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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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When they were almost there Zhara had to lean on one of the healers as she was losing a lot of blood and said “sorry…not sure why this is…hitting so hard…”

Mana opened her eyes more and said “the blade that hit her glowed red…wasn’t right master…”

Tristen sighed and nodded. “Sounds good marik…thanks…” Odion got up and said “let me help you master Marik…” he walked out and took Yugi in his arms so Marik could find a spot for him.

The card glowed and next to Seto appeared the human form of Set; a man with a hound pin on his business suit. He looked at Seto and said “you called on me, my blessed?” He glanced up and saw Adam and raised an eyebrow. “Knight…I didn’t know you were hanging around…”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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The healers had put a thick cloth to try and stop the bleeding they made it to the Healers ward noticing that this was quite serious and trying to pick up the pace for Zhara's sake.

"A blade that glowed red? Did you sense any magic coming from it?" He asks her as he walked.

Joey nodded, getting up to see Cora. Marik let Odion take Yugi while he went to find a place for Yugi. He opted for a couch still when Cora noticed while separting her cards. She wanted to say something but didn't know if it was wise to.

Seto looked to the god with a curious look on how he looked but left it be. He certainly wasn't surprised that Set know Adam. "I have of need of some of your scouts. I found Mako, however with how late it is, we do not have anyone who is in any condition till tomorrow. We need to have Mako protected till we can have a good number of the group well enough to retrieve him."
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Mana nodded softly and said “yes master…evil…like when we were kids…that red eyed evil being…that took the pharaoh…”

Zhara sat down and said “I’m sorry to be a bother…I don’t know why this wound is seeming worse…” she was shaking and looked at Atem and said “I’m sorry my pharaoh…I’ll sort this out…then get back to my duty..”

Odion laid Yugi down and covered him with a blanket. “There, the young man is able to sleep in peace. What is troubling you Ms Cora?”

Set looked to Seto and said “would you rather I bring him to you here? Or won’t take me long as long as you have a location for me?”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Priest Mahad looked concerned. He hurried to the group ahead. "My king! Mana might have an idea of what's going on with Zhara's injury! It was a blade infused with magic." Atem looked toward his priest before looking back to the Healers and Zhara. "Is there a way to heal such a wound?" He asks.

Cora had gone back to sorting her cards when she straightened her posture instantly and felt like she had been caught with her hand in the cookie jar. Taking a deep breath and relaxing a little, looked up to the man who was with Marik before deciding to answer. "Well, I ummm...you see...I don't know if it is out of line, but I was wondering if there was a way I could help Yugi. I have a feeling he still isn't feeling good and didn't know if it would help him any by giving him help my the healing ability we were given." Feel nervous about it all.

Seto eyes Set with curiosity as he explained their options. "It would be more beneficial to have him here then. That way Mako could rest and then be explained everything." Seto concludes.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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The healers looked lost and unsure but it was Zhara who cursed and got up. “I see…seems he wanted payback…very well…don’t worry…I can handle this…just give me a moment…” she moved out the ward, into a side room with no one there. She didn’t see Mahad or Atem follow her as she moved to her pendent and muttered “god of the shadows and the keeper of the gate…I ask you to banish this evil…” the shadow appeared, a huge wolf who bent his head and rubbed her face. “Be at peace my pup..,I’ll always protect you…even in death…” he blew onto the wound and it flashed, making Zhara gasp in pain. Red smoke flame from the wound as she fell to her knees, breathing hard. Then the shadow vanished along with the smoke. She panted as she tried to get up, but her body shook so much that she got light headed and fell to the floor.

Odion smiled and said “I would say in any other situation I would say yes. But with it just being his strength I say let him rest. In the morning if he is not recovered then you should step in”

Set nodded and snapped his fingers. Soldier like monsters appeared and he said “find this Mako…and be sure if my sibling has already blessed him that you ask for permission first” the three monsters nodded and vanished in a wind. Set nodded and looked to Seto. “How is your brother ?”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Both Pharaoh and Priest Mahad watched as Zhara got up and headed for a room. Mahad went to one of the beds to set Mana on. "Rest here for now Mana." They wait a bit before some worry starts to set in. They both make their way toward the room Zhara went in. "Zhara?" Atem called out, hoping he was okay.

Cora nods, understanding what Odion was saying. "Alright. I'm sorry, I feel new to having friends. Especially so many at once." She explains while fidgeting with a card in her hands.

Seto watched the soldier like monsters vanish in the the wind after given their instructions. To hear the god ask about his brother was a question he did not expect. "He will be alright. He is currently resting. Yugi healed a concussion he had." Kaiba explained. He had to admit that opening like this, especially about his brother felt weird.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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A shadow came thru the door and waved them into the room, almost pulling Atem inside. Zhara was sitting on the floor, leaning on the wall and breathing hard. She opened her eyes seeing Atem and said “it’s…handled…my pharaoh…”

Odion moved and rested a hand on hers. “I understand. Master Marik was like this as well before he met this crew. They have done a lot of good for him…don’t worry, they won’t see anything you fear they will. Only the positives…”

Set looked at him and after a moment said “ah, so this Yugi has been blessed by my sister. Her gifts are powerful but take much to use. She only uses it when it’s life or death…” he looked at Adam and said “I see why you have been around them, Knight…dealing with the gods isn’t an easy task”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Atem was almost thrown off ballance being pulled in. He rushed to Zhara's side when seeing sitting on the floor. He carefully helped her to her feet. "Can you stand?" He asks her.

Cora stops fidgeting with the card in her hand as she looks to Odion's hand on hers as she listened to his words. She can only smile as she looks to him. "Thank you. I'll take it to heart." She looks to the deconstructed deck and thinks about putting it away when she sees Joey coming into the run. "Sorry 'bout that, need to use the little men's room. Hey Cora, if you wanna we can look at your deck together, maybe see what we're working with."

Cora nods as Joey comes to sit across from her. "Wanna help us Odion?" Joey asks.

Kaiba leans back in the chair as he thinks about the information Set gave him about the Goddesses abilities. Wondering what could be done. In the mean time he was sure Yugi went to bed.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Zhara said weakly “if you and master Mahad help me…I can…just have the healers…stitch up the wound now…I’ll be fine…” mana was watching from the other bed, seeing the men help Zhara in. And couldn’t sense the curse any more which was a great sign. But how had she done it?

Odion smiled and said “I will help where I can. Master Marik?”

Set pulled out a pocket watch and said “I’d give my scouts an hour…they won’t be long. Now, I’m sure you have other questions…I am here to answer them”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Priest Mahad enters the room to assist Atem with Zhara. Making their way out of the room and onto a bed for her to lay on her back for the healers to take care of.

Marik nodded and came to sat down at the coffee table. Looking at the cards of her deck, Joey was surprised. "That is an interesting set of cards. In that duel you called them spell-Counters?" Joey asks.

Cora nods. "They help my monsters in a number of ways. Boosting attack and defence, adding monsters to my field, what ever I need with what monster I use and the effect they have."

Seto looked at the screen before him and sighs. "I may have some. Do you possibly know of any gods or goddesses that maybe helping Apep right now? He has to have some support if he able to do what he's doing now. That or he has so many members to his cult to influence his powers."
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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The scene ended and Bane said “now we get to the good part of Zhara dealing with Apep…more attacks and such…do you wish to keep going?” He looked at Yami.

Odion looked over and asked “so do you use them in all your strategies?”

Set said as he sat in a chair by him “he has the help of a few but not powerful ones. It’s the human factor is giving him more power. Most of my siblings are staying out of it”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Yami thought about this. All of what he'd seem come back to him. He had thought about it but figured it was better to strew on what he remembered here before going into something more serious. "If I could later on. I want to think about what I've remember so far before I continue."

"I guess so. This has been my main deck since I got into duel monsters. I found them fascinating."

Seto nodded as he though about what he was being told. "The human factor would be a problem considering nowadays anyone can worship a deity and don't have to reside in that country. So all we can do if figure out how to get rid of Apep's options of escaping the shadow Realm all together."
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Bane nodded and said “very well, we can keep going later on…” he snapped his fingers and they were in the Ferris wheel again, Serena against his shoulder her eyes closed.

Odion nodded and said “I’m not familiar with this style. Are you master Marik? Joey?”

Set nodded and said “what must happen is the gate sealed for good all the way. His prison now is partly opened. But if the gate is opened all the way…the world is doomed”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Yami's eyes fluttered open when he was snapped out of the mind scape. He noticed his head had rested on his on hers while she rested on him. He smiles upon looking at her though knowing that she would need to wake up. He gently shakes her shoulder. "Zhara....its time to wake up."

Joey and Marik shakes their head. "I haven't seen it in action however from what I understand there are many different strategic decks out there. My old deck is one of them. Seto has his focused on his Blue -Eyes White Dragon and Joey based on luck." Marik explained. "Hers focuses on the spell counters her deck applies where she can do based on the monster when she uses spells." Cora nods. "Exactly! I found it unipue."

Seto nods. "We will need those updates. Are the portals the means for him to break out of his prison?"
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Serena stirred and opened her eyes and said softly “my prince…what happened…” she held her head and looked up at him.

Odion nodded and said “I think I understand. So what about Yugi deck? And Yamis and Ms Serena’s”

Set shook his head and said “they are made to bring souls to him. He can use the power of souls to break the seal”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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"I was shown memories I had no recollection of till now. It seems you also fell asleep." Yami explains to her, a soft smile still there.

Joey thought about it, as did Marik. "Yami's I guess would be based summoning the god cards. Yugi's is unfamiliar as to style unless you count the level monsters he has. Serena's I would guess if involving a theme of Egyptian Guardians? That would be something to ask them." Marik concluded.

This wasn't good. So they would have to find the portals, close them ad soon as they open and hope they are intime to make sure Apep doesn't escape. "This is going to be a challenge. Who knows where we would have to go when they appear."
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Serena blinked and said “I didn’t…see anything…” then a sound came from across from them. A clearing of a throat. “Serena was hosting the memory so she won’t know what we saw…” Bane sat across from them, in the human from Yami saw.

Odion nodded softly then Tristen came in. “Yugi and Yami are magic effect style. Triggering magic and trap cards. And ritual cards as well. I don’t think we have seen enough of Serena’s deck to figure out her style but it’s kinda like Yamis”

Set said “that’s not as hard if you look for the magic lay lines and the shadow realms weak points…they can be mapped out”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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Yami looked across from them to see Bane as he explained how it happened. The Formal Pharoah nodded in understanding. "I see." He looked over to Serena then. "How are you feeling?"

Joey was rather impressed with Tristen's explanation. Marik nodded. "Makes sense." Joey was looking at her cards again. "I wonder what Yugi wanted to see. May show him your deck tomorrow. I think it's really cool.

Seto looked to Set curiously then sighed. Seems he couldn't have something that would make sense without it involving even more magic than he was content with. "Just what I needed...." He mutters before looking to Adam. "Is there a map I could use to map these lay lines?" He asks.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Serena sat up and said “I’m okay…” she looked at Bane and her eyes widen. “Wait…Ive seen you before…this form…” The God of Shadows nodded and said “indeed…it was when I was with your mother. When she came to get guidance on how to raise a child of the gods…”

Tristen sat down and said “I’ve heard you guys talk about it so much over the years hard not to pick up on things…I’m thinking yugi wanted to see her deck to see what monsters work best in a shadow duel”

Adam chuckled and got up “give me a sec. The lay lines aren’t a magic only thing. It’s more like the national energy of the planet. I think I have one here some where…”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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Yami was surprised by the turn of events. To know that Serena knew of Bane but as a different for was interesting to learn. He didn't dare speak, supporting her this time.

Cora looked down at her cards and wondered that herself. "I see. Well they did well I suppose. But as for future ones. I'm sure they will they will do well." Though she felt confident that her deck would fair against their foes. It was risky to test it to then try and correct it. As much as she was hesitant about it, she could try and make a different deck. But she felt rather attached to this one.

It still didn't make Kaiba feel any better. Like he like dealing with the Magical mambo jumbo but it seemed there no escaping it as well as what he was back then. Seemed he had to face the music sooner or later. He stood before clearing the desk so they could lay the map flat.
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