Hidden 3 mos ago Post by themadhatter420
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themadhatter420 The Only Mad Hatter

Member Seen 18 days ago

Silver smiled as the man explained what he wanted. "Oh, that can easily be done. I think we have a couple of chainmail experts here today. I will let them know what you would like. The pricing for custom jobs does vary." He said as Silver whistled over to a drawf sitting on a nearby table who stood up and ran up. "This is Boiehmir who made this set. What is your price for custom work?" He asked the Drawf. He replied back in drawf-ish and Silver laughed. "He said for what you want he'd take 90 gold since you're taking off parts and not adding too much."
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by SsssssSsSsssSs
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SsssssSsSsssSs Phase-Scene/Shadow-Rave is the question!

Member Seen 15 days ago

I withdrew a single GP out of my pouch. (That's 100 itself, right? If not I invisibly edited it as 100) and gave it to the Craftsman. "Great."
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by themadhatter420
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themadhatter420 The Only Mad Hatter

Member Seen 18 days ago


The craftsman nodded his head down and said something else in drawf-ish before taking the one he wanted and heading out the back door. "Boiehmir says he will have it ready in a few hours. Feel free to check out your room or do you have any other items you need?" Silver said looking back to the human thief.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by SsssssSsSsssSs
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SsssssSsSsssSs Phase-Scene/Shadow-Rave is the question!

Member Seen 15 days ago

"Just that." Making use of My mentality to be turned around when I said "Later" I began towards the Room. "Later!" I vouched with a wave of the back of my hand above my shoulder.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by themadhatter420
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themadhatter420 The Only Mad Hatter

Member Seen 18 days ago


Silver Moon waved to the thief as he walked up to the stairs to go up to his room. Flickering Fire continued to play his lute on stage watching everything going on in the bar. As his song ends he puts his lute down grabs a pan flute and started to play with his flute softly but anyone who listened could hear the passion in every note.
Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by SsssssSsSsssSs
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SsssssSsSsssSs Phase-Scene/Shadow-Rave is the question!

Member Seen 15 days ago

I stepped out of the Adventurer's Haven wearing my Black Hooded Chainbody rogueishly handsome. I was in the Adventurer's Haven's Yard. I always fancied any Yard a Courtyard, so my walk was strait.

I enjoyed what I saw or it was the commodity of the blessed Sun making the Yard comfy. I sought the Training-Master, Breath of Life, eager to speak with amble skill myself to this encouragable Hero|Champion, likely Overseer of Combat\Battle. So, I hastened my mental search rather than bemusingly taking-in everything that enlightened me, curiosity not mattering of the course.

Mayhaps that gutteral drain will have another space of land around it's hectar... Nerp, a wall forthcomed of the building.. I must insist this way then. Down the Blough I went, careful to not trod wrong. It wasnt long till the Blough steadied me to a Floozy Brook patching the Tufts and Banks into a grove. Thus I knew I was close. I looked over my Shoulder at the Hill, then from the former wall I saw I could of closed the Door I got out of to walk towards the next closest Building that way. I surreptisously meanded up the Hill, closed the Door, and was correct; a Route to the Arena was obvious.

Nearing the Area I could hear some twangs, and screches from inside. I enterred.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by themadhatter420
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themadhatter420 The Only Mad Hatter

Member Seen 18 days ago


Breath of life was sparing with a paladin in full plate armor. Even not wearing any armor, he was still able to take any of their blows with out even a wince of pain. This was nothing to him. He wasn't even raging yet. That's when he truly became a monster. He pushed back on the Paladin knocking them flat onto their back stunned. Before the Paladin could even look up he swung down his axe stopping inches above his helmet. "And that makes 3-1 in my favor. Better luck next time buddy. Go see Drago over there and they will get you set up for the goblin run." He said as the Paladin shook his hand and grumbled before walking away. Breath of Life looked up seeing a thief leaving the back of the guild hall. "Ahh, another contestant?"
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by SsssssSsSsssSs
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SsssssSsSsssSs Phase-Scene/Shadow-Rave is the question!

Member Seen 15 days ago

As I enterred a Hoodlum was leaving. I let them pass. I could see a Champion Feline looking my way, then. I hollered, so, "Hello!, are you by chance Breath of Life?"
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Sp00ki
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Sp00ki 無限の日食

Member Seen 2 mos ago

A young looking, short half-elf walks into the tavern. Despite his size, the bag he was carrying looked hefty, but he seemed not to mind. Hair covered his eyes, rendering his eyes pretty much invisible. By the looks of it, the halberd on the back of his bag looked pretty worn out, but also looked like it had a lot more left in it.

"Finally, a nice resting place."

He would say under his breath. His voice sounded pretty light and soft, both very fitting and not really.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by themadhatter420
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themadhatter420 The Only Mad Hatter

Member Seen 18 days ago


Breath of Life let out a loud laugh smiling brightly. "Show me another tabaxi barbarian and I will set them straight on who is the true Breath of Life. I assume my mother Aryial sent you my way or maybe my father Silver Night? Looking for a spar or something more interesting?" He said looking the man up and down. He had a feeling he could take him in hand-to-hand combat but he could sense the man was looking for more.


Silver Night looks up from cleaning the bar and sees an unfamiliar face walk inside. "Welcome to Adventures Haven? Are you a member of our fighting guild or are you just looking for a place to lay your head?" He asked in his typical greeting waving the half-elf over to him. Flickering Fire also looks up from the stage still playing his panflute giving the half-elf a head nod welcome.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Archazen
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Chatter, having been on the road for quite some time now approached the tavern. It's not uncommon to find Chatter near a tavern or inn, after all. The noise was an odd comfort for him. He tilts his head to one side and peers at the hanging sign.. 'Adventures Haven..?' He mulls to himself. He has come across many taverns over the years but this name seemed different somehow. He approached the door and pushed it open.

As he steps inside carefully, the cacophony of humdrum life fills his ears and forces an elated hop. He takes in the sights of the people around the tavern and cautiously makes his way towards the bar.

Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Sp00ki
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Sp00ki 無限の日食

Member Seen 2 mos ago


Silver Night looks up from cleaning the bar and sees an unfamiliar face walk inside. "Welcome to Adventures Haven? Are you a member of our fighting guild or are you just looking for a place to lay your head?" He asked in his typical greeting waving the half-elf over to him. Flickering Fire also looks up from the stage still playing his panflute giving the half-elf a head nod welcome.

He walks up to the bar, his head barely surpasses the height of it.

"Greetings to you. I arrived from a village far from here and was wondering if I could stay a while."
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by SsssssSsSsssSs
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SsssssSsSsssSs Phase-Scene/Shadow-Rave is the question!

Member Seen 15 days ago

Animal Barbarians always got the center of My Soul. When I was a Sellsword it was to a Animal Company in need of an Inside-Man. Having Barbarianed a reputation keeping their Client's from reenterring their Faction's City they forced a battle, dutifully slaying the opposition for a grander Border for that faction. I was 26 then, and liked a chance for legendary gossip to ardent about me, succeeding in stealing as a latent primal skill if processioned secretly, which it had. They paid-me-first to swashbuckle if I needed to to make sure their Client's, a Barony, Daughters stayed true Princesses in their Castle's Keep and not consuling the nemesis as Countesses. They were there. I had to kill a few Guards that became Enforcers in dirge that I wasn't a Wolf, because they discorded to enemies rather than avenge themselves as educated men to the Barony's cause near the 3rd Princess' quarters. Quite the chargrin there, I reflected, a whole toothy smile appeared on my face at the thought of it "I've sparred in the Mooncloak Mercenaries Company, I'm not going to challenge as a mere Contender" I said to Breathe of Life sauvely, poising my hands on my hips, not stopping me getting nearer to the Barbarian. About 5ft from them was enough room to have my voice naturally campaign respect in myself again "Their fur colors really mean something. I wasnt allowed to spar with Beginners, a Beginner myself, I had to prove my skill wasnt a dexterity. I clashed against Private's enough to get a Corporal, and quit there. You Animal Barbarians arnt just Hunters, you are Predators. . . but on Thieve's Honor I will challenge you later, honoring your Tabaxi Species a piece in my Soul next to Wolf."

after those sentiments I then quested on why I was there. "Your Mother let me know about you when I asked about goblin infestations. Before I take a Job for the Guild I need to slay goblins, unabashedly. Rumor has it theyre a witches-potion fouling attempt at "warlock" because of mancers being the sex-offense equivalent of a witch, though are male... *I shrugged* but Trolls aint Goblins, they are night types" I say hoping Breathe of Life comprehended Slayer speech "goblins are both. I've seen a great many Fair Girls begin Damseling against goblins. Makes me see old men as obstacles now that "Guy" is haggarred from skill..."

I tried to recompose myself, knowing I was only using my voice, to finish wondering "Going anytime soon?"

Hidden 3 mos ago Post by themadhatter420
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themadhatter420 The Only Mad Hatter

Member Seen 18 days ago


Silver let out a hearty chuckle as the half-elf mentioned he was from a faraway village and would like to stay. "Of course, we have plenty of rooms open. Are you traveling alone or do you have any companions with you? Animal or otherwise." He said as he picked up a book from under the bar opening it to the next page to be able to take information down and see what rooms were still open. "Also I assume you are not a member of the guild?"


Flickering Fire looked up from playing his pan flute to see another person walking into the tavern. Wow today surely has been very popular it seems. It must mean the word is getting out there. He thought to himself as he finished his song and walked up to help his father at the bar. From his angle, he didn't know the race of the new person walking in until he got closer and saw he was a kinku. They were very rare to find in these parts. "Hello, Welcome to Adventures Haven. How can I be of assistance?"


Breath of Life listened to the man explain and gave a bit of a coy smile. "I have heard of them. I haven't had the pleasure of putting my hat in that ring but I know that you would definitely be able to handle yourself. But yes we are having a bit of a goblin problem along the tree line on the outskirts of Waterdeep. It's about a 15-minute walk from here of my recent reports of goblins trying to set up a camp but is very obvious about being there, stupid goblins." He said as he picked up his axe placing it on his back before walking over to a stand and grabbing his second axe. "And I do plan on heading down there now to see if they need help holding the line or wiping them out. Would you like to join me? Never hurts to have someone watching your six."
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by SsssssSsSsssSs
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SsssssSsSsssSs Phase-Scene/Shadow-Rave is the question!

Member Seen 15 days ago

"Yes." I answered Breath of Life. "I'm ready as you see me, too. Will there be others?" @themadhatter420
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Archazen
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago


Flickering Fire looked up from playing his pan flute to see another person walking into the tavern. Wow today surely has been very popular it seems. It must mean the word is getting out there. He thought to himself as he finished his song and walked up to help his father at the bar. From his angle, he didn't know the race of the new person walking in until he got closer and saw he was a kinku. They were very rare to find in these parts. "Hello, Welcome to Adventures Haven. How can I be of assistance?"

Chatter took a step back, bashing into the door as the Tabaxi startled him. His head jittered around looking him over before realising what he said. Chatter took a step forward and looked up to Flickering Fire, he thought a moment 'Tabaxi. Gentle. Kind?.. Safe.' And then he spoke, his voice a cacophony of expertly mixed voices.

"Good day to you, I've been on the road for a long time now and I was hoping I could get a drink, some food, and maybe a place to rest?" he blinks, the abyssal black of his pearl like eyes reflecting no light to the Tabaxi.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by themadhatter420
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themadhatter420 The Only Mad Hatter

Member Seen 18 days ago


Breath of Life looked back at the human and shook his head. "I already have a few people over there but you and I are currently the only ones going now." He said as he picked up his bag and he tied it to his hip. "Do you need anything before we head out?"


Flickering Fire nodded his head and walked over to behind the bar. "No problem, we have the best food and drink in town as well as very comfortable rooms to choose from. Are you part of our guild and are you traveling along or with companions?" He asked as he looked under the bar to see how many room keys they had open.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Sp00ki
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Sp00ki 無限の日食

Member Seen 2 mos ago


Silver let out a hearty chuckle as the half-elf mentioned he was from a faraway village and would like to stay. "Of course, we have plenty of rooms open. Are you traveling alone or do you have any companions with you? Animal or otherwise." He said as he picked up a book from under the bar opening it to the next page to be able to take information down and see what rooms were still open. "Also I assume you are not a member of the guild?"

"No and no, completely new here."

Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Archazen
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago


Flickering Fire nodded his head and walked over to behind the bar. "No problem, we have the best food and drink in town as well as very comfortable rooms to choose from. Are you part of our guild and are you traveling along or with companions?" He asked as he looked under the bar to see how many room keys they had open.

Chatter followed Flickering Fire, keeping his distance as he did. He hadn't been shown such hospitality before, not so freely. He slowly pulled a black pouch from under his shawl, it was tied with a blue lace. He undid the cord and began checking how much money he had.

"Alone." he mimicked. "Not part of your Guild." He again repeated. Chatter didn't like using someone's own voice back to them, people tended to get touchy about it, something about feeling mocked but somehow thought that this Tabaxi had had some crossings with Kenku before and would be forgiving, or at the very least understanding.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by SsssssSsSsssSs
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SsssssSsSsssSs Phase-Scene/Shadow-Rave is the question!

Member Seen 15 days ago

"Nope, I'm good at these. Do you personally need to alert your Family before we go? I'm ready when you are."@themadhatter420
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