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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Bacon
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Bacon The Dark Lord

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Along the I-40, a beat up old pickup truck speeds along, it's cabin seating two individuals, a third and fourth sat in the bed of the truck. The truck has large fields on either side, with vision out for miles. They called Arkansas a part of big sky country for a reason, after all. It was only another few miles until they could turn off towards the nearest town, a place called Eureka Springs. Supposedly, they were in the middle of nowhere, and nobody should be able to identify them.

Eureka Springs, from what they've heard, should be large enough that no one would notice a couple of strangers, so long as they didn't actively stand out. Yet small enough that there wouldn't be any major federal groups with a permanent posting here that might cause issues. The perfect place for people like them to lay low.

For you see, these four individuals were not normal people. All three of them were capable of using magic, and hunted for it.

This is where their story begins.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Daxam
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Daxam Majin Boo

Member Seen 32 min ago

Vincent drove the old truck down the interstate, one hand on the wheel while the other drummed on the outside of his door in time to the music that played over the video. It had been quiet for the last hour or so on the road, the silence filled by the music and Vincent's voice as he quietly hummed along, only slightly off-key. His dark hair fluttered in the wind that blew through his open window, the AC in the truck having long since given out, something Vincent had meant to look into repairing, yet never got around to. I'll take care of it at the next stop, he had always told himself, only to be interrupted by something else, like a more pressing repair or a hasty exit from whatever town he and his companions were in.

Eureka Springs, next right. Vincent had been so absorbed in his thoughts and the music that he barely noticed the sign as he drove past it. He glanced at his companions, then decided he felt that he could eat. "Alright, kiddos, as the driver, I'm making an executive decision, so we're gonna be making a pitstop," he called out as he flipped on his turn signal before changing lanes. "We can stretch our legs, grab some food, maybe figure out where to go from here. Old Bertha could use some gas, anyway."
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Hyyde322


Member Seen 3 mos ago

Anita, groggy and sweaty from a nap, sat up in the front seat of the truck after hearing Vincent's bellowing about stopping in the next town.
She extended her arms out in front of the windshield and then over her head as far as she could before hitting the ceiling. It had been what seemed like ages since they stopped "Finally, I need a shower, and while we're here, you get around to fixing the AC Vince." The AC had always been broken, and everyone had more or less gotten used to not having it, but driving down the interstate in the middle of a desert with nothing but hot air for breeze really makes a person yearn for air conditioning. "Where are we going anyway Mr. executive driver?"
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by WhiteAngel25
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WhiteAngel25 The Original Cupcake Queen

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Cleome kept herself from humming or singing softly to herself by tapping her fingers on her left hand against the metal edge of the truck. Funny enough, her rhythm was harmonizing with Vincent's thumping against the driver's door of the pickup. Her golden orbs closed for the moment as she let the wind of the moving vehicle carry her constant thoughts away. She tended to sit in the back of the truck to avoid the lull of the radio, it made her lose focus on her control of her voice. Something she didn't want to expose her comrades to.

Today, Cleo was simply dressed in jeans and a baggy green t-shirt, hiding her frame. Her antlers and wings were also concealed within her form to prevent drawing too much attention, unwanted or otherwise. Her long dark tresses were twisted back into a braid secured with a bit of string she found at their last stop.

Cleo blinked her eyes open as the vehicle stopped and she heard Vincent's voice followed by Anita's. She sat up to properly see where they were. It was a diner/gas station of sorts. 'Humans have interesting building combinations. Their ingenuity never ceases to confound me,' she thought as she stood up, stretched, and hopped out of the bed of the truck effortlessly, her bare feet landed on the hot sand.

Cleome tilted her head."Strange, this earth has an energy to it," she spoke and turned to her companions. "We should be careful here. The wild life has been hiding, even the insects are nervous for crumbs," Cleo added as she had yet to see even an ant crawl along the ground.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Little Bird
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Little Bird Caffeinated Lifeform

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Cait bobbed lazily in the bed of the truck as it rolled the I-40. Occasionally she jostled herself to find a more comfrotable postion if one existed, and pulled her air away from her face as the wind whirled across the exposed bed. As the beater clunked on towards the exit to Eureka Springs, she found an iota of relaxation in propping herself up against the backside of the cab, and listening to Vincent's music selection through the open rear window. It wasn't her first choice for tunes, but it was better than silently watching yet another stretch of southern plains scroll past; she had since given up trying to sleep, resigning to the quick nods of unconsciousness that came from fatigue being as close to rest as she'd get until they finally came to a stop.

When she wasn't fixating on the sound of the radio, distorted by the rushing of highway air, she was eying Cleome, with whom she was sharing the truck's bed on this leg of the journey. The Fae had caught Cait's immediate attention and held it, as she was the most physically peculiar with her fairy-like wings and antlers that seemed to have come from an elk. Though the Fae's defining feature were hidden underneath a layer of slightly oversized clothing, the sense of object permanence held Cait's attention.

She hadn't spoken much since joining the small entourage, save to introduce herself. The Fae made her admittedly nervous to speak for fear of cutting across as unwelcoming or rude; Vincent was a good few years her senior and, while friendly, seemd to march to the beat of a very differnt drum with his more hands-do-the-talking, mildly roughneck demeanor. Anita was the one Caitlin had spoken to most between the three; a week prior, in Tempe, Arizona she had noticed Cait and determined her to be another "one of their kind," offering the company and companionship of the ride in Vince's truck. Cait remained grateful to Anita for the kindness, and being of simmilar age, it hadn't been too hard for Cait to relate to her.

Veering off onto the exit, the truck gave a lurch, hitting a small bump. Cait moved to grasp her belongings more tightly, psychically pulling her two effects back towards herself. Her hands wrapped firmly around a brown, canvas backpack, and the trucks of a skateboard that had seen better days. Cait pulled the backpack in tightly to her chest, the smell of her "every other day" set of clothes permeating throught the fabric, causing her nose to wrinkle, and her to hope that they'd make a quick beeline to a laundromat, and maybe a consignment shop for a cheap few pairs of socks and underwear. Her board felt ready to come undone as she reeled it in, but stayed together by a mircale. Her bag set beside her, she busied herself by fidgeting with her skateboard: spinning the worn out wheels that ground against rusting trucks, and picking at what was left of the griptape while being thankful that the deck, save for some chipped and fading on the artwork on the underside, was still intact.

The truck slowed and pulled into a stop outside of a gas station and diner.

Cait slide her board back, attempting to keep it as close to unseen as she could by tucking it under her bag. From her bag, she pulled out a thickly packed roll of cannabis flower and a lighter. Savoring the moment, she lit the joint and drew a massive inhale off one of two smokes left from the stash she had picked up in Boulder a month ago. She cocked her head towards the the window behind her and reached over her shoulder, offering the joint to Vincent and Anita. "You reckon they got a skate shop in Eureka Springs?" she asked casually. "Could do to get my board fixed up if I've got the time." If the truck was going to be getting fixed up for the next leg, she couldn't see much reason why she couldn't do the same for her board; after all, it was her much-needed hobby, and the trio had seemed to take at least some amusement in watching her roll and pop tricks during previous rest stops.

She turned back to the bed, her hand still outstretch offering the smoke and lighter to the driver and shotgun. Cleo had spoken as the truck rolled into a gas station. Cait didn't get it entirely but replied anyways. "You... you can sense that?" was all Cait could think to say in response.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Hyyde322


Member Seen 3 mos ago

Anita pushed her body out of the window and sat on the edge of the window seal on the opposite side of Cait as she grabbed the joint and took a few drags off of it before handing it back to her vehicle mate. Anita had never been a smoker especially when it came to weed, but, it would have been rude not to at least try. If there was one thing Anita knew about Cait in their short time together, it was that Cait loved Skateboarding and she loved that board. Anita could still remember the look on her face when she damaged her board, and while she did her best to comfort her friend, it did nothing to diminish that sad look on her face that day.

"Unfortunately, we'd be lucky if they had a mechanic Cait, I doubt they've even heard the word skateboard," She tried her best to mutter in between coughs from the smoke caught in her lungs. To say they were in the middle of nowhere was an understatement and in Arkansas no less. Growing up in Canada, she knew almost nothing of America, especially the midwest. Her first time here and she thought there would be more corn....That's what the American Midwest was known for right? Corn? "Hey, we're supposed to be in the midwest right? what happened to all the corn farms...and like...broken down pickup trucks?" If it wasn't clear to everyone Anita knew virtually nothing about America, it was clear now.

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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Bacon
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Bacon The Dark Lord

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There were two gas pumps in front of the building, both being available. Nature and time had done a number on them, leaving the initial coat of paint all but washed away, only a couple paint chips still showing the bright red highlight of the rusty pumps. A sizable dent is visible in the side of one of the two pumps, with the other seeming to be leaning slightly towards the road. But, despite it's beat-up and worn-out appearance, they still worked, so they hadn't been retired. Something that could be applied to a lot of things in this town.

Parked by the building were only two cars. The first was a well-kept black SUV by the front door, with a sun shade in the front windshield. The other car was a light green Jeep, parked by the dumpster and sitting in a spot with a reserved parking sign.

The diner itself is in notably better condition, as if it had been built relatively recently. The exterior was painted white with dark blue trim, though a few spots where the building had seemingly been power-washed revealed grey of the glazed bricks that made up the structure. Through the windows the group could only see two people in the building, one man standing behind the counter and a second, older man sitting at the counter. They seem absorbed in conversation, and haven't noticed the truck pulling into the lot.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Daxam
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Daxam Majin Boo

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Vincent glanced at the blunt and raised his hand to decline. He didn't have anything against weed or those who smoked it, he just wasn't one of them. "I dunno about any skateboard shop," he responded to Cait and Anita as he pulled in front of the dented gas pump, "but even if they've got a mechanic, there's no way I'm letting them touch Bertha. I've been doing a good job keeping her going all this time, I don't need anyone messing with my work." To Cleome, he added, "I don't blame them. With how hot it's been, I'd be in hiding, too."

He climbed out of the truck and stretched his arms over his head with a groan. After sitting so long, he was eager to move around. Crossing his arms, he leaned against the front of the truck as he looked around. He spotted the two vehicles, visibly recoiling when he saw the paint job on the Jeep, and glanced into the diner, where he saw what he assumed were the owners of said vehicles, the pair chatting away like they knew one another. It was such a peaceful, every day scene that he didn't feel any reason to be on guard, but he still decided that the one who can make his skin bulletproof should be the first to approach, just in case. Pushing himself away from the truck, he told his companions as he walked toward the door, "I'm gonna go grab some food, then I'll see about getting the AC fixed."

The door opened, accompanied by the cheerful ringing of the bell mounted on the frame overhead. The two men paused in their conversation as Vincent glanced at them, then found a seat in one of the empty booths, far from the counter.
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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Bacon
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Bacon The Dark Lord

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As Vincent enters the diner, the man behind the counter turns to look at him briefly, stopping mid-sentence. He then turns back towards the older gentleman, while reaching under the counter for menus. "We can talk later, I have a customer." The older man chuckles, as he goes to sip on the cup of coffee sitting in front of him. "What am I then? Chopped liver?" He joked, as the man behind the counter simply picked up a stack of menus, before walked out from behind the counter, taking a second to look out the windows, and note take note of the others.

Now that you were closer, this man was wearing a white collared shirt and blue jeans, with a apron around his waist, which had a small pocket with a pencil and notepad sticking out slightly. He was around average height, with a wiry build, and the small dark circles under his eyes betraying the exhaustion that he tries to hide behind that forced customer service smile.

He walked up to the booth, and set a laminated menu down on the table, before asking "Are the other three out there in your party?" while holding the other menus.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Hyyde322


Member Seen 3 mos ago

Anita hopped out of the front seat and stretched as she looked around "Nothing for miles" she muttered to herself. Coming from the outskirts of a small town in the British Colombia province, she can't say she missed it. Small towns means the same people, the same places, and the same events day in and day out, to say small towns were boring was putting it mildly. This place was different, for starters, it was smaller than the other towns she had been in, even her own. Anita wandered around to the side of the truck where the others were while they waited on Vincent "Welp, if you gotta go, now's the time. I'm gonna see what I can do about scoring a shower, while vincent gets someone to look at the truck" She took a whiff of the clothing she had on after mentioning getting clean and was met with an unpleasant stentch "Ugh, I'll see about finding a laundromat too"

She took in the sights around the gas station and was greeted with a few small businesses, a school, police station, and some other places before she was struck with a familiar feeling. Her stomach growled loud enough to where it could be heard "Okay, maybe cleaning can wait, I'm gonna go see about that diner"
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by WhiteAngel25
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WhiteAngel25 The Original Cupcake Queen

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Cleome smiled softly and nodded as an answer to Cait's question about sensing the wildlife. "Everything is connected, whether we realize it or not," she spoke as the heat could be a factor with the insects and other creatures as Victor said. Cleo couldn't help but get a weird feeling of it all all. The fae woman kept her eyes and ears open for anything the creatures could be nervous about. After gazing around the area for a bit, Cleome decided that food was probably a good option. One never knew when they would get the chance to eat again.

Cleo tilted her head as she figured she would likely need shoes. Humans were picky with such rules, so she reached for her sandals where she had been sitting in the back of the truck. She slipped on the tan leather corded flats, grabbed her matching leather parcel, and crossed the parking lot to the diner. Upon opening the door, it jingled, causing Cleome to glance up at the bell with curiosity. Such interesting thoughts humans had to warn one another of their presence.

Cleo glanced around until she found Vincent and smiled softly. "Is it alright to share a meal space with you, Vincent, or would you prefer to be by yourself? I understand the need for solitude," she said as she adjusted the strap of the parcel over her head to rest on her shoulder, cross-body-wise, and pulled her long, dark hair out from being stuck.

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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Little Bird
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Little Bird Caffeinated Lifeform

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Cait took the joint back from Anita; she offered to Vincent a second time, but withdrew after he declined. She took a second hit before snuffing out the end and pocketing it alongside the lighter.

She turned to Cleo and returned a nod of understanding and trust; the Fae-person was more in tune nature than she, as a human felt capable of being.

She looked longingly at the board by her feet as she stood up. It had been a few days since she had ridden it; the wear and tear and weeks without repair had left it both unsafe, and unrepairable if she overdid, which was more than likely since she had been prone to making up for lost time since joining with Vince's crew. A closer look at the town around them told her they'd be lucky to find much more than the diner and maybe a bar around town. She'd have to wait until they came to a larger town or a proper city before she'd get the board back to form.

She shrugged, sighed, and climbed out from the bed of the truck, sliding gently down the side until her feet touched the ground. Jogging a short way, she caught up with Cleo and Anita and followed them to the diner. "I think you gotta go more north to see the corn fields," she said, pitching a response to Anita. "Kansas, Nebraska." Her stomach grumbled. "Yeah. Food first," she agreed, and entered diner where Vincent had already claimed a seat.

Stepping around Cleo, she seated herself in the booth across from Vince. "I imagine," she said, "if he wanted to be alone, he wouldn't be letting three other people ride cross-country in his truck. Just a guess." She gestured for Cleo to join. "Besides, it wouldn't hurt to plan where we're headed to next."
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Daxam
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Daxam Majin Boo

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"Yeah, they're all with me. They should be finding their way inside any time, now."

As if on cue, Vincent's companions found themselves at his booth. "Cait's right. I'd have kicked you guys out of the truck ages ago, otherwise." He chuckled and moved farther into the corner of the booth to make room for Cleome as the others sat on the other side, then picked up one of the menus. He browsed it for a few minutes, keeping in mind the meager remains of the winnings he earned from the last fight he had been in, before telling the tired-looking employee, "I'll take a burger with some fries and a chocolate shake."

He passed his menu and waited for his friends to make their orders as he looked out the window, his chin resting palm. While it might look like he was just idly staring out the window, in reality, he was keeping a close eye on their surroundings. After spending so much time out on the streets and on the run from the law and government, he had developed a rather acute situational awareness. He felt confident that he could spot a cop or government agent no matter how big the crowd and, given how small Eureka Springs seemed, spotting someone out of place should be even easier.

"So long as we head out of the country," he said after a while, still looking out of the window. "I don't mind what direction we go. Europe, Japan, Canada, anywhere's gotta be better than here."
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Bacon
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Bacon The Dark Lord

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The man quickly wrote down the order, before placing another three menus on the table. He seemed to either not care about what you're talking about about, or he's smart enough not to pry.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Hyyde322


Member Seen 3 mos ago

Anita had followed Cait and Cleo in and had spotted where Vincent, Cait, and Cleome were posted up. As the man took what she could only assume was his order and placed down a few more menus, she strolled over to the booth and took a seat after Cait "Like you'd get anywhere without us" She teased with a big smile aimed his way. Overhearing Cait and Vincent's comments on getting out of the country as she took her seat and looking over the menu to decide on what she wanted, the memories of her life in Canada that led to her traveling with them came flooding in.

"And how are doing today ma'am, what'll ya have" the man asked her as she snapped back to reality and was met with a loud growl that emanated from her stomach. "Uh, I'll have the burger as well. Oh, and a slice of pie with a soda" She mentioned as she handed the menu back and watched him take her order. "If we're heading out of the country, I'd highly suggest sitting Canada out". While it would be nice to find a place where they didn't have to look over their shoulders, getting out of the county would be hard enough, still it would be nice. She could find a way to send for her coven mates, even find a new place for them to set up. "I hear Europe is really nice this time of year though, oh, but I've always wanted to go to Japan"
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Little Bird
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Little Bird Caffeinated Lifeform

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Cait skimmed through her menu as Vincent mused about ditching the states. The thought had crossed her mind just before she joined him a few states back. Crossing the Atlantic seemed like a pipe dream. Canada was enticing, though she preferred not to venture there if only for the fact that it would mean having to endure winter at some point; she'd only use Canada as a stepping stone to go elsewhere. She nodded in silent agreement when Anita suggested counting it out as an option.

She made a second nod before looking to the server. "I'll just have the chicken tenders and fries. Ranch dressing on the side... and a sweet tea for a drink... and waters for the table please." She handed him the menu and turned back to Vincent.

"We'll need some money if we're gonna get out of the States." She spoke matter-of-factly. Her left hand drifted to her pocket, where her wallet was tucked in a closed zipper. She had pulled most of her savings before she bailed from California; it was best to do it first, so They wouldn't be able to pin her movements across the country through card swipes. It was still fat and full, as she had been meticulous about not spending unless it was for food and water. She had to make it last as best she could. "And by a little, I mean a lot. Especially if we're gonna try to cross the ocean. Moreso if we want pay under the table... which we probably should." Cait had made good on her resolve to not leave an electronic footprint, and she wasn't about to back down from that.

She leaned back and stretched her back against the booth seat. "I say, if we're gonna make tracks to another country, we dip to Mexico."
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Daxam
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Daxam Majin Boo

Member Seen 32 min ago

Vincent leaned back in the booth and crossed his arms as he listened to his companions, playfully flipping off Anita at her remark. "Is Mexico really our only other option?" he asked with a sigh. "The heat here is bad enough, I don't even wanna think about how bad it is further south."

He thought back to Cait's comment about needing money and felt an idea form in his head. Crossing his arms, he looked up at the ceiling before he leaned forward with a grin. "We can talk about where to go later," he said, "but, Cait's right. No matter what we do, we need cash. Way more than we can get by doing odd jobs like we've been doing and in a way that won't draw attention. I've got an idea about that."

He glanced around the diner to make sure no one was interested in what they were saying. The waiter had returned to the counter after taking everyone's orders, where he was chatting with the older guy once more, while the smell of food wafted from the kitchen. In a lower voice, he continued, "I've heard rumors that this big underground fighting tournament's gonna start up over in Austin. I'll make a call to my old manager, knock a few heads together, and we'll be set on cash for a long time."
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Bacon
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Bacon The Dark Lord

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Just as he was starting to walk away after delivering your orders, the man takes a moment to address Cait and Anita. "By the way, pot's is still illegal in this state. I can smell a little bit of it on ya. Normally no one'd care, and an officer would use that for probable cause or as an extra charge if you were doing somethin' stupid. But the local deputies are power-trippin' assholes who will find any reason to throw someone in jail and maybe extort 'em. Doesn't seem like y'all are from around here, so I figured I should let you know." His voice had a level of annoyance that implied firsthand knowledge as he walked back towards the counter to continue his conversation with the older gentleman.

The pair continued their conversation, either not knowing or caring if you could hear them. "Still think you should do something." The older man said. "What am I supposed to do? Walk up to the sheriff's department with my shotgun and demand they release my son? Yeah, that'd end well." The working man's voice was dripping with sarcasm. "Nothing quite that drastic. But you still shouldn't just let them extort ten grand out of you 'cause your son did something stupid. Take them to court, maybe?" The working man shook his head, while the older man took a sip of his coffee. "I'd be dead before they got their day in court. Along with any witnesses I called up. That's what happened when George tried that, God rest his soul."
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Damo021
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Sarina had found herself fortunate to have hitchhiked a ride from a kind Samaritan, it was pretty much her only way to get around other than walking or using and money she could scrounge up from the odd jobs she could do to afford travel. Something that was getting more difficult over time when one was sticking to going to smaller places and avoid the bigger cities. Luckily for her the guy giving her a lift was driving a box truck doing deliveries and one such stop was to be in Eureka Springs, honestly she was just heading where ever the truck was heading.

The ride wasn’t that bad, mostly quiet with some spouts of conversation as she did not really want to tell her story to a stranger and god knows what he may have done if he knew she had magical abilities. Something she has worked hard on in refraining from using such power, because it always brought unwanted attention. Soon enough the truck pulled off from highway 62 into Eureka Springs, it sure looked peaceful compared to many places she had visited before.

Shortly the box truck had pulled over by a gas station with a diner. “This is as far as I can take you Ma’am, won’t look good taking an extra passenger to the depot after all.” The guy joked. “Here will be fine thank you.” Sarina reached into her pocket and offered the driver some money. “It’s not much but I appreciate you giving me a lift. It’s the least I can do.” The driver raised his hand. “No need Ma’am, consider it my good deed for the day.” Sarina put the money away and reached for her duffel bag before grabbing hold of the handle. “You good sir are a diamond, thank you so much and drive safe.” As she was climbing out of the truck she heard the driver tell her to stay safe, before closing the door and the box truck safely pulling away, her smile quickly fading.

Turning around Sarina took in the sight of the establishment she found herself at. There was a pick up at the pumps while a black SUV and green Jeep occupied a couple of spaces, seeing through the window she could see it was not too busy, perfect. Picking up her duffel bag and placing it over her shoulder the woman was wearing a white tank top, that could probably do with some cleaning, black cargo pants with boots. To complete her look, she had a black/white plaid flannel shirt, rolled up and tied around her waist.

Closing her eyes for a second and taking a deep breath, Sarina then made her way into the diner, something basic to eat and drink would suffice for now before figuring out where to go or what to do while in the springs. The door chime went of announcing her arrival, only pausing for a moment when she caught the end of the men’s conversion at the counter and gave them a look for a moment, then looking away and gathering herself to move on to a vacant table, that was awkward, she noticed the small group also deep in conversation, but minded her own business, the less attention she brought the better.
Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Hyyde322


Member Seen 3 mos ago

Anita shockingly remembered the puff of Cait's joint she took. "Oh, sorry about that mister, thanks for the warning" She quickly belted out as she clapped her hands together and added a slight bow as a form of apology. "Great, a town with a power hungry dick...tator, fantastic." She said. After the man left, she slumped back into the seat while overhearing the conversations from both the man and Vincent. She had heard him say something about his son being in prison for a crime he didn't commit, and while she felt sorry for him, she couldn't risk helping unless it was absolutely necessary, so she turned back to the group.

"I mean, it's either Mexico, or maybe Belize. I wouldn't recommend Guatemala, or Honduras. What about Jamaica?" She asked. Adding to Cait's input, she had a point. They weren't getting anywhere without money, especially if they were planning to flee the country. She bellowed a sigh as she leaned forward and folded her arms on the table. "You're right Cait, unfortunately, and with flight prices, we're gonna need a lot of it. Well, any ideas?" she asked. Her question would be answered when Vincent mentioned an underground fighting tournament, which was met with slight alertness.

"Or, or, we find a way that doesn't involve injuries. The last thing we need is for someone to get seriously hurt to the point where we need to scrounge up....ingredients for special purposes" Anita made sure to whisper that last part as she scanned the room attempting to avoid suspicion. While she was sure Vincent could handle himself in a fight, more so than anyone else here, having someone get hurt would mean having to stay in one town longer than they needed to. Hospital bills were expensive, and getting ingredients for a healing potion meant getting certain things that may or may not be available depending on the time of year, or season, or month, or even the time of day. "Look, don't get me wrong, I'm sure you can win, but on the off chance that you don't, we can't afford a hospital stay, and other methods of treatment may, or may not be available"
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