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Here's a revised version explaining that the city she grew up in (Brassport) is a melting pot of diversity.

Edit: forgot to add appearance

I'd like to play this character:

What subjects do the professors here teach? Regular core curriculum? Or exclusively super-power based things? Or a mixture of both?
This sounds so fun! I'd be interested in joining! Any ideas for what sorts of crew members these intrepid adventurers might needs on their journeys?
This honestly sounds really fun. I'd be interested to see where you take it :)
Hi all! I have been doing play-by-post for years, but stopped recently due to having a bit more time to play over discord. I will be having less time for such things and went back to my old giant in the party forums and they seem pretty sparse (and broken?) these days. Anyways, I figured I'd come here and sign up to see what kind of fun we could get into together.

I have played D&D since AD&D (skipped 4th Edition, but played 5th), Pathfinder, FATE, Numenera, Vampire the Masquerade (but the old one and the d20 one), RIFTs, Cyberpunk (haven't played the new one yet, but looks fun), Shadowrun, Seventh Sea, Mutants and Masterminds, and probably other stuff I'm forgetting.

I have run D&D, Pathfinder, VtM, Numenera, and FATE.

I'd be interested in joining games first to get used to this site before running something, but I'm pretty much open to any systems. I'd love to try some PbtA, as I've read a lot of books but never had a chance.
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