Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by deegee
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First things first, hoss. I ain't no GM. I mebbe a player. And I mebbe come up up with some semblance of ideas. But this ain't my tale. It's the tale of them that write it. We'll do well to come up with a plot ourselves, as we go on.

Now, that ain't to say I don't have some ideas my own self. I'm a man in need of killing. I ain't no good. Never was. Probably never will be. If I get the chance to take down them that deserve it along with me, so much the better. Won't even the score. Not even close. But if I can do that on my way out, it'd pay some penance that I owe.

I hear tell there's a town in need. I plan to see they get the help they needs. For that, I'll need me a crew. I might be a rough'n tough'n son of a bitch, but even I know I can't do it all by my lonesome.

Who'll ride with me?
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by deegee
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Hidden 1 mo ago Post by PrinceAlbert
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As I've mentioned in the interest thread and elsewhere, I'm amenable to running the bad guy town tycoon, and the leader of the plucky camp of hard-up settlers. That still sound fine?
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Hidden 1 mo ago Post by deegee
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AOK by me!
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by PrinceAlbert
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for the big bad guy, would a name like Randall P. Cockburn, be too over-the-top?
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by deegee
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for the big bad guy, would a name like Randall P. Cockburn, be too over-the-top?

I mean... am I a total d!@k if I say yeah? :D
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by PrinceAlbert
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I mean... am I a total d!@k if I say yeah? :D

You're fine. I'll find something else simultaneously Victorian-sounding and menacing :^P
Hidden 21 days ago Post by AwesomeZero5
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How goes character making?
Hidden 19 days ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

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I had an idea for a character, but I'm afraid it might be similar to the one you made. He would be a mercenary who was who would survive a lynching and would be after those who tried to kill him. Or my character could be a priest or preacher who is lynched by some racists and trying to stop a family from being killed. Surviving the lynching and getting revenge on the men who wanted to kill him.
Hidden 18 days ago Post by deegee
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I had an idea for a character, but I'm afraid it might be similar to the one you made. He would be a mercenary who was who would survive a lynching and would be after those who tried to kill him. Or my character could be a priest or preacher who is lynched by some racists and trying to stop a family from being killed. Surviving the lynching and getting revenge on the men who wanted to kill him.

Hiya Eviledd1984! Ever seen Magnificent Seven? (Either the original or the remake?) or Silverado? Or Deadwood? All large ensemble pieces. No clear, central character. (Well, arguably. But I would say almost any of the characters are potentially central, main characters to the story.) There are so many permutations of the cowboy character, so many tropes to play on, so many real life hardships to draw on, there need be no real reason for that much overlap. Something unique would be just as fulfilling!
Hidden 18 days ago 18 days ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

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Yes i have seen westerns like the examples you mentioned. You make a fair point. Perhaps my character could be a crazed mercnary, serial killer or an outlaw of some kind?
Hidden 18 days ago Post by deegee
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Oh yes, all of those would be good possibilities. Or someone who simply falls into a minority group of some sort and has received a great deal of discrimination and hatred as a result. Like an Asian-American (who received terrible treatment in the West) and or a Black man making their way in the West...
Hidden 18 days ago Post by deegee
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How goes character making?

90% done -- have a look at the character tab... my character is up (minus a bio... still not sure how much I want to post!
Hidden 18 days ago 18 days ago Post by Eviledd1984
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I could also make a native american that is torn between his heritage and fitting in with western culture. Or a Morman/catholic missonary or priest that is looking for some sort of redemption.
Hidden 17 days ago Post by Skelm
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Skelm Moof Milker

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I've been mulling over a few character ideas and narrowed it down to a local rancher with considerable influence on the town. Perhaps he is more aligned with the 'tycoon' character at the beginning, mostly for his own personal gain. I could see them having an agreement of some kind in exchange for his cooperation - maybe land rights or a promise of a political future. However, throughout the story, he becomes more jaded by the tycoon's actions (I'm sure there will be some persuasion from the townsfolk as well). This could culminate in a significant event that serves as a turning point. I don't want to get too ahead of myself, though! We should probably allow things to play out naturally and see where we are from there.

I was also toying around with the idea of the town priest or clergyman, but I don't have that concept fully fleshed out yet.
Hidden 8 days ago Post by AwesomeZero5
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Vaguely have the idea of a gambler who owns the town's brothel.
They're a long retired bandit, that had a great eye but no Quickdraw.
Would this be good?
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Hidden 8 days ago Post by deegee
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Member Seen 27 min ago

Vaguely have the idea of a gambler who owns the town's brothel.
They're a long retired bandit, that had a great eye but no Quickdraw.
Would this be good?

That sounds great! Let's see him / her!
Hidden 5 days ago Post by AwesomeZero5
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Will try to slap together a rough draft/outline tomorrow.
Though not sure if it's before or after the civil war. Kinda have them... around that period since semi-based the gist of their backstory happens after the Texas revolution.

Then again, the rp could be an "alternate world" with just a western like setting.
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