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Thornharp trips over her roots. Acrobatics: 6.
I believe so, for chasing the dwarf.

Also Thornharp got a 10
Iris Fontaine stood in her art classroom, her heart fluttering with a mix of excitement and nerves. The room was already filled with the rich, comforting scent of paint and fresh canvases, a fragrance that always reminded her of new beginnings. She paced back and forth, glancing around at the familiar walls adorned with her students' past works, each piece a testament to the creative journeys she had guided. The sunlight streamed in through the large windows, casting a warm, golden glow over the rows of easels and drawing tables arranged in a loose circle to foster a sense of community. Iris had always believed that the setup of a room could greatly influence the energy and inspiration of its occupants, and she wanted her students to feel free and open to express themselves from the very first moment.

As the clock ticked closer to the start of the day, Iris found herself torn between standing behind her desk or positioning herself in front of the chalkboard. She wanted to appear approachable, someone they could easily connect with, but she also wanted to convey the sense of order and structure that the first day often required. Her hands fidgeted with a paintbrush she had absentmindedly picked up, its bristles soft against her fingers. In her mind, she ran through her introduction again, thinking of the right words to ease any tension her new students might be feeling. Taking a deep breath, Iris decided on a spot just to the side of the chalkboard, a happy medium that would allow her to quickly shift into whatever role the room needed her to fill. The bell was about to ring, and she wanted to be ready for whatever faces might walk through the door—nervous, excited, or perhaps both.
A short leshy runs towards the group from the direction of the school. "Sorry, I'm late!" she says, catching her breath. "Off to find Alandri, then?"
Hi all!

Thornharp Whistlewind is a wandering bard with a knack for storytelling and song. Growing up in a bustling household as one of many children, she often found herself overlooked, which led her to seek solace in the woods surrounding her small hometown. There, she spent countless hours exploring and honing her skills on the harp, creating melodies that echoed through the rustling leaves and flowing streams.

Driven by a yearning for something more, Thornharp left her quiet town behind, setting her sights on bard college. However, the structured life of academia didn’t suit her free spirit, and she soon dropped out, choosing instead to join a band of traveling minstrels. With them, she learned the art of performance, picking up stories, songs, and skills from the road. Once she felt ready, Thornharp decided it was time to carve her own path and set out to find the adventure she had always dreamed of.

Edited to add a writing sample. 8/22/2024
A possible threat: the storms are foretold to grow in strength and there are signs that it may come to pass soon.
Any chance you'd have room for one more? I love Fabula Ultima!

If you want/need another or have a backup list count me in!
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