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Hidden 9 mos ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 1 hr ago

@PlatinumSkink @Remram

While Basil and Anise talked things out, Amelia was more than willing to help entertain Anise's Pokémon, letting them come out and play with her in whatever way they decided to play with her so long as they were not too rough on her. When the conversation did turn towards her though, the small child looked up and gave Anise her full attention, remaining silent as she was told the story abut Landorus and her and Basil's current mission. As the child listened, her eyes kept moving between Basil and Anise, the cherry red orbs observing Basil in particular. If she noticed anything, she didn't say anything before slowly getting back up to her feet.
"I don't... understand all of it but I'm willing to come along if you have me. I just... can't run or anything like that. As for the Pokémon you just got Basil, why not let the Professor watch over it until you find some clues about it? It'll be safe there and unless the people whowere after it really saw you catch it, they wouldn't know who has the Gothita. On top o that, isn't the Champion with her as well? I can't think of anywhere safer to send it." She said.

At this point, she then turned to Anise.
"How do you plan on taking Landorus back? If we're forced into battle with it, we're not really prepared to handle a Legendary Pokémon. I already had an encounter with a Darkrai and Cresselia, I know the damage Pokémon like that can cause. We're not strong enough. On top of that, isn't Landorus a Flying-type? If you're going to use Fighting-Types against it, you're going to need to think of how to deal with any Flying-Type attacks it might try to use against you. While a peaceful solution would be better you need to be prepared for things to take a turn for the worse. Also, if Landorus is involved, what about the other two?" She said, looking between the two older trainers, scared that she had said too much and maybe been a bit offensive towards one or both of them.
Hidden 9 mos ago 9 mos ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 11 hrs ago

@PlatinumSkink@Joshua Tamashii

Basil blinked a few times with a head empty of thoughts because that was not the response that he expected from an eleven-year-old child. Normally kids her age and heck, even the older ones were a bit more gung-ho about the chance of finding a legendary Pokemon, but instead she was keener about an actual solution. That and she had some thoughts on his sitution too. He squinted his eyes when he tried to think about who in the world she was talking about until it clicked. "The champion? You mean Jacques? He's part of the Elite Four, not the champ and to be honest that flashy guy just shows up whenever he wants." The memory of Jacques descending down from an Aerodatctyl was still fresh in his mind.

"But I will mention at some point to the professor and send it to her. I just need to inform both of them because I don't want to set loose a Pokemon that can destroy a city block upon her. That and I think I should at least make the effort to learn about her. At the moment, she is part of my team so it's only right." At the very least, he knew how to relate to something that was running away from its own problems. That and he really was not planning on sending a level 74 Gothita that could use its psychic powers to cause mayhem without proper planning.

However, that was his plan. Meanwhile, he glanced to Anise and said, "Uh, I mean, we were planning on getting stronger first, but I guess it's possible though considering how prideful that Pokemon is I don't think it's going to be swayed easily by words. Unless... No, well, hmmmm..." Basil folded his arms and had an unsure expression while he was thinking about what she said. There were gears whirring in his head though he wasn't sure if what he had was actually something or just smoke. "Maybe before I jump to conclusions, we should do what we came here for and investigate the berry that Landorus gave us. Perhaps that will shed some light on this?"
Hidden 9 mos ago 9 mos ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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Member Seen 12 days ago

@Remram@Joshua Tamashii

Anise recoiled a little when Amelia brought up that Landorus was a flying-type. She grimaced a bit as she detailed the things to keep in mind.

‘Yeah, that’s…’ Anise muttered, glancing over at Basil who clearly had a similar reaction to Amelia’s outlining. ‘That’s what I was grumbling about,’ she admitted, then frowned as she crossed her arms. ‘Becoming stronger is already part of my plan. Perhaps if I can prove my strength to Landorus he’ll be more willing to listen. Now, I know my Fighting-types aren’t the best suited to handle a Flying-type… or three of them if all of them become involved…’ but then, her eyes opened and it was like a fire lit in them. ‘But seriously, look at me!’

She then spun and faced sideways from Amelia and Basil, bending her knees and raising her fists in a stance. Responding to her energy, Mienfoo, Froakie and Meditite jumped to stand next to her both assuming the exact same stance. Riolu was a newer addition to Anise’s party and as such wasn’t in on the procedure yet, and Zigzagoon was busy running circles around them.

‘Fighting’s in my blood!’ Anise punched forward twice, and Mienfoo, Meditite and Froakie did the same in perfect sync. ‘I’m a disciple of the Fighting-type Gym!’ she said as she and her Pokémon kicked up into the air in sync. ‘I’ll do a way better job training Fighting-type Pokémon…’ Anise jumped into the air and made a spinning kick into the air in front of her, and the Meditite, Mienfoo and Froakie all did the same. ‘… than any other kind of Pokémon!’ she declared, as she landed on both her legs, and then put her fists to the sides as she breathed out, while her Pokémon did the same. Including the frog, which looked a little silly trying to mimic the human motions, and also definitely looked like he was worried she’d realize he wasn’t a Fighting-type.

‘… So, anyway…’ Anise said. ‘I’m currently pondering if I’m being too inflexible not to try to adapt to the problem, and it would be a failure as a Pokémon Trainer not to get a more flexible team…’ she relaxed her stance and sighed. ‘… or if doing so would be the easy way out, that doing so would mean lacking the determination and discipline to solve things the way I’ve been taught, and that I’d have failed as Hector’s disciple.’

That part aside. Anise otherwise stayed silent as they talked about what to do with the powerful Pokémon Basil had with him.

‘Yeah, I’m ready to head out,’ Anise simply said about that. Ready to potentially head to the Berry Garden and see what happens.

Connected areas:
Route 4. Forest route at the base of Mt. Strength leading west to Rainrock City.
Route 5. A grassy incline connecting mountains, forests, plains, Stillwood and Lakewatch.
Route 14. The waters of Dragon Lake are also known as Route 14. It connects Lakewatch Town, Highhill Town and Stillwood Village.
Mountain Valley. A passage between Mt. Strength and Mt. Chill, a shortcut to Worldedge City.

Hidden 9 mos ago Post by Remram
Avatar of Remram


Member Seen 11 hrs ago

@PlatinumSkink@Joshua Tamashii

Clearly Anise was just as lost as he was regarding how they were actually going to capture Landorus though she was the more frustrated of the two, which she showed through a passionate display of martial arts. He looked at her with great awe at her skill though he would be hard to deny how adorable it was to watch her Pokemon do it alongside her. Still, it wasn't like Basil didn't understand her plight. Does one remain true to themselves, or do they adapt? Basil looked like he wanted to say something to Anise, but at the moment he held his tongue. After his own verbal slip up, he was not sure if it was best for him to make his thoughts known.

Considering that Amelia was just along for the ride, it was safe to say that they made their way to the garden. Eventually the found it underneath one of the few patches of actual sun that would be needed to grow berries, so it actually made it easier to find it. Looks like this place is making a killing. Basil thought to himself. They were soon flagged down by the receptionist and when they approached they were soon showered with items. "Uh... Thank you?" That was some aggressive marketing strategy.

After the receptionist gave them the run down and the sales pitch, Basil gave her an apologetic smile. "Oh, um, I'm sorry, but we're not here to rent a plot. Well, maybe not yet. We're here because we are in need of some expertise. You see, we were gifted a berry except it's not one we've ever seen before." He fished around his bag and pulled out the strange orange pear-shaped berry that Landorus gave him. "Do you think anyone here can assist us?"
Hidden 9 mos ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 1 hr ago

@PlatinumSkink @Remram

"That's true. I guess I forgot." Amelia said in reply to Basil's comments about Jacques. It had been a while since she last saw the man and a lot had happened to her since then. When he brought up releasingga pokemon that cuould level a city block though, she couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. "Drapions can tear apart cars. I think it's Machamp that can move mountains with their raw strength. Metagross have the intelligence of several computers combined into one. Darkrai can put a lot of people in eternal nightmares. Lastly, Gardevior can open black holes. You're not releasing anything that's any more or less dangerous than what's already out there."

She then looked over at Anise as the girl made her argument for using fighting types and put on a small display before quickly expressing some insecurities. She smiled up at the older girl before speaking her thoughts on the matter.
"I don't think you're being inflexible. Aren't all the most succesful trainers in any regions, those being Gym Leaders and members of the Elite Four, also Type Specialists? Be who you want to be but don't let your teachers dicate that. I was thought by a Dark-Type Specialist but I'm not using that same Type he does. But if you're going to specialize in a Type, I suggest you begin thinking of what you'll do when you're up against Types that counter yours." She said calmly while kneeling down to scratch Zigzagoon behind it's ears. "Also, you got a non-=Fighting Type here. Think about how you can use them to your advantage."

Her part said and with the plan to go check out the Berry Garden in place, she followed behind the other two, content with taking in their surroundings as they walked. When they did arrive at the farm, they were quickly showered in gifts. Amelia accepted the gifts and put them in her bag before walking off a bit to examine some of the nearby berry plants. All the while, she stayed close enough to hear the conversation that was sure to go on, so that she would not be in the dark.

Also, she needed to stay in the shade as the sunlight was killer on her fair skin.
Hidden 9 mos ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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Member Seen 12 days ago

@Remram@Joshua Tamashii

Anise looked surprised at Amelia telling her that she wasn’t being inflexible only wanting to raise one type, and then gave numerous examples of such individuals. Over time as Amelia spoke, Anise started smiling.

‘Yeah. Yeah!’ she said, looking determined all of a sudden. ‘That’s it. I can raise the kind of Pokémon I want to raise! It’s fine to have weaknesses! I’ll just figure out how to overcome my weaknesses, WITHOUT going against my beliefs!’ Anise raised her clenched fists, gritting her teeth from sheer determination. ‘Watch me, Landorus! I’m gonna take you down, all with a team that I built, for myself, with MY ideals!’ she called, and her Pokémon called out with her, looking quite happy with this decision.

Amelia pointed out she had a non-fighting-type right there. ‘Ah, yeah. He’s…’ Anise smiled a bit as Zigzagoon made a happy noise and pressed himself against Amelia’s hand. ‘He’s a special exception. I’m not really bringing him for fighting…’ she said, tilting her head a little to look at her little buddy. ‘But maybe you could do something, too?’

‘Zag!’ Zigzagoon happily called out back to her. Anise smiled to him, then turned to Amelia again.

‘Thank you, Amelia. I think that’s what I needed to hear.’

With that said, they then headed to the Berry Garden. Basil spoke to the receptionist…

‘Oh, I’ve never seen such a berry… Let me call one of our experts!’ she said, and then dashed off. Eventually she returned, accompanied by an Aroma Lady, with a living berry walking on two leg-things with a green stem extending from its head and another, smaller berry growing on that one.

‘Hello~! I’m Heather. I’ve been told you have an odd-looking berry?’ the lady asked, and assuming the berry was presented to her… ‘Oh, that is…’ she said, walking forward and inspecting it, and the Cherubi underneath also skipped to stare from below. ‘… That… is not a berry I know. And believe me, I know a lot of berries. In fact, I would have claimed I knew all of them… until this moment. Interesting,’ she said, with a gentle smile on her lips.

‘So, are you going to plant it?’ Heather asked. ‘No berry is truly fulfilled until it has been planted in soil. I’m excited to see what kind of a tree will grow from this. I’m willing to donate a plot and a Mulch of your choice, given the circumstances,’ she said, definitely looking like she was containing her excitement under her ladylike grace.

Amelia went and inspected a nearby berry plant… when a happy head suddenly stuck out towards her from the little tree. There was a monkey in the tree.

Said monkey dropped down onto the ground, grabbed a Pecha Berry with the hand on its tail, and then ran off using the other berry plants as cover.

Pokédex Entry #190 – Aipom, the Long Tail Pokémon. It lives atop tall trees. Their long tail is very strong and strong enough to throw its own body-mass. They jump from tree to tree, hang from branches using their tail and pick berries with it. Because of overreliance on their tail, its actual arms are weak and very clumsy.

Anyway. What does the two of them do now?

Connected areas:
Route 4. Forest route at the base of Mt. Strength leading west to Rainrock City.
Route 5. A grassy incline connecting mountains, forests, plains, Stillwood and Lakewatch.
Route 14. The waters of Dragon Lake are also known as Route 14. It connects Lakewatch Town, Highhill Town and Stillwood Village.
Mountain Valley. A passage between Mt. Strength and Mt. Chill, a shortcut to Worldedge City.

Hidden 9 mos ago Post by Remram
Avatar of Remram


Member Seen 11 hrs ago


She's pretty fast. Basil thought to himself as he watched the receptionist dash off to find someone with a bit more experience. Just as quickly as she went, she came back with a very floral woman and a bipedal walking cherry with technically two heads. When asked about the berry, Basil said, "Oh yes, I have it here," and held the strange fruit out to her to inspect though it was no dice.

Basil held back a disappointed sigh and said, "I suppose that's to be expected and I say that not as an insult to your expertise. I'm not sure if this berry would've been catalogued considering who gave it to us but thank you all the same." However, instead of discouragement he was met with exuberance for the mystery fruit he held.

"We could..." There was hesitation in his voice. The thought of planting it had crossed his mind, but what would happen afterwards was completely up in the air. Then again, what was there to be nervous about? Basil asked for a blessing from Landorus and that's exactly what he received, so maybe he needed to not complicate things. He turned to Anise. "What do you think? We could do it, but it's not like we'll get to ask for another one."
Hidden 9 mos ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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Member Seen 12 days ago

@Remram@Joshua Tamashii

‘It could give us a clue as to what they’re made for,’ Anise replied to Basil, keeping her arms crossed and looking thoughtful for the moment. ‘Worst case scenario, we have another one,’ she said, referring to the one she received.

‘Of course you should do it~!’ Heather looked like it was obvious. ‘Planting berries is how you make more of them. If you have a rare berry that we’ve never seen before, of course we must ensure we have more of them! Don’t you agree?’ she said, clearly stating her opinion on the matter.

Connected areas:
Route 4. Forest route at the base of Mt. Strength leading west to Rainrock City.
Route 5. A grassy incline connecting mountains, forests, plains, Stillwood and Lakewatch.
Route 14. The waters of Dragon Lake are also known as Route 14. It connects Lakewatch Town, Highhill Town and Stillwood Village.
Mountain Valley. A passage between Mt. Strength and Mt. Chill, a shortcut to Worldedge City.

Hidden 9 mos ago Post by Remram
Avatar of Remram


Member Seen 11 hrs ago


For some reason, he felt like the universe was compelling him to plan this berry. Don't know why, just a hunch. Either that or it was the intensity of Heather's desire to see what the mystery berry would grow into. She was definitely more into producing rare berries than actually finding out what it was, but he couldn't exactly disagree. He just wasn't sure if the berry would turn into a world tree or just do nothing. However, he relented and said, "Well, I guess we have nothing to lose. Alright, I'll do it." He tried to say it with conviction, but he was definitely more nervous about what would actually happen.

"I'll take an Amaze Mulch without the surprise effect. I've never gardened before though. Do you have any guidance?" Yeah, being a noble never really gave him a chance to actually get his hands actually get dirty. They had people for that.
Hidden 8 mos ago 8 mos ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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Member Seen 12 days ago

@Remram@Joshua Tamashii

Heather smiled happily at him for making that decision, and then gestured to follow her.

‘Let’s find you a plot~’ she said. After a short bit of walking, along the way her Cherubi was dancing among their feet, she presented a plot. The plots of this garden were small squares of limited space, each allotted to one tree, and there were rows upon rows of these plots. Heather had intentionally wandered to an area where there weren’t a lot of other used plots, and gestured for an empty plot in the middle of it.

‘Let me show you. Here, take these,’ she said, handing him a bag and a small shovel. The bag was a brown bag with a fancy label on the front, introducing it as the Amaze Mulch. ‘Do you want to try, too?’ she asked Amelia, holding out a piece of Growth Mulch and an Oran Berry, just happy to potentially share the glory of planting.

But, in case they were willing to try it out, Heather picked a plot to show how it is done.

‘First, make sure the soil is not completely dry. It should be just a bit moist. If it isn’t, use the Swanna Pail to make it a bit wetter,’ Heather said, and put her finger into the soil, past the surface, and upon an evaluation grabbed her own can and spilled some water into it.

‘Secondly, if you are using mulch, apply a layer of it above the soil. It protects the soil from having its water evaporate, plus whatever other effects particular mulches have. A spade should suffice at a small scale like this,’ she said, pouring out the mulch on the plot and then using a small spade to spread it evenly.

‘Then, plant the berry! Now, if you’re growing anything else, you probably want to make sure the plant is growing before applying the mulch, but Berries are strong little things that actually grow better if it’s done first. So, here we go,’ she said, using her spade to create an opening to put the Rawst Berry she was using as an example into the soil, before then covering it again.

‘Then simply make sure it is watered! Regularly, you’ll want your berries watered around every 24 hours, but then you should have your berries ready to be picked in around four days! They grow that fast! With a Growth Mulch, they’ll be done in just two!’ she happily hummed as she watered it again.

‘And that should do it. Of course, you used an Amaze Mulch, meaning you don’t need to water it, the resulting berries will not fall off, and more.’

So, did Basil go ahead and follow the procedure to plant the berry?

Since he did...

Eventually, the berry was planted, and the procedure was done. With that, Heather gently clapped for his progress.

‘Of course, we won’t see the result of the berry you’ve planted until in a couple of days. However, I would be happy to look after it until the time comes. After we’ve obtained a few more of the berries, we can start conducting tests to see how they affect Pokémon that eat them! It is truly exciting. May I ask how you obtained these berries? It is awfully rare that new ones appear like this…’ Heather kept talking, but… Where Heather wasn’t looking, the plant in the soil Basil had just planted was already poking out the soil. In fact, it was still growing. It was slowly growing in height, yet compared to the usual speed plants grew with it was tremendously fast.

It was, in fact, growing into a splendid tree in a very short amount of time. Two branches emerged to the left and right, before they crossed in front of it. They suddenly resembled a pair of crossed arms. Then, the green leaves emerged, and… it perfectly recreated Landorus’ “hair” and mustache in green, making the plant into a standing living statue of the legendary Pokémon.

‘What…’ Heather looked over with a stunned expression, when a pulse emitted from the tree. It coursed through the ground past where they were standing, across the garden. For a second, there was nothing. Then… other plants started growing, at pretty much the same speed that the tree before them had grown. Incomplete Berry Trees grew to full bloom. Withered plants regained their vigor. Berries sprouted. On those that already had berries, the amount of berries increased. And, some of the berries that grew were becoming absolutely massive.

‘Oh, my,’ Heather gently expressed, as around them was now an utterly complete garden with many, many types of berries around this tree that stood like a monument to the one they’d received the berry from. Across the garden there were confused visitors and staff alike, because all the plants suddenly sprouting at once like this was definitely unnatural. However, notably, the tree itself did not appear to carry any berries of its own.

If Amelia planted that plant she’d been offered, that included that one, of course.

‘It would seem we have some harvesting to do,’ Heather noted, turning towards the plant that had grown from where Basil planted it. ‘That… resembles Landorus, the Guardian of the Fields and god of harvest. What exactly did you plant?’ she asked, a hand placed on her chin.

‘Er…’ Anise, meanwhile, was looking towards Basil looking like she was wondering if he was going to explain this, or whatever the plan was supposed to be.

Oh, and the feast was attracting some Pokémon. Like a big all-eater, numerous sloths dragging themselves towards the trees, numerous green and numerous pink monkeys, in addition to a couple small eggs bouncing in from somewhere. There seemed to be a couple trees that were there specifically for these wild Pokémon.

What would they do now?

Connected areas:
Route 4. Forest route at the base of Mt. Strength leading west to Rainrock City.
Route 5. A grassy incline connecting mountains, forests, plains, Stillwood and Lakewatch.
Route 14. The waters of Dragon Lake are also known as Route 14. It connects Lakewatch Town, Highhill Town and Stillwood Village.
Mountain Valley. A passage between Mt. Strength and Mt. Chill, a shortcut to Worldedge City.

Hidden 8 mos ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 11 hrs ago


Well, that was quite informative. So, Basil stared down at a plot of earth with a weird look on his face because this was something a bit different from him. Nobles were not typically found playing in the dirt, heck, they wouldn't be found dead with their kids playing it. For him, it was definitely act that would have earned plenty of disapproving looks from his peers and his family. He exhaled and removed his bracer and for the first time in the rp he took off his jacket to keep the dirt off. It showed his upper arms were painted with black geometric tribal shapes and his bandaged him from when his Deino chomped down on his arm like a hunk of meat.

Basil watered the soil and with a deep breath knelt down and dug the earth with a spade in hand deep enough to cover the strange orange pear in the dirt before covering it with mulch. He stood up and brushed the soil off his legs before he stepped back to look at his work, a mound of dirt. This somehow felt way less monumental than he expected.

Of course nothing was going to happen. He listened to Heather talk about how she would watch over the berry's progress and compare samples to it to see what kind of berry it actually was. She was certainly excited and was eager to learn how they got their hands on a berry that someone like her had no idea existed. Basil had no idea how he was supposed to answer it, since he was not sure if he should be spreading information that Landorus was going around handing out fruit with unknown magical abilities. Well, he had no need to say anything because his eyes were beginning to bulge out of his eyes.

"Uh, Ms. Heather?" He pointed behind her to the growing wooden effigy of Landorus where he planted that berry exactly moments ago and before he knew it, the entire garden was flushed with life with a single pulse of energy into the earth. Basil stepped with staggered steps as he looked at how the berry garden changed so drastically and yet the tree he planted bore no fruit of its own. When asked what in the world he planted, his request to the Guardian of the Fields replayed in his mind.

"A blessing, I planted a blessing." He said with a chuckle of disbelief. Basil stepped forward to what he'd dub in his mind as the Abundance Tree since the berry just poured so much life into these lands. He glanced back to Anise and gave her a nod. "That looks like Landorus because we got that berry from Landorus." He explained to Heather as simple as that. The finer details could wait because Basil looked like he was going to explode with energy.

The young man turned to Anise with a big grin. This was the face of a boy who had connected several dots in his head. "Anise, I think I know how to find Landorus again. We don't find him. We make him come to us," he said completely out of left field and probably to her confusion.
Hidden 8 mos ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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Member Seen 12 days ago

@Remram@Joshua Tamashii

‘Hm,’ Heather made a light noise as she placed a hand on her chin and watched the very much flourishing garden after having heard what Basil had to say about the matter. ‘I’ll be right back, I need to give my staff a touch of guidance,’ Heather said, and then started to gently jog away, her Cherubi stumbling after her. She started to gather the other workers over there to share a couple words with them, and point at the tree that had grown over there. Meanwhile.

Anise had become a bit wide-eyed at the entire event. She met Basil’s eyes, and was a bit surprised by the eagerness that came from him.

‘Please elaborate,’ she asked, not entirely getting it yet but very much interested in what Basil had to say.

Connected areas:
Route 4. Forest route at the base of Mt. Strength leading west to Rainrock City.
Route 5. A grassy incline connecting mountains, forests, plains, Stillwood and Lakewatch.
Route 14. The waters of Dragon Lake are also known as Route 14. It connects Lakewatch Town, Highhill Town and Stillwood Village.
Mountain Valley. A passage between Mt. Strength and Mt. Chill, a shortcut to Worldedge City.

Hidden 8 mos ago Post by Remram
Avatar of Remram


Member Seen 11 hrs ago


"You still have a berry. You can plant it in a place where life refuses to flourish, maybe a place that once was fertile, but cannot be brought back by natural means. If we do that, there is no way Landorus would be able to ignore it," he explained as concisely as he could. "It's a gamble, but it's better than trying to find him out of pure blind luck." It was not like they had that much time either. The other two were getting antsy and it was not a matter of if, but a matter of when those two Pokemon decide to run rampant.

"However..." Basil seemed to deflate as he also came another realization. "We can't exactly plant it wherever we feel like it. We may actually disrupt an entire ecosystem if we bring life back to it, so we actually have to find a no man's land where not even Pokemon would dare go to." Now he had no idea where such a place would even exist in Isson. Pokemon tend to survive in almost any environment, so it was hard to say where they could even plant it.
Hidden 8 mos ago 8 mos ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
Avatar of Joshua Tamashii

Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 1 hr ago

@PlatinumSkink @Remram

Amelia as surprised by the sudden appearance of the Aipom and let out a surprised gasp as she took a quick step back, losing her balance and falling down, groaning as she got back onto her feet and brushed the dirt off her hands and shorts. She looked back up at the tree before sighing and leaving it alone, as she new the little monkey meant no harm and had simply been there. So, she oved to look at another nearby berry tree, still staying close to Basil and Anise, listeningin one their conversation so that if she got addressed, she wouldn't be so lost.

It seemed that Basil was trying to decide where to plant the berry that Landorus had given there before he began doubting some things, worrying about the impact on the environment that the berry might have. Amelia gave it a quick thought before moving over to Basil and tugging on his sleeve to get his attention.
"If you're worried about the environment, I think you planting it here was the right idea." She asked, lookin up at him. She tried to stay in the shade as much as possible, as she knew her skin would burn easily in the harsh sunlight. "If it's planted here, it will be in a controlled environment and there will be experts here to monitor it's growth and the impact it might have on it's surroundings. So, why not plant it here? I doubt Landorus would bother the people here and even if it did, there are plenty of trainers to help people if things turn bad. To me, planting it here seems safest. Not only that, once you have more berries and know more about it, you can plant it somewhere else with peace of mind."
Hidden 8 mos ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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Member Seen 12 days ago

@Remram@Joshua Tamashii

Anise took a second to consider what Basil just said. She nodded, looking to him before speaking.

‘Alright. That could work. I had an idea myself. Maybe if we planted the berry right in front of the Deepforest Shrine, he’d react to that it was planted in that specific location or something, and it would bring him right where we needed him,’ Anise also theorized. ‘There may be a location suited to what you’re saying. The fields of Route 31, way north of here, are famously barren. Now, there ARE Pokémon there, Pokémon suited for barren, rocky wastes, but the place is large enough that we should still be able to find somewhere that won’t disturb too much. But…’ Anise grimaced a little. ‘That’s also the route right in front of Victory Road, and one of the highest level wild routes there is in Isson.’ What was left unsaid was “we’re going to need to get stronger if we want to do that”.

Amelia did suggest planting it here was a good idea, and…

‘Well, for the purpose of getting the most of the berry’s innate powers, it is. But it doesn’t look like Landorus is about to appear…’ Anise said, peeking around with her eyes angled upwards, looking out just in case the flying genie Pokémon was about to pop out between the trees or something.

A couple moments later, Heather came walking back with a basket.

‘Well. That is a curious little gift you came with. As a result, we have more berries than we know what to do with,’ she commented with a playful little touch to her voice.

‘So, since you’re the one we have to thank for all this, would you like a lot of berries?’ she asked, holding the whole basket forward to them. There is a lot in it.

Or we can just shorten all that to

Both of you obtained Berry Basket!

… If you want them!

Connected areas:
Route 4. Forest route at the base of Mt. Strength leading west to Rainrock City.
Route 5. A grassy incline connecting mountains, forests, plains, Stillwood and Lakewatch.
Route 14. The waters of Dragon Lake are also known as Route 14. It connects Lakewatch Town, Highhill Town and Stillwood Village.
Mountain Valley. A passage between Mt. Strength and Mt. Chill, a shortcut to Worldedge City.

Hidden 8 mos ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 11 hrs ago


Before Basil could say anything, he was interrupted by Heather with... massive baskets of fruit? "Oh, uh, sure. Thank you." How in the world were his Pokemon and he going to eat all of these berries before they expired? How was he going to pack all of this? Was there just an infinite space in his bag that denied all known laws of the universe?

But there were more important than reality defying backpacks.

Basil cleared his throat and said, "I mean, ultimately this is your call. Lorette entrusted you to do find Landorus, not me. However, before we make a decision, we did discuss about going to Raremine Town to find Professor Dustan. Perhaps we can figure out what the best course of action would be after talking with him?"
Hidden 8 mos ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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Member Seen 12 days ago

@Remram@Joshua Tamashii

Anise nodded to what Basil was saying. ‘Yeah, that sounds smart. I’ll keep the options in mind,’ Anise said. ‘Are you heading there right now, or? I want to get started with my training. Will you be training, too?’ she continued, just checking with him. There also was Amelia over there, which he had a mission with, so.

‘If you ever want to return to the garden, you’ll be most welcome,’ Heather said, smiling kindly, while her staff was still panicking over the utter excess of berries they had suddenly been blessed with. Turns out, when they picked the berries, new ones just sprouted in their place.

So, what will you d now?

Connected areas:
Route 4. Forest route at the base of Mt. Strength leading west to Rainrock City.
Route 5. A grassy incline connecting mountains, forests, plains, Stillwood and Lakewatch.
Route 14. The waters of Dragon Lake are also known as Route 14. It connects Lakewatch Town, Highhill Town and Stillwood Village.
Mountain Valley. A passage between Mt. Strength and Mt. Chill, a shortcut to Worldedge City.

Hidden 8 mos ago 8 mos ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 11 hrs ago

@PlatinumSkink@Joshua Tamashii

Basil glanced towards Amelia, knowing that he promised her that said he would help, but also, she would let him do whatever he needed to do since she hopped on his journey at the last second. "Well, Amelia said that she would be fine with waiting. This was a bit last minute." Surely Amelia would be able to keep herself busy while Basil did what he needed to do.

"I should train a bit too before I do anything else. I've got some new team members and there is a gym in this town so maybe I should check that out. I also need to figure out what the deal with that little monster I picked up on the way here." There was actually quite a bit for him to do in town beyond those things, but they were the most immediate things that Basil could think of at the moment.

His eyes lit up and he grabbed a Pokeball from his belt. "Oh yeah, do you remember that egg I had? It hatched. You gotta check this out." Basil clicked on the button in the middle of the Pokeball and out came a very sparkly little red and purple lizard diaper baby thing thing that looked up at Anise apathetically. "This is Volta, a Toxel. They're native to Galar. He's a bit special because he's shiny." Basil picked up the indifferent lizard and waved his paw at Anise.

"Say hi Volta." It stuck its tongue at Anise and made a 'blep' noise.

"Maybe I'll check out the gym first to see what I should prepare for. What do you think?" Basil asked, holding the Toxel to his chest.
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 1 hr ago

@PlatinumSkink @Remram

Amelia remained silent but nearby as Basil and Anise kept on talking with one another, letting them figure out what they would want to do next. When she heard mention of them training and possibly checking out the local gym, she took a second to think about what she could do while they did that. Other than exploring the town at random and trying not to get hurt this time around, she really had no plans other than to tag along. And if she was going to tag along, she might as well try to be of help to her two traveling companions.
"Um... If you two are going to be training to prepare for the gym, maybe I can help?" She spoke up. "I know I'm not that strong of a trainer, but I think I can still be of some use. If you're willing to, I'm more than willing to battle against you if it'll help. If not, I really don't have any plans, so I could go wondering around again. And I won't leave town this time, so I shouldn't get hurt this time... hopefully."
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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Member Seen 12 days ago

@Remram@Joshua Tamashii

Anise crossed her arms and watched Basil talk about what to do here, and she thought about it herself.

‘The Pokémon Gyms… that’s how you get stronger, huh? I already have Hector’s Challenge Badge, I had to earn it to become his disciple… But perhaps I should challenge others as well,’ Anise pondered.

Then Basil showed off Volta, and Anise blinked at the little creature.

‘Oh. Congratulations,’ she said about his new little Pokémon. ‘He’s… cute?’ she said, tilting her head looking at the thing. Maybe not entirely to her tastes. She reacted to what he said next, though. ‘Oh, he’s shiny? I couldn't tell! Oh, that's really cool. You’re a rare little creature, aren't you?’ she asked Volta, at least seeming to have some feeling towards him given the pet-talk.

Amelia then offered to possibly help training. ‘You would!? Alright!’ Anise clapped her cheeks once and held a serious expression. ‘I’m going to need experience against all forms of Pokémon if I’m to get stronger. If you’d help, I’d be most grateful!’ said the Fighting-type trainer to the Ghost-type trainer.

So, what would they do, then? Basil could head directly for the Gym as he mentioned, or they could all do some training, or they could change their minds and do something else.

Connected areas:
Route 4. Forest route at the base of Mt. Strength leading west to Rainrock City.
Route 5. A grassy incline connecting mountains, forests, plains, Stillwood and Lakewatch.
Route 14. The waters of Dragon Lake are also known as Route 14. It connects Lakewatch Town, Highhill Town and Stillwood Village.
Mountain Valley. A passage between Mt. Strength and Mt. Chill, a shortcut to Worldedge City.

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