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Zeroth Post

Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Vixere
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Vixere Littera scripta manet.

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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by The Savant
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The Savant Souls are the true form and I cannot see yours.

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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Vixere
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Vixere Littera scripta manet.

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@The Savant Approved!
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by BearlyAllThere
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BearlyAllThere The Crispy

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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Vixere
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Vixere Littera scripta manet.

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@BearlyAllThere Approved. He can go to characters.
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Timuir
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Timuir The Broken Hound

Member Seen 22 days ago

Death's Blade
Male he/his
6'7 350 lbs
White Hair, Purple Eyes, Egyptian skin tone, Muscular and armored
Notable physical characteristics - Wears a samurai armor suit that covers his whole body but shows his hands which are prostethic
No known Family

Worked as a mercenary who was a soldier of fortune doing any job that came across him before the fall for just about any government, earned the nickname and codename from the Interpol "Death's Blade" for mainly sneaking into areas clad in a samura suit and taking out his target with a katana by engaging them in battle, similar but more roaming after the fall, tending to go farther from the more infected areas except to scavange, he scavenges from desolate areas that still have resources but are consumed by the infected, this tends to mean better success in looting resources but at a higher risk, he knows his way to hide from the infected since he's been scavenging like this for months and had to learn it quickly

Tinkering, Mechanics, Tactics, and Weapon Manufacturing
Swords (Katanas mainly), Firearms (Mostly Rifles), and shields or bulky heavy weapons like sledgehammers

Loyal to a fault, will always complete a mission, tends to require the affection of those around him when he wants to stay with someone
Constantly has a small cough, small blood comes from this cough but it isn't major


Baldur, Mustang (Fastest horse to exist) who had been experimented on to enlongate its life with success accidently making it immortal
Loki, White Wolf with fangs that have been tinkered on by Timuir to be metal plated so they can rip through most things
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by The Savant
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The Savant Souls are the true form and I cannot see yours.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Good afternoon, @Timuir!

I noticed that the character draft sheet is not in this thread, so I will post it here, and update the zeroth post.

You definitely have some interesting concepts in your character sheet, but I would say it's a little everywhere for the setting. In this setting, we have three major categories of people:

Projects are individuals who went through the Project Genesis. You can find all the information you need about that character concept above.

Humans are individuals who are simply, human, and have no alterations to who they are.

Augmentations are individuals are people who are practically cyborgs. Extremely advanced robotic body parts.

From your above character sheet, you seem to have blended all of the categories and made a very hard-to-follow character. You seem to have put very old/traditional aspects into the character (1900s and before) when this is taking place in the current year. It is hard to understand if your character is a project or not from Genesis. If they were, they wouldn't be working for multiple governments, they would be under one, and they would have had a handler or handler(s) depending on how old they were, difficult, and so on. They were not treated like humans and did not get "proper" names or nicknames. For example, SU 2775 is known as that because he was a Soviet Union Project Genesis and that was what they referred to him as or USSR V because he was picked up as the fifth individual they took for their super soldier program during the USSR government control.

Projects were not given affection unless there were underlying variables. For example, the majority of Genesis projects were not allowed to touch others UNLESS they were killing them or protecting them. Other than that touch was bad and they would get punished for it. SW017 or known as Freya was a Genesis project by her father, a reason she is an oddity, and SU 2775 touches is because he was used as a breeding stud for the project facility he was in.

Animals were not experimented on. They would definitely not become immortal.

For augmentations, no one can have access to those unless they have been seen by Doctor Taylor (the beautiful Vixere's character) since she is the developer of that technology and so on.

As I said before, you have a lot going on in your character sheet that doesn't fit into this universe. I believe if you have a focus or want to ask questions to build a well-rounded character that would fit in this universe. You can. We will have to decline your character application currently for the above reasons.

Thank you for your interest in the thread, if you want to try and build up your character appropriately, please contact me or Vixere,
~ S
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by The Savant
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The Savant Souls are the true form and I cannot see yours.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Vixere
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Vixere Littera scripta manet.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@The Savant Approved.
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