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"Well I mustard-mit. Our meeting came sooner than I expected, but I relish the opportunity for you to

Previously on The Flash...

Iris' eyes widened as she looked between the yellow substance in her hand, and the maniac standing before her. "Do you mean to tell me, this is Mustard?"

The man merely laughed. "I am Soy glad you came. Defeating you will give me vinegar-cation, and help me prove I am the créme-de-la-créme."

Iris hopped up. "Oh you're going down-" He raised one of his guns, but it was too late Iris had already started moving, as he raised his weapon she dove down and ran to the left. Coming at him from below she grabbed his gun and pulled to try and take it from his hand. That's when she was hit in the gut by something solid.

She looked down and winced as she was cast backwards as the liquid pushed her away.

"Oh honey. You think that would really cut the mustard?"

Iris fought against the honey he had used to pin her to the far wall. She groaned and pulled. "Ah you bastard-"

The so-called Condiment King raised one of his eyebrows, he had holstered one of his guns, his other one was aimed at her still as he thumbed one of his controls. "Mayo I ask what you mean?"

Iris grabbed a sealed safety deposit off a nearby table, spinning on the spot she threw it at him at maximum speed. It collided with him at top speed, a grunt and a gasp escaped his lips as it came into contact with him, spinning him around. "-you already used that one!

She wiped her hands against her pants, shuddering through her entire body. "-uck- This is gross."

At that moment her earpiece buzzed. "What's going on?" Honestly, she had completely forgotten about the earpiece. She turned away to look at the mess the masked maniac had made throughout the vault.

"I was attacked by someone called the Condiment King" There was nothing but static on the other side of the line.

"The CONDIMENT KING!" Iris turned around as she heard him shout, she probably should have checked whether or not he was out for the count. He pulled a round object from his belt and tossed it towards her. "Tartar for now."

"Oh you've gotta-" Iris eyes narrowed as she turned to run away, however, the cylinder exploded sending a tsunami of sauce directly towards her covering her head to toe in mayonnaise, gherkins and capers. By the time she had cleared her eyes the Condiment King was gone. "-If this is what being a Superhero is like I am seriously going to reconsider this..."

Moving her legs to spread her centre of gravity, she pushed herself off in a pirouette spinning herself around as quickly as possible in a bid to try and clean herself of the various sauces that she had been covered in. It turns out that Looney Toons was not scientifically accurate and despite her best spin all she did was help spread the mess around the bank vault.

Sighing she ran out of the room, the goons from earlier were still incapacitated and she rushed out of the bank. A van threw up smoke as it sped away, Condiment King was hanging out the back doors. "You'll never ketchup to me!"

Iris ran around quickly between the various incapacitated CCPD officers, checking their pulse and breathing. Content that they were all alive, and merely covered in condiment, she pulled a utility knife from one of their packs as well as a pair of handcuffs. Racing after the van it took her less than a moment to catchup to the van, piercing the tyres, swinging herself around the back of the van she pulled the Condiment Kings two wrists together in the handcuffs, grabbing the bridge between them and pulling him out the van and down onto the sidewalk.

Iris heard people murmur, after she heard the photos being taken she looked down at her costume. Covered in mustard, honey, ketchup and tartar sauce. She pointed at Condiment King. "I hate you-" and with that, she was gone.
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"Because you present a challenge."

His voice quaked as he spoke through clenched fists and teeth.
"A challenge?"
Four Years Ago

The fire in the corner of the room crackled comfortably, the light flickering across the room casting shadows as the light twisted and played. Clark sat in his chair, the television was on but he wasn't really seeing it. Instead, he was staring off into space, the newscaster was going on and on about some form of meteor event that was destined for later this year.

Several explosions simultaneously went off, he couldn't tell exactly where they were but it would be easy to pinpoint and narrow in on them. They were definitely in the United States, by instinct he looked towards his suit hidden in the barn, but then he saw Jon sitting in the corner, his books spread out before him. Some form of essay based on the heroics of the Justice Society of America during World War 2. Clark's heart jumped all the way from down in his chest and lept up to his throat. Shaking off the notion.

No matter what was going on in the world it wasn't more important than what he had right here. Jon represented the future of the Kryptonian race, as the first Kryptonian-Human hybrid (without any Cadmus interference), but more importantly as Lois' son. Jon represented Clark's one remaining link to Lois. He couldn't risk that, and couldn't put Jon through losing a parent all over again. He had just gotten to a place where he seemed to be doing well in school, he had friends and was even going to go out for baseball. In the distance, there was another rumble, and this time Jon looked up.

"What's that noise?"

Clark zoned back into what was going on, his voice hollow. "An explosion, somewhere in the direction of Metropolis I would imagine."

"You should-"

"It'll be fine Jon. Connor and Kieran are more than capable of dealing with whatever it is."

"But people could need your help, you never-"

"We're not discussing this Jon. I'm staying here." Clark stood up and walked out of the room, turning before he left the room. "Finish your homework."
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A burnt child dreads the fire... Was a Human Idiom, he had gleamed it from the minds of those who held him here. Subject to tests, torture, and experimentation. He dreaded the fire, for he knew it would spread from his world to this one. It was coming, it was only a matter of time, and yet these people. This military organization... ARGUS would not listen. He had to find a way to get his message out, he had learned of these 'Superheroes' that protected this world, many of those who 'questioned' him had strong feelings on the subject.

One of them would help him, he was sure of it.

LEXCORP Facility // Gotham City Outskirts

Everything was calm and quiet in the facility, the nightshift worked quietly to ensure that the production of the newest Lex-devices was on track as per the bosses orders, deeper down in the facility rested the command and control center for all the Lex-Corp satellites in geosynchronous orbit over the United States of America, Samwell Anders had his feet up at the desk, watching the latest episode of Game of Goblets on his phone. The night shift was always boring. Nobody around, and very little activity to monitor.

There was a brief spike, for a time, but that quickly died off as the hours got later and more and more people went to bed. A faint hissing started to bug him, he put his feet down as it increased in pitch and volume. He began to frantically search for it as it started to become deafening. The last thing he felt was the heat as the explosion tore through him. The entire facility shook as explosions rocked the facility. Nobody nearby was asleep now.

STAR Labs Deep Space Labs // Ivy Town

The information coming in about the upcoming asteroid event was fascinating. The issue was that the data coming through was far too, detailed. They couldn't allow anything to spoil their plans, they had been far too long in the making. Nobody looked twice at him as he walked down the corridors, a fat, aging, and balding janitor. Pushing his cart along. He kept eying screens whenever he could, gleaming whatever information he could. They couldn't wait anymore, everything was going to come undone.

Without any pomp or ceremony, he pulled a tablet out of his trolley, and a couple of keystrokes in the bolts on several of the satellite dishes around the facility came crashing to the ground. Deeper within the facility circuitry fried, and fires started. Alarms blared throughout the facility, though every security protocol in the building failed as doors slammed shut and locked trapping everyone within the building.

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Introducing: NPC sheets. NPC sheets are a way to set up some very basic, very limited lore for characters in a way that will still allow us to interact with them without a player, but not fleshing them out fully in a way that it might put people off.

Any and all interactions with these NPCs will be catalogued and summarised if a player ever becomes interested. I feel its a way to flesh out the world without allowing for secondary characters.

Three important things to note:

1) NPCs like this can be used by anyone without needing approval from the person who makes the sheet or a GM.

2) This is not a PC. Anytime you are using one of these characters it must somehow relate/come back to your PC. If @Lord Wraith is using Doctor Fate he can't go on about the blockade of magic and the subsequent politics in the senate and the Chancellor of Magic unless it somehow relates to Hawkman.

3) NPC sheets have a week until acceptance to give prospective players plenty of time to apply. Players always take priority over NPCs. Should a player step forward they can take over an NPC at a later date.

legacy characters are still the 'property' of their parent character. I.e. if you want to use Nightwing you need to speak to @Master Bruce

Any questions on this mechanic?

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Waller swirled her drink around in her glass, eyeing the suit of armor in the far corner of the room. Eight feet off complex systems, fully enclosed helmet. She couldn't understand how the occupant was supposed to see, but then apparently that was all part of the control. "So the President informs me that your guest, is ready for his first job." She lifted the glass to her lips, allowing the bitter and cool liquid run down to swirl around her mouth before swallowing it.

The Professor pushed his glasses up his face and leaned back in his chair. "I have made significant progress thanks to the President's involvement. His workings and mine have blended together rather well."

"I have to say, I am rather skeptical of this, should you lose control-"

"I could almost guarantee that I will have far more control over my asset, than you over yours. Yours follow you because they fear you. My assets follow because that is what it is made to do."

"My assets-" The Professor waved his hand dismissively.

"I don't really care about your assets. ARGUS is antiquated and inadequate for the task at hand. My assets and I, we are the future." He chuckled slightly as he turned several technical diagrams back into Waller's view. "Cadmus only ever really produced one asset worth noting, and it is currently flying around in a red cape having been adopted by Superman. Not exactly the asset you wanted, was it?

Waller felt her grip tighten on the glass before she once again regained control of herself. "Certain failures are to be expected, it is why we have contingencies."

"A wager then, you go first. Whoever brings Superman to the President, wins."

Clark closed Jons door with a sigh, bidding him goodnight as he did so. Near enough as soon as the door had closed, he was gone. Out the building, and beneath the starry skies. Sat on top of the local water tower, he used to come here with Lana Lang back during his high school days. They spent many nights here through all the high points of their lives, and the lowest. They came here after their graduation, Clark returned here when his parents died.

He came here when the JSA disbanded, after the Atlantis Invasion. He proposed to Lois at the top of this tower, he had come here when she died. Clark sighed. He had believed that dissolving the Justice League had been the right thing to do, Bruce and Diana had agreed and they had gone their separate ways.

Things always seemed to get worse.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 1 yr ago Post by Sep
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The ship appeared in orbit of Coruscant without warning. It was instantly detected and targeted by orbital defenses and patrol vessels alike, it was swiftly dealt with. There was no panic on Coruscant. Not by the general population, the military, or even the Jedi. There was however one man who was concerned. Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine had crafted everything in the war, every piece moving perfectly according to his grand design. Minor bumps in the road were swiftly overcome, and strategies were adopted. This however was an unknown variable.

The media was spinning it as a new form of Separatist vessel, probing Coruscant's defenses and reaction times as a precursor to invasion. Palpatine knew better or believed he did. This vessel wasn't separatist. Not unless Dooku was planning to overthrow and replace him. Such a thing was unlikely but not impossible. Since the start of the war he had pushed his Apprentice further and further to the Dark Side, and power afterall did corrupt. Though as the wreckage from the ship came crashing down to the surface off the planet, the worry soon disappeared out of his mind as days turned into weeks. It continued to nag at the back of his brain, but more pressing matters gained his attention.

In an area of existence between existence itself, beings of unworldly power and knowledge met together in a place that never existed. It defied existence and completed it all at the same time, and the figure wearing the white sweater approached one in a far more intricate state of dress.

"I need your help."

"Oh?" The figure turned to face him. "You have come to me for help? That's interesting."

"You're the only one who will listen to be about this-"

"I wonder why, is it because I am a little crazy?"

"I've already spoken to who I need to speak to, I just need someone to do the transportation."

"Ahhh, there in lies the rub. The rules."

"Just because the others approve, doesn't mean they'll let me do whatever I want."

The Jedi Temple was one of the most historically significant structures in the Galaxy, a beacon of hope and justice. Today a level of unease seemed to permeate the very walls of the structure. The Jedi walked the halls going about their day-to-day lives with a shadow they just couldn't shake, no matter how hard they tried. Security ran system diagnostics, Jedi meditated on it.

A lone figure ascended the steps of the Jedi Temple. Past the protestors, approaching the Clones guarding the temple. They raised their hands to stop her, however, she continued. One of them made an effort to grab her, and with lightning efficiency and speed she broke both his wrists before kicking his shin sending him to the ground.

By this point, the rest of the squad was in motion. Stun shots rained out against her, which were quickly replaced with fully powered blaster bolts. Burn marks appeared all over her body, causing her to pause. The shots stopped as she looked down observing the marks. A silver shimmer passed over her body, as she seemingly healed herself and fixed her clothes. Looking up she screamed, and all throughout the Jedi Temple replicators burst forth.

The Force nor blasters seemed to be effective against them and while Lightsabers could destroy them they seemed to come in endless wave after wave. Throughout this chaos Sixth worked her way deeper, and deeper into the temple. For the first time in the history of the Republic, the Jedi began evacuating their temple. Their home, until she rested herself in the command and control center. Tying her into the Republic Battlenet.

Weeks passed. Codes changed. A ceasefire between the Republic and the Separatist Alliance was orchestrated, largely in part by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. All evacuation of Coruscant was halted after a single replicator was found aboard a cruiser. A single replicator that very quickly took over the entire vessel. Since then nobody has left the surface, a fleet of Venators bombards the surface around the Jedi Temple almost constantly trying to prevent the Replicator Advance while the best minds throughout the galaxy try to come up with a solution.

So when a being with power to even convince the most skeptical of Jedi, a Senator or Clone Trooper showed up and offered a team to help restore the Galaxy the Republic, reluctantly, agreed, but did they have what it took? To stop the Replicators on Coruscant once and for all?

Well, that's where the story begins, and don't tell Daniel, but I've included a special twist of my own.

Hidden 1 yr ago 4 mos ago Post by Sep
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Name of Ship: Kuun-Lan
Home Universe/Name of Franchise: The Homeworld Universe
Ship Class: The Explorer Class Deep Mining Vessel
Role: Command Ship
Physical Size (roughly): 1215m long.
Armament/Complement (roughly):
  • 6x - Large Mass Driver Turrets
  • 6x - Laser Energy Cannons
  • 1x - Siege Cannon

The Kuun-Lan is capable of building a variety of Attack, Defense and support ships.
History of the Ship: The Kuun-Lan was constructed as one of two. Kiith Somtaaw was largely destroyed during the burning of Kharak. While the second of her kind, the Kuun-Lans crew was made up of the left-overs from the crew selected for her sister ship. She gained however because the flaws and mistakes made on the Faal-Corum were fixed and resolved with the Kuun-Lan.

In the chaotic days after the Hiigarans regained their homeworld, the Kuun-Lan accidentally awoken a great enemy, known as the Beast. In the ensuing Galaxy spawning conflict the Kuun-Lan worked its way up from simple mining vessel, to a mighty warship. Uniting Hiigarans and the Taiidan Republic, when she returned to Hiigara after defeating the Beast she was respected and honoured the the other Kiith. Repaired and retrofit, when the ascended being known as Daniel Jackson approached the Daiamid to use the Kuun-Lan in another universe to fight a nanite menace similar to the Beast they voted in favour of its deployment. With a few strings attached.

Notable Crew:
Command - Rhys Somtaaw
Intelligence - Eadwine
Science Officer - A position made and filled for this specific mission, filled by Gank S'Jet.
Chief Engineer - Thak
Optional, but helpful:
Unique Technology:
  • Construction Bays - Homeworld ships can use rays to break down raw materials to be taken back to a processing ship, which can then be converted into new vessels.
  • Siege Cannon - A unique and powerful weapon, when fired the shell gets remotely detonated and creates a powerful explosion/shock wave that destroys everything within its radius short of an equally sized or larger vessel.

Faction/Operator/Owner:Kiith Somtaaw
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"This is Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the Federation Starship Stargazer. We were stranded here by an extra-dimensional being known as Q. Are you the commanding officer here, Colonel?"

Sam tried to think as best as she could for some mention of Q, extra-dimensional? Was he an ascended being? She sighed as all the vessels lumbered on, and in the background, the scanners indicated the Replicators were living up to their namesake. Thoth had appeared and went straight down to the surface and began firing its beam in an effort to help slow the Replicator's advance, at least something was going on. Teal'c was aboard the Malevolence right now and he'd start the ball rolling on their plan, hopefully, it would all come together and they could be back home before the Replicators became a serious threat.

"Captain, like yourselves we have all been brought here by a multi-dimensional being to deal with a serious threat not just to this reality but potentially more beyond, I don't know if I am necessarily in command however I have dealt with this threat before." Turning to the scan she grimaced slightly. "With your permission, this issue is very... time sensitive and we need to act before it becomes too big to deal with, I would like to transport a member of my crew over to your ship via a transport beam to tell you all we know. It would however require you to momentarily drop your shields. Unless you have some form of shuttlecraft you could send for him." She turned to Meyers. "Give him a visual."

She turned to the screen so that the camera would pick up her image. "We mean you no harm, I know the being who transported us here personally and he wouldn't want you here if you weren't willing. I promise once we're done here we'll do all we can to get you home if we're not finished."

Sam nodded to Tyrone, who walked over to a terminal. He opened a channel to the Avenger.

"Commander this is Lieutenant Colonel Franklin from the Hammond. Suit up, we got a mission for you. We'll fill you in on the details shortly once Colonel Carter is free."


Qui-Gon appeared to turn his attention towards Sinnali, an air of caution about him. "Nearly three standard months ago a ship appeared in orbit, it had no transponder, no identifying signals, and did not respond on the radio at all. It was subsequently destroyed and the debris fell into orbit and we forgot about it. A couple of weeks later they came marching on the Jedi temple-" A somber look crossed his face. "-We lost so many good Jedi in the assault. So few of us made it away. Those of us who were off-world fighting in the war were, ironically. Safe." There was more to the story, but if there was, he didn't seem ready to share.

Before Qui-Gon could continue Teal'c stepped forward.

"I apologize for this intrusion." He pulled a small handheld computer out from a pack he was carrying. He handed the device to General Sinnali. "Colonel Carter wishes to know if your ion weapon would be able to fire a blast at this frequency, it will disrupt the frequency between the individual nanite bonds-" or so he was told. "-We have the ability to make such a weapon, however, it would be quicker to utilize existing weapons."


Mitchell returned the salute, Vala positively beamed at being referred to as Agent. "Nice to meet you all, I'm Colonel Cameron Mitchell. This is Vala Mal Doran-"

She butted in. "I don't know I kind of like the sound of Agent Mal Doran."

Mitchell just sighed. "Don't make me regret bringing you." He turned his attention back to the rangers.

"We'll get some weapons sent down for you, don't worry we'll give you a quick tutorial but energy weapons aren't going to do anything here." He turned to the Mobians. "I'm not entirely sure..." He turned to Vala who just shrugged. "Do you carry weapons? You're not all children are you? I don't exactly... wish to arm children."

After their response, he turned back to the matter at hand. "Currently in orbit, we're working on a weapon that should be able to wipe out the Replicators all at once. We're sending some people into the temple to make sure we get them all."

He grimaced. "For you lovely fellows though... we need to know how deep the Replicators have penetrated into the planet surface. Up for a hike?"
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The T-6 shuttle docked with the massive vessel, twisting into its docking formation. The hatch hissed and clicked, and through it stepped the tall, long-haired Jedi. He was flanked by two Clone Troopers whose black pauldrons matched the armor he too wore over his sand-colored robes. He walked calmly passed the battle droids, indicating for the two clones to remain behind at the airlock. He didn't take pause at the dark presence of the ships master, he had already been advised as too the ships commander, he did however flinch as a burst of light revealed a man in a black outfit.

The man bowed his head to all parties present, before speaking. "Greetings, I am Teal'c and have been sent from the Hammond to be part of this discussion."

The Jedi returned the bow, trying to spread his attention evenly throughout the group. "My name is Qui-Gon Jinn, it is my pleasure to meet you all. I have been sent on behalf of the Jedi Council and the Galactic Republic to greet you all and let you know what has happened on Coruscant since the Replicators arrived, my former master will meet your people on the surface."


Dooku walked down the ramp of the Jedi shuttle on the surface of Coruscant, the bombardment continued unabated and unhindered by the presence of new ships on the surface. In the distance, the usual chaos of local air traffic was almost non-existent as while many people couldn't evacuate they had moved as far away from the threat as possible. Some had ventured deeper underground, whereas others to the opposite side of the planet.

Behind him walked a bald woman in similar robes, a lightsaber hilt on both sides of her waist. Dooku bowed his head ever so slightly at the various beings gathered, they were all... surprisingly colorful barr two. "Greetings. I am Master Dooku of the Jedi Order. I have been sent here by the Jedi Council to get you acquainted with the events that have... transpired"

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The Tokin Group

1x Marauder Class Corvette
3x Consular Class Cruisers (CW Retrofit)
1x Action VI - Retrofit as a troop transport. Currently used as the central structure on a makeshift base.
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Flames of Telos

It's a time of oppression and strife across the universe. Rebel Cells have sprung up all over the Galaxy before being squashed underneath the boots of the seemingly endless Imperial War Machine.
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There was a crack as Conors head hit the cold hard tile floor. He pulled himself up onto his feet, the shackles on his wrists clattered and bit into his flesh. He rushed to the door as it slammed closed. Running straight into it with his shoulder he groaned as the pain shocked through his entire body. "Why don't you come and have a go then?!" He yelled as he pounded against the door. He ignored the pain rocking his body. Kicking the door one final time in frustration, tears welling in his eyes as the rage boiled inside of him. "Never should have come fucking home." He turned to examine his new home. Some form of hard mat for sleeping lay in one corner, a solid steel toilet in another. No windows.

He couldn't help but notice that there was nothing to write with. He continued his scan around the room, looking straight up he saw the camera on the ceiling. Brilliant. He raised his heavy hands towards the ceiling throwing them the finger from both hands. While he did so he took a loser look at the shackles, though that might have been a misnomer. They had no chain between them and were more like bracelets. He could see several glowing runes. He reached down with his left hand and touched a sequence of runes on his upper calf, and as expected instead of the usual rush of vigor and strength pain wracked through his body. Grinding his teeth together Conor tried to stay on his feet until the pain became too much and he fell to his knees.

Julian would be proud of him for testing a theory. That was if he wasn't currently lying in a vegetative state, though to be fair if he wasn't Conor wouldn't have run the team into the ground, go home, and subsequently get captured.

A slot in the door opened revealing an eye that sent a cover down his spine. It was old and inhuman. Conor forced himself to his feet, bracing himself for whatever was about to happen. A slot in the door opened, and through it he could see a figure in shadow holding his staff. The sound that escaped Conors lips was almost as primal and guttural as it was full of pure rage as he saw his staff snap in two, before being folded over and snapped again. He ran forward to the door, stretching his hand through the hole to try and grab something. Anything.

As soon as his hand passed through the door his flesh started to burn and peel. He pulled his hand back, pulling it back to his chest and protecting it with his other one. "You bastard. You'll pay for that!"

A dark and heavy laugh echoed through his cell as the slots in the door closed once again. You're never getting out of here O'Brien. You belong to me now.


His tattered cloak billowed in the wind against the back of his knees. His clothes had seen better days, and as he had worked his way back to Chicago. It had been almost two years since he had left. Some of his smaller, less important storage units had been looted. Some had been sold on and emptied. He was a little disappointed but it wasn't a complete loss. Conor had to admit he was slightly trepidatious about this. This warehouse had his most powerful protective spells, scrolls and books, artifacts, and of course the techno-magi prison that held Elisidur Du Hex. The first mission he ever went on with Julian.

He walked up to the door, shadow crawling around him unnaturally as he did so. Placing his hand on the brick wall he stroked his hand over it in a certain pattern. The door subsequently opened off its own accord. He noticed a cigarette butt on the ground as he waited for the door to open, but thought nothing of it. As the door shimmered as it continued to open his heart sank. Books and tomes were littered all over the floor, shelves were knocked over. Glass broken.

Walking between where the aisles were he could feel the glass crunch beneath his feet. The one part of the room that seemed untouched was the vault door. Walking over to his desk he noticed a hastily written note at the centre.

My bad O'Brien.
Had to borrow a few things.
Demons didn't like that.
Owe you one.

"Fucking English Bastard."

There was only one place he could go now.
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Hidden 1 yr ago 9 mos ago Post by Sep
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Keldabe City // Mandalore // Mandalore Sector

Interacting directly with @AsdaValueMilk, in the room with @Queen Arya and @Thayr

Rorwoorr chuckled as Alanna voiced her frustration and her inability to understand him, or remember his name. People continued to come into the shop, it was busy for such a public holiday. He recognised the IG unit, and the Twi'leks face was, familiar. Though he could not place it. So it isn't only Alanna that has trouble with names. He bowed to the new comers respectfully, and moved away from the counter out of respect for Alanna and the others within the shop, electing to wait until the chipper murder droid returned from whatever errands it was running.

It wasn't long until he heard its aged, but well maintained, servos. He came in and appraised the room. Rorwoorr laughed at the mention of a 'Wookiee, a Tusken and an Inferior droid'. The Old HK unit was correct, there very likely was a joke to be had there. Alanna nudged the droid in his direction, as the Sable focused his photoreceptors on Rorwoorr he stood forward once more.

”Self-satisfaction: I do so enjoy it when I'm right. Rorwoorr, it's been quite a while, what can we do for you?”

<It has indeed been many cycles since I've been on Mandalore, but duties call me here once again. I apologise that it does so on a holiday. I was wondering if we could schedule maintenance for my Bee-One pilot droids. They appear to be having some software glitches recently. I can perform ship maintenance but I'm afraid anything non-mechanical is beyond my ability.>
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Hidden 12 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Sep
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Keldabe Administrative District // Mandalore // Mandalore Sector
Interacting with @Webboysurf

Koren was due to speak to the Manda'lor. Hapes had had contact with Mandalore. His two royal guards stood at the door amidst the various other guards. He noted one or two Jedi, from what he understood the Khaleesh was from something known as the Shadow Council. All the guards stood silently at attention, while various delegates in the room spoke to one another. He himself had had a brief conversation with Zailled Mertha from Coruscant while he waited until he moved forward to speak to the Mand'alors secretary. Koren eyed the Emperesses people. He had to admit he was intrigued by the Empire. He wasn't entirely sure what to think of them.

Then the pin dropped.

"Do not mistake my patience for ignorance, nor my hospitality for submission Empress Elara Renkar."

The behemoth of a man, though Koren wasn't sure from here if he was actually large or if his presence was just imposing, stood up and walked towards the Empress. Who, to her credit, didn't back down when she was facing down the Mand'alor. Individuals throughout the room started to file out as there was a lull in the conversation. People trying to get out, before the fight turned... bloody. He had never experienced Mandalorian culture in person, and only had his teachings at the Jedi Temple to guide him.

Koren turned his attention to his two guards as someone approached. Like him, this Kel Dor was dressed in Jedi Robes that had been made far more ornate and decorative.

As he made his way too his guards Koren sent a general nudge in his guards direction allowing the man to approach. Koren bowed his head in a move of respect.

"I will be frank, your highness... I do not believe this moment is opportune for making friends of the Mand'alor. If you are willing to heed the recommendation of a local... I would suggest a more jovial spot to oversee the Founding celebration. If you would permit my company, I have great interest in learning more about the Hapes Consortium."

Koren chuckled. "I... did pick up on that. Come, let us leave." He nodded at the reveal of the lightsaber. "Honestly when I first began to make contact with the Republic I was worried about meeting other Jedi." As the two walked out of the room, flanked by his guards he placed his hand on his own lightsaber. Out of habit, or comfort, more than anything. "It's not as if I have spent my time outside the Order living up to the Jedi Ideals." As the left the Throne Room and out into the corridor he turned back to face Ro Nuul. "I suppose, not many Jedi match the Jedi Ideals of old these days."

Koren allowed his cloak to billow around him as he stopped. His guards moving to a respectable distance, but still, within reach should things turn... sour. "So, Master Nuul. What do you wish to know?"
Hidden 12 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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Teth // Baxel Sector // Separatist Space

Interacting with Talik @Queen Arya

Vorkro swore as fire continued to rain past him, he peered around his cover, watching as the fire continued to rain against the facility's shields from his two cruisers. At the center of the compound, there was a tall spire, that looked reminiscent of a command spire. It explained a lot, whichever Separatist scientist ran this facility obviously had access to some top-level equipment. He grumbled to himself. Last time he took a job from a Mandalorian with very little intel. "Mohira!?" He shouted over the din and the fire. He flinched slightly as there was a thunk which turned out to be nothing more than her landing beside him.


"What exactly did you say was in this lab?"

"I didn't." Vorkro swung out behind cover and fired a couple of shot at approaching droids.

"Do you feel like sharing now?"

"Not really." He groaned and rolled his eyes, tapping his wrist comm before leveling his rifle, firing it as best he could with one arm.

"I want continuous fire on those shields. They can't hold indefinitely. We need to take out that artillery before we can move any closer."

Before he could reposition himself his comm flashed at an incoming message from his XO.

"Captain. Ships are friendly, patching through now." Vorkro looked at Mohira with a raised eyebrow, she merely shrugged before she once more charged head-first into the fray. Literally, when she headbutted a nearby B1 Battle droid.

"Captain Olkzar, this is Talik Gida of the Firith Tar'don. Heard you could use a hand down there, so be advised of friendlies inbound. Where do you want us?"

"You're a bit lost Miss Gida-" an explosion rocked in the background. "-Ryloth is a few sectors away. Though I won't say no to the help-" Vorkro grunted from exertion as he twisted his staff around as he heard a Battledroid approaching him round the tree. Even with the shield under constant fire these droids still seemed to be popping up as if from out of the ground. He dropped both his arms as he ducked below a clumsy lunge from another droid, swinging upwards in a left-right motion he brought the active end of the staff against a droids chest. Pushing it off its feet into a nearby clump. Ducking under another he let loose a neat cluster of blaster shots into its chest.

He could have sworn when he saw a group of droids approaching however they were soon cut down in a hail of blaster bolts. "My cruisers are laying down cover fire to the planetary north of the facility. If you swing in low to the south you may get by unaccosted and undetected."
Hidden 12 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Sep
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