it, Wizardactyl (A sentient machine) Took minor offense to this and snapped at the docking arms, not enough to actually damage them, but definitely scratching the paintwork, as if warning them to back off, before throwing its wings wide in a threatening stance to make itself look as big as possible and letting out a screech that could even be heard through the vacuum of space.

"WOW, CALM DOWN, BIG GAL!!!" She cooed, before manually taking control, messaging ground control. "Sorry about her, she's a little grouchy around non-sentient machines trying to manhandle her." It walked towards the dock and loaded itself in, before settling down and waited for the area to pressurize (It still blew Raekar's mind that there was no air in space in weird alternate universes. Back in her universe, ships were usually pressurized to keep out the Space Air that tasted really bad.) Finally as she was allowed to disembark she appoached the deligation. "Bah Weep Granah, Weep, Nini Bong!" She greeted them with a wave of her hands and a gift of a what looked like a small Granola Bar to Commander Del Rio. "It is a pleasure to meet you in person, Commander. Raekar, Commander of Astro Megaship, Phoenix-Level commander of Order of Meridian, Executive Scientist of Time Force, Wizard. I do want to apologize again for my friend here." She said pointing at Wizardactyl. "She's usually a lot better behaved. I don't know what came over here... I can pay for any damages..." She said nervously.
Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by MrCellophane
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MrCellophane Wandering RPer

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Captain Hammond,

These orders are classified as EYES ONLY and are NOT to be disbursed beyond senior staff without authorisation by Fleet Command - HMS 'Imperator'.

You are ordered to take the battlecruiser HMS 'Corvus' and transit to the enclosed grid co-ordinates. There, you are tasked with assisting local forces in orbit of the ecumenopolis planet known to the locals as 'Coruscant'. Naval Intelligence has appended a data-packet regarding what intelligence has been recieved, with regards to the situation, local forces and attributed opposition planetside and beyond. Understand, however, that what information we do have is both scant and subject to change; expect the unexpected and prioritise the safety of your ship and crew, if necessary.

You are otherwise free to act at your discretion, the RMN Rules of Engagement and in concert with any friendly or neutral forces in this sector of space. I trust you to use your best judgement, discretion and the capabilities of your ship and crew to do what needs to be done.

Go with God, and fight well.



Switching off the data-terminal embedded in the laminated wood of his desk, Captain (Junior Grade) Christopher Hammond let out a sigh and rubbed his eyes. He could not recall the last time he'd gotten much sleep in the past 48 hours and now, he was less then a matter of minutes from jumping right into Sanagami-knows-what on the other side of his battlecruiser's hyper-corridor.

He'd just been in the process of reaching for his stone-cold cup of coffee when a buzz sounded from his desk's communicator.

"Captain's Quarters. Hammond." he sternly answered, stifling a yawn.

"Bridge here," the slight sing-song lilt of Hammond's executive officer - Commander Lancaster - replied. "Astrogation reports final approach to the co-ordinates specified. Transition in four minutes; you're requested on the bridge."

"Thank you, Commander." Hammond replied, his voice failing to hide the small smile he had in that moment; God bless 'Miri' Lancaster for being his rock in his hour of need. "I'll be on the bridge shortly. Conduct transition to realspace on arrival and disperse Keyhole pods - let's get a good eye on what we're walking into."

"Yes, sir. Lancaster, clear."

Reaching across for the white beret - marking Hammond as a senior officer in charge of a hyper-capable combat vessel - and doffing it on his buzz-cut blonde hair, Christopher straightened his Prussian-collared, dark blue uniform out and strode for the hatchway leading out.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

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Battlestar Warpite

Galatic Old Lady

Coruscant System

Commander De Rio watched the hangar lifts drop down from the upper flight deck, an larger blocky transport that seemed to be painted in a pretty boring and standard grey paint scheme. Nothing outlandish, nothing too alien. It had engines you could recognise and doors.

“Welcome to the Warspite Gank S'jet, I am Commander Del Rio, Lara Six Lon is our chief diplomat next to me, Major Ivan Kraken, Colonial Marine commander.

Your assistance earlier is most gracious, we have cleared them to land and operate from our starboard side hangar bays.” she gestured politely to the man whose head was bald, his clothes and face did not strike as anything particularly distinctive. Seriously.. the man could have blended into a bright sunny day it seemed.

The marine offered a rather meaty hand in a handshake, tall, heavy with muscle and well armoured. He was not the most subtle man but the commander could rely on him and was extremely capable in combat operations. “Sir, welcome aboard.” He said laconically.

“Welcome, I will be your main contact aboard, If you have anything we can do to make things comfortable, let me know and we will try to accommodate you.” The striking tall woman in a red dress nearly 6 feet in heels said smoothly. Unlike the rest of the crew she seemed to be entirely comfortable despite the almost constant wardrobe of dresses and stilettos. She was more eye level with the bulky Marine than the Commander. Many were unsure if her feet were human, or how many dresses she owned…

“If you wish, the Marines can escort you to the conference room or you may meet other guest's here, as you are our flag commander.” The tall woman said with a smooth voice of a diplomat and an easy confidence.

The Dredas warned of the second incoming aircraft, the Viper cap was genuinely confused as some beast, or aircraft was being flagged up. No one was quite sure of the ID. Reports from.the hanger crews were more alarmed as it seemed to bite and scratch the landing claws and platforms. Several alarms sounded across the systems as to the landing area seeming out of control. The Vipers drew closer but did not engage or make an attack without orders observing it out of curiosity. The lead pilot kept The rookie on the flight calm and in control of the situation.

As the hanger descended there was nerves and caution as the new aircraft was lowered into the hangers. This one had claws… wings and did not match the normal descriptions of what they believed to be possible. “Maam” came the voice from Marines who looked at it with a thought that they needed way more fire power to take that down if it was not friendly. “Hold, Hold” The Commander said firmly but looked at the Marine to show she recognised the concern was also genuine.

The woman in red and silver had a rather grand title, what it meant was entirely unsure but Comander Del Rio took the gift with a polite nod worthy of a senior officer, unsure but Lara nodded to confirm it was right. “Welcome to the Warspite, agh your. Friend. Will be safe here, be assured.” She was unsure, was the Ship…alive? “Lara Six Lon, you may have spoken to our diplomat, and my Marine Command, Major Ivan Kraken. Your gift is most kind.”

Hand shakes were offered and the Commander placed the small object respectfully in a pocket of her dark blue uniform. She did not know what but it paid to be polite. “Its a Strange universe and Warspite is a tough ship, I'm sure we can put this aside. Please feel free to request my services if needed.” The diplomat said smoothly and broke In to cover the gap. “Commander, can I say we consider allies payment enough. We can talk this out ” The diplomat did her best to soothe out the awkward situation and maybe a favour would be exchanged. Lara Moved to engage the lady, explain a little more about their surroundings.

“Allies indeed, it's far from first Scratch on the Galactic Old Lady, and far from the last.” The commander had returned to her groove now after the alien aircraft had her fumbled for a minute. Giving a thankful nod to Lara’s save of the situation.

“Have you met Gank S'jet our esteemed flagship Commander yet?” She asked lightly and made an avenue of introduction. “Least someone knows how to stand out” She said almost a whisper and a smile as she wore the red and silver outfit amongst the black, navy blue and faded and worn paint of the Warspites hangers.

Meanwhile at CIC, a ship the saw as a large tube broke into the system, another allied vessel of a yet unknown configuration only seen on tracks. According to the data Daniel told them, they could communicate though and that was a miracle in itself. Every ship however alien could communicate. It was only just picked up and yet to be fully recorded into the systems. “This is Battlestar Warspite CIC. Allied vessel, we welcome you. We were chosen for command personnel to meet, Commander De Reya extends her compliments and hospitality. If you wish to attend. Port Hanger. Please stay on track with your provided landing vector. ” The woman's voice ended on the crackled line and hoped they would not be offended. They were trying to hail and help the flagship organise the fleet. It was more work than LT Geata had for a while but felt good.

Watching the Dredas, The screen was busy, the Galactic Republic seemed to not have joined yet if they chose to. The Lt wanted to almost be a fly on the wall with command staff but her curiosity was not her duty. 3 more hours drinking from a mug of coffee that one of her friends on weapons plot had made.

“Copy. Col. Report from secondary command. They have the glitch on lines Alpha 2 fixed. Hardline is restored.” life switched back to the normal duty reports, messages and ships business.

Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by MrCellophane
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MrCellophane Wandering RPer

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“This is Battlestar Warspite CIC. Allied vessel, we welcome you. We were chosen for command personnel to meet, Commander De Reya extends her compliments and hospitality. If you wish to attend. Port Hanger. Please stay on track with your provided landing vector. ”

Returning to the bridge of 'Corvus', CTN Hammond had caught the tail-end of the battle star's transmission before the bulkhead's tannoy cut out. Turning in her captain's seat and vacating it, CDR Lancaster flashed her 'master after God' a wry smile.

"Perhaps someone should have relayed to that ship's comm officer the slightly inconvenient fact that - while our ship can do quite a bit - landing it in a 100-meter side-slung hanger isn't one of them, sir."

Hammond shook his head and suppressed a laugh. "True, commander. Then again, there's a lot about today that doesn't make sense. Lt Watts!" The senior officer turned to the junior officer manning the bridge's communications post. "Kindly relay our thanks to the unknown vessel and inform that myself, Commander Lancaster and Major York will be aboard shortly. Please also ensure that a side party can be arranged before departure."

"Aye, sir." Lt Watts replied, turning away from the senior officers as she pressed a finger to an earpiece and began to relay instructions.

"Lieutenant-Commander Stebbins!" Hammond barked towards the bridge's gunnery station. "Have your relief man your post; you have the conn."

Stebbins nodded, signalling his assistant officer to take over his terminal. "Aye, sir; I have the conn."

With everything that could be thought of done, Hammond took one last glance at the bridge before, satisfied, he gestured to his XO and made a start for the hatch.

"Sir." Mirabelle stopped the captain, before gesturing to his white beret. "May I ...?" Without waiting for a yay or nay, Lancaster adjusted and straightened out Christopher's beret.

"There you are, sir. NOW you're one of Manticore's finest."
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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"Readings all look good, calculations all work out. I think we're in the clear."

The Director nodded. "I agree." The AI scoffed.

"Yeah, I'm sure."

Doctor Leonard Church heard footsteps coming up behind him. "Log off." The small holographic soldier disappeared as he turned around to face the soldier in teal armour. She offered a curt salute while he put his hands behind his back. "Report Carolina."

"The ships are in position, and the techs are having a hard time going through all the sensor readings on the planet. The Catherine Langford is advising we don't move any closer until we have been briefed by them, while other ships are sending a diplomats to meet with them aboard the ship called the Warspite."

The Director nodded, as he walked towards the holographic table in the middle of the bridge. The table showed a holographic and topological view of the system. The Director spoke up. "The main Replicator main force seems to be concentrated around this structure that the information docket we received indicates is something called the Jedi Temple." The table panned out, showing the decimation of the various buildings and towers of the Coruscant cityscape. Pulling out into orbit it showed the debris of the ships, orbital stations and then the blue blips of the friendly vessels. "While we are in a better position there are a couple of friendly vessels within the debris field around the planet. Some of them appear to be conducting a patrol, however others appear to be on salvage operations."

The map kept panning out to the Mother of Invention and the Catherine Langford. "We are in the middle of the exclusion zone-" a farther panning out showed the ring of Galactic Republic vessels. "-and farther out there is a ring of these Republic vessels creating a quarantine zone."

He turned to Carolina. "Take the Dakotas to the Warspite, find out what you can. Not just about this threat that we're facing, but there could be other useful technologies here."

"Yes sir."


Sixth was concentrating on all the information her brethren were absorbing, trying to process it. Marking some of it as useful, some of it as irrelevant, where resources were, and what special resources there were in the Galaxy. All while they consumed, they had become aware of the new ships in orbit however they had not yet fully repaired long-range sensors all over the planet. When things were repaired, they recalled all the Replicators to the main work from the archives. There was something wrong in the network however, they sensed it now and then but they could not place it.

"Bah Weep Granah, Weep, Nini Bong?"

There it was. They shut off power to the archives instantly, removing its connection from the network. Elsewhere on the planet surface energy surged and started to build. Within the archives, there was the scuffle of small footsteps, as a child no older than seven years old walked into the room.

Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

IOA Catherine Langford & SSV Normandy

Location: Coruscant geosynchronous orbit
Current objective: disseminate and obtain mission intelligence
SSV Normandy, bridge
"Well, we better take a picture so we can make the council jealous. Citadel's got nothing on this." Was the line that finally ended the silence that permeated on the bridge as soon as Coruscant entered line of sight of the viewports.

The commander rolled her eyes. "Take a picture Joker, it will last longer."


"Intelligence gathering protocols are already in effect, Jeff."

Nodding, Shepard keyed her armor's comms: "Traynor, give me local area communications... Thanks. Relief fleet, SSV Normandy. We have arrived on station and are ready to proceed."

The answer came immediately: "Normandy, Langford. Assemble your away team for strategic briefing on the Warspite. If you require transportation, broadcast this signal from the immediate vicinity of your away team when ready."

"Warspite? Big shoes to fill there. Shuttle is ready ma'am." LT. Cortez reported.

"Langford, Normandy. Thanks, we'll handle our own transportation. Warspite, Normandy. Requesting landing vector for our shuttle, over." Shepard radioed over, turning tothe rest of the crew still gawking at the planet sized city, "Miranda, James, suit up. Kaidan, you have the con."

IOA Langford, Bridge
The pieces were now on the board, but the level of infestation of the planet below had Catherine worrying about their timeframe. The replicators might start forming into ships any minute now. "Let's get to it. We don't gave the layout of the Warspite so we're taking the Gateship. Phil, grab some locator beacons so we can set up transfer points on the other ships, we may need to move around or evacuate them in a hurry."

Warspite, briefing room
"What a dump. Even your initial attempt had more style than the interior of this ship. To not mention the state of repair it is in. I suppose your ascended compatrion wants to give us a challenge?" Ariadne grumbled in Catherine's head.

"Behave, dear. Think of it this way, you will get to awe them if they come over at any point." the captain tried to 0lacate the symbiote. She could feel Ariadne's mood momentarily improved, until they met an officer from the colonial fleet.

"We will not be awing anyone dressed as we are. I understand your point that my usual outfits show too much skin, but would it have hurt you to wear your dress uniform? We look like we just enlisted."

Catherine sighed. "In the last 24 hours, I have been shot and almost died, learned that the woman I was falling for was killed, blended with her symbiote so that we both didn't also die, discovered FOUR spies on my ship and volunteered for an interdimensional mission to save an unprepared galaxy from becoming replicator chow. I am entitled to be comfortable."


They made their way to the briefing room and sparing only a glance at the others, walked straight to the head of the room, while Dr. Lawson set up four locator beacons around the corners of the room. "Is everyone present?" Kat asked.

"We were the last to arrive so far and we're here." A redhead with powered armor answered. Commander Shepard. Black had to admit her universe's sheppard had nothing on her. "Good, then let's begin."

A white shimmer appeared in front of every delegate, Langford's asgard transporter now guided by the locators depositing the briefing materials.

"As you may have been told, the enemy we face comes out of a universe similar to the one the Langford originates from, albeit temporally in the pst compared to our timeline. In our timeline, we have already defeated this enemy on a planetary scale several times, and once on a galactic scale. I will go over the various strategies that were employed in the past. If you wosh to learn about the technical and technological side of the enemy, you have the dossier in your materials.

A hologram appeared in the middle of the room, displaying a barren planet with brown atmosphere. "Our first planetary engagement with the replicators was the Asgard homeworld Halla. The planet has been abandoned by the Asgard and completely consumed by the Replicators, the block forms of which have made a secondary crust on the planet's surface. The situation was almost resolved by the asgard using gravity and temporal manipulation to collapse Halla's sun into a black hole and trapping the replicators in a time dilation field.

This strategy was hampered by the unexpected evolution of the humanform replicators. They were able to defeat the time dilation device and wscape the trap. Given that we are aware of at least one humanform replicator existing on the planet, the significant technical difficulties and the collateral damage, we're calling this plan Variant 3."

The hologram shifted to another planet. "The escaping replicators made landfall on Orilla, the new Asgard capital. An member of Stargate Command who had at the time the knowledge library of our precursor civilization downloaded into their brain was able to devise an energy weapon that disrupts the subspace bonds holding individual blocks or nanite cells of the replicators together.

This weapon has then beed scaled up on an asgard ship and used to bliterate vast swathes of replicators at the same time. This has however allowed two humanform replicators escape in a blockform ship. One of these would eventually develop a cipher to render our weapon ineffective. As far as we know, the local replicators have not progressed so far and may still be unaware of it's existence. This is our Variant 2."

The hologram then zoomed out to display the entire Milky Way. "The immunized replicators almost overrun our galaxy, but we were able to reconstruct their immunization method and develop a countermeasure. Our local network of FTL travel gates was then used to hit the entire galaxy all at once.

Now, given the need to strike the entire replicator mass in short span of time both to prevent developing immunity and escaping, my people have developed the planetary-wide anri-replicator weapon. It is a constellation of satellites capable of launching the disruptor wave across the entire planet. This is our variant 1. If noone has hetter ideas, Langford has the designs for the satellites. All production capable ships as well as any republic assets that can be mobilized need to be put on this task, as to cocer the planet the size of Coruscant, a constellation of about 2000 satellites will be needed."

The hologram then finally shifted into another planet most resembling Coruscant. "Our final engagement was with a planet unrelated to the previous replicator faction, composed of entirely humanform replicators. As we do not know if Sixth is building more bretheren, this may become important in time.

With limited resources, the PWARW could not be deployed over Asuras in time. Alternative method was found by dialling up the attraction of the nanite cells, which caused all of the nanites around the planet to form into a single superdense entity, which then sunk into the planet where the pressure caused it to undergo proton-electron recombination and explode, along with the planet."

Shutting the simulation down, colonel Black looked over the assembled dignitaries: "Questions and notes?"
Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

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Battlestar Warpite

Galatic Old Lady

Coruscant System

They had led the party through the ship layers deep into the heavily armoured hull of the Warspite past faded but solid bulkheads marked with white paint and various codes for areas of the Ship the crew understood. Heavy, blocky phones were mounted across the ship, old push buttons, heavy wired handsets and thick triangular doors spun open with a heavy wheel that unlocked the hatches to the conference room with its blue carpet. A little faded but the best they had, they had a good collection of drinks and food along the side of the room for guests, unsure what people would prefer or partake but it is offered in kindness and welcome. They would share even hard as times could be.

They had to pass an area of work, there were distant sounds of heavy metal, welding and the sound of a metal saw down a corridor. Orange clad crew were visible, engineers and so. That did not prnetrate far as doors wherw closed up.

They knew the ship was in a less polished state and the crew was proud of her, they kept the ship operating despite her older age and it was their home. Their ship. The meeting of the ship's captains was a diverse group, a rather attractive woman with red hair in advanced armour, various coloured uniforms with accessories,fancy berets and robes… the camouflage duty uniform was a little different choice. Col Black managed to carry her authority regardless of uniform. An officer with a sharp white Beret was very much dressed to impress a subordinate, the robed woman with the living aircraft had come alone though. Smaller crew perhaps.

Col Black took charge, the one who chose to go with a duty camouflage, black name taped and symbols that must identify her ranks and such on them. Commander De Rio had to drink seeing the projector, interlinked technology made her nervous on a deep level. The Cylons had ended everything when they did so… the projectors came to life without a flicker or a blip. It just came on and rather a .. dense hologram? It was rather impressive. The Colonial Officers had backed away at first but got over it and moved back to where they were.

The details were rather sobering, Daniel let them know it was bad but this was really bad. 2000 satellites, destroying an entire planet, this was beyond expected. There was no head to take down, nuclear decapitation strikes with strategic level munitions… it was not like the planet could be any worse than it was but still, the Locals may object to aliens mounting a nuclear strike campaign. Quietly having a word with Lara Six-lon, Major Kraken she held a quick and hushed conversation about what they had seen. Lara was unsure about the levels of corporation and the bulky Marine was giving them a counter perspective from outside the fleet command.

Commander De Rio was sat in one of the better seats but it was her own vessel, her own home and table. Downing the last of her drink before she made to speak, the major offered to refill but shook her head for now and needed to keep a clear head. “Thankyou Col Black. Your details are very much welcome. They have given us alot to think about. The situation is grave. Graver than we were told by that …powerful Being.” She was calm, controlled but the weight of the information was evident, the threat was worse than Daniel had laid out. What was he an angel?, he defied their understanding… ascending being was not exactly a norm for them.

“We have some fabrication capacity, however we will need to work out where we get materials if we go with plan 1.” The commander looked and pulled out an octagonal document and glanced through the list of data from the Dredas initial scans and pilots. “Most basic reports, those wrecks are thoroughly shot to burned frames and bulkheads. Plus these.. replicators… as you said, are problematic foes.” Commander De Rio knew that was obvious but someone had to state clearly the challenges giving a nod to the Col Blacks party. The new words were not so easy off the tongue.

“Aboard, The Raptors can scout and have jump drives. We can seek an asteroid Fields or a clean ship graveyard. Depends what this galactic Republic will aid us with or permit this. We however can process water with a high efficiency if any ships are short and turn ice / hydrogen into water from asteroids effectively.” The commander offered. A rather less high tech octagonal paper print out im a dot matrix font was handed out that listed the ship's present ability to process and clean water for those ships that needed it, and the dimensions of the port hanger, its void capacity, internal capacity etc in printed engineering drawings. Spare bunk capacity was listed. They would have to decide roles but none were fixed yet, they could definitely move miners, help provide protected space to assemble or store, or at very least keep the rest of the fleet able to enjoy longer showers. Never underestimate the value of a Hollywood shower.

The wholesale destruction of a planet or star sounded rather dangerous to say the very least. Her own thoughts were unsure if the allies would sign off such an act, or the Galactic Republic. It would be final…but extreme. She doubted anyone needed to know that obvious statement. They could do very little if this local force kept them trapped between the planet and their lines. “Will the other options work? we are talking about alien planets and stars behaving to anothers logic?”

She paused a second before finishing. “I do propose that whatever we do, ships do not operate alone. We are all new to this universe and should be careful and watch our backs. Also… well. These Replicators? They need Power, correct Col Black? They need infrastructure? The Major has suggested.” Commander De Rio was still getting used to this new language, new threats and new enemy.

A deeper tone came in from the larger man who sat to the commanders left. “Allied officers. We delay them while we build or prepare to take out this entire system as you choose. Strategic Level munitions could destroy the main power facilities planet side assuming they are not too deep. Let's be honest. We cannot make the planet any worse?” He said more Lightly, they could not hold the ground but they could deny the enemy key sites and such that they needed. “In short. We buy time for your more advanced plans to implement. They have already got complete ground superiority. We are limited to hit and run if even that.”

Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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Tarkin cleared his throat as the others finished speaking. "Make no mistake, we face this threat together and you will get any resources you require." He nodded his thanks to Colonel Black. "I will send these blueprints to our nearest production facility, though it may take time for us to understand your sciences and technology."

He turned his attention to the Major from the Warspite. "While I know others would disagree with you, I too believe we need to explore... alternate options while we work on a more permanent solution."


Before the Pelican could be guided towards an airlock its own airlock opened, allowing the agents in teal, violet and orchid armour to walk out of the vessel's belly and out onto the hangar tech. Their pressurised suits kept them safe from the void of space as they walked through the airlock and into the ship. They extended their pleasant greetings to their hosts and walked through the vessel. Their passive scans were running in their helmets, forming a map and a layout on their HUD. The ship appeared to be antiquated compared to their own vessel, and the others in the fleet. That said, it wasn't to be underestimated. Initial scans indicated it had large amounts of hangar space, the ability to launch copious amounts of fighters and had a large number of turrets. This vessel could very likely live up to her name.

In the briefing, the three power-armoured individuals didn't take a seat but instead stood near the table. North and South were behind Carolina who stood closer to the table. She perked up at the teleportation technology, that fell into the category of useful technology. She spoke, her voice filtering through her helmet. "While we don't have the sort of production facilities needed to make two thousand satellites, we do have an impressive computer system that may be able to help with the more... difficult calculations."


Gank nodded along to the conversation as it pushed along. From talks of super-weapons, impossible victories and nuclear options. AS the conversation went around the room the commander of the Warspite and the delegation from the Mother of Invention both chimed in with their ships capabilities. When the conversation lulled he saw his chance. "Leave the construction to the Kuun-Lan. If you are willing to send the plans over to us, we will likely be able to build a working model within an hour of deciphering the plans."

He passed his own docket around the table. "We have already began dismantling some of the wrecks in orbit to turn them into raw resources-" he turned towards Colonel Black "-with due care and diligence."

Gank was scouting through the various files and folders that the various captains handed out. Turning to Commander Del Rio. "Should you find resources, we could likely fit this spare hangar with a resource processing facility and some of our collectors, if you wish."
Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by MrCellophane
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MrCellophane Wandering RPer

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CTN Hammond, CDR Lancaster, MJR York
Briefing Room - CBS 'Warspite'

The trio of Manticore officers had remained quiet throughout the briefing. Hammond, for his part, had barely been able to make any sense of the 'macro' situation explained to the others - apart from providing context, it was all Greek to him.

With the floor opened up to debate, the three officers waited until the Higaran officer had finished his comments, before Hammond cleared his throat.

"Frankly, fellow officers," he began. "We're in a situation where we need to quickly gets to grips with each of our vessels strengths and compensate for each others weaknesses. All while we are running against the clock and an enemy that can pull off Sanagami-knows-what at a moment's notice."

He punched a couple of buttons into the projector in his section of the desk, allowing a number of accompanying projections to be displayed as he went on.

"I cannot give you a real time gun duel, nor carrier capability, not even towing capacity. What the 'Corvus' CAN give us is stand-off shoot down capability." He turned to his XO to ask, "Commander Lancaster, assuming a dual-stage fuel expenditure and part ballistic fire planning, what's the maximum range on our Mark 16 Dual-Drive Missiles' fire envelope?"

Lancaster - although she didn't NEED to - gave the pretense of mentally running the numbers in our head before answering, "Under this circumstances and with minimal manual input from Gunnery .... I'd say 16 to no more then 20 million kilometers from firing to impact."

Hammond nodded in satisfaction and turned back to the others. "If we can put ourselves between the foe and what or who we need saving, I think we can pull it off. Otherwise, I can give you limited ground assault."

Major Elaine York, imposing in her more war-like BDUs of the Royal Manticore Marines, bobbed her brunette head in concurrence. "I can have the ship's two companies of marines and all four of our pinnaces groundside in an hour." she bluntly stated.

Hammond nodded silently. "There we are then. Give us a niche our capabilities can fulfil, gentlemen, and 'Corvus' will be willing to provide."
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 22 min ago

Warspite Briefing Room

Feeling slightly embarrased by the whole "Giant Robo-Pteradactyl almost ripping the ships docking arms off" thing, Raekar had remained silent and stoic for this last few minutes, allowing others to speak and come across with their ships capabilities and offerings. Finally, she stood, lowering her hood. She decided to go in her natural Bird Monster form, a show of trust, not hiding her form from them. Plus, shape-shifting was like tensing a nerve, got a bit achy after a while. Plus, General Kenobi didn't seem to be here, no point in showing off for him. "Greetings to all of you. I am afraid that my ships capacity for war in space is somewhat limited, but on the ground, you will find him more than capable of destroying anything that comes his way. My ship is an ancient being named Trypticon from a civilization known as Cybertronians. His capabilities could best be described as... One-Bot-Siege-Machine. I can provide teleportation capacity for any who need it, but the key skill i offer is to anyone with soldiers pure of heart. I can provide powerful weapons, armours and Colossal Assault Vehicles. I cannot give out blueprints, but if you are willing to select crew members from your ships and send them to me, i am willing to provide them with everything they need. But i must stress, my weapons are ONLY for those who are strong of character and morality. Strength of body is irrelevant." She said looking around the room. She was prepared to make Morphers, but she was going to make sure they were used properly "Although my crew compliment is also limited, you will find that each of my Rangers fight with the strength of 100. Right now, they have teleported down to the planet and are performing reconnaissance on these "Replicators" current movements." She said, before sitting back down and listening to the others.

As the subject of potentially destroying key instilations from orbit was brought up, Raekar found herself siding with Tarkin. "Wait, wait, wait, yes, the Admiral is right. Orbital bombardment and potential destruction of a whole planet should probably be the LAST resort, not the first. My Rangers are attempting to learn their motives and movements right now. I suggest, at the VERY least, awaiting their report on the situation before taking a rather rash action."

Jedi Temple

Planetside, the Rangers were still in their defensive structure. "What's the situation, bro?" Jack whispered to Phil. Phil seemed to snap out of his processing trance as his spike sparked and turned back into a hand, he waved it as if in pain.

"Attempts at communication were... Unsuccessful." He replied. They then heard the scuttling clacking of metal on marble.

"Defensive positions!" Jack ordered in a quiet tone, the magics surrounding them should allow stealth to remain possible... But he had figured without the mechanical element. Seeing a child round the corner and stare at them before giving greetings.

"What the heck? We had no life signs before?" Mele said.

"Can't be a normal kid, otherwise the perception filter would make us invisible to him." Jay pointed out. At this point, Michelle stepped forward, a golden light eminating from her hands as she reached out with her magics to try and get a bead on the kind of spirit the child possessed... Only to find none.

"Definitely some kind of machine." She said, before adopting an aggressive stance, but Kai approached and put his arm on hers to push her out of the aggressive stance

"Maybe at least ATTEMPT communication before trying to beat up a kid?" Kai suggested. He then turned and looked at the kid, taking a few cautious steps towards him. "Hey there." He said, pulling the cloth from his face to reveal his handsome features and horns at the sides of his head. "Mind telling us what you're doing in the middle of a genocidal deathbot infested hell-hole?" Phil, in the meantime was studying the childs movements, the calculating and precise movements of its body. No instinct in anything it did.

"You are a synthetic creature such as myself." Phil stepped forward next to Kai. "Attempts to deceive us of your true nature will be quite futile. Please allow us to facilitate dialogue that we and the Replicators may come to a mutually beneficial end to the current hostilities. We Rangers are defenders of peace and justice. We wish to avoid bloodshed whenever possible." He said to the child.

While the rest of the rangers were attempting to open communications with the Replicators, Asami had slipped a little away from the group, moving upwards to a balcony, drawing her blaster and moving to vantage point to cover the rest of the team in the event that the child attacked. This wouldn't be the first time a monster had taken the form of a child to try and deceive them.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

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Battlestar Warpite

Galatic Old Lady

Coruscant System

The alien projector made a strange light in the briefing room, it's light glittered against the glassware on the side and the flags in the room with the banners and signs of the Colonial Navy, the battlestars personal flag and others proudly displayed.

It span rather slowly in the centre, automatically cycling between data Items previously shown. They lazily floated above the delegation in the room's centre. The long U shaped table was covered in a growing collection of data, printouts and their own forms of documents. A marine stood by the phone and spoke softly into the handset letting the CIC know the Commander would still be busy and to refer any requests to the Col for now.

The Major nodded to the Admiral he worked out from the sheer complexity of his uniform and its quality. “I'll keep it short, we are busy. We here will need data on the planet's deep facilities, power and such infrastructure Admiral. Using that we can monitor somehow and prepare to mount a campaign of resource denial.” He was a Marine, he did not do all the fancy fleet talk and just said it was. Officer yes, but he did not waste time with bullshit.

It was surprising to say the least when a woman turned into a humanoid bird, her whole body and skin colour changed! He had seen a lot but this was entirely Alien … From this alien. “I agree maam, if we are to execute this, we may only get one shot, a second attempt will be expected. it will be planned between all of us for maximum strategic effectiveness” He managed to hold her gaze despite being so alien. It was hard but he managed.

He also followed the theme, a theme which he could propose. “A medium term proposal if you allow, We here” He gestured to the Officers, Marines and so. “Have various capacities and abilities in marine, troop deployment, special operations and more. We need to work out how best we can each aid this war effort. Ladies and Gentleman, we are the thin wall between the enemy and the rest of the galaxy. Major York, we and others if you agree, can find a ship we can gather on for that. Or an inter-service boxing tournament. For our exercise of course. " He finished swallowing his pride, they may have to take leadership of others for the greater good and the wider campaign. He was a well read marine however, compared to his rather large stature. He probably could have used his books for a decent weight set. He however gave a very marine challenge, a Marine would never normally refuse a chance to test themselves.

Commander De Rio took the information from the build ships commander, he knew exactly what was needed of him, they Had warships but this plan needed builders, logistics and more to sustain the fight. She could appreciate the fact he could take a second line role and do it well. “Thankyou kindly, we will run these by the Engineers and see what my Senior officers think on the matter. But it sounds like a strong proposal and a force multiplier..” Being able to jump and take extended runs to gather material could be a useful role to fulfil. “We are a stronger sum of our parts Captain Hammond. we can always use your abilities and hope to work well with all of you.” She supported the position of the Manticore Navy and also aimed at the room.

Lara was surprised by the fact they seemed to get on, they managed to get on and make…productive discussions and some rather loose but plans to face the danger. “I propose officers. We will leave you to work out how to decide what is appropriate candidate profiles, myself and my office is available if you need it.” She said to the woman who had turned into a bird, but wore a rather striking outfit.

The Tall blonde woman stood, her red dress standing out brightly in the darker uniforms and rooms light. “Ladies, Gentlemen, and persons. We have a multiverse fleet, Ships that work together. I suggest that we have an officer exchange on ships we team together. We need to quickly integrate and we can help bring each other to closer alignments.” It was a longer term proposal but one she believed in.

Getting a nod from her Commander who looked toward the woman and held a short non verbal conversation. “Battlestar Warspite will happily accommodate, and provide our VIP berthing to the allied officer or officers.” The ship had some…limited larger ones usually reserved for government figures and yet to be converted to other uses as the crew was too busy right now. “This ship is old, I know you're all thinking about it, The Galatic old lady needs some TLC yes, but do not doubt her proud crew, all 3500 of them. They will do their jobs well.”

“Can we agree to meet again at an undetermined point, perhaps rotating among the larger ships… We need to land shuttles, and some of yours, are gonna be a tight fit on our smaller allies bays. Warspite is welcome to host larger delegations.”

Lana sat down with a small curtsey gesture and nodded to Commander Del Rio who was happy to let her diplomat take work off her too full plate.

As they had talked the Nav and Vipers had guided The Warspite out of the worst of the debris field moving to more open space where the far larger warship could operate. 500 metres wide, 1400m long. Moving her huge mass was a precise ballet of nail biting manoeuvres but they began to open up larger open space to move and fight, launching their vipers and more warning of ground to space threats.

Seeing more space open up on the Dredas while also keeping the main battery online and angled to the threat, the planet and alert aircraft in tubes. The Warspite was not taking things lightly and knew they were shorter on tech, older and more worn. But they could fight smart and had been busy moving the Battestar to where her advantages could be brought to bear and reduce their prior troubles with Dredas being too clogged by wreckage and unable to forewarn of an attack.

Old sure. But they knew their ship. The Col knew the Commander did not mind, he was CIC. He was in command right now.

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