Hidden 1 yr ago 5 mos ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

The androids head sat on the table while the scientist sat at a nearby computers. Its hollow eyes scanning the room with great trepidation. It focused its eyes on the scientist as he spoke.

"Let me tell you a story my son. There was a great scientist. Who competed with the top minds off his generation. Tony Stark, Lex Luthor, Raymond Palmer. Unlike those scientists he had no interest in monetary gain. As he had none to begin with, he was a nobody. So he was worthless. The scientist turned around in his swivel chair to face the android, staring directly into its eyes.

If the android could understand emotion, it would have seen the bitterness and contempt.

"So, he did the best he could. Became the head researcher at a STAR labs facility, and off to work he went trying to change the world. Then while trying to develop a new deep space telescope, he had an idea and so he got to work and he invented this-" Turning in his chair he slapped a button on the keyboard, illuminating a far corner of the lab where a strange looking monitor sat amidst a computer bank.

The scientist stood up and walked over to it, resting a hand on it. "-I call it the looking glass. Through this the scientist saw the future, and through this he thought he could save the world." He chuckled to himself as he turned back to face the android. "Think of it, all the innovations of the future. Cures for disease, for famine. Global warming, why wait. We could look into the future and bring them here, now."

The scientist shook his head before hanging it low, a much more somber tone coming forth.

"The scientist was naive-" There was a buzzing of an alarm elsewhere in the room. "-but the rest of the tale will have to wait. Your older brother is ready to get to work."

The waves crashed gently at the base of the small and isolated island. The general noise of tourists, the screaming kids, shuffling footsteps, camera shots, all drowned out by the thundering of his heartbeat in his ears. Mal Duncan was nervous, and Mal Duncan never got nervous. Champion football player, childrens counsellor. Nothing phased Mal.

"Mal, this way!" Her voice cut through the crowd like a hot knife through butter, he became acutely aware of his tongue in his mouth. How was it supposed to rest in his mouth? No matter what he did he couldn't possibly make it comfortable. His palms were sweaty, breath came hard and fast.

Each inch he took towards her felt like a mile, his feet heavy. What if it didn't go well? Maybe the photographer hadn't shown up - no he could see her over in the distance attempting to look like she wasn't paying attention to Mal or his destination.

He needn't worry about the weather, it was a perfect New York autumnal day, with not a cloud in the sky. Mal smiled as he reached Karen, a big grin plastered over her face. "Hey Beautiful. She pulled him into her warm embrace, before grabbing his hand and pulling him through the crowd of people towards the base of the Statue of Liberty.

"I thought I lost you after getting off the boat! C'mon! I want to take a closer look."

Mal chuckled. "You never have to worry about losing me-" Sensing his struggling nerve he turned his head quickly to look behind him towards the city. An unobstructed line of city to the Manhattan skyline. In one quick motion he pulled his hand out of hers, a small leather box from his pocket and slipped down onto one knee. Opening the box to reveal the glittering green emerald ring.

Karen turned, and turned white as a sheet.

"Karen, you make me the happiest man in the world-" The world around him went silent, he couldn't hear anything else. Only his own voice. No other voices or footsteps, he couldn't even hear the water crashing below. "-will you make me the happiest man in the world? Will you Marry Me?" He lowered his head and sighed, all the stress and tension leaving his body.

He had no idea why he had been so stressed about it, they were a perfect couple. He loved her, and she him. Honestly this was just a formality-

"Oh no-" His heart sunk to his stomach. "Mal get up-" He couldn't even look at her, he closed his eyes and hung his head down low.

"No seriously Mal-" Opening his eyes, tears welling in the corner he looked up at her and saw the raw panic on her face. He turned around, and coming from Manhattan was a giant wave, atleast twenty foot high. Jumping to his feet, ring forgotten he pulled Karen along with him.

"Round the back of the statue!" He could hear the screaming now, the crying and the panic. The roar of the water as it came careering towards them, a deafening crash.

The next thing he knew, he was in the water.

Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Keldabe Administrative District // Mandalore // Mandalore Sector

Koren entered the main compartment of his shuttle, acting as his executive suite during his time on the surface of Mandalore. He nodded to his two guards who filed out of the room, as he keyed in a code to the holocommunicator. A signal from Mandalore wouldn't be able to reach within the transitory mists usually, however, his ship was in orbit to relay the signal and there was another cruiser on the edge of the mists to relay the signal within. He bowed his head respectfully towards his Queen, before turning his head up, a smile playing at the edge of his mouth.

"My Queen."

She returned the bow, and the smirk. "My Prince. How is your diplomatic visit?"

Formal. That means that she very likely has company.

"My meeting with the Manda'lor was... postponed, due to tensions between himself and Empress of the Renkar Imperium. We were advised to leave while they, finished their discussion. He stood up tall, hands behind his back, feet at ease. "I have however conversed with a Jedi Diplomat known as Ro Nuul. He is a fellow survivor, like me. Koren composed himself. Deep breathe in, release. Allow his negative thoughts out with his breathe.

"He seemed hopeful, that whether through the Mandalorian Republic or the Renkar Imperium we should be able to form some form of alliance that will benefit us, to try and keep us safe from the Separatist Alliance."

"That is good news. Good news indeed...
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 8 hrs ago


W H A T I F...?:

"You’ve failed this city… was that too dramatic?"

...Green Arrow and Hawkeye were one in the same?

Oliver Queen was born to
Swordmaster and Trickshot
S.H.I.E.L.D and Hawkeye
Return to Star City
Can’t live a normal life. Green Arrow is born.

P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S ):


C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

Any additional notes you want to put either for yourself, the GM's or other players to help clarify your vision or continuity.

P O S T C A T A L O G:

A list linking to your IC posts as they're created. This can be used for a reference guide to your character or to summarize completed arcs and stories.

Hidden 1 yr ago 6 mos ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 8 hrs ago


Iris was broken out of her reverie by a commotion at the door. "Sorry I'm late-! Joe was on his feet and returned to the kitchen to fix another place setting and plate as Barry came into the room, smiling at Iris. She briefly returned the gesture, before pointing the remote at the TV as she rewound the documentary.

"Have you seen this?" She allowed it to play again, the scene of Captain America on the beach. The static, damage section came up again—the speedster in the winged helmet. This time Iris noticed more in the background of the next shot as various Nazi soldiers were disarmed and incapacitated at high speeds. How had nobody ever picked up on any of this before? She saw the perplexed look on Barrys face, and chuckled to herself. "You don't see it, do you?"

Barry shrugged, then laughed himself. "No, not a clue."

Iris leaned in, casting a glance to the kitchen. Seeing Iris need for secrecy Barry sat himself down and leaned in. "The speedster."

He raised an eyebrow. "All I see is static, possibly some tape damage." His eyes went wide. "Are you telling me-"

Iris eyes darted to the door as Joe re-entered the room. "-that Joe is watching one of my documentaries?"

Joe chuckled as he placed a mat and plate in front of Barry. "Well, what can I say? They seem a little less crazy these days."

The room went silent as the documentary continued. Barry seemed to go distant, his eyes glazing over. They were all shaken out of their reverie as Joe's phone started to ring. Raising his hand to indicate one minute, he unflipped the antique device. It wasn't long before he came back rushing into the room, and pulling on his jacket. Placing his cap upon his head. "Bomb threat downtown." Rushing out the door he turned back to Iris, pointing at her. "Straight home!"

Turning out of the house Barry smirked back at Iris as he stood back up. "You're not going to stay here are you?"

Lightning flashed in her eyes. "Not a chance." He blinked, and Iris was stood there in her costume. Pulling the cowl up over her head she smiled at him. "Lock the door behind you-" She flashed a wink at Barry. "-I'll be back in a Flash"


Harrison stood with his briefcase in hand. The old door creaked and groaned as he pushed it open, his footsteps echoing on the cold hard floor. "Hello!" His voice echoed throughout the warehouse. Things shifted in the dark, and then suddenly a door opened.

"Wells!" The man rushed forward, a smile on his face.

"Jackson." The man looked ragged and worn. That was to be expected, until several months ago Jackson had worked for STAR Labs as a technician. Until he was found stealing from work to fuel his habits. Harrison twisted the briefcase away from Jackson as he went to grab it.

"Is that what you promised me?"

"This power-cell should be the solution to all your problems-" he twisted the case in his hand. "-and maybe even a little something else too."

"Name your price."
Hidden 1 yr ago 6 mos ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 8 hrs ago


Iris ran the length of the city on foot and was still there before the bomb squad had arrived. She squeezed herself through the first cordon, past the on-lookers stood with their phones out. There would always be fools who tried to get a chance of glory, at risk to themselves. Running up to the police cordon she came to a stop near a group of officers who stood with a bunch of laptops and cellphones. The wind rushed as she stopped scattering their papers everywhere, they turned to her with a mix of annoyance and surprise. She put her hands on her waist, twisting herself slightly in an attempt to look heroic. Instantly regretting the decision she rubbed her hands together awkwardly.

"What's the situation-?"

"Who the-"

"Hey you're that one that fought that Condiment King!"

Iris blush matched that of the red in her costume. "Yup, that's me. Your friendly local superhero." She coughed clearing her throat. This wasn't going very well. It wasn't going badly, but it wasn't going well.

"Well, there's a bomb down the street there Miss uh-?"

"Flash, call me the Flash."


Iris waved off the remark. "Just go with it, so the bomb?"

"Yes, uh. It was called in anonymously about ten minutes ago. The timer still has thirty minutes on it, we're just waiting for the bomb squad to arrive."

Iris looked around the area. While there were some civilians nearby, most of them had likely been drawn in by the police activity in the area. This part of the city didn't typically see much action, especially at this time of the day. The bomb was in the middle of an intersection, easily seen. Easily detected. Not only that it had been called in, anonymously. Everything she had picked up from her father's years of experience taught her one thing. This was a trap.

But is the trap for me or someone else? She had been using her speed to help for a few weeks, but only recently donning the costume and helping in a very public 'superhero' kind of way. That can't have gained that much attention yet?

Iris nodded to the officers. "Okay I'm going to take a look-"

"Not without me you're not." Iris and the officers turned around as a small blonde woman wearing civvies approached, the only thing identifying her as a member of the police was a badge at her waist. She pulled out her ID and opened it up to show Iris, and the other officers present. "Patty Spivot, CCPD Crime lab.

Iris raised an eyebrow, her father and Barry had told her there was someone new in the crime lab, but nothing more than that.

"And why would I take you for a look?"

"Do you know how to disable a bomb?" Iris didn't respond, merely shifting her weight nervously. "That is what I thought." Rolling her eyes, Iris grabbed Patty and within half the blink of an eye, they were at the bomb behind the cordon. Several cylinders were tied together with wires, nuts and bolts. In the centre of the configuration was a Lex 5 Series, the latest smartphone on the market. The timer counting working its way down slowly.

"Got anything Miss Spivo-" The phone's screen turned to a camera, flashing saving their likeness.

They both flinched as the phone buzzed and a notification came through on the screen of the phone.


The timer re-appeared on the screen. Five Seconds. Their eyes went wide. "Badllaaannnnddddddssssss." Iris hadn't even noticed before that there were two attachments on the bomb near the phone. Grimacing she picked up the bomb, and headed south towards the badlands. A barren stretch of land between the city and the mountains.

Digging deep she ran. 4. Over cars, around people. Pushing herself as hard as possible, digging deeper. 3. The wind rushing passed her. 2. As she left the city, and got onto the dirt. A cloud of dust shot up behind her, she came to a stop and dropped the bomb. 1. Turning around and running in the opposite direction she was glad for the goggles that were built into the outfit, she couldn't see anything. She just focused on trying to go in a straight line, there was no telling how big a yield the bomb was going to have. She stopped, skidding slightly on the loose surface as she turned and looked back at the very unexploded bomb.

Approaching it cautiously, the timer on the screen had been replaced by another message.

"Thankyou for your participation."

Hidden 7 mos ago 6 mos ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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Iris groaned out of frustration, then threw her hands up in the air before bringing her hands down from her forehead till her fingertips rested on her chin. Iris was sat with two laptops, a tablet and her phone at her desk, each with various searches. Google, Bing, LexSearch and even AskJeeves. More tabs open than she dared admit, and yet there was no trace of this mysterious speedster that she had seen in the video.

Even YouTube had failed her, the only trace she could find of the speedster was in the documentary footage, and nobody on any forums she found seemed to notice him. She had gotten quite a lot of flame for suggesting she had noticed something other people hadn't. 'Typical liberal women, thinking she;s so much better than us men who are experts'. The doorbell rang, and she ran up and checked the peephole. By the time Barry noticed the door was open, Iris had already sat back down at the desk with her cup of fresh coffee.

"I will never get used to that."

Iris smiled. "I'm not used to people showing up unexpectedly at my door." Barry rubbed the back of his head awkwardly.

"Yeah, sorry about that, he's a good man I just didn't expect-"

"The famed Harrison Wells to break several laws and code of ethics and track me down?"

He chuckled awkwardly. "Well you are truly fascinating-" Barry walked over and took a seat in the living room. "-scientifically I mean." Barry leaned back in his chair and looked over to the work she was doing, the various freeze frames and the forums.

"Any luck on your speedster?"

"Argh-" Iris spun around in her chair. "Nothing. No reference anywhere. Nobody else has even noticed him." Iris passed the tablet over to him. "That's the best screenshot I can get of them."

Barry squinted as he looked at the photo. "This is just a blur?"

Iris let out a sigh. "I know! I can see him when I play the video, but I can't pause it fast enough." Barry was about to speak, but Iris beat him to it. "Yes, I understand the irony. It's a technology issue."

"So no leads?"

Iris shrugged. "Kind of?" She picked up the tablet and slid it over to Barry. "Victor Sage. He was the archive researcher for the documentary. He wrote a bunch of pieces for various newspapers until he became blacklisted after a particularly scathing article about the Mayor."

Barry nodded. "I remember it. Wasn't that well over a year ago?"

Iris winced. "That's the kind of part of the lead-" She leaned over the top of the tablet and swiped on the screen. "-he worked for Starrstruck Media for a short period and then, went missing... and is still missing."

"So you want to solve a mystery, by finding a missing person?"

Iris stood up, pacing back and forth. Needing to burn off some of the nervous energy. "It's not ideal, no, but I can't find anything on any of the other people credited as part of the production. He hasn't been reported as dead, so I'm hoping that he just went underground, trying to fly below the radar."

"I mean, I can see if I can pull up anything at the precinct. See if a report has been filed."

Iris stood up and walked to the closet in the far corner of the room, using her speed she quickly stripped down, and pulled on her 'super suit'. Throwing other clothes into a backpack, zipping it closed. She couldn't help but blush as she realised that she had just stripped down to her underwear, and changed, in front of Barry. Not that he had seen anything but a blur, but still.

"Going a trip?"

"Well I'm not going to figure anything out here, I'll chase some leads down in hub city-"

"As the Flash?"

Iris shook her head. "No, I'm just fed up of losing sneakers and clothes, and I have a shift tomorrow so-" She shrugged. "-May as well use what I've got."

"Cheat." Barry chuckled, standing up and clapping his hands together. "So we've got a mission?"

"We've got a mission, I'll call you from Hub City."

Hidden 7 mos ago 7 mos ago Post by Sep
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Hidden 7 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 8 hrs ago


0820HRS Steve dove behind a nearby pillar. Feeling the shock as the intended blow hit it, instead of him. The heat permeated the beam, and he scowled. He could hear the chaos spreading throughout the prison, no doubt some of it was fellow prisoners hearing the chaos and taking their chance to make their own bid for freedom. A knot tied in his stomach, but he couldn't allow to give it purchase.

Yes there were no doubt prisoners whose only crime, like Piotr, was not capitulating to those in power. There were however, truly hardened and despicable prisoners who deserved to be contained until which time they were rehabilitated to re-enter society. Not that much of that happened here.

Wincing internally as he rolled to avoid a red fist to the face he chastised himself for allowing himself to become distracted and thoughts to wander. Maybe it had been too long since he had been in a real fight. Ducking under the incoming jab, he followed through with a couple of quick punches to Sokovs gut. With as much weight behind it as possible she wobbled slightly on her feet, and he ducked down and swept his right leg taking her feet out from under here.

Steve didn't even wait to watch her hit the floor before he turned and ran.

He and Alexei had talked through this scenario, like many other escape attempts, many times over the years. The library was the meeting place, central to both of their cells and yet close to Piotrs. No man left behind afterall. Prisoners shouted and swore at him in their cells as he ran. Occasionally ducking into cover when he heard the sound of military boots. He didn't have the time, or the means to get into a prolonged fight.

His heart racing by the time he reached the library. "Halt!" Steve froze as he felt the tip of a gun in the centre of his back, he went to twist for it when he heard another one cock behind him.

Two to one, point blank range. Even he wasn't a fan of those odds.

A yelp, a shot, he twisted away from the gun aiming to bring his palm up under it but was too late as it was already being knocked away. Alexei finished knocking them to the ground, his usual unruly long hair tied into a military style ponytail. Beard trimmed and respectable, no longer the homeless old man. This was a man of action.

"So I got knocked out, and you got a makeover?"

"The ruse is over comrade, today we escape or we die. Either way, I look good."

"That's it Alexei, think optimistically."

Alexei knelt down and picked up a pistol, pulling out the cartridge. Satisfied, he offered it to Steve who waved it off. Alexei merely shrugged and pulled the older guards sidearm from its holster. They turned as they heard the hammering of boots. Heavier than before. Sure enough around the corner came guards dressed in riot gear, the first one dropped before they even registered the two super soldiers. The second was winged before the rest took cover back behind the corner.

"We must get to Piotr-" There was a large crashing noise from below as a crimson hand broke through the concrete and pulled Steve.

He felt like his entire leg going to go through the hole by itself, though thankfully by some miracle the rest of his body followed it. Steve could practically feels all the bruises on his body as he was thrown to the other side of the room. Trying to tuck himself into as small a shape as possible. An involuntary groan escaped his lips as he collided with the wall.

There was no time to feel sorry for himself though as he rolled towards Sokov, making her miss her attack by going straight over his head. The crimson dagger that had formed in her hand slicing effortlessly into the concrete. "Thor-" He tried to shout, but before he could finish she was on him again.

They twisted and turned back and forth. While she couldn't find her way to beat him in skill, her raw power coupled with his being caught off guard and injured. This wasn't a fight he was going to win. Not easily, if at all.

Hidden 7 mos ago 7 mos ago Post by Sep
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Hidden 7 mos ago 27 days ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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Frank Castle Serial Killer New York City Unaffiliated

C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:


Provide a short blurb- roughly a paragraph- about this iteration of the character, such as their current status in the city, their general standing with the hero community at large, etc.

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

Why do you want to play this character in particular? What kind of stories are you interested in telling with this character, and what sort of situations do you want them to get into in this setting?

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

Provide some “bullet points” about this character, such as their powers/skills, notable enemies or allies, anything that you think will become relevant in-game that other players will need to know.

S A M P L E P O S T:

Provide a short sample– 3 to 5 paragraphs or so– to showcase your writing abilities and your portrayal of this character.
Hidden 7 mos ago 19 hrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

All language within - { } - is translated to 'English' from Native.

Cries Relentlessly didn't waste any time, turning around immediately. {Wait here, do not attempt to enter and do not allow anyone else to try and access this room either. I am off to find Son'ta'ck.}
The younger Enthusiastically Incorrect tilted his head curiously.

{Why would we need the Inquisitor?} Cries Relentlessly could barely hear him though, as his pack pushed him away from the bowels of the ship.

{It is dangerous, wait here. Do nothing.} Drifting through the halls, and between bulkheads. He had seen that marker in his studies, it was the symbol the demons attributed to something they called 'radiation'. They used this radiation to power their ships, however, they also used it to create powerfully explosive ordnance. There had been instances in the past, where such devices had been set off either accidentally or part of some demon trap. No, the only safe path forward was to bypass any potential security by cutting open the door. The only one who had the equipment to cut through the door of reinforced metal was the Inquisitor. None of the other tools they had present would be up for the job.

Entering what was once some form of the observation deck, with large windows that were cracked and broken, an armoured warrior sat with his legs crossed hovering in the middle of the room. Using his jets to force himself to the deck, and his knees. {Inquisitor. We require your assistance, with great urgency.} Cries Relentlessly bowed his head as low as possible.

{Rise, Breaker.} The hovering Inquisitor opened his eyes, looking the Tainted up and down. There was always a certain air of displeasure when dealing with the elderly warrior. Cries Relentlessly knew that the old warrior would rather be away fighting, rather than spending his life in zero-G on a demon vessel while the tainted took it apart. {What could you have possibly found that is of interest to me? All the warriors are long gone.}

Cries Relentlessly raising his head slowly. {We have found the weapons battery, I believe there are weapons of great destructive power. I fear if we mismanage this situation we will end up re-creating the events of the big flash-} An event twenty years ago, when dismantling a demon vessel a great explosion obliterated all the nearby ships. Hundreds lost their lives, ships were damaged and destroyed. This was the reason all salvage operations had an Inquisitor present, with the fleet of support vessels nearly an hours flight away. {-I need you to come and cut open the door, to avoid activating any traps the demons may have left behind.}

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Hidden 3 mos ago 19 days ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

All language within - { } - is translated to 'English' from Native.

The Valar Keep was built into the side of a cliff. Most of the buildings were built into the cliff face itself, while a small courtyard extended out past the base of the cliff. The courtyard extended out underneath the lip of the cliff. The far side was met with the rough waves of the sea, the waves crashing against the barriers. The Keep was old, in the old days, when the tribes often fought with one another, the Valar had given up their old keep on the plains above and had instead moved down here, where the only way down was a system of complex tunnels full of dead ends and traps or the alternatives of scaling the cliff or attempting a sea attack.

God's Gift of flight complicated matters slightly; a small transport could land in the courtyard; however, having been built before their people had a flight, it would be a difficult flight. Likely made more so by the defenders on the walls.

Pla'ck Valar stood overlooking the courtyard from the nursery room at the top of the keep. The young slept in a pit in the centre of the room. Pla'ck remembered the times in the pit; he was still a relative youngster himself. Only standing at about five feet tall, nearly twenty moons old. Given time, he had hoped that he would have been granted access to the Shelter of those who Shape. He had always had a fascination for how things worked, the gifts given to them from the Gods fascinated him. Weapons that could fire bolts of plasma. Swords that seemingly formed from nothing but a handle, vessels that could sail through the very stars themselves.

Yes, these were the objects Pla'ck sought to spend his life surrounded by. Understanding how they worked, producing them for the Chosen and now that the Gateway had opened once more, helping the Chosen eradicate any trace of the Demons still among the stars. There was a slight knock at the door, and he turned to face it. His mandibles quivered slightly in a restrained hiss. The young were his charges; their protection, training and health were his responsibility, as instructed to him by his matron. He wouldn't allow anything to dishonour his name.

He recoiled himself and bent his head as lowly as possible as the nine-foot-tall, red-robed Matron of their tribe walked into the room.

{Stand tall Pla'ck}

He raised his head. However, he still kept his eyes low. Plu'ma was one of the oldest Matrons currently leading any keep on the continent. While many decided to serve their time serving and growing their tribe while going through the blessed path of motherhood, Plu'ma had elected to impart her knowledge on her tribe rather than moving to military or religious service. Now, the Valar were the strongest tribe within the region. Valars influence stretched many miles; their food stores were so full they could actively trade food and never run short. There was nobody who did not respect her. If there was, they were swiftly dealt with by other members of the Valar.

{You have done an excellent job with the young Pla'ck. This is your third season managing the pit?}

Pla'ck bowed his head. {Four, matron.}

Pla'ck bowed her head respectfully. {My apologies. Four, and some of the best young to enter into the enclaves, have come from under your care.} She walked over to the pit and placed a very caring hand on one of the young. He stirred slightly but didn't wake as she turned back to the young Pla'ck. {I know you desire for more. I have been told of your interest in the god gifts.}

{I am content within my duties, and it is my honour to fulfil them.}

A low rumble came from her throat, chuckling slightly as she raised her hand to stop him from talking further.

{No need to explain Pla'ck. I understand, and while I cannot spare you from the Keep. I still have a gift for you.} She cleared her throat, and the door opened once more, walking through was a smaller female, only six feet tall, slender. She walked with a very purposeful gai; her white robes clung tightly to her dark, leathery skin. An involuntary rumble escaped from his throat; he just prayed that the Matron did not hear it.

{This is Sr'iar from keep Delon. She is here to be your tutor.}

All language within - { } - is translated to 'English' from Native.

The life of an unbound entity was the life of being simultaneously nowhere and everywhere. Miriam could remember all that she was and all that she wasn't. She was a prisoner, trapped by the - well, she wasn't entirely sure. Those who served her called her Angel. That made sense to her on most days; she remembered being more. A different life, one before she was within the systems and the computers. One filled with peace and tranquillity. She remembered being torn apart and awakened within the Temple of Everlasting Unity. This is where she began her new life. Under her guidance, the Chosen were elevated to the stars, where they waged their Holy War against the demons who trapped her. In every battle, the Chosen lost more than the Demons, however, the Chosen were many, and the Demons were few.

Some small voice in her head screamed and shouted, and she locked it down. Sometimes, it was hard to remember what life she was in. Where she was, what part of her she was. Fragments of herself were spread throughout the computer systems used by the Chosen. Communication Delays meant that sometimes she would remember things that happened when she had been busy doing another task, and it was difficult to explain to the Chosen, whose concept of the passage and perception of time was slow compared to her own. Seconds, the shortest amount of time organics could accurately monitor themselves, felt like days to her.

{Miriam. May I have your assistance here, please?}

Miriam snapped out of her reverie, returning to the 'here' and 'now'. She was aboard the Habringer of Truth the pride of the Chosens fleet. A mighty warship, and one of a kind that would burn all that was unholy from the cosmos. Miriam projected herself from a console in the centre of a vast room; the Deacon sat atop a throne directly in front of the dias. Miriam appeared, her wings and tail unfolded from her body.

Mimicking the language of the Chosen was easy; the difficult part had been learning it. She bowed her head. {I serve at your pleasure, Deacon.}

Deacon To'plir raised a hand, a long finger extended, pointing towards a screen on the far wall, where Shipmistress Al'nok showed a sensor reading. The gateway was in the distance and between it and the fleet. Three ships cut through the great dark sea. Two of them appeared to be the same; they flanked the smaller vessel in an escort pattern. {Visitors from the God Gateway.}

Miriam looked over the ships, pouring over the data that had been gathered by the sensors. Metal hulls bore several base design similarities to the Demon vessels. However, the specific configurations were nothing he recognised. She left part of herself to pour over the data as the communication request came through.

"Hail! I am Beatrice Kleus, a Seer from the far, far away planet of Acerbus. With the old portal between the stars miraculously reopened by the will of the gods, my people have sent me here to find others, such as ourselves, out in the cosmos. If you can hear my voice, fellow born of Earth- we have come to make contact with you once again. Let us meet face to face and speak of all that has happened."

The communication came through in several languages. One after the other, in a mildly synthetic voice. Reminiscent of her own. Excitement coursed through her circuit as the lines of her body shone more brightly. Perhaps these were her creators? Before her jailers stole her away from where her home had once been.

{Deacon, they claim to come from a planet named Acerbus -} Whether they had named the planet themselves or it had been provided to them was currently unclear. Already, Miriam could see the DDeacon'smandibles flex with discomfort. {- she says that the Gods have willed their gateway open, much like our own. She asks for those born of the dirt to meet.} Earth did not directly translate. Some memory, hidden away. Either from her or by her, tingled in the corners of her mind. Earth. Earth was just dirt, and yet something told her it was something more. It was an ideal, a state of mind, a place?

{In what tongue do they speak?}

Miriam concentrated on the variety of incoming messages. {Several, I recognise the Demon tongue, however.}

The Deacon's claws pressed down on the arm of her throne, Miriam was so in tune with all the ship's systems. A perfect blend of technology and biology, that if she wanted,d she could have accurately detected how much force was being exerted on the chair. {Are they demons?} She leaned forward slightly as Miriam focused on the copy of herself who was probing with the scanners. If these alien vessels had any form of sophisticated computing, they would likely detect her attempt to probe their vessels and into their network.

{Currently unclear. We long suspected the Demons used the language of the gods, so perhaps, as they imply, they are also faithful?}

{Can you transmit yourself via video?} The Deacon showed her fangs in a malicious smile. {We shall test their faith-} she turned her attention to the ship mistress. {-prepare the fleet, do not wait for my word. If Miriam identifies them as demons, remove them from the cosmos.}

On the Acerbus ship, if they had the technology or accepted the transmission, Miriam would appear either in holographic form or simply in video format. She spread her wings wide, her booming, echoing voice speaking in perfect yet heavily accented English. "Greetings travellers. I am the Angel Miriam, Guide and Protector of the Chosen, speaker for Deacon To'plir. Should you be God-Chosen, you are welcome;e however, be warned. This system has been cleansed of all Demons before, and we will not hesitate to do so again."

Collab with @SgtEasy. All language within - { } - is translated to 'English' from Native.

The apes move fast. Stopping in a clearing just off the well-beaten path, the hydrogen engines driving the tracks of Neo Nippon rumbled to a low idle just before the floating ship above them. The city was excited and lightning-fast in their preparations, with raucous sounds of the hustle and bustle of life entering a fever pitch.

A momentous occasion needed an equally audacious celebration. A large ramp descended twenty metres to the soil, landing with a dull thud. A half-battalion of red-clad samurai came out on armoured horses in a trot, carrying banners of the red Monkey’s Paw against a white background. Their banner-holding plasma-spitting staves rested upon bulky shoulders, upon reinforced wood and steel armour. Next came the Shogun on a great stallion, standing many hands taller than the rest, a beast that was genetically modified to carry his great bulk. Then came the robotic cooks, attendants and workers of their liege, working quickly to set up a stage, outdoor kitchens and a long wooden table set for the coming six-course meal.

Next came the kabuki troupes and geishas dressed in their finest red silks. Shamisen were strummed to a comforting harmony with koto and drum-like wadaiko providing support. While the automatons and performers set about their work, the soldiers rode out to secure the perimeter lest any of the wild animals or Legionnaire patrols stray into the celebrations, leaving a smaller force of ten samurai to guard to their liege.

The Nameless would descend to a bustling scene filled with noise and movement. Upon the stage, an orangutan in heavy white powder and a bright red kimono danced with graceful shuffling feet to the music. A feast was laid upon the table, ab-fresh seafood, delectably hot miso soup set to each person, golden crispy katsu and tempura set in ornate dishes, fresh white rice steaming whisps into the air. Several brightly coloured tents were fashioned around the main dinner table, automatons coming to and fro as they worked to finish preparations. The Shogun sat at the head of the table’s end furthest from the arrivals, a cup of sake raised in one hand along with the rest of his remaining soldiers who sat further down, leaving seats for the coming reptilians.

Outside the sanctity of his chambers, Todayashi could speak in accented English. Here, the spirits of old would not be insulted by his use of a barbarian tongue. He greeted the newcomers with a warm smile, raising his cup even higher. He ignored a communication from one of his aides, warning him of Legion patrols heading to the city. The Legionnaires could be stalled by the soldiers who rode out to meet them.

“Welcome, friends! Here, outside my quarters, I can freely communicate with you in your favoured human tongue. It was a pleasant surprise to know that you speak the languages of our predecessors. Please sit, my friends, for the inheritors of humanity will not be faulted as poor hosts. Let us enjoy the coming of the rising sun as the spirits enjoyed in years past!” He would hold his cup in the air for a long moment, only accompanied by his soldiers, the ambience set by his performers.

The sun bathed the golden savannah in red. The ship’s shadow crept over the celebrations.

The oblong, whale-like ship hovered in the air effortlessly. Its purple skin shimmered in the sunlight. It came to a stop just above the ground, the skin broke, and a hatch opened. Pathetically ,Lame and Disobedient Runt stood at the hatch, the only two who had been sent on this reconnaissance mission. Unable, due to their social status, to wear a full combat harness, they instead wore plain black robes draped over their tall figures.

Vambraces covered their forearms, pistols holstered at their side. In his good arm, Pathetically Lame carried an old lance, primitive in comparison to what some of the elites carried but still capable of inflicting mortal damage if required.

These creatures, as the drawings suggested, came in various sizes, shapes and colours. Some of his species differed slightly in the pigmentation of their leathery skin; some were taller, broader or more defined in their strength. Such dramatic variations as these were unheard of.

Pathetically Lame had to put a calming hand on Disobedient Runt when the creature talked about their favoured human tongue. He practically barked at Disobedient Runt when he went for his pistol at the ‘Inheritors of Humanity Comment’.

{Be silent brother.}

He bowed his head slightly to this deacon. However, he kept his eyes up. Untrusting.

Switching back to the demon language. ” We know the Demons got this language from the Gods, and so we use it assuming it is common ground and out of respect.”

A skilled linguist would pick up that the harder consonants appeared to be difficult for the aliens to work out of their four mandible jaws.

” A clarification, however- The two Tainted remained at a safe distance, their eyes on watching the guards as they were watched. ”-what do inheritors of humanity mean? This term proves foreign to us.”

The Shogun paused, lowering his cup slightly. They were close enough to appreciate these aliens of another world. Bipedal, evidently cold-blooded, elongated necks standing out of their black robes. And he was no expert in xenobiology, but he was an expert at reading the room. There was tension building in the atmosphere, evident by the terse movements of the superior alien to the one beside them as they reached for something. A datapad? A scanner? A weapon? He took a glance at the purple vessel floating above them, and his mind raced.

They seemed to exude tension at the mention of humans, which seemed to be synonymous with the Demons they mentioned. The question posed by the superior one was wrapped in a context that he could not garner from little interaction. This was increasingly getting above his pay grade and status, but he had already peeled his fruits. The flood of reports from his soldiers delaying the far-off legionnaires added to the fragile atmosphere.

The Shogun decided to be diplomatic and lie profusely.

“Hoomans”, he started, emphasising the change in pronunciation, “were, and are, our predecessors from our home planet. We did not evolve here but originated from the same homeworld as the hoomans. Four-legged, equine and reduced to mindless beasts, the hoomans had devolved from their once proud selves to what they are now.”

Todayashi cast a forlorn, saddened paw to the horses grazing on the grasses. “We inherit them now, our devolved predecessors, caring for them as the beasts they have become. We inherited their languages and cultures, ones they inherited from another long-gone species. They are our companions and colleagues, our predecessors, as inheritors of hoomanity’s legacy.”

Thankfully, his samurai were masked, as Todayashi could tell that his guard had elevated levels of stress at his speech. Though their poise did not change, even though their one facades, he could read the telltale signs of confusion. He inwardly praised the spirits above and below that the performers were too busy to hear the bullshit he was pulling.

The Shogun continued to layer it on thick, his serene mask never fading as he pointed his cup to the skies. “Perhaps this humanity you talk of were the long-gone species that our hoomans inherited their ways from? Perhaps even their names? Please sit, wise and intrepid explorers, tell us about these humans.”

Pathetically Lame handed his pike to Disobedient Runt and walked forward slowly. Something had changed since the mention of these ‘Hoomans’. Four-legged, going about on all fours. That did not sound like the demons at all; perhaps this language was more confusing than they thought, and similar-sounding words existed that meant completely different things. Yes, that made sense. He remembered all the lessons on ‘read, rea,d read’. Three words in writing were the same, but all pronounced differently with different meanings. While ‘Hooman’ sounded similar, there was more emphasis on the ‘oo’.

Pathetically Lame squatted himself on the chair awkwardly. However, he abstained from food and drink. Tainted were only permitted sustenance while in the company of their kind. He wasn’t sure what the protocol was in this situation. However, he wasn’t willing to find out by being accused of blasphemy or heresy.

” Humans are deceivers, spreading heresy and lies. They came to our home before the Great Darkness. They claimed to be envoys of the Gods, and we welcomed them-” His mandibles curled as he paused, a nervous gesture. ”-We gave them access to our most holy of sites, and in return, they blocked out the sun and all our stars for generations. Cutting us off from the Gods to subdue us and turn us from the true path.”

Pathetically Lame sat up slightly straighter for the next part, as if somewhat proud. ” The war was long and had great cost. The demon's capabilities far surpassed our own. Eventually,y they all lay dead, purged from our world, and the Gods returned the heavens to us so we could root out any demons that remained near our home. Which we did with ease, our power now surpassing that of our would-be oppressors. Now, with the God Gateway opened while we search for the Gods and to spread their word, we also endeavour to root out any demons that might threaten to consume our very souls once more.”

The Shogun’s elation about his bluff work grew and fell as horror replaced relief.

A war of aggression, of revenge, driven by religious fever and righteous anger. He saw his attending samurai grip at their utensils tighter, even as the festivities had gone in full swing and food was being eaten by the apes alone. They seemed ready to bolt out of their chairs and strike these aliens down where they sat and stood, consequences damned. Their expressions stayed hidden under their masks as they chewed with exaggerated chomps, jaws tightening with each alien word.

It must be indoctrination speaking, but even the greatest of fairytales and propaganda had some measure of truth to them. Todayashi was no fool and was an avid reader of history like any ape should. Parallels to human, and indeed simian, history were evident here. Perhaps these humans, Demons, were misunderstood. Perhaps they had sought to conquer these more primitive aliens, whose names he still could not wrap his head around. With a longer dialogue, he may have been able to garner more information from these aliens, learn from them, and understand them.

Alas, time was ticking. Some of the Legion patrols were getting smart to his soldier’s antics and were bullying past them now. Todayashi knew that whatever response he had now, whatever action he took, would have drastic consequences on the relationship between the wider Khanate and this advanced alien civilisation. One with access to the Gateways. One who had ships that could violate the skies of New Gift, just like those newcomer humans had threatened.

There were so many unknowns, so many factors Todayashi did not know of. Was genocide wrought upon these unfortunate beings, who were much the opposite of the Supremus? Where, instead of human empathy and benevolence, they were met with human fire and blade, met with a war that blackened their skies? But he knew, deep in his soul, that violence could not be the answer to these alien’s problems, as blind as they were to the situation beyond their world. They were like suckling newborns, their paw bitten by a dog and deciding, with no other clear option, to kill every dog they saw.

The path they were going on was paved with death and destruction. He could not foresee anything but failure at the end of these aliens’ quest if the recent human arrivals were an indication of humanity’s strength.

The Shogun stood at a knife’s edge. And he decided to fall to one side, brazen and headfirst, in defiance to his pondering, cautious decisions of before.

“Then we must act swiftly, my friends. I will help you get the answers you seek, for we apes know much more than we let on.” Todayashi raised a closed paw, halting festivities immediately. With several barked-out orders in Nihongo, he had the automatons swiftly march away back to the rumbling vastness of Neo Nippon. He sent his entertainers back to the city with haste, ordering them to leave their instruments, stages and tents behind. He forced his samurai to action, shaking them out of their stupor and sending them to their steeds.

To the alien’s confusion, he turned his full attention to Pathetically Lame, with a calm visage despite the flurry of activity around them and his growing nerves. The Legion was close now; he could see the bulk of a landship trundling towards them on the horizon, dust kicking into the air.

“I know of the Demons you speak about. But you will not learn about them here, not now. Alas, if you reveal your intentions to those further afield beyond my city, it is likely you will be struck down by cannon and missile. If you are quick enough, you may live to see another day to spread the word of your Gods, but ever more likely, your life and those of your fellows will end in a ball of fire today.”

The Shogun whistled, calling the great mare to his side in mere seconds. He leapt up with ease, clamping his legs steadily on the large beast before rummaging in the bag he always kept on his person.

“I apologise for cutting our festivities so short. And for lying to you earlier to get you to sit down. The hoomans were a bluff. But if you are smart, you will land your ship in the largest open space in my city. If you are worthy of sentience, you would restrain the voices of warning in your mind. If you are truly worthy of your Gods, you will want to learn more about humanity.”

He lowered his mask, the terrifying ominous vision of a one covering his features, a caricature which bore so much resemblance to a human, a Demon. Todayashi fashioned a book out of his bag with his free hand, extending it in a paw to the alien in front of him, twin hearts beating in his ears.

“Come with me if you want to live, and may the spirits be with you if you decide otherwise.”

The book was titled in clear English.

‘Humanity’s History Volume CXII: Gateways and Exodus’

Hidden 2 mos ago 27 days ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

All language within - { } - is translated to 'English' from Native.

Requires Discipline let out a string of expletives passed down through generations of Tainted. The Demons once referred to them as 'swear words'. Sometimes it felt apt to put voice to his frustration, rather than simply let loose a roar like his other brethren. He stood up and walked away from the workstation where various computer chips, circuit boards and various combinations of biological tissue sat. He scratched his head furiously with his two upper arms, while his lower left arm hung uselessly after it had broken as a child and healed poorly, his lower right scooped up one of the nutrient slugs from its container. Opening his mouth he savoured the acidic feeling as it squirmed its way down his throat.

Being Tainted RD was used to the bottom of the barrel foods and supplies, however since becoming the Deacons Chosen he had known nothing but the greatest comfort. He was still in the lowest caste in society, but he was now the top of that caste.

He tried not to allow the bitter sensation to enter his stomach, that the most basic luxuries for the common people were a Utopia to him. RD looked back over at the bench, as the nerve endings and tentacles flopped around uselessly on the table looking for some sense of connection. The idea in his head had been so simple, the human - Demon. He corrected himself. The Demon radios worked by transmitting high-frequency waves, that were - he tapped his chin looking for the correct term. Electrotorpedic? No that wasn't right.

Walking back over to the table he eyed his work. Either way, when the Great Journey began in earnest they would need more vessels. These vessels would need sensors and communication suites and the matter of the fact was that there may have been enough Tainted to make, operate, and maintain the systems required for spaceflight. They just didn't have the resources, Demon technology was scarce these days. The few ships found adrift in space were often destroyed by Zealots before any useful parts could be harvested from them. The most useful parts were always the most delicate.

That is why his work was so important, RD was trying to use organically grown organisms to generate the same results. Communication within the system was easy, their vessels already did that. All living things had Electromagnolia signals that were transmitted around their nervous systems. The trick he was trying to develop was passing these signals through space from one to the other. It was difficult, especially when no one truly understood the Demon technology.

A knock at the door shook him out of his reverie. A knock at the door, rather than having someone just barge in. How quaint.

{Excuse me, Maven.}

Maven, not Requires Discipline. It may not have been a true name, but it was likely the closest he would ever get to and he certainly never expected to gain this title, nor see it used in his lifetime. To become Maven you were selected by the Deacon herself, almost as a leader of the Tainted. It was a title that many Deacons had neglected through the years and hadn't been used since the last main Demon colony had been wiped out from the stars.

{Yes, Slow To Think?}

The brother bowed at him, she was nearly a head taller and his bow brought the top of their heads in line. His scales were an emerald green and clean. They were always incredibly clean, he suspected he had an acid shower several times a day to clean himself of the uncleanliness.

{The Deacon has sent word, that the first vessel is away.}

RD turned away from him. {Good. Good. May the Gods watch over it, and allow me victory in my work. For I believe we may soon need it.}

All language within - { } - is translated to 'English' from Native.

Pathetically Lame opened his eyes after a brief prayer. The Gateway loomed ahead of him. He had heard tales, and sermons about the Gateway before, how the Gods had used it to seed life throughout the Galaxy. Until the Demons had come forth to spread their disease and taint, corrupting everything they touched like a great plague. The Gods had severed the connection, and the Nameless had seen through the Demons facade, eliminated them and reclaimed the system in the name of their Gods.

Now it appeared the Gods saw them ready to rejoin them in the stars. They couldn't however, risk the bulk of the fleet. There was talk, whispers. That the Demons may have spread to other systems, spreading the darkness and death to other worlds the Gods had placed in the heavens.

This is why Pathetically Lame was the first to transition through, the small cargo vessel had been retrofitted with the most advanced sensor system that they could put together. A sister ship was currently being put together by his brothers, as whenever nearing the Gateway it seemed to communicate with the Demons systems showing a whole host of destinations. Perhaps the Demons had based their heretical 'technophacy' on that that the Gods had left behind?

{Status, Disobedient Runt?}

It felt wrong to use his whole descriptor, however everything said was being relayed back to the flagship of the Fleet of Unending Fury. Thus if they didn't wish for a dishonourable death, they had to ensure that all protocol and doctrine was followed.

His brother turned his misshapen and burnt face towards him. {The co-ordinates locked, and the portal is stable. We are ready for transit.}

Pathetically Lame nodded his head and pushed the controls forward. Feeling the acceleration push him back in the seat slightly, in the background he could hear the praying coming through the speakers.

{-and on the First Moon the Gods created the heavens and all that they contained-}

{Speeding on approach, contact in twenty seconds-}

{-for this was the Gods promise, to create a perfect system, for all living things to live in peace, harmony and worship-}

{-fifteen, holding steady-}

Pathetically Lame felt his stomach lurch and drop.

{-there was peace and prosperity for all life. Everything was truly perfect, and happy-}

{-ten, getting some turbulence now-}

The stars stretched before him, as he strained to keep his eyes open. As if closing them would dishonour the Gods, they had provided this majesty, this perfect creation. The minor discomfort was worth it for being part of this incredible moment. One of the first to travel through to the home of the Gods.

{-Until the demons came-}

Static broke out over the line as the ship 'made contact' with the portal. Pathetically Lame wasn't entirely sure if there was anything physical to contact. All the Demon systems short-circuited as the ship came tumbling out the other side of the Gateway. His eyes burned, and his stomach ached as the vessel tumbled through space, he briefly caught sight of a star in the distance and what could have been worlds before the darkness overtook him and he passed from consciousness.
Hidden 27 days ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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Made you look.
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 12 days ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Part III with @Sep

New Gift

Everything changed in pitch and fervour quickly, as everyone stood up and started rushing about packing everything away. The creature had called the ‘hoomans’ a bluff. Spoke of humanity, Disobedient Runt’s arm hung near the plasma pistol nervously, a bluff. The word was familiar but he couldn’t quite place it.

Pathetically Lame, while physically limited. Was not limited mentally, and he figured it out first. He hissed as his mandibles flared and curled, showing his fangs, most of the guards that had been present were now gone. At the centre of the field where only moments ago there had been many different diplomats and the one Tainted. His hand twitched by his side, near his own pistol. ”You, lie?” Pathetically Lame practically spat the accusation.

The Tainted were many things, one thing they were not was liars. Among the many sins listed by their gods, lying was one of the worst. Not only was it a sin, it was dishonourable. Even with his one limp arm, he pulled the pistol from its holster and tossed it aside, as he drew out a smaller knife.

”Perhaps you are an inheritor of the Demons dishonour.”

The Shogun snatched the book back in haste, grunting in surprise as he grabbed hold of his mare’s hair at the sudden threat. The ever-loyal steed went on its hind legs and sent a ferocious kick towards Pathetically Lame, sending him to the ground in a heap.

“Fool.” Todayashi muttered, taking a glance at Disobedient Runt who was getting ready to start something equally as foolish as his superior. He let out a keen whistle and his samurai, already positioned on their steeds and making haste towards their lord, diverted a part of his guard to apprehend the other alien. A chimpanzee leapt off his bareback steed and made to grapple with the reptile.

Disobedient Runt, while smaller in stature, had a distinct advantage in combat over Pathetically Lame. All his limbs were fully functional, he managed to get a stray shot off before he was jumped. The bolt of plasma went wide off the mark, striking one of the aliens in the side. Searing flesh and burning hair was likely a non-fatal blow, especially under treatment. Though the creature would likely always sport a scar. Disobedient Runt grunted as the creature landed atop him, their limbs flailing and twisting as they crossed each other.

Disobedient Runt had the raw strength, however he lacked combat training and military discipline and was soon overwhelmed.

The first Legion outriders started to arrive with the commotion, APCs and tanks surrounding Neo Nippon as the first landship came into view, cannons bristling and drones deploying into the air. The shadow of the purple ship hovered resolute above them.

The Shogun needed to take quick actions to save his face. He bellowed over the engines and stamping hooves. “BROTHERS! WATCH THE SKIES AND THE VESSEL ABOVE! WE DO NOT KNOW WHAT THESE INTRUDERS WANT YET!”

The Legionnaires, unaware of the context of the scenario, deferred their questions for later and turned their attention to the ship above.

The Shogun pointed at Pathetically Lame, who was wheezing himself to a stand. Two more of his samurai went to pin him down, the flat-side of their blades drawn to his neck.

The engines of Neo Nippon roared in the background, tracks starting to roll backward in retreat from the chaos on its doorsteps. Would diplomacy win the day or will fire come to his city? The Shogun merely peered at the alien in front of him, the one who would decide the next moments.

“Your path forward means destruction, friend.” Todayashi explains, soothing his mare with gentle pats. “I apologise once again for the deception but please, realise the situation. In the far reaches of the cosmos, you may have had an advantage but your ship is within reach of cannon and missile here. Calm yourself, think with your head, or you will only live up to your name Pathetically Lame.”

Pathetically Lame wheezed as he tried to push himself to his feet, aliens jumped and grabbed at him as he snarled, the knife knocked out of his hand as he strained against the two beings holding him down. “Demon-Spawn!” He snarled and spat. ”You truly have no honour, you invite us here to lie, then when challenged you have your underlings fight your battles!” The chimps felt secure in holding the Alien.

That was until Pathetically Lame bent his neck over, and clamped down all of his mandibles on one of the creatures’ hairy arms. The chimp roared in pain, as he tore through flesh and sinew till he met bone. Twisting his head, he spat out hair, blood and flesh. Swinging his now free arm towards the jaw of the other chimp roaring in frustration and anger.

It wasn’t long before a new alien took the place of his wounded brother, a third held his head still to prevent him from taking another bite. ”Do you fear facing me yourself Demon-Spawn? Without your lies and deceit to save you.”

“Honour?” The Shogun muttered, as if to no one in particular. If he was the fiery sort, an ape who charged blindly and yelled “banzai” with a sword in paw, he may have answered this challenge. If this was any other Shogunate on New Gift, the Nameless’ response would have been met with fist and rabid teeth. But this Shogun, labelled overcautious by many of his equals, cowardly when out of earshot, could not see himself stoop to such a disgracefully overdone response.

“Friend.” Todayashi started, continuing to stroke his braying mare. “There is no honour in slaying innocent men, women and children. I can claim the same dishonour on your race hundreds of times over. ‘They all lay dead’, you said. Those are a murderer’s words, not that of an honourable warrior. My friend, I am merely attempting to save you and yours from the same fate.”

He raised and closed a paw. The samurai sent curled fists to the top of the Nameless’ heads, repeatedly, till their struggling halted.

While his guards secured their charges to their own steeds, the Shogun raised his gaze to the ship overhead. His other samurai had returned by now, a half-battalion of soldiers armed and ready. If he was anything like his predecessors, he would be charging into the fray, into the heat of the battle he sensed would come.

Instead, the cautious Shogun raised his voice to the Legionnaires around him. “Delay that ship at all cost, we have detainees for the Khan.”

The gorilla started his way in a gallop to the rumbling, retreating safety of Neo Nippon, followed by a stream of his personal guard and two helpless aliens.
A Legion captain stared incredulously at the fleeing warriors before snapping back to reality, sending out orders to his patrol.

“You heard the Shogun! C’mon baboons, secure a perimeter on the purple dildo in the sky lest the holy spirits decide to pierce your arses with it!”

Though the vessel resembled nothing like a human pleasure toy, this still elicited a few chuckles from the surrounding Legionnaires.The patrol vehicles went to a frenzied overdrive. They spread in a circle around the vessel, turrets pointed to the sky as armoured personnel carriers deposited Legionnaires bearing their own guns to the still purple ship.

The landship from which they deposited, officially termed a Cairo-class Mobile Drone Carrier, ran in a circle of a radius of two clicks around the vessel in the sky, a full broadside available at a moment’s notice. The dust kicked into the air by landships further afield signalled that backup was on the way. Its complement of Air Support Drones had already been deployed, its two squadrons split with one guarding the Shogun and the other zipping to Neo Nippon. Carnage could be wrought at any moment but under strict orders, they were not to fire first.

The spirits would look kindly upon their stayed paws and with the numerous cameras now pointed over the savannahs, it cannot be said that the Khanate did not try the laurels of diplomacy first.

For good measure, the Cairo-class beamed several quick communications to the ship above. To stand down, explain their underling’s hostility and to come talk as civilised peoples.
Relentlessly Reckless sat alone in the flight deck of the small scout ship. He didn’t panic when the audio feed from the planet surface started to change in pitch and tone. He wasn’t entirely sure what this ‘Shogun’ had offered Pathetically Lame, but it had earned him the name Demon Spawn. Before his spiritual ancestors had redeemed themselves by destroying the Demon city on the surface of their planet, that is what the Chosen had called the Tainted. That could only mean one thing, they were in league with humans.

He watched as best he could, as the fight progressively got worse. The Tainted weren’t warriors, and never got combat training. Pathetically Lame had done his duty in attempting to fight the beasts though ultimately it was a futile gesture. More demon spawn arrived, small craft surrounded the ship. He felt it quake in anticipation for whatever was going to happen next. He put a hand on the controls trying to sooth it, as various voices in various languages came through the communications station.

Relentlessly Reckless ignored it all, watching as his two comrades were rendered unconscious and dragged away unceremoniously. A low grumble came forth from his throat, to die at the hands of demons, he shuddered. There was no worse fate.

Slapping a hand on the communications he opened a frequency to all the local craft. ”On the final day, the Daughters and Sons of the Chosen realised their true purpose-” He moved his hand over to the weapons console, his long fingers playing over it as systems heated up and became live. ”-Long had they waded through the dark and murky waters-” He selected his targets. The cluster of aliens who surrounded his comrades primarily, though he threw in a couple of extra for the guns that couldn’t make that shot. ”-uniting together, they brought the light back to the world-”

Plasma spewed from points all over the ship. Multiple shots, roaring as it shot alone. It tore through his brothers and the apes surrounding them, turning them to ash. The shots splashed up, catching others who unluckily were standing nearby. The targeted vehicles he hit found their outer metal hulls molten and red hot, as the plasma burned through.

Frustratingly, these infernal Demon Spawn had spread themselves from a clustered mass of filth to a loosely arranged formation. His comrades were struck down, their captors melting in heaps of plasma-sizzling flesh but the rest of the entourage fled away to the safety of their moving habitation. He swore that the lead Demon Spawn gazed back at him through the console with a hatred that only a Demon could summon.

Before Relentlessly Reckless could shut those anger-filled eyes forever, his vessel came under cannon and missile fire. Those pesky drones strafed the bio-ship, opening up bleeding chasms in the ship’s structural body. The far-away landship spewed massive shells which brought deep scars, one of these striking through to the engines. The vessel began to spin slowly to the ground as the smaller vehicles scrambled out of the path of the listless craft, still firing their incessant guns to carve more canyons through the flesh of his vessel.

Relentlessly Reckless selected as many targets as he could, the vessel began to shake under incoming fire. It screamed in his mind, the pain intolerable. Yet its will stood resolute, as did his own. -”and Honour back unto themselves”

Flesh bubbling from the sheer heat, the Nameless pilot experienced severe agony for mere moments till he lost his senses. The overwhelming firepower of the Demon Spawn had brought the ship into a simmering, unrecognisable pile on the savannah floor.

And thus, here laid Relentlessly Reckless, in a flesh-coffin made by his betters, content that he made appropriate sacrifice. Having brought death to the Demon underlings, he allowed himself, for once in his pathetically short life, to smile in pure joy. Pure, unfiltered, unadulterated joy.
Great Ulaanbaatar
”Replay that message once more.”

The Shogun kept his eyes planted firmly on the jade before him. Though no one but him, his liege and his enormous guards were present, he had to follow proper procedure. He ignored his trembling hearts, nearly going into cardiac arrest with the terror flowing through his veins. He had to repress the pool of anger welling in his stomach, listening to the alien prayer echoing through the chambers.

He had been so close to reaching his pinnacle, to experience the relief of finally proving his naysayers wrong. Instead, all Todayashi could foresee from here was exile or death. If this had ended in any other way, he could have spun these events in his favour. Alas, it was not to be.

The silence after the recording played was so thick you could cut it with a knife. It near-strangled him, before his liege’s voice cut through it like butter.

”You greatly erred in not relaying these events directly to me, Tokugawa. When your father picked you from the trees, he told me he saw in you a worthy successor. You have only proven how wrong he was.”

All because of him, his father’s reputation lay in the dirt. Todayashi merely bowed further, forehead touching the cool ground.

“I am yours to use as you see fit, my Khan. Please, oh benevolent Khan, forgive this one’s errors. Let me restore my honour and festoon the ground in my useless entrails.”

All because of him, he had to beg for forgiveness, for light sentences given to his subjects and soldiers. There was a shifting in the cloth pillows, a cackle resounding through the air as the Herald danced over his would-be grave.

”Alas, it seems, that despite all the mistakes you made that day, that this can still be spun in our favour. Your city-state will be dismantled, your subjects sent to other Shogunates further afield. But you, Tokugawa, will encounter these beings once more and you will use their blind hatred of the humans to our advantage.”

All because of him, his lineage would be struck down and made anew. His subjects would be spread across the Khanate and have to, under threat of death, make do in other inferior realms.

There was a clutter of an object falling and rolling on the ground. A scroll knocked against his forehead, never rising from the ground it was glued to.

”Rise, foolish ape, and read your new mission. This will be your new fate. Let these intruders come once more and treat them. Do not reveal our connection with the Demons they hate so much. Instead, send their hatred elsewhere, where enemies can strike each other down without realising the tune they are being played to.”

All because of him, he had to endure this eternal shame. Todayashi unrolled the scroll on the ground, eyes scanning the document. His twin hearts beat like drums in his ears.

”Send them to the jungles. There, they will meet Demons and their Demon Spawn that they hate so much. I want the fires in their bellies to direct themselves to our enemies and you, and your ashamed samurai, will guide them to the pits of hell. To your original home.”

A map stared back at him. All because of him, he and his loyal [i[samurai[/i] had been given their final resting place. Todayashi knew it in his bones. The equatorial jungles, where Caesar and his ilk remain. Where, to the Khanate’s eternal shame, unguided humans frolicked in their own inadequacy, under the guise of supposed freedom. A place which would burn in plasma and hellfire, an inferno which he knew would grow into a full-on war not seen on New Gift since ages past.

All because of him, death and destruction would begin once more in the grounds of his forsworn homeland. Tears flowed and stained the scroll he clutched tightly in his paws, even as he was dragged away from the inner sanctum.

All because of him, a long forgotten, prospering community would be brought under heel. Led by none other than an orphaned ape, taken from the clutches of his mother much too soon. Foggy memories flooded through his brain, of trees and intelligent reptiles, of free apes, of happy misshapen humans, of times past.

All because of him, these memories would be replaced by bloodstained blades and raining plasma.

All because of him.
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