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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by wanderingwolf
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wanderingwolf Shiny

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Threshold of Knowledge


Takulu Ot, known as Teacher Ot among the students and faculty of the Magaambya, gathers the heroes together within the darkness of early dawn in the Indigo Hall, a building dedicated to agricultural and medicinal teachings. Teacher Ot is the heroes’ sponsor and holds responsibility for this group of initiates’ presences in the Magaambya.

As you look around you, you groggily notice the others gathered around in the dim morning light: a dewy elf, a rough-but-keen-looking dwarf, a wide-eyed goblin, a seemingly calm-and-collected human, and a handsome, yawning human. The Indigo Hall is a large building with an entire wall of clear glass looking into the heart of the Magaambya campus onto its central focal point: a large pool in a wide circle, lined with magic symbols of some importance you do not yet fathom. The cool smell of night still lingers over the campus, and a slight early morning chill clings to each of you.

Teacher Ot, a wizened looking man in teal and yellow robes, addresses the group with a welcoming warmth. “Today,” he says, “begins your growth within the world. What better place than in the Indigo Hall, the building dedicated to the tradition established by the magic warrior, Ibex? Their work was the foundation of many medicines we use to this day and have since shared with the rest of Golarion in one fashion or another.” He gestures at a still, mirrorlike pool in the circular plaza and sits on one of the four curving glass-blown benches surrounding the wide, ovular pool. “Community is the cornerstone on which the Magaambya and Nantambu grow. Without our community, we have nothing and learn nothing,” he says. “Today, you join our communities—both of this city and of our school. Learn from them; I guarantee they will learn from you in kind.” Teacher Ot hands each student a seeking bracelet, a magic bracelet made of teal beads with one slightly larger burgundy bead strung among each. “We’ll have your first lesson today in my office in the Heron Archives, but before we do, I want you to meet your first community contact, the fisherwoman Alandri. Help her with whatever tasks she has this morning, then meet at my office at midday for your lesson. If you make a mess that you can’t clean up yourself, Alandri will summon me by crushing this red bead to tend to the issue." He looks at the heroes, making eye contact with each of you, "Make sure that does not happen.”

Teacher Ot begins to walk from the view of the overgrown plaza, looking behind him as if signaling to follow. “You can find Alandri at her home a mile and half northwest of here, opposite the canals near Sharrowsmith’s Exports. She’ll be expecting you before the sun finishes rising. Off you go!” The teacher makes a waving motion with his hands as he quits the company of your party, probably on to other pressing matters before the day gets underway.
End Scene


Jenk: Leaning on your pitchfork, you look at the group of the five of you, weighing whether or not five makes a mob...

Fluer: For a moment, and only a moment, you felt a flash of something after your sponsor left you among your peers: your Teacher's face mottled in distress, writhing in pain, and darkness...

Alwin: As you look up at the sky, you get an unnerving feeling. Like you could suddenly fall up forever and ever; the sky is so expansive in the nominally warm sun of Nantambu, wholly foreign from the time you spent in the bowels of Golarion...

Vasimiri: When Teacher Ot disappears, your gaze rises to the waking birds flying overhead. You remember hearing something about how sighting an odd-numbered flock in the twilight hours is a bad omen, and in the back of your mind you hear a still, small voice cry out. It could have been the birds' call, but deep down you know who it was... don't you?

Tylo: With a dawning realization, you are suddenly aware that you're actually doing this. Normally you wander, but now you've enrolled in a magical college. Could you be putting down roots? It might even cause you to shudder at the thought...

Take this time to orient yourselves. You have a moment to breathe, to greet your fellow initiates, to get your bearings in the still dark Magaambya.

Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by rush99999
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Despite his wide eyes, Jenk was still tired from the early rise. He had to be if his mind would entertain for even a moment that five is enough people to make a mob. Any mob worth its torches and pitchforks is fifty strong at the very least. Five was a fine number for an adventuring party though. And given how all of this magic school stuff felt pretty adventurous to the goblin, an adventuring party did seem appropriate for the situation.

That wasn't to say that Jenk wasn't interested in riling up an angry mob. Far from it. Setting an angry mob on some beastly villain or villainous beast was one of the top priorities on his list of things he wanted to do here. Second only to learning more magic. But in order to whip the locals into a murderous frenzy, Jenk had to get to know the locals he wished to whip into a murderous frenzy first. And meeting this community contact would be the first step in doing so.

"Mile and half northwest." Jenk said before looking to the others. "You longshankses know which way northwest? Jenk don't."
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Cleveraptor
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Cleveraptor It's Terror Time Again, Witches

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Alwin had always found being outside during the daytime somewhat unnerving. There was no roof, nothing to stop himself from being snatched up and carried off or just floating off into the sky. He knows both fears are irrational (well, being snatched up by a large, flying predator outside of the Under-Earth was unlikely, but not impossible), but they still tug at the back of his brain, the same way a child my pull on their father's beard to get his attention. Alwin's fingers unconsciously stroked the creature beside him. The groundhawk Erastil was relatively young. Perhaps the dinosaurian equivalent of a teenager. It had been showing recently too: the feathered beast had been acting up lately, ignoring commands or outright challenging Alwin's status as alpha. It sometimes had taken a quick tussle to put the young raptor in his place.

He listens to the old man speak. Community is something the dwarf understands well. Kin and clan are very important in dwarven society, and even if Alwin was an odd duck in his community, he cherishes it with all his heart. He examines the bracelet handed to him, curious. The craftsmanship was good, if different from the beads of bone and metal he was used to. Alwin nods, hearing the instructions, and puts the bracelet in his pocket.

Once Ot dismisses them, Alwin eyes the small group that had been gathered. Quite the motley crew, he thinks to himself.
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by PatientBean
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PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

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Fleur had been anxiously awaiting this moment. She had been hopeful that by joining this school she would learn and grow her magical talents. She had read her own fortune for the day and it showed promise, though nothing was ever certain. As she well knew, fate could be shifted. She felt a chill on the back of her neck, a side-effect of her pact with her patron. It was almost as if her patron was watching behind her, breathing down her spine. They were not malevolent, but chaos was not always evil.

As Teacher Ot spoke about their task, Fleur looked over her companions with some mild interest mixed with uncertainty. While she expected to work with others, the crew in front of her did not boast confidence.

With their task at hand, Teacher Ot turned to tread to wherever he was needed, but Fleur caught a glance, a shifting of his demeanor, a darkness of worry and concern.

This, too, did not boast confidence.

She was brought back when one of theirs spoke up, a goblin named Jenks. "Oh good, it speaks in the third person." Fleur felt herself grow more weary, but she would still complete the job. "I suggest we head towards those canals the teacher mentioned. Our fishwoman should be around there, I imagine."
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Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by wanderingwolf
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wanderingwolf Shiny

Member Seen 13 hrs ago



Nantambu is overwhelming. The night stars are still visible in the slowly brightening blue of dawn, but the city already bustles around the initiates in a dizzying choreography. The floral scents of the Indigo Hall give way to a peaty mildew wafting from the nearby Gonbossa canal. From deeper in the city, the sweet scent of flatbreads being prepared fills the air. As the heroes begin to leave the Magaambya grounds and step out into the greater city, they hear another student call out to them.

A grinning dwarf clad in full plate runs out from the Indigo Hall, waving. “I overheard where you’re headed. Want to race to Alandri’s stall? I’m headed in that same direction to help with Sharrowsmith. I helped Alandri a lot during my Perquisite, and I know the quickest way to get there!”

The dwarf offers a handshake to Jenk, "Name's Haibram." He explains his route to reach the stall, and before the group can fully process his directions, he’s off to the races, running ahead. Haibram yells for the heroes to follow him, "You’ll reach the stall in no time if you can keep up."

For a dwarf with short legs and clad in full plate to boot, that Haibram can run. If you're going to keep up with him, you ought to leave now... Ahead, you all see that though the dawn is coming, the streets of this bustling city have already begun to fill with folk on their way to their daily tasks. Haibram appears to be headed right for a throng of passersby.
End Scene

Storyteller's Aside

You all remember Teacher Ot's admonition regarding your first task to meet Alandri: "Do not be late."

Jenk: You may not know which way is northwest, but with your dark vision you have no trouble picking out the direction Haibram is running...

Fluer: How comfortable are those boots she's wearing?

Alwin: Tracking, now that's something you're familiar with. But what about in a large city?

Magaambya is awakening for the day, and Haibram knows the way. What do you do?

OOC: Let me know if you'd like me to prompt the group with some things you could all do that apply to the situation at hand!
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by meri
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Member Seen 6 days ago

Walking through Nantambu, Vasimiri is pleasantly surprised by their new associates. They’d been expecting nobles who had spent their whole life in academia—what little they had heard of magic schools on the surface suggested it, at least. Yet these other students would be just as out of their element as himself in such an institution. Luckily, Magaambya was no such place. To be directed towards the community rather than crowded into some wizard’s tower was incredibly reassuring. Vasimiri would do anything to obtain the knowledge they needed to, but… well. He’s glad he can find it here. Hopefully. Maybe. Premature judgements aside, they need to actually begin their education.

Taking a deep breath, Vasimiri follows the group towards the canals. Birds are such alien little creatures, flitting across the enormous sky. They wish they could say the same about their song. They could stand it being little less shrill and… and alarmed, thank you. Caught up in the strange animals’ calls, they don’t notice the group is being approached until the dwarf shakes their classmate’s hand. His clattering armor does an admirable job of masking the chirping, actually. She barely catches his name over his overflowing enthusiasm. Haibram. Hmm. It certainly wouldn’t hurt to have a guide. If he knows where he’s going, that is. Absently rubbing their new bracelet, they ache to inspect it, learn its properties, its origin… but it wouldn’t do to be late on their first day. Haibram has already rocketed off to what is presumably the northwest. His energy is charming—they can’t help but smile. Running, though…

Well. It’s not that they’ve never spent time in their human form. They can operate it proficiently enough. Having such bulky limbs—and only half their usual amount, at that—is still strange, but they have to admit having bones is very nice when it comes to combat. Walking is a segmented, two-beat thing, but she can do it. It’s her body, and she inhabits it with a quiet confidence. Usually. What they have not yet mastered is running. A vital skill, frankly. One cannot just skitter about a humanoid city and expect no one to bat an eye. He wouldn’t dream of showing his true form to strangers, anyhow. The spiny hairs on the back of her neck stand up.

Whatever. They know the basic motions, they can deal with being uncomfortable. Clearing his throat, he turns to his fellow students with what is hopefully a serene expression. “If that man can lead us to our destination, I suggest we follow him."
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

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"I suggest we head towards those canals the teacher mentioned. Our fishwoman should be around there, I imagine." One of the party members, an elf it seemed, suggested.

"Jenk think that good idea." Jenk said with an eager nod. "Pointy ear longshanks very smart." Before the idea could be acted on though, an armored dwarf appeared and challenged the group to a race. Jenk was good at a lot of things, but Athletics wasn't one of them. Before he could say as much though, the dwarf offered Jenk a handshake.

"Name's Haibram." The dwarf said.

"Jenk is Jenk." Jenk said as he shook Haibram's hand. The goblin then tried to decline the challenge again, but couldn't get a word in edgewise before the dwarf was off like the clappers.

“If that man can lead us to our destination, I suggest we follow him." Another of their number - A... human? That's what Jenk's initial thoughts were. But he couldn't help thinking that was wrong. - chimed in.

"You want race, longshanks? That fine." Jenk said. "Jenk no race though. Running make Jenk tired. And Jenk tired already." With that said, Jenk headed off in the direction of the dwarf at a leisurely pace. Knowing he stood no chance in a race against someone robust enough to move that quickly in full plate, Jenk simply opted to remember as much of the dwarf's directions as he could and get there in his own time.
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by wanderingwolf
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wanderingwolf Shiny

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@rush99999 Would you like to Recall Knowledge to find out how much of Haibram's directions you remember? I'll need your society modifier if you do.
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by wanderingwolf
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wanderingwolf Shiny

Member Seen 13 hrs ago


-1 for making me look it up...

j/k, your recall knowledge roll was: 12
Storyteller Note:

Being intimately familiar with mobs, and by extension, crowds, Jenk intuitively understands the way to navigate through them in the direction Haibram rattled off. He knows roughly which course Haibram said he would use, and which direction north west actually is.

Good job Jenk, you paid attention. If you let your comrades know what you remember, they might be able to benefit from your direction, even if you don't leg it with the longshankses.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by PatientBean
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PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

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It seemed their party was in agreement with her suggestion. So they can be taught. She smiled inwardly as they began their journey to find the fisherwoman. After all, they should not be late. Fleur did not know what would happen but she did not want to find out.

Before they made much progress another dwarf appeared. The excitable dwarf man seemed to know where to go. Fleur was about to call into question why he was listening to their conversation, but what was the saying she heard humans utter before? Something about a horse's mouth and not looking to deeply into it? She didn't understand, but she was not about to turn down help. "Thank you Haibram. I appreciate your help with our task." She intentionally did not share her name. That was on a need-to-know basis.

Fleur followed with the others, but she had to admit she hadn't expected to walk so much on her first day. A magic school shouldn't require you to travel so much when you could be learning how to wield spells or study grimoires, surely. She chose the wrong pair of boots. While fashionable (and made her legs look nice), they were not super well-built for travel. They would do, but she made a mental note to change when she was back in her space.

Jenks, the goblin, had suggested a race. She was definitely, 100%, NOT going to be doing that. "If you intend to run off at least wait until you are sure where we are going." She wasn't going to stop them though. Let them have their fun.
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by apheline

apheline they/them she/her

Member Seen 2 mos ago

A short leshy runs towards the group from the direction of the school. "Sorry, I'm late!" she says, catching her breath. "Off to find Alandri, then?"
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by rush99999
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"If you intend to run off at least wait until you are sure where we are going." The elf spoke up.

"Jenk help." Jenk added. "Jenk caught what beardy metal longshanks say. Jenk tell you." Jenk then proceeded to give a more easily follow able set of directions to those who intended to race Haibram.
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by wanderingwolf
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wanderingwolf Shiny

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Alright, so it seems like three out of five characters have decided to race Haibram, does that sound right? Seemingly against the race: Fleur (blame her gorgeous shoes). Yet to respond is Alwin.

I'll update later tonight with Fenk, Vasimiri, and our newest Leshy Thornharp giving chase.

@PatientBean @cleveraptor If you two don't race, you won't be able to participate in the rolls going forward and you'll arrive whenever you arrive at Alandri's. Definitely late.
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Cleveraptor
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Cleveraptor It's Terror Time Again, Witches

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Alwin is quite pleased to see another dwarf, even if they aren't kin. He can feel the taught muscles beneath Erastil's skin ease up. Despite his recently found sense of defiance, the raptor is still keenly aware of his alpha's feelings and mental state. However, he is not keen on engaging in a race this early in the morning. Alwin raises his hand in greeting to Haibram. "Top of the morning, stone-brother," he says, using a term in his clan for other dwarves. "A race you say? I think I'll--"

He is cut off by a chittering sound from Erastil. Being a smart creature, the raptor knows different words in common and dwarven, and the word "race" is one of them. The ground hawk has learned that if he participates in a race, and comes out on top, Erastil will receive something. He knows if he wins, he might get food. Or some praise, at the very least.

Alwin gives a quiet sigh. "It seems my mind has been made up for me," he says, giving in. "Erastil! Fnasa!" He gives a command to the raptor in an old dialect of dwarven, pointing to one of the footprints Haibram left behind.
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by wanderingwolf
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wanderingwolf Shiny

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The party, sans an elf, picks up the pace after the clamoring of Haibram in his full plate of armor. As Haibram ducks into a crowd at the last moment, everyone loses sight of the energetic dwarf. Thanks to Jenk's astute memory, the heroes are able to keep track of the general direction Haibram mentioned, and his bobbing form weaves into view once again as Jenk, Alwin, Vasimiri, and Thornharp emerge from the close shouldered populace of Nantambu.

At one point, a passerby almost steps on Jenk, and then Thornharp, as the two smallest members of their group. Vasmimir, on unsteady-ish legs, navigates the throng with little issue. Alwin wades through the crowd, his companion drawing shocked looks from the faces nearby. The smells of breakfasts wafting from the homes nearby is enough to wrack the party with hunger pangs.

Fleur walks a sensible pace, still looking great in those boots, but has completely lost Haibram, and watches the vanishing backs of her cohorts as they dive into the crowd behind him.

@patientbean Would you like to try to remember which direction to go from Haibram's direction, ask a stranger for directions, or find your own way?

It's Vasimiri who spots him next, as Haibram comes to the edges of the residencies. He jumps onto and off a passing water taxi in one of the canals to reach the next city block.
End Scene

Storyteller's Aside

Jenk: You felt it for a split-second, as you passed through the middle of that 'crowd.' Something stirred in you, some purpose yet realized, like they were all looking to you for just a moment. It could have been so they didn't step on you, but still, all eyes were on Jenk.

Fleur: How will you ever find where you're supposed to be? What's a beautiful, aloof elf to do?

Alwin: You catch yourself smiling as Erastil pulls ahead of you, eyes trained on your stone-brother.

Vasimiri: Such a busy bipedal city is wholly foreign, yet something stirs in you as you watch the dwarf leap onto a water taxi. Are you sure your two legs can handle that?

Thornharp: You're feeling a bit peckish, your leaves still yawning for the sun to warm them. You don't want to let down Teacher Ot by being late to Alandri, but you barely had time to gain your bearings.

Everyone give me an Athletics check as you attempt to follow Haibram and catch your own passing water taxi!
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by rush99999
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Jenk proceeded through the crowd at a leisurely pace, slower than those committed to racing the dwarf but faster than the elf. As he made his way through the crowd, a sixth sense he had developed for approaching longshanks feet suddenly flared up. "Gah!" Jenk exclaimed as he dodged out of the way a split second before the foot he had sensed came down on the place he had been only a moment before. The goblin looked up to stat cursing at the inattentive longshanks, but the sight that met his eyes left the words stuck in his throat.

Everyone was looking at him. Not just the guy who had almost stepped on him. Not just the people who had likely heard his surprised vocalization. Everyone. Even those who were far enough away that they had no reason to turn towards him. Even those who in fact had every reason not to look away from what their gaze was upon before. This was a sign. It had to be. Jenk had not been simply sent here to learn magic. Divine providence had brought him here to fulfill some holy purpose. And though Jenk did not yet know what that purpose was, the knowledge it was there filled him with DETERMINATION. Jenk quickened his pace a little as all around him returned to their morning business.

When Jenk arrived at the canals, the goblin snickered and shook his head in amusement at the sight of those who had decided to race the dwarf jumping onto and off of the water taxis. He himself stopped at the water's edge and looked at the passing boats. Soon enough, Jenk spotted one that wasn't currently in use. "Taxi!" Jenk called out to this taxi, one hand raised above his head. The others could race if they liked. But Jenk would travel the rest of the way to Alandri's place in style.

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Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by PatientBean
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PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

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It seemed all of her companions were taking part in this silly race. Fleur threw her hands up. She had to remind herself she was here for magic lessons. It seemed lessons in speed were the order of the day. She was not about to start things off on the wrong foot, she just needed to find Alandri's place and get there quickly.

She was dressed for fashion, not functionality.

She looked around her to see if she could ask someone for directions. She saw a kind-looking woman walking by and walked up to her, waving slightly. Hello, I am so sorry to bother you, but I seem to be a bit lost. I am looking for Alandri. Do you happen to know where she's staying or where I can find her at this time? I would be so grateful."

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Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by wanderingwolf
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wanderingwolf Shiny

Member Seen 13 hrs ago


As Haibram nimbly jumped onto a water taxi, Alwin took no time at all catching onto the game, finding his own water taxi laden to its destination. With a quick jump, he found himself on the back of a rocking gondola, only to watch Haibram hop off onto the next city block. Following suit, Alwin and Erastil made the jump flawlessly onto the other side of the canal when their taxi floated near enough.

Thornharp, sadly, was not so graceful as the dwarf ranger. The bard did her best to land beside Alwin on his water taxi, but slipped at the last moment! With a quick movement, Eratil, the little dinosaur at Alwin's side, deftly maneuvered to catch the leshy with the side of his muzzle in order to keep her from dropping into the busy canal. With a bit of spotting, Thornharp made up for her near-blunder by safely making it to the other side, right behind Alwin. Vasimiri, carefully navigated their way around the canal's edge to a bridge, and crossed there, trying to catch up with Alwin and Thornharp.

Jenk, had other plans. "Taxi!" and a wave of his hand, landed Jenk with a water taxi of his own, though its driver took his time maneuvering to where Jenk stood on the canal's edge.

OOC to @rush99999: You passed the diplomacy roll to hire a taxi, now it will just cost you two silver to ride to your destination. Do you want to pay the price? If so, do you want to be on time to Alandri's or is Jenk not worried about Teacher Ot's admonition to not be late? If Jenk does want to be on time, why don't you come up with a way he could coax the taxi to go faster, or some other method to get to his destination quickly?

Fleur was nonplussed about the urgency to get to Alandri's by way of racing. She stopped a passerby, "Hello, I am so sorry to bother you, but I seem to be a bit lost. I am looking for Alandri. Do you happen to know where she's staying or where I can find her at this time? I would be so grateful." In response, the woman replied, "Yes, Alandri is a well known fisherwoman," the woman paused, "Her shop borders the third canal ring, past the first foot bridge, then through the trade district to the far northern end." She pointed in the general direction. "I'm headed the other direction, if you'll excuse me." She smiles a groggy smile before departing from Fleur to the South.

OOC to @patientbean Fleur succeeded her first Diplomacy check, and is on her own to navigate Nantambu. She has a general direction from the woman's directions, but as you go on your way, you'll need to find someone else to ask for directions. Go ahead and play out the next interaction, and then roll Diplomacy again!

As Alwin, Thornharp, and Vasimiri catch up to Haibram on the next city block, they see a group of craftspeople starting to set out their wares for the day's business. Haibram appears to have anticipated this and darts into a side alley at the last second. Alwin, Thornharp, and Vasimiri don’t have enough time to split off, so they have to weave through the crowd!
End Scene

Storyteller's Aside

@meri, @cleveraptor, and @apheline please give me an Acrobatics check!
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by PatientBean
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PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Fleur was beyond delighted to have met a friendly face and one that listened and gave her proper directions. "Oh thank you so much miss. I hope you enjoy your day!" Fleur bid the woman a friendly farewell as they travelled in opposite directions.

The woman's directions were good, though perhaps not the best? Fleur did not expect much initially as humans tended to look at her for two reasons. The woman surprised her. Fleur followed and kept an eye out for the third canal and the trade district. She made it to the bridge before she decided she was lost again. How did one navigate towns like this when you weren't raised here? It boggled the mind.

Still, she was not one to admit defeat so easily. She could find Alandri's place and get there on time, even if she didn't "win the race." She looked around for another friendly face, her eyes landing on an older gentleman who seemed to be enjoying the day. She made her way over, tentatively of course, because even friendly people could turn on an instant.

"Do pardon me sir, but I am a bit lost. I am trying to find Alandri the fisherwoman's place and was pointed in this general direction, but I seem to have gotten a bit jumbled up here. Do you think you can point me in the right direction please? I would be grateful."

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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Digizel
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There was a low Draconic swear from the shadows of the marketplace. A lone figure sat by himself atop a roof, backpack out in front of him as he examined his tools once again and polished the wood of his hand-crafted bow. As he worked, he thought his situation through once more. He was good at navigating the land, figuring out ideal paths and how to get from one point to another quickly. And yet this more urban jungle was a complete mystery to him. He had assumed that he would be able to find his way back to the school he'd been assigned to easily enough, but the city streets of Nantambu, while not filled with life so early in the morning, still seemed almost like a maze; and he could have sworn that one turn he took led him to a completely different place last time he'd taken it!

The diminutive Kobold let out a disgruntled sigh, casting a skyward glance to check on the stars and the potential state of the rising sun. He was definitely running late. He wasn't going to make a positive first impression like this, to say the least. He was going to have to think of a good way to word his reasons for missing the first part of whatever instruction they were given. Once he'd found his way back to the school, he should have an easy enough time tracking down the others and this teacher they were supposed to meet with.

The problem being, of course, he had to figure out how to get back to the school first.

And that was why he found himself here near the market, where no doubt many craftsmen were soon going to begin attracting business. As a crafter himself, he would have an excuse to browse and examine the wares while simultaneously feeling more comfortable in asking for direction from those like himself.

However, just as he was finishing and putting his tools back in the bag where they belonged, he heard a commotion. There was the expected sounds of craftsmen beginning to set up in the street below, but...there was more to it. His eyes narrowed, slipping his bow around his shoulders and allowing it to hang there as he focused in on the scene below. And that was when he saw them.

A plant-like individual alongside a dwarf and...what seemed to be some kind of strange mixture of bird and dragon, as far as he could tell. That one, he admittedly didn't recognize. But he certainly recognized the description of the two rushing headlong into the morning traffic. He made one more quick scan of the crowd, but did not see the other two he would have expected to be accompanying them. What in the world was going on? Were they chasing someone? With the erratic, franticness of their movement, it was the best assumption he could make. Yet they didn't seem to be chasing anybody down this street in particular....

Well, regardless of the reason, they were clearly in a hurry. And if he didn't act quickly, he was to lose his opportunity to join up with them. With no idea what they were in the middle of, it was likely in his best efforts to join them in their endeavors while he had the chance. And thus, he quickly pulled his backpack back over his shoulders, making sure his gear was tucked away correctly, before tugging his bow to secure it around his torso...and then grabbed the edge of the roof and swung himself down and around, deftly twisting himself to slip right between a panel that had been set up a few moments ago and the craftswoman who had set it up.

"Apologies!" Saur called back to the likely-startled woman as he used his momentum to lunge into the crowd, attempting to weave seamlessly through the crowd...and even hoping to perhaps assist any of the other two companions he had managed to identify should they require it, whether that involved pulling them past an obstacle or using his tail or lithe form to force an obstacle to shift out of their path if they ran the risk of being slowed.

Hopefully, such actions would show them that he was there with them in case they failed to recognize him like he had them.
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