Prologue: A Letter of Marque
With theme music because that's practically a rule!
Mina-Sakh was an oasis on the border between the Circle sea and the inland sea of sand. A dust blown walled city that rose out from the rocky shore with thick ancient walls protecting the elegant towers and arches of the city itself. The city had a port, fully walled, with a small entry point that the garrison could control entry to with a harbour chain. As if the squat fortress and chain tower bristling with artillery were not enough of a deterrent to unauthorised entry.
The Amir of Mina-Sakh, safe in his palace at the heart of the city, liked to think of his city as the South Coast's premium trade port. Which it probably was, but it was better known as one of the largest pirate ports on in the circle sea and the merchants of the city had no qualms in trading for both the loot from captured vessels and any unfortunate captives who happened to be unable to pay a ransom to whichever Pirate had taken them.
The sun was high in the sky. The spring night chill was well and truly burned off and the day beginning to become unpleasantly hot. Down by the Port, a young Monchian woman, pale in comparison to the locals, with big blue eyes sat drinking arak with one of the local men, a muscular Addonian with a couple of day's growth of scruffy stubble on his chin. She had put on a local tunic and sandals which were more comfortable in the warm weather than one of the thick, multi-layered dresses that were fashionable in the Northern lands. She lifted the glass of arak in front of her in a toast to her companion, "Well, here's to another successful voyage my friend."
The Addonian lifted his own glass and they clinked them together. The pair were in the shade provided by the colonnades that ran all sides of the port. The slight breeze carried the smell of salt air and fish, "The Imperials seem to be out in force," he remarked darkly, "Their bounty hunters seem to be getting more common by the day," he gave a wry laugh, "It is almost like they are preparing for something, or perhaps sensing a change in the wind."
The woman pouted, taking a sip from her drink, "Do you mean to say it isn't my brilliant sailing that got us away?"
"Oh absolutely," he waved to the barman who approached with the bottle to top them up, "Simko!" he called the man by name, "Pour yourself a drink. Come join us for a moment."
The bartender did as he was asked, returning a few moments later with his own arak, sitting down between the two of them in the shade, "So, , what can I do for you two today?" he asked, apparently assuming they wanted to discuss something.
The woman giggled, "So suspicious! But yes.. I think Momin was about to ask what news there is about port?"
Simko say back, running a hand though thinning hair, "Well, as it happens, there is something worth you knowing," he paused, perhaps for dramatic effect, "The Ambassador from the Union has someone issuing letters of marque at Palace Court, they're not being particularly fussy about who they issue to from what I hear."
The pair exchanged a glance before the man, Momin turned back to Simko, "That, my friend, is very helpful news."
The Palace Court
Unlike the sandstone that most of the city was built of, the Palace itself was made of white marble that reflected the sun back quite uncomfortably for anyone trying to study the intricate geometric patterns etched into the columns of the Court Colonnade. The Doel representatives had set up in the shade provided by one of them. They looked hot in their thick Northern coats. The Naval Officer seated at a desk with a quill even had one of those long, curly wigs on that were so fashionable amongst the nobility, though he had hired a young local boy to fan him constantly. Probably not a bad idea.
Momin and his companion had slouched against a column some distance away, "Well, Captain, want to get your letter?" he asked her.
The woman looked up at him, then gave a small smirk, "Yes... but let's just wait for a few moments. I'm interested to see who else is looking for a contract to go raiding. I'd wager they'll be trying to get us to hit the Calarians out in the Main."
Momin inclined his head in agreement, "Almost certainly."
A war was brewing. Though whether it was between the Calarians and the Doel and their Northern Allies or with the Empire was anyone's guess. Calaria was growing more powerful by the day and other states looked at them with fear, greed or both.