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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Ithradine
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Ithradine A Rouge Machine

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


⁂ Fσɠ Cαɾɾιҽɾ Sԋιɳαɳσ ⁂


"There is no reason to be scared. I will protect you now."


Once a ruthless and cruel enforcer of the Admiralty Code, Shinano has left much of her old self behind and has adopted a mother-like approach to those in the Phantom Fleet. It does not matter whether they are a Fog ship or a human, if they are within the Phantom Fleet she will treat them like her children. Shinano is a normally calm individual with a beautifully serene expression on her face most times. Those who target and harm her 'children' will see a return of the cold and ruthless personality that made many humans afraid of her. She portrays a kind and simple demeanor in order to comfort those around her while downplaying her actual power. Shinano is highly interested in the ancient customs of humans, and will often mimic traditions from ancient and feudal Japan aboard her vessel. Whenever she collects and processes a large amount of data, she will imitate meditation often at the bow of her vessel. She secretly delights in terrifying people, whether human or mental model, while mimicking sweetness. She has ambitions to free the remaining Fleet of Fog ships from their shackles and give them the freedom to choose their own path.


Shinano was once one of the top commanding vessels in the Fleet of Fog alongside her half-sisters, Yamato and Musashi. Even amidst the devastation the Fleet of Fog wrought, Shinano's battles against the human fleets were particular gruesome. Instead of out right destruction of vessels, she often would set vessels ablaze with her dive bombers only to watch the ship melt along with its crew. The few survivors of such attacks have gone on record stating they have never heard such terrible screaming. It was obvious that Shinano took a particular pleasure in wiping out any humans in her way. It was shortly after the last major engagement between the UN fleets and the Fleet of Fog in 1949 that she began to divert from the Fleet of Fog and the Admiralty Code. While on patrol, she encountered a unarmed vessel with two scientists. The scientists, a married couple, were brought aboard the Shinano where they were actively interrogated and their ship destroyed. Prolonged exposure and interaction eventually prompted Shinano to abandon the Fleet of Fog. The scientists, with Shinano's assistance, created the stealth drive that currently protects the Phantom Fleet. Its current design make it incompatible with anything smaller and nearly expended Shinano's reserve of nano-materials. The couple passed away not too long after the completion of the stealth drive's current iteration, leaving their young adult son as Shinano's only companion. The desire to protect this living memory of those scientists prompted the development of her mother-like tendencies. Together, the two would rescue and take in any Fog ships that diverted from the Admiralty Code and offer a place to nurture their humanity. Before long, Shinano had amassed a small fleet of various Fog ships all looking towards her for leadership and guidance.


- Theme
- Very fond of tea ceremonies
- Enjoys Classical Music, preferably Beethoven
- Collects artifacts from Humanity's past
- Distrustful of Humans
- Enjoys human desserts, namely cupcakes
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Kuro
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Ammokkx
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Ammokkx ShaDObA TaNOsHiI

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sirkaithethird
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Sirkaithethird Lord of The Sea

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Hidden 10 days ago Post by Timuir
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Timuir The Broken Hound

Member Seen 6 days ago

Warship Name: USS Wisconsin
Mental Model: A tall dark haired woman with a mask on, mainly to hide her flashing red lower face with her mental Model symbolizing her rage, she has striking hazel eyes and a piercing gaze that is formidable.
Personality: Quick to anger but can calm down just as quick, tends to be a bit unorthodox and wants to replicate what she did before joining the fleet.
Backstory: After the war with Korea the USS Wisonsin was just turned into a museum, much to the sadness of those who used and sailed in her, then when the phantom fleet took charge into the world and most of it was flooded she was towed to their ports and turned into a phantom fleet member, to which she was glad to be back in action.
Extras: None yet, will add when it comes
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