Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Crimson Flame
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Crimson Flame *Insert something profound here*

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

André was in his room on his private jet he took from the Unova Region. He was busy studying his reflection in the bathroom mirror, making sure he was presentable before he stepped off the plane. He had to look good at all times, because he never knew where there will be someone with a camera who wants to take his picture. He couldn't afford to have a bad hair day, or else that picture would end up in a magazine, and the tabloids would rip him to shreds. Such is the life of a star. In the end, it was all worth it for the fame and fortune.

Once he finished brushing his blonde hair, he adjusted his necklace like it was a tie, and checked the mirror one last time. "C'est magnifique!" He exclaimed once he was satisfied, he sprayed on some lavender scented perfume, and put on his pink beret. He completed the look by grabbing a pair of pink sunglasses, and putting them top of his head. Just in time too, because the plane landed just in time, they had arrived at the Vanville airport. André grabbed his pink bag, which had a pink satin bow on it. If you didn't know better, it was easy to assume that it was a girl's bag. He went through the contents of his bag, pulled out a Pokeball, and called out the Pokemon inside. Jolie, come!"

In a flash of light a Cleffa with a large pink bow on her head, and a diamond studded collar around her neck appeared at Andre's feet. The small, pink, Fairy type stretched her stubby little arms, and yawned as if she had been awoken from a nap.

"Très bien!" He put the sunglasses over his eyes, took Jolie into his arms, and stepped off the plane.

As soon as André set foot in Kalos, he was surrounded by photographers and screaming fans. Word travels fast that a famous movie star would arriving in a small town, and people clamored to see him.

André was more than happy to take pictures and sign autographs for his fans while he waited for his friends to get here. He was a star, he had to give the people what they wanted. "Merci beaucoup!” The young movie star exclaimed as he dramatically threw a pink rose into the crowd for them to catch. “You are a wonderful audience, je t'aime”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Rabbitconfusion
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Rabbitconfusion The Rabbit monster

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Nikola wore a dress suit and slacks with blue loafers. Large sunglasses and a fashionable scarf obscured her face. These were not things she would normally wear and in fact found them annoying but they served their purpose of keeping her face off the tabloids. It was safe to presume Andre and gained no sense of privacy recently and if she wanted any while in his company she had to provide it herself. She got off the plane and headed to find Andre. This was not a difficult task as people swarmed around him like flies to a corpse. Getting to him on the other hand... She went and got a smoothie instead.

While waiting for her smoothie she took out her phone and called Andre. "Hey. Just wanted to inform you that I've landed. Any suggestions on how to get past the zombie hoard?"
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Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by GubGar
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GubGar Manager of the Jerk Store

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Gabriel Agate

Location: Kalos Airport, Exterior.

Gabriel Agate had arrived about forty five minutes earlier than necessary. It would have been a clean hour, except he spent a lot of time re-reading the messages exchanged between himself, Andre, and Nikola, (Or more accurately, the information Gabriel pried out of two of his flightier friends through sheer force of will) to make sure he had the arrival time correct, and the airport correct. One might think that getting to the airport so early would alleviate someone's stress. But Gabriel found himself Just as tense. After all, what if the plane had arrived unexpectedly early, and he had missed them already? Obviously this was why he looked so disheveled, he couldn't help but worry!

(Gabriel's 'disheveled' look was him still wearing a suit and dress pants, with extremely well-combed hair. The only thing that marked him as at all less professional than usual was that his tie was looser, and a single hair was out of place.)

His mood was spiraling fast by the time the plane was due to land soon, but was quickly saved by-


Helper, the Klefki, floated beside Gabriel. It unlatches its noodle-like arms to slide a protein bar (hung on the Klefki's limbs via the punch hole in its wrapper) into Gabriel's hands. He blinks, and something clicks. "Oh, you're right. I did forget to eat breakfast.. Good looking out, Helper." Once he got some food in him, he felt significantly less stressed. Almost as if basic self-care helped one's mind.

As was tradition, after Helper had passed Gabriel something that had slipped from the not-actually-a-trainer's mind, Gabriel passed Helper a Pokeblock as thanks. And while the two ate in silence, the plane touched down. As it turned out, Gabriel did not have to worry about failing to notice his old friend's arrival. Given the swarm of people here to see him.

"..How on earth am I supposed to get to Andre and Nikola through that barricade of fans..?"
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Rabbitconfusion
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Rabbitconfusion The Rabbit monster

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"..How on earth am I supposed to get to Andre and Nikola through that barricade of fans..?"

"Yknow I've been wondering the same thing myself" Nikola sipped on her smoothie about a foot exactly behind Gabriel. "except of course I am in fact not on that side of the hoard... sadly" She said with annoyance. She twisted her torso to look at Gabriel from the front, looked him up and down, and adjusted his tie.
Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by AwesomeZero5
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Siloh had been sleeping a while at the airport. He had arrived prior in the night on a cheaper economic flight. The original private jet to fly him made him feel nervous for the possibility of getting caught up in a crowd should they be near Andre's landing hangar. He didn't want to get directly caught up in that when first landing. Besides, the cost of first class tickets were valuable! And, given the nature of the ticket through a third party, exchangeable. He made quite a pretty penny exchanging the ticket in. Half it was in airline miles, but the other half was cash into the checking account~.
Even airline miles could be useful, he was able to pay for some food at the airport for it, and could make several small flights with it! And stays at certain selected hotels, among a few other quirks.
The last bit was advice from home before he left. Since his dad, and soon to be step-mom did a lot of short range flights and travels themselves.

Siloh & Tazen, had also discussed a bit of an idea the night before. Seeing as they've dealt or at least seen a crowd or two around the Bellamy family before. They ended up writing a sign in large sharpie to help, guide Andre & hopefully stave off the crowd a bit. It likely wouldn't scare them off, but in hopes let the crowd part a bit for André to get moving.

Seemed between Tazen, was right. A crowd of paparazzi and fans passing through the airport earlier had awoken Siloh from his previous sleep! It was time to put the plan into action. Most of which was Tazen's and probably Rummel's foresight.
He'd try to slip a tip to one of the airport luggage cart driver's to follow after, and pick up the group of arriving friends!

Having to mess with Gabriel, Nikola.. and maybe whomever else was in view along the way as he'd attempted to free André!

"This way. Part of the cast, part of the crew."
Siloh's voice would speak quietly toward Gabriel & Nikola but in a disturbing, off-key manner.

Siloh did have such a fiendish grin on his face that it spread nearly around his whole head! Rather, where Siloh's eyes always yellow & purple, under the cartoonish hoodie he was wearing?
A pair of large blue eye's with yellow pupil's began moving about every which direction in place of where Siloh's face should be!
A ghostly shuppet would pop free from around Siloh's head to stick its tongue out playfully at Nikola, but especially Gabriel!
Wanting to tease Gabriel especially, as it may, or may not have done in the past~.
As Siloh would walk past in a plain black, and baggy hoodie, and a camcorder wrapped around his left wrist.

But most importantly the key to the mission.
The sign, the sign! Which Siloh, would vaguely gesture at and try to bring Gabriel & Nikola into the fold of the operation as the sign was hefted high in the air! Siloh was only 5'6" so couldn't be that high, he was in need of assistance there.
Slowly trying to approach the crowd of fans and honing on André's attention. Holding up and waving the sign from an closing distance to try and get And

The Sign Read:
Calling Cast & Crew for André's Private Shoot at Château de Bien-aimée

It was an old trick Tazen used.
It wouldn't disperse a crowd, but would help part the 'seas' as it were, so that fans could follow... or check the location later. Lending a credible excuse to get away, and at least a majority of fans would rather join a shoot than get in the way of it. Even more so when it was said to be 'private'. Might help since Siloh did have a camera, but not by much.
He just hoped the cart driver, or any cart driver really would help with the get away.

"This way.... Uh... This way, please."
Siloh's voice was practically a hush. But he bobbed the sign about as if it spoke louder than his words.
He couldn't really push himself to shout over or talk through the crowd however-.
Might make things faster if someone else who was louder, spoke up.
But even among a crowd, it was pretty easy to see André's pink!
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Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 41 min ago

With all the buzz and commotion at the airport, nobody was paying attention to the stranger walking into Vanville from Route 1 to the north. He was clad in a dark poncho, with its hood drawn in order to protect his eyes from the sunlight. This was someone who had traveled a long ways by foot, all way from the mountainous side of Eastern Kalos. Unlike most people he lacked any sort of Pokemon accompanying him and instead appeared to be truly by himself. This was in fact someone returning to his childhood home, as Kaylan had not been to Vanville since he left for Ninja Village all that time ago.

But it was the letter he held in his hand that spurred the former Pokemon Trainer into returning home. It was an invitation from one his old friends to go on a Pokemon Journey with him. Kaylan still had no idea what to make of this or how he was actually going to respond. He remembered Jiraiya wanting to come with him, but Kaylan had told the Greninja to remain in the village and continue training, unsure if he actually wanted to take another shot at the Kalos League yet or not.

He had to guess that Andre was arriving via the airport, hence all the buzz coming from that direction. Which meant that heading there probably wasn't going to be super helpful and he'd just find himself fighting crowds more than anything else. But what else was he going to do? Just sit at a picnic table somewhere and wait? What kind of friend would Kaylan be if he did that. So he kept on walking made his way toward the airport.

Yup, it was a scene alright. Crowds of Andre's fans were everywhere and Kaylan saw no sign of the actor in question. But he did see a trio of vaguely familiar faces he recognized as his other old friends. So he walked his way toward the sign-holding Siloh.

"Oh brother." Kaylan groaned when he finally spotted Andre's pink form. "We'll be sitting here all day if someone doesn't pull him away from the fans." And after a brief pause he rolled his eyes and started walking forward. If no one else was willing to, then fine, he'd be the one to pour the proverbial bucket of ice water onto this little parade if that's what it took. He pushed and weaved his way through the crowd of fans, inching his way closer to where Andre was standing and signing autographs.

"Hey, Mr. Big Shot!" Kaylan finally said when he was finally close enough to address him, "You planning to spend all day here? I didn't come all the way down from the mountains to watch you sign autographs, ya know."
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by InnerFlame
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InnerFlame A Fire-Type

Member Seen 18 days ago

Beau was up bright and early before sunrise on the day of his Pokemon adventure with friends. Vaniville Town was a couple towns south of Lumiose City, so it was not an incredibly long trip. The long morning routine of washing up, moisturizing, picking out the right outfit for the beginning of the journey, fixing his hair, and deciding on the right hair accessories took up quite a bit of his morning. Adding dealing with swarms of fans as he left his home, the tall blond intended arrival time was delayed considerably. Luckily, by the time he made it to the previous town, he had lost most of his fans. Due to the narrower pathways, Beau was forced to walk the final trip to Vaniville. He didn't mind much and strolled joyfully down Route 1 with his Ciel, his Espurr, cuddle to his chest and Sebastian the Indeedee dragging his rather large suitcase behind it.

It didn't take much effort for Beau to locate André with the crowd of paparazzi and fans surrounding him as well as the many cameras pointed at him. And the gathered people who didn't look like rabid fans were obviously his friends from back in school. He strolled casually over with a simple: "Bonjour les amis, hello friends!" Beau brightly smiled as he waved with a free hand. His heterochromia eyes contact with everyone the best he could. "It's me, Beau Belrose, but of course you knew that. Ça fait longtemps, it's been a long time!" His boisterous introduction drew in a couple eyes from the people at the edge of the crowd. Their eyes locked onto him.

The flamboyant curly-haired man was exuding friendliness and enthusiasm. The little Espurr contrasted the blond with his blank stare, and the Indeedee standing tall a couple steps behind him gave off an air of serious professionalism. Beau didn't register the whole situation with him being one of the last people to arrive, but glancing at them and the sign seemed to make something click in his brain.

"You're trying to get André's attention?" Beau jumped to that conclusion as he scooped up the sign. He held it high over most of the crowd and shouted loudly. "Salut André, bonne journée! We're over here whenever you're done, d'accord?"
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Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by GubGar
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GubGar Manager of the Jerk Store

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Gabriel Agate

Location: Kalos Airport, Exterior.

Gabriel's question was met with an immediate answer. An immediate, unexpected answer. Without him realizing, Nikola had split from the horde of fans trapping Andre, and made their way to get a smooth. Which left her positioned right behind Gabriel. Wherein she scared the living daylight out of poor old Gabe. "Gieh!- Ah, Nikola! Don't sneak up on me like that, you scared the daylights out of me..- Err," He blinks blankly as he watches Nikola invade his personal space to fix his tie without a word. Though truthfully, he did appreciate it. The clothing made the person, and Gabriel always wanted to seem professional. "..Thanks. It's good to see you again, by the way. Even if you scared me half to death- GYAAAAHHH!" If Nikola made him flinch, Siloh's arrival lead to a full-body recoil.

Gabriel had, after all, always been easily susceptible to scares. And even after his trip to Hoenn, he never adjusted all that well to ghost type Pokemon. Siloh, having met up with Gabriel a few years back on said Hoenn trip, of course knew very easily how to mess with Gabriel. He pauses mid-recoil as he recognizes both the horribly mischievous Shuppet, and its horribly mischievous owner. "Siloh!!" Gabriel squawks in indignation. "I told you and Mober YEARS ago to stop with the fake head trick!" This wasn't even the third time that Gabriel had been scared by the Shuppet-For-A-Head routine. It's like he developed no tolerance via exposure to scares.

His Klefki, Helper, on the other hand, wasn't frightened or startled in the slightest. Instead, the keychain Pokemon started to float in lazy circles around the newcomers. Doing a loop first around Nikola, then Siloh, and lastly his Shuppet, Mober. Gabriel adjusts his now-crooked glasses, and lets out a huff. "Okay, now that we're done with the 'let's scare Gabriel' game, how about we actually collect our resident movie star?" Fortunately while Siloh was seemingly still the type to mess around, he did have the foresight to bring a sign with him. Which leads Gabriel to recall that he had also made a sign.. And left it at home. Ugh, he knew he forgot something..

While Gabriel stewed in his own irritation that he once again forgot something, Beau arrived and took ahold of Siloh's sign, holding it high to get Andre's attention. Hopefully that did the trick. Sensing his owner's comical frustration at his scatterbrained memory, Helper floats back over to offer Gabriel a second protein bar. He takes it, not because he was still hungry, but because Helper got upset when he didn't take the gifts that the keychain Pokemon saw fit to give out.
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Crimson Flame
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Crimson Flame *Insert something profound here*

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

As soon as André received Nikola’s call, he looked and saw that all of his old friends had finally arrived. André immediately felt a wave of nostalgia. It had been too long since André had seen any of his friends. The sight of them brought a smile to his face.

Taking advantage of Beau’s interruption, André turned to the crowd and said, “Thank you all so much for your support, but I must go join my friends now. Au revoir!” He blew a kiss to the crowd.

“Beau! Nikola! Gabriel! Siloh! Kaylan!” He called out happily. “I am so happy to see all of you again!”

He first approached Beau, who had been holding up a sign. He gave Beau a hug, followed by a kiss on both cheeks. “Beau! C'est merveilleux de te voir!” He then gave the curly haired blonde a pink rose.

Then he turned to Nikola. "Nikola, Ma chérie! You look très chic. How have you been?" he asked, giving her a hug, and a kiss on both cheeks as well. Then he tucked a pink rose behind her ear.

He then turned to Gabriel, who was still looking a bit flustered for some reason. "Gabriel, mon ami! I cannot thank you enough for being here!" André said. Once again, giving him a hug, a kiss on both cheeks, and handing him a pink rose.

Next, he turned to Siloh. "Siloh! You have not changed since we were children!” And once again, he gave Siloh a hug, a kiss on both cheeks, and gave him a pink rose

Finally he turned to Kaylan. “Kaylan! It has been too long, mon ami.” You should know the routine by now, but he hugged Kaylan, gave him a kiss on both cheeks, and handed him a pink rose.

He gestured for everyone to follow him out of the airport. “Now, I have gotten us a hotel for the night, and we can leave tomorrow, and see where the journey takes us. For now, we can explore Vanville, and get to know each other again, non?”

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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by AwesomeZero5
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Siloh would feel a mixture of both relief & slight frustration at the situation. He was relieved that Kaylan & Beau were able to assist with getting André's attention. It seemed Kaylan was going for the direct charge to pull their mutual friend out from the crowd. While he was grateful that Beau helped with the sign. Unfortunately from his height, and more of his awkwardness he hadn't been quite as effective. At least he was rather prepared, and did setup a fairly well placed idea to aid in the escape.

Siloh would practically whisper to Beau. His eyes glancing downward.

His brief moment of self-pity had been distracted and snatched away at Gabriel's reaction all the more. It left more of a grin back on his face to here them shout about the ghostly routine. Which, sometimes became accidental habit when he first started to wake up. Mober seemed comfortable floating or resting on top of Siloh's head for some reason.

"Can't stop with the fake head trick. It's a lovable classic."
He would chuckled back at Gabriel. "Practically became a staple in its own way. Especially when you were on stream. May need to use it for a new audience here too."

"Unless of course, you have other spooky routines you've been holding out on me, Gabby~."

Mober would seem to match with the Klefki. Although it never strayed far away from Siloh's side. Its eyes would blink at the floating Klefki and glide alongside it. Seemingly just to get comfy around it and practically reintroduce itself, with a light brush at the klefki's side.
Before slowly drifting to meet the other nearby pokemon, such as Beau's Espurr.

Once Beau & Kaylan dragged André from the crowd.
Siloh had turned around to get ready to get out of the airport before the crowd had a chance to follow.
Only to have to swing right back around as André did greetings!
Siloh had forgotten about such. He had been used to walking and talking, or recording and talking anyways.

He did briefly roll his eyes, but had a wide grin on his face as André started to greet him as well.
There was definitely felt... childish? Perhaps nostalgic was the right word. It did feel like a call back to early school days.
Siloh of course would return the greeting back with only the slight hesitation of a giggle. Kissing Andre's left cheek, while his right was kissed and vice versa. Giving a familiar hug

"Coucou, I've changed a little, I've gotten taller."
"je ne suis pas être haut comme trois pommes~."

He slipped in an old saying of being not just as tall as three apples. Basically trying to claim that he wasn't short anymore. His face did light up and blush a tad. It was like visiting and being teased by distant family!
The flower was new, and kept in a pocket rather quickly.

"Oh! Shouldn't we get Nikola's and everyone's bags together. I did ask a cart driver to help transport us off airport grounds if they could. Didn't think everyone wanted to walk the distance after long flights..."
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Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 41 min ago

"Wait, now hold on." Kaylan said. But Andre didn't exactly give him a chance to protest. Kaylan hadn't yet agreed to go on this little trip and as of right now he was still intending to decline. So he couldn't just let someone speak for him! "I never said I would-" He tried to protest, but Andre had already moved on and was on his way.

Kaylan followed along, for now anyway. He'd have to travel in the same direction as far as Santalune City anyway, so there was no harm in sticking around for the time being. Besides, he still needed an opportunity to formally turn down the invitation and the only way to do that was to not go anywhere and stay with the group. But this did get him thinking. And while the others might be more concerned with catching up, Kaylan had a thought of his own about all this.

"So why now, all of a sudden?" Kaylan asked out of the blue, "I wanted to do this years ago and ended up going it alone in the end because none of you wanted to come with me. So why the sudden interest in the Pokemon League?" He asked in an almost demanding tone. He didn't mean to sound demanding, but he was genuinely curious about this and wanted to get it out there now otherwise he was afraid he wouldn't be able to get a word in edgewise once all the chatting started.

He might have also sounded a bit bitter too, which was also unintentional. Out of all of them, he was the only one who actually did try to become a professional Pokemon Trainer. And of course he still remembered the sting of what happened to him in the end. And that probably bled into his current tone and mannerisms, even if he was desperately trying to keep that buried. But still, it just seemed strange to him that all of them suddenly wanted to go on a journey and become trainers despite showing no interest in doing so back when he originally wanted to do this.

"Besides," he finally said with some marginal reluctance in his voice, "I challenged the League already, what makes you think I wanna do it again."
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by GubGar
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GubGar Manager of the Jerk Store

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Gabriel Agate

Location: Kalos Airport, Exterior.

Gabriel pinched the bridge of his nose between his fingers in exasperation at Siloh's response. Clearly he was the same as when they'd last seen each other! Just as devious as ever. "Ugh, don't even get me started on those streams, Siloh! I swear, they took years off my lifespan from sheer stress, I should-Wuagh!" His complaining was interrupted by the arrival of Andre. Who arrived like a whirlwind and left each member of the group with a hug, a kiss on either cheek (which caused Gabriel to squawk in surprise), and a rose. The abrupt motions left Gabriel's glasses crooked on his nose, which he awkwardly fixes while furrowing his brows at the rose that he had no idea what to do with.

"..Nice to see you again too, Andre. I see the jet lag is a non-issue for you." He remarks dryly, though not irritably. He was exasperated by his old friend's massive reserve of energy, but not upset by it. It wasn't like he hadn't expected it, seeing as how Andre had made the effort to drag them all out here with the idea of starting a Pokemon Journey as a group. Though, Gabriel was a bit surprised that some of them had agreed to-

"So why now, all of a sudden?"

Ah, yeah. That was more in line of what he had expected. Gabriel listens to Kaylan air out his business, wincing a bit in realization of how, well, bad it looked when you stood in his shoes. All of his old friends, none of whom went on a journey with him, grouping together to go on one with Andre. The hint of bitterness in his tone was well warranted, even if they hadn't meant it like that.

"I know. Er- sorry, that's not really a helpful statement on its own. Regarding you already challenging the league, I know. I was rooting for you and your Greninja." Gabriel could go into detail about how he had been doing his best to follow his old friend's journey every step he could, or how he'd attempted to (and failed, due to budgeting) get a seat in person to see him battle. But he didn't do those things to get 'points' for doing them, so he leaves it at that.

"Back then, I was career focused. Pokemon Training makes great money.. if you're a high level competitor. And I didn't- don't -think I had it in me to be one. I'm honestly still pretty convinced a journey is a bad idea for me. But I'm working for the League now, and I need to make the rounds and be sure every Leader has everything up to date. So.."

He shrugs. "The stars aligned, I guess? I'm in a position where I can at least give it a try." Maybe it was kind of weak to fence-sit like that. Go along just because it was convenient for him, with no real intention to take the journey to its conclusion. But Gabriel missed his old friends, eccentricities and all, and this was an opportunity to catch up with them, try something new, and not fall behind on work. Helper, his Klefki, jingles in agreement. Seemingly approving of his Trainer's words, however Helper approved of just about everything Gabriel did, so that meant very little.
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by AwesomeZero5
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Siloh only grew more cheerful at Gabriel as they got flustered by the 'ghost adventuring streams'. It had been a rather fund time a couple years back, especially with Gabriel visiting and being a co-host on said streams. Truthfully Gabriel was probably an unfortunate video star of the whole mess. As Siloh would dig up some of the spookier and ghostly aspects of wherever they ended up going. Along with all manner of possibly terrifying phenomena that could possibly happen while the two wandered through haunted halls!
Rather maintaining the big smile across the typically more reserved Siloh's face.

His attention shifted back toward Kaylan and the sudden tone shift. There had been a bunch of reasons at the time of why he didn't really want to return to Kalos, or having taken off right then and there on his own to be a bit more independent. He could mention the underlying matters of why he didn't join in the league the first time. He wanted to help family, and a fear that he wouldn't achieve anything beyond his own scopes.
But there was other answers as to why now, all of a sudden.

He'd go with along with the honest option.
As it was truly what got the ball going of all things.

"I ran into a family of undead and they advised me to leave, presumably the region. Didn't think I could... really manage to encounter or capture anything that interesting, ever. Hardly thought I could really do much, definitely didn't think I could make much of... well me. But that, was a start of a turn around."
"Kinda hard to say, no, to that. And been struggling with what to do with myself for a while. Seems like a good chance to find out. Things kind of mixed together, and with all of this together on this one. Feels like we could... actually find stuff out that way. Or at least, see how far we can challenge it all."

"Once I left for Hoeen, just kinda stuck there. Since didn't want to be too far for family reasons. Didn't really have to but- but didn't think I'd do much..."
Siloh trailed off a bit.
Pausing to think things over but increasingly feeling cornered, mostly by his own thoughts.

"Well, you're here. So even if you don't want to challenge the league, you at least want to try this adventuring thing again. Probably got enough experience to keep us from getting flattened by a stray Pangoro at the least."
Siloh would take in a deep breath. He was struggling to put up the ferocity over his typical air of fading into the background.

"I'd end up haunting you all in the afterlife if that happened."
His eyes darted around, as he was getting a bit more rash and erratic. "Could hardly hold up Andre's sign. Only one who could probably tussle a Pangoro, is maybe Beau."

"Plus! Plus! if you're brave enough to challenge it once on your own and clear multiple gyms. You're likely to wipe out their entire region with everybody with ya"
"Unless of course, you'd rather see the next league Champion be someone possessed by the Great La Heire become the next Champion without getting a shot at 'em first~."

Siloh puffed up, with a fire in his eyes. Hoping to push Kaylan to a challenge.
Although, he was clearly getting out of breath as he was huffing. He would likely end up tiring out his voice and his lungs long before they even made it to a hotel. He also referenced a deceased old war general who lasted in a near century war who haunted the battlegrounds.

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