Roman Egorova

Name Roman Egorova
Alias/es Roma or Romi by his family.
Gender Male
Age 17
Physical Description
Roman is not done growing or filling out into his adult body. He is a lengthy and semi-muscular individual when it comes down to it. During the years before the fall of society, he played sports, and was active which helped him after the fall of society — lean natural muscles for his age. He has paler skin which might be enhanced from his constant hiding from the undead. He is a dark brunette with curly to wavy hair. His eyes are a husky blue with gray in them. Roman stands about 6’0 at the moment and weighs roughly 150 pounds.
The young man has no tattoos or missing limbs. He does have a few scars from over the years, but they were not very distinctive. The most distinctive scar that he has hides under and along his jawline.
Family All the family that he knew he had, his parents, along with his siblings have passed for one or another reason during or after the fall of society. He is the last one of his immediate family.
Virus status susceptible
Role/occupation before and after the Fall
Before the Fall of society, Roman was an honors student, and someone that had a bright life ahead of him. His parents were Russian foreigners that obtained citizenship when he was around seven years old. His father was a medical doctor and his mother was a doctor in wildlife biology and marine sciences. He was already taking pre-college courses to follow in their footsteps.
After the Fall of society, his only mission was to help keep his family alive and make sure they all got to point B from point A, safely. He feels like he failed his parents along with his siblings because they all perished. He is currently wandering without hope.
> Top 5 student on his swim and cross country team (good stamina)
> Basic to intermediate medical knowledge
> Leadership
> Critical thinking
> Problem-solving
> Primary and secondary education in general education and biological sciences.
> Skinning, tanning, and butchering wildlife/game.
Weapon proficiencies
> Hunting rifle, grew up with his father hunting.
> Hunting knife, knows how to skin animals, tan hides, and properly butcher them.
Psychological Weaknesses and Strengths
> Chronic Nightmares from horrendous memories of his family dying and the things he had experienced after the Fall of society.
> Tremble/shaking from psychological issues, gets worse when he’s feeling pressured, anxiety, or heightened emotions in general.
> Sensitive, cares too much about others.
> Strong-willed
> Strong-minded
> Balanced way of thinking or fairness in decision making
> Communicating his emotions
> Listening to others
Chronic pains/illnesses None that he knows of.
Roman spent the first seven years of his life in Russia with his immediate and extended family. At this time, he had two older siblings, a younger sibling, and his parents as his family. His parents ended up obtaining citizenship in America where they moved to Boston, Massachusetts where both of his parents could start work.
They only lived in Boston, Massachusetts for roughly a year before moving to Seattle, Washington.
It wasn’t a very long time until they moved again, Seattle, Washington to Atlanta, Georgia.
Atlanta, Georgia to Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Colorado Springs, Colorado to San Antonio, Texas.
Over roughly six years, they moved constantly, until about eight months before the Fall of society, they were planning to establish themselves in Portland, Oregon. Everything seemed wonderful except for what was going on in the world — tension was high, school was a medical field experimental prison setup, and distancing from everyone was normal. Most of his classes were online, so he didn’t attend physical school for the most part which sucked in his mind — being the social kid he was. They still had outdoor sports so he was big into swimming and cross country.
Everything turned into chaos when the Fall of Society hit in 2020, Roman was only thirteen years old. During the initial fall, the family lost their mother and their youngest sibling. Emotions were high and loneliness was rampant in the sense of loss — a single father with six children.
Over the past four years during the fall, Roman continued to watch his siblings get sick, pass on to the next life for one or another reason, or become infected with the virus. By the end of it, it was Roman and his older brother. They had no clue what to do and his older brother gave up, practically, and stopped trying as hard.
Sadly, only a week ago, he got to watch his last family member turn to the virus. He feels like it is all his fault because if he was being more careful, they wouldn’t have been in the situation that they found themselves in, and his brother would still be here today or at least he believes that. Survivors' guilt.