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Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 19 min ago


Interacting with: Doctor Strangefate

The “magician things” that Zack was doing was in fact some homework. Unlike many of the others, he still had school to attend to. It was just lucky for him that he was able to make arrangements to take his classes remotely, mostly thanks to some strings that Doctor Strangefate was able to tug on. He was just putting the finishing touches on his trigonometry homework when he heard the familiar voice of the Doctor in question calling for him - telepathically of course.

”Oh, Doc, it’s you!” He said as he hastily slammed his textbook shut and gave his attention to the now-unmasked Doctor Strangefate. It wasn’t really like him to ditch the helmet like this, and so Zack was now wondering if something urgent was coming up. ”I was just finishing up my trig homework. But yeah, it’s a good time. So what’s the urgency? Some kind of magical crisis you need a hand with?”

"Should I be compromised, I want you to be prepared. I would like to begin working with you more regularly to enhance your magical abilities..." Strangefate explained. "Some day you may be the one who wears this helm."

So it wasn’t a crisis, but instead more magical training. And that bit about Zack someday being the one to wear the helmet was definitely not on his bingo card, either. And he knew the Doc wasn’t joking either, since that wasn’t generally something he did. ”Yeah, that Herald we fought almost did a number on us. Night Vision wanted me to put some kind of protection on the Tower, but I don’t know any spells like that yet. So if you have more to teach me I’ll definitely be eager to learn it.”

The scrying window closed. There was an awkward pause, and it seemed as if Zack didn't know what was happening. Strangefate appeared in the room of the young Spellbinder's holding a large book in his hand with an X on the cover. It looked old. Ancient even. His sudden appearance made Zack nearly fall over from being startled.

"This book has appeared in my sanctum several times over the last year. It prophesied a scarlet clad sorcerer, as well as the sorcerer one day taking the helm. I believe it was meant for you. There are pages in it that I am unable to read." Xavier explained.

”But you’re the Sorcerer Supreme.” Zack said as he peered at the book with a confused expression. ”If even you can’t read those pages, then how will I be able to?”

"With practice." Strangefate said as his form dissipated into the air.

”Practice, huh?” Zack said now that he was alone again. He opened the book and was not particularly shocked at his inability to comprehend most of it. In fact he could almost swear that some of the letters and symbols scribed within were moving and shifting around the pages. How was anyone supposed to read that? But Zack took a breath and focused his attention on the first few pages. To read a book, it was generally smart to do so from the beginning of it. And this appeared to pay off, when the letters and symbols began to form words he could actually read. An incantation for a spell he’d never tried before.

”Practice, it is then.”
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

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Marauder blew air through pursed lips as she finally relaxed while the Danger Room returned to normality. She decided to look at her score on the monitor out of curiosity. Seventy percent. Points had been deducted for property damage, which was mostly Sam's doin while uner the effect of the toxin. Points had also been deducted for...lethal force.

"They deducted points for letal force on the clones? That's bullshit. Do the clones even count?" she protested, seemingly normally, but her right eye started to squint to near closure, and her left eye had...changed. Where fiery indignation was mere seconds ago was now coldness and rage that didn't belong to her, but be somebody who was much older and more ruthless than her.

"Brotherhood, brotherhood, brotherhood," she began muttering underher breath as a mantra, as she covered her right eye with her hand. This was one of the excercises she'd been given to prevent full-on bouts of psychosis. Before her father's pain and loss overtake her mind, think of happy memories. One day she'd be able to use 'Titan X' as her mantra. For now, being a villain in the Brotherhood was still the period that held the most warm memories for her. She let go of her face and smiled sheepishly at Sam once she'd stopped squinting.

"Sorry you had to see that. I'm getting better but I still get spells like that sometimes."
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Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 3 days ago

Location: Jumphaven, New York
Chapter Two: Disaster & the Danger Room

Interaction(s): @Omega Man - Kid Cannonball | @Crimson Flame - Ice Beast | @Silver Carrot - Marauder
@Half Pint - Orphan X | @Polaris North - Reactor | @Double - Spellbinder

The television in front of the sleeping Scott Grayson was still on the news. Nobody had really been paying attention but low key Gridlock had one ear trained on it. The smell of brimstone was in the air and it seemed as if Hellcrawler had teleported his way into the T Tower and B-lined it to the elevators.

"Who in the hell do they think they are?!" he questioned under his breath going down below the Tower in the elevator.

Eddie Wagner was the former sidekick of the Blue Devil (Blue Devil + Daredevil), a stunt man turned vigilante who sold his soul for his vision back to fight injustice after he lost his sight in a horrible accident. Daniel Murdock just didn't think he'd transform into a demon himself. Eddie was just the average teenage meta-mutant who could spit fire until making a deal with a demon as well. When he became the Hellcrawler and gained the added ability of teleportation and a purple demonic like appearance, he was the sidekick of the Blue Devil of Hell's Kitchen for years until joining the Titan X. Now... he just wants to use the teleporter to get to Genosha to start a fight.

Kid Cannonball and Marauder were almost at the elevator when Hellcrawler walked out. He knew of Anna-Marie but couldn't care less about the guy in the goggles. Eddie just teleported past them in a burst of flame that disappeared as quickly as it came into existence leaving the smell of brimstone once again.

"What the hell was HIS problem?" Kid Cannonball asked as the two got into the elevator to go up to the lounge area.

When they stepped out Gary already had a look on his face and Vic was standing up.

"They're talking about burning some meta-mutant remains in Genosha that can't be identified on the news. I think Hellcrawler is headed there to pick a fight..." Gridlock stated in his auto-tune voice heading towards the elevator now. He then looked over his shoulder and asked, "Who's coming with me?"

Genosha... minutes later...

Hellcrawler was already talking smack and in a fight with members of the JLoA. The Gamazon didn't look too amused, and the Green Goliath was definitely aggravated. Nobody knew that Atomic Ant was on the scene until some of the other members of Titan X teleported to Genosha.

"He brought back-up!" Atomic Ant said punching one of the heroes and reverting back to regular size before beginning to shrink once again.
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Crimson Flame
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Crimson Flame *Insert something profound here*

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Ice Beast

Gary was still locked in an intense match of Street Kombat IX with Gridlock when the smell of brimstone filled the room, making him wrinkle his nose. He barely caught a glimpse of Hellcrawler teleporting straight to the elevator, and he looked pissed.

As Kid Cannonball and Marauder stepped out of the elevator and filled them in, Gridlock stood up.

Gary set his controller down. He looked at the screen, the news about the unidentified meta-mutant remains in front of him, and then back at his teammates. “Damn it, Eddie! I was winning too!” He muttered.

When Vic turned back and asked, “Who’s coming with me?” Gary was already on his feet.

“You know I’m in.” Gary followed Gridlock to the elevator, giving Marauder and Kid Cannonball a nod. “Let’s go before Eddie gets himself killed, or makes things worse for everyone else.”
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Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


Upon getting out of the Elevator, Anna-Marie was told Hellcrawler was picking a fight, because somebody had burned some meta-mutant remains. It was no surprise that Marauder, the ex-Brotherhood member, was looking particularly pissed off after hearing this. The look in her eye was concerning, as if she might not exactly de-escalate the situation. She nodded.

"I'm definitely in," she responded.

She was too confused to be angry when upon arriving a few minutes later, Hellcrawler wasn't in a fight with civilians, cops or feds but with the JLoA! She opened her mouth and stared for a few secobds before walking. Over. She wanted to ask what the hell was going on that had caused this situation. She wanted to ask the full story about the remains being burned. She got a few step in before Atomic Ant appeared right in front of her and punched her hard in the face. She stood there, stunned, hands balled into fists, and shaking, before the rage kicked in. Her days of living a 'They mess with one of us, they mess with all of us' philosophy had never left her. She began storming towards where Atomic Ant had been retreating too, which was the same direction that Hellcrawler and the JLoA were. Her body language was less of a Hero and more of a gang member ready to throw down.

"Oh, hell no! You're not just going to sucker punch me and run away! Get the fuck back here! Where are you?! What the hell is wrong with you?!"
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