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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Serena rubbed her eyes thinking about it, but Bane said to Yami alone “she’s on to something…it’s been bothering me as well. I’ve been out of the game a long time…but if my siblings are jumping…it means something more is going on…”

After about ten minutes Yugi moved his hand and smiled at Seto. “He will be alright now. Just needs to rest. You can put him in Serena’s room if that helps” but when Seto walked away Yugi held his chest and leaned on the wall behind him, taking deep breathes.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Yami finishes his last piece before crumbling the wrapper and throw it away to the next bin. While listening, he looks at the sky. "i wonder if Apep is the real threat. Or if he is listening to someone higher...." he wonders. The pharaoh then takes Serena's hand. "Come. I have a surprise for you." He says as he takes her toward their final ride of the night.

Seto sighs but accepts that Yugi is figuring out his powers. He then stands and looks to Adam. "Could you help me find a room for Mokuba?" He asks him. Whenever they leave Marik starts setting the table.

Cora starts stirring from her slumber as Joey and Tristen come inside.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Serena smiled and took his hand and followed him as Bane said “interesting thought…I’ll see what I can learn from the shadows…” he went silent as Serena asked “where are we going?”

Adam nodded and said “he can rest in my room…then we should make sure Duke is alright. Then we can check Yugi again…” he lead Seto to his room.

Tristen was saying as they came in “no Joey, you should not punch a god in the face. I’m sure that will get you…Yugi? What are you doing up? You okay man?” Yugi was panting a bit, looking pale again. “Im..fine…”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Maneuvering through the crowd, Yami makes it toward the Ferris Wheel when he notices the small line and his smile grows.

Following Adam, he hums a confirmation. "Yeah...."

It was before he could get a word in about how sound it would be and satisfying, that he looks over to Yugi and looks worried. "You don't look fine. What are doing up?" He asks.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Serena looked up and said “whoa…it’s huge…that’s amazing…” she smiled at him and asked “do you mind heights?”

Adam opened his door and helped lay mokuba on the bed and he pulled a spare blanket over him. Then he said “his okay Seto…don’t worry”

Yugi smiled weakly and said “mokuba was hurt…Seto looked so worried…I couldn’t just sit back…”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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"I'll do not mind heights." Yami assures while the line moved. When it was their turn, Yami offers a hand to her so she may enter first before himself.

Laying Mokuba down, Seto leaves the room after his brother is covered up, relieved that his little brother wasn't upset with him. For now he made his way back to the study.

Joey smiled softly toward their best friend. "Yug' you gotta take care of yerself too."

"Foods ready!" Marik hollers.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Serena took his hand and jumped into the small seat and sat down, looking at him and smiling.

Adam led him to the study to find Duke laying on the couch and still out cold.

Yugi nodded and stood up a little more and said “I know…but I had to…”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Yami climbed in after her and sat across from her. It slowly moved till all the spots were filled before making it's slow cycle around to the top.

Kaiba looked to Duke for a long moment before going back to his laptop where he left off. Even hearing Marik, he didn't feel too hungry.

Joey gave the young man a soft pat on the shoulder. "We should let Cora know foods ready I dint know about you guys but I'm starvin'."
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Serena looked out the windows and said “amazing…it’s so beautiful at night…”

Adam sighed and said “it wasn’t your fault Kaiba. Duke saw a threat and moved to protect him. Nothing more than that. He isn’t one to let others get hurt…I took a bad hit but he will be fine like Mokuba…”

Yugi nodded and said “yes we should…”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Yami watched still amazed with the sight of the scenery before him. Now watching Serena as well.

Kaiba was trying to read the sight where he had left off before the whole incident. He then closes his eyes and pinches the bridge of his nose. "I know that. Just...." sitting back in the chair and rubs his face. "Just need to continue where I left off for now and think."

Joey goes with Tristen and Yugi to find Cora. She is still on the couch curled upon the one cushion asleep. "Cora?"
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Serena was sitting up and look out and muttered “only London was like this…and still this is better…I think because I’m finally with you again. I’m not alone…”

Adam moved over and shut the laptop. “You need a mind break. After a shock like that you need to reset.”

Yugi moved and rested a hand on her shoulder “Cora? You alright?”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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"I'm glad you like the view. And that I could share it with you." Yami admits with a soft smile. "What's London like?" He asks her curious about what it looked like.

Seto looked at Adam unamused. "This is my mind break. To focus on something else till both of them are awake. Plus if we are to know what any similarities are between these gods and some of the duelists, then this is where I need to start." He explains.

Cora stirred with a groan before raising her head, her orange hair moving from her face to reveal her tired gaze. "...huh?..." blinking a few times she noticed it was Yugi, Joey and Tristen. Her eyes wide then "Oh! Yugi! You're awake! How you feeling?" She asks suddenly seeming fully awake now that she saw Yugi.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Serena looked at him and said “think Camelot but modern. Old mixed with the new…” she looked at him and said “Yami…why does your name hold power?”

Adam said “you don’t look like it. You look like Serena when she’s about to do something insane after setting bad happened. Mokuba is fixed. Duke we will have to wait and” then they both heard a groan and a voice say “where…is the…kiddo…is he…okay…”

Yugi smiled weakly and said “I’m okay…” Tristen said “no his not…”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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That wasn't a question that Yami had expected to be asked. Yami was surprised to say the least. Looking down a moment, Yami took a deep breath before looking up to meet Serena's gaze. "It's...It's because of the fact I'm still here. My father, when I met him at the gates and I decided to stay, he tied my name to my powers. That way I could start anew. To leave the past in the past. In a way, be normal, especially since the rest of my powers that I regained I don't have full control over." Yami explains.

Seto glared at Adam for comparing him to Serena's habits. It only ceased when Duke woke up. He sighs as he sits up in the chair. "Mokuba is fine and resting..." He states though had to steel himself because he wasn't use to asking others how they were. "How...are you feeling?" Kaiba asks.

Cora was surprised by this, guessing Yugi got caught often with overplaying how he was. "But, Yugi...you need to rest. You did so much and..." realizing she might be overstepping, hesitated before having stopped herself. "I'm sorry...its just...I don't want to see you get hurt is all." Having looked away from them. Joey was resisting the urge to laugh with finding out how much Cora was on the same page as them on Yugi's health.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Serena nodded and said “I see…now the fight in the alleyway makes sense…but it makes me wonder…does my old name old power? Or because I died it’s locked away for good…” she tapped her fingers on her arm and Yami heard Bane chuckle. “My little shadow…I have missed her mind…how it works…”

Duke groaned and tried to sit up, Adam moving to help him. “Everything…hurts…but better me…then the kiddo…what happened?”

Tristen said “she’s right Yugi. You haven’t had these new skills for three hours and you’ve over done it…you need to take it easy…” he frowned and moved to rest his hand on Yugis forehead. “Your warm too…”
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Yami looked out the window as he wondered as well. He noticed the array of possibilities that Serena was coming up with to understand something and Bane seemed to enjoy such an ability. "I don't think they would be locked away. Maybe re-taught?" Yami wonders.

"The God Set. His scout thought you were my enemy and called his master to stop you though you laid no hand on me. Essentially I ordered him not to go after you and anyone here." He explained.

Joey settled down when Tristen found out Yugi seemed warm to the touch. Cora tilted her head. She adjusted herself to sitting on the couch properly. Hesitantly she takes Yugi's hand and closes her eyes. Wishing to helping Yugi, wanting to share some of her energy to Yugi. To see if it would help even a little.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Serena looked at him and said “I hope your right…but who can teach me when master is long gone…Bane is locked in the shadows…” she sighed and Bane said “it’s almost time…you need to be touching her so I can make the link to her past memories…”

Duke blinked and said weakly “must have pissed you off a lot getting that close…enough to summon a god of war…” he held his head and said “sorry…seems this is my fault…”

Yugi turned to Tristen to stop him but then Cora took his hand. When she did she could see what was wrong. He was getting a fever from over doing it and his energy was low.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Yami's eyes softened as he thought about how she could, though he wondered if maybe memory could possibly come to her. Or...maybe Mahad might know....looking toward Serena, hearing Bane, he hand almost forgotten about his memories. Either way, he wanted to comfort her. Moving to the other side, the former Pharaoh sat next to Serena and wrapped an arm around her, resting his head against the side of hers.

Seto took a deep breath, knowing full well it wasn't Duke's fault. "Ultimately, it was Set's scout. The matter was settled and concluded."

To know this information was surprising. It was new. Cora frowned, sad that Yugi pushed himself this far and so quick. She wondered if she could help. To Share. Wasn't that something apart of what a friend does? Her features soften, she focuses, tries to give a small part of her energy. Should he accept. A token of their friendship.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Serena sighed and said “sorry I didn’t mean to bring up work on our date like this…my brain doesn’t like shutting…” then she stopped talking and her eyes glazed over as Shadows wrapped around Yami and Bane said “alright…don’t move my pharaoh…time to go to the beginning…” then darkness.

When Yami could see again he was standing in the desert, nothing but sand around. A hand rested on his shoulder. When turned, a man stood by Yami, with silver hair and golden eyes and a scar over his right eye. “Now…let’s get started my king. The beginning.” Nodding ahead, Yami saw a man walking thru the desert with a horse, seeming to be heading in from the desert. When he stopped and saw a small figure in the sand. He ran to it and saw it was a young girl, in rags and unconscious. Bane said “Zhara…”

Duke looked ar Seto and said “wait, the kid is resting? Did he get hurt?”

Yugi looked down and said “Cora…” his color came back to his figures and his breathing not so harsh.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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To open his eyes, to see the familiar sands that was apart of his homeland. To see a man beside him. Yami followed to see the girl in the sands. Zhara? In the desert? How? Why?

Seto looked to Duke unmoving. "He had. But Mokuba is fine now thanks to the both of you."

Cora could feel it. The change. It felt nice. To help, to give. Cora wanted something she didn't have. Or at least till now. Cora slowed the flow to a stop. She opened her eyes then, looking to Yugi and his friends and smiled as she was happy to see he looked a bit healthier.
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