Mizutani cursed under breath as her face morphed into a irritated scowl and her right brow began to twitch. She took a moment to close her eyes as she set the tea cup down on its accompanying saucer with a grace that betrayed the rage building up within and inhaled deeply "I expect whatever is happening below to be dealt with before my tea goes cold... Her eyes open slightly and she glowered at one of the guards attending her in the room "...U N D E R S T A N D?" If Mizutani had been holding the same cup she had been earlier it would have surely shattered in her grip that accompanied the venom in her words. A heavy, uninterested sigh escaped her lips as she crossed her legs and took out one of the expensive cigars she had imported from Valheim. The tip of the cigar was ignited with an elaborate lighter that had been custom made for one of the executed Osprean lords. She inhaled the smoke in one slow drag and seemed to release her anger into the smoke cloud that rose towards the ceiling."Ah, my sweet Cici. What terrible timing. Don't worry that pretty, little head about anything, 'kay?" She had adopted a playful, almost childish tone as she addressed Ciradyl.
A frightened look flashed on Ciradyl's eyes as she heard all the commotion from downstairs and looked over Mizutani with practiced fear in her eyes. "O-okay, I am in your care Mistress." She spoke softly in a demure tone, bowing her head in reverent respect for her elder. Ciradyl could feel those vile eyes of her all over, tearing her apart piece by piece and it brought a visceral reaction in her gut. The only reason why it didn't was because of Mizutani's foolishly relaxed attitude thinking it was just some rag-tag group rebels. Good. Ciradyl had managed to get her guard down enough that she was leaving openings for Kirin to exploit. The force and pace at which her allies had started to assault the mansion did give her a bit of pause.
A shrill shriek from Mizutani berated Ciradyl's ears "You're just so too cute, Cici! I'm not going to let anyone else have you." Ciradyl gritted her teeth into one of her charming smiles. How did a fool like this come into a position like this. No. She wasn't stupid. Mizutani was quite the genius in a lot of ways. Ciradyl understood that she was one of the few things that could get her to act this sloppy.
It was actually a relief that Kirin was wasting no time. She didn't know how much longer she could conceal her overwhelming bloodlust. There would be no slow, agonizing torture for Ciradyl to wash away the grime. No commiserating with allies that understood her agony. All that awaited her at the end of this all was a hollow victory. It had not been fair to Team Kirin for her to walk her own path here. She hoped that with time and enough reparations they might forgiver her this one indulgence. There was nothing, she believed, that grant her that forgiveness if Mizutani was allowed to speak to them. Mizutani was a cowardly snake that would more than gladly give up whatever information she thought would save her.
Ciradyl raised the tea, pretending to tremble slightly, and took a sip to ease her emotions. A hopeful, innocent part of her hoped that she might be able to move on after closing this chapter of her life. Her sullen eyes stared into the amber liquid in her cup as she lowered it from her lips. Perhaps Izayoi had the right idea after all. One final, grand action to cleanse the pain of the past. She felt like for the first time she really understood Izayoi. 'An unrequited love that end in tradegy? How original...' She thought, nearly breaking out into a smile. Whatever she decided to do after Mizutani's death...at least she had served and given Opsrey a chance to flourish once again.